path: root/tool/lib/test/unit/testcase.rb
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Diffstat (limited to 'tool/lib/test/unit/testcase.rb')
1 files changed, 276 insertions, 10 deletions
diff --git a/tool/lib/test/unit/testcase.rb b/tool/lib/test/unit/testcase.rb
index 68149a4880..51ffff37eb 100644
--- a/tool/lib/test/unit/testcase.rb
+++ b/tool/lib/test/unit/testcase.rb
@@ -1,21 +1,287 @@
# frozen_string_literal: true
-require 'test/unit/assertions'
+require_relative 'assertions'
+require_relative '../../core_assertions'
module Test
module Unit
- # remove silly TestCase class
- remove_const(:TestCase) if defined?(self::TestCase)
- class TestCase < MiniTest::Unit::TestCase # :nodoc: all
- include Assertions
+ ##
+ # Provides a simple set of guards that you can use in your tests
+ # to skip execution if it is not applicable. These methods are
+ # mixed into TestCase as both instance and class methods so you
+ # can use them inside or outside of the test methods.
+ #
+ # def test_something_for_mri
+ # skip "bug 1234" if jruby?
+ # # ...
+ # end
+ #
+ # if windows? then
+ # # ... lots of test methods ...
+ # end
- def on_parallel_worker?
- false
+ module Guard
+ ##
+ # Is this running on jruby?
+ def jruby? platform = RUBY_PLATFORM
+ "java" == platform
+ ##
+ # Is this running on mri?
+ def mri? platform = RUBY_DESCRIPTION
+ /^ruby/ =~ platform
+ end
+ ##
+ # Is this running on windows?
+ def windows? platform = RUBY_PLATFORM
+ /mswin|mingw/ =~ platform
+ end
+ ##
+ # Is this running on mingw?
+ def mingw? platform = RUBY_PLATFORM
+ /mingw/ =~ platform
+ end
+ end
+ ##
+ # Provides before/after hooks for setup and teardown. These are
+ # meant for library writers, NOT for regular test authors. See
+ # #before_setup for an example.
+ module LifecycleHooks
+ ##
+ # Runs before every test, after setup. This hook is meant for
+ # libraries to extend Test::Unit. It is not meant to be used by
+ # test developers.
+ #
+ # See #before_setup for an example.
+ def after_setup; end
+ ##
+ # Runs before every test, before setup. This hook is meant for
+ # libraries to extend Test::Unit. It is not meant to be used by
+ # test developers.
+ #
+ # As a simplistic example:
+ #
+ # module MyTestUnitPlugin
+ # def before_setup
+ # super
+ # # ... stuff to do before setup is run
+ # end
+ #
+ # def after_setup
+ # # ... stuff to do after setup is run
+ # super
+ # end
+ #
+ # def before_teardown
+ # super
+ # # ... stuff to do before teardown is run
+ # end
+ #
+ # def after_teardown
+ # # ... stuff to do after teardown is run
+ # super
+ # end
+ # end
+ #
+ # class Test::Unit::Runner::TestCase
+ # include MyTestUnitPlugin
+ # end
+ def before_setup; end
+ ##
+ # Runs after every test, before teardown. This hook is meant for
+ # libraries to extend Test::Unit. It is not meant to be used by
+ # test developers.
+ #
+ # See #before_setup for an example.
+ def before_teardown; end
+ ##
+ # Runs after every test, after teardown. This hook is meant for
+ # libraries to extend Test::Unit. It is not meant to be used by
+ # test developers.
+ #
+ # See #before_setup for an example.
+ def after_teardown; end
+ end
+ ##
+ # Subclass TestCase to create your own tests. Typically you'll want a
+ # TestCase subclass per implementation class.
+ #
+ # See <code>Test::Unit::AssertionFailedError</code>s
+ class TestCase
+ include Assertions
+ include CoreAssertions
+ include LifecycleHooks
+ include Guard
+ extend Guard
+ attr_reader :__name__ # :nodoc:
+ # Method name of this test.
+ alias method_name __name__
+ PASSTHROUGH_EXCEPTIONS = [NoMemoryError, SignalException,
+ Interrupt, SystemExit] # :nodoc:
+ ##
+ # Runs the tests reporting the status to +runner+
def run runner
- @options = runner.options
- super runner
+ @__runner_options__ = runner.options
+ trap "INFO" do
+ do |msg, i|
+ warn "\n%3d) %s" % [i + 1, msg]
+ end
+ warn ''
+ time = runner.start_time ? - runner.start_time : 0
+ warn "Current Test: %s#%s %.2fs" % [self.class, self.__name__, time]
+ runner.status $stderr
+ end if runner.info_signal
+ start_time =
+ result = ""
+ begin
+ @__passed__ = nil
+ self.before_setup
+ self.setup
+ self.after_setup
+ self.run_test self.__name__
+ result = "." unless io?
+ time = - start_time
+ runner.record self.class, self.__name__, self._assertions, time, nil
+ @__passed__ = true
+ raise
+ rescue Exception => e
+ @__passed__ = Test::Unit::PendedError === e
+ time = - start_time
+ runner.record self.class, self.__name__, self._assertions, time, e
+ result = runner.puke self.class, self.__name__, e
+ ensure
+ %w{ before_teardown teardown after_teardown }.each do |hook|
+ begin
+ self.send hook
+ raise
+ rescue Exception => e
+ @__passed__ = false
+ runner.record self.class, self.__name__, self._assertions, time, e
+ result = runner.puke self.class, self.__name__, e
+ end
+ end
+ trap 'INFO', 'DEFAULT' if runner.info_signal
+ end
+ result
+ end
+ RUN_TEST_TRACE = "#{__FILE__}:#{__LINE__+3}:in `run_test'".freeze
+ def run_test(name)
+ progname, $0 = $0, "#{$0}: #{self.class}##{name}"
+ self.__send__(name)
+ ensure
+ $@.delete(RUN_TEST_TRACE) if $@
+ $0 = progname
+ end
+ def initialize name # :nodoc:
+ @__name__ = name
+ @__io__ = nil
+ @__passed__ = nil
+ @@__current__ = self # FIX: make thread local
+ end
+ def self.current # :nodoc:
+ @@__current__ # FIX: make thread local
+ end
+ ##
+ # Return the output IO object
+ def io
+ @__io__ = true
+ Test::Unit::Runner.output
+ end
+ ##
+ # Have we hooked up the IO yet?
+ def io?
+ @__io__
+ end
+ def self.reset # :nodoc:
+ @@test_suites = {}
+ @@test_suites[self] = true
+ end
+ reset
+ def self.inherited klass # :nodoc:
+ @@test_suites[klass] = true
+ super
+ end
+ @test_order = :sorted
+ class << self
+ attr_writer :test_order
+ end
+ def self.test_order
+ defined?(@test_order) ? @test_order : superclass.test_order
+ end
+ def self.test_suites # :nodoc:
+ @@test_suites.keys
+ end
+ def self.test_methods # :nodoc:
+ public_instance_methods(true).grep(/^test/)
+ end
+ ##
+ # Returns true if the test passed.
+ def passed?
+ @__passed__
+ end
+ ##
+ # Runs before every test. Use this to set up before each test
+ # run.
+ def setup; end
+ ##
+ # Runs after every test. Use this to clean up after each test
+ # run.
+ def teardown; end
+ def on_parallel_worker?
+ false
def self.method_added(name)
@@ -23,7 +289,7 @@ module Test
return unless name.to_s.start_with?("test_")
@test_methods ||= {}
if @test_methods[name]
- warn "test/unit warning: method #{ self }##{ name } is redefined"
+ raise AssertionFailedError, "test/unit: method #{ self }##{ name } is redefined"
@test_methods[name] = true