path: root/test/fiber
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2024-04-08Enumerator should use a non-blocking fiber, change `rb_fiber_new` to be ↵Samuel Williams
non-blocking by default. (#10481)
2024-04-07Revert "Enumerator should use a non-blocking fiber. (#10478)" (#10480)Samuel Williams
This reverts commit dfa0897de89251a631a67460b941cd24a14c9b55. This commit accidentally included some change in `parse.h`. Reverting and re-applying the relevant changes.
2024-04-07Prefer to use `Fiber#transfer` in scheduler implementation. (#10479)Samuel Williams
2024-04-07Enumerator should use a non-blocking fiber. (#10478)Samuel Williams
2024-01-24Use exit 0 instead of true on windows platformHiroshi SHIBATA
2023-11-30Replace SocketError with Socket::ResolutionError in rsock_raise_socket_errorMisaki Shioi
rsock_raise_socket_error is called only when getaddrinfo and getaddrname fail
2023-10-28test/fiber/test_queue.rb: Make the stuck test fail. (#8791)Jun Aruga
test/fiber/test_queue.rb: Make the stuck tests fail. We observed the 2 tests in the `test/fiber/test_queue.rb` getting stuck in some GCC compilers in Ubuntu ppc64le focal/jammy, even when the timeout `queue.pop(timeout: 0.0001)` is set in the code. This commit is to make the tests fail rather than getting stuck.
2023-09-21[Bug #19624] Clean up backquote IONobuyoshi Nakada
It should not be hidden, since it can be grabbed by a fiber scheduler.
2023-09-07Reduce number of iterations in `TestFiberScheduler#test_autoload`. (#8391)Samuel Williams
`ppc64le` appears to be struggling with this test due to timeout. Let's see if reducing the number of iterations can help improve the test performance. Notes: Merged-By: ioquatix <>
2023-08-29Validate the typed data before dereferencing the internal struct. (#8315)Samuel Williams
Notes: Merged-By: ioquatix <>
2023-07-13Wait for sleepr thread to finish not to leakNobuyoshi Nakada
2023-06-03Fix `Thread#join(timeout)` when running inside the fiber scheduler. (#7903)Samuel Williams
Notes: Merged-By: ioquatix <>
2023-05-15`rb_io_puts` should not write zero length strings. (#7806)Samuel Williams
Notes: Merged-By: ioquatix <>
2023-03-31Support `IO#pread` / `IO#pwrite` using fiber scheduler. (#7594)Samuel Williams
* Skip test if non-blocking file IO is not supported. Notes: Merged-By: ioquatix <>
2023-03-25Fix incorrect usage of `rb_fiber_scheduler_io_(p)(read|write)`. (#7593)Samuel Williams
Notes: Merged-By: ioquatix <>
2023-03-07Improve robustness of `io_wait` implementation. (#7456)Samuel Williams
- Restore correct handling of `duration`. - Don't delete from `@readable` or `@writable` unless it was added. - A little more documentation. Notes: Merged-By: ioquatix <>
2022-12-20Ensure Fiber storage is only accessed from the Fiber it belongs toBenoit Daloze
Notes: Merged:
2022-12-20Use an experimental warning for Fiber#storage=Benoit Daloze
Notes: Merged:
2022-12-20Never use the storage of another Fiber, that violates the whole designBenoit Daloze
* See Notes: Merged:
2022-12-17Add tests for `Queue#pop` with fiber scheduler. (#6953)Samuel Williams
Notes: Merged-By: ioquatix <>
2022-12-02Wait killed threadsNobuyoshi Nakada
2022-12-01Introduce `Fiber#storage` for inheritable fiber-scoped variables. (#6612)Samuel Williams
Notes: Merged-By: ioquatix <>
2022-11-17Add support for `sockaddr_un` on Windows. (#6513)Samuel Williams
* Windows: Fix warning about undefined if_indextoname() * Windows: Fix UNIXSocket on MINGW and make .pair more reliable * Windows: Use nonblock=true for read tests with scheduler * Windows: Move socket detection from File.socket? to File.stat Add S_IFSOCK to Windows and interpret reparse points accordingly. Enable tests that work now. * Windows: Use wide-char functions to UNIXSocket This fixes behaviour with non-ASCII characters. It also fixes deletion of temporary UNIXSocket.pair files. * Windows: Add UNIXSocket tests for specifics of Windows impl. * Windows: fix VC build due to missing _snwprintf Avoid usage of _snwprintf, since it fails linking ruby.dll like so: linking shared-library x64-vcruntime140-ruby320.dll x64-vcruntime140-ruby320.def : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol snwprintf x64-vcruntime140-ruby320.def : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol vsnwprintf_l whereas linking miniruby.exe succeeds. This patch uses snprintf on the UTF-8 string instead. Also remove branch GetWindowsDirectoryW, since it doesn't work. * Windows: Fix dangling symlink test failures Co-authored-by: Lars Kanis <> Notes: Merged-By: ioquatix <>
2022-11-09mutex: Raise a ThreadError when detecting a fiber deadlock (#6680)Jean byroot Boussier
[Bug #19105] If no fiber scheduler is registered and the fiber that owns the lock and the one that try to acquire it both belong to the same thread, we're in a deadlock case. Co-authored-by: Jean Boussier <> Notes: Merged-By: ioquatix <>
2022-11-01We don't care about actual hostname resolution. (#6652)Samuel Williams Notes: Merged-By: ioquatix <>
2022-10-20Avoid missed wakeup with fiber scheduler and Fiber.blocking. (#6588)Samuel Williams
* Ensure that blocked fibers don't prevent valid wakeups. Notes: Merged-By: ioquatix <>
2022-10-15Introduce `Fiber::Scheduler#io_select` hook for non-blocking ``. ↵Samuel Williams
(#6559) Notes: Merged-By: ioquatix <>
2022-10-13Add missing `f.resume` to fiber test. (#6539)Samuel Williams
Notes: Merged-By: ioquatix <>
2022-10-12Simplify implementation of scheduler `io_read` and `io_write`. (#6527)Samuel Williams
Notes: Merged-By: ioquatix <>
2022-10-12Improvements to IO::Buffer implementation and documentation. (#6525)Samuel Williams
Notes: Merged-By: ioquatix <>
2022-10-06Introduce `Fiber.blocking{}` for bypassing the fiber scheduler. (#6498)Samuel Williams
Notes: Merged-By: ioquatix <>
2022-05-25Retain reference to blocking fibers.Samuel Williams
Notes: Merged:
2022-05-09test/fiber/test_scheduler.rb: Remove the test file from $LOADED_FEATURESYusuke Endoh
to prevent the following failure on `make test-all --repeat-count=2` ``` 1) Error: TestFiberScheduler#test_autoload: NameError: uninitialized constant TestFiberSchedulerAutoload Object.const_get(:TestFiberSchedulerAutoload) ^^^^^^^^^^ ```
2022-05-08Use a proper mutex for autoloading features. (#5788)Samuel Williams
Object#autoload implements a custom per-thread "mutex" for blocking threads waiting on autoloading a feature. This causes problems when used with the fiber scheduler. We swap the implementation to use a Ruby mutex which is fiber aware. Notes: Merged-By: ioquatix <>
2022-01-19`rb_fiber_terminate` must not return [Bug #18497]Nobuyoshi Nakada
In a forked process from a fiber, the fiber becomes the only fiber, `fiber_switch` does nothing as there is no other fibers, `rb_fiber_terminate` does not terminate the fiber. In that case, reaches the end of `fiber_entry` finaly, which is declared as "COROUTINE" and should never return. Notes: Merged:
2022-01-11Use omit instead of skip without the default gems testsHiroshi SHIBATA
2021-12-21Improve interface for get/set/copy.Samuel Williams
Notes: Merged:
2021-12-21test/fiber/test_io_buffer.rb: fix file descriptor leaksKazuki Yamaguchi
I got the warning while running "make test-all": Leaked file descriptor: TestFiberIOBuffer#test_write_nonblock: 9 : #<UNIXSocket:fd 9> Closed file descriptor: TestFiberIOBuffer#test_read_write_blocking: 9 Leaked file descriptor: TestFiberIOBuffer#test_timeout_after: 10 : #<UNIXSocket:fd 10> Closed file descriptor: TestFiberIOBuffer#test_read_nonblock: 10
2021-12-18Introduce io_result wrapper for passing `[-errno, size]` in VALUE.Samuel Williams
Notes: Merged: Merged-By: ioquatix <>
2021-11-23Suppress the “experimental" warnings for `IO::Buffer`Nobuyoshi Nakada
As this warning is emitted just once per processes, needs in each files when parallel testing.
2021-11-10Mark IO::Buffer as experimental.Samuel Williams
Notes: Merged:
2021-09-20Add alternative optional hook for `scheduler_close` to allow public usage of ↵Samuel Williams
close. Notes: Merged:
2021-08-26Fix example fiber scheduler reg. writable eventsLars Kanis
There were two issues: 1. When an IO object is waiting for writablility only (as in test_tcp_accept) the selected hash is empty. Therefore selected[fiber] returns nil but needs to default to 0 in order to be or'ed with IO::WRITABLE. 2. When an IO object is waiting for read- or writability (as in test_tcp_connect), but only one of these two events arrive, the Fiber and IO object need to be removed from the other `@readable` or `@writable` list. Notes: Merged:
2021-08-03Fix potential hang when joining threads.Samuel Williams
If the thread termination invokes user code after `th->status` becomes `THREAD_KILLED`, and the user unblock function causes that `th->status` to become something else (e.g. `THREAD_RUNNING`), threads waiting in `thread_join_sleep` will hang forever. We move the unblock function call to before the thread status is updated, and allow threads to join as soon as `th->value` becomes defined. This reverts commit 6505c77501f1924571b2fe620c5c7b31ede0cd22. Notes: Merged:
2021-07-28Revert "Fix potential hang when joining threads."Yusuke Endoh
This reverts commit 13f8521c630a15c87398dee0763e95f59c032a94. This revert is to confirm whether the commit is the cause. If the failures consistently occur after this revert, I'll reintroduce the commit.
2021-07-27Fix potential hang when joining threads.Samuel Williams
If the thread termination invokes user code after `th->status` becomes `THREAD_KILLED`, and the user unblock function causes that `th->status` to become something else (e.g. `THREAD_RUNNING`), threads waiting in `thread_join_sleep` will hang forever. We move the unblock function call to before the thread status is updated, and allow threads to join as soon as `th->value` becomes defined. Notes: Merged:
2021-06-29Prefer qualified names under ThreadNobuyoshi Nakada
2021-06-15Suppress exception report in inner threadNobuyoshi Nakada
2021-06-15Close leaked file descriptorsNobuyoshi Nakada
2021-06-14Fix fiber scheduler address resolve solaris testsBruno Sutic
Notes: Merged: