path: root/include/ruby/win32.h
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2024-02-26Revise 9ec342e07df6aa5e2c2e9003517753a2f1b508fdNobuyoshi Nakada
2024-02-26[Bug #20296] Fix the default assertion messageNobuyoshi Nakada
2024-02-26Introduction of Happy Eyeballs Version 2 (RFC8305) in Socket.tcp (#9374)Misaki Shioi
* Introduction of Happy Eyeballs Version 2 (RFC8305) in Socket.tcp This is an implementation of Happy Eyeballs version 2 (RFC 8305) in Socket.tcp. [Background] Currently, `Socket.tcp` synchronously resolves names and makes connection attempts with `Addrinfo::foreach.` This implementation has the following two problems. 1. In name resolution, the program stops until the DNS server responds to all DNS queries. 2. In a connection attempt, while an IP address is trying to connect to the destination host and is taking time, the program stops, and other resolved IP addresses cannot try to connect. [Proposal] "Happy Eyeballs" ([RFC 8305]( is an algorithm to solve this kind of problem. It avoids delays to the user whenever possible and also uses IPv6 preferentially. I implemented it into `Socket.tcp` by using `Addrinfo.getaddrinfo` in each thread spawned per address family to resolve the hostname asynchronously, and using `Socket::connect_nonblock` to try to connect with multiple addrinfo in parallel. [Outcome] This change eliminates a fatal defect in the following cases. Case 1. One of the A or AAAA DNS queries does not return --- require 'socket' class Addrinfo class << self # Current Socket.tcp depends on foreach def foreach(nodename, service, family=nil, socktype=nil, protocol=nil, flags=nil, timeout: nil, &block) getaddrinfo(nodename, service, Socket::AF_INET6, socktype, protocol, flags, timeout: timeout) .concat(getaddrinfo(nodename, service, Socket::AF_INET, socktype, protocol, flags, timeout: timeout)) .each(&block) end def getaddrinfo(_, _, family, *_) case family when Socket::AF_INET6 then sleep when Socket::AF_INET then [Addrinfo.tcp("", 4567)] end end end end Socket.tcp("localhost", 4567) --- Because the current `Socket.tcp` cannot resolve IPv6 names, the program stops in this case. It cannot start to connect with IPv4 address. Though `Socket.tcp` with HEv2 can promptly start a connection attempt with IPv4 address in this case. Case 2. Server does not promptly return ack for syn of either IPv4 / IPv6 address family --- require 'socket' fork do socket =, :STREAM) socket.setsockopt(:SOCKET, :REUSEADDR, true) socket.bind(Socket.pack_sockaddr_in(4567, '::1')) sleep socket.listen(1) connection, _ = socket.accept connection.close socket.close end fork do socket =, :STREAM) socket.setsockopt(:SOCKET, :REUSEADDR, true) socket.bind(Socket.pack_sockaddr_in(4567, '')) socket.listen(1) connection, _ = socket.accept connection.close socket.close end Socket.tcp("localhost", 4567) --- The current `Socket.tcp` tries to connect serially, so when its first name resolves an IPv6 address and initiates a connection to an IPv6 server, this server does not return an ACK, and the program stops. Though `Socket.tcp` with HEv2 starts to connect sequentially and in parallel so a connection can be established promptly at the socket that attempted to connect to the IPv4 server. In exchange, the performance of `Socket.tcp` with HEv2 will be degraded. --- 100.times { Socket.tcp("", 80) } --- This is due to the addition of the creation of IO objects, Thread objects, etc., and calls to `IO::select` in the implementation. * Avoid NameError of Socket::EAI_ADDRFAMILY in MinGW * Support Windows with SO_CONNECT_TIME * Improve performance I have additionally implemented the following patterns: - If the host is single-stack, name resolution is performed in the main thread. This reduces the cost of creating threads. - If an IP address is specified, name resolution is performed in the main thread. This also reduces the cost of creating threads. - If only one IP address is resolved, connect is executed in blocking mode. This reduces the cost of calling IO::select. Also, I have added a fast_fallback option for users who wish not to use HE. Here are the results of each performance test. ```ruby require 'socket' require 'benchmark' HOSTNAME = "" PORT = 80 ai = Addrinfo.tcp(HOSTNAME, PORT) Benchmark.bmbm do |x|"Domain name") do 30.times { Socket.tcp(HOSTNAME, PORT).close } end"IP Address") do 30.times { Socket.tcp(ai.ip_address, PORT).close } end"fast_fallback: false") do 30.times { Socket.tcp(HOSTNAME, PORT, fast_fallback: false).close } end end ``` ``` user system total real Domain name 0.015567 0.032511 0.048078 ( 0.325284) IP Address 0.004458 0.014219 0.018677 ( 0.284361) fast_fallback: false 0.005869 0.021511 0.027380 ( 0.321891) ```` And this is the measurement result when executed in a single stack environment. ``` user system total real Domain name 0.007062 0.019276 0.026338 ( 1.905775) IP Address 0.004527 0.012176 0.016703 ( 3.051192) fast_fallback: false 0.005546 0.019426 0.024972 ( 1.775798) ``` The following is the result of the run on Ruby 3.3.0. (on Dual stack environment) ``` user system total real Ruby 3.3.0 0.007271 0.027410 0.034681 ( 0.472510) ``` (on Single stack environment) ``` user system total real Ruby 3.3.0 0.005353 0.018898 0.024251 ( 1.774535) ``` * Do not cache `Socket.ip_address_list` As mentioned in the comment at, caching Socket.ip_address_list does not follow changes in network configuration. But if we stop caching, it becomes necessary to check every time `Socket.tcp` is called whether it's a single stack or not, which could further degrade performance in the case of a dual stack. From this, I've changed the approach so that when a domain name is passed, it doesn't check whether it's a single stack or not and resolves names in parallel each time. The performance measurement results are as follows. require 'socket' require 'benchmark' HOSTNAME = "" PORT = 80 ai = Addrinfo.tcp(HOSTNAME, PORT) Benchmark.bmbm do |x|"Domain name") do 30.times { Socket.tcp(HOSTNAME, PORT).close } end"IP Address") do 30.times { Socket.tcp(ai.ip_address, PORT).close } end"fast_fallback: false") do 30.times { Socket.tcp(HOSTNAME, PORT, fast_fallback: false).close } end end user system total real Domain name 0.004085 0.011873 0.015958 ( 0.330097) IP Address 0.000993 0.004400 0.005393 ( 0.257286) fast_fallback: false 0.001348 0.008266 0.009614 ( 0.298626) * Wait forever if fallback addresses are unresolved, unless resolv_timeout Changed from waiting only 3 seconds for name resolution when there is no fallback address available, to waiting as long as there is no resolv_timeout. This is in accordance with the current `Socket.tcp` specification. * Use exact pattern to match IPv6 address format for specify address family
2023-05-27Improve `read`/`write`/`pread`/`pwrite` consistency. (#7860)Samuel Williams
* Documentation consistency. * Improve consistency of `pread`/`pwrite` implementation when given length. * Remove HAVE_PREAD / HAVE_PWRITE - it is no longer optional. Notes: Merged-By: ioquatix <>
2023-05-24Fix "runs a C function with the global lock unlocked and unlocks IO with the ↵Samuel Williams
generic RUBY_UBF_IO" on Windows. (#7848) * Enable borked spec. * Ensure win32 wrappers are visible and used. * Reorganise `read`/`write`/`pipe` in `thread_spec.c`. Notes: Merged-By: ioquatix <>
2023-05-24Add support for pread/pwrite on windows. (#7827)Samuel Williams
Notes: Merged-By: ioquatix <>
2022-11-17Add support for `sockaddr_un` on Windows. (#6513)Samuel Williams
* Windows: Fix warning about undefined if_indextoname() * Windows: Fix UNIXSocket on MINGW and make .pair more reliable * Windows: Use nonblock=true for read tests with scheduler * Windows: Move socket detection from File.socket? to File.stat Add S_IFSOCK to Windows and interpret reparse points accordingly. Enable tests that work now. * Windows: Use wide-char functions to UNIXSocket This fixes behaviour with non-ASCII characters. It also fixes deletion of temporary UNIXSocket.pair files. * Windows: Add UNIXSocket tests for specifics of Windows impl. * Windows: fix VC build due to missing _snwprintf Avoid usage of _snwprintf, since it fails linking ruby.dll like so: linking shared-library x64-vcruntime140-ruby320.dll x64-vcruntime140-ruby320.def : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol snwprintf x64-vcruntime140-ruby320.def : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol vsnwprintf_l whereas linking miniruby.exe succeeds. This patch uses snprintf on the UTF-8 string instead. Also remove branch GetWindowsDirectoryW, since it doesn't work. * Windows: Fix dangling symlink test failures Co-authored-by: Lars Kanis <> Notes: Merged-By: ioquatix <>
2022-11-17Windows: Readlink improvements (#6745)Lars Kanis
* Windows: Use readlink emulation for File.readlink This fixes readlink emulation for the ERROR_MORE_DATA case and general error reporting. It now releases GVL while readlink IO operation. The dedicated rb_readlink was introduced in commit 2ffb87995a33cdc7ba609a4b867f03f18da0c3b3 in order to improve encoding and buffer allocation. However the encoding issues are solved since ruby-3.0 switched to UTF-8 and the buffer allocation will be improved in a later commit. * Windows: Increase the default buffer size for reparse point info So far nearly all queries of reparse points needed two attempts to get enough buffer. * Windows: Remove declaration of rb_w32_wreadlink It was removed in commit 2f6fdd3aebdee2ce04d003b206f6da78120e8235 Notes: Merged-By: ioquatix <>
2022-09-08[Bug #5317] Use `rb_off_t` instead of `off_t`Nobuyoshi Nakada
Get rid of the conflict with system-provided small `off_t`. Notes: Merged:
2022-07-21Expand tabs [ci skip]Takashi Kokubun
[Misc #18891] Notes: Merged:
2022-01-19include/ruby/win32.h: explicitly define HAVE_SHUTDOWNYuta Saito
Configuration for mingw32 can't detect 'shutdown' due to wrong -l option even though it's available (this has been going on for a while, and it needs to be fixed). In this situation, include/ruby/missing.h declares a stub shutdown function since 7ee786388a, and another shutdown decl is came from system header. They are incompatible at stdcall attribute, so it causes compilation failure. This change defines a HAVE_SHUTDOWN to guard a newly introduced stub decl in include/ruby/missing.h Notes: Merged:
2022-01-18include/ruby/win32.h: define HAVE_X for the missing prototypes (#5456)Yuta Saito
Notes: Merged-By: kateinoigakukun
2021-12-27Fix some bornheadsU.Nakamura
2021-12-27Call FlushInstrucitonCache() when PROT_EXEC is specified to mprotectU.Nakamura
2021-12-27Tiny mmap emulation for WindowsU.Nakamura
- prerequisite of supporting YJIT with VC++. - note that now can specfily `--yjit` on mswin64, but not enabled YJIT'ed code because of YJIT requires `OPT_DIRECT_THREADED_CODE` or `OPT_CALL_THREADED_CODE` in `rb_yjit_compile_iseq`.
2021-08-27Use C99-defined macros to classify a floating-point numberNobuyoshi Nakada
Notes: Merged:
2020-12-27win32: Declared wait and fixed the return typeNobuyoshi Nakada
2020-12-20win32: Deprecate file CP version functionsNobuyoshi Nakada
Notes: Merged:
2020-12-20win32: Use UTF-8 as filesystem encoding [Feature #12654]Nobuyoshi Nakada
Co-Authored-By: Dāvis Mosāns <> Notes: Merged:
2020-12-16Made LARGEFILE_SUPPORT mandatoryNobuyoshi Nakada
Notes: Merged:
2020-12-16Removed stale declarationNobuyoshi Nakada
rb_w32_pipe_exec was removed in 1.9.3, at commit:7ac32d7a16734ea66de15319bcff2fd429abae7f. Notes: Merged:
2020-12-08Windows: Read ENV names and values as UTF-8 encoded Strings (#3818)Lars Kanis
* Windows: Read ENV names and values as UTF-8 encoded Strings Implements issue #12650: fix This also removes the special encoding for ENV['PATH'] and some complexity in the code that is unnecessary now. * Windows: Improve readablity of getenv() encoding getenv() did use the expected codepage as an implicit parameter of the macro. This is mis-leading since include/ruby/win32.h has a different definition. Using the "cp" variable explicit (like the other function calls) makes it more readable and consistent. * Windows: Change external C-API macros getenv() and execv() to use UTF-8 They used to process and return strings with locale encoding, but since all ruby-internal spawn and environment functions use UTF-8, it makes sense to change the C-API equally. Notes: Merged-By: nurse <>
2019-07-25Fix errno at seeking socket/pipe on WindowsNobuyoshi Nakada
[Bug #12230]
2017-12-11undef previous definition of `SIZEOF_STRUCT_STAT_ST_INO`usa
trying to solve build problem of MinGW. see [Bug #14165] git-svn-id: svn+ssh:// b2dd03c8-39d4-4d8f-98ff-823fe69b080e
2017-12-10support 128bit ino on Windows (if available)usa
* win32/win32.c, include/ruby/win32.h (stati128, rb_{,u,l,ul}stati128): rename from stati64ns, change the type of st_ino to 64bit and added st_inohigh. * dir.c, file.c (stat, lstat): follow above changes. * file.c (rb_stat_ino): support 128bit ino. * win32/win32.c (rb_{,u,l,ul}stati128): ditto. [Feature #13731] git-svn-id: svn+ssh:// b2dd03c8-39d4-4d8f-98ff-823fe69b080e
2017-12-04support nanosec file timestamp on newer Windowsusa
Support nanosec file timestamp on Windows 8 or later. Original patches are written by kubo (Kubo Takehiro). Windows 7 and earlier also supports nanosec file timestamp, but it's too accurate than system time. so, this feature is disabled on such versions. [Feature #13726] this change also includes [Misc #13702] git-svn-id: svn+ssh:// b2dd03c8-39d4-4d8f-98ff-823fe69b080e
2017-04-21Suppress a warning in ruby/win32.h [Fix GH-1591]nobu
Fix a warning in ruby/win32.h which can cause failures with mkmf The return value is implicit type casted from 'long double' to 'double', currently. This causes a gcc warning like this: ``` In file included from C:\Ruby24-x64\include\ruby-2.4.0/ruby/defines.h:243:0, from C:\Ruby24-x64\include\ruby-2.4.0/ruby/ruby.h:36, from C:\Ruby24-x64\include\ruby-2.4.0/ruby.h:33, from conftest.c:1: C:\Ruby24-x64\include\ruby-2.4.0/ruby/win32.h: In function 'rb_w32_pow': C:\Ruby24-x64\include\ruby-2.4.0/ruby/win32.h:786:12: warning: conversion to 'double' from 'long double' may alter its value [-Wfloat-conversion] return powl(x, y); ^~~~~~~~~~ ``` This is fixed by the attached explicit type cast. Moreover when CFLAGS is set to '-Wconversion', it prevents the compiler from building. This is the case at the nokogiri gem. The original issue arose at RubyInstaller2: git-svn-id: svn+ssh:// b2dd03c8-39d4-4d8f-98ff-823fe69b080e
2017-03-03broken mingwnobu
* check whether frexp and modf are broken. * include/ruby/win32.h (frexp, modf): ignore bad declarations when compiling as C++. [ruby-core:79859] [Bug #13267] git-svn-id: svn+ssh:// b2dd03c8-39d4-4d8f-98ff-823fe69b080e
2016-12-13declare `rb_w32_sysinit` in header.usa
* include/ruby/win32.h (rb_w32_sysinit): declare. [ruby-core:78444] [Bug #12994] * ruby.c (ruby_sysinit): follow above change. git-svn-id: svn+ssh:// b2dd03c8-39d4-4d8f-98ff-823fe69b080e
2016-05-02* win32/win32.c, include/ruby/win32.h (rb_w32_utruncate): implements newusa
truncate alternative which accepts UTF-8 path. * file.c (truncate): use above function. [Bug #12340] git-svn-id: svn+ssh:// b2dd03c8-39d4-4d8f-98ff-823fe69b080e
2016-03-13win32.h: fix O_SHARE_DELETEnobu
* include/ruby/win32.h (O_SHARE_DELETE): change to fit Fixnum limit. [ruby-core:74285] [Bug #12171] git-svn-id: svn+ssh:// b2dd03c8-39d4-4d8f-98ff-823fe69b080e
2015-09-12win32.c: more fcntlnobu
* win32/win32.c (fcntl): implement F_GETFD, F_SETFD, and F_DUPFD_CLOEXEC. git-svn-id: svn+ssh:// b2dd03c8-39d4-4d8f-98ff-823fe69b080e
2015-09-04win32.h: fix macro namenobu
* include/ruby/win32.h: fix macro name for VC runtime version, RT_VER is only in Makefile. git-svn-id: svn+ssh:// b2dd03c8-39d4-4d8f-98ff-823fe69b080e
2015-08-24win32.c: symlinknobu
* win32/win32.c (w32_symlink): implement symlink(). git-svn-id: svn+ssh:// b2dd03c8-39d4-4d8f-98ff-823fe69b080e
2015-07-21ruby/win32.h: include windows.hnobu
* include/ruby/win32.h: include windows.h before winsock2.h, because mswsock.h included by the former uses SOCKET defined after it in the latter. fix a build failure with VC6. git-svn-id: svn+ssh:// b2dd03c8-39d4-4d8f-98ff-823fe69b080e
2015-06-12* file.c (File::SHARE_DELETE): new flag to be able to delete opened fileusa
on Windows. * include/win32/win32.c (O_SHARE_DELETE): new pseudo file mode flag. * win32/win32.c (rb_w32_{w,}open): support above flag. [EXPERIMENTAL] * NEWS: mention about this feature. [Feature #11218] [ruby-dev:49022] git-svn-id: svn+ssh:// b2dd03c8-39d4-4d8f-98ff-823fe69b080e
2015-04-24* win32/win32.c (rb_w32_{getc,putc}): removed. they are needed for oldusa
ruby (before 1.8), but not now. git-svn-id: svn+ssh:// b2dd03c8-39d4-4d8f-98ff-823fe69b080e
2015-04-23* win32/win32.c: remove bcc related code.naruse
* include/ruby/win32.h: ditto. git-svn-id: svn+ssh:// b2dd03c8-39d4-4d8f-98ff-823fe69b080e
2015-03-23win32.c: readlinknobu
* win32/win32.c (wreadlink, rb_w32_ureadlink): implement readlink(). git-svn-id: svn+ssh:// b2dd03c8-39d4-4d8f-98ff-823fe69b080e
2015-03-23win32.c: w32_lstati64nobu
* win32/win32.c (winnt_stat): stat with following symbolic links. * win32/win32.c (winnt_lstat): rename old winnt_stat, which does not follow symbolic links. git-svn-id: svn+ssh:// b2dd03c8-39d4-4d8f-98ff-823fe69b080e
2015-03-19win32.c: S_IFLNKnobu
* win32/win32.c (fileattr_to_unixmode): set symlink for reparse points. git-svn-id: svn+ssh:// b2dd03c8-39d4-4d8f-98ff-823fe69b080e
2014-11-10* win32/win32.c, include/win32/win32.h (rb_w32_set_nonblock): newusa
function to support nonblock-mode of pipes. * win32/win32.c (rb_w32_read): nonblock-mode pipe returns ERROR_NO_DATA if there is no data, but also returns it if remote-end is closed. * win32/win32.c (rb_w32_write): if cannot to write any data, it may be blocking. * io.c (rb_io_set_nonblock): use rb_w32_set_nonblock for Windows. * ext/io/nonblock/nonblock.c (rb_io_nonblock_set): use ruby's API when setting nonblock-mode. * test/ruby/test_io.rb: test nonblock pipes on Windows. git-svn-id: svn+ssh:// b2dd03c8-39d4-4d8f-98ff-823fe69b080e
2014-05-22revert File::Statfs [Feature #9772]naruse
git-svn-id: svn+ssh:// b2dd03c8-39d4-4d8f-98ff-823fe69b080e
2014-04-22* win32/win32.c, include/ruby/win32.h (ustatfs): implementation ofusa
statfs(2) clone. [EXPERIMENTAL] * file.c (rb_io_statfs): use above function. *, win32/Makefile.sub (struct statfs): available. git-svn-id: svn+ssh:// b2dd03c8-39d4-4d8f-98ff-823fe69b080e
2014-04-15* include/ruby/win32.h (rb_w32_cmdvector): removed.usa
* win32/win32.c (rb_w32_sysinit): use WCHAR version of GetCommandLine() internally. * win32/win32.c (w32_cmdvector): renamed from rb_w32_cmdvector. use WCHAR* instead of char* internally. these changes are expected to not changing the behavior yet. git-svn-id: svn+ssh:// b2dd03c8-39d4-4d8f-98ff-823fe69b080e
2014-04-05win32.c: wchar conversionnobu
* win32/win32.c (rb_w32_wstr_to_mbstr, rb_w32_mbstr_to_wstr): make WCHAR/mb conversion functions public. git-svn-id: svn+ssh:// b2dd03c8-39d4-4d8f-98ff-823fe69b080e
2014-02-23win32/win32.c: add rb_w32_inet_ptonnobu
* include/ruby/win32.h, win32/win32.c (rb_w32_inet_pton): add a wrapper function for inet_pton minimum supported client is Vista, as well as inet_ntop. git-svn-id: svn+ssh:// b2dd03c8-39d4-4d8f-98ff-823fe69b080e
2014-02-14* include/ruby/intern.h,akr
include/ruby/io.h, include/ruby/ruby.h, include/ruby/win32.h, include/ruby/backward/rubysig.h, bignum.c, gc.c, io.c, process.c, safe.c, struct.c, thread.c, ext/socket/rubysocket.h, ext/-test-/old_thread_select: Remove deprecated definitions [ruby-core:60581] [Feature #9502] git-svn-id: svn+ssh:// b2dd03c8-39d4-4d8f-98ff-823fe69b080e
2014-02-07win32.h: define strtoll and strtoull for earlier VCnobu
* include/ruby/win32.h (strtoll, strtoull): VC8 and later until VC12 have LONG_LONG but it is _int64, and provide i64 version functions only. git-svn-id: svn+ssh:// b2dd03c8-39d4-4d8f-98ff-823fe69b080e
2013-11-28win32.c: rb_w32_dup2nobu
* win32/win32.c (rb_w32_dup2): extract from rb_cloexec_dup2() and redirect_dup2(). git-svn-id: svn+ssh:// b2dd03c8-39d4-4d8f-98ff-823fe69b080e