path: root/ChangeLog
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2015-02-11digest: CommonDigestnobu
2015-02-11digest: define Finish func from Final funcnobu
2015-02-11digest: common configurationsnobu
2015-02-11generator.c: fix infinite recursionnobu
2015-02-10* test/win32ole/test_word.rb: use skip method to skip test.suke
2015-02-10fix a typo [ci skip]kazu
2015-02-10* vm_insnhelper.c (vm_call_method): stop method search when a methodshugo
2015-02-10* lib/net/ftp.rb (chdir, delete, gettextfile, mdtm, mkdir, nlst,shugo
2015-02-09make-snapshot: no loading unexpected librariesnobu
2015-02-08* lib/net/http/header.rb: pass header names as symbols.hsbt
2015-02-08getaddrinfo.c: GHOST vulnerability checknobu
2015-02-08registry.rb: wide versionsnobu
2015-02-07* test/win32ole/test_win32ole_record.rb: remove test using .NETsuke
2015-02-07dir.c: long path name on Windowsnobu
2015-02-07* test/win32ole/test_win32ole_record.rbsuke
2015-02-06* ext/psych/lib/psych/visitors/yaml_tree.rb: register nodes whentenderlove
2015-02-06* ext/psych/lib/psych/visitors/to_ruby.rb: fix support for regulartenderlove
2015-02-06vm_core.h: fix symbols leaknobu
2015-02-05* lib/rubygems: Update to RubyGems HEAD(5c3b6f3).hsbt
2015-02-05convert method name to a Symbolnobu
2015-02-05vm_insnhelper.c: fix missing reasonnobu
2015-02-05* class.c (rb_obj_singleton_methods): should use RTEST() to convertshugo
2015-02-04* vm_insnhelper.c: Fix symbol leak with +send+ and method_missing [#10828]marcandre
2015-02-04* ext/win32ole/win32ole.c (Init_win32ole): should not use atexit tosuke
2015-02-04* class.c (method_entry_i, class_instance_method_list,shugo
2015-02-04bigdecimal.c: fix a typonobu
2015-02-04_sdbm.c: ruby/ruby.h for PRIdPTRDIFFnobu do not rebuild unnecessarilynobu
2015-02-03fix a typo [ci skip]kazu
2015-02-03* (ruby-glommed.o): dependency on $(OBJ) should be writtenngoto
2015-02-03fix a typo [ci skip]kazu
2015-02-03mkmf.rb: avoid interferencenobu
2015-02-03* remove trailing spaces.svn
2015-02-03* vm_method.c (remove_method): When remove refinedshugo
2015-02-03dir.c: glob legacy short namenobu
2015-02-03mkmf.rb: set cxxflagsnobu
2015-02-02gc.c: ensure GC state is consistent during VM shutdowntmm1
2015-02-02security.rdoc: update about Symbol GC [ci skip]nobu
2015-02-01rbinstall.rb: no batch installationnobu
2015-01-31fix a typo [ci skip]kazu
2015-01-31thread_pthread.c: Fix intermittent SIGBUS on Linuxnobu
2015-01-30math.c: optimization for Bignumnobu
2015-01-29* ext/bigdecimal/bigdecimal.c (rb_rational_num): add fallback functionmrkn
2015-01-29* tool/make-snapshot: removed md5 digest with package infomationhsbt
2015-01-29math.c: Get_Doublenobu
2015-01-28* ext/psych/lib/psych/visitors/to_ruby.rb: fix parsing hashes withtenderlove
2015-01-28thread.c: micro-optimize thread create/joinnormal
2015-01-28* thread.c: Improve documentation for Thread#valuehsbt
2015-01-27* tool/redmine-backporter.rb: added `!` command.usa
2015-01-27* tool/redmine-backporter.rb: added history feature for platforms whichusa