path: root/tool/sync_default_gems.rb
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tool/sync_default_gems.rb')
1 files changed, 773 insertions, 564 deletions
diff --git a/tool/sync_default_gems.rb b/tool/sync_default_gems.rb
index e5821898af..0307028eb7 100755
--- a/tool/sync_default_gems.rb
+++ b/tool/sync_default_gems.rb
@@ -1,604 +1,809 @@
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
-# sync upstream github repositories to ruby repository
+# Sync upstream github repositories to ruby repository.
+# See `tool/sync_default_gems.rb --help` for how to use this.
require 'fileutils'
-include FileUtils
- rubygems: 'rubygems/rubygems',
- rdoc: 'ruby/rdoc',
- reline: 'ruby/reline',
- json: 'flori/json',
- psych: 'ruby/psych',
- fileutils: 'ruby/fileutils',
- fiddle: 'ruby/fiddle',
- stringio: 'ruby/stringio',
- "io-console": 'ruby/io-console',
- "io-nonblock": 'ruby/io-nonblock',
- "io-wait": 'ruby/io-wait',
- csv: 'ruby/csv',
- etc: 'ruby/etc',
- date: 'ruby/date',
- zlib: 'ruby/zlib',
- fcntl: 'ruby/fcntl',
- strscan: 'ruby/strscan',
- ipaddr: 'ruby/ipaddr',
- logger: 'ruby/logger',
- ostruct: 'ruby/ostruct',
- irb: 'ruby/irb',
- forwardable: "ruby/forwardable",
- mutex_m: "ruby/mutex_m",
- racc: "ruby/racc",
- singleton: "ruby/singleton",
- open3: "ruby/open3",
- getoptlong: "ruby/getoptlong",
- pstore: "ruby/pstore",
- delegate: "ruby/delegate",
- benchmark: "ruby/benchmark",
- cgi: "ruby/cgi",
- readline: "ruby/readline",
- "readline-ext": "ruby/readline-ext",
- observer: "ruby/observer",
- timeout: "ruby/timeout",
- yaml: "ruby/yaml",
- uri: "ruby/uri",
- openssl: "ruby/openssl",
- did_you_mean: "ruby/did_you_mean",
- weakref: "ruby/weakref",
- tempfile: "ruby/tempfile",
- tmpdir: "ruby/tmpdir",
- English: "ruby/English",
- "net-protocol": "ruby/net-protocol",
- "net-http": "ruby/net-http",
- bigdecimal: "ruby/bigdecimal",
- optparse: "ruby/optparse",
- set: "ruby/set",
- find: "ruby/find",
- rinda: "ruby/rinda",
- erb: "ruby/erb",
- nkf: "ruby/nkf",
- tsort: "ruby/tsort",
- abbrev: "ruby/abbrev",
- shellwords: "ruby/shellwords",
- base64: "ruby/base64",
- syslog: "ruby/syslog",
- "open-uri": "ruby/open-uri",
- securerandom: "ruby/securerandom",
- resolv: "ruby/resolv",
- "resolv-replace": "ruby/resolv-replace",
- time: "ruby/time",
- pp: "ruby/pp",
- prettyprint: "ruby/prettyprint",
- drb: "ruby/drb",
- pathname: "ruby/pathname",
- digest: "ruby/digest",
- error_highlight: "ruby/error_highlight",
- un: "ruby/un",
- win32ole: "ruby/win32ole",
-def pipe_readlines(args, rs: "\0", chomp: true)
- IO.popen(args) do |f|
- f.readlines(rs, chomp: chomp)
+require "rbconfig"
+module SyncDefaultGems
+ include FileUtils
+ extend FileUtils
+ module_function
+ "io-console": 'ruby/io-console',
+ "io-nonblock": 'ruby/io-nonblock',
+ "io-wait": 'ruby/io-wait',
+ "net-http": "ruby/net-http",
+ "net-protocol": "ruby/net-protocol",
+ "open-uri": "ruby/open-uri",
+ English: "ruby/English",
+ benchmark: "ruby/benchmark",
+ cgi: "ruby/cgi",
+ date: 'ruby/date',
+ delegate: "ruby/delegate",
+ did_you_mean: "ruby/did_you_mean",
+ digest: "ruby/digest",
+ erb: "ruby/erb",
+ error_highlight: "ruby/error_highlight",
+ etc: 'ruby/etc',
+ fcntl: 'ruby/fcntl',
+ fiddle: 'ruby/fiddle',
+ fileutils: 'ruby/fileutils',
+ find: "ruby/find",
+ forwardable: "ruby/forwardable",
+ ipaddr: 'ruby/ipaddr',
+ irb: 'ruby/irb',
+ json: 'flori/json',
+ logger: 'ruby/logger',
+ open3: "ruby/open3",
+ openssl: "ruby/openssl",
+ optparse: "ruby/optparse",
+ ostruct: 'ruby/ostruct',
+ pathname: "ruby/pathname",
+ pp: "ruby/pp",
+ prettyprint: "ruby/prettyprint",
+ prism: ["ruby/prism", "main"],
+ pstore: "ruby/pstore",
+ psych: 'ruby/psych',
+ rdoc: 'ruby/rdoc',
+ readline: "ruby/readline",
+ reline: 'ruby/reline',
+ resolv: "ruby/resolv",
+ rubygems: 'rubygems/rubygems',
+ securerandom: "ruby/securerandom",
+ set: "ruby/set",
+ shellwords: "ruby/shellwords",
+ singleton: "ruby/singleton",
+ stringio: 'ruby/stringio',
+ strscan: 'ruby/strscan',
+ syntax_suggest: ["ruby/syntax_suggest", "main"],
+ tempfile: "ruby/tempfile",
+ time: "ruby/time",
+ timeout: "ruby/timeout",
+ tmpdir: "ruby/tmpdir",
+ tsort: "ruby/tsort",
+ un: "ruby/un",
+ uri: "ruby/uri",
+ weakref: "ruby/weakref",
+ win32ole: "ruby/win32ole",
+ yaml: "ruby/yaml",
+ zlib: 'ruby/zlib',
+ }.transform_keys(&:to_s)
+ def [](gem)
+ repo, branch = super(gem)
+ return repo, branch || CLASSICAL_DEFAULT_BRANCH
+ end
+ def each_pair
+ super do |gem, (repo, branch)|
+ yield gem, [repo, branch || CLASSICAL_DEFAULT_BRANCH]
+ end
+ end
-# We usually don't use this. Please consider using #sync_default_gems_with_commits instead.
-def sync_default_gems(gem)
- repo = REPOSITORIES[gem.to_sym]
- puts "Sync #{repo}"
- upstream = File.join("..", "..", repo)
- case gem
- when "rubygems"
- rm_rf(%w[lib/rubygems lib/rubygems.rb test/rubygems])
- cp_r(Dir.glob("#{upstream}/lib/rubygems*"), "lib")
- cp_r("#{upstream}/test/rubygems", "test")
- rm_rf(%w[lib/bundler lib/bundler.rb libexec/bundler libexec/bundle spec/bundler tool/bundler/*])
- cp_r(Dir.glob("#{upstream}/bundler/lib/bundler*"), "lib")
- cp_r(Dir.glob("#{upstream}/bundler/exe/bundle*"), "libexec")
- gemspec_content = File.readlines("#{upstream}/bundler/bundler.gemspec").map do |line|
- next if line =~ /LICENSE\.md/
- line.gsub("bundler.gemspec", "lib/bundler/bundler.gemspec").gsub('"exe"', '"libexec"')
- end.compact.join
- File.write("lib/bundler/bundler.gemspec", gemspec_content)
- cp_r("#{upstream}/bundler/spec", "spec/bundler")
- cp_r(Dir.glob("#{upstream}/bundler/tool/bundler/dev_gems*"), "tool/bundler")
- cp_r(Dir.glob("#{upstream}/bundler/tool/bundler/test_gems*"), "tool/bundler")
- cp_r(Dir.glob("#{upstream}/bundler/tool/bundler/rubocop_gems*"), "tool/bundler")
- cp_r(Dir.glob("#{upstream}/bundler/tool/bundler/standard_gems*"), "tool/bundler")
- rm_rf(%w[spec/bundler/support/artifice/vcr_cassettes])
- license_files = %w[
- lib/bundler/vendor/thor/
- lib/rubygems/resolver/molinillo/LICENSE
- lib/bundler/vendor/molinillo/LICENSE
- lib/bundler/vendor/connection_pool/LICENSE
- lib/bundler/vendor/net-http-persistent/README.rdoc
- lib/bundler/vendor/fileutils/LICENSE.txt
- lib/bundler/vendor/tsort/LICENSE.txt
- lib/bundler/vendor/uri/LICENSE.txt
- lib/rubygems/optparse/COPYING
- lib/rubygems/tsort/LICENSE.txt
- ]
- rm_rf license_files
- when "rdoc"
- rm_rf(%w[lib/rdoc lib/rdoc.rb test/rdoc libexec/rdoc libexec/ri])
- cp_r(Dir.glob("#{upstream}/lib/rdoc*"), "lib")
- cp_r("#{upstream}/test/rdoc", "test")
- cp_r("#{upstream}/rdoc.gemspec", "lib/rdoc")
- cp_r("#{upstream}/Gemfile", "lib/rdoc")
- cp_r("#{upstream}/Rakefile", "lib/rdoc")
- cp_r("#{upstream}/exe/rdoc", "libexec")
- cp_r("#{upstream}/exe/ri", "libexec")
- parser_files = {
- 'lib/rdoc/markdown.kpeg' => 'lib/rdoc/markdown.rb',
- 'lib/rdoc/markdown/literals.kpeg' => 'lib/rdoc/markdown/literals.rb',
- 'lib/rdoc/rd/block_parser.ry' => 'lib/rdoc/rd/block_parser.rb',
- 'lib/rdoc/rd/inline_parser.ry' => 'lib/rdoc/rd/inline_parser.rb'
- }
- Dir.chdir(upstream) do
- `bundle install`
- parser_files.each_value do |dst|
- `bundle exec rake #{dst}`
+ def pipe_readlines(args, rs: "\0", chomp: true)
+ IO.popen(args) do |f|
+ f.readlines(rs, chomp: chomp)
+ end
+ end
+ def replace_rdoc_ref(file)
+ src = File.binread(file)
+ changed = false
+ changed |= src.gsub!(%r[\[\Khttps://docs\.ruby-lang\.org/en/master(?:/doc)?/(([A-Z]\w+(?:/[A-Z]\w+)*)|\w+_rdoc)\.html(\#\S+)?(?=\])]) do
+ name, mod, label = $1, $2, $3
+ mod &&= mod.gsub('/', '::')
+ if label && (m = label.match(/\A\#(?:method-([ci])|(?:(?:class|module)-#{mod}-)?label)-([-+\w]+)\z/))
+ scope, label = m[1], m[2]
+ scope = scope ?'ci', '.#') : '@'
+ "rdoc-ref:#{mod || name.chomp("_rdoc") + ".rdoc"}#{scope}#{label}"
- parser_files.each_pair do |src, dst|
- rm_rf(src)
- cp_r("#{upstream}/#{dst}", dst)
- end
- `git checkout lib/rdoc/.document`
- rm_rf(%w[lib/rdoc/Gemfile lib/rdoc/Rakefile])
- when "reline"
- rm_rf(%w[lib/reline lib/reline.rb test/reline])
- cp_r(Dir.glob("#{upstream}/lib/reline*"), "lib")
- cp_r("#{upstream}/test/reline", "test")
- cp_r("#{upstream}/reline.gemspec", "lib/reline")
- when "irb"
- rm_rf(%w[lib/irb lib/irb.rb test/irb])
- cp_r(Dir.glob("#{upstream}/lib/irb*"), "lib")
- cp_r("#{upstream}/test/irb", "test")
- cp_r("#{upstream}/irb.gemspec", "lib/irb")
- cp_r("#{upstream}/man/irb.1", "man/irb.1")
- cp_r("#{upstream}/doc/irb", "doc")
- when "json"
- rm_rf(%w[ext/json test/json])
- cp_r("#{upstream}/ext/json/ext", "ext/json")
- cp_r("#{upstream}/tests", "test/json")
- rm_rf("test/json/lib")
- cp_r("#{upstream}/lib", "ext/json")
- cp_r("#{upstream}/json.gemspec", "ext/json")
- cp_r("#{upstream}/VERSION", "ext/json")
- rm_rf(%w[ext/json/lib/json/ext ext/json/lib/json/pure.rb ext/json/lib/json/pure])
- `git checkout ext/json/extconf.rb ext/json/parser/ ext/json/generator/depend ext/json/parser/depend ext/json/depend`
- when "psych"
- rm_rf(%w[ext/psych test/psych])
- cp_r("#{upstream}/ext/psych", "ext")
- cp_r("#{upstream}/lib", "ext/psych")
- cp_r("#{upstream}/test/psych", "test")
- rm_rf(%w[ext/psych/lib/org ext/psych/lib/psych.jar ext/psych/lib/psych_jars.rb])
- rm_rf(%w[ext/psych/lib/psych.{bundle,so} ext/psych/lib/2.*])
- rm_rf(["ext/psych/yaml/LICENSE"])
- cp_r("#{upstream}/psych.gemspec", "ext/psych")
- `git checkout ext/psych/depend`
- when "fiddle"
- rm_rf(%w[ext/fiddle test/fiddle])
- cp_r("#{upstream}/ext/fiddle", "ext")
- cp_r("#{upstream}/lib", "ext/fiddle")
- cp_r("#{upstream}/test/fiddle", "test")
- cp_r("#{upstream}/fiddle.gemspec", "ext/fiddle")
- `git checkout ext/fiddle/depend`
- rm_rf(%w[ext/fiddle/lib/fiddle.{bundle,so}])
- when "stringio"
- rm_rf(%w[ext/stringio test/stringio])
- cp_r("#{upstream}/ext/stringio", "ext")
- cp_r("#{upstream}/test/stringio", "test")
- cp_r("#{upstream}/stringio.gemspec", "ext/stringio")
- `git checkout ext/stringio/depend ext/stringio/`
- when "io-console"
- rm_rf(%w[ext/io/console test/io/console])
- cp_r("#{upstream}/ext/io/console", "ext/io")
- cp_r("#{upstream}/test/io/console", "test/io")
- mkdir_p("ext/io/console/lib")
- cp_r("#{upstream}/lib/io/console", "ext/io/console/lib")
- rm_rf("ext/io/console/lib/console/ffi")
- cp_r("#{upstream}/io-console.gemspec", "ext/io/console")
- `git checkout ext/io/console/depend`
- when "io-nonblock"
- rm_rf(%w[ext/io/nonblock test/io/nonblock])
- cp_r("#{upstream}/ext/io/nonblock", "ext/io")
- cp_r("#{upstream}/test/io/nonblock", "test/io")
- cp_r("#{upstream}/io-nonblock.gemspec", "ext/io/nonblock")
- `git checkout ext/io/nonblock/depend`
- when "io-wait"
- rm_rf(%w[ext/io/wait test/io/wait])
- cp_r("#{upstream}/ext/io/wait", "ext/io")
- cp_r("#{upstream}/test/io/wait", "test/io")
- cp_r("#{upstream}/io-wait.gemspec", "ext/io/wait")
- `git checkout ext/io/wait/depend`
- when "etc"
- rm_rf(%w[ext/etc test/etc])
- cp_r("#{upstream}/ext/etc", "ext")
- cp_r("#{upstream}/test/etc", "test")
- cp_r("#{upstream}/etc.gemspec", "ext/etc")
- `git checkout ext/etc/depend`
- when "date"
- rm_rf(%w[ext/date test/date])
- cp_r("#{upstream}/ext/date", "ext")
- cp_r("#{upstream}/lib", "ext/date")
- cp_r("#{upstream}/test/date", "test")
- cp_r("#{upstream}/date.gemspec", "ext/date")
- `git checkout ext/date/depend`
- rm_rf(["ext/date/lib/date_core.bundle"])
- when "zlib"
- rm_rf(%w[ext/zlib test/zlib])
- cp_r("#{upstream}/ext/zlib", "ext")
- cp_r("#{upstream}/test/zlib", "test")
- cp_r("#{upstream}/zlib.gemspec", "ext/zlib")
- `git checkout ext/zlib/depend`
- when "fcntl"
- rm_rf(%w[ext/fcntl])
- cp_r("#{upstream}/ext/fcntl", "ext")
- cp_r("#{upstream}/fcntl.gemspec", "ext/fcntl")
- `git checkout ext/fcntl/depend`
- when "strscan"
- rm_rf(%w[ext/strscan test/strscan])
- cp_r("#{upstream}/ext/strscan", "ext")
- cp_r("#{upstream}/test/strscan", "test")
- cp_r("#{upstream}/strscan.gemspec", "ext/strscan")
- rm_rf(%w["ext/strscan/regenc.h ext/strscan/regint.h"])
- `git checkout ext/strscan/depend`
- when "racc"
- rm_rf(%w[lib/racc lib/racc.rb ext/racc test/racc])
- cp_r(Dir.glob("#{upstream}/lib/racc*"), "lib")
- mkdir_p("ext/racc/cparse")
- cp_r(Dir.glob("#{upstream}/ext/racc/cparse/*"), "ext/racc/cparse")
- cp_r("#{upstream}/test", "test/racc")
- cp_r("#{upstream}/racc.gemspec", "lib/racc")
- rm_rf("test/racc/lib")
- rm_rf("lib/racc/cparse-jruby.jar")
- `git checkout ext/racc/cparse/README ext/racc/cparse/depend`
- when "cgi"
- rm_rf(%w[lib/cgi.rb lib/cgi ext/cgi test/cgi])
- cp_r("#{upstream}/ext/cgi", "ext")
- cp_r("#{upstream}/lib", ".")
- cp_r("#{upstream}/test/cgi", "test")
- cp_r("#{upstream}/cgi.gemspec", "lib/cgi")
- `git checkout ext/cgi/escape/depend`
- when "openssl"
- rm_rf(%w[ext/openssl test/openssl])
- cp_r("#{upstream}/ext/openssl", "ext")
- cp_r("#{upstream}/lib", "ext/openssl")
- cp_r("#{upstream}/test/openssl", "test")
- rm_rf("test/openssl/envutil.rb")
- cp_r("#{upstream}/openssl.gemspec", "ext/openssl")
- cp_r("#{upstream}/", "ext/openssl")
- `git checkout ext/openssl/depend`
- when "net-protocol"
- rm_rf(%w[lib/net/protocol.rb lib/net/net-protocol.gemspec test/net/protocol])
- cp_r("#{upstream}/lib/net/protocol.rb", "lib/net")
- cp_r("#{upstream}/test/net/protocol", "test/net")
- cp_r("#{upstream}/net-protocol.gemspec", "lib/net")
- when "net-http"
- rm_rf(%w[lib/net/http.rb lib/net/http test/net/http])
- cp_r("#{upstream}/lib/net/http.rb", "lib/net")
- cp_r("#{upstream}/lib/net/http", "lib/net")
- cp_r("#{upstream}/test/net/http", "test/net")
- cp_r("#{upstream}/net-http.gemspec", "lib/net/http")
- when "readline-ext"
- rm_rf(%w[ext/readline test/readline])
- cp_r("#{upstream}/ext/readline", "ext")
- cp_r("#{upstream}/test/readline", "test")
- cp_r("#{upstream}/readline-ext.gemspec", "ext/readline")
- `git checkout ext/readline/depend`
- when "did_you_mean"
- rm_rf(%w[lib/did_you_mean lib/did_you_mean.rb test/did_you_mean])
- cp_r(Dir.glob("#{upstream}/lib/did_you_mean*"), "lib")
- cp_r("#{upstream}/did_you_mean.gemspec", "lib/did_you_mean")
- cp_r("#{upstream}/test", "test/did_you_mean")
- rm_rf(%w[test/did_you_mean/tree_spell/test_explore.rb])
- when "erb"
- rm_rf(%w[lib/erb* test/erb libexec/erb])
- cp_r("#{upstream}/lib/erb.rb", "lib")
- cp_r("#{upstream}/test/erb", "test")
- cp_r("#{upstream}/erb.gemspec", "lib")
- cp_r("#{upstream}/libexec/erb", "libexec")
- when "nkf"
- rm_rf(%w[ext/nkf test/nkf])
- cp_r("#{upstream}/ext/nkf", "ext")
- cp_r("#{upstream}/lib", "ext/nkf")
- cp_r("#{upstream}/test/nkf", "test")
- cp_r("#{upstream}/nkf.gemspec", "ext/nkf")
- `git checkout ext/nkf/depend`
- when "syslog"
- rm_rf(%w[ext/syslog test/syslog test/test_syslog.rb])
- cp_r("#{upstream}/ext/syslog", "ext")
- cp_r("#{upstream}/lib", "ext/syslog")
- cp_r("#{upstream}/test/syslog", "test")
- cp_r("#{upstream}/test/test_syslog.rb", "test")
- cp_r("#{upstream}/syslog.gemspec", "ext/syslog")
- `git checkout ext/syslog/depend`
- when "bigdecimal"
- rm_rf(%w[ext/bigdecimal test/bigdecimal])
- cp_r("#{upstream}/ext/bigdecimal", "ext")
- cp_r("#{upstream}/sample", "ext/bigdecimal")
- cp_r("#{upstream}/lib", "ext/bigdecimal")
- cp_r("#{upstream}/test/bigdecimal", "test")
- cp_r("#{upstream}/bigdecimal.gemspec", "ext/bigdecimal")
- `git checkout ext/bigdecimal/depend`
- when "pathname"
- rm_rf(%w[ext/pathname test/pathname])
- cp_r("#{upstream}/ext/pathname", "ext")
- cp_r("#{upstream}/test/pathname", "test")
- cp_r("#{upstream}/lib", "ext/pathname")
- cp_r("#{upstream}/pathname.gemspec", "ext/pathname")
- `git checkout ext/pathname/depend`
- when "digest"
- rm_rf(%w[ext/digest test/digest])
- cp_r("#{upstream}/ext/digest", "ext")
- mkdir_p("ext/digest/lib/digest")
- cp_r("#{upstream}/lib/digest.rb", "ext/digest/lib/")
- cp_r("#{upstream}/lib/digest/version.rb", "ext/digest/lib/digest/")
- mkdir_p("ext/digest/sha2/lib")
- cp_r("#{upstream}/lib/digest/sha2.rb", "ext/digest/sha2/lib")
- move("ext/digest/lib/digest/sha2", "ext/digest/sha2/lib")
- cp_r("#{upstream}/test/digest", "test")
- cp_r("#{upstream}/digest.gemspec", "ext/digest")
- `git checkout ext/digest/depend ext/digest/*/depend`
- when "set"
- sync_lib gem, upstream
- cp_r("#{upstream}/test", ".")
- when "optparse"
- sync_lib gem, upstream
- rm_rf(%w[doc/optparse])
- mkdir_p("doc/optparse")
- cp_r("#{upstream}/doc/optparse", "doc")
- when "error_highlight"
- rm_rf(%w[lib/error_highlight lib/error_highlight.rb test/error_highlight])
- cp_r(Dir.glob("#{upstream}/lib/error_highlight*"), "lib")
- cp_r("#{upstream}/error_highlight.gemspec", "lib/error_highlight")
- cp_r("#{upstream}/test", "test/error_highlight")
- when "win32ole"
- sync_lib gem, upstream
- rm_rf(%w[ext/win32ole/lib])
- Dir.mkdir(*%w[ext/win32ole/lib])
- move("lib/win32ole/win32ole.gemspec", "ext/win32ole")
- move(Dir.glob("lib/win32ole*"), "ext/win32ole/lib")
- when "open3"
- sync_lib gem, upstream
- rm_rf("lib/open3/jruby_windows.rb")
- else
- sync_lib gem, upstream
+ changed or return false
+ File.binwrite(file, src)
+ return true
- /\A(?:[A-Z]\w*\.(?:md|txt)
- |[^\/]+\.yml
- |\.git.*
- |[A-Z]\w+file
- |rakelib\/.*
- )\z/mx
-def message_filter(repo, sha)
- log =
- log.delete!("\r")
- url = "{repo}"
- print "[#{repo}] ", log.gsub(/\b(?i:fix) +\K#(?=\d+\b)|\(\K#(?=\d+\))|\bGH-(?=\d+\b)/) {
- "#{url}/pull/"
- }.gsub(%r{(?<![-\[\](){}\w@/])(?:(\w+(?:-\w+)*/\w+(?:-\w+)*)@)?(\h{10,40})\b}) {|c|
- "{$1 || repo}/commit/#{$2[0,12]}"
- }.sub(/\s*(?=(?i:\nCo-authored-by:.*)*\Z)/) {
- "\n\n" "#{url}/commit/#{sha[0,10]}\n"
- }
+ def replace_rdoc_ref_all
+ result = pipe_readlines(%W"git status --porcelain -z -- *.c *.rb *.rdoc")
+! {|line| line[/\A.M (.*)/, 1]}
+ result.compact!
+ return if result.empty?
+ result = pipe_readlines(%W"git grep -z -l -F [ --" + result)
+ result.inject(false) {|changed, file| changed | replace_rdoc_ref(file)}
+ end
+ # We usually don't use this. Please consider using #sync_default_gems_with_commits instead.
+ def sync_default_gems(gem)
+ repo, = REPOSITORIES[gem]
+ puts "Sync #{repo}"
+ upstream = File.join("..", "..", repo)
-# NOTE: This method is also used by ruby-commit-hook/bin/
-# @param gem [String] A gem name, also used as a git remote name. REPOSITORIES converts it to the appropriate GitHub repository.
-# @param ranges [Array<String>] "before..after". Note that it will NOT sync "before" (but commits after that).
-# @param edit [TrueClass] Set true if you want to resolve conflicts. Obviously, doesn't use this.
-def sync_default_gems_with_commits(gem, ranges, edit: nil)
- repo = REPOSITORIES[gem.to_sym]
- puts "Sync #{repo} with commit history."
+ case gem
+ when "rubygems"
+ rm_rf(%w[lib/rubygems lib/rubygems.rb test/rubygems])
+ cp_r(Dir.glob("#{upstream}/lib/rubygems*"), "lib")
+ cp_r("#{upstream}/test/rubygems", "test")
+ rm_rf(%w[lib/bundler lib/bundler.rb libexec/bundler libexec/bundle spec/bundler tool/bundler/*])
+ cp_r(Dir.glob("#{upstream}/bundler/lib/bundler*"), "lib")
+ cp_r(Dir.glob("#{upstream}/bundler/exe/bundle*"), "libexec")
- IO.popen(%W"git remote") do |f|
- unless
- `git remote add #{gem}{repo}.git`
+ gemspec_content = File.readlines("#{upstream}/bundler/bundler.gemspec").map do |line|
+ next if line =~ /LICENSE\.md/
+ line.gsub("bundler.gemspec", "lib/bundler/bundler.gemspec")
+ end.compact.join
+ File.write("lib/bundler/bundler.gemspec", gemspec_content)
+ cp_r("#{upstream}/bundler/spec", "spec/bundler")
+ %w[dev_gems test_gems rubocop_gems standard_gems].each do |gemfile|
+ cp_r("#{upstream}/tool/bundler/#{gemfile}.rb", "tool/bundler")
+ end
+ rm_rf Dir.glob("spec/bundler/support/artifice/{vcr_cassettes,used_cassettes.txt}")
+ rm_rf Dir.glob("lib/{bundler,rubygems}/**/{COPYING,LICENSE,README}{,.{md,txt,rdoc}}")
+ when "rdoc"
+ rm_rf(%w[lib/rdoc lib/rdoc.rb test/rdoc libexec/rdoc libexec/ri])
+ cp_r(Dir.glob("#{upstream}/lib/rdoc*"), "lib")
+ cp_r("#{upstream}/doc/rdoc", "doc")
+ cp_r("#{upstream}/test/rdoc", "test")
+ cp_r("#{upstream}/rdoc.gemspec", "lib/rdoc")
+ cp_r("#{upstream}/Gemfile", "lib/rdoc")
+ cp_r("#{upstream}/Rakefile", "lib/rdoc")
+ cp_r("#{upstream}/exe/rdoc", "libexec")
+ cp_r("#{upstream}/exe/ri", "libexec")
+ parser_files = {
+ 'lib/rdoc/markdown.kpeg' => 'lib/rdoc/markdown.rb',
+ 'lib/rdoc/markdown/literals.kpeg' => 'lib/rdoc/markdown/literals.rb',
+ 'lib/rdoc/rd/block_parser.ry' => 'lib/rdoc/rd/block_parser.rb',
+ 'lib/rdoc/rd/inline_parser.ry' => 'lib/rdoc/rd/inline_parser.rb'
+ }
+ Dir.chdir(upstream) do
+ `bundle install`
+ parser_files.each_value do |dst|
+ `bundle exec rake #{dst}`
+ end
+ end
+ parser_files.each_pair do |src, dst|
+ rm_rf(src)
+ cp_r("#{upstream}/#{dst}", dst)
+ end
+ `git checkout lib/rdoc/.document`
+ rm_rf(%w[lib/rdoc/Gemfile lib/rdoc/Rakefile])
+ when "reline"
+ rm_rf(%w[lib/reline lib/reline.rb test/reline])
+ cp_r(Dir.glob("#{upstream}/lib/reline*"), "lib")
+ cp_r("#{upstream}/test/reline", "test")
+ cp_r("#{upstream}/reline.gemspec", "lib/reline")
+ when "irb"
+ rm_rf(%w[lib/irb lib/irb.rb test/irb])
+ cp_r(Dir.glob("#{upstream}/lib/irb*"), "lib")
+ cp_r("#{upstream}/test/irb", "test")
+ cp_r("#{upstream}/irb.gemspec", "lib/irb")
+ cp_r("#{upstream}/man/irb.1", "man/irb.1")
+ cp_r("#{upstream}/doc/irb", "doc")
+ when "json"
+ rm_rf(%w[ext/json test/json])
+ cp_r("#{upstream}/ext/json/ext", "ext/json")
+ cp_r("#{upstream}/tests", "test/json")
+ rm_rf("test/json/lib")
+ cp_r("#{upstream}/lib", "ext/json")
+ cp_r("#{upstream}/json.gemspec", "ext/json")
+ rm_rf(%w[ext/json/lib/json/ext ext/json/lib/json/pure.rb ext/json/lib/json/pure])
+ `git checkout ext/json/extconf.rb ext/json/parser/ ext/json/generator/depend ext/json/parser/depend ext/json/depend`
+ when "psych"
+ rm_rf(%w[ext/psych test/psych])
+ cp_r("#{upstream}/ext/psych", "ext")
+ cp_r("#{upstream}/lib", "ext/psych")
+ cp_r("#{upstream}/test/psych", "test")
+ rm_rf(%w[ext/psych/lib/org ext/psych/lib/psych.jar ext/psych/lib/psych_jars.rb])
+ rm_rf(%w[ext/psych/lib/psych.{bundle,so} ext/psych/lib/2.*])
+ rm_rf(["ext/psych/yaml/LICENSE"])
+ cp_r("#{upstream}/psych.gemspec", "ext/psych")
+ `git checkout ext/psych/depend ext/psych/.gitignore`
+ when "fiddle"
+ rm_rf(%w[ext/fiddle test/fiddle])
+ cp_r("#{upstream}/ext/fiddle", "ext")
+ cp_r("#{upstream}/lib", "ext/fiddle")
+ cp_r("#{upstream}/test/fiddle", "test")
+ cp_r("#{upstream}/fiddle.gemspec", "ext/fiddle")
+ `git checkout ext/fiddle/depend`
+ rm_rf(%w[ext/fiddle/lib/fiddle.{bundle,so}])
+ when "stringio"
+ rm_rf(%w[ext/stringio test/stringio])
+ cp_r("#{upstream}/ext/stringio", "ext")
+ cp_r("#{upstream}/test/stringio", "test")
+ cp_r("#{upstream}/stringio.gemspec", "ext/stringio")
+ `git checkout ext/stringio/depend ext/stringio/`
+ when "io-console"
+ rm_rf(%w[ext/io/console test/io/console])
+ cp_r("#{upstream}/ext/io/console", "ext/io")
+ cp_r("#{upstream}/test/io/console", "test/io")
+ mkdir_p("ext/io/console/lib")
+ cp_r("#{upstream}/lib/io/console", "ext/io/console/lib")
+ rm_rf("ext/io/console/lib/console/ffi")
+ cp_r("#{upstream}/io-console.gemspec", "ext/io/console")
+ `git checkout ext/io/console/depend`
+ when "io-nonblock"
+ rm_rf(%w[ext/io/nonblock test/io/nonblock])
+ cp_r("#{upstream}/ext/io/nonblock", "ext/io")
+ cp_r("#{upstream}/test/io/nonblock", "test/io")
+ cp_r("#{upstream}/io-nonblock.gemspec", "ext/io/nonblock")
+ `git checkout ext/io/nonblock/depend`
+ when "io-wait"
+ rm_rf(%w[ext/io/wait test/io/wait])
+ cp_r("#{upstream}/ext/io/wait", "ext/io")
+ cp_r("#{upstream}/test/io/wait", "test/io")
+ cp_r("#{upstream}/io-wait.gemspec", "ext/io/wait")
+ `git checkout ext/io/wait/depend`
+ when "etc"
+ rm_rf(%w[ext/etc test/etc])
+ cp_r("#{upstream}/ext/etc", "ext")
+ cp_r("#{upstream}/test/etc", "test")
+ cp_r("#{upstream}/etc.gemspec", "ext/etc")
+ `git checkout ext/etc/depend`
+ when "date"
+ rm_rf(%w[ext/date test/date])
+ cp_r("#{upstream}/doc/date", "doc")
+ cp_r("#{upstream}/ext/date", "ext")
+ cp_r("#{upstream}/lib", "ext/date")
+ cp_r("#{upstream}/test/date", "test")
+ cp_r("#{upstream}/date.gemspec", "ext/date")
+ `git checkout ext/date/depend`
+ rm_rf(["ext/date/lib/date_core.bundle"])
+ when "zlib"
+ rm_rf(%w[ext/zlib test/zlib])
+ cp_r("#{upstream}/ext/zlib", "ext")
+ cp_r("#{upstream}/test/zlib", "test")
+ cp_r("#{upstream}/zlib.gemspec", "ext/zlib")
+ `git checkout ext/zlib/depend`
+ when "fcntl"
+ rm_rf(%w[ext/fcntl])
+ cp_r("#{upstream}/ext/fcntl", "ext")
+ cp_r("#{upstream}/fcntl.gemspec", "ext/fcntl")
+ `git checkout ext/fcntl/depend`
+ when "strscan"
+ rm_rf(%w[ext/strscan test/strscan])
+ cp_r("#{upstream}/ext/strscan", "ext")
+ cp_r("#{upstream}/test/strscan", "test")
+ cp_r("#{upstream}/strscan.gemspec", "ext/strscan")
+ rm_rf(%w["ext/strscan/regenc.h ext/strscan/regint.h"])
+ `git checkout ext/strscan/depend`
+ when "cgi"
+ rm_rf(%w[lib/cgi.rb lib/cgi ext/cgi test/cgi])
+ cp_r("#{upstream}/ext/cgi", "ext")
+ cp_r("#{upstream}/lib", ".")
+ rm_rf("lib/cgi/escape.jar")
+ cp_r("#{upstream}/test/cgi", "test")
+ cp_r("#{upstream}/cgi.gemspec", "lib/cgi")
+ `git checkout ext/cgi/escape/depend`
+ when "openssl"
+ rm_rf(%w[ext/openssl test/openssl])
+ cp_r("#{upstream}/ext/openssl", "ext")
+ cp_r("#{upstream}/lib", "ext/openssl")
+ cp_r("#{upstream}/test/openssl", "test")
+ rm_rf("test/openssl/envutil.rb")
+ cp_r("#{upstream}/openssl.gemspec", "ext/openssl")
+ cp_r("#{upstream}/", "ext/openssl")
+ `git checkout ext/openssl/depend`
+ when "net-protocol"
+ rm_rf(%w[lib/net/protocol.rb lib/net/net-protocol.gemspec test/net/protocol])
+ cp_r("#{upstream}/lib/net/protocol.rb", "lib/net")
+ cp_r("#{upstream}/test/net/protocol", "test/net")
+ cp_r("#{upstream}/net-protocol.gemspec", "lib/net")
+ when "net-http"
+ rm_rf(%w[lib/net/http.rb lib/net/http test/net/http])
+ cp_r("#{upstream}/lib/net/http.rb", "lib/net")
+ cp_r("#{upstream}/lib/net/http", "lib/net")
+ cp_r("#{upstream}/test/net/http", "test/net")
+ cp_r("#{upstream}/net-http.gemspec", "lib/net/http")
+ when "did_you_mean"
+ rm_rf(%w[lib/did_you_mean lib/did_you_mean.rb test/did_you_mean])
+ cp_r(Dir.glob("#{upstream}/lib/did_you_mean*"), "lib")
+ cp_r("#{upstream}/did_you_mean.gemspec", "lib/did_you_mean")
+ cp_r("#{upstream}/test", "test/did_you_mean")
+ rm_rf("test/did_you_mean/lib")
+ rm_rf(%w[test/did_you_mean/tree_spell/test_explore.rb])
+ when "erb"
+ rm_rf(%w[lib/erb* test/erb libexec/erb])
+ cp_r("#{upstream}/lib/erb.rb", "lib")
+ cp_r("#{upstream}/test/erb", "test")
+ cp_r("#{upstream}/erb.gemspec", "lib")
+ cp_r("#{upstream}/libexec/erb", "libexec")
+ when "pathname"
+ rm_rf(%w[ext/pathname test/pathname])
+ cp_r("#{upstream}/ext/pathname", "ext")
+ cp_r("#{upstream}/test/pathname", "test")
+ cp_r("#{upstream}/lib", "ext/pathname")
+ cp_r("#{upstream}/pathname.gemspec", "ext/pathname")
+ `git checkout ext/pathname/depend`
+ when "digest"
+ rm_rf(%w[ext/digest test/digest])
+ cp_r("#{upstream}/ext/digest", "ext")
+ mkdir_p("ext/digest/lib/digest")
+ cp_r("#{upstream}/lib/digest.rb", "ext/digest/lib/")
+ cp_r("#{upstream}/lib/digest/version.rb", "ext/digest/lib/digest/")
+ mkdir_p("ext/digest/sha2/lib")
+ cp_r("#{upstream}/lib/digest/sha2.rb", "ext/digest/sha2/lib")
+ move("ext/digest/lib/digest/sha2", "ext/digest/sha2/lib")
+ cp_r("#{upstream}/test/digest", "test")
+ cp_r("#{upstream}/digest.gemspec", "ext/digest")
+ `git checkout ext/digest/depend ext/digest/*/depend`
+ when "set"
+ sync_lib gem, upstream
+ cp_r(Dir.glob("#{upstream}/test/*"), "test/set")
+ when "optparse"
+ sync_lib gem, upstream
+ rm_rf(%w[doc/optparse])
+ mkdir_p("doc/optparse")
+ cp_r("#{upstream}/doc/optparse", "doc")
+ when "error_highlight"
+ rm_rf(%w[lib/error_highlight lib/error_highlight.rb test/error_highlight])
+ cp_r(Dir.glob("#{upstream}/lib/error_highlight*"), "lib")
+ cp_r("#{upstream}/error_highlight.gemspec", "lib/error_highlight")
+ cp_r("#{upstream}/test", "test/error_highlight")
+ when "win32ole"
+ sync_lib gem, upstream
+ rm_rf(%w[ext/win32ole/lib])
+ Dir.mkdir(*%w[ext/win32ole/lib])
+ move("lib/win32ole/win32ole.gemspec", "ext/win32ole")
+ move(Dir.glob("lib/win32ole*"), "ext/win32ole/lib")
+ when "open3"
+ sync_lib gem, upstream
+ rm_rf("lib/open3/jruby_windows.rb")
+ when "syntax_suggest"
+ sync_lib gem, upstream
+ rm_rf(%w[spec/syntax_suggest libexec/syntax_suggest])
+ cp_r("#{upstream}/spec", "spec/syntax_suggest")
+ cp_r("#{upstream}/exe/syntax_suggest", "libexec/syntax_suggest")
+ when "prism"
+ rm_rf(%w[test/prism prism])
+ cp_r("#{upstream}/ext/prism", "prism")
+ cp_r("#{upstream}/lib/.", "lib")
+ cp_r("#{upstream}/test/prism", "test")
+ cp_r("#{upstream}/src/.", "prism")
+ cp_r("#{upstream}/prism.gemspec", "lib/prism")
+ cp_r("#{upstream}/include/prism/.", "prism")
+ cp_r("#{upstream}/include/prism.h", "prism")
+ cp_r("#{upstream}/config.yml", "prism/")
+ cp_r("#{upstream}/templates", "prism/")
+ rm_rf("prism/templates/javascript")
+ rm_rf("prism/templates/java")
+ rm_rf("prism/templates/rbi")
+ rm_rf("prism/templates/sig")
+ rm("prism/extconf.rb")
+ else
+ sync_lib gem, upstream
- end
- system(*%W"git fetch --no-tags #{gem}")
- if ranges == true
- pattern = "https://github\.com/#{Regexp.quote(repo)}/commit/([0-9a-f]+)$"
- log = IO.popen(%W"git log -E --grep=#{pattern} -n1 --format=%B", &:read)
- ranges = ["#{log[%r[#{pattern}\n\s*(?i:co-authored-by:.*)*\s*\Z], 1]}..#{gem}/master"]
+ # Architecture-dependent files must not pollute libdir.
+ rm_rf(Dir["lib/**/*.#{RbConfig::CONFIG['DLEXT']}"])
+ replace_rdoc_ref_all
- commits = ranges.flat_map do |range|
- unless range.include?("..")
- range = "#{range}~1..#{range}"
+ def ignore_file_pattern_for(gem)
+ patterns = []
+ # Common patterns
+ patterns << %r[\A(?:
+ [^/]+ # top-level entries
+ |\.git.*
+ |bin/.*
+ |ext/.*\.java
+ |rakelib/.*
+ |test/(?:lib|fixtures)/.*
+ |tool/(?!bundler/).*
+ )\z]mx
+ # Gem-specific patterns
+ case gem
+ when nil
+ end&.tap do |pattern|
+ patterns << pattern
- IO.popen(%W"git log --format=%H,%s #{range} --") do |f|
-"\n"){|commit| commit.split(',', 2)}
+ Regexp.union(*patterns)
+ end
+ def message_filter(repo, sha, input: ARGF)
+ log =
+ log.delete!("\r")
+ log << "\n" if !log.end_with?("\n")
+ repo_url = "{repo}"
+ # Split the subject from the log message according to git conventions.
+ # SPECIAL TREAT: when the first line ends with a dot `.` (which is not
+ # obeying the conventions too), takes only that line.
+ subject, log = log.split(/\A.+\.\K\n(?=\S)|\n(?:[ \t]*(?:\n|\z))/, 2)
+ conv = proc do |s|
+ mod = true if s.gsub!(/\b(?:(?i:fix(?:e[sd])?|close[sd]?|resolve[sd]?) +)\K#(?=\d+\b)|\bGH-#?(?=\d+\b)|\(\K#(?=\d+\))/) {
+ "#{repo_url}/pull/"
+ }
+ mod |= true if s.gsub!(%r{(?<![-\[\](){}\w@/])(?:(\w+(?:-\w+)*/\w+(?:-\w+)*)@)?(\h{10,40})\b}) {|c|
+ "{$1 || repo}/commit/#{$2[0,12]}"
+ }
+ mod
+ end
+ subject = "[#{repo}] #{subject}"
+ subject.gsub!(/\s*\n\s*/, " ")
+ if conv[subject]
+ if subject.size > 68
+ subject.gsub!(/\G.{,67}[^\s.,][.,]*\K\s+/, "\n")
+ end
+ commit_url = "#{repo_url}/commit/#{sha[0,10]}\n"
+ if log and !log.empty?
+ log.sub!(/(?<=\n)\n+\z/, '') # drop empty lines at the last
+ conv[log]
+ log.sub!(/(?:(\A\s*)|\s*\n)(?=((?i:^Co-authored-by:.*\n?)+)?\Z)/) {
+ ($~.begin(1) ? "" : "\n\n") + commit_url + ($~.begin(2) ? "\n" : "")
+ }
+ else
+ log = commit_url
+ end
+ puts subject, "\n", log
- # Ignore Merge commit and insufficiency commit for ruby core repository.
- commits.delete_if do |sha, subject|
- files = pipe_readlines(%W"git diff-tree -z --no-commit-id --name-only -r #{sha}")
- subject.start_with?("Merge", "Auto Merge") or files.all?(IGNORE_FILE_PATTERN)
+ # Returns commit list as array of [commit_hash, subject].
+ def commits_in_ranges(gem, repo, default_branch, ranges)
+ # If -a is given, discover all commits since the last picked commit
+ if ranges == true
+ # \r? needed in the regex in case the commit has windows-style line endings (because e.g. we're running
+ # tests on Windows)
+ pattern = "https://github\.com/#{Regexp.quote(repo)}/commit/([0-9a-f]+)\r?$"
+ log = IO.popen(%W"git log -E --grep=#{pattern} -n1 --format=%B", "rb", &:read)
+ ranges = ["#{log[%r[#{pattern}\n\s*(?i:co-authored-by:.*)*\s*\Z], 1]}..#{gem}/#{default_branch}"]
+ end
+ # Parse a given range with git log
+ ranges.flat_map do |range|
+ unless range.include?("..")
+ range = "#{range}~1..#{range}"
+ end
+ IO.popen(%W"git log --format=%H,%s #{range} --", "rb") do |f|
+"\n"){|commit| commit.split(',', 2)}
+ end
+ end
- if commits.empty?
- puts "No commits to pick"
+ #--
+ # Following methods used by sync_default_gems_with_commits return
+ # true: success
+ # false: skipped
+ # nil: failed
+ #++
+ def resolve_conflicts(gem, sha, edit)
+ # Skip this commit if everything has been removed as `ignored_paths`.
+ changes = pipe_readlines(%W"git status --porcelain -z")
+ if changes.empty?
+ puts "Skip empty commit #{sha}"
+ return false
+ end
+ # We want to skip DD: deleted by both.
+ deleted = changes.grep(/^DD /) {$'}
+ system(*%W"git rm -f --", *deleted) unless deleted.empty?
+ # Import UA: added by them
+ added = changes.grep(/^UA /) {$'}
+ system(*%W"git add --", *added) unless added.empty?
+ # Discover unmerged files
+ # AU: unmerged, added by us
+ # DU: unmerged, deleted by us
+ # UU: unmerged, both modified
+ # AA: unmerged, both added
+ conflict = changes.grep(/\A(?:.U|AA) /) {$'}
+ # If -e option is given, open each conflicted file with an editor
+ unless conflict.empty?
+ if edit
+ case
+ when (editor = ENV["GIT_EDITOR"] and !editor.empty?)
+ when (editor = `git config core.editor` and (editor.chomp!; !editor.empty?))
+ end
+ if editor
+ system([editor, conflict].join(' '))
+ conflict.delete_if {|f| !File.exist?(f)}
+ return true if conflict.empty?
+ return system(*%w"git add --", *conflict)
+ end
+ end
+ return false
+ end
return true
- puts "Try to pick these commits:"
- puts{|commit| commit.join(": ")}
- puts "----"
+ def preexisting?(base, file)
+ system(*%w"git cat-file -e", "#{base}:#{file}", err: File::NULL)
+ end
+ def filter_pickup_files(changed, ignore_file_pattern, base)
+ toplevels = {}
+ remove = []
+ ignore = []
+ changed = changed.reject do |f|
+ case
+ when toplevels.fetch(top = f[%r[\A[^/]+(?=/|\z)]m]) {
+ remove << top if toplevels[top] = !preexisting?(base, top)
+ }
+ # Remove any new top-level directories.
+ true
+ when ignore_file_pattern.match?(f)
+ # Forcibly reset any changes matching ignore_file_pattern.
+ (preexisting?(base, f) ? ignore : remove) << f
+ end
+ end
+ return changed, remove, ignore
+ end
+ def pickup_files(gem, changed, picked)
+ # Forcibly remove any files that we don't want to copy to this
+ # repository.
- failed_commits = []
+ ignore_file_pattern = ignore_file_pattern_for(gem)
+ base = picked ? "HEAD~" : "HEAD"
+ changed, remove, ignore = filter_pickup_files(changed, ignore_file_pattern, base)
- require 'shellwords'
- filter = [
- ENV.fetch('RUBY', 'ruby').shellescape,
- File.realpath(__FILE__).shellescape,
- "--message-filter",
- ]
- commits.each do |sha, subject|
- puts "Pick #{sha} from #{repo}."
+ unless remove.empty?
+ puts "Remove added files: #{remove.join(', ')}"
+ system(*%w"git rm -fr --", *remove)
+ if picked
+ system(*%w"git commit --amend --no-edit --", *remove, %i[out err] => File::NULL)
+ end
+ end
+ unless ignore.empty?
+ puts "Reset ignored files: #{ignore.join(', ')}"
+ system(*%W"git rm -r --", *ignore)
+ ignore.each {|f| system(*%W"git checkout -f", base, "--", f)}
+ end
- skipped = false
- result = IO.popen(%W"git cherry-pick #{sha}", &:read)
+ if changed.empty?
+ return nil
+ end
+ return changed
+ end
+ def pickup_commit(gem, sha, edit)
+ # Attempt to cherry-pick a commit
+ result = IO.popen(%W"git cherry-pick #{sha}", "rb", &:read)
+ picked = $?.success?
if result =~ /nothing\ to\ commit/
`git reset`
- skipped = true
puts "Skip empty commit #{sha}"
+ return false
- next if skipped
+ # Skip empty commits
if result.empty?
- skipped = true
- elsif /^CONFLICT/ =~ result
- result = pipe_readlines(%W"git status --porcelain -z")
-! {|line| line[/^.U (.*)/, 1]}
- result.compact!
- ignore, conflict = result.partition {|name| IGNORE_FILE_PATTERN =~ name}
- unless ignore.empty?
- system(*%W"git reset HEAD --", *ignore)
- File.unlink(*ignore)
- ignore = pipe_readlines(%W"git status --porcelain -z" + ignore).map! {|line| line[/^.. (.*)/, 1]}
- system(*%W"git checkout HEAD --", *ignore) unless ignore.empty?
- end
- unless conflict.empty?
- if edit
- case
- when (editor = ENV["GIT_EDITOR"] and !editor.empty?)
- when (editor = `git config core.editor` and (editor.chomp!; !editor.empty?))
- end
- if editor
- system([editor, conflict].join(' '))
- end
- end
+ return false
+ end
+ if picked
+ changed = pipe_readlines(%w"git diff-tree --name-only -r -z HEAD~..HEAD --")
+ else
+ changed = pipe_readlines(%w"git diff --name-only -r -z HEAD --")
+ end
+ # Pick up files to merge.
+ unless changed = pickup_files(gem, changed, picked)
+ puts "Skip commit #{sha} only for tools or toplevel"
+ if picked
+ `git reset --hard HEAD~`
+ else
+ `git cherry-pick --abort`
- skipped = !system({"GIT_EDITOR"=>"true"}, *%W"git cherry-pick --no-edit --continue")
+ return false
- if skipped
- failed_commits << sha
+ # If the cherry-pick attempt failed, try to resolve conflicts.
+ # Skip the commit, if it contains unresolved conflicts or no files to pick up.
+ unless picked or resolve_conflicts(gem, sha, edit)
`git reset` && `git checkout .` && `git clean -fd`
- puts "Failed to pick #{sha}"
- next
+ return picked || nil # Fail unless cherry-picked
- puts "Update commit message: #{sha}"
- IO.popen(%W[git filter-branch -f --msg-filter #{[filter, repo, sha].join(' ')} -- HEAD~1..HEAD], &:read)
- unless $?.success?
- puts "Failed to modify commit message of #{sha}"
- break
+ # Commit cherry-picked commit
+ if picked
+ system(*%w"git commit --amend --no-edit")
+ else
+ system(*%w"git cherry-pick --continue --no-edit")
+ end or return nil
+ # Amend the commit if RDoc references need to be replaced
+ head = `git log --format=%H -1 HEAD`.chomp
+ system(*%w"git reset --quiet HEAD~ --")
+ amend = replace_rdoc_ref_all
+ system(*%W"git reset --quiet #{head} --")
+ if amend
+ `git commit --amend --no-edit --all`
- end
- unless failed_commits.empty?
- puts "---- failed commits ----"
- puts failed_commits
- return false
+ return true
- return true
-def sync_lib(repo, upstream = nil)
- unless upstream and or = "../#{repo}")
- abort %[Expected '#{upstream}' \(#{File.expand_path("#{upstream}")}\) to be a directory, but it wasn't.]
- end
- rm_rf(["lib/#{repo}.rb", "lib/#{repo}/*", "test/test_#{repo}.rb"])
- cp_r(Dir.glob("#{upstream}/lib/*"), "lib")
- tests = if"test/#{repo}")
- "test/#{repo}"
- else
- "test/test_#{repo}.rb"
- end
- cp_r("#{upstream}/#{tests}", "test") if File.exist?("#{upstream}/#{tests}")
- gemspec = if"lib/#{repo}")
- "lib/#{repo}/#{repo}.gemspec"
- else
- "lib/#{repo}.gemspec"
- end
- cp_r("#{upstream}/#{repo}.gemspec", "#{gemspec}")
+ # NOTE: This method is also used by GitHub ruby/'s bin/
+ # @param gem [String] A gem name, also used as a git remote name. REPOSITORIES converts it to the appropriate GitHub repository.
+ # @param ranges [Array<String>] "before..after". Note that it will NOT sync "before" (but commits after that).
+ # @param edit [TrueClass] Set true if you want to resolve conflicts. Obviously, doesn't use this.
+ def sync_default_gems_with_commits(gem, ranges, edit: nil)
+ repo, default_branch = REPOSITORIES[gem]
+ puts "Sync #{repo} with commit history."
+ # Fetch the repository to be synchronized
+ IO.popen(%W"git remote") do |f|
+ unless
+ `git remote add #{gem}{repo}.git`
+ end
+ end
+ system(*%W"git fetch --no-tags #{gem}")
-def update_default_gems(gem, release: false)
+ commits = commits_in_ranges(gem, repo, default_branch, ranges)
- author, repository = REPOSITORIES[gem.to_sym].split('/')
+ # Ignore Merge commits and already-merged commits.
+ commits.delete_if do |sha, subject|
+ subject.start_with?("Merge", "Auto Merge")
+ end
- puts "Update #{author}/#{repository}"
+ if commits.empty?
+ puts "No commits to pick"
+ return true
+ end
- unless File.exist?("../../#{author}/#{repository}")
- mkdir_p("../../#{author}")
- `git clone{author}/#{repository}.git ../../#{author}/#{repository}`
- end
+ puts "Try to pick these commits:"
+ puts{|commit| commit.join(": ")}
+ puts "----"
- Dir.chdir("../../#{author}/#{repository}") do
- unless `git remote`.match(/ruby\-core/)
- `git remote add ruby-core`
- end
- `git fetch ruby-core master --no-tags`
- unless `git branch`.match(/ruby\-core/)
- `git checkout ruby-core/master`
- `git branch ruby-core`
+ failed_commits = []
+ require 'shellwords'
+ filter = [
+ ENV.fetch('RUBY', 'ruby').shellescape,
+ File.realpath(__FILE__).shellescape,
+ "--message-filter",
+ ]
+ commits.each do |sha, subject|
+ puts "Pick #{sha} from #{repo}."
+ case pickup_commit(gem, sha, edit)
+ when false
+ next
+ when nil
+ failed_commits << sha
+ next
+ end
+ puts "Update commit message: #{sha}"
+ # Run this script itself (tool/sync_default_gems.rb --message-filter) as a message filter
+ %W[git filter-branch -f --msg-filter #{[filter, repo, sha].join(' ')} -- HEAD~1..HEAD],
+ &:read)
+ unless $?.success?
+ puts "Failed to modify commit message of #{sha}"
+ break
+ end
- `git checkout ruby-core`
- `git rebase ruby-core/master`
- `git fetch origin --tags`
- if release
- last_release = `git tag`.chomp.split.delete_if{|v| v =~ /pre|beta/ }.last
- `git checkout #{last_release}`
- else
- `git checkout master`
- `git rebase origin/master`
+ unless failed_commits.empty?
+ puts "---- failed commits ----"
+ puts failed_commits
+ return false
+ return true
-case ARGV[0]
-when "up"
- if ARGV[1]
- update_default_gems(ARGV[1])
- else
- REPOSITORIES.keys.each{|gem| update_default_gems(gem.to_s)}
- end
-when "all"
- if ARGV[1] == "release"
- REPOSITORIES.keys.each do |gem|
- update_default_gems(gem.to_s, release: true)
- sync_default_gems(gem.to_s)
+ def sync_lib(repo, upstream = nil)
+ unless upstream and or = "../#{repo}")
+ abort %[Expected '#{upstream}' \(#{File.expand_path("#{upstream}")}\) to be a directory, but it wasn't.]
- else
- REPOSITORIES.keys.each{|gem| sync_default_gems(gem.to_s)}
+ rm_rf(["lib/#{repo}.rb", "lib/#{repo}/*", "test/test_#{repo}.rb"])
+ cp_r(Dir.glob("#{upstream}/lib/*"), "lib")
+ tests = if"test/#{repo}")
+ "test/#{repo}"
+ else
+ "test/test_#{repo}.rb"
+ end
+ cp_r("#{upstream}/#{tests}", "test") if File.exist?("#{upstream}/#{tests}")
+ gemspec = if"lib/#{repo}")
+ "lib/#{repo}/#{repo}.gemspec"
+ else
+ "lib/#{repo}.gemspec"
+ end
+ cp_r("#{upstream}/#{repo}.gemspec", "#{gemspec}")
-when "list"
- ARGV.shift
- pattern ='|'))
- REPOSITORIES.each_pair do |name, gem|
- next unless pattern =~ name or pattern =~ gem
- printf "%-15s\n", name, gem
+ def update_default_gems(gem, release: false)
+ repository, default_branch = REPOSITORIES[gem]
+ author, repository = repository.split('/')
+ puts "Update #{author}/#{repository}"
+ unless File.exist?("../../#{author}/#{repository}")
+ mkdir_p("../../#{author}")
+ `git clone{author}/#{repository}.git ../../#{author}/#{repository}`
+ end
+ Dir.chdir("../../#{author}/#{repository}") do
+ unless `git remote`.match(/ruby\-core/)
+ `git remote add ruby-core`
+ end
+ `git fetch ruby-core master --no-tags`
+ unless `git branch`.match(/ruby\-core/)
+ `git checkout ruby-core/master`
+ `git branch ruby-core`
+ end
+ `git checkout ruby-core`
+ `git rebase ruby-core/master`
+ `git fetch origin --tags`
+ if release
+ last_release = `git tag | sort -V`.chomp.split.delete_if{|v| v =~ /pre|beta/ }.last
+ `git checkout #{last_release}`
+ else
+ `git checkout #{default_branch}`
+ `git rebase origin/#{default_branch}`
+ end
+ end
-when "--message-filter"
- ARGV.shift
- abort unless ARGV.size == 2
- message_filter(*ARGV)
- exit
-when nil, "-h", "--help"
+ case ARGV[0]
+ when "up"
+ if ARGV[1]
+ update_default_gems(ARGV[1])
+ else
+ REPOSITORIES.each_key {|gem| update_default_gems(gem)}
+ end
+ when "all"
+ if ARGV[1] == "release"
+ REPOSITORIES.each_key do |gem|
+ update_default_gems(gem, release: true)
+ sync_default_gems(gem)
+ end
+ else
+ REPOSITORIES.each_key {|gem| sync_default_gems(gem)}
+ end
+ when "list"
+ ARGV.shift
+ pattern ='|'))
+ REPOSITORIES.each_pair do |name, (gem)|
+ next unless pattern =~ name or pattern =~ gem
+ printf "%-15s\n", name, gem
+ end
+ when "--message-filter"
+ ARGV.shift
+ if ARGV.size < 2
+ abort "usage: #{$0} --message-filter repository commit-hash [input...]"
+ end
+ message_filter(*ARGV.shift(2))
+ exit
+ when "rdoc-ref"
+ ARGV.shift
+ pattern = ARGV.empty? ? %w[*.c *.rb *.rdoc] : ARGV
+ result = pipe_readlines(%W"git grep -z -l -F [ --" + pattern)
+ result.inject(false) do |changed, file|
+ if replace_rdoc_ref(file)
+ puts "replaced rdoc-ref in #{file}"
+ changed = true
+ end
+ changed
+ end
+ when nil, "-h", "--help"
puts <<-HELP
\e[1mSync with upstream code of default libraries\e[0m
@@ -611,6 +816,9 @@ when nil, "-h", "--help"
\e[1mPick a commit range from the upstream repository\e[0m
ruby #$0 rubygems 97e9768612..9e53702832
+\e[1mPick all commits since the last picked commit\e[0m
+ ruby #$0 -a rubygems
\e[1mList known libraries\e[0m
ruby #$0 list
@@ -618,27 +826,28 @@ when nil, "-h", "--help"
ruby #$0 list read
- exit
- while /\A-/ =~ ARGV[0]
- case ARGV[0]
- when "-e"
- edit = true
- ARGV.shift
- when "-a"
- auto = true
- ARGV.shift
+ exit
+ else
+ while /\A-/ =~ ARGV[0]
+ case ARGV[0]
+ when "-e"
+ edit = true
+ ARGV.shift
+ when "-a"
+ auto = true
+ ARGV.shift
+ else
+ $stderr.puts "Unknown command line option: #{ARGV[0]}"
+ exit 1
+ end
+ end
+ gem = ARGV.shift
+ if ARGV[0]
+ exit sync_default_gems_with_commits(gem, ARGV, edit: edit)
+ elsif auto
+ exit sync_default_gems_with_commits(gem, true, edit: edit)
- $stderr.puts "Unknown command line option: #{ARGV[0]}"
- exit 1
+ sync_default_gems(gem)
- end
- gem = ARGV.shift
- if ARGV[0]
- exit sync_default_gems_with_commits(gem, ARGV, edit: edit)
- elsif auto
- exit sync_default_gems_with_commits(gem, true, edit: edit)
- else
- sync_default_gems(gem)
- end
+ end if $0 == __FILE__