path: root/mjit_compile.c
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Diffstat (limited to 'mjit_compile.c')
1 files changed, 155 insertions, 3 deletions
diff --git a/mjit_compile.c b/mjit_compile.c
index a48ae84e4c..b323192fe9 100644
--- a/mjit_compile.c
+++ b/mjit_compile.c
@@ -8,11 +8,163 @@
#include "internal.h"
#include "vm_core.h"
+#include "vm_exec.h"
+#include "mjit.h"
+#include ""
+#include ""
+#include "vm_insnhelper.h"
-/* Compile ISeq to C code in F. Return TRUE if it succeeds to compile. */
+/* Storage to keep compiler's status. This should have information
+ which is global during one `mjit_compile` call. Ones conditional
+ in each branch should be stored in `compile_branch`. */
+struct compile_status {
+ int success; /* has TRUE if compilation has had no issue */
+ int *compiled_for_pos; /* compiled_for_pos[pos] has TRUE if the pos is compiled */
+/* Storage to keep data which is consistent in each conditional branch.
+ This is created and used for one `compile_insns` call and its values
+ should be copied for extra `compile_insns` call. */
+struct compile_branch {
+ unsigned int stack_size; /* this simulates sp (stack pointer) of YARV */
+ int finish_p; /* if TRUE, compilation in this branch should stop and let another branch to be compiled */
+struct case_dispatch_var {
+ FILE *f;
+ unsigned int base_pos;
+ VALUE last_value;
+/* Returns iseq from cc if it's available and still not obsoleted. */
+static const rb_iseq_t *
+get_iseq_if_available(CALL_CACHE cc)
+ if (GET_GLOBAL_METHOD_STATE() == cc->method_state
+ && mjit_valid_class_serial_p(cc->class_serial)
+ && cc->me && cc->me->def->type == VM_METHOD_TYPE_ISEQ) {
+ return rb_iseq_check(cc->me->def->body.iseq.iseqptr);
+ }
+ return NULL;
+/* TODO: move to somewhere shared with vm_args.c */
+#define IS_ARGS_SPLAT(ci) ((ci)->flag & VM_CALL_ARGS_SPLAT)
+#define IS_ARGS_KEYWORD(ci) ((ci)->flag & VM_CALL_KWARG)
+/* Returns TRUE if iseq is inlinable, otherwise NULL. This becomes TRUE in the same condition
+ as CI_SET_FASTPATH (in vm_callee_setup_arg) is called from vm_call_iseq_setup. */
+static int
+inlinable_iseq_p(CALL_INFO ci, CALL_CACHE cc, const rb_iseq_t *iseq)
+ extern int simple_iseq_p(const rb_iseq_t *iseq);
+ return iseq != NULL
+ && simple_iseq_p(iseq) && !(ci->flag & VM_CALL_KW_SPLAT) /* top of vm_callee_setup_arg */
+static int
+compile_case_dispatch_each(VALUE key, VALUE value, VALUE arg)
+ struct case_dispatch_var *var = (struct case_dispatch_var *)arg;
+ unsigned int offset;
+ if (var->last_value != value) {
+ offset = FIX2INT(value);
+ var->last_value = value;
+ fprintf(var->f, " case %d:\n", offset);
+ fprintf(var->f, " goto label_%d;\n", var->base_pos + offset);
+ fprintf(var->f, " break;\n");
+ }
+ return ST_CONTINUE;
+static void compile_insns(FILE *f, const struct rb_iseq_constant_body *body, unsigned int stack_size,
+ unsigned int pos, struct compile_status *status);
+/* Main function of JIT compilation, vm_exec_core counterpart for JIT. Compile one insn to `f`, may modify
+ b->stack_size and return next position.
+ When you add a new instruction to insns.def, it would be nice to have JIT compilation support here but
+ it's optional. This JIT compiler just ignores ISeq which includes unknown instruction, and ISeq which
+ does not have it can be compiled as usual. */
+static unsigned int
+compile_insn(FILE *f, const struct rb_iseq_constant_body *body, const int insn, const VALUE *operands,
+ const unsigned int pos, struct compile_status *status, struct compile_branch *b)
+ unsigned int next_pos = pos + insn_len(insn);
+ #include ""
+ return next_pos;
+/* Compile one conditional branch. If it has branchXXX insn, this should be
+ called multiple times for each branch. */
+static void
+compile_insns(FILE *f, const struct rb_iseq_constant_body *body, unsigned int stack_size,
+ unsigned int pos, struct compile_status *status)
+ int insn;
+ struct compile_branch branch;
+ branch.stack_size = stack_size;
+ branch.finish_p = FALSE;
+ while (pos < body->iseq_size && !status->compiled_for_pos[pos] && !branch.finish_p) {
+ insn = rb_vm_insn_addr2insn((void *)body->iseq_encoded[pos]);
+ insn = (int)body->iseq_encoded[pos];
+ status->compiled_for_pos[pos] = TRUE;
+ fprintf(f, "\nlabel_%d: /* %s */\n", pos, insn_name(insn));
+ pos = compile_insn(f, body, insn, body->iseq_encoded + (pos+1), pos, status, &branch);
+ if (status->success && branch.stack_size > body->stack_max) {
+ if (mjit_opts.warnings || mjit_opts.verbose)
+ fprintf(stderr, "MJIT warning: JIT stack exceeded its max\n");
+ status->success = FALSE;
+ }
+ if (!status->success)
+ break;
+ }
+/* Compile ISeq to C code in F. It returns 1 if it succeeds to compile. */
mjit_compile(FILE *f, const struct rb_iseq_constant_body *body, const char *funcname)
- /* TODO: Write your own JIT compiler here. */
- return FALSE;
+ struct compile_status status;
+ status.success = TRUE;
+ status.compiled_for_pos = ZALLOC_N(int, body->iseq_size);
+ fprintf(f, "VALUE %s(rb_execution_context_t *ec, rb_control_frame_t *reg_cfp) {\n", funcname);
+ fprintf(f, " VALUE *stack = reg_cfp->sp;\n");
+ /* Simulate `opt_pc` in setup_parameters_complex */
+ if (body->param.flags.has_opt) {
+ int i;
+ fprintf(f, "\n");
+ fprintf(f, " switch (reg_cfp->pc - reg_cfp->iseq->body->iseq_encoded) {\n");
+ for (i = 0; i <= body->param.opt_num; i++) {
+ VALUE pc_offset = body->param.opt_table[i];
+ fprintf(f, " case %"PRIdVALUE":\n", pc_offset);
+ fprintf(f, " goto label_%"PRIdVALUE";\n", pc_offset);
+ }
+ fprintf(f, " }\n");
+ }
+ /* ISeq might be used for catch table too. For that usage, this code cancels JIT execution. */
+ fprintf(f, " if (reg_cfp->pc != 0x%"PRIxVALUE") {\n", (VALUE)body->iseq_encoded);
+ fprintf(f, " return Qundef;\n");
+ fprintf(f, " }\n");
+ compile_insns(f, body, 0, 0, &status);
+ fprintf(f, "}\n");
+ xfree(status.compiled_for_pos);
+ return status.success;