path: root/test/reline/yamatanooroti/test_rendering.rb
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
6 days[ruby/reline] Implement `show-all-if-ambiguous` featureMari Imaizumi
8 days[ruby/reline] Refactor nomultiline and multiline mode differencetomoya ishida
2024-04-05[ruby/reline] Thread safe readlinetomoya ishida
2024-04-04[ruby/reline] Fix audoindent including "\v", escape "\v" fortomoya ishida
2024-04-01[ruby/reline] Refactor completiontomoya ishida
2024-03-24[ruby/reline] Add mode_string to prompt calculation dependenciestomoya ishida
2024-03-19[ruby/reline] Reline 0.5.0.pretomoya ishida
2024-01-04[ruby/reline] Fix pasting tab-indented code crashtomoya ishida
2023-11-06[ruby/reline] Introduce a new class Reline::Face to configureHASUMI Hitoshi
2023-08-20[ruby/reline] Remove Timeout usageStan Lo
2023-07-19[ruby/reline] Add assertion to auto_indent_proc's parameter, addtomoya ishida
2023-07-18[ruby/reline] Add missing `close` to test_rendering.rbtomoya ishida
2023-07-08[ruby/reline] Ignore unhandled escape sequencestomoya ishida
2023-07-07[ruby/reline] Reduce direct references to `Reline::IOGate`Stan Lo
2023-07-05[ruby/reline] Fix wrong byte_pointer passed to auto_indent_proctomoya ishida
2023-05-27[ruby/reline] Fix scrolldown condition in dialog renderingtomoya ishida
2023-05-27[ruby/reline] Use appropriate dialog height and reduce screen pushuptomoya ishida
2023-05-07[ruby/reline] Fix dialog corrupts rendering by pushing up input linetomoya ishida
2023-05-01[ruby/reline] Rewrite dialog renderingtomoya ishida
2023-03-27[ruby/reline] Fix cursor position overruntomoya ishida
2023-03-18[ruby/reline] Fix: line longer than terminal width breaks renderingtomoya ishida
2023-03-04[ruby/reline] Fix completion with multilinetomoya ishida
2023-02-27[ruby/reline] Fix wrong indent number in prompt. whole_lines hastomoya ishida
2023-02-27[ruby/reline] Fix the cause of test_yamatanooroti randomly failingtomoya ishida
2023-02-06[ruby/reline] Fix line rendering when newline is added at the end of the buffertompng
2023-01-20[ruby/reline] Add autoindent test for indent after bracket and newlinetompng
2023-01-18[ruby/reline] Add scrollbar scroll-to-bottom test and fix existing scrollbar ...tompng
2023-01-18[ruby/reline] multiline_repl do not need to depend on RubyLextomoya ishida
2023-01-12[ruby/reline] Pass unmodifined lines(that does not include escapetomoya ishida
2022-01-16[ruby/reline] Fix incremental search to work correctly even if not last lineaycabta
2022-01-16[ruby/reline] Insert newline in the middle of buffer just after dialogaycabta
2022-01-16[ruby/reline] Add a wait for a test because sometimes failsaycabta
2022-01-16[ruby/reline] Clear dialog when adding new line to end of bufferaycabta
2022-01-11[ruby/reline] Clear dialog when just_move_cursor is called with dialog at las...aycabta
2022-01-06[ruby/reline] windows: test_yamatanooroti fixYO4
2021-12-30[ruby/reline] Omit a test on Ruby 2.6aycabta
2021-12-25[ruby/reline] Escape newline(s) in dynamic promptaycabta
2021-12-25[ruby/reline] Escape newline(s) in promptaycabta
2021-12-19[ruby/reline] Clear dialog in pastingaycabta
2021-12-18[ruby/reline] Change a test method name to more appropriateaycabta
2021-12-13[ruby/reline] Remove unnecessary variables, lower_spaceaycabta
2021-12-10[ruby/reline] Execute compress_meta_key if convert_meta is onima1zumi
2021-11-21[ruby/reline] Correct padding space calculationima1zumi
2021-10-11[ruby/reline] Add tests for dialog with fullwidth chars and corner casesaycabta
2021-10-09[ruby/reline] Fix tests to show dialog to the right edgeaycabta
2021-10-09[ruby/reline] Add a test for full-width scrollbaraycabta
2021-10-08[ruby/reline] Add a test for narrow screen without scrollbaraycabta
2021-10-08[ruby/reline] Cut off the excess on narrow screenaycabta
2021-10-05[ruby/reline] Reduce window size so that it can be displayed in my desktopaycabta
2021-10-05[ruby/reline] Cyrillic chars are now forced to be displayed in full-width on ...aycabta