path: root/tool/mk_builtin_loader.rb
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tool/mk_builtin_loader.rb')
1 files changed, 84 insertions, 50 deletions
diff --git a/tool/mk_builtin_loader.rb b/tool/mk_builtin_loader.rb
index 309ff615c7..4abd497f0e 100644
--- a/tool/mk_builtin_loader.rb
+++ b/tool/mk_builtin_loader.rb
@@ -4,6 +4,10 @@ require 'ripper'
require 'stringio'
require_relative 'ruby_vm/helpers/c_escape'
+BUILTIN_ATTRS = %w[leaf inline_block use_block]
def string_literal(lit, str = [])
while lit
case lit.first
@@ -22,6 +26,17 @@ def string_literal(lit, str = [])
+# e.g. [:symbol_literal, [:symbol, [:@ident, "inline", [19, 21]]]]
+def symbol_literal(lit)
+ symbol_literal, symbol_lit = lit
+ raise "#{lit.inspect} was not :symbol_literal" if symbol_literal != :symbol_literal
+ symbol, ident_lit = symbol_lit
+ raise "#{symbol_lit.inspect} was not :symbol" if symbol != :symbol
+ ident, symbol_name, = ident_lit
+ raise "#{ident.inspect} was not :@ident" if ident != :@ident
+ symbol_name
def inline_text argc, arg1
raise "argc (#{argc}) of inline! should be 1" unless argc == 1
arg1 = string_literal(arg1)
@@ -29,6 +44,16 @@ def inline_text argc, arg1
+def inline_attrs(args)
+ raise "args was empty" if args.empty?
+ args.each do |arg|
+ attr = symbol_literal(arg)
+ unless BUILTIN_ATTRS.include?(attr)
+ raise "attr (#{attr}) was not in: #{BUILTIN_ATTRS.join(', ')}"
+ end
+ end
def make_cfunc_name inlines, name, lineno
case name
when /\[\]/
@@ -84,7 +109,7 @@ def collect_builtin base, tree, name, bs, inlines, locals = nil
tree = tree[2]
when :method_add_arg
- _, mid, (_, (_, args)) = tree
+ _method_add_arg, mid, (_arg_paren, args) = tree
case mid.first
when :call
_, recv, sep, mid = mid
@@ -93,6 +118,11 @@ def collect_builtin base, tree, name, bs, inlines, locals = nil
mid = nil
+ # w/ trailing comma: [[:method_add_arg, ...]]
+ # w/o trailing comma: [:args_add_block, [[:method_add_arg, ...]], false]
+ if args && args.first == :args_add_block
+ args = args[1]
+ end
when :vcall
_, mid = tree
when :command # FCALL
@@ -100,6 +130,7 @@ def collect_builtin base, tree, name, bs, inlines, locals = nil
when :call, :command_call # CALL
_, recv, sep, mid, (_, args) = tree
if mid
raise "unknown sexp: #{mid.inspect}" unless %i[@ident @const].include?(mid.first)
_, mid, (lineno,) = mid
@@ -126,18 +157,16 @@ def collect_builtin base, tree, name, bs, inlines, locals = nil
args.pop unless (args ||= []).last
argc = args.size
- if /(.+)\!\z/ =~ func_name
+ if /(.+)[\!\?]\z/ =~ func_name
case $1
when 'attr'
- text = inline_text(argc, args.first)
- if text != 'inline'
- raise "Only 'inline' is allowed to be annotated (but got: '#{text}')"
- end
+ # Compile-time validation only. compile.c will parse them.
+ inline_attrs(args)
when 'cstmt'
text = inline_text argc, args.first
- func_name = "_bi#{inlines.size}"
+ func_name = "_bi#{lineno}"
cfunc_name = make_cfunc_name(inlines, name, lineno)
inlines[cfunc_name] = [lineno, text, locals, func_name]
argc -= 1
@@ -145,7 +174,7 @@ def collect_builtin base, tree, name, bs, inlines, locals = nil
text = inline_text argc, args.first
code = "return #{text};"
- func_name = "_bi#{inlines.size}"
+ func_name = "_bi#{lineno}"
cfunc_name = make_cfunc_name(inlines, name, lineno)
locals = [] if $1 == 'cconst'
@@ -156,6 +185,8 @@ def collect_builtin base, tree, name, bs, inlines, locals = nil
func_name = nil # required
inlines[inlines.size] = [lineno, text, nil, nil]
argc -= 1
+ when 'mandatory_only'
+ func_name = nil
when 'arg'
argc == 1 or raise "unexpected argument number #{argc}"
(arg = args.first)[0] == :symbol_literal or raise "symbol literal expected #{args}"
@@ -171,6 +202,21 @@ def collect_builtin base, tree, name, bs, inlines, locals = nil
bs[func_name] = [argc, cfunc_name] if func_name
+ elsif /\Arequire(?:_relative)\z/ =~ mid and args.size == 1 and
+ (arg1 = args[0])[0] == :string_literal and
+ (arg1 = arg1[1])[0] == :string_content and
+ (arg1 = arg1[1])[0] == :@tstring_content and
+ sublib = arg1[1]
+ if File.exist?(f = File.join(@dir, sublib)+".rb")
+ puts "- #{@base}.rb requires #{sublib}"
+ if REQUIRED[sublib]
+ warn "!!! #{sublib} is required from #{REQUIRED[sublib]} already; ignored"
+ else
+ REQUIRED[sublib] = @base
+ (SUBLIBS[@base] ||= []) << sublib
+ end
+ ARGV.push(f)
+ end
break unless tree = args
@@ -217,11 +263,19 @@ end
def generate_cexpr(ofile, lineno, line_file, body_lineno, text, locals, func_name)
f =
+ # Avoid generating fetches of lvars we don't need. This is imperfect as it
+ # will match text inside strings or other false positives.
+ local_candidates = text.scan(/[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*/)
f.puts '{'
lineno += 1
- locals.reverse_each.with_index{|param, i|
+ # locals is nil outside methods
+ locals&.reverse_each&.with_index{|param, i|
next unless Symbol === param
- f.puts "MAYBE_UNUSED(const VALUE) #{param} = rb_vm_lvar(ec, #{-3 - i});"
+ next unless local_candidates.include?(param.to_s)
+ f.puts "VALUE *const #{param}__ptr = (VALUE *)&ec->cfp->ep[#{-3 - i}];"
+ f.puts "MAYBE_UNUSED(const VALUE) #{param} = *#{param}__ptr;"
lineno += 1
f.puts "#line #{body_lineno} \"#{line_file}\""
@@ -239,7 +293,9 @@ def generate_cexpr(ofile, lineno, line_file, body_lineno, text, locals, func_nam
def mk_builtin_header file
+ @dir = File.dirname(file)
base = File.basename(file, '.rb')
+ @base = base
ofile = "#{file}inc"
# bs = { func_name => argc }
@@ -248,10 +304,10 @@ def mk_builtin_header file
collect_builtin(base, Ripper.sexp(code), 'top', bs = {}, inlines = {})
- f = open(ofile, 'w')
- rescue Errno::EACCES
+ f =, 'w')
+ rescue SystemCallError # EACCES, EPERM, EROFS, etc.
# Fall back to the current directory
- f = open(File.basename(ofile), 'w')
+ f =, 'w')
@@ -290,43 +346,13 @@ def mk_builtin_header file
- bs.each_pair{|func, (argc, cfunc_name)|
- decl = ', VALUE' * argc
- argv = argc \
- . times \
- . map {|i|", argv[#{i}]"} \
- . join('')
- f.puts %'static void'
- f.puts %'mjit_compile_invokebuiltin_for_#{func}(FILE *f, long index, unsigned stack_size, bool inlinable_p)'
- f.puts %'{'
- f.puts %' fprintf(f, " VALUE self = GET_SELF();\\n");'
- f.puts %' fprintf(f, " typedef VALUE (*func)(rb_execution_context_t *, VALUE#{decl});\\n");'
- if inlines.has_key? cfunc_name
- body_lineno, text, locals, func_name = inlines[cfunc_name]
- lineno, str = generate_cexpr(ofile, lineno, line_file, body_lineno, text, locals, func_name)
- f.puts %' if (inlinable_p) {'
- str.gsub(/^(?!#)/, ' ').each_line {|i|
- j = RubyVM::CEscape.rstring2cstr(i).dup
- j.sub!(/^ return\b/ , ' val =')
- f.printf(%' fprintf(f, "%%s", %s);\n', j)
- }
- f.puts(%' return;')
- f.puts(%' }')
- end
- if argc > 0
- f.puts %' if (index == -1) {'
- f.puts %' fprintf(f, " const VALUE *argv = &stack[%d];\\n", stack_size - #{argc});'
- f.puts %' }'
- f.puts %' else {'
- f.puts %' fprintf(f, " const unsigned int lnum = GET_ISEQ()->body->local_table_size;\\n");'
- f.puts %' fprintf(f, " const VALUE *argv = GET_EP() - lnum - VM_ENV_DATA_SIZE + 1 + %ld;\\n", index);'
- f.puts %' }'
+ if SUBLIBS[base]
+ f.puts "// sub libraries"
+ SUBLIBS[base].each do |sub|
+ f.puts %[#include #{(sub+".rbinc").dump}]
- f.puts %' fprintf(f, " func f = (func)%"PRIdPTR"; /* == #{cfunc_name} */\\n", (intptr_t)#{cfunc_name});'
- f.puts %' fprintf(f, " val = f(ec, self#{argv});\\n");'
- f.puts %'}'
- }
+ end
f.puts "void Init_builtin_#{base}(void)"
f.puts "{"
@@ -335,9 +361,9 @@ def mk_builtin_header file
f.puts " // table definition"
f.puts " static const struct rb_builtin_function #{table}[] = {"
bs.each.with_index{|(func, (argc, cfunc_name)), i|
- f.puts " RB_BUILTIN_FUNCTION(#{i}, #{func}, #{cfunc_name}, #{argc}, mjit_compile_invokebuiltin_for_#{func}),"
+ f.puts " RB_BUILTIN_FUNCTION(#{i}, #{func}, #{cfunc_name}, #{argc}),"
- f.puts " RB_BUILTIN_FUNCTION(-1, NULL, NULL, 0, 0),"
+ f.puts " RB_BUILTIN_FUNCTION(-1, NULL, NULL, 0),"
f.puts " };"
@@ -351,6 +377,14 @@ def mk_builtin_header file
+ if SUBLIBS[base]
+ f.puts
+ f.puts " // sub libraries"
+ SUBLIBS[base].each do |sub|
+ f.puts " Init_builtin_#{sub}();"
+ end
+ end
f.puts " // load"
f.puts " rb_load_with_builtin_functions(#{base.dump}, #{table});"