path: root/tool/lrama/lib/lrama/context.rb
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Diffstat (limited to 'tool/lrama/lib/lrama/context.rb')
1 files changed, 499 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tool/lrama/lib/lrama/context.rb b/tool/lrama/lib/lrama/context.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4be2198860
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tool/lrama/lib/lrama/context.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,499 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+require_relative "report/duration"
+module Lrama
+ # This is passed to a template
+ class Context
+ include Report::Duration
+ ErrorActionNumber = -Float::INFINITY
+ BaseMin = -Float::INFINITY
+ # TODO: It might be better to pass `states` to Output directly?
+ attr_reader :states, :yylast, :yypact_ninf, :yytable_ninf, :yydefact, :yydefgoto
+ def initialize(states)
+ @states = states
+ @yydefact = nil
+ @yydefgoto = nil
+ # Array of array
+ @_actions = []
+ compute_tables
+ end
+ # enum yytokentype
+ def yytokentype
+ @states.terms.reject do |term|
+ 0 < term.token_id && term.token_id < 128
+ do |term|
+ [, term.token_id, term.display_name]
+ end.unshift(["YYEMPTY", -2, nil])
+ end
+ # enum yysymbol_kind_t
+ def yysymbol_kind_t
+ do |sym|
+ [sym.enum_name, sym.number, sym.comment]
+ end.unshift(["YYSYMBOL_YYEMPTY", -2, nil])
+ end
+ # State number of final (accepted) state
+ def yyfinal
+ @states.states.find do |state|
+ state.items.find do |item|
+ item.lhs.accept_symbol? && item.end_of_rule?
+ end
+ end
+ # Number of terms
+ def yyntokens
+ @states.terms.count
+ end
+ # Number of nterms
+ def yynnts
+ @states.nterms.count
+ end
+ # Number of rules
+ def yynrules
+ @states.rules.count
+ end
+ # Number of states
+ def yynstates
+ @states.states.count
+ end
+ # Last token number
+ def yymaxutok
+ end
+ #
+ # yytranslate is a mapping from token id to symbol number
+ def yytranslate
+ a =, 2)
+ @states.terms.each do |term|
+ a[term.token_id] = term.number
+ end
+ return a
+ end
+ def yytranslate_inverted
+ a =, @states.undef_symbol.token_id)
+ @states.terms.each do |term|
+ a[term.number] = term.token_id
+ end
+ return a
+ end
+ # Mapping from rule number to line number of the rule is defined.
+ # Dummy rule is appended as the first element whose value is 0
+ # because 0 means error in yydefact.
+ def yyrline
+ a = [0]
+ @states.rules.each do |rule|
+ a << rule.lineno
+ end
+ return a
+ end
+ # Mapping from symbol number to its name
+ def yytname
+ @states.symbols.sort_by(&:number).map do |sym|
+ sym.display_name
+ end
+ end
+ def yypact
+ @base[0...yynstates]
+ end
+ def yypgoto
+ @base[yynstates..-1]
+ end
+ def yytable
+ @table
+ end
+ def yycheck
+ @check
+ end
+ def yystos
+ do |state|
+ state.accessing_symbol.number
+ end
+ end
+ # Mapping from rule number to symbol number of LHS.
+ # Dummy rule is appended as the first element whose value is 0
+ # because 0 means error in yydefact.
+ def yyr1
+ a = [0]
+ @states.rules.each do |rule|
+ a << rule.lhs.number
+ end
+ return a
+ end
+ # Mapping from rule number to length of RHS.
+ # Dummy rule is appended as the first element whose value is 0
+ # because 0 means error in yydefact.
+ def yyr2
+ a = [0]
+ @states.rules.each do |rule|
+ a << rule.rhs.count
+ end
+ return a
+ end
+ private
+ # Compute these
+ #
+ # See also: "src/tables.c" of Bison.
+ #
+ # * yydefact
+ # * yydefgoto
+ # * yypact and yypgoto
+ # * yytable
+ # * yycheck
+ # * yypact_ninf
+ # * yytable_ninf
+ def compute_tables
+ report_duration(:compute_yydefact) { compute_yydefact }
+ report_duration(:compute_yydefgoto) { compute_yydefgoto }
+ report_duration(:sort_actions) { sort_actions }
+ # debug_sorted_actions
+ report_duration(:compute_packed_table) { compute_packed_table }
+ end
+ def vectors_count
+ @states.states.count + @states.nterms.count
+ end
+ # In compressed table, rule 0 is appended as an error case
+ # and reduce is represented as minus number.
+ def rule_id_to_action_number(rule_id)
+ (rule_id + 1) * -1
+ end
+ # Symbol number is assigned to term first then nterm.
+ # This method calculates sequence_number for nterm.
+ def nterm_number_to_sequence_number(nterm_number)
+ nterm_number - @states.terms.count
+ end
+ # Vector is states + nterms
+ def nterm_number_to_vector_number(nterm_number)
+ @states.states.count + (nterm_number - @states.terms.count)
+ end
+ def compute_yydefact
+ # Default action (shift/reduce/error) for each state.
+ # Index is state id, value is `rule id + 1` of a default reduction.
+ @yydefact =, 0)
+ @states.states.each do |state|
+ # Action number means
+ #
+ # * number = 0, default action
+ # * number = -Float::INFINITY, error by %nonassoc
+ # * number > 0, shift then move to state "number"
+ # * number < 0, reduce by "-number" rule. Rule "number" is already added by 1.
+ actions =, 0)
+ if {|la| !la.empty? }
+ # Iterate reduces with reverse order so that first rule is used.
+ state.reduces.reverse_each do |reduce|
+ reduce.look_ahead.each do |term|
+ actions[term.number] = rule_id_to_action_number(
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ # Shift is selected when S/R conflict exists.
+ state.selected_term_transitions.each do |shift, next_state|
+ actions[shift.next_sym.number] =
+ end
+ do |conflict|
+ conflict.which == :error
+ end.each do |conflict|
+ actions[conflict.symbol.number] = ErrorActionNumber
+ end
+ # If default_reduction_rule, replace default_reduction_rule in
+ # actions with zero.
+ if state.default_reduction_rule
+! do |e|
+ if e == rule_id_to_action_number(
+ 0
+ else
+ e
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ # If no default_reduction_rule, default behavior is an
+ # error then replace ErrorActionNumber with zero.
+ unless state.default_reduction_rule
+! do |e|
+ if e == ErrorActionNumber
+ 0
+ else
+ e
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ s = do |n, i|
+ [i, n]
+ end.reject do |i, n|
+ # Remove default_reduction_rule entries
+ n == 0
+ end
+ if s.count != 0
+ # Entry of @_actions is an array of
+ #
+ # * State id
+ # * Array of tuple, [from, to] where from is term number and to is action.
+ # * The number of "Array of tuple" used by sort_actions
+ # * "width" used by sort_actions
+ @_actions << [, s, s.count, s.last[0] - s.first[0] + 1]
+ end
+ @yydefact[] = state.default_reduction_rule ? + 1 : 0
+ end
+ end
+ def compute_yydefgoto
+ # Default GOTO (nterm transition) for each nterm.
+ # Index is sequence number of nterm, value is state id
+ # of a default nterm transition destination.
+ @yydefgoto =, 0)
+ # Mapping from nterm to next_states
+ nterm_to_next_states = {}
+ @states.states.each do |state|
+ state.nterm_transitions.each do |shift, next_state|
+ key = shift.next_sym
+ nterm_to_next_states[key] ||= []
+ nterm_to_next_states[key] << [state, next_state] # [from_state, to_state]
+ end
+ end
+ @states.nterms.each do |nterm|
+ if (states = nterm_to_next_states[nterm])
+ default_state = {|s| s }.max_by {|_, v| v.count }.first
+ default_goto =
+ not_default_gotos = []
+ states.each do |from_state, to_state|
+ next if == default_goto
+ not_default_gotos << [,]
+ end
+ else
+ default_goto = 0
+ not_default_gotos = []
+ end
+ k = nterm_number_to_sequence_number(nterm.number)
+ @yydefgoto[k] = default_goto
+ if not_default_gotos.count != 0
+ v = nterm_number_to_vector_number(nterm.number)
+ # Entry of @_actions is an array of
+ #
+ # * Nterm number as vector number
+ # * Array of tuple, [from, to] where from is state number and to is state number.
+ # * The number of "Array of tuple" used by sort_actions
+ # * "width" used by sort_actions
+ @_actions << [v, not_default_gotos, not_default_gotos.count, not_default_gotos.last[0] - not_default_gotos.first[0] + 1]
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def sort_actions
+ # This is not same with #sort_actions
+ #
+ # @sorted_actions = @_actions.sort_by do |_, _, count, width|
+ # [-width, -count]
+ # end
+ @sorted_actions = []
+ @_actions.each do |action|
+ if @sorted_actions.empty?
+ @sorted_actions << action
+ next
+ end
+ j = @sorted_actions.count - 1
+ _state_id, _froms_and_tos, count, width = action
+ while (j >= 0) do
+ case
+ when @sorted_actions[j][3] < width
+ j -= 1
+ when @sorted_actions[j][3] == width && @sorted_actions[j][2] < count
+ j -= 1
+ else
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ @sorted_actions.insert(j + 1, action)
+ end
+ end
+ def debug_sorted_actions
+ ary =
+ @sorted_actions.each do |state_id, froms_and_tos, count, width|
+ ary[state_id] = [state_id, froms_and_tos, count, width]
+ end
+ print sprintf("table_print:\n\n")
+ print sprintf("order [\n")
+ vectors_count.times do |i|
+ print sprintf("%d, ", @sorted_actions[i] ? @sorted_actions[i][0] : 0)
+ print "\n" if i % 10 == 9
+ end
+ print sprintf("]\n\n")
+ print sprintf("width [\n")
+ vectors_count.times do |i|
+ print sprintf("%d, ", ary[i] ? ary[i][3] : 0)
+ print "\n" if i % 10 == 9
+ end
+ print sprintf("]\n\n")
+ print sprintf("tally [\n")
+ vectors_count.times do |i|
+ print sprintf("%d, ", ary[i] ? ary[i][2] : 0)
+ print "\n" if i % 10 == 9
+ end
+ print sprintf("]\n\n")
+ end
+ def compute_packed_table
+ # yypact and yypgoto
+ @base =, BaseMin)
+ # yytable
+ @table = []
+ # yycheck
+ @check = []
+ # Key is froms_and_tos, value is index position
+ pushed = {}
+ userd_res = {}
+ lowzero = 0
+ high = 0
+ @sorted_actions.each do |state_id, froms_and_tos, _, _|
+ if (res = pushed[froms_and_tos])
+ @base[state_id] = res
+ next
+ end
+ res = lowzero - froms_and_tos.first[0]
+ while true do
+ ok = true
+ froms_and_tos.each do |from, to|
+ loc = res + from
+ if @table[loc]
+ # If the cell of table is set, can not use the cell.
+ ok = false
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ if ok && userd_res[res]
+ ok = false
+ end
+ if ok
+ break
+ else
+ res += 1
+ end
+ end
+ loc = 0
+ froms_and_tos.each do |from, to|
+ loc = res + from
+ @table[loc] = to
+ @check[loc] = from
+ end
+ while (@table[lowzero]) do
+ lowzero += 1
+ end
+ high = loc if high < loc
+ @base[state_id] = res
+ pushed[froms_and_tos] = res
+ userd_res[res] = true
+ end
+ @yylast = high
+ # replace_ninf
+ @yypact_ninf = (@base.reject {|i| i == BaseMin } + [0]).min - 1
+! do |i|
+ case i
+ when BaseMin
+ @yypact_ninf
+ else
+ i
+ end
+ end
+ @yytable_ninf = (@table.compact.reject {|i| i == ErrorActionNumber } + [0]).min - 1
+! do |i|
+ case i
+ when nil
+ 0
+ when ErrorActionNumber
+ @yytable_ninf
+ else
+ i
+ end
+ end
+! do |i|
+ case i
+ when nil
+ -1
+ else
+ i
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end