path: root/test/rdoc/test_rdoc_generator_darkfish.rb
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Diffstat (limited to 'test/rdoc/test_rdoc_generator_darkfish.rb')
1 files changed, 119 insertions, 12 deletions
diff --git a/test/rdoc/test_rdoc_generator_darkfish.rb b/test/rdoc/test_rdoc_generator_darkfish.rb
index f5858bce6e..96319bb4f7 100644
--- a/test/rdoc/test_rdoc_generator_darkfish.rb
+++ b/test/rdoc/test_rdoc_generator_darkfish.rb
@@ -72,11 +72,30 @@ class TestRDocGeneratorDarkfish < RDoc::TestCase
def test_generate
top_level = @store.add_file 'file.rb'
top_level.add_class @klass.class,
+ @klass.add_class RDoc::NormalClass, 'Inner'
+ @klass.add_comment <<~RDOC, top_level
+ = Heading 1
+ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod
+ == Heading 1.1
+ tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam,
+ === Heading 1.1.1
+ quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo
+ ==== Heading
+ consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse
+ == Heading 1.2
+ cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat
+ == Heading 1.3
+ non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
+ === Heading 1.3.1
+ etc etc...
assert_file 'index.html'
assert_file 'Object.html'
+ assert_file 'Klass.html'
+ assert_file 'Klass/Inner.html'
assert_file 'table_of_contents.html'
assert_file 'js/search_index.js'
@@ -88,10 +107,48 @@ class TestRDocGeneratorDarkfish < RDoc::TestCase
encoding = Regexp.escape
- assert_match %r%<meta charset="#{encoding}">%,'index.html')
- assert_match %r%<meta charset="#{encoding}">%,'Object.html')
+ assert_match %r%<meta charset="#{encoding}">%, File.binread('index.html')
+ assert_match %r%<meta charset="#{encoding}">%, File.binread('Object.html')
+ refute_match(/Ignored/, File.binread('index.html'))
+ summary = File.binread('index.html')[%r[<summary.*Klass\.html.*</summary>.*</details>]m]
+ assert_match(%r[Klass/Inner\.html".*>Inner<], summary)
+ klass = File.binread('Klass.html')
+ klassnav = klass[%r[<div class="nav-section">.*<div id="class-metadata">]m]
+ assert_match(
+ %r[<li>\s*<details open>\s*<summary>\s*<a href=\S+>Heading 1</a>\s*</summary>\s*<ul]m,
+ klassnav
+ )
+ assert_match(
+ %r[<li>\s*<a href=\S+>Heading</a>\s*</ul>\s*</details>\s*</li>]m,
+ klassnav
+ )
+ assert_match(/<h1 id="class-Klass-label-Heading\+1">Heading 1(?!\.)/,
+ klass[%r[<section class=\"description\">.*</section>]m])
+ toc = File.binread('table_of_contents.html')
+ assert_match(
+ %r[<a\s+href="Klass\.html#class-Klass-label-Heading\+1">Heading 1</a>]m,
+ toc[%r[<h2\s+id=\"classes\">.*(?=<h2\b)]m][%r[<a\s+href="Klass\.html".*(?=</li\b)]m]
+ )
+ end
- refute_match(/Ignored/,'index.html'))
+ def test_generate_page
+ @store.add_file 'outer.rdoc', parser: RDoc::Parser::Simple
+ @store.add_file 'outer/inner.rdoc', parser: RDoc::Parser::Simple
+ @g.generate
+ assert_file 'outer_rdoc.html'
+ assert_file 'outer/inner_rdoc.html'
+ index = File.binread('index.html')
+ re = %r[<summary><a href="\./outer_rdoc\.html">outer</a></summary>.*?</details>]m
+ assert_match(re, index)
+ summary = index[re]
+ assert_match %r[<a href="\./outer/inner_rdoc.html">inner</a>], summary
+ re = %r[<details open><summary><a href="\./outer_rdoc\.html">outer</a></summary>.*?</details>]m
+ assert_match(re, File.binread('outer_rdoc.html'))
+ re = %r[<details open><summary><a href="\.\./outer_rdoc\.html">outer</a></summary>.*?</details>]m
+ assert_match(re, File.binread('outer/inner_rdoc.html'))
def test_generate_dry_run
@@ -142,15 +199,6 @@ class TestRDocGeneratorDarkfish < RDoc::TestCase
@g.install_rdoc_static_file src, dst, options
assert_file dst
- begin
- assert_hard_link dst
- rescue MiniTest::Assertion
- return # hard links are not supported, no further tests needed
- end
- @g.install_rdoc_static_file src, dst, options
assert_hard_link dst
@@ -220,6 +268,60 @@ class TestRDocGeneratorDarkfish < RDoc::TestCase
assert_includes method_name, '{ |%&lt;&lt;script&gt;alert(&quot;atui&quot;)&lt;/script&gt;&gt;, yield_arg| ... }'
+ def test_generated_filename_with_html_tag
+ filename = '"><em>should be escaped'
+ begin # in @tmpdir
+ File.write(filename, '')
+ rescue SystemCallError
+ # ", <, > chars are prohibited as filename
+ return
+ else
+ File.unlink(filename)
+ end
+ @store.add_file filename
+ doc = @store.all_files.last
+ doc.parser = RDoc::Parser::Simple
+ @g.generate
+ Dir.glob("*.html", base: @tmpdir) do |html|
+ File.binread(File.join(@tmpdir, html)).scan(/.*should be escaped.*/) do |line|
+ assert_not_include line, "<em>", html
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def test_template_stylesheets
+ css = Tempfile.create(%W'hoge .css', Dir.mktmpdir('tmp', '.'))
+ File.write(css, '')
+ css.close
+ base = File.basename(css)
+ refute_file(base)
+ @options.template_stylesheets << css
+ @g.generate
+ assert_file base
+ assert_include File.binread('index.html'), %Q[href="./#{base}"]
+ end
+ def test_title
+ title = "RDoc Test".freeze
+ @options.title = title
+ @g.generate
+ assert_main_title(File.binread('index.html'), title)
+ end
+ def test_title_escape
+ title = %[<script>alert("RDoc")</script>].freeze
+ @options.title = title
+ @g.generate
+ assert_main_title(File.binread('index.html'), title)
+ end
# Asserts that +filename+ has a link count greater than 1 if hard links to
# @tmpdir are supported.
@@ -243,4 +345,9 @@ class TestRDocGeneratorDarkfish < RDoc::TestCase
"#{filename} is not hard-linked"
+ def assert_main_title(content, title)
+ title = CGI.escapeHTML(title)
+ assert_equal(title, content[%r[<title>(.*?)<\/title>]im, 1])
+ assert_include(content[%r[<main\s[^<>]*+>\s*(.*?)</main>]im, 1], title)
+ end