path: root/ruby_2_2/.gdbinit
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'ruby_2_2/.gdbinit')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 916 deletions
diff --git a/ruby_2_2/.gdbinit b/ruby_2_2/.gdbinit
deleted file mode 100644
index d1279ea046..0000000000
--- a/ruby_2_2/.gdbinit
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,916 +0,0 @@
-define hook-run
- set $color_type = 0
- set $color_highlite = 0
- set $color_end = 0
-define ruby_gdb_init
- if !$color_type
- set $color_type = "\033[31m"
- end
- if !$color_highlite
- set $color_highlite = "\033[36m"
- end
- if !$color_end
- set $color_end = "\033[m"
- end
- if ruby_dummy_gdb_enums.special_consts
- end
-# set prompt \033[36m(gdb)\033[m\040
-define rp
- ruby_gdb_init
- if (VALUE)($arg0) & RUBY_FIXNUM_FLAG
- printf "FIXNUM: %ld\n", (long)($arg0) >> 1
- else
- set $id = (($arg0) >> RUBY_SPECIAL_SHIFT)
- printf "%sSYMBOL%s: ", $color_type, $color_end
- rp_id $id
- else
- if ($arg0) == RUBY_Qfalse
- echo false\n
- else
- if ($arg0) == RUBY_Qtrue
- echo true\n
- else
- if ($arg0) == RUBY_Qnil
- echo nil\n
- else
- if ($arg0) == RUBY_Qundef
- echo undef\n
- else
- printf "%sFLONUM%s: %g\n", $color_type, $color_end, (double)rb_float_value($arg0)
- else
- echo immediate\n
- end
- else
- set $flags = ((struct RBasic*)($arg0))->flags
- printf "[PROMOTED] "
- end
- if ($flags & RUBY_T_MASK) == RUBY_T_NONE
- printf "%sT_NONE%s: ", $color_type, $color_end
- print (struct RBasic *)($arg0)
- else
- if ($flags & RUBY_T_MASK) == RUBY_T_NIL
- printf "%sT_NIL%s: ", $color_type, $color_end
- print (struct RBasic *)($arg0)
- else
- if ($flags & RUBY_T_MASK) == RUBY_T_OBJECT
- printf "%sT_OBJECT%s: ", $color_type, $color_end
- print (struct RObject *)($arg0)
- else
- if ($flags & RUBY_T_MASK) == RUBY_T_CLASS
- printf "%sT_CLASS%s%s: ", $color_type, ($flags & RUBY_FL_SINGLETON) ? "*" : "", $color_end
- rp_class $arg0
- else
- if ($flags & RUBY_T_MASK) == RUBY_T_ICLASS
- printf "%sT_ICLASS%s: ", $color_type, $color_end
- rp_class $arg0
- else
- if ($flags & RUBY_T_MASK) == RUBY_T_MODULE
- printf "%sT_MODULE%s: ", $color_type, $color_end
- rp_class $arg0
- else
- if ($flags & RUBY_T_MASK) == RUBY_T_FLOAT
- printf "%sT_FLOAT%s: %.16g ", $color_type, $color_end, (((struct RFloat*)($arg0))->float_value)
- print (struct RFloat *)($arg0)
- else
- if ($flags & RUBY_T_MASK) == RUBY_T_STRING
- printf "%sT_STRING%s: ", $color_type, $color_end
- rp_string $arg0 $flags
- else
- if ($flags & RUBY_T_MASK) == RUBY_T_REGEXP
- set $regsrc = ((struct RRegexp*)($arg0))->src
- set $rsflags = ((struct RBasic*)$regsrc)->flags
- printf "%sT_REGEXP%s: ", $color_type, $color_end
- set print address off
- output (char *)(($rsflags & RUBY_FL_USER1) ? \
- ((struct RString*)$regsrc)->as.heap.ptr : \
- ((struct RString*)$regsrc)->as.ary)
- set print address on
- printf " len:%ld ", ($rsflags & RUBY_FL_USER1) ? \
- ((struct RString*)$regsrc)->as.heap.len : \
- if $flags & RUBY_FL_USER6
- printf "(none) "
- end
- if $flags & RUBY_FL_USER5
- printf "(literal) "
- end
- if $flags & RUBY_FL_USER4
- printf "(fixed) "
- end
- printf "encoding:%d ", ($flags & RUBY_ENCODING_MASK) >> RUBY_ENCODING_SHIFT
- print (struct RRegexp *)($arg0)
- else
- if ($flags & RUBY_T_MASK) == RUBY_T_ARRAY
- if ($flags & RUBY_FL_USER1)
- set $len = (($flags & (RUBY_FL_USER3|RUBY_FL_USER4)) >> (RUBY_FL_USHIFT+3))
- printf "%sT_ARRAY%s: len=%ld ", $color_type, $color_end, $len
- printf "(embed) "
- if ($len == 0)
- printf "{(empty)} "
- else
- output/x *((VALUE*)((struct RArray*)($arg0))->as.ary) @ $len
- printf " "
- end
- else
- set $len = ((struct RArray*)($arg0))->as.heap.len
- printf "%sT_ARRAY%s: len=%ld ", $color_type, $color_end, $len
- if ($flags & RUBY_FL_USER2)
- printf "(shared) shared="
- output/x ((struct RArray*)($arg0))->as.heap.aux.shared
- printf " "
- else
- printf "(ownership) capa=%ld ", ((struct RArray*)($arg0))->as.heap.aux.capa
- end
- if ($len == 0)
- printf "{(empty)} "
- else
- output/x *((VALUE*)((struct RArray*)($arg0))->as.heap.ptr) @ $len
- printf " "
- end
- end
- print (struct RArray *)($arg0)
- else
- if ($flags & RUBY_T_MASK) == RUBY_T_FIXNUM
- printf "%sT_FIXNUM%s: ", $color_type, $color_end
- print (struct RBasic *)($arg0)
- else
- if ($flags & RUBY_T_MASK) == RUBY_T_HASH
- printf "%sT_HASH%s: ", $color_type, $color_end,
- if ((struct RHash *)($arg0))->ntbl
- printf "len=%ld ", ((struct RHash *)($arg0))->ntbl->num_entries
- end
- print (struct RHash *)($arg0)
- else
- if ($flags & RUBY_T_MASK) == RUBY_T_STRUCT
- printf "%sT_STRUCT%s: len=%ld ", $color_type, $color_end, \
- (($flags & (RUBY_FL_USER1|RUBY_FL_USER2)) ? \
- ($flags & (RUBY_FL_USER1|RUBY_FL_USER2)) >> (RUBY_FL_USHIFT+1) : \
- ((struct RStruct *)($arg0))->as.heap.len)
- print (struct RStruct *)($arg0)
- x/xw (($flags & (RUBY_FL_USER1|RUBY_FL_USER2)) ? \
- ((struct RStruct *)($arg0))->as.ary : \
- ((struct RStruct *)($arg0))->as.heap.ptr)
- else
- if ($flags & RUBY_T_MASK) == RUBY_T_BIGNUM
- printf "%sT_BIGNUM%s: sign=%d len=%ld ", $color_type, $color_end, \
- (($flags & RUBY_FL_USER1) != 0), \
- (($flags & RUBY_FL_USER2) ? \
- ((struct RBignum*)($arg0))->as.heap.len)
- if $flags & RUBY_FL_USER2
- printf "(embed) "
- end
- print (struct RBignum *)($arg0)
- x/xw (($flags & RUBY_FL_USER2) ? \
- ((struct RBignum*)($arg0))->as.ary : \
- ((struct RBignum*)($arg0))->as.heap.digits)
- else
- if ($flags & RUBY_T_MASK) == RUBY_T_RATIONAL
- printf "%sT_RATIONAL%s: ", $color_type, $color_end
- print (struct RRational *)($arg0)
- else
- if ($flags & RUBY_T_MASK) == RUBY_T_COMPLEX
- printf "%sT_COMPLEX%s: ", $color_type, $color_end
- print (struct RComplex *)($arg0)
- else
- if ($flags & RUBY_T_MASK) == RUBY_T_FILE
- printf "%sT_FILE%s: ", $color_type, $color_end
- print (struct RFile *)($arg0)
- output *((struct RFile *)($arg0))->fptr
- printf "\n"
- else
- if ($flags & RUBY_T_MASK) == RUBY_T_TRUE
- printf "%sT_TRUE%s: ", $color_type, $color_end
- print (struct RBasic *)($arg0)
- else
- if ($flags & RUBY_T_MASK) == RUBY_T_FALSE
- printf "%sT_FALSE%s: ", $color_type, $color_end
- print (struct RBasic *)($arg0)
- else
- if ($flags & RUBY_T_MASK) == RUBY_T_DATA
- if ((struct RTypedData *)($arg0))->typed_flag == 1
- printf "%sT_DATA%s(%s): ", $color_type, $color_end, ((struct RTypedData *)($arg0))->type->wrap_struct_name
- print (struct RTypedData *)($arg0)
- else
- printf "%sT_DATA%s: ", $color_type, $color_end
- print (struct RData *)($arg0)
- end
- else
- if ($flags & RUBY_T_MASK) == RUBY_T_MATCH
- printf "%sT_MATCH%s: ", $color_type, $color_end
- print (struct RMatch *)($arg0)
- else
- if ($flags & RUBY_T_MASK) == RUBY_T_SYMBOL
- printf "%sT_SYMBOL%s: ", $color_type, $color_end
- print (struct RSymbol *)($arg0)
- set $id_type = ((struct RSymbol *)($arg0))->id & RUBY_ID_SCOPE_MASK
- if $id_type == RUBY_ID_LOCAL
- printf "l"
- else
- if $id_type == RUBY_ID_INSTANCE
- printf "i"
- else
- if $id_type == RUBY_ID_GLOBAL
- printf "G"
- else
- if $id_type == RUBY_ID_ATTRSET
- printf "a"
- else
- if $id_type == RUBY_ID_CONST
- printf "C"
- else
- if $id_type == RUBY_ID_CLASS
- printf "c"
- else
- printf "j"
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- set $id_fstr = ((struct RSymbol *)($arg0))->fstr
- rp_string $id_fstr
- else
- if ($flags & RUBY_T_MASK) == RUBY_T_UNDEF
- printf "%sT_UNDEF%s: ", $color_type, $color_end
- print (struct RBasic *)($arg0)
- else
- if ($flags & RUBY_T_MASK) == RUBY_T_NODE
- printf "%sT_NODE%s(", $color_type, $color_end
- output (enum node_type)(($flags&RUBY_NODE_TYPEMASK)>>RUBY_NODE_TYPESHIFT)
- printf "): "
- print *(NODE *)($arg0)
- else
- if ($flags & RUBY_T_MASK) == RUBY_T_ZOMBIE
- printf "%sT_ZOMBIE%s: ", $color_type, $color_end
- print (struct RData *)($arg0)
- else
- printf "%sunknown%s: ", $color_type, $color_end
- print (struct RBasic *)($arg0)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
-document rp
- Print a Ruby's VALUE.
-define rp_id
- set $id = (ID)$arg0
- if $id == '!' || $id == '+' || $id == '-' || $id == '*' || $id == '/' || $id == '%' || $id == '<' || $id == '>' || $id == '`'
- printf "(:%c)\n", $id
- else
- if $id == idDot2
- printf "(:..)\n"
- else
- if $id == idDot3
- printf "(:...)\n"
- else
- if $id == idUPlus
- printf "(:+@)\n"
- else
- if $id == idUMinus
- printf "(:-@)\n"
- else
- if $id == idPow
- printf "(:**)\n"
- else
- if $id == idCmp
- printf "(:<=>)\n"
- else
- if $id == idLTLT
- printf "(:<<)\n"
- else
- if $id == idLE
- printf "(:<=)\n"
- else
- if $id == idGE
- printf "(:>=)\n"
- else
- if $id == idEq
- printf "(:==)\n"
- else
- if $id == idEqq
- printf "(:===)\n"
- else
- if $id == idNeq
- printf "(:!=)\n"
- else
- if $id == idEqTilde
- printf "(:=~)\n"
- else
- if $id == idNeqTilde
- printf "(:!~)\n"
- else
- if $id == idAREF
- printf "(:[])\n"
- else
- if $id == idASET
- printf "(:[]=)\n"
- else
- if $id <= tLAST_OP_ID
- printf "O"
- else
- set $id_type = $id & RUBY_ID_SCOPE_MASK
- if $id_type == RUBY_ID_LOCAL
- printf "l"
- else
- if $id_type == RUBY_ID_INSTANCE
- printf "i"
- else
- if $id_type == RUBY_ID_GLOBAL
- printf "G"
- else
- if $id_type == RUBY_ID_ATTRSET
- printf "a"
- else
- if $id_type == RUBY_ID_CONST
- printf "C"
- else
- if $id_type == RUBY_ID_CLASS
- printf "c"
- else
- printf "j"
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- printf "(%ld): ", $id
- set $str = lookup_id_str($id)
- if $str
- rp_string $str
- else
- echo undef\n
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
-document rp_id
- Print an ID.
-define rp_string
- set $flags = ((struct RBasic*)($arg0))->flags
- set print address off
- output (char *)(($flags & RUBY_FL_USER1) ? \
- ((struct RString*)($arg0))->as.heap.ptr : \
- ((struct RString*)($arg0))->as.ary)
- set print address on
- printf " bytesize:%ld ", ($flags & RUBY_FL_USER1) ? \
- ((struct RString*)($arg0))->as.heap.len : \
- if !($flags & RUBY_FL_USER1)
- printf "(embed) "
- else
- if ($flags & RUBY_FL_USER2)
- printf "(shared) "
- end
- if ($flags & RUBY_FL_USER3)
- printf "(assoc) "
- end
- end
- printf "encoding:%d ", ($flags & RUBY_ENCODING_MASK) >> RUBY_ENCODING_SHIFT
- if ($flags & RUBY_ENC_CODERANGE_MASK) == 0
- printf "coderange:unknown "
- else
- printf "coderange:7bit "
- else
- printf "coderange:valid "
- else
- printf "coderange:broken "
- end
- end
- end
- print (struct RString *)($arg0)
-document rp_string
- Print the content of a String.
-define rp_class
- printf "(struct RClass *) %p", (void*)$arg0
- if ((struct RClass *)($arg0))->ptr.origin != $arg0
- printf " -> %p", ((struct RClass *)($arg0))->ptr.origin
- end
- printf "\n"
- rb_classname $arg0
- print *(struct RClass *)($arg0)
- print *((struct RClass *)($arg0))->ptr
-document rp_class
- Print the content of a Class/Module.
-define nd_type
- print (enum node_type)((((NODE*)($arg0))->flags&RUBY_NODE_TYPEMASK)>>RUBY_NODE_TYPESHIFT)
-document nd_type
- Print a Ruby' node type.
-define nd_file
- print ((NODE*)($arg0))->nd_file
-document nd_file
- Print the source file name of a node.
-define nd_line
- print ((unsigned int)((((NODE*)($arg0))->flags>>RUBY_NODE_LSHIFT)&RUBY_NODE_LMASK))
-document nd_line
- Print the source line number of a node.
-# Print members of ruby node.
-define nd_head
- printf "%su1.node%s: ", $color_highlite, $color_end
- rp ($arg0).u1.node
-define nd_alen
- printf "%su2.argc%s: ", $color_highlite, $color_end
- p ($arg0).u2.argc
-define nd_next
- printf "%su3.node%s: ", $color_highlite, $color_end
- rp ($arg0).u3.node
-define nd_cond
- printf "%su1.node%s: ", $color_highlite, $color_end
- rp ($arg0).u1.node
-define nd_body
- printf "%su2.node%s: ", $color_highlite, $color_end
- rp ($arg0).u2.node
-define nd_else
- printf "%su3.node%s: ", $color_highlite, $color_end
- rp ($arg0).u3.node
-define nd_orig
- printf "%su3.value%s: ", $color_highlite, $color_end
- rp ($arg0).u3.value
-define nd_resq
- printf "%su2.node%s: ", $color_highlite, $color_end
- rp ($arg0).u2.node
-define nd_ensr
- printf "%su3.node%s: ", $color_highlite, $color_end
- rp ($arg0).u3.node
-define nd_1st
- printf "%su1.node%s: ", $color_highlite, $color_end
- rp ($arg0).u1.node
-define nd_2nd
- printf "%su2.node%s: ", $color_highlite, $color_end
- rp ($arg0).u2.node
-define nd_stts
- printf "%su1.node%s: ", $color_highlite, $color_end
- rp ($arg0).u1.node
-define nd_entry
- printf "%su3.entry%s: ", $color_highlite, $color_end
- p ($arg0).u3.entry
-define nd_vid
- printf " ", $color_highlite, $color_end
- p ($arg0)
-define nd_cflag
- printf " ", $color_highlite, $color_end
- p ($arg0)
-define nd_cval
- printf "%su3.value%s: ", $color_highlite, $color_end
- rp ($arg0).u3.value
-define nd_cnt
- printf "%su3.cnt%s: ", $color_highlite, $color_end
- p ($arg0).u3.cnt
-define nd_tbl
- printf "%su1.tbl%s: ", $color_highlite, $color_end
- p ($arg0).u1.tbl
-define nd_var
- printf "%su1.node%s: ", $color_highlite, $color_end
- rp ($arg0).u1.node
-define nd_ibdy
- printf "%su2.node%s: ", $color_highlite, $color_end
- rp ($arg0).u2.node
-define nd_iter
- printf "%su3.node%s: ", $color_highlite, $color_end
- rp ($arg0).u3.node
-define nd_value
- printf "%su2.node%s: ", $color_highlite, $color_end
- rp ($arg0).u2.node
-define nd_aid
- printf " ", $color_highlite, $color_end
- p ($arg0)
-define nd_lit
- printf "%su1.value%s: ", $color_highlite, $color_end
- rp ($arg0).u1.value
-define nd_frml
- printf "%su1.node%s: ", $color_highlite, $color_end
- rp ($arg0).u1.node
-define nd_rest
- printf "%su2.argc%s: ", $color_highlite, $color_end
- p ($arg0).u2.argc
-define nd_opt
- printf "%su1.node%s: ", $color_highlite, $color_end
- rp ($arg0).u1.node
-define nd_recv
- printf "%su1.node%s: ", $color_highlite, $color_end
- rp ($arg0).u1.node
-define nd_mid
- printf " ", $color_highlite, $color_end
- p ($arg0)
-define nd_args
- printf "%su3.node%s: ", $color_highlite, $color_end
- rp ($arg0).u3.node
-define nd_noex
- printf " ", $color_highlite, $color_end
- p ($arg0)
-define nd_defn
- printf "%su3.node%s: ", $color_highlite, $color_end
- rp ($arg0).u3.node
-define nd_old
- printf " ", $color_highlite, $color_end
- p ($arg0)
-define nd_new
- printf " ", $color_highlite, $color_end
- p ($arg0)
-define nd_cfnc
- printf "%su1.cfunc%s: ", $color_highlite, $color_end
- p ($arg0).u1.cfunc
-define nd_argc
- printf "%su2.argc%s: ", $color_highlite, $color_end
- p ($arg0).u2.argc
-define nd_cname
- printf " ", $color_highlite, $color_end
- p ($arg0)
-define nd_super
- printf "%su3.node%s: ", $color_highlite, $color_end
- rp ($arg0).u3.node
-define nd_modl
- printf " ", $color_highlite, $color_end
- p ($arg0)
-define nd_clss
- printf "%su1.value%s: ", $color_highlite, $color_end
- rp ($arg0).u1.value
-define nd_beg
- printf "%su1.node%s: ", $color_highlite, $color_end
- rp ($arg0).u1.node
-define nd_end
- printf "%su2.node%s: ", $color_highlite, $color_end
- rp ($arg0).u2.node
-define nd_state
- printf "%su3.state%s: ", $color_highlite, $color_end
- p ($arg0).u3.state
-define nd_rval
- printf "%su2.value%s: ", $color_highlite, $color_end
- rp ($arg0).u2.value
-define nd_nth
- printf "%su2.argc%s: ", $color_highlite, $color_end
- p ($arg0).u2.argc
-define nd_tag
- printf " ", $color_highlite, $color_end
- p ($arg0)
-define nd_tval
- printf "%su2.value%s: ", $color_highlite, $color_end
- rp ($arg0).u2.value
-define nd_tree
- set $buf = (struct RString *)rb_str_buf_new(0)
- call dump_node((VALUE)($buf), rb_str_new(0, 0), 0, ($arg0))
- printf "%s\n", $buf->as.heap.ptr
-define rb_p
- call rb_p($arg0)
-define rb_numtable_entry
- set $rb_numtable_tbl = $arg0
- set $rb_numtable_id = (st_data_t)$arg1
- set $rb_numtable_key = 0
- set $rb_numtable_rec = 0
- if $rb_numtable_tbl->entries_packed
- set $rb_numtable_p = $rb_numtable_tbl->as.packed.bins
- while $rb_numtable_p && $rb_numtable_p < $rb_numtable_tbl->as.packed.bins+$rb_numtable_tbl->num_entries
- if $rb_numtable_p.k == $rb_numtable_id
- set $rb_numtable_key = $rb_numtable_p.k
- set $rb_numtable_rec = $rb_numtable_p.v
- set $rb_numtable_p = 0
- else
- set $rb_numtable_p = $rb_numtable_p + 1
- end
- end
- else
- set $rb_numtable_p = $rb_numtable_tbl->as.big.bins[st_numhash($rb_numtable_id) % $rb_numtable_tbl->num_bins]
- while $rb_numtable_p
- if $rb_numtable_p->key == $rb_numtable_id
- set $rb_numtable_key = $rb_numtable_p->key
- set $rb_numtable_rec = $rb_numtable_p->record
- set $rb_numtable_p = 0
- else
- set $rb_numtable_p = $rb_numtable_p->next
- end
- end
- end
-define rb_id2name
- ruby_gdb_init
- printf "%sID%s: ", $color_type, $color_end
- rp_id $arg0
-document rb_id2name
- Print the name of id
-define rb_method_entry
- set $rb_method_entry_klass = (struct RClass *)$arg0
- set $rb_method_entry_id = (ID)$arg1
- set $rb_method_entry_me = (rb_method_entry_t *)0
- while !$rb_method_entry_me && $rb_method_entry_klass
- rb_numtable_entry $rb_method_entry_klass->m_tbl_wrapper->tbl $rb_method_entry_id
- set $rb_method_entry_me = (rb_method_entry_t *)$rb_numtable_rec
- if !$rb_method_entry_me
- set $rb_method_entry_klass = (struct RClass *)RCLASS_SUPER($rb_method_entry_klass)
- end
- end
- if $rb_method_entry_me
- print *$rb_method_entry_klass
- print *$rb_method_entry_me
- else
- echo method not found\n
- end
-document rb_method_entry
- Search method entry by class and id
-define rb_classname
- # up to 128bit int
- set $rb_classname_permanent = "0123456789ABCDEF"
- set $rb_classname = classname($arg0, $rb_classname_permanent)
- if $rb_classname != RUBY_Qnil
- rp $rb_classname
- else
- echo anonymous class/module\n
- end
-define rb_ancestors
- set $rb_ancestors_module = $arg0
- while $rb_ancestors_module
- rp_class $rb_ancestors_module
- set $rb_ancestors_module = RCLASS_SUPER($rb_ancestors_module)
- end
-document rb_ancestors
- Print ancestors.
-define rb_backtrace
- call rb_backtrace()
-define iseq
- if ruby_dummy_gdb_enums.special_consts
- end
- if ($arg0)->type == ISEQ_ELEMENT_NONE
- echo [none]\n
- end
- if ($arg0)->type == ISEQ_ELEMENT_LABEL
- print *(LABEL*)($arg0)
- end
- if ($arg0)->type == ISEQ_ELEMENT_INSN
- print *(INSN*)($arg0)
- if ((INSN*)($arg0))->insn_id != YARVINSN_jump
- set $i = 0
- set $operand_size = ((INSN*)($arg0))->operand_size
- set $operands = ((INSN*)($arg0))->operands
- while $i < $operand_size
- rp $operands[$i++]
- end
- end
- end
- if ($arg0)->type == ISEQ_ELEMENT_ADJUST
- print *(ADJUST*)($arg0)
- end
-define rb_ps
- rb_ps_vm ruby_current_vm
-document rb_ps
-Dump all threads and their callstacks
-define rb_ps_vm
- print $ps_vm = (rb_vm_t*)$arg0
- set $ps_threads = (st_table*)$ps_vm->living_threads
- if $ps_threads->entries_packed
- set $ps_threads_i = 0
- while $ps_threads_i < $ps_threads->num_entries
- set $ps_threads_key = (st_data_t)$ps_threads->as.packed.entries[$ps_threads_i].key
- set $ps_threads_val = (st_data_t)$ps_threads->as.packed.entries[$ps_threads_i].val
- rb_ps_thread $ps_threads_key $ps_threads_val
- set $ps_threads_i = $ps_threads_i + 1
- end
- else
- set $ps_threads_ptr = (st_table_entry*)$ps_threads->head
- while $ps_threads_ptr
- set $ps_threads_key = (st_data_t)$ps_threads_ptr->key
- set $ps_threads_val = (st_data_t)$ps_threads_ptr->record
- rb_ps_thread $ps_threads_key $ps_threads_val
- set $ps_threads_ptr = (st_table_entry*)$ps_threads_ptr->fore
- end
- end
-document rb_ps_vm
-Dump all threads in a (rb_vm_t*) and their callstacks
-define rb_ps_thread
- set $ps_thread = (struct RTypedData*)$arg0
- set $ps_thread_id = $arg1
- print $ps_thread_th = (rb_thread_t*)$ps_thread->data
-# Details:
-define trace_machine_instructions
- set logging on
- set height 0
- set width 0
- display/i $pc
- while !$exit_code
- info line *$pc
- si
- end
-define SDR
- call rb_vmdebug_stack_dump_raw_current()