path: root/ruby_2_2/doc/NEWS-1.8.7
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-# -*- rdoc -*-
-= NEWS for Ruby 1.8.7
-This document is a list of user visible feature changes made between
-releases except for bug fixes.
-Note that each entry is kept so brief that no reason behind or
-reference information is supplied with. For a full list of changes
-with all sufficient information, see the ChangeLog file.
-== Changes since the 1.8.6 release
-=== Configuration changes
-* default C flags
- Some C compiler flags may be added by default depending on your
- environment. Specify optflags=.. and warnflags=.. as necessary to
- override them.
-* vendor_ruby directory
- A new library directory named `vendor_ruby' is introduced in
- addition to `site_ruby'. The idea is to separate libraries
- installed by the package system (`vendor') from manually (`site')
- installed libraries preventing the former from getting overwritten
- by the latter, while preserving the user option to override vendor
- libraries with site libraries. (`site_ruby' takes precedence over
- `vendor_ruby')
- If you are a package maintainer, make each library package configure
- the library passing the `--vendor' option to `extconf.rb' so that
- the library files will get installed under `vendor_ruby'.
- You can change the directory locations using configure options such
- as `--with-sitedir=DIR' and `--with-vendordir=DIR'.
-=== Global constants
-* new constants
-=== Library updates (outstanding ones only)
-* new library
- * securerandom
-* builtin classes
- * Array#flatten
- * Array#flatten!
- Takes an optional argument that determines the level of recursion
- to flatten.
- * Array#eql?
- * Array#hash
- * Array#==
- * Array#<=>
- Handle recursive data properly.
- * Array#index
- * Array#rindex
- Use a given block if no argument is given.
- * Array#collect!
- * Array#map!
- * Array#each
- * Array#each_index
- * Array#reverse_each
- * Array#reject
- * Array#reject!
- * Array#delete_if
- * Array#select
- Return an enumerator if no block is given.
- Note that #map and #collect still return an array unlike Ruby 1.9
- to keep compatibility.
- * Array#pop
- * Array#shift
- Take an optional argument specifying the number of elements to
- remove.
- * Array#choice
- * Array#combination
- * Array#cycle
- * Array#drop
- * Array#drop_while
- * Array#permutation
- * Array#product
- * Array#shuffle
- * Array#shuffle!
- * Array#take,
- * Array#take_while
- New methods.
- * Binding#eval
- New method.
- * Dir#each
- * Dir#foreach
- Return an enumerator if no block is given.
- * Enumerable::Enumerator
- New class for various enumeration defined by the enumerator library.
- * Enumerable#each_slice
- * Enumerable#each_cons
- * Object#to_enum
- * Object#enum_for
- New methods for various enumeration defined by the enumerator library.
- * Enumerable#count
- * Enumerable#cycle
- * Enumerable#drop
- * Enumerable#drop_while
- * Enumerable#find_index
- * Enumerable#first
- * Enumerable#group_by
- * Enumerable#max_by
- * Enumerable#min_by
- * Enumerable#minmax
- * Enumerable#minmax_by
- * Enumerable#none?
- * Enumerable#one?
- * Enumerable#take
- * Enumerable#take_while
- New methods.
- * Enumerable#find
- * Enumerable#find_all
- * Enumerable#partition
- * Enumerable#reject
- * Enumerable#select
- * Enumerable#sort_by
- Return an enumerator if no block is given.
- Note that #map and #collect still return an array unlike Ruby 1.9
- to keep compatibility.
- * Enumerable#inject
- Accepts a binary operator instead of a block.
- * Enumerable#reduce
- New alias to #inject.
- * Enumerable#to_a
- Can take optional arguments and pass them to #each.
- * Hash#eql?
- * Hash#hash
- * Hash#==
- Handle recursive data properly.
- * Hash#delete_if
- * Hash#each
- * Hash#each_key
- * Hash#each_pair
- * Hash#each_value
- * Hash#reject!
- * Hash#select
- * ENV.delete_if
- * ENV.each
- * ENV.each_key
- * ENV.each_pair
- * ENV.each_value
- * ENV.reject!
- *
- Return an enumerator if no block is given.
- * GC.stress
- * GC.stress=
- New methods.
- * Integer#ord
- * Integer#odd?
- * Integer#even?
- * Integer#pred
- New methods.
- * Integer#downto
- * Integer#times
- * Integer#upto
- Return an enumerator if no block is given.
- * IO#each
- * IO#each_line
- * IO#each_byte
- * IO.foreach
- * ARGF.each
- * ARGF.each_line
- * ARGF.each_byte
- Return an enumerator if no block is given.
- * IO#bytes
- * IO#chars
- * IO#each_char
- * IO#getbyte
- * IO#lines
- * IO#readbyte
- * ARGF.bytes
- * ARGF.chars
- * ARGF.each_char
- * ARGF.getbyte
- * ARGF.lines
- * ARGF.readbyte
- New methods.
- * Method#name
- * Method#owner
- * Method#receiver
- * UnboundMethod#name
- * UnboundMethod#owner
- New methods.
- * Module#class_exec
- * Module#module_exec
- New methods.
- * Numeric#step
- Return an enumerator if no block is given.
- * Object#instance_exec
- * Object#tap
- New methods.
- * ObjectSpace.each_object
- Return an enumerator if no block is given.
- * Process.exec implemented.
- * Range#each
- * Range#step
- Return an enumerator if no block is given.
- * Regexp.union accepts an array of patterns.
- * String#bytes
- New method
- * String#bytesize
- New method, returning the size in bytes. (alias length and size)
- * String#chars
- * String#each_char
- * String#lines
- * String#partition
- * String#rpartition
- * String#start_with?
- * String#end_with?
- New methods. These are $KCODE aware unlike #index, #rindex and
- #include?.
- * String#each_byte
- * String#each
- * String#each_line
- * String#gsub(pattern)
- Return an enumerator if no block is given.
- * String#upto
- An optional second argument is added to specify if the last value
- should be included.
- * StopIteration
- New exception class that causes Kernel#loop to stop iteration when
- raised.
- * Struct#each
- * Struct#each_pair
- Return an enumerator if no block is given.
- * Symbol#to_proc
- New method.
- * __method__
- New global function that returns the name of the current method as
- a Symbol.
-* enumerator
- * Enumerator is now a built-in module. The #next and #rewind
- methods are implemented using the "generator" library. Use with
- care and be aware of the performance loss.
-* ipaddr
- * New methods
- * IPAddr#<=>
- * IPAddr#succ
- IPAddr objects are now comparable and enumerable having these
- methods. This also means that it is possible to have a Range
- object between two IPAddr objects.
- * IPAddr#to_range
- A new method to create a Range object for the (network) address.
- * Type coercion support
- * IPAddr#&
- * IPAddr#|
- * IPAddr#==
- * IPAddr#include?
- These methods now accept a string or an integer instead of an
- IPAddr object as the argument.
-* net/smtp
- * Support SSL/TLS.
-* openssl
- * New classes
- * OpenSSL::PKey::EC
- * OpenSSL::PKey::EC::Group
- * OpenSSL::PKey::EC::Point
- * OpenSSL::PKey::PKCS5
- * OpenSSL::SSL::Session
- * Documentation!
- * Various new methods (see documentation).
- * Remove redundant module namespace in Cipher, Digest, PKCS7, PKCS12.
- Compatibility classes are provided which will be removed in Ruby 1.9.
-* shellwords
- * Add methods for escaping shell-unsafe characters:
- * Shellwords.join
- * Shellwords.escape
- * Array#shelljoin
- * String#shellescape
- * Add shorthand methods:
- * Shellwords.split (alias shellwords)
- * String#shellsplit
-* stringio
- * StringIO#getbyte
- * StringIO#readbyte
- New methods. (aliases for compatibility with 1.9)
- * StringIO#each_char
- * StringIO#chars
- New methods.
- * StringIO#each
- * StringIO#each_line
- * StringIO#each_byte
- Return an enumerator if no block is given.
-* tempfile
- * and now accept a suffix for the
- temporary file to be created. To specify a suffix, pass an array
- of [basename, suffix] as the first argument.
-['image', 'jpg']) { |tempfile| ... }
-* tmpdir
- * New method:
- * Dir.mktmpdir
-* uri
- * added LDAPS scheme.
- * Change for RFC3986:
- * FTP
- * URI('').path #=> 'foo'
- * URI('').path #=> '/foo'
- *[nil, '', nil, '/foo', 'i').to_s #=> ';type=i'
- * URI merge
- * URI('http://a/b/c/d;p?q').merge('?y') == URI('http://a/b/c/d;p?y')
- * URI('http://a/b/c/d;p?q').merge('/./g') == URI('http://a/g')
- * URI('http://a/b/c/d;p?q').merge('/../g') == URI('http://a/g')
- * URI('http://a/b/c/d;p?q').merge('../../../g') == URI('http://a/g')
- * URI('http://a/b/c/d;p?q').merge('../../../../g') == URI('http://a/g')
-* rss
- * 0.1.6 -> 0.2.4
- * Fix image module URI
- * Atom support
- * ITunes module support
- * Slash module support
- * content:encoded with RSS 2.0 support
-=== Interpreter Implementation
-* passing a block to a Proc [experimental]
- This implementation in current shape is known to be buggy/broken,
- especially with nested block invocation. Take this as an
- experimental feature.
-* stack trace
- On non-SystemStackError exception, full stack trace is shown.
-=== Compatibility issues (excluding feature bug fixes)
-* String#slice! had some unintentional bugs and they have been fixed
- because either they disagreed with documentation or their respective
- behavior of #slice. Unfortunately, this causes some
- incompatibilities in the following (somewhat rare) cases.
- * #slice! no longer expands the array when an out-of-boundary value
- is given.
- # Ruby 1.8.6
- a = [1,2]
- a.slice!(4,0) #=> nil
- a #=> [1,2,nil,nil]
- # Ruby 1.8.7
- a = [1,2]
- a.slice!(4,0) #=> nil
- a #=> [1,2]
- * #slice! no longer raises an exception but returns nil when a
- negative length or out-of-boundary negative position is given.
- # Ruby 1.8.6
- a = [1,2]
- a.slice!(1,-1) #=> (raises IndexError)
- a.slice!(-5,1) #=> (raises IndexError)
- # Ruby 1.8.7
- a = [1,2]
- a.slice!(1,-1) #=> nil
- a.slice!(-5,1) #=> nil
-* String#to_i, String#hex and String#oct no longer accept a sequence
- of underscores (`__') as part of a number.
- # Ruby 1.8.6
- '1__0'.to_i #=> 10
- '1__0'.to_i(2) #=> 2 # 0b10
- '1__0'.oct #=> 8 # 010
- '1__0'.hex #=> 16 # 0x10
- # Ruby 1.8.7
- '1__0'.to_i #=> 1
- '1__0'.to_i(2) #=> 1
- '1__0'.oct #=> 1
- '1__0'.hex #=> 1
- The old behavior was inconsistent with Ruby syntax and considered as
- a bug.
-* date
- * Date.parse
- '##.##.##' (where each '#' is a digit) is now taken as 'YY.MM.DD'
- instead of 'MM.DD.YY'. While the change may confuse you, you can
- always use Date.strptime() when you know what you are dealing
- with.
- * REXML::Document.entity_expansion_limit=
- New method to set the entity expansion limit. By default the limit is
- set to 10000. See the following URL for details.
-* stringio
- * StringIO#each_byte
- The return value changed from nil to self. This is what the
- document says and the same as each_line() does.
-* tempfile
- * The file name format has changed. No dots are included by default
- in temporary file names any more. See above for how to specify a
- suffix.
-* uri
- * See above for details.
-== Changes since the 1.8.5 release
-=== New platforms/build tools support
-* IA64 HP-UX
-* Visual C++ 8 SP1
-* autoconf 2.6x
-=== Global constants
- New constant since 1.8.5-p1.
-=== Library updates (outstanding ones only)
-* builtin classes
- * New method: Kernel#instance_variable_defined?
- * New method: Module#class_variable_defined?
- * New feature: Dir::glob() can now take an array of glob patterns.
-* date
- * Updated based on date2 4.0.3.
-* digest
- * New internal APIs for C and Ruby.
- * Support for autoloading.
- require 'digest'
- # autoloads digest/md5
- md = Digest::MD5.digest("string")
- * New digest class methods: file
- * New digest instance methods: clone, reset, new, inspect,
- digest_length (alias size or length), block_length()
- * New library: digest/bubblebabble
- * New function: Digest(name)
-* fileutils
- * New option for FileUtils.cp_r(): :remove_destination
-* nkf
- * Updated based on nkf as of 2007-01-28.
-* thread
- * Replaced with much faster mutex implementation in C. The former
- implementation, which is slow but considered to be stable, is
- available with a configure option `--disable-fastthread'.
-* tk
- * Updated Tile extension support based on Tile 0.7.8.
- * Support --without-X11 configure option for non-X11 versions of
- Tcl/Tk (e.g. Tcl/Tk Aqua).
- * New sample script: irbtkw.rbw -- IRB on Ruby/Tk. It has no trouble
- about STDIN blocking on Windows.
-* webrick
- * New method: WEBrick::Cookie.parse_set_cookies()
-=== Compatibility issues (excluding feature bug fixes)
-* builtin classes
- * String#intern now raises SecurityError when $SAFE level is greater
- than zero.
-* date
- * Time#to_date and Time#to_datetime are added as private methods.
- They cause name conflict error in ActiveSupport 1.4.1 and prior,
- which comes with Rails 1.2.2 and prior. Updating ActiveSupport
- and/or Rails to the latest versions fixes the problem.
-* digest
- * The constructor does no longer take an initial string to feed.
- The following examples show how to migrate:
- # Before
- md ="string")
- # After (works with any version)
- md ="string")
- # Before
- hd ="string").hexdigest
- # After (works with any version)
- hd = Digest::MD5.hexdigest("string")
- * Digest::Base#==
- * self == string
- Automatic detection between binary digest values and hexadecimal
- digest values has been dropped. It is always assumed that a
- hexadecimal digest value is given for comparison.
- * self == md
- Digest objects are compared by the resulting digest values, not
- by the exact vector states.
-* fileutils
- * A minor implementation change breaks Rake <=0.7.1.
- Updating Rake to 0.7.2 or higher fixes the problem.
-* tk
- * Tk::X_Scrollable (Y_Scrollable) is renamed to Tk::XScrollable
- (YScrollable). Tk::X_Scrollable (Y_Scrollable) is still available,
- but it is an alias name.