path: root/test/rubygems/test_gem_ext_cargo_builder.rb
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'test/rubygems/test_gem_ext_cargo_builder.rb')
1 files changed, 171 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/test/rubygems/test_gem_ext_cargo_builder.rb b/test/rubygems/test_gem_ext_cargo_builder.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5faf3e2480
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/rubygems/test_gem_ext_cargo_builder.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,171 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+require_relative "helper"
+require "rubygems/ext"
+require "open3"
+class TestGemExtCargoBuilder < Gem::TestCase
+ def setup
+ super
+ @rust_envs = {
+ "CARGO_HOME" => ENV.fetch("CARGO_HOME", File.join(@orig_env["HOME"], ".cargo")),
+ "RUSTUP_HOME" => ENV.fetch("RUSTUP_HOME", File.join(@orig_env["HOME"], ".rustup")),
+ }
+ end
+ def setup_rust_gem(name)
+ @ext = File.join(@tempdir, "ext")
+ @dest_path = File.join(@tempdir, "prefix")
+ @fixture_dir ="test_gem_ext_cargo_builder/#{name}/", __dir__))
+ FileUtils.mkdir_p @dest_path
+ FileUtils.cp_r(@fixture_dir.to_s, @ext)
+ end
+ def test_build_cdylib
+ skip_unsupported_platforms!
+ setup_rust_gem "rust_ruby_example"
+ output = []
+ Dir.chdir @ext do
+ ENV.update(@rust_envs)
+ builder =
+ "Cargo.toml", @dest_path, output
+ end
+ output = output.join "\n"
+ bundle = File.join(@dest_path, "rust_ruby_example.#{RbConfig::CONFIG["DLEXT"]}")
+ assert_match(/Finished/, output)
+ assert_match(/release/, output)
+ assert_ffi_handle bundle, "Init_rust_ruby_example"
+ rescue StandardError => e
+ pp output if output
+ raise(e)
+ end
+ def test_rubygems_cfg_passed_to_rustc
+ skip_unsupported_platforms!
+ setup_rust_gem "rust_ruby_example"
+ version_slug =".", "_")
+ output = []
+ replace_in_rust_file("src/", "rubygems_x_x_x", "rubygems_#{version_slug}")
+ Dir.chdir @ext do
+ ENV.update(@rust_envs)
+ builder =
+ "Cargo.toml", @dest_path, output
+ end
+ output = output.join "\n"
+ bundle = File.join(@dest_path, "rust_ruby_example.#{RbConfig::CONFIG["DLEXT"]}")
+ assert_ffi_handle bundle, "hello_from_rubygems"
+ assert_ffi_handle bundle, "hello_from_rubygems_version"
+ refute_ffi_handle bundle, "should_never_exist"
+ rescue StandardError => e
+ pp output if output
+ raise(e)
+ end
+ def test_build_fail
+ skip_unsupported_platforms!
+ setup_rust_gem "rust_ruby_example"
+ FileUtils.rm(File.join(@ext, "src/"))
+ error = assert_raise(Gem::InstallError) do
+ Dir.chdir @ext do
+ ENV.update(@rust_envs)
+ builder =
+ "Cargo.toml", @dest_path, []
+ end
+ end
+ assert_match(/cargo\s.*\sfailed/, error.message)
+ end
+ def test_full_integration
+ skip_unsupported_platforms!
+ setup_rust_gem "rust_ruby_example"
+ require "open3"
+ Dir.chdir @ext do
+ require "tmpdir"
+ env_for_subprocess = @rust_envs.merge("GEM_HOME" => Gem.paths.home)
+ gem = [env_for_subprocess, *ruby_with_rubygems_in_load_path, File.expand_path("../../exe/gem", __dir__)]
+ Dir.mktmpdir("rust_ruby_example") do |dir|
+ built_gem = File.expand_path(File.join(dir, "rust_ruby_example.gem"))
+ Open3.capture2e(*gem, "build", "rust_ruby_example.gemspec", "--output", built_gem)
+ Open3.capture2e(*gem, "install", "--verbose", "--local", built_gem, *ARGV)
+ stdout_and_stderr_str, status = Open3.capture2e(env_for_subprocess, *ruby_with_rubygems_in_load_path, "-rrust_ruby_example", "-e", "puts 'Result: ' + RustRubyExample.reverse('hello world')")
+ assert status.success?, stdout_and_stderr_str
+ assert_match "Result: #{"hello world".reverse}", stdout_and_stderr_str
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def test_custom_name
+ skip_unsupported_platforms!
+ setup_rust_gem "custom_name"
+ Dir.chdir @ext do
+ require "tmpdir"
+ env_for_subprocess = @rust_envs.merge("GEM_HOME" => Gem.paths.home)
+ gem = [env_for_subprocess, *ruby_with_rubygems_in_load_path, File.expand_path("../../exe/gem", __dir__)]
+ Dir.mktmpdir("custom_name") do |dir|
+ built_gem = File.expand_path(File.join(dir, "custom_name.gem"))
+ Open3.capture2e(*gem, "build", "custom_name.gemspec", "--output", built_gem)
+ Open3.capture2e(*gem, "install", "--verbose", "--local", built_gem, *ARGV)
+ end
+ stdout_and_stderr_str, status = Open3.capture2e(env_for_subprocess, *ruby_with_rubygems_in_load_path, "-rcustom_name", "-e", "puts 'Result: ' + CustomName.say_hello")
+ assert status.success?, stdout_and_stderr_str
+ assert_match "Result: Hello world!", stdout_and_stderr_str
+ end
+ end
+ private
+ def skip_unsupported_platforms!
+ pend "jruby not supported" if Gem.java_platform?
+ pend "truffleruby not supported (yet)" if RUBY_ENGINE == "truffleruby"
+ system(@rust_envs, "cargo", "-V", out: IO::NULL, err: [:child, :out])
+ pend "cargo not present" unless $?.success?
+ pend "ruby.h is not provided by ruby repo" if ruby_repo?
+ pend "rust toolchain of mingw is broken" if mingw_windows?
+ end
+ def assert_ffi_handle(bundle, name)
+ require "fiddle"
+ dylib_handle = Fiddle.dlopen bundle
+ assert_nothing_raised { dylib_handle[name] }
+ ensure
+ dylib_handle&.close
+ end
+ def refute_ffi_handle(bundle, name)
+ require "fiddle"
+ dylib_handle = Fiddle.dlopen bundle
+ assert_raise { dylib_handle[name] }
+ ensure
+ dylib_handle&.close
+ end
+ def replace_in_rust_file(name, from, to)
+ content = @fixture_dir.join(name).read.gsub(from, to)
+ File.write(File.join(@ext, name), content)
+ end