path: root/test/json/test_json_encoding.rb
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Diffstat (limited to 'test/json/test_json_encoding.rb')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 65 deletions
diff --git a/test/json/test_json_encoding.rb b/test/json/test_json_encoding.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index fa7d878920..0000000000
--- a/test/json/test_json_encoding.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env ruby
-# encoding: utf-8
-require 'test/unit'
-require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'setup_variant')
-class TestJSONEncoding < Test::Unit::TestCase
- include JSON
- def setup
- @utf_8 = '["© ≠ €!"]'
- @parsed = [ "© ≠ €!" ]
- @generated = '["\u00a9 \u2260 \u20ac!"]'
- if String.method_defined?(:encode)
- @utf_16_data = [@parsed.first.encode('utf-16be', 'utf-8')]
- @utf_8_ascii_8bit = @utf_8.dup.force_encoding(Encoding::ASCII_8BIT)
- @utf_16be = @utf_8.encode('utf-16be', 'utf-8')
- @utf_16be_ascii_8bit = @utf_16be.dup.force_encoding(Encoding::ASCII_8BIT)
- @utf_16le = @utf_8.encode('utf-16le', 'utf-8')
- @utf_16le_ascii_8bit = @utf_16le.dup.force_encoding(Encoding::ASCII_8BIT)
- @utf_32be = @utf_8.encode('utf-32be', 'utf-8')
- @utf_32be_ascii_8bit = @utf_32be.dup.force_encoding(Encoding::ASCII_8BIT)
- @utf_32le = @utf_8.encode('utf-32le', 'utf-8')
- @utf_32le_ascii_8bit = @utf_32le.dup.force_encoding(Encoding::ASCII_8BIT)
- else
- require 'iconv'
- @utf_16_data = Iconv.iconv('utf-16be', 'utf-8', @parsed.first)
- @utf_8_ascii_8bit = @utf_8.dup
- @utf_16be, = Iconv.iconv('utf-16be', 'utf-8', @utf_8)
- @utf_16be_ascii_8bit = @utf_16be.dup
- @utf_16le, = Iconv.iconv('utf-16le', 'utf-8', @utf_8)
- @utf_16le_ascii_8bit = @utf_16le.dup
- @utf_32be, = Iconv.iconv('utf-32be', 'utf-8', @utf_8)
- @utf_32be_ascii_8bit = @utf_32be.dup
- @utf_32le, = Iconv.iconv('utf-32le', 'utf-8', @utf_8)
- @utf_32le_ascii_8bit = @utf_32le.dup
- end
- end
- def test_parse
- assert_equal @parsed, JSON.parse(@utf_8)
- assert_equal @parsed, JSON.parse(@utf_16be)
- assert_equal @parsed, JSON.parse(@utf_16le)
- assert_equal @parsed, JSON.parse(@utf_32be)
- assert_equal @parsed, JSON.parse(@utf_32le)
- end
- def test_parse_ascii_8bit
- assert_equal @parsed, JSON.parse(@utf_8_ascii_8bit)
- assert_equal @parsed, JSON.parse(@utf_16be_ascii_8bit)
- assert_equal @parsed, JSON.parse(@utf_16le_ascii_8bit)
- assert_equal @parsed, JSON.parse(@utf_32be_ascii_8bit)
- assert_equal @parsed, JSON.parse(@utf_32le_ascii_8bit)
- end
- def test_generate
- assert_equal @generated, JSON.generate(@parsed, :ascii_only => true)
- if defined?(::Encoding)
- assert_equal @generated, JSON.generate(@utf_16_data, :ascii_only => true)
- else
- # XXX checking of correct utf8 data is not as strict (yet?) without :ascii_only
- assert_raises(JSON::GeneratorError) { JSON.generate(@utf_16_data, :ascii_only => true) }
- end
- end