path: root/lib/tkcanvas.rb
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/tkcanvas.rb')
1 files changed, 318 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/tkcanvas.rb b/lib/tkcanvas.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..33b28e3eff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/tkcanvas.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,318 @@
+# tkcanvas.rb - Tk canvas classes
+# $Date: 1995/11/11 11:17:15 $
+# by Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+require "tk"
+class TkCanvas:TkWindow
+ def create_self
+ tk_call 'canvas', path
+ end
+ def tagid(tag)
+ if tag.is_kind_of?(TkcItem)
+ else
+ tag
+ end
+ end
+ private :tagid
+ def addtag(tag, *args)
+ tk_send 'addtag', tagid(tag), *args
+ end
+ def addtag_above(tagOrId)
+ addtag('above', tagOrId)
+ end
+ def addtag_all
+ addtag('all')
+ end
+ def addtag_below(tagOrId)
+ addtag('below', tagOrId)
+ end
+ def addtag_closest(x, y, halo=None, start=None)
+ addtag('closest', x, y, halo, start)
+ end
+ def addtag_enclosed(x1, y1, x2, y2)
+ addtag('enclosed', x1, y1, x2, y2)
+ end
+ def addtag_overlapping(x1, y1, x2, y2)
+ addtag('overlapping', x1, y1, x2, y2)
+ end
+ def addtag_withtag(tagOrId)
+ addtag('withtag', tagOrId)
+ end
+ def bbox(tag)
+ list(tk_send('bbox', tagid(tag)))
+ end
+ def itembind(tag, seq,
+ id = install_cmd(cmd)
+ tk_send 'bind', tagid(tag), "<#{seq}>", id
+ @cmdtbl.push id
+ end
+ def canvasx(x, *args)
+ tk_send 'canvasx', x, *args
+ end
+ def canvasy(y, *args)
+ tk_send 'canvasy', y, *args
+ end
+ def coords(tag, *args)
+ tk_send 'coords', tagid(tag), *args
+ end
+ def dchars(tag, first, last=None)
+ tk_send 'dchars', tagid(tag), first, last
+ end
+ def delete(*args)
+ tk_send 'delete', *args
+ end
+ alias remove delete
+ def dtag(tag, tag_to_del=None)
+ tk_send 'dtag', tagid(tag), tag_to_del
+ end
+ def find(*args)
+ tk_send 'find', *args
+ end
+ def itemfocus(tag)
+ tk_send 'find', tagid(tag)
+ end
+ def gettags(tag)
+ tk_send 'gettags', tagid(tag)
+ end
+ def icursor(tag, index)
+ tk_send 'icursor', tagid(tag), index
+ end
+ def index(tag)
+ tk_send 'index', tagid(tag), index
+ end
+ def lower(tag, below=None)
+ tk_send 'lower', tagid(tag), below
+ end
+ def move(tag, x, y)
+ tk_send 'move', tagid(tag), x, y
+ end
+ def postscript(keys=None)
+ tk_call "pack", *hash_kv(keys)
+ end
+ def raise(tag, above=None)
+ tk_send 'raise', tagid(tag), above
+ end
+ def scale(tag, x, y, xs, ys)
+ tk_send 'scale', tagid(tag), x, y, xs, ys
+ end
+ def scan_mark(x, y)
+ tk_send 'scan', 'mark', x, y
+ end
+ def scan_dragto(x, y)
+ tk_send 'scan', 'dragto', x, y
+ end
+ def select(*args)
+ tk_send 'select', *args
+ end
+ def xview(index)
+ tk_send 'xview', index
+ end
+ def yview(index)
+ tk_send 'yview', index
+ end
+class TkcItem:TkObject
+ def initialize(parent, *args)
+ if not parent.is_kind_of?(TkCanvas)
+ fail format("%s need to be TkCanvas", parent.inspect)
+ end
+ @c = parent
+ @path = parent.path
+ if args[-1].type == Hash
+ keys = args.pop
+ end
+ @id = create_self(*args)
+ if keys
+ tk_call @path, 'itemconfigure', *hash_kv(keys)
+ end
+ end
+ def create_self(*args) end
+ private :create_self
+ def id
+ return @id
+ end
+ def configure(slot, value)
+ tk_call path, 'itemconfigure', id, "-#{slot}", value
+ end
+ def addtag(tag)
+ @c.addtag(tag, 'withtag', @id)
+ end
+ def bbox
+ @c.bbox(@id)
+ end
+ def bind(seq,
+ @c.itembind @id, seq, cmd
+ end
+ def coords(*args)
+ @c.coords @id, *args
+ end
+ def dchars(first, last=None)
+ @c.dchars @id, first, last
+ end
+ def dtag(ttd)
+ @c.dtag @id, ttd
+ end
+ def focus
+ @c.focus @id
+ end
+ def gettags
+ @c.gettags @id
+ end
+ def icursor
+ @c.icursor @id
+ end
+ def index
+ @c.index @id
+ end
+ def insert(beforethis, string)
+ @c.insert @id, beforethis, string
+ end
+ def lower(belowthis=None)
+ @c.lower @id, belowthis
+ end
+ def move(xamount, yamount)
+ @c.move @id, xamount, yamount
+ end
+ def raise(abovethis=None)
+ @c.raise @id, abovethis
+ end
+ def scale(xorigin, yorigin, xscale, yscale)
+ @c.scale @id, xorigin, yorigin, xscale, yscale
+ end
+ def type
+ @c.type @id
+ end
+ def destroy
+ tk_call path, 'delete', @id
+ end
+class TkcArc:TkcItem
+ def create_self(*args)
+ tk_call(@path, 'create', 'arc', *args)
+ end
+class TkcBitmap:TkcItem
+ def create_self(*args)
+ tk_call(@path, 'create', 'bitmap', *args)
+ end
+class TkcImage:TkcItem
+ def create_self(*args)
+ tk_call(@path, 'create', 'image', *args)
+ end
+class TkcLine:TkcItem
+ def create_self(*args)
+ tk_call(@path, 'create', 'line', *args)
+ end
+class TkcOval:TkcItem
+ def create_self(*args)
+ tk_call(@path, 'create', 'oval', *args)
+ end
+class TkcPolygon:TkcItem
+ def create_self(*args)
+ tk_call(@path, 'create', 'polygon', *args)
+ end
+class TkcText:TkcItem
+ def create_self(*args)
+ tk_call(@path, 'create', 'text', *args)
+ end
+class TkcWindow:TkcItem
+ def create_self(*args)
+ tk_call(@path, 'create', 'window', *args)
+ end
+class TkcGroup:TkcItem
+ $tk_group_id = 'tkg00000'
+ def create_self(*args)
+ @id = $tk_group_id
+ $tk_group_id = $
+ end
+ def add(*tags)
+ for i in tags
+ i.addtag @id
+ end
+ end
+ def add(*tags)
+ for i in tags
+ i.addtag @id
+ end
+ end
+ def delete(*tags)
+ for i in tags
+ i.delete @id
+ end
+ end
+ def list
+ @c.find 'withtag', @id
+ end
+ alias remove delete
+class TkImage:TkObject
+ include Tk
+ $tk_image_id = 'i00000'
+ def initialize(keys=nil)
+ @path = $tk_image_id
+ $tk_image_id = $
+ tk_call 'image', @type, @path, *hash_kv(keys)
+ end
+ def height
+ number(tk_call('image', 'height', @path))
+ end
+ def type
+ tk_call('image', 'type', @path)
+ end
+ def width
+ number(tk_call('image', 'height', @path))
+ end
+ def TkImage.names
+ tk_call('image', 'names', @path).split
+ end
+ def TkImage.types
+ tk_call('image', 'types', @path).split
+ end
+class TkBitmapImage:TkImage
+ def initialize(*args)
+ @type = 'bitmap'
+ super
+ end
+class TkPhotoImage:TkImage
+ def initialize(*args)
+ @type = 'bitmap'
+ super
+ end
+ def blank
+ tk_send 'blank'
+ end
+ def cget
+ tk_send 'cget'
+ end
+ def get(x, y)
+ tk_send 'get', x, y
+ end
+ def put(data, to=None)
+ tk_send 'put', data, to
+ end