path: root/test/ruby/test_struct.rb
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2012-04-24* hash.c, object.c, struct.c, lib/ostruct.rb: add to_h methods.nobu
2011-07-17* error.c (rb_check_trusted): new function to check an object isnobu
2009-11-26* test/ruby/test_range.rb (TestRange#test_comparison_when_recursive):yugui
2009-08-12* class.c (rb_define_class_id_under, rb_define_module_id_under):nobu
2009-08-12* test/ruby/test_struct.rb (test_inspect): use assert_match.nobu
2008-05-19* bootstraptest/test_knownbug.rb: move solved tests.ko1
2008-03-13* bootstraptest/test_struct.rb: some test moved from test to shutmatz
2008-01-23* test/ruby/test_struct.rb: add tests to achieve over 90% testmame
2006-02-05test small structs.akr
2005-06-01* struct.c: accessing >10 member caused segmentation fault. [ruby-dev:26247]aamine
2004-02-18 * test/*: should not depend on $KCODE.nahi
2003-09-05* lib/optparse.rb (OptionParser#order, #permute, #parse): allow annobu
2003-09-05* test/ruby/test_*.rb: replace 'assert(a == b)' with assert_equal(a, b)'nahi
2003-09-04* test/ruby: tests for ruby itself.nahi