path: root/ChangeLog
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2009-02-08* include/ruby/backward/rubysig.h: extern "C" was missing.nobu
2009-02-08* ext/socket/ancdata.c (anc_inspect_passcred_credentials): newakr
2009-02-08* io.c (rb_io_s_binread): ensures file path. [ruby-dev:37940]nobu
2009-02-08* ext/socket/raddrinfo.c (init_unix_addrinfo): add socktype argument.akr
2009-02-08* runruby.rb: gets extout and arch from rbconfig.rb.nobu
2009-02-07* test/socket/test_addrinfo.rb (test_family_addrinfo): don't useakr
2009-02-07* (--with-arch): added new option to supportnobu
2009-02-07* runruby.rb: added --cpu option.nobu
2009-02-07* runruby.rb: added --precommand and --show options.nobu
2009-02-07* lib/mkmf.rb (have_header): needs dependent headers if trying tonobu
2009-02-06* dir.c (dir_read): don't disable rdoc.akr
2009-02-06* io.c (io_fread): use rb_io_wait_readable for retryakr
2009-02-06thread_pthread.c (native_thread_create) [__SYMBIAN32__]: reduced pthread stac...azav
2009-02-06[__SYMBIAN32__]: included <sys/select.h> for fd_set definitionazav
2009-02-06Created execl stub as a missing PIPS functionazav
2009-02-06* signal.c (register_sigaltstack): ignore sigaltstack error.akr
2009-02-06* ChangeLog: typo.usa
2009-02-06 * win32/win32.c (rb_w32_readdir_with_enc): fallback to OS convertionusa
2009-02-06 * win32/{dir.h, win32.c} (rb_w32_readdir_with_enc): new function tousa
2009-02-06 * ruby.c (process_options): set initial default_external before -r.usa
2009-02-06 * ruby.c (process_options): -K and -E in shebang should be reflect tousa
2009-02-05* ext/pty/pty.c (chfunc): type fixed.akr
2009-02-05* string.c (rb_str_each_codepoint): update RDoc formatz
2009-02-05* cont.c (cont_mark, cont_capture, cont_restore_1): use #else insteadmame
2009-02-05* include/ruby/intern.h (rb_run_exec_options_err): renamed fromakr
2009-02-05* ext/socket: AddrInfo is renamed to Addrinfo. [ruby-dev:37876]akr
2009-02-05* (RUBY_SITE_LIB_PATH, RUBY_VENDOR_LIB_PATH): fix fornobu
2009-02-05 * win32/Makefile.sub (config.h): follow recent changes about paths.usa
2009-02-05* (MAJOR, MINOR, TEENY): uses RUBY_VERSION_*.nobu
2009-02-05* array.c (rb_ary_uniq): gets rid of copying.nobu
2009-02-05* array.c (ary_add_hash): split from ary_make_hash().nobu
2009-02-05* array.c (ary_make_hash): hide a Hash used internally.nobu
2009-02-05* (RUBY_LIB_VERSION): added for library version, tonobu
2009-02-04change from assigned variable to called functionkazu
2009-02-04* ext/readline/readline.c (Init_readline): entry may be NULL.kazu
2009-02-04* time.c (LOCALTIME): should call tzset() before localtime_r().matz
2009-02-04Updated Symbain configuration procedure to avoid creating files outside build...azav
2009-02-04* transcode.c (make_econv_exception): refine error message forakr
2009-02-04* ext/socket/socket.c (sock_s_socketpair): make 3rd argument optional.akr
2009-02-04* ext/socket/raddrinfo.c (addrinfo_ipv6_to_ipv4): new method.akr
2009-02-04* transcode.c (make_econv_exception): show U+XXXX form for undefinedakr
2009-02-04* string.c (rb_str_dump): use MBCLEN_CHARFOUND_P properly.akr
2009-02-04* bootstraptest/runner.rb: refine success message.akr
2009-02-04fixed typos and remove some spaceskazu
2009-02-04* (id.h): updates from parse.h.nobu
2009-02-04 * win32/mkexports.rb: shouldn't export DllMain.usa
2009-02-04* missing/vsnprintf.c (BSD_vfprintf): should support 't' formatmatz
2009-02-03* ext/socket/extconf.rb: fix struct in_pktinfo and struct in6_pktinfoakr
2009-02-03* test/etc/test_etc.rb(test_getpwnam, test_getgrgid, test_getgrnam):mame