path: root/test/ruby
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2012-11-16skip long name conversion if last character is a wildcard oneluislavena
2012-11-16* marshal.c (w_object): add flonum to arg->data to keep reference indexnagachika
2012-11-15* range.c (range_bsearch): fix some bugs: a documentation bug, a wrongmame
2012-11-14* array.c (rb_ary_bsearch): add Array#bsearch for binary search.mame
2012-11-13* eval.c (rb_mod_using): raise an ArgumentError if cyclic using isshugo
2012-11-12* vm_core.h (rb_call_info_t::refinements), compile.c (new_callinfo),shugo
2012-11-11glibc 2.16 or later denies salt contained other than [0-9A-Za-z./] [Bug #7312]naruse
2012-11-11hash.c: warn for wrong elementsnobu
2012-11-11* eval.c (top_using): remove Kernel#using, and add main.using instead.shugo
2012-11-11* eval.c (rb_using_refinement, rb_mod_using, f_using): clear methodshugo
2012-11-11* vm_core.h (rb_call_info_t::refinements), compile.c (new_callinfo):shugo
2012-11-10Revert of 37541 "* test/ruby/test_enumerator.rb: Add test to shed light upon ...marcandre
2012-11-09* array.c (rb_ary_splice): fix r37583 doesn't condier the case whennaruse
2012-11-08* bignum.c (bigmul0): enable big_mul_toom3.mrkn
2012-11-08* bignum.c (bigmul0): disable big_mul_toom3_temporalily.mrkn
2012-11-07* test/ruby/test_enumerator.rb: Add test to shed light upon the bugayumin
2012-11-07Suppress warning: Bignum out of Float rangenaruse
2012-11-07* numeric.c (ruby_float_step): fix r37514: it yielded with NaNnaruse
2012-11-07* eval.c (rb_mod_refine): set RMODULE_IS_REFINEMENT to a createdshugo
2012-11-06Remove FIXME skip on Windows testluislavena
2012-11-06* enumerator.c: Support for lazy.cycle.sizemarcandre
2012-11-06* enumerator.c: Add support for lazy.drop.sizemarcandre
2012-11-06* enumerator.c: Support for lazy.take.sizemarcandre
2012-11-06* enumerator.c: Support for lazy.{map|flat_map|...}.sizemarcandre
2012-11-06* enumerator.c: Support for lazy.sizemarcandre
2012-11-06* string.c: Support for String#{each_byte,each_char,each_codepoint}.sizemarcandre
2012-11-06* numeric.c (int_dotimes): Support for Integer#times.sizemarcandre
2012-11-06* numeric.c (int_upto, int_downto): Support for Integer#{down|up}to.sizemarcandre
2012-11-06* range.c: Support for range.step.sizemarcandre
2012-11-06* range.c: Support for Range#size and Range#each.sizemarcandre
2012-11-06* numeric.c (num_step): Support for Numeric#step.sizemarcandre
2012-11-06* struct.c: Support for Struct's enumerators #sizemarcandre
2012-11-06* hash.c: Support for enumerators created by ENV:marcandre
2012-11-06* hash.c: Support for enumerators created by Hash:marcandre
2012-11-06* enum.c (enum_cycle): Support for Enumerable#cycle.sizemarcandre
2012-11-06* enum.c (enum_each_cons): Support for Enumerable#each_cons.sizemarcandre
2012-11-06* enum.c (enum_each_slice): Support for Enumerable#each_slice.sizemarcandre
2012-11-06* enum.c: Support for enumerators created by Enumerable with forwarding:marcandre
2012-11-06* vm_eval.c (rb_f_loop): Support for loop.sizemarcandre
2012-11-06* array.c (rb_ary_cycle): Support for Array#cycle.sizemarcandre
2012-11-06* array.c (rb_ary_repeated_combination): Support for repeated_combination.sizemarcandre
2012-11-06* array.c (rb_ary_repeated_permutation): Support for repeated_permutation.sizemarcandre
2012-11-06* array.c (rb_ary_combination): Support for Array#combination.sizemarcandre
2012-11-06* array.c (rb_ary_permutation): Support for Array#permutation.sizemarcandre
2012-11-06* array.c: Support for Enumerator#size in trivial cases:marcandre
2012-11-06* enumerator.c: Support #size for enumerators created from enumeratorsmarcandre
2012-11-06* enumerator.c (obj_to_enum): Have #to_enum accept a blockmarcandre
2012-11-06* enumerator: New method #size; constructor accepts sizemarcandre
2012-11-06* enumerator.c (enumerator_initialize): Warn when using deprecated formmarcandre
2012-11-06* object.c (rb_mod_const_get): Fix constant missing exception classtenderlove