path: root/yjit/src/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'yjit/src/')
1 files changed, 200 insertions, 73 deletions
diff --git a/yjit/src/ b/yjit/src/
index 2082648c4a..7875276815 100644
--- a/yjit/src/
+++ b/yjit/src/
@@ -1,6 +1,15 @@
use crate::core::*;
use crate::cruby::*;
use crate::yjit::yjit_enabled_p;
+#[cfg(feature = "disasm")]
+use crate::asm::CodeBlock;
+#[cfg(feature = "disasm")]
+use crate::codegen::CodePtr;
+#[cfg(feature = "disasm")]
+use crate::options::DumpDisasm;
+#[cfg(feature = "disasm")]
+use std::fmt::Write;
/// Primitive called in yjit.rb
/// Produce a string representing the disassembly for an ISEQ
@@ -26,110 +35,226 @@ pub extern "C" fn rb_yjit_disasm_iseq(_ec: EcPtr, _ruby_self: VALUE, iseqw: VALU
// Get the iseq pointer from the wrapper
let iseq = unsafe { rb_iseqw_to_iseq(iseqw) };
- let out_string = disasm_iseq(iseq);
+ // This will truncate disassembly of methods with 10k+ bytecodes.
+ // That's a good thing - this prints to console.
+ let out_string = with_vm_lock(src_loc!(), || disasm_iseq_insn_range(iseq, 0, 9999));
return rust_str_to_ruby(&out_string);
+/// Only call while holding the VM lock.
#[cfg(feature = "disasm")]
-fn disasm_iseq(iseq: IseqPtr) -> String {
+pub fn disasm_iseq_insn_range(iseq: IseqPtr, start_idx: u16, end_idx: u16) -> String {
let mut out = String::from("");
// Get a list of block versions generated for this iseq
- let mut block_list = get_iseq_block_list(iseq);
+ let block_list = get_or_create_iseq_block_list(iseq);
+ let mut block_list: Vec<&Block> = block_list.into_iter().map(|blockref| {
+ // SAFETY: We have the VM lock here and all the blocks on iseqs are valid.
+ unsafe { blockref.as_ref() }
+ }).collect();
// Get a list of codeblocks relevant to this iseq
let global_cb = crate::codegen::CodegenGlobals::get_inline_cb();
// Sort the blocks by increasing start addresses
- block_list.sort_by(|a, b| {
- use std::cmp::Ordering;
- // Get the start addresses for each block
- let addr_a = a.borrow().get_start_addr().unwrap().raw_ptr();
- let addr_b = b.borrow().get_start_addr().unwrap().raw_ptr();
- if addr_a < addr_b {
- Ordering::Less
- } else if addr_a == addr_b {
- Ordering::Equal
- } else {
- Ordering::Greater
- }
- });
+ block_list.sort_by_key(|block| block.get_start_addr().as_offset());
// Compute total code size in bytes for all blocks in the function
let mut total_code_size = 0;
for blockref in &block_list {
- total_code_size += blockref.borrow().code_size();
+ total_code_size += blockref.code_size();
+ }
+ writeln!(out, "NUM BLOCK VERSIONS: {}", block_list.len()).unwrap();
+ writeln!(out, "TOTAL INLINE CODE SIZE: {} bytes", total_code_size).unwrap();
+ // For each block, sorted by increasing start address
+ for (block_idx, block) in block_list.iter().enumerate() {
+ let blockid = block.get_blockid();
+ if blockid.idx >= start_idx && blockid.idx < end_idx {
+ let end_idx = block.get_end_idx();
+ let start_addr = block.get_start_addr();
+ let end_addr = block.get_end_addr();
+ let code_size = block.code_size();
+ // Write some info about the current block
+ let blockid_idx = blockid.idx;
+ let block_ident = format!(
+ "BLOCK {}/{}, ISEQ RANGE [{},{}), {} bytes ",
+ block_idx + 1,
+ block_list.len(),
+ blockid_idx,
+ end_idx,
+ code_size
+ );
+ writeln!(out, "== {:=<60}", block_ident).unwrap();
+ // Disassemble the instructions
+ for (start_addr, end_addr) in global_cb.writable_addrs(start_addr, end_addr) {
+ out.push_str(&disasm_addr_range(global_cb, start_addr, end_addr));
+ writeln!(out).unwrap();
+ }
+ // If this is not the last block
+ if block_idx < block_list.len() - 1 {
+ // Compute the size of the gap between this block and the next
+ let next_block = block_list[block_idx + 1];
+ let next_start_addr = next_block.get_start_addr();
+ let gap_size = next_start_addr.as_offset() - end_addr.as_offset();
+ // Log the size of the gap between the blocks if nonzero
+ if gap_size > 0 {
+ writeln!(out, "... {} byte gap ...", gap_size).unwrap();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return out;
+#[cfg(feature = "disasm")]
+pub fn dump_disasm_addr_range(cb: &CodeBlock, start_addr: CodePtr, end_addr: CodePtr, dump_disasm: &DumpDisasm) {
+ use std::fs::File;
+ use std::io::Write;
+ for (start_addr, end_addr) in cb.writable_addrs(start_addr, end_addr) {
+ let disasm = disasm_addr_range(cb, start_addr, end_addr);
+ if disasm.len() > 0 {
+ match dump_disasm {
+ DumpDisasm::Stdout => println!("{disasm}"),
+ DumpDisasm::File(path) => {
+ let mut f = File::options().create(true).append(true).open(path).unwrap();
+ f.write_all(disasm.as_bytes()).unwrap();
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ }
+#[cfg(feature = "disasm")]
+pub fn disasm_addr_range(cb: &CodeBlock, start_addr: usize, end_addr: usize) -> String {
+ let mut out = String::from("");
// Initialize capstone
use capstone::prelude::*;
- let cs = Capstone::new()
+ #[cfg(target_arch = "x86_64")]
+ let mut cs = Capstone::new()
- out.push_str(&format!("NUM BLOCK VERSIONS: {}\n", block_list.len()));
- out.push_str(&format!(
- "TOTAL INLINE CODE SIZE: {} bytes\n",
- total_code_size
- ));
- // For each block, sorted by increasing start address
- for block_idx in 0..block_list.len() {
- let block = block_list[block_idx].borrow();
- let blockid = block.get_blockid();
- let end_idx = block.get_end_idx();
- let start_addr = block.get_start_addr().unwrap().raw_ptr();
- let end_addr = block.get_end_addr().unwrap().raw_ptr();
- let code_size = block.code_size();
- // Write some info about the current block
- let block_ident = format!(
- "BLOCK {}/{}, ISEQ RANGE [{},{}), {} bytes ",
- block_idx + 1,
- block_list.len(),
- blockid.idx,
- end_idx,
- code_size
- );
- out.push_str(&format!("== {:=<60}\n", block_ident));
- // Disassemble the instructions
- let code_slice = unsafe { std::slice::from_raw_parts(start_addr, code_size) };
- let insns = cs.disasm_all(code_slice, start_addr as u64).unwrap();
- // For each instruction in this block
- for insn in insns.as_ref() {
- // Comments for this block
- if let Some(comment_list) = global_cb.comments_at(insn.address() as usize) {
- for comment in comment_list {
- out.push_str(&format!(" \x1b[1m# {}\x1b[0m\n", comment));
+ #[cfg(target_arch = "aarch64")]
+ let mut cs = Capstone::new()
+ .arm64()
+ .mode(arch::arm64::ArchMode::Arm)
+ .detail(true)
+ .build()
+ .unwrap();
+ cs.set_skipdata(true).unwrap();
+ // Disassemble the instructions
+ let code_size = end_addr - start_addr;
+ let code_slice = unsafe { std::slice::from_raw_parts(start_addr as _, code_size) };
+ // Stabilize output for cargo test
+ #[cfg(test)]
+ let start_addr = 0;
+ let insns = cs.disasm_all(code_slice, start_addr as u64).unwrap();
+ // For each instruction in this block
+ for insn in insns.as_ref() {
+ // Comments for this block
+ if let Some(comment_list) = cb.comments_at(insn.address() as usize) {
+ for comment in comment_list {
+ if cb.outlined {
+ write!(&mut out, "\x1b[34m").unwrap(); // Make outlined code blue
+ writeln!(&mut out, " \x1b[1m# {comment}\x1b[22m").unwrap(); // Make comments bold
- out.push_str(&format!(" {}\n", insn));
+ if cb.outlined {
+ write!(&mut out, "\x1b[34m").unwrap(); // Make outlined code blue
+ }
+ writeln!(&mut out, " {insn}").unwrap();
+ if cb.outlined {
+ write!(&mut out, "\x1b[0m").unwrap(); // Disable blue
+ }
+ }
- // If this is not the last block
- if block_idx < block_list.len() - 1 {
- // Compute the size of the gap between this block and the next
- let next_block = block_list[block_idx + 1].borrow();
- let next_start_addr = next_block.get_start_addr().unwrap().raw_ptr();
- let gap_size = (next_start_addr as usize) - (end_addr as usize);
+ return out;
- // Log the size of the gap between the blocks if nonzero
- if gap_size > 0 {
- out.push_str(&format!("... {} byte gap ...\n", gap_size));
+/// Assert that CodeBlock has the code specified with hex. In addition, if tested with
+/// `cargo test --all-features`, it also checks it generates the specified disasm.
+macro_rules! assert_disasm {
+ ($cb:expr, $hex:expr, $disasm:expr) => {
+ #[cfg(feature = "disasm")]
+ {
+ let disasm = disasm_addr_range(
+ &$cb,
+ $cb.get_ptr(0).raw_addr(&$cb),
+ $cb.get_write_ptr().raw_addr(&$cb),
+ );
+ assert_eq!(unindent(&disasm, false), unindent(&$disasm, true));
+ }
+ assert_eq!(format!("{:x}", $cb), $hex);
+ };
+pub(crate) use assert_disasm;
+/// Remove the minimum indent from every line, skipping the first line if `skip_first`.
+#[cfg(all(feature = "disasm", test))]
+pub fn unindent(string: &str, trim_lines: bool) -> String {
+ fn split_lines(string: &str) -> Vec<String> {
+ let mut result: Vec<String> = vec![];
+ let mut buf: Vec<u8> = vec![];
+ for byte in string.as_bytes().iter() {
+ buf.push(*byte);
+ if *byte == b'\n' {
+ result.push(String::from_utf8(buf).unwrap());
+ buf = vec![];
+ if !buf.is_empty() {
+ result.push(String::from_utf8(buf).unwrap());
+ }
+ result
- return out;
+ // Break up a string into multiple lines
+ let mut lines = split_lines(string);
+ if trim_lines { // raw string literals come with extra lines
+ lines.remove(0);
+ lines.remove(lines.len() - 1);
+ }
+ // Count the minimum number of spaces
+ let spaces = lines.iter().filter_map(|line| {
+ for (i, ch) in line.as_bytes().iter().enumerate() {
+ if *ch != b' ' {
+ return Some(i);
+ }
+ }
+ None
+ }).min().unwrap_or(0);
+ // Join lines, removing spaces
+ let mut unindented: Vec<u8> = vec![];
+ for line in lines.iter() {
+ if line.len() > spaces {
+ unindented.extend_from_slice(&line.as_bytes()[spaces..]);
+ } else {
+ unindented.extend_from_slice(&line.as_bytes());
+ }
+ }
+ String::from_utf8(unindented).unwrap()
/// Primitive called in yjit.rb
@@ -176,24 +301,26 @@ pub extern "C" fn rb_yjit_insns_compiled(_ec: EcPtr, _ruby_self: VALUE, iseqw: V
-fn insns_compiled(iseq: IseqPtr) -> Vec<(String, u32)> {
+fn insns_compiled(iseq: IseqPtr) -> Vec<(String, u16)> {
let mut insn_vec = Vec::new();
// Get a list of block versions generated for this iseq
- let block_list = get_iseq_block_list(iseq);
+ let block_list = get_or_create_iseq_block_list(iseq);
// For each block associated with this iseq
for blockref in &block_list {
- let block = blockref.borrow();
+ // SAFETY: Called as part of a Ruby method, which ensures the graph is
+ // well connected for the given iseq.
+ let block = unsafe { blockref.as_ref() };
let start_idx = block.get_blockid().idx;
let end_idx = block.get_end_idx();
- assert!(end_idx <= unsafe { get_iseq_encoded_size(iseq) });
+ assert!(u32::from(end_idx) <= unsafe { get_iseq_encoded_size(iseq) });
// For each YARV instruction in the block
let mut insn_idx = start_idx;
while insn_idx < end_idx {
// Get the current pc and opcode
- let pc = unsafe { rb_iseq_pc_at_idx(iseq, insn_idx) };
+ let pc = unsafe { rb_iseq_pc_at_idx(iseq, insn_idx.into()) };
// try_into() call below is unfortunate. Maybe pick i32 instead of usize for opcodes.
let opcode: usize = unsafe { rb_iseq_opcode_at_pc(iseq, pc) }
@@ -206,7 +333,7 @@ fn insns_compiled(iseq: IseqPtr) -> Vec<(String, u32)> {
insn_vec.push((op_name, insn_idx));
// Move to the next instruction
- insn_idx += insn_len(opcode);
+ insn_idx += insn_len(opcode) as u16;