path: root/ruby_1_9_3/cont.c
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Diffstat (limited to 'ruby_1_9_3/cont.c')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 1525 deletions
diff --git a/ruby_1_9_3/cont.c b/ruby_1_9_3/cont.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 1e42974145..0000000000
--- a/ruby_1_9_3/cont.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1525 +0,0 @@
- cont.c -
- $Author$
- created at: Thu May 23 09:03:43 2007
- Copyright (C) 2007 Koichi Sasada
-#include "ruby/ruby.h"
-#include "internal.h"
-#include "vm_core.h"
-#include "gc.h"
-#include "eval_intern.h"
-#if ((defined(_WIN32) && _WIN32_WINNT >= 0x0400) || (defined(HAVE_GETCONTEXT) && defined(HAVE_SETCONTEXT))) && !defined(__NetBSD__) && !defined(sun) && !defined(FIBER_USE_NATIVE)
-/* FIBER_USE_NATIVE enables Fiber performance improvement using system
- * dependent method such as make/setcontext on POSIX system or
- * CreateFiber() API on Windows.
- * This hack make Fiber context switch faster (x2 or more).
- * However, it decrease maximum number of Fiber. For example, on the
- * 32bit POSIX OS, ten or twenty thousands Fiber can be created.
- *
- * Details is reported in the paper "A Fast Fiber Implementation for Ruby 1.9"
- * in Proc. of 51th Programming Symposium, pp.21--28 (2010) (in Japanese).
- */
-/* On our experience, NetBSD doesn't support using setcontext() and pthread
- * simultaneously. This is because pthread_self(), TLS and other information
- * are represented by stack pointer (higher bits of stack pointer).
- * TODO: check such constraint on configure.
- */
-#elif !defined(FIBER_USE_NATIVE)
-#ifndef _WIN32
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include <sys/mman.h>
-#include <ucontext.h>
-#define RB_PAGE_SIZE (pagesize)
-#define RB_PAGE_MASK (~(RB_PAGE_SIZE - 1))
-static long pagesize;
-enum context_type {
-typedef struct rb_context_struct {
- enum context_type type;
- VALUE self;
- int argc;
- VALUE value;
- VALUE *vm_stack;
- size_t vm_stack_slen; /* length of stack (head of th->stack) */
- size_t vm_stack_clen; /* length of control frames (tail of th->stack) */
- VALUE *machine_stack;
- VALUE *machine_stack_src;
-#ifdef __ia64
- VALUE *machine_register_stack;
- VALUE *machine_register_stack_src;
- int machine_register_stack_size;
- rb_thread_t saved_thread;
- rb_jmpbuf_t jmpbuf;
- size_t machine_stack_size;
-} rb_context_t;
-enum fiber_status {
-#if FIBER_USE_NATIVE && !defined(_WIN32)
-static int machine_stack_cache_index = 0;
-typedef struct machine_stack_cache_struct {
- void *ptr;
- size_t size;
-} machine_stack_cache_t;
-static machine_stack_cache_t machine_stack_cache[MAX_MAHINE_STACK_CACHE];
-static machine_stack_cache_t terminated_machine_stack;
-typedef struct rb_fiber_struct {
- rb_context_t cont;
- VALUE prev;
- enum fiber_status status;
- struct rb_fiber_struct *prev_fiber;
- struct rb_fiber_struct *next_fiber;
-#ifdef _WIN32
- void *fib_handle;
- ucontext_t context;
-} rb_fiber_t;
-static const rb_data_type_t cont_data_type, fiber_data_type;
-static VALUE rb_cContinuation;
-static VALUE rb_cFiber;
-static VALUE rb_eFiberError;
-#define GetContPtr(obj, ptr) \
- TypedData_Get_Struct((obj), rb_context_t, &cont_data_type, (ptr))
-#define GetFiberPtr(obj, ptr) do {\
- TypedData_Get_Struct((obj), rb_fiber_t, &fiber_data_type, (ptr)); \
- if (!(ptr)) rb_raise(rb_eFiberError, "uninitialized fiber"); \
-} while(0)
-NOINLINE(static VALUE cont_capture(volatile int *stat));
-#define THREAD_MUST_BE_RUNNING(th) do { \
- if (!(th)->tag) rb_raise(rb_eThreadError, "not running thread"); \
- } while (0)
-static void
-cont_mark(void *ptr)
- RUBY_MARK_ENTER("cont");
- if (ptr) {
- rb_context_t *cont = ptr;
- rb_gc_mark(cont->value);
- rb_thread_mark(&cont->saved_thread);
- rb_gc_mark(cont->saved_thread.self);
- if (cont->vm_stack) {
- rb_gc_mark_locations(cont->vm_stack,
- cont->vm_stack + cont->vm_stack_slen + cont->vm_stack_clen);
- rb_gc_mark_localtion(cont->vm_stack,
- cont->vm_stack, cont->saved_thread.stack_size);
- }
- if (cont->machine_stack) {
- if (cont->type == CONTINUATION_CONTEXT) {
- /* cont */
- rb_gc_mark_locations(cont->machine_stack,
- cont->machine_stack + cont->machine_stack_size);
- }
- else {
- /* fiber */
- rb_thread_t *th;
- rb_fiber_t *fib = (rb_fiber_t*)cont;
- GetThreadPtr(cont->saved_thread.self, th);
- if ((th->fiber != cont->self) && fib->status == RUNNING) {
- rb_gc_mark_locations(cont->machine_stack,
- cont->machine_stack + cont->machine_stack_size);
- }
- }
- }
-#ifdef __ia64
- if (cont->machine_register_stack) {
- rb_gc_mark_locations(cont->machine_register_stack,
- cont->machine_register_stack + cont->machine_register_stack_size);
- }
- }
- RUBY_MARK_LEAVE("cont");
-static void
-cont_free(void *ptr)
- RUBY_FREE_ENTER("cont");
- if (ptr) {
- rb_context_t *cont = ptr;
- RUBY_FREE_UNLESS_NULL(cont->saved_thread.stack); fflush(stdout);
- if (cont->type == CONTINUATION_CONTEXT) {
- /* cont */
- RUBY_FREE_UNLESS_NULL(cont->machine_stack);
- }
- else {
- /* fiber */
-#ifdef _WIN32
- if (GET_THREAD()->fiber != cont->self && cont->type != ROOT_FIBER_CONTEXT) {
- /* don't delete root fiber handle */
- rb_fiber_t *fib = (rb_fiber_t*)cont;
- if (fib->fib_handle) {
- DeleteFiber(fib->fib_handle);
- }
- }
-#else /* not WIN32 */
- if (GET_THREAD()->fiber != cont->self) {
- rb_fiber_t *fib = (rb_fiber_t*)cont;
- if (fib->context.uc_stack.ss_sp) {
- if (cont->type == ROOT_FIBER_CONTEXT) {
- rb_bug("Illegal root fiber parameter");
- }
- munmap((void*)fib->context.uc_stack.ss_sp, fib->context.uc_stack.ss_size);
- }
- }
- else {
- /* It may reached here when finalize */
- /* TODO examine whether it is a bug */
- /* rb_bug("cont_free: release self"); */
- }
- }
-#else /* not FIBER_USE_NATIVE */
- RUBY_FREE_UNLESS_NULL(cont->machine_stack);
-#ifdef __ia64
- RUBY_FREE_UNLESS_NULL(cont->machine_register_stack);
- RUBY_FREE_UNLESS_NULL(cont->vm_stack);
- /* free rb_cont_t or rb_fiber_t */
- ruby_xfree(ptr);
- }
- RUBY_FREE_LEAVE("cont");
-static size_t
-cont_memsize(const void *ptr)
- const rb_context_t *cont = ptr;
- size_t size = 0;
- if (cont) {
- size = sizeof(*cont);
- if (cont->vm_stack) {
- size_t n = (cont->vm_stack_slen + cont->vm_stack_clen);
- size_t n = cont->saved_thread.stack_size;
- size += n * sizeof(*cont->vm_stack);
- }
- if (cont->machine_stack) {
- size += cont->machine_stack_size * sizeof(*cont->machine_stack);
- }
-#ifdef __ia64
- if (cont->machine_register_stack) {
- size += cont->machine_register_stack_size * sizeof(*cont->machine_register_stack);
- }
- }
- return size;
-static void
-fiber_mark(void *ptr)
- RUBY_MARK_ENTER("cont");
- if (ptr) {
- rb_fiber_t *fib = ptr;
- rb_gc_mark(fib->prev);
- cont_mark(&fib->cont);
- }
- RUBY_MARK_LEAVE("cont");
-static void
-fiber_link_join(rb_fiber_t *fib)
- VALUE current_fibval = rb_fiber_current();
- rb_fiber_t *current_fib;
- GetFiberPtr(current_fibval, current_fib);
- /* join fiber link */
- fib->next_fiber = current_fib->next_fiber;
- fib->prev_fiber = current_fib;
- current_fib->next_fiber->prev_fiber = fib;
- current_fib->next_fiber = fib;
-static void
-fiber_link_remove(rb_fiber_t *fib)
- fib->prev_fiber->next_fiber = fib->next_fiber;
- fib->next_fiber->prev_fiber = fib->prev_fiber;
-static void
-fiber_free(void *ptr)
- RUBY_FREE_ENTER("fiber");
- if (ptr) {
- rb_fiber_t *fib = ptr;
- if (fib->cont.type != ROOT_FIBER_CONTEXT &&
- fib->cont.saved_thread.local_storage) {
- st_free_table(fib->cont.saved_thread.local_storage);
- }
- fiber_link_remove(fib);
- cont_free(&fib->cont);
- }
- RUBY_FREE_LEAVE("fiber");
-static size_t
-fiber_memsize(const void *ptr)
- const rb_fiber_t *fib = ptr;
- size_t size = 0;
- if (ptr) {
- size = sizeof(*fib);
- if (fib->cont.type != ROOT_FIBER_CONTEXT) {
- size += st_memsize(fib->cont.saved_thread.local_storage);
- }
- size += cont_memsize(&fib->cont);
- }
- return size;
-rb_obj_is_fiber(VALUE obj)
- if (rb_typeddata_is_kind_of(obj, &fiber_data_type)) {
- return Qtrue;
- }
- else {
- return Qfalse;
- }
-static void
-cont_save_machine_stack(rb_thread_t *th, rb_context_t *cont)
- size_t size;
- SET_MACHINE_STACK_END(&th->machine_stack_end);
-#ifdef __ia64
- th->machine_register_stack_end = rb_ia64_bsp();
- if (th->machine_stack_start > th->machine_stack_end) {
- size = cont->machine_stack_size = th->machine_stack_start - th->machine_stack_end;
- cont->machine_stack_src = th->machine_stack_end;
- }
- else {
- size = cont->machine_stack_size = th->machine_stack_end - th->machine_stack_start;
- cont->machine_stack_src = th->machine_stack_start;
- }
- if (cont->machine_stack) {
- REALLOC_N(cont->machine_stack, VALUE, size);
- }
- else {
- cont->machine_stack = ALLOC_N(VALUE, size);
- }
- MEMCPY(cont->machine_stack, cont->machine_stack_src, VALUE, size);
-#ifdef __ia64
- rb_ia64_flushrs();
- size = cont->machine_register_stack_size = th->machine_register_stack_end - th->machine_register_stack_start;
- cont->machine_register_stack_src = th->machine_register_stack_start;
- if (cont->machine_register_stack) {
- REALLOC_N(cont->machine_register_stack, VALUE, size);
- }
- else {
- cont->machine_register_stack = ALLOC_N(VALUE, size);
- }
- MEMCPY(cont->machine_register_stack, cont->machine_register_stack_src, VALUE, size);
-static const rb_data_type_t cont_data_type = {
- "continuation",
- {cont_mark, cont_free, cont_memsize,},
-static void
-cont_save_thread(rb_context_t *cont, rb_thread_t *th)
- /* save thread context */
- cont->saved_thread = *th;
- /* saved_thread->machine_stack_(start|end) should be NULL */
- /* because it may happen GC afterward */
- cont->saved_thread.machine_stack_start = 0;
- cont->saved_thread.machine_stack_end = 0;
-#ifdef __ia64
- cont->saved_thread.machine_register_stack_start = 0;
- cont->saved_thread.machine_register_stack_end = 0;
-static void
-cont_init(rb_context_t *cont, rb_thread_t *th)
- /* save thread context */
- cont_save_thread(cont, th);
- cont->saved_thread.local_storage = 0;
-static rb_context_t *
-cont_new(VALUE klass)
- rb_context_t *cont;
- volatile VALUE contval;
- rb_thread_t *th = GET_THREAD();
- contval = TypedData_Make_Struct(klass, rb_context_t, &cont_data_type, cont);
- cont->self = contval;
- cont_init(cont, th);
- return cont;
-static VALUE
-cont_capture(volatile int *stat)
- rb_context_t *cont;
- rb_thread_t *th = GET_THREAD(), *sth;
- volatile VALUE contval;
- rb_vm_stack_to_heap(th);
- cont = cont_new(rb_cContinuation);
- contval = cont->self;
- sth = &cont->saved_thread;
- cont->vm_stack_slen = th->cfp->sp + th->mark_stack_len - th->stack;
- cont->vm_stack_clen = th->stack + th->stack_size - (VALUE*)th->cfp;
- cont->vm_stack = ALLOC_N(VALUE, cont->vm_stack_slen + cont->vm_stack_clen);
- MEMCPY(cont->vm_stack, th->stack, VALUE, cont->vm_stack_slen);
- MEMCPY(cont->vm_stack + cont->vm_stack_slen, (VALUE*)th->cfp, VALUE, cont->vm_stack_clen);
- cont->vm_stack = ALLOC_N(VALUE, th->stack_size);
- MEMCPY(cont->vm_stack, th->stack, VALUE, th->stack_size);
- sth->stack = 0;
- cont_save_machine_stack(th, cont);
- if (ruby_setjmp(cont->jmpbuf)) {
- volatile VALUE value;
- value = cont->value;
- if (cont->argc == -1) rb_exc_raise(value);
- cont->value = Qnil;
- *stat = 1;
- return value;
- }
- else {
- *stat = 0;
- return cont->self;
- }
-static void
-cont_restore_thread(rb_context_t *cont)
- rb_thread_t *th = GET_THREAD(), *sth = &cont->saved_thread;
- /* restore thread context */
- if (cont->type == CONTINUATION_CONTEXT) {
- /* continuation */
- VALUE fib;
- th->fiber = sth->fiber;
- fib = th->fiber ? th->fiber : th->root_fiber;
- if (fib) {
- rb_fiber_t *fcont;
- GetFiberPtr(fib, fcont);
- th->stack_size = fcont->cont.saved_thread.stack_size;
- th->stack = fcont->cont.saved_thread.stack;
- }
- MEMCPY(th->stack, cont->vm_stack, VALUE, cont->vm_stack_slen);
- MEMCPY(th->stack + sth->stack_size - cont->vm_stack_clen,
- cont->vm_stack + cont->vm_stack_slen, VALUE, cont->vm_stack_clen);
- MEMCPY(th->stack, cont->vm_stack, VALUE, sth->stack_size);
- }
- else {
- /* fiber */
- th->stack = sth->stack;
- th->stack_size = sth->stack_size;
- th->local_storage = sth->local_storage;
- th->fiber = cont->self;
- }
- th->cfp = sth->cfp;
- th->safe_level = sth->safe_level;
- th->raised_flag = sth->raised_flag;
- th->state = sth->state;
- th->status = sth->status;
- th->tag = sth->tag;
- th->protect_tag = sth->protect_tag;
- th->errinfo = sth->errinfo;
- th->first_proc = sth->first_proc;
-#ifdef _WIN32
-static void
- rb_thread_t *th = GET_THREAD();
- VALUE *ptr;
- th->machine_stack_start = (void*)(((VALUE)ptr & RB_PAGE_MASK) + STACK_UPPER((void *)&ptr, 0, RB_PAGE_SIZE));
-fiber_entry(void *arg)
- fiber_set_stack_location();
- rb_fiber_start();
-#else /* _WIN32 */
- * FreeBSD require a first (i.e. addr) argument of mmap(2) is not NULL
- * if MAP_STACK is passed.
- *
- */
-#if defined(MAP_STACK) && !defined(__FreeBSD__) && !defined(__FreeBSD_kernel__)
-static char*
-fiber_machine_stack_alloc(size_t size)
- char *ptr;
- if (machine_stack_cache_index > 0) {
- if (machine_stack_cache[machine_stack_cache_index - 1].size == (size / sizeof(VALUE))) {
- ptr = machine_stack_cache[machine_stack_cache_index - 1].ptr;
- machine_stack_cache_index--;
- machine_stack_cache[machine_stack_cache_index].ptr = NULL;
- machine_stack_cache[machine_stack_cache_index].size = 0;
- }
- else{
- /* TODO handle multiple machine stack size */
- rb_bug("machine_stack_cache size is not canonicalized");
- }
- }
- else {
- void *page;
- ptr = mmap(NULL, size, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, FIBER_STACK_FLAGS, -1, 0);
- if (ptr == MAP_FAILED) {
- rb_raise(rb_eFiberError, "can't alloc machine stack to fiber");
- }
- /* guard page setup */
- page = ptr + STACK_DIR_UPPER(size - RB_PAGE_SIZE, 0);
- if (mprotect(page, RB_PAGE_SIZE, PROT_NONE) < 0) {
- rb_raise(rb_eFiberError, "mprotect failed");
- }
- }
- return ptr;
-static void
-fiber_initialize_machine_stack_context(rb_fiber_t *fib, size_t size)
- rb_thread_t *sth = &fib->cont.saved_thread;
-#ifdef _WIN32
- fib->fib_handle = CreateFiberEx(size - 1, size, 0, fiber_entry, NULL);
- if (!fib->fib_handle) {
- /* try to release unnecessary fibers & retry to create */
- rb_gc();
- fib->fib_handle = CreateFiberEx(size - 1, size, 0, fiber_entry, NULL);
- if (!fib->fib_handle) {
- rb_raise(rb_eFiberError, "can't create fiber");
- }
- }
- sth->machine_stack_maxsize = size;
-#else /* not WIN32 */
- ucontext_t *context = &fib->context;
- char *ptr;
- getcontext(context);
- ptr = fiber_machine_stack_alloc(size);
- context->uc_link = NULL;
- context->uc_stack.ss_sp = ptr;
- context->uc_stack.ss_size = size;
- makecontext(context, rb_fiber_start, 0);
- sth->machine_stack_start = (VALUE*)(ptr + STACK_DIR_UPPER(0, size));
- sth->machine_stack_maxsize = size - RB_PAGE_SIZE;
-#ifdef __ia64
- sth->machine_register_stack_maxsize = sth->machine_stack_maxsize;
-NOINLINE(static void fiber_setcontext(rb_fiber_t *newfib, rb_fiber_t *oldfib));
-static void
-fiber_setcontext(rb_fiber_t *newfib, rb_fiber_t *oldfib)
- rb_thread_t *th = GET_THREAD(), *sth = &newfib->cont.saved_thread;
- if (newfib->status != RUNNING) {
- fiber_initialize_machine_stack_context(newfib, FIBER_MACHINE_STACK_ALLOCATION_SIZE);
- }
- /* restore thread context */
- cont_restore_thread(&newfib->cont);
- th->machine_stack_maxsize = sth->machine_stack_maxsize;
- if (sth->machine_stack_end && (newfib != oldfib)) {
- rb_bug("fiber_setcontext: sth->machine_stack_end has non zero value");
- }
- /* save oldfib's machine stack */
- if (oldfib->status != TERMINATED) {
- SET_MACHINE_STACK_END(&th->machine_stack_end);
- if (STACK_DIR_UPPER(0, 1)) {
- oldfib->cont.machine_stack_size = th->machine_stack_start - th->machine_stack_end;
- oldfib->cont.machine_stack = th->machine_stack_end;
- }
- else {
- oldfib->cont.machine_stack_size = th->machine_stack_end - th->machine_stack_start;
- oldfib->cont.machine_stack = th->machine_stack_start;
- }
- }
- /* exchange machine_stack_start between oldfib and newfib */
- oldfib->cont.saved_thread.machine_stack_start = th->machine_stack_start;
- th->machine_stack_start = sth->machine_stack_start;
- /* oldfib->machine_stack_end should be NULL */
- oldfib->cont.saved_thread.machine_stack_end = 0;
-#ifndef _WIN32
- if (!newfib->context.uc_stack.ss_sp && th->root_fiber != newfib->cont.self) {
- rb_bug("non_root_fiber->context.uc_stac.ss_sp should not be NULL");
- }
- /* swap machine context */
-#ifdef _WIN32
- SwitchToFiber(newfib->fib_handle);
-#elif defined(__FreeBSD__) /* FreeBSD 9 doesn't work with swapcontext */
- if (!ruby_setjmp(oldfib->cont.jmpbuf)) {
- if (newfib->status != RUNNING) {
- if (setcontext(&newfib->context) < 0) {
- rb_bug("context switch between fiber failed");
- }
- }
- else {
- ruby_longjmp(newfib->cont.jmpbuf, 1);
- }
- }
- swapcontext(&oldfib->context, &newfib->context);
-NOINLINE(NORETURN(static void cont_restore_1(rb_context_t *)));
-static void
-cont_restore_1(rb_context_t *cont)
- cont_restore_thread(cont);
- /* restore machine stack */
-#ifdef _M_AMD64
- {
- /* workaround for x64 SEH */
- jmp_buf buf;
- setjmp(buf);
- ((_JUMP_BUFFER*)(&cont->jmpbuf))->Frame =
- ((_JUMP_BUFFER*)(&buf))->Frame;
- }
- if (cont->machine_stack_src) {
- MEMCPY(cont->machine_stack_src, cont->machine_stack,
- VALUE, cont->machine_stack_size);
- }
-#ifdef __ia64
- if (cont->machine_register_stack_src) {
- MEMCPY(cont->machine_register_stack_src, cont->machine_register_stack,
- VALUE, cont->machine_register_stack_size);
- }
- ruby_longjmp(cont->jmpbuf, 1);
-NORETURN(NOINLINE(static void cont_restore_0(rb_context_t *, VALUE *)));
-#ifdef __ia64
-#define C(a) rse_##a##0, rse_##a##1, rse_##a##2, rse_##a##3, rse_##a##4
-#define E(a) rse_##a##0= rse_##a##1= rse_##a##2= rse_##a##3= rse_##a##4
-static volatile int C(a), C(b), C(c), C(d), C(e);
-static volatile int C(f), C(g), C(h), C(i), C(j);
-static volatile int C(k), C(l), C(m), C(n), C(o);
-static volatile int C(p), C(q), C(r), C(s), C(t);
-#if 0
-{/* the above lines make cc-mode.el confused so much */}
-int rb_dummy_false = 0;
-NORETURN(NOINLINE(static void register_stack_extend(rb_context_t *, VALUE *, VALUE *)));
-static void
-register_stack_extend(rb_context_t *cont, VALUE *vp, VALUE *curr_bsp)
- if (rb_dummy_false) {
- /* use registers as much as possible */
- E(a) = E(b) = E(c) = E(d) = E(e) =
- E(f) = E(g) = E(h) = E(i) = E(j) =
- E(k) = E(l) = E(m) = E(n) = E(o) =
- E(p) = E(q) = E(r) = E(s) = E(t) = 0;
- E(a) = E(b) = E(c) = E(d) = E(e) =
- E(f) = E(g) = E(h) = E(i) = E(j) =
- E(k) = E(l) = E(m) = E(n) = E(o) =
- E(p) = E(q) = E(r) = E(s) = E(t) = 0;
- }
- if (curr_bsp < cont->machine_register_stack_src+cont->machine_register_stack_size) {
- register_stack_extend(cont, vp, (VALUE*)rb_ia64_bsp());
- }
- cont_restore_0(cont, vp);
-#undef C
-#undef E
-static void
-cont_restore_0(rb_context_t *cont, VALUE *addr_in_prev_frame)
- if (cont->machine_stack_src) {
-#define STACK_PAD_SIZE 1
-#define STACK_PAD_SIZE 1024
- if (addr_in_prev_frame > &space[0]) {
- /* Stack grows downward */
- volatile VALUE *const end = cont->machine_stack_src;
- if (&space[0] > end) {
-# ifdef HAVE_ALLOCA
- volatile VALUE *sp = ALLOCA_N(VALUE, &space[0] - end);
- space[0] = *sp;
-# else
- cont_restore_0(cont, &space[0]);
-# endif
- }
- }
- else {
- /* Stack grows upward */
- volatile VALUE *const end = cont->machine_stack_src + cont->machine_stack_size;
- if (&space[STACK_PAD_SIZE] < end) {
-# ifdef HAVE_ALLOCA
- volatile VALUE *sp = ALLOCA_N(VALUE, end - &space[STACK_PAD_SIZE]);
- space[0] = *sp;
-# else
- cont_restore_0(cont, &space[STACK_PAD_SIZE-1]);
-# endif
- }
- }
- }
- cont_restore_1(cont);
-#ifdef __ia64
-#define cont_restore_0(cont, vp) register_stack_extend((cont), (vp), (VALUE*)rb_ia64_bsp());
- * Document-class: Continuation
- *
- * Continuation objects are generated by <code>Kernel#callcc</code>,
- * after having <code>require</code>d <i>continuation</i>. They hold
- * a return address and execution context, allowing a nonlocal return
- * to the end of the <code>callcc</code> block from anywhere within a
- * program. Continuations are somewhat analogous to a structured
- * version of C's <code>setjmp/longjmp</code> (although they contain
- * more state, so you might consider them closer to threads).
- *
- * For instance:
- *
- * require "continuation"
- * arr = [ "Freddie", "Herbie", "Ron", "Max", "Ringo" ]
- * callcc{|cc| $cc = cc}
- * puts(message = arr.shift)
- * $ unless message =~ /Max/
- *
- * <em>produces:</em>
- *
- * Freddie
- * Herbie
- * Ron
- * Max
- *
- * This (somewhat contrived) example allows the inner loop to abandon
- * processing early:
- *
- * require "continuation"
- * callcc {|cont|
- * for i in 0..4
- * print "\n#{i}: "
- * for j in i*5...(i+1)*5
- * if j == 17
- * printf "%3d", j
- * end
- * end
- * }
- * puts
- *
- * <em>produces:</em>
- *
- * 0: 0 1 2 3 4
- * 1: 5 6 7 8 9
- * 2: 10 11 12 13 14
- * 3: 15 16
- */
- * call-seq:
- * callcc {|cont| block } -> obj
- *
- * Generates a <code>Continuation</code> object, which it passes to
- * the associated block. You need to <code>require
- * 'continuation'</code> before using this method. Performing a
- * <em>cont</em><code>.call</code> will cause the <code>callcc</code>
- * to return (as will falling through the end of the block). The
- * value returned by the <code>callcc</code> is the value of the
- * block, or the value passed to <em>cont</em><code>.call</code>. See
- * class <code>Continuation</code> for more details. Also see
- * <code>Kernel::throw</code> for an alternative mechanism for
- * unwinding a call stack.
- */
-static VALUE
-rb_callcc(VALUE self)
- volatile int called;
- volatile VALUE val = cont_capture(&called);
- if (called) {
- return val;
- }
- else {
- return rb_yield(val);
- }
-static VALUE
-make_passing_arg(int argc, VALUE *argv)
- switch(argc) {
- case 0:
- return Qnil;
- case 1:
- return argv[0];
- default:
- return rb_ary_new4(argc, argv);
- }
- * call-seq:
- *, ...)
- * cont[args, ...]
- *
- * Invokes the continuation. The program continues from the end of the
- * <code>callcc</code> block. If no arguments are given, the original
- * <code>callcc</code> returns <code>nil</code>. If one argument is
- * given, <code>callcc</code> returns it. Otherwise, an array
- * containing <i>args</i> is returned.
- *
- * callcc {|cont| } #=> nil
- * callcc {|cont| 1 } #=> 1
- * callcc {|cont| 1, 2, 3 } #=> [1, 2, 3]
- */
-static VALUE
-rb_cont_call(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE contval)
- rb_context_t *cont;
- rb_thread_t *th = GET_THREAD();
- GetContPtr(contval, cont);
- if (cont->saved_thread.self != th->self) {
- rb_raise(rb_eRuntimeError, "continuation called across threads");
- }
- if (cont->saved_thread.protect_tag != th->protect_tag) {
- rb_raise(rb_eRuntimeError, "continuation called across stack rewinding barrier");
- }
- if (cont->saved_thread.fiber) {
- rb_fiber_t *fcont;
- GetFiberPtr(cont->saved_thread.fiber, fcont);
- if (th->fiber != cont->saved_thread.fiber) {
- rb_raise(rb_eRuntimeError, "continuation called across fiber");
- }
- }
- cont->argc = argc;
- cont->value = make_passing_arg(argc, argv);
- cont_restore_0(cont, &contval);
- return Qnil; /* unreachable */
-/* fiber */
- * Document-class: Fiber
- *
- * Fibers are primitives for implementing light weight cooperative
- * concurrency in Ruby. Basically they are a means of creating code blocks
- * that can be paused and resumed, much like threads. The main difference
- * is that they are never preempted and that the scheduling must be done by
- * the programmer and not the VM.
- *
- * As opposed to other stackless light weight concurrency models, each fiber
- * comes with a small 4KB stack. This enables the fiber to be paused from deeply
- * nested function calls within the fiber block.
- *
- * When a fiber is created it will not run automatically. Rather it must be
- * be explicitly asked to run using the <code>Fiber#resume</code> method.
- * The code running inside the fiber can give up control by calling
- * <code>Fiber.yield</code> in which case it yields control back to caller
- * (the caller of the <code>Fiber#resume</code>).
- *
- * Upon yielding or termination the Fiber returns the value of the last
- * executed expression
- *
- * For instance:
- *
- * fiber = do
- * Fiber.yield 1
- * 2
- * end
- *
- * puts fiber.resume
- * puts fiber.resume
- * puts fiber.resume
- *
- * <em>produces</em>
- *
- * 1
- * 2
- * FiberError: dead fiber called
- *
- * The <code>Fiber#resume</code> method accepts an arbitrary number of
- * parameters, if it is the first call to <code>resume</code> then they
- * will be passed as block arguments. Otherwise they will be the return
- * value of the call to <code>Fiber.yield</code>
- *
- * Example:
- *
- * fiber = do |first|
- * second = Fiber.yield first + 2
- * end
- *
- * puts fiber.resume 10
- * puts fiber.resume 14
- * puts fiber.resume 18
- *
- * <em>produces</em>
- *
- * 12
- * 14
- * FiberError: dead fiber called
- *
- */
-#define FIBER_VM_STACK_SIZE (4 * 1024)
-static const rb_data_type_t fiber_data_type = {
- "fiber",
- {fiber_mark, fiber_free, fiber_memsize,},
-static VALUE
-fiber_alloc(VALUE klass)
- return TypedData_Wrap_Struct(klass, &fiber_data_type, 0);
-static rb_fiber_t*
-fiber_t_alloc(VALUE fibval)
- rb_fiber_t *fib;
- rb_thread_t *th = GET_THREAD();
- if (DATA_PTR(fibval) != 0) {
- rb_raise(rb_eRuntimeError, "cannot initialize twice");
- }
- fib = ALLOC(rb_fiber_t);
- memset(fib, 0, sizeof(rb_fiber_t));
- fib->cont.self = fibval;
- fib->cont.type = FIBER_CONTEXT;
- cont_init(&fib->cont, th);
- fib->prev = Qnil;
- fib->status = CREATED;
- DATA_PTR(fibval) = fib;
- return fib;
-static VALUE
-fiber_init(VALUE fibval, VALUE proc)
- rb_fiber_t *fib = fiber_t_alloc(fibval);
- rb_context_t *cont = &fib->cont;
- rb_thread_t *th = &cont->saved_thread;
- /* initialize cont */
- cont->vm_stack = 0;
- th->stack = 0;
- th->stack_size = 0;
- fiber_link_join(fib);
- th->stack_size = FIBER_VM_STACK_SIZE;
- th->stack = ALLOC_N(VALUE, th->stack_size);
- th->cfp = (void *)(th->stack + th->stack_size);
- th->cfp--;
- th->cfp->pc = 0;
- th->cfp->sp = th->stack + 1;
- th->cfp->bp = 0;
- th->cfp->lfp = th->stack;
- *th->cfp->lfp = 0;
- th->cfp->dfp = th->stack;
- th->cfp->self = Qnil;
- th->cfp->flag = 0;
- th->cfp->iseq = 0;
- th->cfp->proc = 0;
- th->cfp->block_iseq = 0;
- th->cfp->me = 0;
- th->tag = 0;
- th->local_storage = st_init_numtable();
- th->first_proc = proc;
- MEMCPY(&cont->jmpbuf, &th->root_jmpbuf, rb_jmpbuf_t, 1);
- return fibval;
-/* :nodoc: */
-static VALUE
-rb_fiber_init(VALUE fibval)
- return fiber_init(fibval, rb_block_proc());
-rb_fiber_new(VALUE (*func)(ANYARGS), VALUE obj)
- return fiber_init(fiber_alloc(rb_cFiber), rb_proc_new(func, obj));
-static VALUE
- rb_fiber_t *fib;
- VALUE curr = rb_fiber_current();
- GetFiberPtr(curr, fib);
- if (fib->prev == Qnil) {
- rb_thread_t *th = GET_THREAD();
- if (th->root_fiber != curr) {
- return th->root_fiber;
- }
- else {
- rb_raise(rb_eFiberError, "can't yield from root fiber");
- }
- }
- else {
- VALUE prev = fib->prev;
- fib->prev = Qnil;
- return prev;
- }
-VALUE rb_fiber_transfer(VALUE fib, int argc, VALUE *argv);
-static void
-rb_fiber_terminate(rb_fiber_t *fib)
- VALUE value = fib->cont.value;
- fib->status = TERMINATED;
-#if FIBER_USE_NATIVE && !defined(_WIN32)
- /* Ruby must not switch to other thread until storing terminated_machine_stack */
- terminated_machine_stack.ptr = fib->context.uc_stack.ss_sp;
- terminated_machine_stack.size = fib->context.uc_stack.ss_size / sizeof(VALUE);
- fib->context.uc_stack.ss_sp = NULL;
- fib->cont.machine_stack = NULL;
- fib->cont.machine_stack_size = 0;
- rb_fiber_transfer(return_fiber(), 1, &value);
- rb_thread_t *th = GET_THREAD();
- rb_fiber_t *fib;
- rb_context_t *cont;
- rb_proc_t *proc;
- int state;
- GetFiberPtr(th->fiber, fib);
- cont = &fib->cont;
- TH_PUSH_TAG(th);
- if ((state = EXEC_TAG()) == 0) {
- int argc;
- VALUE *argv, args;
- GetProcPtr(cont->saved_thread.first_proc, proc);
- args = cont->value;
- argv = (argc = cont->argc) > 1 ? RARRAY_PTR(args) : &args;
- cont->value = Qnil;
- th->errinfo = Qnil;
- th->local_lfp = proc->block.lfp;
- th->local_svar = Qnil;
- fib->status = RUNNING;
- cont->value = rb_vm_invoke_proc(th, proc, proc->block.self, argc, argv, 0);
- }
- if (state) {
- if (state == TAG_RAISE) {
- th->thrown_errinfo = th->errinfo;
- }
- else {
- th->thrown_errinfo =
- rb_vm_make_jump_tag_but_local_jump(state, th->errinfo);
- }
- }
- rb_fiber_terminate(fib);
- rb_bug("rb_fiber_start: unreachable");
-static rb_fiber_t *
-root_fiber_alloc(rb_thread_t *th)
- rb_fiber_t *fib;
- /* no need to allocate vm stack */
- fib = fiber_t_alloc(fiber_alloc(rb_cFiber));
- fib->cont.type = ROOT_FIBER_CONTEXT;
-#ifdef _WIN32
- fib->fib_handle = ConvertThreadToFiber(0);
- fib->status = RUNNING;
- fib->prev_fiber = fib->next_fiber = fib;
- return fib;
- rb_thread_t *th = GET_THREAD();
- if (th->fiber == 0) {
- /* save root */
- rb_fiber_t *fib = root_fiber_alloc(th);
- th->root_fiber = th->fiber = fib->cont.self;
- }
- return th->fiber;
-static VALUE
-fiber_store(rb_fiber_t *next_fib)
- rb_thread_t *th = GET_THREAD();
- rb_fiber_t *fib;
- if (th->fiber) {
- GetFiberPtr(th->fiber, fib);
- cont_save_thread(&fib->cont, th);
- }
- else {
- /* create current fiber */
- fib = root_fiber_alloc(th);
- th->root_fiber = th->fiber = fib->cont.self;
- }
- cont_save_machine_stack(th, &fib->cont);
- if (ruby_setjmp(fib->cont.jmpbuf)) {
-#else /* FIBER_USE_NATIVE */
- {
- fiber_setcontext(next_fib, fib);
-#ifndef _WIN32
- if (terminated_machine_stack.ptr) {
- if (machine_stack_cache_index < MAX_MAHINE_STACK_CACHE) {
- machine_stack_cache[machine_stack_cache_index].ptr = terminated_machine_stack.ptr;
- machine_stack_cache[machine_stack_cache_index].size = terminated_machine_stack.size;
- machine_stack_cache_index++;
- }
- else {
- if (terminated_machine_stack.ptr != fib->cont.machine_stack) {
- munmap((void*)terminated_machine_stack.ptr, terminated_machine_stack.size * sizeof(VALUE));
- }
- else {
- rb_bug("terminated fiber resumed");
- }
- }
- terminated_machine_stack.ptr = NULL;
- terminated_machine_stack.size = 0;
- }
- /* restored */
- GetFiberPtr(th->fiber, fib);
- if (fib->cont.argc == -1) rb_exc_raise(fib->cont.value);
- return fib->cont.value;
- }
- else {
- return Qundef;
- }
-static inline VALUE
-fiber_switch(VALUE fibval, int argc, VALUE *argv, int is_resume)
- VALUE value;
- rb_fiber_t *fib;
- rb_context_t *cont;
- rb_thread_t *th = GET_THREAD();
- GetFiberPtr(fibval, fib);
- cont = &fib->cont;
- if (cont->saved_thread.self != th->self) {
- rb_raise(rb_eFiberError, "fiber called across threads");
- }
- else if (cont->saved_thread.protect_tag != th->protect_tag) {
- rb_raise(rb_eFiberError, "fiber called across stack rewinding barrier");
- }
- else if (fib->status == TERMINATED) {
- value = rb_exc_new2(rb_eFiberError, "dead fiber called");
- if (th->fiber != fibval) {
- GetFiberPtr(th->fiber, fib);
- if (fib->status != TERMINATED) rb_exc_raise(value);
- fibval = th->root_fiber;
- }
- else {
- fibval = fib->prev;
- if (NIL_P(fibval)) fibval = th->root_fiber;
- }
- GetFiberPtr(fibval, fib);
- cont = &fib->cont;
- cont->argc = -1;
- cont->value = value;
- {
- VALUE oldfibval;
- rb_fiber_t *oldfib;
- oldfibval = rb_fiber_current();
- GetFiberPtr(oldfibval, oldfib);
- fiber_setcontext(fib, oldfib);
- }
- cont_restore_0(cont, &value);
- }
- if (is_resume) {
- fib->prev = rb_fiber_current();
- }
- cont->argc = argc;
- cont->value = make_passing_arg(argc, argv);
- value = fiber_store(fib);
- if (value == Qundef) {
- cont_restore_0(cont, &value);
- rb_bug("rb_fiber_resume: unreachable");
- }
- return value;
-rb_fiber_transfer(VALUE fib, int argc, VALUE *argv)
- return fiber_switch(fib, argc, argv, 0);
-rb_fiber_resume(VALUE fibval, int argc, VALUE *argv)
- rb_fiber_t *fib;
- GetFiberPtr(fibval, fib);
- if (fib->prev != Qnil || fib->cont.type == ROOT_FIBER_CONTEXT) {
- rb_raise(rb_eFiberError, "double resume");
- }
- return fiber_switch(fibval, argc, argv, 1);
-rb_fiber_yield(int argc, VALUE *argv)
- return rb_fiber_transfer(return_fiber(), argc, argv);
-rb_fiber_reset_root_local_storage(VALUE thval)
- rb_thread_t *th;
- rb_fiber_t *fib;
- GetThreadPtr(thval, th);
- if (th->root_fiber && th->root_fiber != th->fiber) {
- GetFiberPtr(th->root_fiber, fib);
- th->local_storage = fib->cont.saved_thread.local_storage;
- }
- * call-seq:
- * fiber.alive? -> true or false
- *
- * Returns true if the fiber can still be resumed (or transferred
- * to). After finishing execution of the fiber block this method will
- * always return false. You need to <code>require 'fiber'</code>
- * before using this method.
- */
-rb_fiber_alive_p(VALUE fibval)
- rb_fiber_t *fib;
- GetFiberPtr(fibval, fib);
- return fib->status != TERMINATED ? Qtrue : Qfalse;
- * call-seq:
- * fiber.resume(args, ...) -> obj
- *
- * Resumes the fiber from the point at which the last <code>Fiber.yield</code>
- * was called, or starts running it if it is the first call to
- * <code>resume</code>. Arguments passed to resume will be the value of
- * the <code>Fiber.yield</code> expression or will be passed as block
- * parameters to the fiber's block if this is the first <code>resume</code>.
- *
- * Alternatively, when resume is called it evaluates to the arguments passed
- * to the next <code>Fiber.yield</code> statement inside the fiber's block
- * or to the block value if it runs to completion without any
- * <code>Fiber.yield</code>
- */
-static VALUE
-rb_fiber_m_resume(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE fib)
- return rb_fiber_resume(fib, argc, argv);
- * call-seq:
- * fiber.transfer(args, ...) -> obj
- *
- * Transfer control to another fiber, resuming it from where it last
- * stopped or starting it if it was not resumed before. The calling
- * fiber will be suspended much like in a call to
- * <code>Fiber.yield</code>. You need to <code>require 'fiber'</code>
- * before using this method.
- *
- * The fiber which receives the transfer call is treats it much like
- * a resume call. Arguments passed to transfer are treated like those
- * passed to resume.
- *
- * You cannot resume a fiber that transferred control to another one.
- * This will cause a double resume error. You need to transfer control
- * back to this fiber before it can yield and resume.
- */
-static VALUE
-rb_fiber_m_transfer(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE fib)
- return rb_fiber_transfer(fib, argc, argv);
- * call-seq:
- * Fiber.yield(args, ...) -> obj
- *
- * Yields control back to the context that resumed the fiber, passing
- * along any arguments that were passed to it. The fiber will resume
- * processing at this point when <code>resume</code> is called next.
- * Any arguments passed to the next <code>resume</code> will be the
- * value that this <code>Fiber.yield</code> expression evaluates to.
- */
-static VALUE
-rb_fiber_s_yield(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE klass)
- return rb_fiber_yield(argc, argv);
- * call-seq:
- * Fiber.current() -> fiber
- *
- * Returns the current fiber. You need to <code>require 'fiber'</code>
- * before using this method. If you are not running in the context of
- * a fiber this method will return the root fiber.
- */
-static VALUE
-rb_fiber_s_current(VALUE klass)
- return rb_fiber_current();
- * Document-class: FiberError
- *
- * Raised when an invalid operation is attempted on a Fiber, in
- * particular when attempting to call/resume a dead fiber,
- * attempting to yield from the root fiber, or calling a fiber across
- * threads.
- *
- * fiber ={}
- * fiber.resume #=> nil
- * fiber.resume #=> FiberError: dead fiber called
- */
- rb_thread_t *th = GET_THREAD();
-#ifdef _WIN32
- GetSystemInfo(&info);
- pagesize = info.dwPageSize;
-#else /* not WIN32 */
- pagesize = sysconf(_SC_PAGESIZE);
- SET_MACHINE_STACK_END(&th->machine_stack_end);
- rb_cFiber = rb_define_class("Fiber", rb_cObject);
- rb_define_alloc_func(rb_cFiber, fiber_alloc);
- rb_eFiberError = rb_define_class("FiberError", rb_eStandardError);
- rb_define_singleton_method(rb_cFiber, "yield", rb_fiber_s_yield, -1);
- rb_define_method(rb_cFiber, "initialize", rb_fiber_init, 0);
- rb_define_method(rb_cFiber, "resume", rb_fiber_m_resume, -1);
-#if defined __GNUC__ && __GNUC__ >= 4
-#pragma GCC visibility push(default)
- rb_cContinuation = rb_define_class("Continuation", rb_cObject);
- rb_undef_alloc_func(rb_cContinuation);
- rb_undef_method(CLASS_OF(rb_cContinuation), "new");
- rb_define_method(rb_cContinuation, "call", rb_cont_call, -1);
- rb_define_method(rb_cContinuation, "[]", rb_cont_call, -1);
- rb_define_global_function("callcc", rb_callcc, 0);
- rb_define_method(rb_cFiber, "transfer", rb_fiber_m_transfer, -1);
- rb_define_method(rb_cFiber, "alive?", rb_fiber_alive_p, 0);
- rb_define_singleton_method(rb_cFiber, "current", rb_fiber_s_current, 0);
-#if defined __GNUC__ && __GNUC__ >= 4
-#pragma GCC visibility pop