path: root/ruby_1_8_5/lib/webrick/httpservlet/filehandler.rb
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Diffstat (limited to 'ruby_1_8_5/lib/webrick/httpservlet/filehandler.rb')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 398 deletions
diff --git a/ruby_1_8_5/lib/webrick/httpservlet/filehandler.rb b/ruby_1_8_5/lib/webrick/httpservlet/filehandler.rb
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index 410cc6f9a9..0000000000
--- a/ruby_1_8_5/lib/webrick/httpservlet/filehandler.rb
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-# filehandler.rb -- FileHandler Module
-# Author: IPR -- Internet Programming with Ruby -- writers
-# Copyright (c) 2001 TAKAHASHI Masayoshi, GOTOU Yuuzou
-# Copyright (c) 2003 Internet Programming with Ruby writers. All rights
-# reserved.
-# $IPR: filehandler.rb,v 1.44 2003/06/07 01:34:51 gotoyuzo Exp $
-require 'thread'
-require 'time'
-require 'webrick/htmlutils'
-require 'webrick/httputils'
-require 'webrick/httpstatus'
-module WEBrick
- module HTTPServlet
- class DefaultFileHandler < AbstractServlet
- def initialize(server, local_path)
- super
- @local_path = local_path
- end
- def do_GET(req, res)
- st = File::stat(@local_path)
- mtime = st.mtime
- res['etag'] = sprintf("%x-%x-%x", st.ino, st.size, st.mtime.to_i)
- if not_modified?(req, res, mtime, res['etag'])
- res.body = ''
- raise HTTPStatus::NotModified
- elsif req['range']
- make_partial_content(req, res, @local_path, st.size)
- raise HTTPStatus::PartialContent
- else
- mtype = HTTPUtils::mime_type(@local_path, @config[:MimeTypes])
- res['content-type'] = mtype
- res['content-length'] = st.size
- res['last-modified'] = mtime.httpdate
- res.body = open(@local_path, "rb")
- end
- end
- def not_modified?(req, res, mtime, etag)
- if ir = req['if-range']
- begin
- if Time.httpdate(ir) >= mtime
- return true
- end
- rescue
- if HTTPUtils::split_header_value(ir).member?(res['etag'])
- return true
- end
- end
- end
- if (ims = req['if-modified-since']) && Time.parse(ims) >= mtime
- return true
- end
- if (inm = req['if-none-match']) &&
- HTTPUtils::split_header_value(inm).member?(res['etag'])
- return true
- end
- return false
- end
- def make_partial_content(req, res, filename, filesize)
- mtype = HTTPUtils::mime_type(filename, @config[:MimeTypes])
- unless ranges = HTTPUtils::parse_range_header(req['range'])
- raise HTTPStatus::BadRequest,
- "Unrecognized range-spec: \"#{req['range']}\""
- end
- open(filename, "rb"){|io|
- if ranges.size > 1
- time =
- boundary = "#{time.sec}_#{time.usec}_#{Process::pid}"
- body = ''
- ranges.each{|range|
- first, last = prepare_range(range, filesize)
- next if first < 0
- io.pos = first
- content =
- body << "--" << boundary << CRLF
- body << "Content-Type: #{mtype}" << CRLF
- body << "Content-Range: #{first}-#{last}/#{filesize}" << CRLF
- body << CRLF
- body << content
- body << CRLF
- }
- raise HTTPStatus::RequestRangeNotSatisfiable if body.empty?
- body << "--" << boundary << "--" << CRLF
- res["content-type"] = "multipart/byteranges; boundary=#{boundary}"
- res.body = body
- elsif range = ranges[0]
- first, last = prepare_range(range, filesize)
- raise HTTPStatus::RequestRangeNotSatisfiable if first < 0
- if last == filesize - 1
- content = io.dup
- content.pos = first
- else
- io.pos = first
- content =
- end
- res['content-type'] = mtype
- res['content-range'] = "#{first}-#{last}/#{filesize}"
- res['content-length'] = last - first + 1
- res.body = content
- else
- raise HTTPStatus::BadRequest
- end
- }
- end
- def prepare_range(range, filesize)
- first = range.first < 0 ? filesize + range.first : range.first
- return -1, -1 if first < 0 || first >= filesize
- last = range.last < 0 ? filesize + range.last : range.last
- last = filesize - 1 if last >= filesize
- return first, last
- end
- end
- class FileHandler < AbstractServlet
- HandlerTable =
- def self.add_handler(suffix, handler)
- HandlerTable[suffix] = handler
- end
- def self.remove_handler(suffix)
- HandlerTable.delete(suffix)
- end
- def initialize(server, root, options={}, default=Config::FileHandler)
- @config = server.config
- @logger = @config[:Logger]
- @root = File.expand_path(root)
- if options == true || options == false
- options = { :FancyIndexing => options }
- end
- @options = default.dup.update(options)
- end
- def service(req, res)
- # if this class is mounted on "/" and /~username is requested.
- # we're going to override path informations before invoking service.
- if defined?(Etc) && @options[:UserDir] && req.script_name.empty?
- if %r|^(/~([^/]+))| =~ req.path_info
- script_name, user = $1, $2
- path_info = $'
- begin
- passwd = Etc::getpwnam(user)
- @root = File::join(passwd.dir, @options[:UserDir])
- req.script_name = script_name
- req.path_info = path_info
- rescue
- @logger.debug "#{self.class}#do_GET: getpwnam(#{user}) failed"
- end
- end
- end
- super(req, res)
- end
- def do_GET(req, res)
- unless exec_handler(req, res)
- set_dir_list(req, res)
- end
- end
- def do_POST(req, res)
- unless exec_handler(req, res)
- raise HTTPStatus::NotFound, "`#{req.path}' not found."
- end
- end
- def do_OPTIONS(req, res)
- unless exec_handler(req, res)
- super(req, res)
- end
- end
- # ToDo
- # RFC2518: HTTP Extensions for Distributed Authoring -- WEBDAV
- #
- # RFC3253: Versioning Extensions to WebDAV
- # (Web Distributed Authoring and Versioning)
- #
- private
- def exec_handler(req, res)
- raise HTTPStatus::NotFound, "`#{req.path}' not found" unless @root
- if set_filename(req, res)
- handler = get_handler(req)
- call_callback(:HandlerCallback, req, res)
- h = handler.get_instance(@config, res.filename)
- h.service(req, res)
- return true
- end
- call_callback(:HandlerCallback, req, res)
- return false
- end
- def get_handler(req)
- suffix1 = (/\.(\w+)$/ =~ req.script_name) && $1.downcase
- suffix2 = (/\.(\w+)\.[\w\-]+$/ =~ req.script_name) && $1.downcase
- handler_table = @options[:HandlerTable]
- return handler_table[suffix1] || handler_table[suffix2] ||
- HandlerTable[suffix1] || HandlerTable[suffix2] ||
- DefaultFileHandler
- end
- def set_filename(req, res)
- res.filename = @root.dup
- path_info = req.path_info.scan(%r|/[^/]*|)
- path_info.unshift("") # dummy for checking @root dir
- while base = path_info.first
- check_filename(req, res, base)
- break if base == "/"
- break unless + base)
- shift_path_info(req, res, path_info)
- call_callback(:DirectoryCallback, req, res)
- end
- if base = path_info.first
- check_filename(req, res, base)
- if base == "/"
- if file = search_index_file(req, res)
- shift_path_info(req, res, path_info, file)
- call_callback(:FileCallback, req, res)
- return true
- end
- shift_path_info(req, res, path_info)
- elsif file = search_file(req, res, base)
- shift_path_info(req, res, path_info, file)
- call_callback(:FileCallback, req, res)
- return true
- else
- raise HTTPStatus::NotFound, "`#{req.path}' not found."
- end
- end
- return false
- end
- def check_filename(req, res, name)
- @options[:NondisclosureName].each{|pattern|
- if File.fnmatch("/#{pattern}", name)
- @logger.warn("the request refers nondisclosure name `#{name}'.")
- raise HTTPStatus::NotFound, "`#{req.path}' not found."
- end
- }
- end
- def shift_path_info(req, res, path_info, base=nil)
- tmp = path_info.shift
- base = base || tmp
- req.path_info = path_info.join
- req.script_name << base
- res.filename << base
- end
- def search_index_file(req, res)
- @config[:DirectoryIndex].each{|index|
- if file = search_file(req, res, "/"+index)
- return file
- end
- }
- return nil
- end
- def search_file(req, res, basename)
- langs = @options[:AcceptableLanguages]
- path = res.filename + basename
- if File.file?(path)
- return basename
- elsif langs.size > 0
- req.accept_language.each{|lang|
- path_with_lang = path + ".#{lang}"
- if langs.member?(lang) && File.file?(path_with_lang)
- return basename + ".#{lang}"
- end
- }
- (langs - req.accept_language).each{|lang|
- path_with_lang = path + ".#{lang}"
- if File.file?(path_with_lang)
- return basename + ".#{lang}"
- end
- }
- end
- return nil
- end
- def call_callback(callback_name, req, res)
- if cb = @options[callback_name]
-, res)
- end
- end
- def nondisclosure_name?(name)
- @options[:NondisclosureName].each{|pattern|
- if File.fnmatch(pattern, name)
- return true
- end
- }
- return false
- end
- def set_dir_list(req, res)
- redirect_to_directory_uri(req, res)
- unless @options[:FancyIndexing]
- raise HTTPStatus::Forbidden, "no access permission to `#{req.path}'"
- end
- local_path = res.filename
- list = Dir::entries(local_path).collect{|name|
- next if name == "." || name == ".."
- next if nondisclosure_name?(name)
- st = (File::stat(local_path + name) rescue nil)
- if st.nil?
- [ name, nil, -1 ]
- elsif
- [ name + "/", st.mtime, -1 ]
- else
- [ name, st.mtime, st.size ]
- end
- }
- list.compact!
- if d0 = req.query["N"]; idx = 0
- elsif d0 = req.query["M"]; idx = 1
- elsif d0 = req.query["S"]; idx = 2
- else d0 = "A" ; idx = 0
- end
- d1 = (d0 == "A") ? "D" : "A"
- if d0 == "A"
- list.sort!{|a,b| a[idx] <=> b[idx] }
- else
- list.sort!{|a,b| b[idx] <=> a[idx] }
- end
- res['content-type'] = "text/html"
- res.body = <<-_end_of_html_
- <HEAD><TITLE>Index of #{HTMLUtils::escape(req.path)}</TITLE></HEAD>
- <BODY>
- <H1>Index of #{HTMLUtils::escape(req.path)}</H1>
- _end_of_html_
- res.body << "<PRE>\n"
- res.body << " <A HREF=\"?N=#{d1}\">Name</A> "
- res.body << "<A HREF=\"?M=#{d1}\">Last modified</A> "
- res.body << "<A HREF=\"?S=#{d1}\">Size</A>\n"
- res.body << "<HR>\n"
- list.unshift [ "..", File::mtime(local_path+".."), -1 ]
- list.each{ |name, time, size|
- if name == ".."
- dname = "Parent Directory"
- elsif name.size > 25
- dname = name.sub(/^(.{23})(.*)/){ $1 + ".." }
- else
- dname = name
- end
- s = " <A HREF=\"#{HTTPUtils::escape(name)}\">#{dname}</A>"
- s << " " * (30 - dname.size)
- s << (time ? time.strftime("%Y/%m/%d %H:%M ") : " " * 22)
- s << (size >= 0 ? size.to_s : "-") << "\n"
- res.body << s
- }
- res.body << "</PRE><HR>"
- res.body << <<-_end_of_html_
- #{HTMLUtils::escape(@config[:ServerSoftware])}<BR>
- at #{}:#{req.port}
- </BODY>
- _end_of_html_
- end
- end
- end