path: root/struct.c
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'struct.c')
1 files changed, 274 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/struct.c b/struct.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..658925109d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/struct.c
@@ -0,0 +1,274 @@
+ struct.c -
+ $Author: matz $
+ $Date: 1994/06/17 14:23:51 $
+ created at: Tue Mar 22 18:44:30 JST 1994
+#include "ruby.h"
+#include "env.h"
+VALUE C_Struct;
+extern VALUE M_Enumerable;
+char *strdup();
+static VALUE
+struct_alloc(class, name)
+ VALUE class;
+ char *name;
+ NEWOBJ(st, struct RStruct);
+ OBJSETUP(st, class, T_STRUCT);
+ if (name) st->name = strdup(name);
+ else st->name = Qnil;
+ st->len = 0;
+ st->tbl = Qnil;
+ return (VALUE)st;
+static VALUE
+struct_find(s, id)
+ struct RStruct *s;
+ ID id;
+ struct kv_pair *t, *tend;
+ t = s->tbl;
+ tend = t + s->len;
+ while (t < tend) {
+ if (t->key == id) return t->value;
+ t++;
+ }
+ Fail("struct %s has no member %s", s->name, rb_id2name(id));
+static VALUE
+ struct RStruct *s;
+ return struct_find(s, the_env->last_func);
+static VALUE
+struct_add(s, mem, val)
+ struct RStruct *s;
+ char *mem;
+ VALUE val;
+ int pos = s->len;
+ s->len++;
+ if (s->tbl == Qnil) {
+ s->tbl = ALLOC_N(struct kv_pair, 1);
+ }
+ else {
+ REALLOC_N(s->tbl, struct kv_pair, s->len);
+ }
+ s->tbl[pos].key = rb_intern(mem);
+ s->tbl[pos].value = val;
+ rb_define_single_method(s, mem, Fstruct_access, 0);
+#include <varargs.h>
+struct_new(name, va_alist)
+ char *name;
+ va_dcl
+ VALUE st;
+ va_list args;
+ char *mem;
+ GC_PRO3(st, struct_alloc(C_Struct,name));
+ va_start(args);
+ while (mem = va_arg(args, char*)) {
+ struct_add(st, mem, va_arg(args, VALUE));
+ }
+ va_end(vargs);
+ return st;
+#define ASSOC_KEY(a) RARRAY(a)->ptr[0]
+#define ASSOC_VAL(a) RARRAY(a)->ptr[1]
+static VALUE
+Fstruct_new(class, args)
+ VALUE class, args;
+ VALUE name, st;
+ struct RArray *tbl;
+ int i, max;
+ rb_scan_args(args, "1*", &name, &tbl);
+ Check_Type(name, T_STRING);
+ GC_PRO(tbl);
+ GC_PRO3(st, struct_alloc(class, RSTRING(name)->ptr));
+ for (i=0, max=tbl->len; i<max; i++) {
+ VALUE assoc = tbl->ptr[i];
+ Check_Type(assoc, T_ARRAY);
+ if (RARRAY(assoc)->len != 2) {
+ Fail("args must be pairs");
+ }
+ Check_Type(ASSOC_KEY(assoc), T_STRING);
+ struct_add(st, RSTRING(ASSOC_KEY(assoc))->ptr, ASSOC_VAL(assoc));
+ }
+ return st;
+static VALUE
+ struct RStruct *s;
+ struct kv_pair *t, *tend;
+ t = s->tbl;
+ tend = t + s->len;
+ while (t < tend) {
+ rb_yield(t->value);
+ t++;
+ }
+static VALUE
+ struct RStruct *s;
+ VALUE ary;
+ struct kv_pair *t, *tend;
+ GC_PRO3(ary, ary_new());
+ t = s->tbl;
+ tend = t + s->len;
+ while (t < tend) {
+ Fary_push(ary, t->value);
+ t++;
+ }
+ return ary;
+static VALUE
+Fstruct_aref(s, idx)
+ struct RStruct *s;
+ VALUE idx;
+ struct RArray *ary;
+ int i;
+ if (TYPE(idx) == T_STRING)
+ return struct_find(rb_intern(RSTRING(idx)->ptr));
+ i = NUM2INT(idx);
+ if (s->len <= i)
+ Fail("offset %d too large for struct(size:%d)", i, s->len);
+ return s->tbl[i].value;
+#define HDR "struct "
+static VALUE
+ struct RStruct *s;
+ char *buf;
+ buf = (char*)alloca(strlen(s->name) + sizeof(HDR) + 1);
+ sprintf(buf, "%s%s", HDR, s->name);
+ return str_new2(buf);
+static VALUE
+ struct RStruct *s;
+ VALUE str, str2;
+ char buf[256], *p;
+ int i;
+ ID inspect = rb_intern("_inspect");
+ sprintf(buf, "#<%s%s: ", HDR, s->name);
+ GC_PRO3(str, str_new2(buf));
+ GC_PRO2(str2);
+ for (i=0; i<s->len; i++) {
+ if (i > 0) {
+ str_cat(str, ", ", 2);
+ }
+ p = rb_id2name(s->tbl[i].key);
+ str_cat(str, p, strlen(p));
+ str_cat(str, "=", 1);
+ str2 = rb_funcall(s->tbl[i].value, inspect, 0, Qnil);
+ str_cat(str, RSTRING(str2)->ptr, RSTRING(str2)->len);
+ }
+ str_cat(str, ">", 1);
+ return str;
+static VALUE
+ struct RStruct *s;
+ VALUE ary;
+ int i;
+ ary = ary_new2(s->len);
+ for (i=0; i<s->len; i++) {
+ Fary_push(ary, s->tbl[i].value);
+ }
+ return ary;
+static VALUE
+ struct RStruct *s;
+ struct RStruct *st = (struct RStruct*)struct_alloc(s->name);
+ CLONESETUP(st, s);
+ st->len = s->len;
+ st->tbl = ALLOC_N(struct kv_pair, s->len);
+ memcpy(st->tbl, s->tbl, sizeof(struct kv_pair) * st->len);
+ RBASIC(st)->class = single_class_clone(RBASIC(s)->class);
+ return (VALUE)st;
+ C_Struct = rb_define_class("Struct", C_Object);
+ rb_include_module(C_Struct, M_Enumerable);
+ rb_define_single_method(C_Struct, "new", Fstruct_new, -2);
+ rb_define_method(C_Struct, "clone", Fstruct_clone, 0);
+ rb_define_method(C_Struct, "to_s", Fstruct_to_s, 0);
+ rb_define_method(C_Struct, "_inspect", Fstruct_inspect, 0);
+ rb_define_method(C_Struct, "to_a", Fstruct_to_a, 0);
+ rb_define_method(C_Struct, "each", Fstruct_each, 0);
+ rb_define_method(C_Struct, "values", Fstruct_values, 0);
+ rb_define_method(C_Struct, "[]", Fstruct_aref, 1);