path: root/test/rubygems
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2019-09-26Suppress assert_match warnings.Hiroshi SHIBATA
2019-09-26Assert warnings message for the last argument is keyword parameter.Hiroshi SHIBATA
2019-09-26[rubygems/rubygems] Make sure our modifications to kernel.warn workDavid Rodríguez
2019-09-26[rubygems/rubygems] indentHiroshi SHIBATA
2019-09-26[rubygems/rubygems] Fix test_gem_attrbronzdoc
2019-09-26[rubygems/rubygems] add testsf
2019-09-26[rubygems/rubygems] Fix underscore version for bundler itselfDavid Rodríguez
2019-09-26[rubygems/rubygems] Update expectation in test_to_ruby_with_rsa_keybronzdoc
2019-09-26[rubygems/rubygems] Make ruby_code method handle OpenSSL::PKey::RSA objectsbronzdoc
2019-09-26[rubygems/rubygems] Set SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH env var if not provided.Ellen Marie Dash
2019-09-26[rubygems/rubygems] Add a gem attr to the Gem::Package class.Daniel Berger
2019-09-05[rubygems/rubygems] Bump rubocop to 0.74.0 and fix new offensesDavid Rodríguez
2019-09-05[rubygems/rubygems] Fix Layout/SpaceAroundOperators: Operator = should be sur...bronzdoc
2019-09-05[rubygems/rubygems] Error out if there are multiple gemspecs and no gemspec i...bronzdoc
2019-09-05[rubygems/rubygems] Remove useless gem setupbronzdoc
2019-09-05[rubygems/rubygems] Test building a gem with multiple gemspec without a gem n...bronzdoc
2019-09-05[rubygems/rubygems] Build the first gemspec we found if no gemspec is specifiedbronzdoc
2019-09-05[rubygems/rubygems] Improve gemspec assignment and error messagebronzdoc
2019-09-05[rubygems/rubygems] Don't fail when `uninstall --all` with default gemDavid Rodríguez
2019-09-05[rubygems/rubygems] Little refactor to avoid rubocop's false positiveDavid Rodríguez
2019-08-17Skip teardown with JRubyHiroshi SHIBATA
2019-08-17Revert "Revert "[rubygems/rubygems] [Require] Ensure -I beats a default gem""Hiroshi SHIBATA
2019-08-17Revert "[rubygems/rubygems] [Require] Ensure -I beats a default gem"Hiroshi SHIBATA
2019-08-17Move lib directory to the last of $LOAD_PATH on ruby repository.Hiroshi SHIBATA
2019-08-17[rubygems/rubygems] Do not mutate uri.query during s3 signature creationAlexander Pakulov
2019-08-17[rubygems/rubygems] Autoswitch to exact bundler version if presentDavid Rodríguez
2019-08-17[rubygems/rubygems] Fix removing unresolved default spec files from mapDavid Rodríguez
2019-08-17[rubygems/rubygems] Replace domain parameter in Gem::Command#show_lookup_fail...bronzdoc
2019-08-17[rubygems/rubygems] [Require] Ensure -I beats a default gemSamuel Giddins
2019-08-17[rubygems/rubygems] Make test also assert the gems that it should loadDavid Rodríguez
2019-08-17[rubygems/rubygems] Use `assert_require`David Rodríguez
2019-08-05[rubygems/rubygems] Use the standard RUBY_ENGINE_VERSION instead of JRUBY_VER...Benoit Daloze
2019-08-05[rubygems/rubygems] Fix error handling of #with_engine_versionBenoit Daloze
2019-08-05[rubygems/rubygems] Cleanup after testing `rake package`David Rodríguez
2019-08-05[rubygems/rubygems] Revert cadb66037d9b58c80fc795f39384d533229a1f73bronzdoc
2019-07-31test/rubygems/test_gem_remote_fetcher.rb: suppress deprecation warningsYusuke Endoh
2019-07-31File.exists? is deprecated.Hiroshi SHIBATA
2019-07-31[rubygems/rubygems] Skip integration test for rake package task.Hiroshi SHIBATA
2019-07-31[rubygems/rubygems] Drop support for 'gem env packageversion'bronzdoc
2019-07-31[rubygems/rubygems] Improve `rake package` test error messageDavid Rodríguez
2019-07-31[rubygems/rubygems] Get `rake package` testedDavid Rodríguez
2019-07-31[rubygems/rubygems] Enable `Layout/AlignArray` copDavid Rodríguez
2019-07-31[rubygems/rubygems] Remove warning: shadowing outer local variable - specbronzdoc
2019-07-31[rubygems/rubygems] Move default specifications dir definition out of BasicSp...Vít Ondruch
2019-07-31[rubygems/rubygems] Autorequire was used by old RubyGems, it is neither suppo...bronzdoc
2019-07-31[rubygems/rubygems] Simplify #to_ruby codeNobuyoshi Nakada
2019-07-31[rubygems/rubygems] Missing dependencyAlexander Pakulov
2019-07-31[rubygems/rubygems] Making Gem::S3URISigner.sign method smaller with helper m...Alexander Pakulov
2019-07-31[rubygems/rubygems] Extracting sign_s3_url & s3_source_auth into a separate S...Alexander Pakulov
2019-07-31[rubygems/rubygems] Addressing PR commentsAlexander Pakulov