AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2020-07-16skip inlining cexpr! that are not attr! inline卜部昌平
2020-07-16* 2020-07-16 [ci skip]git
2020-07-16Remove fiber HTTP test.Samuel Williams
2020-07-15Check warning flags only if available to run with old versionsNobuyoshi Nakada
2020-07-15Fixed infinite loop at error in printing cause [Bug #17033]Nobuyoshi Nakada
2020-07-15Close sockets if blocking to fix leaked fdsNobuyoshi Nakada
2020-07-15Import remaining changesDavid Rodríguez
2020-07-15[rubygems/rubygems] Unswallow `Gem::Package::FormatError`David Rodríguez
2020-07-15[rubygems/rubygems] July man pagesDavid Rodríguez
2020-07-15[rubygems/rubygems] Tag the specs with :readlineUtkarsh Gupta
2020-07-15[rubygems/rubygems] Add tests with different flag combinationsUtkarsh Gupta
2020-07-15[rubygems/rubygems] Allow setting a tag prefix to be used by gem release tasksDavid Rodríguez
2020-07-15[rubygems/rubygems] Fix line spacing to make Layout/EmptyLines happyUtkarsh Gupta
2020-07-15[rubygems/rubygems] Add blank lines to make Bundler/OrderedGems happyUtkarsh Gupta
2020-07-15[rubygems/rubygems] Fix Rakefile to make Style/SymbolArray happyUtkarsh Gupta
2020-07-15[rubygems/rubygems] Fix remaining RuboCop issuesUtkarsh Gupta
2020-07-15[rubygems/rubygems] Avoid calling LoadError#message because of its slownessJean Boussier
2020-07-15[rubygems/rubygems] Remove unneeded trailing conditions on exitstatusDavid Rodríguez
2020-07-15[rubygems/rubygems] Easier way to find path to ruby binaryDavid Rodríguez
2020-07-15[rubygems/rubygems] Remove unnecessary assertions on exitstatusDavid Rodríguez
2020-07-15[rubygems/rubygems] Constrain (shipped) RuboCop's versionUtkarsh Gupta
2020-07-15[rubygems/rubygems] No need to update remotesDavid Rodríguez
2020-07-15[rubygems/rubygems] Git clone already takes care of thisDavid Rodríguez
2020-07-15[rubygems/rubygems] Clone rubygems from the local repoDavid Rodríguez
2020-07-15[rubygems/rubygems] Skip this spec on ruby_core workflowUtkarsh Gupta
2020-07-15[rubygems/rubygems] Use latest version of rubocop for RUBY_VERSION > 2.4Utkarsh Gupta
2020-07-15[rubygems/rubygems] Use `--config .rubocop.yml` insteadUtkarsh Gupta
2020-07-15[rubygems/rubygems] Lock rubocop version to 0.80.1Utkarsh Gupta
2020-07-15[rubygems/rubygems] Fix linting and make Style/RedundantInterpolation happyUtkarsh Gupta
2020-07-15[rubygems/rubygems] Fix test to run rubocop on the generated gemUtkarsh Gupta
2020-07-15[rubygems/rubygems] Make Style/HashSyntax cop happyUtkarsh Gupta
2020-07-15[rubygems/rubygems] WIP: add test to run rubocop on the generated gemUtkarsh Gupta
2020-07-15[rubygems/rubygems] Roll back to Dir.chdir blockUtkarsh Gupta
2020-07-15[rubygems/rubygems] Fix tests pertaining to newgemUtkarsh Gupta
2020-07-15[rubygems/rubygems] Fix RuboCop offensesUtkarsh Gupta
2020-07-15[rubygems/rubygems] Show also output from all commands on rubygems checkout e...David Rodríguez
2020-07-15[rubygems/rubygems] Remove `--quiet` flag to `git checkout`David Rodríguez
2020-07-15[rubygems/rubygems] Bundler specs - Windows - remove skips, => File...MSP-Greg
2020-07-15[rubygems/rubygems] bundler/spec/commands/binstubs_spec.rb - remove global Wi...MSP-Greg
2020-07-15[rubygems/rubygems] bundler/lib/bundler/installer.rb - fix Windows 'executabl...MSP-Greg
2020-07-15Update actions/cache from v1 to v2Sora Morimoto
2020-07-15RBasci::flags (VALUE) doesn't match int.Koichi Sasada
2020-07-15* 2020-07-15 [ci skip]git
2020-07-15rubygems is needed to run solo-file testKoichi Sasada
2020-07-15rubygems is needed to run solo-file testKoichi Sasada
2020-07-14ON_DEBUG: delete unused macro卜部昌平
2020-07-14_mjit_compile_invokebuiltin: sp_inc can be negative卜部昌平
2020-07-13Fix Range#{max,minmax} for range with integer beginning and non-integer endJeremy Evans
2020-07-14* 2020-07-14 [ci skip]git
2020-07-13Remove --jit-min-calls for nowTakashi Kokubun