path: root/ruby_2_2/doc/syntax/modules_and_classes.rdoc
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-= Modules
-Modules serve two purposes in Ruby, namespacing and mix-in functionality.
-A namespace can be used to organize code by package or functionality that
-separates common names from interference by other packages. For example, the
-IRB namespace provides functionality for irb that prevents a collision
-for the common name "Context".
-Mix-in functionality allows sharing common methods across multiple classes or
-modules. Ruby comes with the Enumerable mix-in module which provides many
-enumeration methods based on the +each+ method and Comparable allows comparison
-of objects based on the <code><=></code> comparison method.
-Note that there are many similarities between modules and classes. Besides the
-ability to mix-in a module, the description of modules below also applies to
-== Module Definition
-A module is created using the +module+ keyword:
- module MyModule
- # ...
- end
-A module may be reopened any number of times to add, change or remove
- module MyModule
- def my_method
- end
- end
- module MyModule
- alias my_alias my_method
- end
- module MyModule
- remove_method :my_method
- end
-Reopening classes is a very powerful feature of Ruby, but it is best to only
-reopen classes you own. Reopening classes you do not own may lead to naming
-conflicts or difficult to diagnose bugs.
-== Nesting
-Modules may be nested:
- module Outer
- module Inner
- end
- end
-Many packages create a single outermost module (or class) to provide a
-namespace for their functionality.
-You may also define inner modules using <code>::</code> provided the outer
-modules (or classes) are already defined:
- module Outer::Inner::GrandChild
- end
-Note that this will raise a +NameError+ if +Outer+ and
-<code>Outer::Inner</code> are not already defined.
-This style has the benefit of allowing the author to reduce the amount
-of indentation. Instead of 3 levels of indentation only one is necessary.
-However, the scope of constant lookup is different for creating a namespace
-using this syntax instead of the more verbose syntax.
-== Scope
-=== +self+
-+self+ refers to the object that defines the current scope. +self+ will change
-when entering a different method or when defining a new module.
-=== Constants
-Accessible constants are different depending on the module nesting (which
-syntax was used to define the module). In the following example
-the constant <code>A::Z</code> is accessible from B as A is part of the
- module A
- Z = 1
- module B
- p Module.nesting #=> [A::B, A]
- p Z #=> 1
- end
- end
-However, if you use <code>::</code> to define <code>A::B</code> without
-nesting it inside +A+ a NameError exception will be raised because the nesting
-does not include +A+:
- module A
- Z = 1
- end
- module A::B
- p Module.nesting #=> [A::B]
- p Z #=> raises NameError
- end
-If a constant is defined at the top-level you may preceded it with
-<code>::</code> to reference it:
- Z = 0
- module A
- Z = 1
- module B
- p ::Z #=> 0
- end
- end
-=== Methods
-For method definition documentation see the {syntax documentation for
-Class methods may be called directly. (This is slightly confusing, but a
-method on a module is often called a "class method" instead of a "module
-method". See also Module#module_function which can convert an instance method
-into a class method.)
-When a class method references a constant it uses the same rules as referencing
-it outside the method as the scope is the same.
-Instance methods defined in a module are only callable when included. These
-methods have access to the constants defined when they were included through
-the ancestors list:
- module A
- Z = 1
- def z
- Z
- end
- end
- include A
- p self.class.ancestors #=> [Object, A, Kernel, BasicObject]
- p z #=> 1
-=== Visibility
-Ruby has three types of visibility. The default is +public+. A public method
-may be called from any other object.
-The second visibility is +protected+. When calling a protected method the
-sender must be a subclass of the receiver or the receiver must be a subclass of
-the sender. Otherwise a NoMethodError will be raised.
-Protected visibility is most frequently used to define <code>==</code> and
-other comparison methods where the author does not wish to expose an object's
-state to any caller and would like to restrict it only to inherited classes.
-Here is an example:
- class A
- def n(other)
- other.m
- end
- end
- class B < A
- def m
- 1
- end
- protected :m
- end
- class C < B
- end
- a =
- b =
- c =
- c.n b #=> 1 -- C is a subclass of B
- b.n b #=> 1 -- m called on defining class
- a.n b # raises NoMethodError A is not a subclass of B
-The third visibility is +private+. A private method may not be called with a
-receiver, not even +self+. If a private method is called with a receiver a
-NoMethodError will be raised.
-=== +alias+ and +undef+
-You may also alias or undefine methods, but these operations are not
-restricted to modules or classes. See the {miscellaneous syntax
-section}[rdoc-ref:syntax/miscellaneous.rdoc] for documentation.
-= Classes
-Every class is also a module, but unlike modules a class may not be mixed-in to
-another module (or class). Like a module, a class can be used as a namespace.
-A class also inherits methods and constants from its superclass.
-== Defining a class
-Use the +class+ keyword to create a class:
- class MyClass
- # ...
- end
-If you do not supply a superclass your new class will inherit from Object. You
-may inherit from a different class using <code><</code> followed by a class
- class MySubclass < MyClass
- # ...
- end
-There is a special class BasicObject which is designed as a blank class and
-includes a minimum of built-in methods. You can use BasicObject to create an
-independent inheritance structure. See the BasicObject documentation for
-further details.
-== Inheritance
-Any method defined on a class is callable from its subclass:
- class A
- Z = 1
- def z
- Z
- end
- end
- class B < A
- end
- p #=> 1
-The same is true for constants:
- class A
- Z = 1
- end
- class B < A
- def z
- Z
- end
- end
- p #=> 1
-You can override the functionality of a superclass method by redefining the
- class A
- def m
- 1
- end
- end
- class B < A
- def m
- 2
- end
- end
- p #=> 2
-If you wish to invoke the superclass functionality from a method use +super+:
- class A
- def m
- 1
- end
- end
- class B < A
- def m
- 2 + super
- end
- end
- p #=> 3
-When used without any arguments +super+ uses the arguments given to the
-subclass method. To send no arguments to the superclass method use
-<code>super()</code>. To send specific arguments to the superclass method
-provide them manually like <code>super(2)</code>.
-+super+ may be called as many times as you like in the subclass method.
-= Singleton Classes
-The singleton class (also known as the metaclass or eigenclass) of an object is
-a class that holds methods for only that instance. You can access the
-singleton class of an object using <code>class << object</code> like this:
- class C
- end
- class << C
- # self is the singleton class here
- end
-Most frequently you'll see the singleton class accessed like this:
- class C
- class << self
- # ...
- end
- end
-This allows definition of methods and attributes on a class (or module) without
-needing to write <code>def self.my_method</code>.
-Since you can open the singleton class of any object this means that this code
- o =
- def o.my_method
- 1 + 1
- end
-is equivalent to this code block:
- o =
- class << o
- def my_method
- 1 + 1
- end
- end
-Both objects will have a +my_method+ that returns +2+.