path: root/ChangeLog
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2013-08-03* README.EXT, README.EXT.ja: Mention rb_integer_pack andakr
2013-08-03* bignum.c (BARY_TRUNC): New macro.akr
2013-08-03* bignum.c (big2str_karatsuba): Don't allocate new temporary bufferakr
2013-08-03* bignum.c (bary2bdigitdbl): New function.akr
2013-08-03* bignum.c: The branch condition of selecting multiplicationakr
2013-08-03* bignum.c (big2str_orig): Receive the number to stringize asakr
2013-08-03* bignum.c (MAX_BASE36_POWER_TABLE_ENTRIES): Renamed fromakr
2013-08-03parse.y: no reduction with 1nobu
2013-08-03etc.c: encodingsnobu
2013-08-03struct.c: rb_struct_define_undernobu
2013-08-02* parse.y (value_expr_gen): now NODE_DEFN and NODE_DEFS are not voidusa
2013-08-02ChangeLog: fix typonobu
2013-08-02* doc/syntax/refinements.rdoc: Remove mention of instance_eval anddrbrain
2013-08-02* bignum.c (big2str_orig): Refactored.akr
2013-08-02* bignum.c (big2str_orig): Rename a local variable.akr
2013-08-02* bignum.c (bigadd_core): Removed.akr
2013-08-02* bignum.c (rb_big2str1): Simplify power_level calculation.akr
2013-08-02* array.c (rb_ary_zip): use rb_ary_new2() to create bufferglass
2013-08-02* NEWS: Add the description that IO#seek supports SEEK_DATAglass
2013-08-02* vm.c (m_core_define_method, m_core_define_singleton_method): nowusa
2013-08-02* array.c (rb_ary_zip): performance improvement by avoidingglass
2013-08-02* bignum.c (power_cache_get_power): Appry bigtrunc to the result ofakr
2013-08-02parse.y: calculate powers of tennobu
2013-08-02parse.y: parse preciselynobu
2013-08-02parse.y: simplify numericsnobu
2013-08-02eventids2.c: new literalsnobu
2013-08-02* bignum.c (big2str_karatsuba): Reduce power_level more than one atakr
2013-08-02* bignum.c (bary_mul): Swap x and y for bary_mul1 if x is longer than y.akr
2013-08-02* parse.y (negate_lit): add T_RATIONAL and T_COMPLEX to the switchcharliesome
2013-08-02* doc/syntax/refinements.rdoc: Improve description of where you maydrbrain
2013-08-01* bignum.c (big2str_orig): Remove len argument.akr
2013-08-01* NEWS: Add the description of number literal suffixes.mrkn
2013-08-01* bootstraptest/test_literal_suffix.rb: add two test cases tomrkn
2013-08-01* rational.c (rb_flt_rationalize_with_prec): new public C functionmrkn
2013-08-01* bignum.c (rb_big2str1): Remove a local variable.akr
2013-08-01* bignum.c (rb_cstr_to_inum): Use power_cache_get_power.akr
2013-08-01* bignum.c (rb_big2str1): Raise an error for too big number.akr
2013-08-01* bignum.c (power_cache_get_power): Hide cached Bignum objects.akr
2013-08-01* bignum.c (rb_big2str1): Remove non-trim mode.akr
2013-08-01* remove trailing spaces.nobu
2013-08-01* bignum.c (big2str_alloc): New function to allocate the result string. akr
2013-07-31* bignum.c (big2str_orig): Use temporary buffer when trim mode.akr
2013-07-31* bignum.c (big2str_orig): Simplified because RBIGNUM_LEN(x) <= 2 now.akr
2013-07-31options.rb: include root for out-place buildnobu
2013-07-31test_rdoc_markup_pre_process.rb: input tempfilenobu
2013-07-31* bignum.c (big2str_karatsuba): Fix a condition of power_level.akr
2013-07-31Fix a typo.knu
2013-07-31* bignum.c (LOG2_KARATSUBA_BIG2STR_DIGITS): Removed.akr
2013-07-31* bignum.c (big2str_find_n1): Change the return type to size_t.akr
2013-07-31* bignum.c (power_cache_get_power): Change numdigits_ret to size_t *.akr