path: root/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rdoc/top_level.rb
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'ruby_1_9_3/lib/rdoc/top_level.rb')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 474 deletions
diff --git a/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rdoc/top_level.rb b/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rdoc/top_level.rb
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index 3825a091fe..0000000000
--- a/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rdoc/top_level.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,474 +0,0 @@
-require 'rdoc/context'
-# A TopLevel context is a representation of the contents of a single file
-class RDoc::TopLevel < RDoc::Context
- ##
- # This TopLevel's File::Stat struct
- attr_accessor :file_stat
- ##
- # Relative name of this file
- attr_accessor :relative_name
- ##
- # Absolute name of this file
- attr_accessor :absolute_name
- ##
- # All the classes or modules that were declared in
- # this file. These are assigned to either +#classes_hash+
- # or +#modules_hash+ once we know what they really are.
- attr_reader :classes_or_modules
- attr_accessor :diagram # :nodoc:
- ##
- # The parser that processed this file
- attr_accessor :parser
- ##
- # Returns all classes discovered by RDoc
- def self.all_classes
- @all_classes_hash.values
- end
- ##
- # Returns all classes and modules discovered by RDoc
- def self.all_classes_and_modules
- @all_classes_hash.values + @all_modules_hash.values
- end
- ##
- # Hash of all classes known to RDoc
- def self.all_classes_hash
- @all_classes_hash
- end
- ##
- # All TopLevels known to RDoc
- def self.all_files
- @all_files_hash.values
- end
- ##
- # Hash of all files known to RDoc
- def self.all_files_hash
- @all_files_hash
- end
- ##
- # Returns all modules discovered by RDoc
- def self.all_modules
- all_modules_hash.values
- end
- ##
- # Hash of all modules known to RDoc
- def self.all_modules_hash
- @all_modules_hash
- end
- ##
- # Prepares the RDoc code object tree for use by a generator.
- #
- # It finds unique classes/modules defined, and replaces classes/modules that
- # are aliases for another one by a copy with RDoc::ClassModule#is_alias_for
- # set.
- #
- # It updates the RDoc::ClassModule#constant_aliases attribute of "real"
- # classes or modules.
- #
- # It also completely removes the classes and modules that should be removed
- # from the documentation and the methods that have a visibility below
- # +min_visibility+, which is the <tt>--visibility</tt> option.
- #
- # See also RDoc::Context#remove_from_documentation?
- def self.complete min_visibility
- fix_basic_object_inheritance
- # cache included modules before they are removed from the documentation
- all_classes_and_modules.each { |cm| cm.ancestors }
- remove_nodoc @all_classes_hash
- remove_nodoc @all_modules_hash
- @unique_classes = find_unique @all_classes_hash
- @unique_modules = find_unique @all_modules_hash
- unique_classes_and_modules.each do |cm|
- cm.complete min_visibility
- end
- @all_files_hash.each_key do |file_name|
- tl = @all_files_hash[file_name]
- unless RDoc::Parser::Simple === tl.parser then
- tl.modules_hash.clear
- tl.classes_hash.clear
- tl.classes_or_modules.each do |cm|
- name = cm.full_name
- if cm.type == 'class' then
- tl.classes_hash[name] = cm if @all_classes_hash[name]
- else
- tl.modules_hash[name] = cm if @all_modules_hash[name]
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- ##
- # Finds the class with +name+ in all discovered classes
- def self.find_class_named(name)
- @all_classes_hash[name]
- end
- ##
- # Finds the class with +name+ starting in namespace +from+
- def self.find_class_named_from name, from
- from = find_class_named from unless RDoc::Context === from
- until RDoc::TopLevel === from do
- return nil unless from
- klass = from.find_class_named name
- return klass if klass
- from = from.parent
- end
- find_class_named name
- end
- ##
- # Finds the class or module with +name+
- def self.find_class_or_module(name)
- name = $' if name =~ /^::/
- RDoc::TopLevel.classes_hash[name] || RDoc::TopLevel.modules_hash[name]
- end
- ##
- # Finds the file with +name+ in all discovered files
- def self.find_file_named(name)
- @all_files_hash[name]
- end
- ##
- # Finds the module with +name+ in all discovered modules
- def self.find_module_named(name)
- modules_hash[name]
- end
- ##
- # Finds unique classes/modules defined in +all_hash+,
- # and returns them as an array. Performs the alias
- # updates in +all_hash+: see ::complete.
- #--
- # TODO aliases should be registered by Context#add_module_alias
- def self.find_unique(all_hash)
- unique = []
- all_hash.each_pair do |full_name, cm|
- unique << cm if full_name == cm.full_name
- end
- unique
- end
- ##
- # Fixes the erroneous <tt>BasicObject < Object</tt> in 1.9.
- #
- # Because we assumed all classes without a stated superclass
- # inherit from Object, we have the above wrong inheritance.
- #
- # We fix BasicObject right away if we are running in a Ruby
- # version >= 1.9. If not, we may be documenting 1.9 source
- # while running under 1.8: we search the files of BasicObject
- # for "object.c", and fix the inheritance if we find it.
- def self.fix_basic_object_inheritance
- basic = all_classes_hash['BasicObject']
- return unless basic
- if RUBY_VERSION >= '1.9'
- basic.superclass = nil
- elsif basic.in_files.any? { |f| File.basename(f.full_name) == 'object.c' }
- basic.superclass = nil
- end
- end
- ##
- # Creates a new RDoc::TopLevel with +file_name+ only if one with the same
- # name does not exist in all_files.
- def file_name
- if top_level = @all_files_hash[file_name] then
- top_level
- else
- top_level = super
- @all_files_hash[file_name] = top_level
- top_level
- end
- end
- ##
- # Removes from +all_hash+ the contexts that are nodoc or have no content.
- #
- # See RDoc::Context#remove_from_documentation?
- def self.remove_nodoc(all_hash)
- all_hash.keys.each do |name|
- context = all_hash[name]
- all_hash.delete(name) if context.remove_from_documentation?
- end
- end
- ##
- # Empties RDoc of stored class, module and file information
- def self.reset
- @all_classes_hash = {}
- @all_modules_hash = {}
- @all_files_hash = {}
- end
- ##
- # Returns the unique classes discovered by RDoc.
- #
- # ::complete must have been called prior to using this method.
- def self.unique_classes
- @unique_classes
- end
- ##
- # Returns the unique classes and modules discovered by RDoc.
- # ::complete must have been called prior to using this method.
- def self.unique_classes_and_modules
- @unique_classes + @unique_modules
- end
- ##
- # Returns the unique modules discovered by RDoc.
- # ::complete must have been called prior to using this method.
- def self.unique_modules
- @unique_modules
- end
- class << self
- alias classes all_classes
- alias classes_hash all_classes_hash
- alias files all_files
- alias files_hash all_files_hash
- alias modules all_modules
- alias modules_hash all_modules_hash
- end
- reset
- ##
- # Creates a new TopLevel for +file_name+
- def initialize(file_name)
- super()
- @name = nil
- @relative_name = file_name
- @absolute_name = file_name
- @file_stat = File.stat(file_name) rescue nil # HACK for testing
- @diagram = nil
- @parser = nil
- @classes_or_modules = []
- RDoc::TopLevel.files_hash[file_name] = self
- end
- ##
- # An RDoc::TopLevel is equal to another with the same absolute_name
- def == other
- other.class === self and @absolute_name == other.absolute_name
- end
- alias eql? ==
- ##
- # Adds +an_alias+ to +Object+ instead of +self+.
- def add_alias(an_alias)
- object_class.record_location self
- return an_alias unless @document_self
- object_class.add_alias an_alias
- end
- ##
- # Adds +constant+ to +Object+ instead of +self+.
- def add_constant(constant)
- object_class.record_location self
- return constant unless @document_self
- object_class.add_constant constant
- end
- ##
- # Adds +include+ to +Object+ instead of +self+.
- def add_include(include)
- object_class.record_location self
- return include unless @document_self
- object_class.add_include include
- end
- ##
- # Adds +method+ to +Object+ instead of +self+.
- def add_method(method)
- object_class.record_location self
- return method unless @document_self
- object_class.add_method method
- end
- ##
- # Adds class or module +mod+. Used in the building phase
- # by the ruby parser.
- def add_to_classes_or_modules mod
- @classes_or_modules << mod
- end
- ##
- # Base name of this file
- def base_name
- File.basename @absolute_name
- end
- alias name base_name
- ##
- # See RDoc::TopLevel::find_class_or_module
- #--
- # TODO Why do we search through all classes/modules found, not just the
- # ones of this instance?
- def find_class_or_module name
- RDoc::TopLevel.find_class_or_module name
- end
- ##
- # Finds a class or module named +symbol+
- def find_local_symbol(symbol)
- find_class_or_module(symbol) || super
- end
- ##
- # Finds a module or class with +name+
- def find_module_named(name)
- find_class_or_module(name)
- end
- ##
- # Returns the relative name of this file
- def full_name
- @relative_name
- end
- ##
- # An RDoc::TopLevel has the same hash as another with the same
- # absolute_name
- def hash
- @absolute_name.hash
- end
- ##
- # URL for this with a +prefix+
- def http_url(prefix)
- path = [prefix,'.', '_')]
- File.join(*path.compact) + '.html'
- end
- def inspect # :nodoc:
- "#<%s:0x%x %p modules: %p classes: %p>" % [
- self.class, object_id,
- base_name,
- { |n,m| m },
- { |n,c| c }
- ]
- end
- ##
- # Time this file was last modified, if known
- def last_modified
- @file_stat ? file_stat.mtime : nil
- end
- ##
- # Returns the NormalClass "Object", creating it if not found.
- #
- # Records +self+ as a location in "Object".
- def object_class
- @object_class ||= begin
- oc = self.class.find_class_named('Object') || add_class(RDoc::NormalClass, 'Object')
- oc.record_location self
- oc
- end
- end
- ##
- # Path to this file
- def path
- http_url RDoc::RDoc.current.generator.file_dir
- end
- def pretty_print q # :nodoc:
- 2, "[#{self.class}: ", "]" do
- q.text "base name: #{base_name.inspect}"
- q.breakable
- items = { |n,m| m }
- items.push(* { |n,c| c })
- q.seplist items do |mod| q.pp mod end
- end
- end
- def to_s # :nodoc:
- "file #{full_name}"
- end