path: root/yjit/src/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'yjit/src/')
1 files changed, 3745 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/yjit/src/ b/yjit/src/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4152eab02c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/yjit/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,3745 @@
+//! Code versioning, retained live control flow graph mutations, type tracking, etc.
+// So we can comment on individual uses of `unsafe` in `unsafe` functions
+use crate::asm::*;
+use crate::backend::ir::*;
+use crate::codegen::*;
+use crate::virtualmem::CodePtr;
+use crate::cruby::*;
+use crate::options::*;
+use crate::stats::*;
+use crate::utils::*;
+use crate::disasm::*;
+use core::ffi::c_void;
+use std::cell::*;
+use std::collections::HashSet;
+use std::fmt;
+use std::mem;
+use std::mem::transmute;
+use std::ops::Range;
+use std::rc::Rc;
+use mem::MaybeUninit;
+use std::ptr;
+use ptr::NonNull;
+use YARVOpnd::*;
+use TempMappingKind::*;
+use crate::invariants::*;
+// Maximum number of temp value types we keep track of
+pub const MAX_TEMP_TYPES: usize = 8;
+// Maximum number of local variable types we keep track of
+const MAX_LOCAL_TYPES: usize = 8;
+/// An index into `ISEQ_BODY(iseq)->iseq_encoded`. Points
+/// to a YARV instruction or an instruction operand.
+pub type IseqIdx = u16;
+// Represent the type of a value (local/stack/self) in YJIT
+#[derive(Copy, Clone, Hash, PartialEq, Eq, Debug)]
+pub enum Type {
+ Unknown = 0,
+ UnknownImm,
+ UnknownHeap,
+ Nil,
+ True,
+ False,
+ Fixnum,
+ Flonum,
+ ImmSymbol,
+ TString, // An object with the T_STRING flag set, possibly an rb_cString
+ CString, // An un-subclassed string of type rb_cString (can have instance vars in some cases)
+ TArray, // An object with the T_ARRAY flag set, possibly an rb_cArray
+ CArray, // An un-subclassed array of type rb_cArray (can have instance vars in some cases)
+ THash, // An object with the T_HASH flag set, possibly an rb_cHash
+ CHash, // An un-subclassed hash of type rb_cHash (can have instance vars in some cases)
+ BlockParamProxy, // A special sentinel value indicating the block parameter should be read from
+ // the current surrounding cfp
+ // The context currently relies on types taking at most 4 bits (max value 15)
+ // to encode, so if we add any more, we will need to refactor the context.
+// Default initialization
+impl Default for Type {
+ fn default() -> Self {
+ Type::Unknown
+ }
+impl Type {
+ /// This returns an appropriate Type based on a known value
+ pub fn from(val: VALUE) -> Type {
+ if val.special_const_p() {
+ if val.fixnum_p() {
+ Type::Fixnum
+ } else if val.nil_p() {
+ Type::Nil
+ } else if val == Qtrue {
+ Type::True
+ } else if val == Qfalse {
+ Type::False
+ } else if val.static_sym_p() {
+ Type::ImmSymbol
+ } else if val.flonum_p() {
+ Type::Flonum
+ } else {
+ unreachable!("Illegal value: {:?}", val)
+ }
+ } else {
+ // can't reference rb_cString because it's linked by Rust-only tests.
+ // But CString vs TString is only an optimisation and shouldn't affect correctness.
+ #[cfg(not(test))]
+ match val.class_of() {
+ class if class == unsafe { rb_cArray } => return Type::CArray,
+ class if class == unsafe { rb_cHash } => return Type::CHash,
+ class if class == unsafe { rb_cString } => return Type::CString,
+ _ => {}
+ }
+ // We likewise can't reference rb_block_param_proxy, but it's again an optimisation;
+ // we can just treat it as a normal Object.
+ #[cfg(not(test))]
+ if val == unsafe { rb_block_param_proxy } {
+ return Type::BlockParamProxy;
+ }
+ match val.builtin_type() {
+ RUBY_T_ARRAY => Type::TArray,
+ RUBY_T_HASH => Type::THash,
+ RUBY_T_STRING => Type::TString,
+ _ => Type::UnknownHeap,
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /// Check if the type is an immediate
+ pub fn is_imm(&self) -> bool {
+ match self {
+ Type::UnknownImm => true,
+ Type::Nil => true,
+ Type::True => true,
+ Type::False => true,
+ Type::Fixnum => true,
+ Type::Flonum => true,
+ Type::ImmSymbol => true,
+ _ => false,
+ }
+ }
+ /// Returns true when the type is not specific.
+ pub fn is_unknown(&self) -> bool {
+ match self {
+ Type::Unknown | Type::UnknownImm | Type::UnknownHeap => true,
+ _ => false,
+ }
+ }
+ /// Returns true when we know the VALUE is a specific handle type,
+ /// such as a static symbol ([Type::ImmSymbol], i.e. true from RB_STATIC_SYM_P()).
+ /// Opposite of [Self::is_unknown].
+ pub fn is_specific(&self) -> bool {
+ !self.is_unknown()
+ }
+ /// Check if the type is a heap object
+ pub fn is_heap(&self) -> bool {
+ match self {
+ Type::UnknownHeap => true,
+ Type::TArray => true,
+ Type::CArray => true,
+ Type::THash => true,
+ Type::CHash => true,
+ Type::TString => true,
+ Type::CString => true,
+ Type::BlockParamProxy => true,
+ _ => false,
+ }
+ }
+ /// Check if it's a T_ARRAY object (both TArray and CArray are T_ARRAY)
+ pub fn is_array(&self) -> bool {
+ matches!(self, Type::TArray | Type::CArray)
+ }
+ /// Check if it's a T_HASH object (both THash and CHash are T_HASH)
+ pub fn is_hash(&self) -> bool {
+ matches!(self, Type::THash | Type::CHash)
+ }
+ /// Check if it's a T_STRING object (both TString and CString are T_STRING)
+ pub fn is_string(&self) -> bool {
+ matches!(self, Type::TString | Type::CString)
+ }
+ /// Returns an Option with the T_ value type if it is known, otherwise None
+ pub fn known_value_type(&self) -> Option<ruby_value_type> {
+ match self {
+ Type::Nil => Some(RUBY_T_NIL),
+ Type::True => Some(RUBY_T_TRUE),
+ Type::False => Some(RUBY_T_FALSE),
+ Type::Fixnum => Some(RUBY_T_FIXNUM),
+ Type::Flonum => Some(RUBY_T_FLOAT),
+ Type::TArray | Type::CArray => Some(RUBY_T_ARRAY),
+ Type::THash | Type::CHash => Some(RUBY_T_HASH),
+ Type::ImmSymbol => Some(RUBY_T_SYMBOL),
+ Type::TString | Type::CString => Some(RUBY_T_STRING),
+ Type::Unknown | Type::UnknownImm | Type::UnknownHeap => None,
+ Type::BlockParamProxy => None,
+ }
+ }
+ /// Returns an Option with the class if it is known, otherwise None
+ pub fn known_class(&self) -> Option<VALUE> {
+ unsafe {
+ match self {
+ Type::Nil => Some(rb_cNilClass),
+ Type::True => Some(rb_cTrueClass),
+ Type::False => Some(rb_cFalseClass),
+ Type::Fixnum => Some(rb_cInteger),
+ Type::Flonum => Some(rb_cFloat),
+ Type::ImmSymbol => Some(rb_cSymbol),
+ Type::CArray => Some(rb_cArray),
+ Type::CHash => Some(rb_cHash),
+ Type::CString => Some(rb_cString),
+ _ => None,
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /// Returns an Option with the exact value if it is known, otherwise None
+ #[allow(unused)] // not yet used
+ pub fn known_exact_value(&self) -> Option<VALUE> {
+ match self {
+ Type::Nil => Some(Qnil),
+ Type::True => Some(Qtrue),
+ Type::False => Some(Qfalse),
+ _ => None,
+ }
+ }
+ /// Returns an Option boolean representing whether the value is truthy if known, otherwise None
+ pub fn known_truthy(&self) -> Option<bool> {
+ match self {
+ Type::Nil => Some(false),
+ Type::False => Some(false),
+ Type::UnknownHeap => Some(true),
+ Type::Unknown | Type::UnknownImm => None,
+ _ => Some(true)
+ }
+ }
+ /// Returns an Option boolean representing whether the value is equal to nil if known, otherwise None
+ pub fn known_nil(&self) -> Option<bool> {
+ match (self, self.known_truthy()) {
+ (Type::Nil, _) => Some(true),
+ (Type::False, _) => Some(false), // Qfalse is not nil
+ (_, Some(true)) => Some(false), // if truthy, can't be nil
+ (_, _) => None // otherwise unknown
+ }
+ }
+ /// Compute a difference between two value types
+ pub fn diff(self, dst: Self) -> TypeDiff {
+ // Perfect match, difference is zero
+ if self == dst {
+ return TypeDiff::Compatible(0);
+ }
+ // Any type can flow into an unknown type
+ if dst == Type::Unknown {
+ return TypeDiff::Compatible(1);
+ }
+ // A CArray is also a TArray.
+ if self == Type::CArray && dst == Type::TArray {
+ return TypeDiff::Compatible(1);
+ }
+ // A CHash is also a THash.
+ if self == Type::CHash && dst == Type::THash {
+ return TypeDiff::Compatible(1);
+ }
+ // A CString is also a TString.
+ if self == Type::CString && dst == Type::TString {
+ return TypeDiff::Compatible(1);
+ }
+ // Specific heap type into unknown heap type is imperfect but valid
+ if self.is_heap() && dst == Type::UnknownHeap {
+ return TypeDiff::Compatible(1);
+ }
+ // Specific immediate type into unknown immediate type is imperfect but valid
+ if self.is_imm() && dst == Type::UnknownImm {
+ return TypeDiff::Compatible(1);
+ }
+ // Incompatible types
+ return TypeDiff::Incompatible;
+ }
+ /// Upgrade this type into a more specific compatible type
+ /// The new type must be compatible and at least as specific as the previously known type.
+ fn upgrade(&mut self, new_type: Self) {
+ // We can only upgrade to a type that is more specific
+ assert!(new_type.diff(*self) != TypeDiff::Incompatible);
+ *self = new_type;
+ }
+#[derive(Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
+pub enum TypeDiff {
+ // usize == 0: Same type
+ // usize >= 1: Different but compatible. The smaller, the more compatible.
+ Compatible(usize),
+ Incompatible,
+#[derive(Copy, Clone, Eq, Hash, PartialEq, Debug)]
+pub enum TempMappingKind
+ MapToStack = 0,
+ MapToSelf = 1,
+ MapToLocal = 2,
+// Potential mapping of a value on the temporary stack to
+// self, a local variable or constant so that we can track its type
+// The highest two bits represent TempMappingKind, and the rest of
+// the bits are used differently across different kinds.
+// * MapToStack: The lowest 5 bits are used for mapping Type.
+// * MapToSelf: The remaining bits are not used; the type is stored in self_type.
+// * MapToLocal: The lowest 3 bits store the index of a local variable.
+#[derive(Copy, Clone, Eq, Hash, PartialEq, Debug)]
+pub struct TempMapping(u8);
+impl TempMapping {
+ pub fn map_to_stack(t: Type) -> TempMapping
+ {
+ let kind_bits = TempMappingKind::MapToStack as u8;
+ let type_bits = t as u8;
+ assert!(type_bits <= 0b11111);
+ let bits = (kind_bits << 6) | (type_bits & 0b11111);
+ TempMapping(bits)
+ }
+ pub fn map_to_self() -> TempMapping
+ {
+ let kind_bits = TempMappingKind::MapToSelf as u8;
+ let bits = kind_bits << 6;
+ TempMapping(bits)
+ }
+ pub fn map_to_local(local_idx: u8) -> TempMapping
+ {
+ let kind_bits = TempMappingKind::MapToLocal as u8;
+ assert!(local_idx <= 0b111);
+ let bits = (kind_bits << 6) | (local_idx & 0b111);
+ TempMapping(bits)
+ }
+ pub fn without_type(&self) -> TempMapping
+ {
+ if self.get_kind() != TempMappingKind::MapToStack {
+ return *self;
+ }
+ TempMapping::map_to_stack(Type::Unknown)
+ }
+ pub fn get_kind(&self) -> TempMappingKind
+ {
+ // Take the two highest bits
+ let TempMapping(bits) = self;
+ let kind_bits = bits >> 6;
+ assert!(kind_bits <= 2);
+ unsafe { transmute::<u8, TempMappingKind>(kind_bits) }
+ }
+ pub fn get_type(&self) -> Type
+ {
+ assert!(self.get_kind() == TempMappingKind::MapToStack);
+ // Take the 5 lowest bits
+ let TempMapping(bits) = self;
+ let type_bits = bits & 0b11111;
+ unsafe { transmute::<u8, Type>(type_bits) }
+ }
+ pub fn get_local_idx(&self) -> u8
+ {
+ assert!(self.get_kind() == TempMappingKind::MapToLocal);
+ // Take the 3 lowest bits
+ let TempMapping(bits) = self;
+ bits & 0b111
+ }
+impl Default for TempMapping {
+ fn default() -> Self {
+ TempMapping::map_to_stack(Type::Unknown)
+ }
+// Operand to a YARV bytecode instruction
+#[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Debug)]
+pub enum YARVOpnd {
+ // The value is self
+ SelfOpnd,
+ // Temporary stack operand with stack index
+ StackOpnd(u8),
+impl From<Opnd> for YARVOpnd {
+ fn from(value: Opnd) -> Self {
+ match value {
+ Opnd::Stack { idx, .. } => StackOpnd(idx.try_into().unwrap()),
+ _ => unreachable!("{:?} cannot be converted to YARVOpnd", value)
+ }
+ }
+/// Maximum index of stack temps that could be in a register
+pub const MAX_REG_TEMPS: u8 = 8;
+/// Bitmap of which stack temps are in a register
+#[derive(Copy, Clone, Default, Eq, Hash, PartialEq, Debug)]
+pub struct RegTemps(u8);
+impl RegTemps {
+ pub fn get(&self, index: u8) -> bool {
+ assert!(index < MAX_REG_TEMPS);
+ (self.0 >> index) & 1 == 1
+ }
+ pub fn set(&mut self, index: u8, value: bool) {
+ assert!(index < MAX_REG_TEMPS);
+ if value {
+ self.0 = self.0 | (1 << index);
+ } else {
+ self.0 = self.0 & !(1 << index);
+ }
+ }
+ pub fn as_u8(&self) -> u8 {
+ self.0
+ }
+ /// Return true if there's a register that conflicts with a given stack_idx.
+ pub fn conflicts_with(&self, stack_idx: u8) -> bool {
+ let mut other_idx = stack_idx as usize % get_option!(num_temp_regs);
+ while other_idx < MAX_REG_TEMPS as usize {
+ if stack_idx as usize != other_idx && self.get(other_idx as u8) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ other_idx += get_option!(num_temp_regs);
+ }
+ false
+ }
+/// Bits for chain_depth_return_landing_defer
+const RETURN_LANDING_BIT: u8 = 0b10000000;
+const DEFER_BIT: u8 = 0b01000000;
+const CHAIN_DEPTH_MASK: u8 = 0b00111111; // 63
+/// Code generation context
+/// Contains information we can use to specialize/optimize code
+/// There are a lot of context objects so we try to keep the size small.
+#[derive(Copy, Clone, Default, Eq, Hash, PartialEq, Debug)]
+pub struct Context {
+ // Number of values currently on the temporary stack
+ stack_size: u8,
+ // Offset of the JIT SP relative to the interpreter SP
+ // This represents how far the JIT's SP is from the "real" SP
+ sp_offset: i8,
+ /// Bitmap of which stack temps are in a register
+ reg_temps: RegTemps,
+ /// Fields packed into u8
+ /// - 1st bit from the left: Whether this code is the target of a JIT-to-JIT Ruby return ([Self::is_return_landing])
+ /// - 2nd bit from the left: Whether the compilation of this code has been deferred ([Self::is_deferred])
+ /// - Last 6 bits (max: 63): Depth of this block in the sidechain (eg: inline-cache chain)
+ chain_depth_and_flags: u8,
+ // Type we track for self
+ self_type: Type,
+ // Local variable types we keep track of
+ // We store 8 local types, requiring 4 bits each, for a total of 32 bits
+ local_types: u32,
+ // Temp mapping kinds we track
+ // 8 temp mappings * 2 bits, total 16 bits
+ temp_mapping_kind: u16,
+ // Stack slot type/local_idx we track
+ // 8 temp types * 4 bits, total 32 bits
+ temp_payload: u32,
+ /// A pointer to a block ISEQ supplied by the caller. 0 if not inlined.
+ /// Not using IseqPtr to satisfy Default trait, and not using Option for #[repr(packed)]
+ /// TODO: This could be u16 if we have a global or per-ISEQ HashMap to convert IseqPtr
+ /// to serial indexes. We're thinking of overhauling Context structure in Ruby 3.4 which
+ /// could allow this to consume no bytes, so we're leaving this as is.
+ inline_block: u64,
+/// Tuple of (iseq, idx) used to identify basic blocks
+/// There are a lot of blockid objects so we try to keep the size small.
+#[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Debug)]
+pub struct BlockId {
+ /// Instruction sequence
+ pub iseq: IseqPtr,
+ /// Index in the iseq where the block starts
+ pub idx: u16,
+/// Branch code shape enumeration
+#[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Debug)]
+pub enum BranchShape {
+ Next0, // Target 0 is next
+ Next1, // Target 1 is next
+ Default, // Neither target is next
+#[derive(Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
+pub enum BranchGenFn {
+ BranchIf(Cell<BranchShape>),
+ BranchNil(Cell<BranchShape>),
+ BranchUnless(Cell<BranchShape>),
+ JumpToTarget0(Cell<BranchShape>),
+ JNZToTarget0,
+ JZToTarget0,
+ JBEToTarget0,
+ JBToTarget0,
+ JOMulToTarget0,
+ JITReturn,
+impl BranchGenFn {
+ pub fn call(&self, asm: &mut Assembler, target0: Target, target1: Option<Target>) {
+ match self {
+ BranchGenFn::BranchIf(shape) => {
+ match shape.get() {
+ BranchShape::Next0 => asm.jz(target1.unwrap()),
+ BranchShape::Next1 => asm.jnz(target0),
+ BranchShape::Default => {
+ asm.jnz(target0);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ BranchGenFn::BranchNil(shape) => {
+ match shape.get() {
+ BranchShape::Next0 => asm.jne(target1.unwrap()),
+ BranchShape::Next1 =>,
+ BranchShape::Default => {
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ BranchGenFn::BranchUnless(shape) => {
+ match shape.get() {
+ BranchShape::Next0 => asm.jnz(target1.unwrap()),
+ BranchShape::Next1 => asm.jz(target0),
+ BranchShape::Default => {
+ asm.jz(target0);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ BranchGenFn::JumpToTarget0(shape) => {
+ if shape.get() == BranchShape::Next1 {
+ panic!("Branch shape Next1 not allowed in JumpToTarget0!");
+ }
+ if shape.get() == BranchShape::Default {
+ }
+ }
+ BranchGenFn::JNZToTarget0 => {
+ asm.jnz(target0)
+ }
+ BranchGenFn::JZToTarget0 => {
+ asm.jz(target0)
+ }
+ BranchGenFn::JBEToTarget0 => {
+ asm.jbe(target0)
+ }
+ BranchGenFn::JBToTarget0 => {
+ asm.jb(target0)
+ }
+ BranchGenFn::JOMulToTarget0 => {
+ asm.jo_mul(target0)
+ }
+ BranchGenFn::JITReturn => {
+ asm_comment!(asm, "update cfp->jit_return");
+ let raw_ptr = asm.lea_jump_target(target0);
+, CFP, jit_return), raw_ptr);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ pub fn get_shape(&self) -> BranchShape {
+ match self {
+ BranchGenFn::BranchIf(shape) |
+ BranchGenFn::BranchNil(shape) |
+ BranchGenFn::BranchUnless(shape) |
+ BranchGenFn::JumpToTarget0(shape) => shape.get(),
+ BranchGenFn::JNZToTarget0 |
+ BranchGenFn::JZToTarget0 |
+ BranchGenFn::JBEToTarget0 |
+ BranchGenFn::JBToTarget0 |
+ BranchGenFn::JOMulToTarget0 |
+ BranchGenFn::JITReturn => BranchShape::Default,
+ }
+ }
+ pub fn set_shape(&self, new_shape: BranchShape) {
+ match self {
+ BranchGenFn::BranchIf(shape) |
+ BranchGenFn::BranchNil(shape) |
+ BranchGenFn::BranchUnless(shape) => {
+ shape.set(new_shape);
+ }
+ BranchGenFn::JumpToTarget0(shape) => {
+ if new_shape == BranchShape::Next1 {
+ panic!("Branch shape Next1 not allowed in JumpToTarget0!");
+ }
+ shape.set(new_shape);
+ }
+ BranchGenFn::JNZToTarget0 |
+ BranchGenFn::JZToTarget0 |
+ BranchGenFn::JBEToTarget0 |
+ BranchGenFn::JBToTarget0 |
+ BranchGenFn::JOMulToTarget0 |
+ BranchGenFn::JITReturn => {
+ assert_eq!(new_shape, BranchShape::Default);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+/// A place that a branch could jump to
+#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
+enum BranchTarget {
+ Stub(Box<BranchStub>), // Not compiled yet
+ Block(BlockRef), // Already compiled
+impl BranchTarget {
+ fn get_address(&self) -> Option<CodePtr> {
+ match self {
+ BranchTarget::Stub(stub) => stub.address,
+ BranchTarget::Block(blockref) => Some(unsafe { blockref.as_ref() }.start_addr),
+ }
+ }
+ fn get_blockid(&self) -> BlockId {
+ match self {
+ BranchTarget::Stub(stub) => BlockId { iseq: stub.iseq.get(), idx: stub.iseq_idx },
+ BranchTarget::Block(blockref) => unsafe { blockref.as_ref() }.get_blockid(),
+ }
+ }
+ fn get_ctx(&self) -> Context {
+ match self {
+ BranchTarget::Stub(stub) => stub.ctx,
+ BranchTarget::Block(blockref) => unsafe { blockref.as_ref() }.ctx,
+ }
+ }
+ fn get_block(&self) -> Option<BlockRef> {
+ match self {
+ BranchTarget::Stub(_) => None,
+ BranchTarget::Block(blockref) => Some(*blockref),
+ }
+ }
+ fn set_iseq(&self, iseq: IseqPtr) {
+ match self {
+ BranchTarget::Stub(stub) => stub.iseq.set(iseq),
+ BranchTarget::Block(blockref) => unsafe { blockref.as_ref() }.iseq.set(iseq),
+ }
+ }
+#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
+struct BranchStub {
+ address: Option<CodePtr>,
+ iseq: Cell<IseqPtr>,
+ iseq_idx: IseqIdx,
+ ctx: Context,
+/// Store info about an outgoing branch in a code segment
+/// Note: care must be taken to minimize the size of branch objects
+pub struct Branch {
+ // Block this is attached to
+ block: BlockRef,
+ // Positions where the generated code starts and ends
+ start_addr: CodePtr,
+ end_addr: Cell<CodePtr>, // exclusive
+ // Branch target blocks and their contexts
+ targets: [Cell<Option<Box<BranchTarget>>>; 2],
+ // Branch code generation function
+ gen_fn: BranchGenFn,
+/// A [Branch] for a [Block] that is under construction.
+/// Fields correspond, but may be `None` during construction.
+pub struct PendingBranch {
+ /// Allocation holder for the address of the constructed branch
+ /// in error paths Box deallocates it.
+ uninit_branch: Box<MaybeUninit<Branch>>,
+ /// Branch code generation function
+ gen_fn: BranchGenFn,
+ /// Positions where the generated code starts and ends
+ start_addr: Cell<Option<CodePtr>>,
+ end_addr: Cell<Option<CodePtr>>, // exclusive
+ /// Branch target blocks and their contexts
+ targets: [Cell<Option<Box<BranchTarget>>>; 2],
+impl Branch {
+ // Compute the size of the branch code
+ fn code_size(&self) -> usize {
+ (self.end_addr.get().as_offset() - self.start_addr.as_offset()) as usize
+ }
+ /// Get the address of one of the branch destination
+ fn get_target_address(&self, target_idx: usize) -> Option<CodePtr> {
+ unsafe {
+ self.targets[target_idx]
+ .ref_unchecked()
+ .as_ref()
+ .and_then(|target| target.get_address())
+ }
+ }
+ fn get_stub_count(&self) -> usize {
+ let mut count = 0;
+ for target in self.targets.iter() {
+ if unsafe {
+ // SAFETY: no mutation
+ matches!(
+ target.ref_unchecked().as_ref().map(Box::as_ref),
+ Some(BranchTarget::Stub(_))
+ )
+ } {
+ count += 1;
+ }
+ }
+ count
+ }
+ fn assert_layout(&self) {
+ let shape = self.gen_fn.get_shape();
+ assert!(
+ !(shape == BranchShape::Default && 0 == self.code_size()),
+ "zero-size branches are incorrect when code for neither targets are adjacent"
+ // One needs to issue some instruction to steer to the branch target
+ // when falling through isn't an option.
+ );
+ }
+impl std::fmt::Debug for Branch {
+ // Can't derive this because `targets: !Copy` due to Cell.
+ fn fmt(&self, formatter: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
+ let targets = unsafe {
+ // SAFETY:
+ // While the references are live for the result of this function,
+ // no mutation happens because we are only calling derived fmt::Debug functions.
+ [self.targets[0].as_ptr().as_ref().unwrap(), self.targets[1].as_ptr().as_ref().unwrap()]
+ };
+ formatter
+ .debug_struct("Branch")
+ .field("block", &self.block)
+ .field("start", &self.start_addr)
+ .field("end", &self.end_addr)
+ .field("targets", &targets)
+ .field("gen_fn", &self.gen_fn)
+ .finish()
+ }
+impl PendingBranch {
+ /// Set up a branch target at `target_idx`. Find an existing block to branch to
+ /// or generate a stub for one.
+ fn set_target(
+ &self,
+ target_idx: u32,
+ target: BlockId,
+ ctx: &Context,
+ ocb: &mut OutlinedCb,
+ ) -> Option<CodePtr> {
+ // If the block already exists
+ if let Some(blockref) = find_block_version(target, ctx) {
+ let block = unsafe { blockref.as_ref() };
+ // Fill out the target with this block
+ self.targets[target_idx.as_usize()]
+ .set(Some(Box::new(BranchTarget::Block(blockref))));
+ return Some(block.start_addr);
+ }
+ // The branch struct is uninitialized right now but as a stable address.
+ // We make sure the stub runs after the branch is initialized.
+ let branch_struct_addr = self.uninit_branch.as_ptr() as usize;
+ let stub_addr = gen_branch_stub(ctx, ocb, branch_struct_addr, target_idx);
+ if let Some(stub_addr) = stub_addr {
+ // Fill the branch target with a stub
+ self.targets[target_idx.as_usize()].set(Some(Box::new(BranchTarget::Stub(Box::new(BranchStub {
+ address: Some(stub_addr),
+ iseq: Cell::new(target.iseq),
+ iseq_idx: target.idx,
+ ctx: *ctx,
+ })))));
+ }
+ stub_addr
+ }
+ // Construct the branch and wire it up in the grpah
+ fn into_branch(mut self, uninit_block: BlockRef) -> BranchRef {
+ // Make the branch
+ let branch = Branch {
+ block: uninit_block,
+ start_addr: self.start_addr.get().unwrap(),
+ end_addr: Cell::new(self.end_addr.get().unwrap()),
+ targets: self.targets,
+ gen_fn: self.gen_fn,
+ };
+ // Move it to the designated place on
+ // the heap and unwrap MaybeUninit.
+ self.uninit_branch.write(branch);
+ let raw_branch: *mut MaybeUninit<Branch> = Box::into_raw(self.uninit_branch);
+ let branchref = NonNull::new(raw_branch as *mut Branch).expect("no null from Box");
+ // SAFETY: just allocated it
+ let branch = unsafe { branchref.as_ref() };
+ // For block branch targets, put the new branch in the
+ // appropriate incoming list.
+ for target in branch.targets.iter() {
+ // SAFETY: no mutation
+ let out_block: Option<BlockRef> = unsafe {
+ target.ref_unchecked().as_ref().and_then(|target| target.get_block())
+ };
+ if let Some(out_block) = out_block {
+ // SAFETY: These blockrefs come from set_target() which only puts blocks from
+ // ISeqs, which are all initialized. Note that uninit_block isn't in any ISeq
+ // payload yet.
+ unsafe { out_block.as_ref() }.incoming.push(branchref);
+ }
+ }
+ branch.assert_layout();
+ branchref
+ }
+// Store info about code used on YJIT entry
+pub struct Entry {
+ // Positions where the generated code starts and ends
+ start_addr: CodePtr,
+ end_addr: CodePtr, // exclusive
+/// A [Branch] for a [Block] that is under construction.
+pub struct PendingEntry {
+ pub uninit_entry: Box<MaybeUninit<Entry>>,
+ start_addr: Cell<Option<CodePtr>>,
+ end_addr: Cell<Option<CodePtr>>, // exclusive
+impl PendingEntry {
+ // Construct the entry in the heap
+ pub fn into_entry(mut self) -> EntryRef {
+ // Make the entry
+ let entry = Entry {
+ start_addr: self.start_addr.get().unwrap(),
+ end_addr: self.end_addr.get().unwrap(),
+ };
+ // Move it to the designated place on the heap and unwrap MaybeUninit.
+ self.uninit_entry.write(entry);
+ let raw_entry: *mut MaybeUninit<Entry> = Box::into_raw(self.uninit_entry);
+ NonNull::new(raw_entry as *mut Entry).expect("no null from Box")
+ }
+// In case a block is invalidated, this helps to remove all pointers to the block.
+pub type CmePtr = *const rb_callable_method_entry_t;
+/// Basic block version
+/// Represents a portion of an iseq compiled with a given context
+/// Note: care must be taken to minimize the size of block_t objects
+pub struct Block {
+ // The byte code instruction sequence this is a version of.
+ // Can change due to moving GC.
+ iseq: Cell<IseqPtr>,
+ // Index range covered by this version in `ISEQ_BODY(iseq)->iseq_encoded`.
+ iseq_range: Range<IseqIdx>,
+ // Context at the start of the block
+ // This should never be mutated
+ ctx: Context,
+ // Positions where the generated code starts and ends
+ start_addr: CodePtr,
+ end_addr: Cell<CodePtr>,
+ // List of incoming branches (from predecessors)
+ // These are reference counted (ownership shared between predecessor and successors)
+ incoming: MutableBranchList,
+ // NOTE: we might actually be able to store the branches here without refcounting
+ // however, using a RefCell makes it easy to get a pointer to Branch objects
+ //
+ // List of outgoing branches (to successors)
+ outgoing: Box<[BranchRef]>,
+ // FIXME: should these be code pointers instead?
+ // Offsets for GC managed objects in the mainline code block
+ gc_obj_offsets: Box<[u32]>,
+ // CME dependencies of this block, to help to remove all pointers to this
+ // block in the system.
+ cme_dependencies: Box<[Cell<CmePtr>]>,
+ // Code address of an exit for `ctx` and `blockid`.
+ // Used for block invalidation.
+ entry_exit: Option<CodePtr>,
+/// Pointer to a [Block].
+/// # Safety
+/// _Never_ derive a `&mut Block` from this and always use
+/// [std::ptr::NonNull::as_ref] to get a `&Block`. `&'a mut`
+/// in Rust asserts that there are no other references live
+/// over the lifetime `'a`. This uniqueness assertion does
+/// not hold in many situations for us, even when you ignore
+/// the fact that our control flow graph can have cycles.
+/// Here are just two examples where we have overlapping references:
+/// - Yielding to a different OS thread within the same
+/// ractor during compilation
+/// - The GC calling [rb_yjit_iseq_mark] during compilation
+/// Technically, for soundness, we also need to ensure that
+/// the we have the VM lock while the result of `as_ref()`
+/// is live, so that no deallocation happens while the
+/// shared reference is live. The vast majority of our code run while
+/// holding the VM lock, though.
+pub type BlockRef = NonNull<Block>;
+/// Pointer to a [Branch]. See [BlockRef] for notes about
+/// proper usage.
+pub type BranchRef = NonNull<Branch>;
+/// Pointer to an entry that is already added to an ISEQ
+pub type EntryRef = NonNull<Entry>;
+/// List of block versions for a given blockid
+type VersionList = Vec<BlockRef>;
+/// Map from iseq indices to lists of versions for that given blockid
+/// An instance of this is stored on each iseq
+type VersionMap = Vec<VersionList>;
+/// [Interior mutability][1] wrapper for a list of branches.
+/// O(n) insertion, but space efficient. We generally expect
+/// blocks to have only a few branches.
+/// [1]:
+struct MutableBranchList(Cell<Box<[BranchRef]>>);
+impl MutableBranchList {
+ fn push(&self, branch: BranchRef) {
+ // Temporary move the boxed slice out of self.
+ // oom=abort is load bearing here...
+ let mut current_list = self.0.take().into_vec();
+ current_list.push(branch);
+ self.0.set(current_list.into_boxed_slice());
+ }
+impl fmt::Debug for MutableBranchList {
+ fn fmt(&self, formatter: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
+ // SAFETY: the derived Clone for boxed slices does not mutate this Cell
+ let branches = unsafe { self.0.ref_unchecked().clone() };
+ formatter.debug_list().entries(branches.into_iter()).finish()
+ }
+/// This is all the data YJIT stores on an iseq
+/// This will be dynamically allocated by C code
+/// C code should pass an &mut IseqPayload to us
+/// when calling into YJIT
+pub struct IseqPayload {
+ // Basic block versions
+ pub version_map: VersionMap,
+ // Indexes of code pages used by this this ISEQ
+ pub pages: HashSet<usize>,
+ // List of ISEQ entry codes
+ pub entries: Vec<EntryRef>,
+ // Blocks that are invalidated but are not yet deallocated.
+ // The code GC will free them later.
+ pub dead_blocks: Vec<BlockRef>,
+impl IseqPayload {
+ /// Remove all block versions from the payload and then return them as an iterator
+ pub fn take_all_blocks(&mut self) -> impl Iterator<Item = BlockRef> {
+ // Empty the blocks
+ let version_map = mem::take(&mut self.version_map);
+ // Turn it into an iterator that owns the blocks and return
+ version_map.into_iter().flatten()
+ }
+/// Get the payload for an iseq. For safety it's up to the caller to ensure the returned `&mut`
+/// upholds aliasing rules and that the argument is a valid iseq.
+pub fn get_iseq_payload(iseq: IseqPtr) -> Option<&'static mut IseqPayload> {
+ let payload = unsafe { rb_iseq_get_yjit_payload(iseq) };
+ let payload: *mut IseqPayload = payload.cast();
+ unsafe { payload.as_mut() }
+/// Get the payload object associated with an iseq. Create one if none exists.
+pub fn get_or_create_iseq_payload(iseq: IseqPtr) -> &'static mut IseqPayload {
+ type VoidPtr = *mut c_void;
+ let payload_non_null = unsafe {
+ let payload = rb_iseq_get_yjit_payload(iseq);
+ if payload.is_null() {
+ // Increment the compiled iseq count
+ incr_counter!(compiled_iseq_count);
+ // Allocate a new payload with Box and transfer ownership to the GC.
+ // We drop the payload with Box::from_raw when the GC frees the iseq and calls us.
+ // NOTE(alan): Sometimes we read from an iseq without ever writing to it.
+ // We allocate in those cases anyways.
+ let new_payload = IseqPayload::default();
+ let new_payload = Box::into_raw(Box::new(new_payload));
+ rb_iseq_set_yjit_payload(iseq, new_payload as VoidPtr);
+ new_payload
+ } else {
+ payload as *mut IseqPayload
+ }
+ };
+ // SAFETY: we should have the VM lock and all other Ruby threads should be asleep. So we have
+ // exclusive mutable access.
+ // Hmm, nothing seems to stop calling this on the same
+ // iseq twice, though, which violates aliasing rules.
+ unsafe { payload_non_null.as_mut() }.unwrap()
+/// Iterate over all existing ISEQs
+pub fn for_each_iseq<F: FnMut(IseqPtr)>(mut callback: F) {
+ unsafe extern "C" fn callback_wrapper(iseq: IseqPtr, data: *mut c_void) {
+ // SAFETY: points to the local below
+ let callback: &mut &mut dyn FnMut(IseqPtr) -> bool = unsafe { std::mem::transmute(&mut *data) };
+ callback(iseq);
+ }
+ let mut data: &mut dyn FnMut(IseqPtr) = &mut callback;
+ unsafe { rb_yjit_for_each_iseq(Some(callback_wrapper), (&mut data) as *mut _ as *mut c_void) };
+/// Iterate over all ISEQ payloads
+pub fn for_each_iseq_payload<F: FnMut(&IseqPayload)>(mut callback: F) {
+ for_each_iseq(|iseq| {
+ if let Some(iseq_payload) = get_iseq_payload(iseq) {
+ callback(iseq_payload);
+ }
+ });
+/// Iterate over all on-stack ISEQs
+pub fn for_each_on_stack_iseq<F: FnMut(IseqPtr)>(mut callback: F) {
+ unsafe extern "C" fn callback_wrapper(iseq: IseqPtr, data: *mut c_void) {
+ // SAFETY: points to the local below
+ let callback: &mut &mut dyn FnMut(IseqPtr) -> bool = unsafe { std::mem::transmute(&mut *data) };
+ callback(iseq);
+ }
+ let mut data: &mut dyn FnMut(IseqPtr) = &mut callback;
+ unsafe { rb_jit_cont_each_iseq(Some(callback_wrapper), (&mut data) as *mut _ as *mut c_void) };
+/// Iterate over all on-stack ISEQ payloads
+pub fn for_each_on_stack_iseq_payload<F: FnMut(&IseqPayload)>(mut callback: F) {
+ for_each_on_stack_iseq(|iseq| {
+ if let Some(iseq_payload) = get_iseq_payload(iseq) {
+ callback(iseq_payload);
+ }
+ });
+/// Iterate over all NOT on-stack ISEQ payloads
+pub fn for_each_off_stack_iseq_payload<F: FnMut(&mut IseqPayload)>(mut callback: F) {
+ // Get all ISEQs on the heap. Note that rb_objspace_each_objects() runs GC first,
+ // which could move ISEQ pointers when GC.auto_compact = true.
+ // So for_each_on_stack_iseq() must be called after this, which doesn't run GC.
+ let mut iseqs: Vec<IseqPtr> = vec![];
+ for_each_iseq(|iseq| iseqs.push(iseq));
+ // Get all ISEQs that are on a CFP of existing ECs.
+ let mut on_stack_iseqs: HashSet<IseqPtr> = HashSet::new();
+ for_each_on_stack_iseq(|iseq| { on_stack_iseqs.insert(iseq); });
+ // Invoke the callback for iseqs - on_stack_iseqs
+ for iseq in iseqs {
+ if !on_stack_iseqs.contains(&iseq) {
+ if let Some(iseq_payload) = get_iseq_payload(iseq) {
+ callback(iseq_payload);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+/// Free the per-iseq payload
+pub extern "C" fn rb_yjit_iseq_free(payload: *mut c_void) {
+ let payload = {
+ if payload.is_null() {
+ // Nothing to free.
+ return;
+ } else {
+ payload as *mut IseqPayload
+ }
+ };
+ // Take ownership of the payload with Box::from_raw().
+ // It drops right before this function returns.
+ // SAFETY: We got the pointer from Box::into_raw().
+ let payload = unsafe { Box::from_raw(payload) };
+ // Free all blocks in version_map. The GC doesn't free running iseqs.
+ for versions in &payload.version_map {
+ for block in versions {
+ // SAFETY: blocks in the version_map are always well connected
+ unsafe { free_block(*block, true) };
+ }
+ }
+ // Free dead blocks
+ for block in payload.dead_blocks {
+ unsafe { free_block(block, false) };
+ }
+ // Free all entries
+ for entryref in payload.entries.iter() {
+ let entry = unsafe { Box::from_raw(entryref.as_ptr()) };
+ mem::drop(entry);
+ }
+ // Increment the freed iseq count
+ incr_counter!(freed_iseq_count);
+/// GC callback for marking GC objects in the per-iseq payload.
+pub extern "C" fn rb_yjit_iseq_mark(payload: *mut c_void) {
+ let payload = if payload.is_null() {
+ // Nothing to mark.
+ return;
+ } else {
+ // SAFETY: The GC takes the VM lock while marking, which
+ // we assert, so we should be synchronized and data race free.
+ //
+ // For aliasing, having the VM lock hopefully also implies that no one
+ // else has an overlapping &mut IseqPayload.
+ unsafe {
+ rb_yjit_assert_holding_vm_lock();
+ &*(payload as *const IseqPayload)
+ }
+ };
+ // For marking VALUEs written into the inline code block.
+ // We don't write VALUEs in the outlined block.
+ let cb: &CodeBlock = CodegenGlobals::get_inline_cb();
+ for versions in &payload.version_map {
+ for block in versions {
+ // SAFETY: all blocks inside version_map are initialized.
+ let block = unsafe { block.as_ref() };
+ mark_block(block, cb, false);
+ }
+ }
+ // Mark dead blocks, since there could be stubs pointing at them
+ for blockref in &payload.dead_blocks {
+ // SAFETY: dead blocks come from version_map, which only have initialized blocks
+ let block = unsafe { blockref.as_ref() };
+ mark_block(block, cb, true);
+ }
+ return;
+ fn mark_block(block: &Block, cb: &CodeBlock, dead: bool) {
+ unsafe { rb_gc_mark_movable(block.iseq.get().into()) };
+ // Mark method entry dependencies
+ for cme_dep in block.cme_dependencies.iter() {
+ unsafe { rb_gc_mark_movable(cme_dep.get().into()) };
+ }
+ // Mark outgoing branch entries
+ for branch in block.outgoing.iter() {
+ let branch = unsafe { branch.as_ref() };
+ for target in branch.targets.iter() {
+ // SAFETY: no mutation inside unsafe
+ let target_iseq = unsafe {
+ target.ref_unchecked().as_ref().and_then(|target| {
+ // Avoid get_blockid() on blockref. Can be dangling on dead blocks,
+ // and the iseq housing the block already naturally handles it.
+ if target.get_block().is_some() {
+ None
+ } else {
+ Some(target.get_blockid().iseq)
+ }
+ })
+ };
+ if let Some(target_iseq) = target_iseq {
+ unsafe { rb_gc_mark_movable(target_iseq.into()) };
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Mark references to objects in generated code.
+ // Skip for dead blocks since they shouldn't run.
+ if !dead {
+ for offset in block.gc_obj_offsets.iter() {
+ let value_address: *const u8 = cb.get_ptr(offset.as_usize()).raw_ptr(cb);
+ // Creating an unaligned pointer is well defined unlike in C.
+ let value_address = value_address as *const VALUE;
+ // SAFETY: these point to YJIT's code buffer
+ unsafe {
+ let object = value_address.read_unaligned();
+ rb_gc_mark_movable(object);
+ };
+ }
+ }
+ }
+/// GC callback for updating GC objects in the per-iseq payload.
+/// This is a mirror of [rb_yjit_iseq_mark].
+pub extern "C" fn rb_yjit_iseq_update_references(payload: *mut c_void) {
+ let payload = if payload.is_null() {
+ // Nothing to update.
+ return;
+ } else {
+ // SAFETY: The GC takes the VM lock while marking, which
+ // we assert, so we should be synchronized and data race free.
+ //
+ // For aliasing, having the VM lock hopefully also implies that no one
+ // else has an overlapping &mut IseqPayload.
+ unsafe {
+ rb_yjit_assert_holding_vm_lock();
+ &*(payload as *const IseqPayload)
+ }
+ };
+ // Evict other threads from generated code since we are about to patch them.
+ // Also acts as an assert that we hold the VM lock.
+ unsafe { rb_vm_barrier() };
+ // For updating VALUEs written into the inline code block.
+ let cb = CodegenGlobals::get_inline_cb();
+ for versions in &payload.version_map {
+ for version in versions {
+ // SAFETY: all blocks inside version_map are initialized
+ let block = unsafe { version.as_ref() };
+ block_update_references(block, cb, false);
+ }
+ }
+ // Update dead blocks, since there could be stubs pointing at them
+ for blockref in &payload.dead_blocks {
+ // SAFETY: dead blocks come from version_map, which only have initialized blocks
+ let block = unsafe { blockref.as_ref() };
+ block_update_references(block, cb, true);
+ }
+ // Note that we would have returned already if YJIT is off.
+ cb.mark_all_executable();
+ CodegenGlobals::get_outlined_cb()
+ .unwrap()
+ .mark_all_executable();
+ return;
+ fn block_update_references(block: &Block, cb: &mut CodeBlock, dead: bool) {
+ block.iseq.set(unsafe { rb_gc_location(block.iseq.get().into()) }.as_iseq());
+ // Update method entry dependencies
+ for cme_dep in block.cme_dependencies.iter() {
+ let cur_cme: VALUE = cme_dep.get().into();
+ let new_cme = unsafe { rb_gc_location(cur_cme) }.as_cme();
+ cme_dep.set(new_cme);
+ }
+ // Update outgoing branch entries
+ for branch in block.outgoing.iter() {
+ let branch = unsafe { branch.as_ref() };
+ for target in branch.targets.iter() {
+ // SAFETY: no mutation inside unsafe
+ let current_iseq = unsafe {
+ target.ref_unchecked().as_ref().and_then(|target| {
+ // Avoid get_blockid() on blockref. Can be dangling on dead blocks,
+ // and the iseq housing the block already naturally handles it.
+ if target.get_block().is_some() {
+ None
+ } else {
+ Some(target.get_blockid().iseq)
+ }
+ })
+ };
+ if let Some(current_iseq) = current_iseq {
+ let updated_iseq = unsafe { rb_gc_location(current_iseq.into()) }
+ .as_iseq();
+ // SAFETY: the Cell::set is not on the reference given out
+ // by ref_unchecked.
+ unsafe { target.ref_unchecked().as_ref().unwrap().set_iseq(updated_iseq) };
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Update references to objects in generated code.
+ // Skip for dead blocks since they shouldn't run and
+ // so there is no potential of writing over invalidation jumps
+ if !dead {
+ for offset in block.gc_obj_offsets.iter() {
+ let offset_to_value = offset.as_usize();
+ let value_code_ptr = cb.get_ptr(offset_to_value);
+ let value_ptr: *const u8 = value_code_ptr.raw_ptr(cb);
+ // Creating an unaligned pointer is well defined unlike in C.
+ let value_ptr = value_ptr as *mut VALUE;
+ // SAFETY: these point to YJIT's code buffer
+ let object = unsafe { value_ptr.read_unaligned() };
+ let new_addr = unsafe { rb_gc_location(object) };
+ // Only write when the VALUE moves, to be copy-on-write friendly.
+ if new_addr != object {
+ for (byte_idx, &byte) in new_addr.as_u64().to_le_bytes().iter().enumerate() {
+ let byte_code_ptr = value_code_ptr.add_bytes(byte_idx);
+ cb.write_mem(byte_code_ptr, byte)
+ .expect("patching existing code should be within bounds");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+/// Get all blocks for a particular place in an iseq.
+fn get_version_list(blockid: BlockId) -> Option<&'static mut VersionList> {
+ let insn_idx = blockid.idx.as_usize();
+ match get_iseq_payload(blockid.iseq) {
+ Some(payload) if insn_idx < payload.version_map.len() => {
+ Some(payload.version_map.get_mut(insn_idx).unwrap())
+ },
+ _ => None
+ }
+/// Get or create all blocks for a particular place in an iseq.
+fn get_or_create_version_list(blockid: BlockId) -> &'static mut VersionList {
+ let payload = get_or_create_iseq_payload(blockid.iseq);
+ let insn_idx = blockid.idx.as_usize();
+ // Expand the version map as necessary
+ if insn_idx >= payload.version_map.len() {
+ payload
+ .version_map
+ .resize(insn_idx + 1, VersionList::default());
+ }
+ return payload.version_map.get_mut(insn_idx).unwrap();
+/// Take all of the blocks for a particular place in an iseq
+pub fn take_version_list(blockid: BlockId) -> VersionList {
+ let insn_idx = blockid.idx.as_usize();
+ match get_iseq_payload(blockid.iseq) {
+ Some(payload) if insn_idx < payload.version_map.len() => {
+ mem::take(&mut payload.version_map[insn_idx])
+ },
+ _ => VersionList::default(),
+ }
+/// Count the number of block versions matching a given blockid
+/// `inlined: true` counts inlined versions, and `inlined: false` counts other versions.
+fn get_num_versions(blockid: BlockId, inlined: bool) -> usize {
+ let insn_idx = blockid.idx.as_usize();
+ match get_iseq_payload(blockid.iseq) {
+ Some(payload) => {
+ payload
+ .version_map
+ .get(insn_idx)
+ .map(|versions| {
+ versions.iter().filter(|&&version|
+ unsafe { version.as_ref() }.ctx.inline() == inlined
+ ).count()
+ })
+ .unwrap_or(0)
+ }
+ None => 0,
+ }
+/// Get or create a list of block versions generated for an iseq
+/// This is used for disassembly (see
+pub fn get_or_create_iseq_block_list(iseq: IseqPtr) -> Vec<BlockRef> {
+ let payload = get_or_create_iseq_payload(iseq);
+ let mut blocks = Vec::<BlockRef>::new();
+ // For each instruction index
+ for insn_idx in 0..payload.version_map.len() {
+ let version_list = &payload.version_map[insn_idx];
+ // For each version at this instruction index
+ for version in version_list {
+ // Clone the block ref and add it to the list
+ blocks.push(*version);
+ }
+ }
+ return blocks;
+/// Retrieve a basic block version for an (iseq, idx) tuple
+/// This will return None if no version is found
+fn find_block_version(blockid: BlockId, ctx: &Context) -> Option<BlockRef> {
+ let versions = match get_version_list(blockid) {
+ Some(versions) => versions,
+ None => return None,
+ };
+ // Best match found
+ let mut best_version: Option<BlockRef> = None;
+ let mut best_diff = usize::MAX;
+ // For each version matching the blockid
+ for blockref in versions.iter() {
+ let block = unsafe { blockref.as_ref() };
+ // Note that we always prefer the first matching
+ // version found because of inline-cache chains
+ match ctx.diff(&block.ctx) {
+ TypeDiff::Compatible(diff) if diff < best_diff => {
+ best_version = Some(*blockref);
+ best_diff = diff;
+ }
+ _ => {}
+ }
+ }
+ return best_version;
+/// Allow inlining a Block up to MAX_INLINE_VERSIONS times.
+const MAX_INLINE_VERSIONS: usize = 1000;
+/// Produce a generic context when the block version limit is hit for a blockid
+pub fn limit_block_versions(blockid: BlockId, ctx: &Context) -> Context {
+ // Guard chains implement limits separately, do nothing
+ if ctx.get_chain_depth() > 0 {
+ return *ctx;
+ }
+ let next_versions = get_num_versions(blockid, ctx.inline()) + 1;
+ let max_versions = if ctx.inline() {
+ } else {
+ get_option!(max_versions)
+ };
+ // If this block version we're about to add will hit the version limit
+ if next_versions >= max_versions {
+ // Produce a generic context that stores no type information,
+ // but still respects the stack_size and sp_offset constraints.
+ // This new context will then match all future requests.
+ let generic_ctx = ctx.get_generic_ctx();
+ if cfg!(debug_assertions) {
+ let mut ctx = ctx.clone();
+ if ctx.inline() {
+ // Suppress TypeDiff::Incompatible from ctx.diff(). We return TypeDiff::Incompatible
+ // to keep inlining blocks until we hit the limit, but it's safe to give up inlining.
+ ctx.inline_block = 0;
+ assert!(generic_ctx.inline_block == 0);
+ }
+ assert_ne!(
+ TypeDiff::Incompatible,
+ ctx.diff(&generic_ctx),
+ "should substitute a compatible context",
+ );
+ }
+ return generic_ctx;
+ }
+ incr_counter_to!(max_inline_versions, next_versions);
+ return *ctx;
+/// Install a block version into its [IseqPayload], letting the GC track its
+/// lifetime, and allowing it to be considered for use for other
+/// blocks we might generate. Uses `cb` for running write barriers.
+/// # Safety
+/// The block must be fully initialized. Its incoming and outgoing edges,
+/// if there are any, must point to initialized blocks, too.
+/// Note that the block might gain edges after this function returns,
+/// as can happen during [gen_block_series]. Initialized here doesn't mean
+/// ready to be consumed or that the machine code tracked by the block is
+/// ready to be run.
+/// Due to this transient state where a block is tracked by the GC by
+/// being inside an [IseqPayload] but not ready to be executed, it's
+/// generally unsound to call any Ruby methods during codegen. That has
+/// the potential to run blocks which are not ready.
+unsafe fn add_block_version(blockref: BlockRef, cb: &CodeBlock) {
+ // SAFETY: caller ensures initialization
+ let block = unsafe { blockref.as_ref() };
+ // Function entry blocks must have stack size 0
+ assert!(!(block.iseq_range.start == 0 && block.ctx.stack_size > 0));
+ let version_list = get_or_create_version_list(block.get_blockid());
+ // If this the first block being compiled with this block id
+ if version_list.len() == 0 {
+ incr_counter!(compiled_blockid_count);
+ }
+ version_list.push(blockref);
+ version_list.shrink_to_fit();
+ // By writing the new block to the iseq, the iseq now
+ // contains new references to Ruby objects. Run write barriers.
+ let iseq: VALUE = block.iseq.get().into();
+ for dep in block.iter_cme_deps() {
+ obj_written!(iseq, dep.into());
+ }
+ // Run write barriers for all objects in generated code.
+ for offset in block.gc_obj_offsets.iter() {
+ let value_address: *const u8 = cb.get_ptr(offset.as_usize()).raw_ptr(cb);
+ // Creating an unaligned pointer is well defined unlike in C.
+ let value_address: *const VALUE = value_address.cast();
+ let object = unsafe { value_address.read_unaligned() };
+ obj_written!(iseq, object);
+ }
+ incr_counter!(compiled_block_count);
+ // Mark code pages for code GC
+ let iseq_payload = get_iseq_payload(block.iseq.get()).unwrap();
+ for page in cb.addrs_to_pages(block.start_addr, block.end_addr.get()) {
+ iseq_payload.pages.insert(page);
+ }
+/// Remove a block version from the version map of its parent ISEQ
+fn remove_block_version(blockref: &BlockRef) {
+ let block = unsafe { blockref.as_ref() };
+ let version_list = match get_version_list(block.get_blockid()) {
+ Some(version_list) => version_list,
+ None => return,
+ };
+ // Retain the versions that are not this one
+ version_list.retain(|other| blockref != other);
+impl JITState {
+ // Finish compiling and turn a jit state into a block
+ // note that the block is still not in shape.
+ pub fn into_block(self, end_insn_idx: IseqIdx, start_addr: CodePtr, end_addr: CodePtr, gc_obj_offsets: Vec<u32>) -> BlockRef {
+ // Allocate the block and get its pointer
+ let blockref: *mut MaybeUninit<Block> = Box::into_raw(Box::new(MaybeUninit::uninit()));
+ incr_counter_by!(num_gc_obj_refs, gc_obj_offsets.len());
+ // Make the new block
+ let block = MaybeUninit::new(Block {
+ start_addr,
+ iseq: Cell::new(self.get_iseq()),
+ iseq_range: self.get_starting_insn_idx()..end_insn_idx,
+ ctx: self.get_starting_ctx(),
+ end_addr: Cell::new(end_addr),
+ incoming: MutableBranchList(Cell::default()),
+ gc_obj_offsets: gc_obj_offsets.into_boxed_slice(),
+ entry_exit: self.get_block_entry_exit(),
+ cme_dependencies: self.method_lookup_assumptions.into_iter().map(Cell::new).collect(),
+ // Pending branches => actual branches
+ outgoing: self.pending_outgoing.into_iter().map(|pending_out| {
+ let pending_out = Rc::try_unwrap(pending_out)
+ .ok().expect("all PendingBranchRefs should be unique when ready to construct a Block");
+ pending_out.into_branch(NonNull::new(blockref as *mut Block).expect("no null from Box"))
+ }).collect()
+ });
+ // Initialize it on the heap
+ // SAFETY: allocated with Box above
+ unsafe { ptr::write(blockref, block) };
+ // Block is initialized now. Note that MaybeUnint<T> has the same layout as T.
+ let blockref = NonNull::new(blockref as *mut Block).expect("no null from Box");
+ // Track all the assumptions the block makes as invariants
+ if self.block_assumes_single_ractor {
+ track_single_ractor_assumption(blockref);
+ }
+ for bop in self.bop_assumptions {
+ track_bop_assumption(blockref, bop);
+ }
+ // SAFETY: just allocated it above
+ for cme in unsafe { blockref.as_ref() }.cme_dependencies.iter() {
+ track_method_lookup_stability_assumption(blockref, cme.get());
+ }
+ if let Some(idlist) = self.stable_constant_names_assumption {
+ track_stable_constant_names_assumption(blockref, idlist);
+ }
+ for klass in self.no_singleton_class_assumptions {
+ track_no_singleton_class_assumption(blockref, klass);
+ }
+ blockref
+ }
+impl Block {
+ pub fn get_blockid(&self) -> BlockId {
+ BlockId { iseq: self.iseq.get(), idx: self.iseq_range.start }
+ }
+ pub fn get_end_idx(&self) -> IseqIdx {
+ self.iseq_range.end
+ }
+ pub fn get_ctx_count(&self) -> usize {
+ let mut count = 1; // block.ctx
+ for branch in self.outgoing.iter() {
+ // SAFETY: &self implies it's initialized
+ count += unsafe { branch.as_ref() }.get_stub_count();
+ }
+ count
+ }
+ #[allow(unused)]
+ pub fn get_start_addr(&self) -> CodePtr {
+ self.start_addr
+ }
+ #[allow(unused)]
+ pub fn get_end_addr(&self) -> CodePtr {
+ self.end_addr.get()
+ }
+ /// Get an immutable iterator over cme dependencies
+ pub fn iter_cme_deps(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = CmePtr> + '_ {
+ self.cme_dependencies.iter().map(Cell::get)
+ }
+ // Push an incoming branch ref and shrink the vector
+ fn push_incoming(&self, branch: BranchRef) {
+ self.incoming.push(branch);
+ }
+ // Compute the size of the block code
+ pub fn code_size(&self) -> usize {
+ (self.end_addr.get().as_offset() - self.start_addr.as_offset()).try_into().unwrap()
+ }
+impl Context {
+ pub fn get_stack_size(&self) -> u8 {
+ self.stack_size
+ }
+ pub fn set_stack_size(&mut self, stack_size: u8) {
+ self.stack_size = stack_size;
+ }
+ /// Create a new Context that is compatible with self but doesn't have type information.
+ pub fn get_generic_ctx(&self) -> Context {
+ let mut generic_ctx = Context::default();
+ generic_ctx.stack_size = self.stack_size;
+ generic_ctx.sp_offset = self.sp_offset;
+ generic_ctx.reg_temps = self.reg_temps;
+ if self.is_return_landing() {
+ generic_ctx.set_as_return_landing();
+ }
+ if self.is_deferred() {
+ generic_ctx.mark_as_deferred();
+ }
+ generic_ctx
+ }
+ /// Create a new Context instance with a given stack_size and sp_offset adjusted
+ /// accordingly. This is useful when you want to virtually rewind a stack_size for
+ /// generating a side exit while considering past sp_offset changes on gen_save_sp.
+ pub fn with_stack_size(&self, stack_size: u8) -> Context {
+ let mut ctx = *self;
+ ctx.sp_offset -= (ctx.get_stack_size() as isize - stack_size as isize) as i8;
+ ctx.stack_size = stack_size;
+ ctx
+ }
+ pub fn get_sp_offset(&self) -> i8 {
+ self.sp_offset
+ }
+ pub fn set_sp_offset(&mut self, offset: i8) {
+ self.sp_offset = offset;
+ }
+ pub fn get_reg_temps(&self) -> RegTemps {
+ self.reg_temps
+ }
+ pub fn set_reg_temps(&mut self, reg_temps: RegTemps) {
+ self.reg_temps = reg_temps;
+ }
+ pub fn get_chain_depth(&self) -> u8 {
+ self.chain_depth_and_flags & CHAIN_DEPTH_MASK
+ }
+ pub fn reset_chain_depth_and_defer(&mut self) {
+ self.chain_depth_and_flags &= !CHAIN_DEPTH_MASK;
+ self.chain_depth_and_flags &= !DEFER_BIT;
+ }
+ pub fn increment_chain_depth(&mut self) {
+ if self.get_chain_depth() == CHAIN_DEPTH_MASK {
+ panic!("max block version chain depth reached!");
+ }
+ self.chain_depth_and_flags += 1;
+ }
+ pub fn set_as_return_landing(&mut self) {
+ self.chain_depth_and_flags |= RETURN_LANDING_BIT;
+ }
+ pub fn clear_return_landing(&mut self) {
+ self.chain_depth_and_flags &= !RETURN_LANDING_BIT;
+ }
+ pub fn is_return_landing(&self) -> bool {
+ self.chain_depth_and_flags & RETURN_LANDING_BIT != 0
+ }
+ pub fn mark_as_deferred(&mut self) {
+ self.chain_depth_and_flags |= DEFER_BIT;
+ }
+ pub fn is_deferred(&self) -> bool {
+ self.chain_depth_and_flags & DEFER_BIT != 0
+ }
+ /// Get an operand for the adjusted stack pointer address
+ pub fn sp_opnd(&self, offset: i32) -> Opnd {
+ let offset = (self.sp_offset as i32 + offset) * SIZEOF_VALUE_I32;
+ return Opnd::mem(64, SP, offset);
+ }
+ /// Stop using a register for a given stack temp.
+ /// This allows us to reuse the register for a value that we know is dead
+ /// and will no longer be used (e.g. popped stack temp).
+ pub fn dealloc_temp_reg(&mut self, stack_idx: u8) {
+ if stack_idx < MAX_REG_TEMPS {
+ let mut reg_temps = self.get_reg_temps();
+ reg_temps.set(stack_idx, false);
+ self.set_reg_temps(reg_temps);
+ }
+ }
+ /// Get the type of an instruction operand
+ pub fn get_opnd_type(&self, opnd: YARVOpnd) -> Type {
+ match opnd {
+ SelfOpnd => self.self_type,
+ StackOpnd(idx) => {
+ assert!(idx < self.stack_size);
+ let stack_idx: usize = (self.stack_size - 1 - idx).into();
+ // If outside of tracked range, do nothing
+ if stack_idx >= MAX_TEMP_TYPES {
+ return Type::Unknown;
+ }
+ let mapping = self.get_temp_mapping(stack_idx);
+ match mapping.get_kind() {
+ MapToSelf => self.self_type,
+ MapToStack => mapping.get_type(),
+ MapToLocal => {
+ let idx = mapping.get_local_idx();
+ assert!((idx as usize) < MAX_LOCAL_TYPES);
+ return self.get_local_type(idx.into());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /// Get the currently tracked type for a local variable
+ pub fn get_local_type(&self, local_idx: usize) -> Type {
+ if local_idx >= MAX_LOCAL_TYPES {
+ return Type::Unknown
+ } else {
+ // Each type is stored in 4 bits
+ let type_bits = (self.local_types >> (4 * local_idx)) & 0b1111;
+ unsafe { transmute::<u8, Type>(type_bits as u8) }
+ }
+ }
+ /// Get the current temp mapping for a given stack slot
+ fn get_temp_mapping(&self, temp_idx: usize) -> TempMapping {
+ assert!(temp_idx < MAX_TEMP_TYPES);
+ // Extract the temp mapping kind
+ let kind_bits = (self.temp_mapping_kind >> (2 * temp_idx)) & 0b11;
+ let temp_kind = unsafe { transmute::<u8, TempMappingKind>(kind_bits as u8) };
+ // Extract the payload bits (temp type or local idx)
+ let payload_bits = (self.temp_payload >> (4 * temp_idx)) & 0b1111;
+ match temp_kind {
+ MapToSelf => TempMapping::map_to_self(),
+ MapToStack => {
+ TempMapping::map_to_stack(
+ unsafe { transmute::<u8, Type>(payload_bits as u8) }
+ )
+ }
+ MapToLocal => {
+ TempMapping::map_to_local(
+ payload_bits as u8
+ )
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /// Get the current temp mapping for a given stack slot
+ fn set_temp_mapping(&mut self, temp_idx: usize, mapping: TempMapping) {
+ assert!(temp_idx < MAX_TEMP_TYPES);
+ // Extract the kind bits
+ let mapping_kind = mapping.get_kind();
+ let kind_bits = unsafe { transmute::<TempMappingKind, u8>(mapping_kind) };
+ assert!(kind_bits <= 0b11);
+ // Extract the payload bits
+ let payload_bits = match mapping_kind {
+ MapToSelf => 0,
+ MapToStack => {
+ let t = mapping.get_type();
+ unsafe { transmute::<Type, u8>(t) }
+ }
+ MapToLocal => {
+ mapping.get_local_idx()
+ }
+ };
+ assert!(payload_bits <= 0b1111);
+ // Update the kind bits
+ {
+ let mask_bits = 0b11_u16 << (2 * temp_idx);
+ let shifted_bits = (kind_bits as u16) << (2 * temp_idx);
+ let all_kind_bits = self.temp_mapping_kind as u16;
+ self.temp_mapping_kind = (all_kind_bits & !mask_bits) | shifted_bits;
+ }
+ // Update the payload bits
+ {
+ let mask_bits = 0b1111_u32 << (4 * temp_idx);
+ let shifted_bits = (payload_bits as u32) << (4 * temp_idx);
+ let all_payload_bits = self.temp_payload as u32;
+ self.temp_payload = (all_payload_bits & !mask_bits) | shifted_bits;
+ }
+ }
+ /// Upgrade (or "learn") the type of an instruction operand
+ /// This value must be compatible and at least as specific as the previously known type.
+ /// If this value originated from self, or an lvar, the learned type will be
+ /// propagated back to its source.
+ pub fn upgrade_opnd_type(&mut self, opnd: YARVOpnd, opnd_type: Type) {
+ // If type propagation is disabled, store no types
+ if get_option!(no_type_prop) {
+ return;
+ }
+ match opnd {
+ SelfOpnd => self.self_type.upgrade(opnd_type),
+ StackOpnd(idx) => {
+ assert!(idx < self.stack_size);
+ let stack_idx = (self.stack_size - 1 - idx) as usize;
+ // If outside of tracked range, do nothing
+ if stack_idx >= MAX_TEMP_TYPES {
+ return;
+ }
+ let mapping = self.get_temp_mapping(stack_idx);
+ match mapping.get_kind() {
+ MapToSelf => self.self_type.upgrade(opnd_type),
+ MapToStack => {
+ let mut temp_type = mapping.get_type();
+ temp_type.upgrade(opnd_type);
+ self.set_temp_mapping(stack_idx, TempMapping::map_to_stack(temp_type));
+ }
+ MapToLocal => {
+ let idx = mapping.get_local_idx() as usize;
+ assert!(idx < MAX_LOCAL_TYPES);
+ let mut new_type = self.get_local_type(idx);
+ new_type.upgrade(opnd_type);
+ self.set_local_type(idx, new_type);
+ // Re-attach MapToLocal for this StackOpnd(idx). set_local_type() detaches
+ // all MapToLocal mappings, including the one we're upgrading here.
+ self.set_opnd_mapping(opnd, mapping);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /*
+ Get both the type and mapping (where the value originates) of an operand.
+ This is can be used with stack_push_mapping or set_opnd_mapping to copy
+ a stack value's type while maintaining the mapping.
+ */
+ pub fn get_opnd_mapping(&self, opnd: YARVOpnd) -> TempMapping {
+ let opnd_type = self.get_opnd_type(opnd);
+ match opnd {
+ SelfOpnd => TempMapping::map_to_self(),
+ StackOpnd(idx) => {
+ assert!(idx < self.stack_size);
+ let stack_idx = (self.stack_size - 1 - idx) as usize;
+ if stack_idx < MAX_TEMP_TYPES {
+ self.get_temp_mapping(stack_idx)
+ } else {
+ // We can't know the source of this stack operand, so we assume it is
+ // a stack-only temporary. type will be UNKNOWN
+ assert!(opnd_type == Type::Unknown);
+ TempMapping::map_to_stack(opnd_type)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /// Overwrite both the type and mapping of a stack operand.
+ pub fn set_opnd_mapping(&mut self, opnd: YARVOpnd, mapping: TempMapping) {
+ match opnd {
+ SelfOpnd => unreachable!("self always maps to self"),
+ StackOpnd(idx) => {
+ assert!(idx < self.stack_size);
+ let stack_idx = (self.stack_size - 1 - idx) as usize;
+ // If type propagation is disabled, store no types
+ if get_option!(no_type_prop) {
+ return;
+ }
+ // If outside of tracked range, do nothing
+ if stack_idx >= MAX_TEMP_TYPES {
+ return;
+ }
+ self.set_temp_mapping(stack_idx, mapping);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /// Set the type of a local variable
+ pub fn set_local_type(&mut self, local_idx: usize, local_type: Type) {
+ // If type propagation is disabled, store no types
+ if get_option!(no_type_prop) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if local_idx >= MAX_LOCAL_TYPES {
+ return
+ }
+ // If any values on the stack map to this local we must detach them
+ for mapping_idx in 0..MAX_TEMP_TYPES {
+ let mapping = self.get_temp_mapping(mapping_idx);
+ let tm = match mapping.get_kind() {
+ MapToStack => mapping,
+ MapToSelf => mapping,
+ MapToLocal => {
+ let idx = mapping.get_local_idx();
+ if idx as usize == local_idx {
+ let local_type = self.get_local_type(local_idx);
+ TempMapping::map_to_stack(local_type)
+ } else {
+ TempMapping::map_to_local(idx)
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ self.set_temp_mapping(mapping_idx, tm);
+ }
+ // Update the type bits
+ let type_bits = local_type as u32;
+ assert!(type_bits <= 0b1111);
+ let mask_bits = 0b1111_u32 << (4 * local_idx);
+ let shifted_bits = type_bits << (4 * local_idx);
+ self.local_types = (self.local_types & !mask_bits) | shifted_bits;
+ }
+ /// Erase local variable type information
+ /// eg: because of a call we can't track
+ pub fn clear_local_types(&mut self) {
+ // When clearing local types we must detach any stack mappings to those
+ // locals. Even if local values may have changed, stack values will not.
+ for mapping_idx in 0..MAX_TEMP_TYPES {
+ let mapping = self.get_temp_mapping(mapping_idx);
+ if mapping.get_kind() == MapToLocal {
+ let local_idx = mapping.get_local_idx() as usize;
+ self.set_temp_mapping(mapping_idx, TempMapping::map_to_stack(self.get_local_type(local_idx)));
+ }
+ }
+ // Clear the local types
+ self.local_types = 0;
+ }
+ /// Return true if the code is inlined by the caller
+ pub fn inline(&self) -> bool {
+ self.inline_block != 0
+ }
+ /// Set a block ISEQ given to the Block of this Context
+ pub fn set_inline_block(&mut self, iseq: IseqPtr) {
+ self.inline_block = iseq as u64
+ }
+ /// Compute a difference score for two context objects
+ pub fn diff(&self, dst: &Context) -> TypeDiff {
+ // Self is the source context (at the end of the predecessor)
+ let src = self;
+ // Can only lookup the first version in the chain
+ if dst.get_chain_depth() != 0 {
+ return TypeDiff::Incompatible;
+ }
+ // Blocks with depth > 0 always produce new versions
+ // Sidechains cannot overlap
+ if src.get_chain_depth() != 0 {
+ return TypeDiff::Incompatible;
+ }
+ if src.is_return_landing() != dst.is_return_landing() {
+ return TypeDiff::Incompatible;
+ }
+ if src.is_deferred() != dst.is_deferred() {
+ return TypeDiff::Incompatible;
+ }
+ if dst.stack_size != src.stack_size {
+ return TypeDiff::Incompatible;
+ }
+ if dst.sp_offset != src.sp_offset {
+ return TypeDiff::Incompatible;
+ }
+ if dst.reg_temps != src.reg_temps {
+ return TypeDiff::Incompatible;
+ }
+ // Difference sum
+ let mut diff = 0;
+ // Check the type of self
+ diff += match src.self_type.diff(dst.self_type) {
+ TypeDiff::Compatible(diff) => diff,
+ TypeDiff::Incompatible => return TypeDiff::Incompatible,
+ };
+ // Check the block to inline
+ if src.inline_block != dst.inline_block {
+ // find_block_version should not find existing blocks with different
+ // inline_block so that their yield will not be megamorphic.
+ return TypeDiff::Incompatible;
+ }
+ // For each local type we track
+ for i in 0.. MAX_LOCAL_TYPES {
+ let t_src = src.get_local_type(i);
+ let t_dst = dst.get_local_type(i);
+ diff += match t_src.diff(t_dst) {
+ TypeDiff::Compatible(diff) => diff,
+ TypeDiff::Incompatible => return TypeDiff::Incompatible,
+ };
+ }
+ // For each value on the temp stack
+ for i in 0..src.stack_size {
+ let src_mapping = src.get_opnd_mapping(StackOpnd(i));
+ let dst_mapping = dst.get_opnd_mapping(StackOpnd(i));
+ // If the two mappings aren't the same
+ if src_mapping != dst_mapping {
+ if dst_mapping.get_kind() == MapToStack {
+ // We can safely drop information about the source of the temp
+ // stack operand.
+ diff += 1;
+ } else {
+ return TypeDiff::Incompatible;
+ }
+ }
+ let src_type = src.get_opnd_type(StackOpnd(i));
+ let dst_type = dst.get_opnd_type(StackOpnd(i));
+ diff += match src_type.diff(dst_type) {
+ TypeDiff::Compatible(diff) => diff,
+ TypeDiff::Incompatible => return TypeDiff::Incompatible,
+ };
+ }
+ return TypeDiff::Compatible(diff);
+ }
+ pub fn two_fixnums_on_stack(&self, jit: &mut JITState) -> Option<bool> {
+ if jit.at_current_insn() {
+ let comptime_recv = jit.peek_at_stack(self, 1);
+ let comptime_arg = jit.peek_at_stack(self, 0);
+ return Some(comptime_recv.fixnum_p() && comptime_arg.fixnum_p());
+ }
+ let recv_type = self.get_opnd_type(StackOpnd(1));
+ let arg_type = self.get_opnd_type(StackOpnd(0));
+ match (recv_type, arg_type) {
+ (Type::Fixnum, Type::Fixnum) => Some(true),
+ (Type::Unknown | Type::UnknownImm, Type::Unknown | Type::UnknownImm) => None,
+ _ => Some(false),
+ }
+ }
+impl Assembler {
+ /// Push one new value on the temp stack with an explicit mapping
+ /// Return a pointer to the new stack top
+ pub fn stack_push_mapping(&mut self, mapping: TempMapping) -> Opnd {
+ // If type propagation is disabled, store no types
+ if get_option!(no_type_prop) {
+ return self.stack_push_mapping(mapping.without_type());
+ }
+ let stack_size: usize = self.ctx.stack_size.into();
+ // Keep track of the type and mapping of the value
+ if stack_size < MAX_TEMP_TYPES {
+ self.ctx.set_temp_mapping(stack_size, mapping);
+ if mapping.get_kind() == MapToLocal {
+ let idx = mapping.get_local_idx();
+ assert!((idx as usize) < MAX_LOCAL_TYPES);
+ }
+ }
+ // Allocate a register to the stack operand
+ if self.ctx.stack_size < MAX_REG_TEMPS {
+ self.alloc_temp_reg(self.ctx.stack_size);
+ }
+ self.ctx.stack_size += 1;
+ self.ctx.sp_offset += 1;
+ return self.stack_opnd(0);
+ }
+ /// Push one new value on the temp stack
+ /// Return a pointer to the new stack top
+ pub fn stack_push(&mut self, val_type: Type) -> Opnd {
+ return self.stack_push_mapping(TempMapping::map_to_stack(val_type));
+ }
+ /// Push the self value on the stack
+ pub fn stack_push_self(&mut self) -> Opnd {
+ return self.stack_push_mapping(TempMapping::map_to_self());
+ }
+ /// Push a local variable on the stack
+ pub fn stack_push_local(&mut self, local_idx: usize) -> Opnd {
+ if local_idx >= MAX_LOCAL_TYPES {
+ return self.stack_push(Type::Unknown);
+ }
+ return self.stack_push_mapping(TempMapping::map_to_local(local_idx as u8));
+ }
+ // Pop N values off the stack
+ // Return a pointer to the stack top before the pop operation
+ pub fn stack_pop(&mut self, n: usize) -> Opnd {
+ assert!(n <= self.ctx.stack_size.into());
+ let top = self.stack_opnd(0);
+ // Clear the types of the popped values
+ for i in 0..n {
+ let idx: usize = (self.ctx.stack_size as usize) - i - 1;
+ if idx < MAX_TEMP_TYPES {
+ self.ctx.set_temp_mapping(idx, TempMapping::map_to_stack(Type::Unknown));
+ }
+ }
+ self.ctx.stack_size -= n as u8;
+ self.ctx.sp_offset -= n as i8;
+ return top;
+ }
+ /// Shift stack temps to remove a Symbol for #send.
+ pub fn shift_stack(&mut self, argc: usize) {
+ assert!(argc < self.ctx.stack_size.into());
+ let method_name_index = (self.ctx.stack_size as usize) - argc - 1;
+ for i in method_name_index..(self.ctx.stack_size - 1) as usize {
+ if i < MAX_TEMP_TYPES {
+ let next_arg_mapping = if i + 1 < MAX_TEMP_TYPES {
+ self.ctx.get_temp_mapping(i + 1)
+ } else {
+ TempMapping::map_to_stack(Type::Unknown)
+ };
+ self.ctx.set_temp_mapping(i, next_arg_mapping);
+ }
+ }
+ self.stack_pop(1);
+ }
+ /// Get an operand pointing to a slot on the temp stack
+ pub fn stack_opnd(&self, idx: i32) -> Opnd {
+ Opnd::Stack {
+ idx,
+ num_bits: 64,
+ stack_size: self.ctx.stack_size,
+ sp_offset: self.ctx.sp_offset,
+ reg_temps: None, // push_insn will set this
+ }
+ }
+impl BlockId {
+ /// Print Ruby source location for debugging
+ #[cfg(debug_assertions)]
+ #[allow(dead_code)]
+ pub fn dump_src_loc(&self) {
+ unsafe { rb_yjit_dump_iseq_loc(self.iseq, self.idx as u32) }
+ }
+/// See [gen_block_series_body]. This simply counts compilation failures.
+fn gen_block_series(
+ blockid: BlockId,
+ start_ctx: &Context,
+ ec: EcPtr,
+ cb: &mut CodeBlock,
+ ocb: &mut OutlinedCb,
+) -> Option<BlockRef> {
+ let result = gen_block_series_body(blockid, start_ctx, ec, cb, ocb);
+ if result.is_none() {
+ incr_counter!(compilation_failure);
+ }
+ result
+/// Immediately compile a series of block versions at a starting point and
+/// return the starting block.
+fn gen_block_series_body(
+ blockid: BlockId,
+ start_ctx: &Context,
+ ec: EcPtr,
+ cb: &mut CodeBlock,
+ ocb: &mut OutlinedCb,
+) -> Option<BlockRef> {
+ // Keep track of all blocks compiled in this batch
+ const EXPECTED_BATCH_SIZE: usize = 4;
+ let mut batch = Vec::with_capacity(EXPECTED_BATCH_SIZE);
+ // Generate code for the first block
+ let first_block = gen_single_block(blockid, start_ctx, ec, cb, ocb).ok()?;
+ batch.push(first_block); // Keep track of this block version
+ // Add the block version to the VersionMap for this ISEQ
+ unsafe { add_block_version(first_block, cb) };
+ // Loop variable
+ let mut last_blockref = first_block;
+ loop {
+ // Get the last outgoing branch from the previous block.
+ let last_branchref = {
+ let last_block = unsafe { last_blockref.as_ref() };
+ match last_block.outgoing.last() {
+ Some(branch) => *branch,
+ None => {
+ break;
+ } // If last block has no branches, stop.
+ }
+ };
+ let last_branch = unsafe { last_branchref.as_ref() };
+ incr_counter!(block_next_count);
+ // gen_direct_jump() can request a block to be placed immediately after by
+ // leaving a single target that has a `None` address.
+ // SAFETY: no mutation inside the unsafe block
+ let (requested_blockid, requested_ctx) = unsafe {
+ match (last_branch.targets[0].ref_unchecked(), last_branch.targets[1].ref_unchecked()) {
+ (Some(last_target), None) if last_target.get_address().is_none() => {
+ (last_target.get_blockid(), last_target.get_ctx())
+ }
+ _ => {
+ // We're done when no fallthrough block is requested
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ // Generate new block using context from the last branch.
+ let result = gen_single_block(requested_blockid, &requested_ctx, ec, cb, ocb);
+ // If the block failed to compile
+ if result.is_err() {
+ // Remove previously compiled block
+ // versions from the version map
+ for blockref in batch {
+ remove_block_version(&blockref);
+ // SAFETY: block was well connected because it was in a version_map
+ unsafe { free_block(blockref, false) };
+ }
+ // Stop compiling
+ return None;
+ }
+ let new_blockref = result.unwrap();
+ // Add the block version to the VersionMap for this ISEQ
+ unsafe { add_block_version(new_blockref, cb) };
+ // Connect the last branch and the new block
+ last_branch.targets[0].set(Some(Box::new(BranchTarget::Block(new_blockref))));
+ unsafe { new_blockref.as_ref().incoming.push(last_branchref) };
+ // Track the block
+ batch.push(new_blockref);
+ // Repeat with newest block
+ last_blockref = new_blockref;
+ }
+ #[cfg(feature = "disasm")]
+ {
+ // If dump_iseq_disasm is active, see if this iseq's location matches the given substring.
+ // If so, we print the new blocks to the console.
+ if let Some(substr) = get_option_ref!(dump_iseq_disasm).as_ref() {
+ let iseq_location = iseq_get_location(blockid.iseq, blockid.idx);
+ if iseq_location.contains(substr) {
+ let last_block = unsafe { last_blockref.as_ref() };
+ let iseq_range = &last_block.iseq_range;
+ println!("Compiling {} block(s) for {}, ISEQ offsets [{}, {})", batch.len(), iseq_location, iseq_range.start, iseq_range.end);
+ print!("{}", disasm_iseq_insn_range(blockid.iseq, iseq_range.start, iseq_range.end));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Some(first_block)
+/// Generate a block version that is an entry point inserted into an iseq
+/// NOTE: this function assumes that the VM lock has been taken
+/// If jit_exception is true, compile JIT code for handling exceptions.
+/// See [jit_compile_exception] for details.
+pub fn gen_entry_point(iseq: IseqPtr, ec: EcPtr, jit_exception: bool) -> Option<*const u8> {
+ // Compute the current instruction index based on the current PC
+ let cfp = unsafe { get_ec_cfp(ec) };
+ let insn_idx: u16 = unsafe {
+ let ec_pc = get_cfp_pc(cfp);
+ iseq_pc_to_insn_idx(iseq, ec_pc)?
+ };
+ let stack_size: u8 = unsafe {
+ u8::try_from(get_cfp_sp(cfp).offset_from(get_cfp_bp(cfp))).ok()?
+ };
+ // The entry context makes no assumptions about types
+ let blockid = BlockId {
+ iseq,
+ idx: insn_idx,
+ };
+ // Get the inline and outlined code blocks
+ let cb = CodegenGlobals::get_inline_cb();
+ let ocb = CodegenGlobals::get_outlined_cb();
+ // Write the interpreter entry prologue. Might be NULL when out of memory.
+ let code_ptr = gen_entry_prologue(cb, ocb, iseq, insn_idx, jit_exception);
+ // Try to generate code for the entry block
+ let mut ctx = Context::default();
+ ctx.stack_size = stack_size;
+ let block = gen_block_series(blockid, &ctx, ec, cb, ocb);
+ cb.mark_all_executable();
+ ocb.unwrap().mark_all_executable();
+ match block {
+ // Compilation failed
+ None => {
+ // Trigger code GC. This entry point will be recompiled later.
+ if get_option!(code_gc) {
+ cb.code_gc(ocb);
+ }
+ return None;
+ }
+ // If the block contains no Ruby instructions
+ Some(block) => {
+ let block = unsafe { block.as_ref() };
+ if block.iseq_range.is_empty() {
+ return None;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Count the number of entry points we compile
+ incr_counter!(compiled_iseq_entry);
+ // Compilation successful and block not empty
+|ptr| ptr.raw_ptr(cb))
+// Change the entry's jump target from an entry stub to a next entry
+pub fn regenerate_entry(cb: &mut CodeBlock, entryref: &EntryRef, next_entry: CodePtr) {
+ let mut asm = Assembler::new();
+ asm_comment!(asm, "regenerate_entry");
+ // gen_entry_guard generates cmp + jne. We're rewriting only jne.
+ asm.jne(next_entry.into());
+ // Move write_pos to rewrite the entry
+ let old_write_pos = cb.get_write_pos();
+ let old_dropped_bytes = cb.has_dropped_bytes();
+ cb.set_write_ptr(unsafe { entryref.as_ref() }.start_addr);
+ cb.set_dropped_bytes(false);
+ asm.compile(cb, None).expect("can rewrite existing code");
+ // Rewind write_pos to the original one
+ assert_eq!(cb.get_write_ptr(), unsafe { entryref.as_ref() }.end_addr);
+ cb.set_pos(old_write_pos);
+ cb.set_dropped_bytes(old_dropped_bytes);
+pub type PendingEntryRef = Rc<PendingEntry>;
+/// Create a new entry reference for an ISEQ
+pub fn new_pending_entry() -> PendingEntryRef {
+ let entry = PendingEntry {
+ uninit_entry: Box::new(MaybeUninit::uninit()),
+ start_addr: Cell::new(None),
+ end_addr: Cell::new(None),
+ };
+ return Rc::new(entry);
+c_callable! {
+ /// Generated code calls this function with the SysV calling convention.
+ /// See [gen_call_entry_stub_hit].
+ fn entry_stub_hit(entry_ptr: *const c_void, ec: EcPtr) -> *const u8 {
+ with_compile_time(|| {
+ with_vm_lock(src_loc!(), || {
+ let cb = CodegenGlobals::get_inline_cb();
+ let ocb = CodegenGlobals::get_outlined_cb();
+ let addr = entry_stub_hit_body(entry_ptr, ec, cb, ocb)
+ .unwrap_or_else(|| {
+ // Trigger code GC (e.g. no space).
+ // This entry point will be recompiled later.
+ if get_option!(code_gc) {
+ cb.code_gc(ocb);
+ }
+ CodegenGlobals::get_stub_exit_code().raw_ptr(cb)
+ });
+ cb.mark_all_executable();
+ ocb.unwrap().mark_all_executable();
+ addr
+ })
+ })
+ }
+/// Called by the generated code when an entry stub is executed
+fn entry_stub_hit_body(
+ entry_ptr: *const c_void,
+ ec: EcPtr,
+ cb: &mut CodeBlock,
+ ocb: &mut OutlinedCb
+) -> Option<*const u8> {
+ // Get ISEQ and insn_idx from the current ec->cfp
+ let cfp = unsafe { get_ec_cfp(ec) };
+ let iseq = unsafe { get_cfp_iseq(cfp) };
+ let insn_idx = iseq_pc_to_insn_idx(iseq, unsafe { get_cfp_pc(cfp) })?;
+ let stack_size: u8 = unsafe {
+ u8::try_from(get_cfp_sp(cfp).offset_from(get_cfp_bp(cfp))).ok()?
+ };
+ // Compile a new entry guard as a next entry
+ let next_entry = cb.get_write_ptr();
+ let mut asm = Assembler::new();
+ let pending_entry = gen_entry_chain_guard(&mut asm, ocb, iseq, insn_idx)?;
+ asm.compile(cb, Some(ocb))?;
+ // Find or compile a block version
+ let blockid = BlockId { iseq, idx: insn_idx };
+ let mut ctx = Context::default();
+ ctx.stack_size = stack_size;
+ let blockref = match find_block_version(blockid, &ctx) {
+ // If an existing block is found, generate a jump to the block.
+ Some(blockref) => {
+ let mut asm = Assembler::new();
+ { blockref.as_ref() }.start_addr.into());
+ asm.compile(cb, Some(ocb))?;
+ Some(blockref)
+ }
+ // If this block hasn't yet been compiled, generate blocks after the entry guard.
+ None => gen_block_series(blockid, &ctx, ec, cb, ocb),
+ };
+ // Commit or retry the entry
+ if blockref.is_some() {
+ // Regenerate the previous entry
+ let entryref = NonNull::<Entry>::new(entry_ptr as *mut Entry).expect("Entry should not be null");
+ regenerate_entry(cb, &entryref, next_entry);
+ // Write an entry to the heap and push it to the ISEQ
+ let pending_entry = Rc::try_unwrap(pending_entry).ok().expect("PendingEntry should be unique");
+ get_or_create_iseq_payload(iseq).entries.push(pending_entry.into_entry());
+ }
+ // Let the stub jump to the block
+|block| unsafe { block.as_ref() }.start_addr.raw_ptr(cb))
+/// Generate a stub that calls entry_stub_hit
+pub fn gen_entry_stub(entry_address: usize, ocb: &mut OutlinedCb) -> Option<CodePtr> {
+ let ocb = ocb.unwrap();
+ let mut asm = Assembler::new();
+ asm_comment!(asm, "entry stub hit");
+[0], entry_address.into());
+ // Jump to trampoline to call entry_stub_hit()
+ // Not really a side exit, just don't need a padded jump here.
+ asm.compile(ocb, None).map(|(code_ptr, _)| code_ptr)
+/// A trampoline used by gen_entry_stub. entry_stub_hit may issue Code GC, so
+/// it's useful for Code GC to call entry_stub_hit from a globally shared code.
+pub fn gen_entry_stub_hit_trampoline(ocb: &mut OutlinedCb) -> Option<CodePtr> {
+ let ocb = ocb.unwrap();
+ let mut asm = Assembler::new();
+ // See gen_entry_guard for how it's used.
+ asm_comment!(asm, "entry_stub_hit() trampoline");
+ let jump_addr = asm.ccall(entry_stub_hit as *mut u8, vec![C_ARG_OPNDS[0], EC]);
+ // Jump to the address returned by the entry_stub_hit() call
+ asm.jmp_opnd(jump_addr);
+ asm.compile(ocb, None).map(|(code_ptr, _)| code_ptr)
+/// Generate code for a branch, possibly rewriting and changing the size of it
+fn regenerate_branch(cb: &mut CodeBlock, branch: &Branch) {
+ // Remove old comments
+ cb.remove_comments(branch.start_addr, branch.end_addr.get());
+ // SAFETY: having a &Branch implies branch.block is initialized.
+ let block = unsafe { branch.block.as_ref() };
+ let branch_terminates_block = branch.end_addr.get() == block.get_end_addr();
+ // Generate the branch
+ let mut asm = Assembler::new();
+ asm_comment!(asm, "regenerate_branch");
+ &mut asm,
+ Target::CodePtr(branch.get_target_address(0).unwrap()),
+ branch.get_target_address(1).map(|addr| Target::CodePtr(addr)),
+ );
+ // If the entire block is the branch and the block could be invalidated,
+ // we need to pad to ensure there is room for invalidation patching.
+ if branch.start_addr == block.start_addr && branch_terminates_block && block.entry_exit.is_some() {
+ asm.pad_inval_patch();
+ }
+ // Rewrite the branch
+ let old_write_pos = cb.get_write_pos();
+ let old_dropped_bytes = cb.has_dropped_bytes();
+ cb.set_write_ptr(branch.start_addr);
+ cb.set_dropped_bytes(false);
+ asm.compile(cb, None).expect("can rewrite existing code");
+ let new_end_addr = cb.get_write_ptr();
+ branch.end_addr.set(new_end_addr);
+ // The block may have shrunk after the branch is rewritten
+ if branch_terminates_block {
+ // Adjust block size
+ block.end_addr.set(new_end_addr);
+ }
+ // cb.write_pos is both a write cursor and a marker for the end of
+ // everything written out so far. Leave cb->write_pos at the end of the
+ // block before returning. This function only ever bump or retain the end
+ // of block marker since that's what the majority of callers want. When the
+ // branch sits at the very end of the codeblock and it shrinks after
+ // regeneration, it's up to the caller to drop bytes off the end to
+ // not leave a gap and implement branch->shape.
+ if old_write_pos > cb.get_write_pos() {
+ // We rewound cb->write_pos to generate the branch, now restore it.
+ cb.set_pos(old_write_pos);
+ cb.set_dropped_bytes(old_dropped_bytes);
+ } else {
+ // The branch sits at the end of cb and consumed some memory.
+ // Keep cb.write_pos.
+ }
+ branch.assert_layout();
+pub type PendingBranchRef = Rc<PendingBranch>;
+/// Create a new outgoing branch entry for a block
+fn new_pending_branch(jit: &mut JITState, gen_fn: BranchGenFn) -> PendingBranchRef {
+ let branch = Rc::new(PendingBranch {
+ uninit_branch: Box::new(MaybeUninit::uninit()),
+ gen_fn,
+ start_addr: Cell::new(None),
+ end_addr: Cell::new(None),
+ targets: [Cell::new(None), Cell::new(None)],
+ });
+ incr_counter!(compiled_branch_count); // TODO not true. count at finalize time
+ // Add to the list of outgoing branches for the block
+ jit.queue_outgoing_branch(branch.clone());
+ branch
+c_callable! {
+ /// Generated code calls this function with the SysV calling convention.
+ /// See [gen_branch_stub].
+ fn branch_stub_hit(
+ branch_ptr: *const c_void,
+ target_idx: u32,
+ ec: EcPtr,
+ ) -> *const u8 {
+ with_vm_lock(src_loc!(), || {
+ with_compile_time(|| { branch_stub_hit_body(branch_ptr, target_idx, ec) })
+ })
+ }
+/// Called by the generated code when a branch stub is executed
+/// Triggers compilation of branches and code patching
+fn branch_stub_hit_body(branch_ptr: *const c_void, target_idx: u32, ec: EcPtr) -> *const u8 {
+ if get_option!(dump_insns) {
+ println!("branch_stub_hit");
+ }
+ let branch_ref = NonNull::<Branch>::new(branch_ptr as *mut Branch)
+ .expect("Branches should not be null");
+ // SAFETY: We have the VM lock, and the branch is initialized by the time generated
+ // code calls this function.
+ let branch = unsafe { branch_ref.as_ref() };
+ let branch_size_on_entry = branch.code_size();
+ let housing_block = unsafe { branch.block.as_ref() };
+ let target_idx: usize = target_idx.as_usize();
+ let target_branch_shape = match target_idx {
+ 0 => BranchShape::Next0,
+ 1 => BranchShape::Next1,
+ _ => unreachable!("target_idx < 2 must always hold"),
+ };
+ let cb = CodegenGlobals::get_inline_cb();
+ let ocb = CodegenGlobals::get_outlined_cb();
+ let (target_blockid, target_ctx): (BlockId, Context) = unsafe {
+ // SAFETY: no mutation of the target's Cell. Just reading out data.
+ let target = branch.targets[target_idx].ref_unchecked().as_ref().unwrap();
+ // If this branch has already been patched, return the dst address
+ // Note: recursion can cause the same stub to be hit multiple times
+ if let BranchTarget::Block(_) = target.as_ref() {
+ return target.get_address().unwrap().raw_ptr(cb);
+ }
+ (target.get_blockid(), target.get_ctx())
+ };
+ let (cfp, original_interp_sp) = unsafe {
+ let cfp = get_ec_cfp(ec);
+ let original_interp_sp = get_cfp_sp(cfp);
+ let running_iseq = get_cfp_iseq(cfp);
+ assert_eq!(running_iseq, target_blockid.iseq as _, "each stub expects a particular iseq");
+ let reconned_pc = rb_iseq_pc_at_idx(running_iseq, target_blockid.idx.into());
+ let reconned_sp = original_interp_sp.offset(target_ctx.sp_offset.into());
+ // Unlike in the interpreter, our `leave` doesn't write to the caller's
+ // SP -- we do it in the returned-to code. Account for this difference.
+ let reconned_sp = reconned_sp.add(target_ctx.is_return_landing().into());
+ // Update the PC in the current CFP, because it may be out of sync in JITted code
+ rb_set_cfp_pc(cfp, reconned_pc);
+ // :stub-sp-flush:
+ // Generated code do stack operations without modifying cfp->sp, while the
+ // cfp->sp tells the GC what values on the stack to root. Generated code
+ // generally takes care of updating cfp->sp when it calls runtime routines that
+ // could trigger GC, but it's inconvenient to do it before calling this function.
+ // So we do it here instead.
+ rb_set_cfp_sp(cfp, reconned_sp);
+ // Bail if code GC is disabled and we've already run out of spaces.
+ if !get_option!(code_gc) && (cb.has_dropped_bytes() || ocb.unwrap().has_dropped_bytes()) {
+ return CodegenGlobals::get_stub_exit_code().raw_ptr(cb);
+ }
+ // Bail if we're about to run out of native stack space.
+ // We've just reconstructed interpreter state.
+ if rb_ec_stack_check(ec as _) != 0 {
+ return CodegenGlobals::get_stub_exit_code().raw_ptr(cb);
+ }
+ (cfp, original_interp_sp)
+ };
+ // Try to find an existing compiled version of this block
+ let mut block = find_block_version(target_blockid, &target_ctx);
+ let mut branch_modified = false;
+ // If this block hasn't yet been compiled
+ if block.is_none() {
+ let branch_old_shape = branch.gen_fn.get_shape();
+ // If the new block can be generated right after the branch (at cb->write_pos)
+ if cb.get_write_ptr() == branch.end_addr.get() {
+ // This branch should be terminating its block
+ assert!(branch.end_addr == housing_block.end_addr);
+ // Change the branch shape to indicate the target block will be placed next
+ branch.gen_fn.set_shape(target_branch_shape);
+ // Rewrite the branch with the new, potentially more compact shape
+ regenerate_branch(cb, branch);
+ branch_modified = true;
+ // Ensure that the branch terminates the codeblock just like
+ // before entering this if block. This drops bytes off the end
+ // in case we shrank the branch when regenerating.
+ cb.set_write_ptr(branch.end_addr.get());
+ }
+ // Compile the new block version
+ block = gen_block_series(target_blockid, &target_ctx, ec, cb, ocb);
+ if block.is_none() && branch_modified {
+ // We couldn't generate a new block for the branch, but we modified the branch.
+ // Restore the branch by regenerating it.
+ branch.gen_fn.set_shape(branch_old_shape);
+ regenerate_branch(cb, branch);
+ }
+ }
+ // Finish building the new block
+ let dst_addr = match block {
+ Some(new_block) => {
+ let new_block = unsafe { new_block.as_ref() };
+ // Branch shape should reflect layout
+ assert!(!(branch.gen_fn.get_shape() == target_branch_shape && new_block.start_addr != branch.end_addr.get()));
+ // Add this branch to the list of incoming branches for the target
+ new_block.push_incoming(branch_ref);
+ // Update the branch target address
+ branch.targets[target_idx].set(Some(Box::new(BranchTarget::Block(new_block.into()))));
+ // Rewrite the branch with the new jump target address
+ regenerate_branch(cb, branch);
+ // Restore interpreter sp, since the code hitting the stub expects the original.
+ unsafe { rb_set_cfp_sp(cfp, original_interp_sp) };
+ new_block.start_addr
+ }
+ None => {
+ // Trigger code GC. The whole ISEQ will be recompiled later.
+ // We shouldn't trigger it in the middle of compilation in branch_stub_hit
+ // because incomplete code could be used when cb.dropped_bytes is flipped
+ // by code GC. So this place, after all compilation, is the safest place
+ // to hook code GC on branch_stub_hit.
+ if get_option!(code_gc) {
+ cb.code_gc(ocb);
+ }
+ // Failed to service the stub by generating a new block so now we
+ // need to exit to the interpreter at the stubbed location. We are
+ // intentionally *not* restoring original_interp_sp. At the time of
+ // writing, reconstructing interpreter state only involves setting
+ // cfp->sp and cfp->pc. We set both before trying to generate the
+ // block. All there is left to do to exit is to pop the native
+ // frame. We do that in code_for_exit_from_stub.
+ CodegenGlobals::get_stub_exit_code()
+ }
+ };
+ ocb.unwrap().mark_all_executable();
+ cb.mark_all_executable();
+ let new_branch_size = branch.code_size();
+ assert!(
+ new_branch_size <= branch_size_on_entry,
+ "branch stubs should never enlarge branches (start_addr: {:?}, old_size: {}, new_size: {})",
+ branch.start_addr.raw_ptr(cb), branch_size_on_entry, new_branch_size,
+ );
+ // Return a pointer to the compiled block version
+ dst_addr.raw_ptr(cb)
+/// Generate a "stub", a piece of code that calls the compiler back when run.
+/// A piece of code that redeems for more code; a thunk for code.
+fn gen_branch_stub(
+ ctx: &Context,
+ ocb: &mut OutlinedCb,
+ branch_struct_address: usize,
+ target_idx: u32,
+) -> Option<CodePtr> {
+ let ocb = ocb.unwrap();
+ let mut asm = Assembler::new();
+ asm.ctx = *ctx;
+ asm.set_reg_temps(ctx.reg_temps);
+ asm_comment!(asm, "branch stub hit");
+ if asm.ctx.is_return_landing() {
+, Opnd::mem(64, CFP, RUBY_OFFSET_CFP_SP));
+ let top = asm.stack_push(Type::Unknown);
+ }
+ // Save caller-saved registers before C_ARG_OPNDS get clobbered.
+ // Spill all registers for consistency with the trampoline.
+ for &reg in caller_saved_temp_regs() {
+ asm.cpush(Opnd::Reg(reg));
+ }
+ // Spill temps to the VM stack as well for jit.peek_at_stack()
+ asm.spill_temps();
+ // Set up the arguments unique to this stub for:
+ //
+ // branch_stub_hit(branch_ptr, target_idx, ec)
+ //
+ // Bake pointer to Branch into output code.
+ // We make sure the block housing the branch is still alive when branch_stub_hit() is running.
+[0], branch_struct_address.into());
+[1], target_idx.into());
+ // Jump to trampoline to call branch_stub_hit()
+ // Not really a side exit, just don't need a padded jump here.
+ asm.compile(ocb, None).map(|(code_ptr, _)| code_ptr)
+pub fn gen_branch_stub_hit_trampoline(ocb: &mut OutlinedCb) -> Option<CodePtr> {
+ let ocb = ocb.unwrap();
+ let mut asm = Assembler::new();
+ // For `branch_stub_hit(branch_ptr, target_idx, ec)`,
+ // `branch_ptr` and `target_idx` is different for each stub,
+ // but the call and what's after is the same. This trampoline
+ // is the unchanging part.
+ // Since this trampoline is static, it allows code GC inside
+ // branch_stub_hit() to free stubs without problems.
+ asm_comment!(asm, "branch_stub_hit() trampoline");
+ let stub_hit_ret = asm.ccall(
+ branch_stub_hit as *mut u8,
+ vec![
+ EC,
+ ]
+ );
+ let jump_addr = asm.load(stub_hit_ret);
+ // Restore caller-saved registers for stack temps
+ for &reg in caller_saved_temp_regs().rev() {
+ asm.cpop_into(Opnd::Reg(reg));
+ }
+ // Jump to the address returned by the branch_stub_hit() call
+ asm.jmp_opnd(jump_addr);
+ // HACK: popping into C_RET_REG clobbers the return value of branch_stub_hit() we need to jump
+ // to, so we need a scratch register to preserve it. This extends the live range of the C
+ // return register so we get something else for the return value.
+ let _ = asm.live_reg_opnd(stub_hit_ret);
+ asm.compile(ocb, None).map(|(code_ptr, _)| code_ptr)
+/// Return registers to be pushed and popped on branch_stub_hit.
+pub fn caller_saved_temp_regs() -> impl Iterator<Item = &'static Reg> + DoubleEndedIterator {
+ let temp_regs = Assembler::get_temp_regs().iter();
+ let len = temp_regs.len();
+ // The return value gen_leave() leaves in C_RET_REG
+ // needs to survive the branch_stub_hit() call.
+ let regs = temp_regs.chain(std::iter::once(&C_RET_REG));
+ // On x86_64, maintain 16-byte stack alignment
+ if cfg!(target_arch = "x86_64") && len % 2 == 0 {
+ static ONE_MORE: [Reg; 1] = [C_RET_REG];
+ regs.chain(ONE_MORE.iter())
+ } else {
+ regs.chain(&[])
+ }
+impl Assembler
+ /// Mark the start position of a patchable entry point in the machine code
+ pub fn mark_entry_start(&mut self, entryref: &PendingEntryRef) {
+ // We need to create our own entry rc object
+ // so that we can move the closure below
+ let entryref = entryref.clone();
+ self.pos_marker(move |code_ptr, _| {
+ entryref.start_addr.set(Some(code_ptr));
+ });
+ }
+ /// Mark the end position of a patchable entry point in the machine code
+ pub fn mark_entry_end(&mut self, entryref: &PendingEntryRef) {
+ // We need to create our own entry rc object
+ // so that we can move the closure below
+ let entryref = entryref.clone();
+ self.pos_marker(move |code_ptr, _| {
+ entryref.end_addr.set(Some(code_ptr));
+ });
+ }
+ // Mark the start position of a patchable branch in the machine code
+ fn mark_branch_start(&mut self, branchref: &PendingBranchRef)
+ {
+ // We need to create our own branch rc object
+ // so that we can move the closure below
+ let branchref = branchref.clone();
+ self.pos_marker(move |code_ptr, _| {
+ branchref.start_addr.set(Some(code_ptr));
+ });
+ }
+ // Mark the end position of a patchable branch in the machine code
+ fn mark_branch_end(&mut self, branchref: &PendingBranchRef)
+ {
+ // We need to create our own branch rc object
+ // so that we can move the closure below
+ let branchref = branchref.clone();
+ self.pos_marker(move |code_ptr, _| {
+ branchref.end_addr.set(Some(code_ptr));
+ });
+ }
+pub fn gen_branch(
+ jit: &mut JITState,
+ asm: &mut Assembler,
+ ocb: &mut OutlinedCb,
+ target0: BlockId,
+ ctx0: &Context,
+ target1: Option<BlockId>,
+ ctx1: Option<&Context>,
+ gen_fn: BranchGenFn,
+) {
+ let branch = new_pending_branch(jit, gen_fn);
+ // Get the branch targets or stubs
+ let target0_addr = branch.set_target(0, target0, ctx0, ocb);
+ let target1_addr = if let Some(ctx) = ctx1 {
+ let addr = branch.set_target(1, target1.unwrap(), ctx, ocb);
+ if addr.is_none() {
+ // target1 requested but we're out of memory.
+ // Avoid unwrap() in gen_fn()
+ return;
+ }
+ addr
+ } else { None };
+ // Call the branch generation function
+ asm.mark_branch_start(&branch);
+ if let Some(dst_addr) = target0_addr {
+, Target::CodePtr(dst_addr),|addr| Target::CodePtr(addr)));
+ }
+ asm.mark_branch_end(&branch);
+pub fn gen_direct_jump(jit: &mut JITState, ctx: &Context, target0: BlockId, asm: &mut Assembler) {
+ let branch = new_pending_branch(jit, BranchGenFn::JumpToTarget0(Cell::new(BranchShape::Default)));
+ let maybe_block = find_block_version(target0, ctx);
+ // If the block already exists
+ let new_target = if let Some(blockref) = maybe_block {
+ let block = unsafe { blockref.as_ref() };
+ let block_addr = block.start_addr;
+ // Call the branch generation function
+ asm_comment!(asm, "gen_direct_jmp: existing block");
+ asm.mark_branch_start(&branch);
+, Target::CodePtr(block_addr), None);
+ asm.mark_branch_end(&branch);
+ BranchTarget::Block(blockref)
+ } else {
+ // The branch is effectively empty (a noop)
+ asm_comment!(asm, "gen_direct_jmp: fallthrough");
+ asm.mark_branch_start(&branch);
+ asm.mark_branch_end(&branch);
+ branch.gen_fn.set_shape(BranchShape::Next0);
+ // `None` in new_target.address signals gen_block_series() to
+ // compile the target block right after this one (fallthrough).
+ BranchTarget::Stub(Box::new(BranchStub {
+ address: None,
+ ctx: *ctx,
+ iseq: Cell::new(target0.iseq),
+ iseq_idx: target0.idx,
+ }))
+ };
+ branch.targets[0].set(Some(Box::new(new_target)));
+/// Create a stub to force the code up to this point to be executed
+pub fn defer_compilation(
+ jit: &mut JITState,
+ asm: &mut Assembler,
+ ocb: &mut OutlinedCb,
+) {
+ if asm.ctx.is_deferred() {
+ panic!("Double defer!");
+ }
+ let mut next_ctx = asm.ctx;
+ next_ctx.mark_as_deferred();
+ let branch = new_pending_branch(jit, BranchGenFn::JumpToTarget0(Cell::new(BranchShape::Default)));
+ let blockid = BlockId {
+ iseq: jit.get_iseq(),
+ idx: jit.get_insn_idx(),
+ };
+ // Likely a stub due to the increased chain depth
+ let target0_address = branch.set_target(0, blockid, &next_ctx, ocb);
+ // Call the branch generation function
+ asm_comment!(asm, "defer_compilation");
+ asm.mark_branch_start(&branch);
+ if let Some(dst_addr) = target0_address {
+, Target::CodePtr(dst_addr), None);
+ }
+ asm.mark_branch_end(&branch);
+ // If the block we're deferring from is empty
+ if jit.get_starting_insn_idx() == jit.get_insn_idx() {
+ incr_counter!(defer_empty_count);
+ }
+ incr_counter!(defer_count);
+/// Remove a block from the live control flow graph.
+/// Block must be initialized and incoming/outgoing edges
+/// must also point to initialized blocks.
+unsafe fn remove_from_graph(blockref: BlockRef) {
+ let block = unsafe { blockref.as_ref() };
+ // Remove this block from the predecessor's targets
+ for pred_branchref in block.incoming.0.take().iter() {
+ // Branch from the predecessor to us
+ let pred_branch = unsafe { pred_branchref.as_ref() };
+ // If this is us, nullify the target block
+ for target_idx in 0..pred_branch.targets.len() {
+ // SAFETY: no mutation inside unsafe
+ let target_is_us = unsafe {
+ pred_branch.targets[target_idx]
+ .ref_unchecked()
+ .as_ref()
+ .and_then(|target| target.get_block())
+ .and_then(|target_block| (target_block == blockref).then(|| ()))
+ .is_some()
+ };
+ if target_is_us {
+ pred_branch.targets[target_idx].set(None);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // For each outgoing branch
+ for out_branchref in block.outgoing.iter() {
+ let out_branch = unsafe { out_branchref.as_ref() };
+ // For each successor block
+ for out_target in out_branch.targets.iter() {
+ // SAFETY: copying out an Option<BlockRef>. No mutation.
+ let succ_block: Option<BlockRef> = unsafe {
+ out_target.ref_unchecked().as_ref().and_then(|target| target.get_block())
+ };
+ if let Some(succ_block) = succ_block {
+ // Remove outgoing branch from the successor's incoming list
+ // SAFETY: caller promises the block has valid outgoing edges.
+ let succ_block = unsafe { succ_block.as_ref() };
+ // Temporarily move out of succ_block.incoming.
+ let succ_incoming = succ_block.incoming.0.take();
+ let mut succ_incoming = succ_incoming.into_vec();
+ succ_incoming.retain(|branch| branch != out_branchref);
+ succ_block.incoming.0.set(succ_incoming.into_boxed_slice()); // allocs. Rely on oom=abort
+ }
+ }
+ }
+/// Tear down a block and deallocate it.
+/// Caller has to ensure that the code tracked by the block is not
+/// running, as running code may hit [branch_stub_hit] who exepcts
+/// [Branch] to be live.
+/// We currently ensure this through the `jit_cont` system in cont.c
+/// and sometimes through the GC calling [rb_yjit_iseq_free]. The GC
+/// has proven that an ISeq is not running if it calls us to free it.
+/// For delayed deallocation, since dead blocks don't keep
+/// blocks they refer alive, by the time we get here their outgoing
+/// edges may be dangling. Pass `graph_intact=false` such these cases.
+pub unsafe fn free_block(blockref: BlockRef, graph_intact: bool) {
+ // Careful with order here.
+ // First, remove all pointers to the referent block
+ unsafe {
+ block_assumptions_free(blockref);
+ if graph_intact {
+ remove_from_graph(blockref);
+ }
+ }
+ // SAFETY: we should now have a unique pointer to the block
+ unsafe { dealloc_block(blockref) }
+/// Deallocate a block and its outgoing branches. Blocks own their outgoing branches.
+/// Caller must ensure that we have unique ownership for the referent block
+unsafe fn dealloc_block(blockref: BlockRef) {
+ unsafe {
+ for outgoing in blockref.as_ref().outgoing.iter() {
+ // this Box::from_raw matches the Box::into_raw from PendingBranch::into_branch
+ mem::drop(Box::from_raw(outgoing.as_ptr()));
+ }
+ }
+ // Deallocate the referent Block
+ unsafe {
+ // this Box::from_raw matches the Box::into_raw from JITState::into_block
+ mem::drop(Box::from_raw(blockref.as_ptr()));
+ }
+// Some runtime checks for integrity of a program location
+pub fn verify_blockid(blockid: BlockId) {
+ unsafe {
+ assert!(rb_IMEMO_TYPE_P(blockid.iseq.into(), imemo_iseq) != 0);
+ assert!(u32::from(blockid.idx) < get_iseq_encoded_size(blockid.iseq));
+ }
+// Invalidate one specific block version
+pub fn invalidate_block_version(blockref: &BlockRef) {
+ //ASSERT_vm_locking();
+ // TODO: want to assert that all other ractors are stopped here. Can't patch
+ // machine code that some other thread is running.
+ let block = unsafe { (*blockref).as_ref() };
+ let id_being_invalidated = block.get_blockid();
+ let mut cb = CodegenGlobals::get_inline_cb();
+ let ocb = CodegenGlobals::get_outlined_cb();
+ verify_blockid(id_being_invalidated);
+ #[cfg(feature = "disasm")]
+ {
+ // If dump_iseq_disasm is specified, print to console that blocks for matching ISEQ names were invalidated.
+ if let Some(substr) = get_option_ref!(dump_iseq_disasm).as_ref() {
+ let iseq_range = &block.iseq_range;
+ let iseq_location = iseq_get_location(block.iseq.get(), iseq_range.start);
+ if iseq_location.contains(substr) {
+ println!("Invalidating block from {}, ISEQ offsets [{}, {})", iseq_location, iseq_range.start, iseq_range.end);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Remove this block from the version array
+ remove_block_version(blockref);
+ // Get a pointer to the generated code for this block
+ let block_start = block.start_addr;
+ // Make the start of the block do an exit. This handles OOM situations
+ // and some cases where we can't efficiently patch incoming branches.
+ // Do this first, since in case there is a fallthrough branch into this
+ // block, the patching loop below can overwrite the start of the block.
+ // In those situations, there is hopefully no jumps to the start of the block
+ // after patching as the start of the block would be in the middle of something
+ // generated by branch_t::gen_fn.
+ let block_entry_exit = block
+ .entry_exit
+ .expect("invalidation needs the entry_exit field");
+ {
+ let block_end = block.get_end_addr();
+ if block_start == block_entry_exit {
+ // Some blocks exit on entry. Patching a jump to the entry at the
+ // entry makes an infinite loop.
+ } else {
+ // Patch in a jump to block.entry_exit.
+ let cur_pos = cb.get_write_ptr();
+ let cur_dropped_bytes = cb.has_dropped_bytes();
+ cb.set_write_ptr(block_start);
+ let mut asm = Assembler::new();
+ cb.set_dropped_bytes(false);
+ asm.compile(&mut cb, Some(ocb)).expect("can rewrite existing code");
+ assert!(
+ cb.get_write_ptr() <= block_end,
+ "invalidation wrote past end of block (code_size: {:?}, new_size: {})",
+ block.code_size(),
+ cb.get_write_ptr().as_offset() - block_start.as_offset(),
+ );
+ cb.set_write_ptr(cur_pos);
+ cb.set_dropped_bytes(cur_dropped_bytes);
+ }
+ }
+ // For each incoming branch
+ for branchref in block.incoming.0.take().iter() {
+ let branch = unsafe { branchref.as_ref() };
+ let target_idx = if branch.get_target_address(0) == Some(block_start) {
+ 0
+ } else {
+ 1
+ };
+ // Assert that the incoming branch indeed points to the block being invalidated
+ // SAFETY: no mutation.
+ unsafe {
+ let incoming_target = branch.targets[target_idx].ref_unchecked().as_ref().unwrap();
+ assert_eq!(Some(block_start), incoming_target.get_address());
+ if let Some(incoming_block) = &incoming_target.get_block() {
+ assert_eq!(blockref, incoming_block);
+ }
+ }
+ // Create a stub for this branch target
+ let stub_addr = gen_branch_stub(&block.ctx, ocb, branchref.as_ptr() as usize, target_idx as u32);
+ // In case we were unable to generate a stub (e.g. OOM). Use the block's
+ // exit instead of a stub for the block. It's important that we
+ // still patch the branch in this situation so stubs are unique
+ // to branches. Think about what could go wrong if we run out of
+ // memory in the middle of this loop.
+ let stub_addr = stub_addr.unwrap_or(block_entry_exit);
+ // Fill the branch target with a stub
+ branch.targets[target_idx].set(Some(Box::new(BranchTarget::Stub(Box::new(BranchStub {
+ address: Some(stub_addr),
+ iseq: block.iseq.clone(),
+ iseq_idx: block.iseq_range.start,
+ ctx: block.ctx,
+ })))));
+ // Check if the invalidated block immediately follows
+ let target_next = block.start_addr == branch.end_addr.get();
+ if target_next {
+ // The new block will no longer be adjacent.
+ // Note that we could be enlarging the branch and writing into the
+ // start of the block being invalidated.
+ branch.gen_fn.set_shape(BranchShape::Default);
+ }
+ // Rewrite the branch with the new jump target address
+ let old_branch_size = branch.code_size();
+ regenerate_branch(cb, branch);
+ if target_next && branch.end_addr > block.end_addr {
+ panic!("yjit invalidate rewrote branch past end of invalidated block: {:?} (code_size: {})", branch, block.code_size());
+ }
+ if !target_next && branch.code_size() > old_branch_size {
+ panic!(
+ "invalidated branch grew in size (start_addr: {:?}, old_size: {}, new_size: {})",
+ branch.start_addr.raw_ptr(cb), old_branch_size, branch.code_size()
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ // Clear out the JIT func so that we can recompile later and so the
+ // interpreter will run the iseq.
+ //
+ // Only clear the jit_func when we're invalidating the JIT entry block.
+ // We only support compiling iseqs from index 0 right now. So entry
+ // points will always have an instruction index of 0. We'll need to
+ // change this in the future when we support optional parameters because
+ // they enter the function with a non-zero PC
+ if block.iseq_range.start == 0 {
+ // TODO:
+ // We could reset the exec counter to zero in rb_iseq_reset_jit_func()
+ // so that we eventually compile a new entry point when useful
+ unsafe { rb_iseq_reset_jit_func(block.iseq.get()) };
+ }
+ // FIXME:
+ // Call continuation addresses on the stack can also be atomically replaced by jumps going to the stub.
+ // SAFETY: This block was in a version_map earlier
+ // in this function before we removed it, so it's well connected.
+ unsafe { remove_from_graph(*blockref) };
+ delayed_deallocation(*blockref);
+ ocb.unwrap().mark_all_executable();
+ cb.mark_all_executable();
+ incr_counter!(invalidation_count);
+// We cannot deallocate blocks immediately after invalidation since there
+// could be stubs waiting to access branch pointers. Return stubs can do
+// this since patching the code for setting up return addresses does not
+// affect old return addresses that are already set up to use potentially
+// invalidated branch pointers. Example:
+// def foo(n)
+// if n == 2
+// # 1.times.each to create a cfunc frame to preserve the JIT frame
+// # which will return to a stub housed in an invalidated block
+// return 1.times.each { Object.define_method(:foo) {} }
+// end
+// foo(n + 1)
+// end
+// p foo(1)
+pub fn delayed_deallocation(blockref: BlockRef) {
+ block_assumptions_free(blockref);
+ let payload = get_iseq_payload(unsafe { blockref.as_ref() }.iseq.get()).unwrap();
+ payload.dead_blocks.push(blockref);
+trait RefUnchecked {
+ type Contained;
+ unsafe fn ref_unchecked(&self) -> &Self::Contained;
+impl<T> RefUnchecked for Cell<T> {
+ type Contained = T;
+ /// Gives a reference to the contents of a [Cell].
+ /// Dangerous; please include a SAFETY note.
+ ///
+ /// An easy way to use this without triggering Undefined Behavior is to
+ /// 1. ensure there is transitively no Cell/UnsafeCell mutation in the `unsafe` block
+ /// 2. ensure the `unsafe` block does not return any references, so our
+ /// analysis is lexically confined. This is trivially true if the block
+ /// returns a `bool`, for example. Aggregates that store references have
+ /// explicit lifetime parameters that look like `<'a>`.
+ ///
+ /// There are other subtler situations that don't follow these rules yet
+ /// are still sound.
+ /// See `test_miri_ref_unchecked()` for examples. You can play with it
+ /// with `cargo +nightly miri test miri`.
+ unsafe fn ref_unchecked(&self) -> &Self::Contained {
+ // SAFETY: pointer is dereferenceable because it's from a &Cell.
+ // It's up to the caller to follow aliasing rules with the output
+ // reference.
+ unsafe { self.as_ptr().as_ref().unwrap() }
+ }
+mod tests {
+ use crate::core::*;
+ #[test]
+ fn type_size() {
+ // Check that we can store types in 4 bits,
+ // and all local types in 32 bits
+ assert_eq!(mem::size_of::<Type>(), 1);
+ assert!(Type::BlockParamProxy as usize <= 0b1111);
+ assert!(MAX_LOCAL_TYPES * 4 <= 32);
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn tempmapping_size() {
+ assert_eq!(mem::size_of::<TempMapping>(), 1);
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn local_types() {
+ let mut ctx = Context::default();
+ for i in 0..MAX_LOCAL_TYPES {
+ ctx.set_local_type(i, Type::Fixnum);
+ assert_eq!(ctx.get_local_type(i), Type::Fixnum);
+ ctx.set_local_type(i, Type::BlockParamProxy);
+ assert_eq!(ctx.get_local_type(i), Type::BlockParamProxy);
+ }
+ ctx.set_local_type(0, Type::Fixnum);
+ ctx.clear_local_types();
+ assert!(ctx.get_local_type(0) == Type::Unknown);
+ // Make sure we don't accidentally set bits incorrectly
+ let mut ctx = Context::default();
+ ctx.set_local_type(0, Type::Fixnum);
+ assert_eq!(ctx.get_local_type(0), Type::Fixnum);
+ ctx.set_local_type(2, Type::Fixnum);
+ ctx.set_local_type(1, Type::BlockParamProxy);
+ assert_eq!(ctx.get_local_type(0), Type::Fixnum);
+ assert_eq!(ctx.get_local_type(2), Type::Fixnum);
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn tempmapping() {
+ let t = TempMapping::map_to_stack(Type::Unknown);
+ assert_eq!(t.get_kind(), MapToStack);
+ assert_eq!(t.get_type(), Type::Unknown);
+ let t = TempMapping::map_to_stack(Type::TString);
+ assert_eq!(t.get_kind(), MapToStack);
+ assert_eq!(t.get_type(), Type::TString);
+ let t = TempMapping::map_to_local(7);
+ assert_eq!(t.get_kind(), MapToLocal);
+ assert_eq!(t.get_local_idx(), 7);
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn context_size() {
+ assert_eq!(mem::size_of::<Context>(), 23);
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn types() {
+ // Valid src => dst
+ assert_eq!(Type::Unknown.diff(Type::Unknown), TypeDiff::Compatible(0));
+ assert_eq!(Type::UnknownImm.diff(Type::UnknownImm), TypeDiff::Compatible(0));
+ assert_ne!(Type::UnknownImm.diff(Type::Unknown), TypeDiff::Incompatible);
+ assert_ne!(Type::Fixnum.diff(Type::Unknown), TypeDiff::Incompatible);
+ assert_ne!(Type::Fixnum.diff(Type::UnknownImm), TypeDiff::Incompatible);
+ // Invalid src => dst
+ assert_eq!(Type::Unknown.diff(Type::UnknownImm), TypeDiff::Incompatible);
+ assert_eq!(Type::Unknown.diff(Type::Fixnum), TypeDiff::Incompatible);
+ assert_eq!(Type::Fixnum.diff(Type::UnknownHeap), TypeDiff::Incompatible);
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn reg_temps() {
+ let mut reg_temps = RegTemps(0);
+ // 0 means every slot is not spilled
+ for stack_idx in 0..MAX_REG_TEMPS {
+ assert_eq!(reg_temps.get(stack_idx), false);
+ }
+ // Set 0, 2, 7 (RegTemps: 10100001)
+ reg_temps.set(0, true);
+ reg_temps.set(2, true);
+ reg_temps.set(3, true);
+ reg_temps.set(3, false);
+ reg_temps.set(7, true);
+ // Get 0..8
+ assert_eq!(reg_temps.get(0), true);
+ assert_eq!(reg_temps.get(1), false);
+ assert_eq!(reg_temps.get(2), true);
+ assert_eq!(reg_temps.get(3), false);
+ assert_eq!(reg_temps.get(4), false);
+ assert_eq!(reg_temps.get(5), false);
+ assert_eq!(reg_temps.get(6), false);
+ assert_eq!(reg_temps.get(7), true);
+ // Test conflicts
+ assert_eq!(5, get_option!(num_temp_regs));
+ assert_eq!(reg_temps.conflicts_with(0), false); // already set, but no conflict
+ assert_eq!(reg_temps.conflicts_with(1), false);
+ assert_eq!(reg_temps.conflicts_with(2), true); // already set, and conflicts with 7
+ assert_eq!(reg_temps.conflicts_with(3), false);
+ assert_eq!(reg_temps.conflicts_with(4), false);
+ assert_eq!(reg_temps.conflicts_with(5), true); // not set, and will conflict with 0
+ assert_eq!(reg_temps.conflicts_with(6), false);
+ assert_eq!(reg_temps.conflicts_with(7), true); // already set, and conflicts with 2
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn context() {
+ // Valid src => dst
+ assert_eq!(Context::default().diff(&Context::default()), TypeDiff::Compatible(0));
+ // Try pushing an operand and getting its type
+ let mut asm = Assembler::new();
+ asm.stack_push(Type::Fixnum);
+ let top_type = asm.ctx.get_opnd_type(StackOpnd(0));
+ assert!(top_type == Type::Fixnum);
+ // TODO: write more tests for Context type diff
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn context_upgrade_local() {
+ let mut asm = Assembler::new();
+ asm.stack_push_local(0);
+ asm.ctx.upgrade_opnd_type(StackOpnd(0), Type::Nil);
+ assert_eq!(Type::Nil, asm.ctx.get_opnd_type(StackOpnd(0)));
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn context_chain_depth() {
+ let mut ctx = Context::default();
+ assert_eq!(ctx.get_chain_depth(), 0);
+ assert_eq!(ctx.is_return_landing(), false);
+ assert_eq!(ctx.is_deferred(), false);
+ for _ in 0..5 {
+ ctx.increment_chain_depth();
+ }
+ assert_eq!(ctx.get_chain_depth(), 5);
+ ctx.set_as_return_landing();
+ assert_eq!(ctx.is_return_landing(), true);
+ ctx.clear_return_landing();
+ assert_eq!(ctx.is_return_landing(), false);
+ ctx.mark_as_deferred();
+ assert_eq!(ctx.is_deferred(), true);
+ ctx.reset_chain_depth_and_defer();
+ assert_eq!(ctx.get_chain_depth(), 0);
+ assert_eq!(ctx.is_deferred(), false);
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn shift_stack_for_send() {
+ let mut asm = Assembler::new();
+ // Push values to simulate send(:name, arg) with 6 items already on-stack
+ for _ in 0..6 {
+ asm.stack_push(Type::Fixnum);
+ }
+ asm.stack_push(Type::Unknown);
+ asm.stack_push(Type::ImmSymbol);
+ asm.stack_push(Type::Unknown);
+ // This method takes argc of the sendee, not argc of send
+ asm.shift_stack(1);
+ // The symbol should be gone
+ assert_eq!(Type::Unknown, asm.ctx.get_opnd_type(StackOpnd(0)));
+ assert_eq!(Type::Unknown, asm.ctx.get_opnd_type(StackOpnd(1)));
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_miri_ref_unchecked() {
+ let blockid = BlockId {
+ iseq: ptr::null(),
+ idx: 0,
+ };
+ let cb = CodeBlock::new_dummy(1024);
+ let dumm_addr = cb.get_write_ptr();
+ let block = JITState::new(blockid, Context::default(), dumm_addr, ptr::null())
+ .into_block(0, dumm_addr, dumm_addr, vec![]);
+ let _dropper = BlockDropper(block);
+ // Outside of brief moments during construction,
+ // we're always working with &Branch (a shared reference to a Branch).
+ let branch: &Branch = &Branch {
+ gen_fn: BranchGenFn::JZToTarget0,
+ block,
+ start_addr: dumm_addr,
+ end_addr: Cell::new(dumm_addr),
+ targets: [Cell::new(None), Cell::new(Some(Box::new(BranchTarget::Stub(Box::new(BranchStub {
+ iseq: Cell::new(ptr::null()),
+ iseq_idx: 0,
+ address: None,
+ ctx: Context::default(),
+ })))))]
+ };
+ // For easier soundness reasoning, make sure the reference returned does not out live the
+ // `unsafe` block! It's tempting to do, but it leads to non-local issues.
+ // Here is an example where it goes wrong:
+ if false {
+ for target in branch.targets.iter().as_ref() {
+ if let Some(btarget) = unsafe { target.ref_unchecked() } {
+ // btarget is derived from the usnafe block!
+ target.set(None); // This drops the contents of the cell...
+ assert!(btarget.get_address().is_none()); // but `btarget` is still live! UB.
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Do something like this instead. It's not pretty, but it's easier to vet for UB this way.
+ for target in branch.targets.iter().as_ref() {
+ // SAFETY: no mutation within unsafe
+ if unsafe { target.ref_unchecked().is_none() } {
+ continue;
+ }
+ // SAFETY: no mutation within unsafe
+ assert!(unsafe { target.ref_unchecked().as_ref().unwrap().get_address().is_none() });
+ target.set(None);
+ }
+ // A more subtle situation where we do Cell/UnsafeCell mutation over the
+ // lifetime of the reference released by ref_unchecked().
+ branch.targets[0].set(Some(Box::new(BranchTarget::Stub(Box::new(BranchStub {
+ iseq: Cell::new(ptr::null()),
+ iseq_idx: 0,
+ address: None,
+ ctx: Context::default(),
+ })))));
+ // Invalid ISeq; we never dereference it.
+ let secret_iseq = NonNull::<rb_iseq_t>::dangling().as_ptr();
+ unsafe {
+ if let Some(branch_target) = branch.targets[0].ref_unchecked().as_ref() {
+ if let BranchTarget::Stub(stub) = branch_target.as_ref() {
+ // SAFETY:
+ // This is a Cell mutation, but it mutates the contents
+ // of a a Cell<IseqPtr>, which is a different type
+ // from the type of Cell found in `Branch::targets`, so
+ // there is no chance of mutating the Cell that we called
+ // ref_unchecked() on above.
+ Cell::set(&stub.iseq, secret_iseq);
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ // Check that we indeed changed the iseq of the stub
+ // Cell::take moves out of the cell.
+ assert_eq!(
+ secret_iseq as usize,
+ branch.targets[0].take().unwrap().get_blockid().iseq as usize
+ );
+ struct BlockDropper(BlockRef);
+ impl Drop for BlockDropper {
+ fn drop(&mut self) {
+ // SAFETY: we have ownership because the test doesn't stash
+ // the block away in any global structure.
+ // Note that the test being self-contained is also why we
+ // use dealloc_block() over free_block(), as free_block() touches
+ // the global invariants tables unavailable in tests.
+ unsafe { dealloc_block(self.0) };
+ }
+ }
+ }