path: root/lib/syntax_suggest/api.rb
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/syntax_suggest/api.rb')
1 files changed, 236 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/syntax_suggest/api.rb b/lib/syntax_suggest/api.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..65660ec5e5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/syntax_suggest/api.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,236 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+require_relative "version"
+require "tmpdir"
+require "stringio"
+require "pathname"
+require "timeout"
+# We need Ripper loaded for `Prism.lex_compat` even if we're using Prism
+# for lexing and parsing
+require "ripper"
+# Prism is the new parser, replacing Ripper
+# We need to "dual boot" both for now because syntax_suggest
+# supports older rubies that do not ship with syntax suggest.
+# We also need the ability to control loading of this library
+# so we can test that both modes work correctly in CI.
+ warn "Skipping loading prism due to SYNTAX_SUGGEST_DISABLE_PRISM=#{value}"
+ begin
+ require "prism"
+ rescue LoadError
+ end
+module SyntaxSuggest
+ # Used to indicate a default value that cannot
+ # be confused with another input.
+ class Error < StandardError; end
+ # SyntaxSuggest.use_prism_parser? [Private]
+ #
+ # Tells us if the prism parser is available for use
+ # or if we should fallback to `Ripper`
+ def self.use_prism_parser?
+ defined?(Prism)
+ end
+ # SyntaxSuggest.handle_error [Public]
+ #
+ # Takes a `SyntaxError` exception, uses the
+ # error message to locate the file. Then the file
+ # will be analyzed to find the location of the syntax
+ # error and emit that location to stderr.
+ #
+ # Example:
+ #
+ # begin
+ # require 'bad_file'
+ # rescue => e
+ # SyntaxSuggest.handle_error(e)
+ # end
+ #
+ # By default it will re-raise the exception unless
+ # `re_raise: false`. The message output location
+ # can be configured using the `io: $stderr` input.
+ #
+ # If a valid filename cannot be determined, the original
+ # exception will be re-raised (even with
+ # `re_raise: false`).
+ def self.handle_error(e, re_raise: true, io: $stderr)
+ unless e.is_a?(SyntaxError)
+ io.puts("SyntaxSuggest: Must pass a SyntaxError, got: #{e.class}")
+ raise e
+ end
+ file =, io: io)
+ raise e unless file
+ io.sync = true
+ call(
+ io: io,
+ source:,
+ filename: file
+ )
+ raise e if re_raise
+ end
+ # [Private]
+ #
+ # Main private interface
+ def, filename: DEFAULT_VALUE, terminal: DEFAULT_VALUE, record_dir: DEFAULT_VALUE, timeout: TIMEOUT_DEFAULT, io: $stderr)
+ search = nil
+ filename = nil if filename == DEFAULT_VALUE
+ Timeout.timeout(timeout) do
+ record_dir ||= ENV["DEBUG"] ? "tmp" : nil
+ search =, record_dir: record_dir).call
+ end
+ blocks = search.invalid_blocks
+ io: io,
+ blocks: blocks,
+ filename: filename,
+ terminal: terminal,
+ code_lines: search.code_lines
+ ).call
+ rescue Timeout::Error => e
+ io.puts "Search timed out SYNTAX_SUGGEST_TIMEOUT=#{timeout}, run with SYNTAX_SUGGEST_DEBUG=1 for more info"
+ io.puts e.backtrace.first(3).join($/)
+ end
+ # SyntaxSuggest.record_dir [Private]
+ #
+ # Used to generate a unique directory to record
+ # search steps for debugging
+ def self.record_dir(dir)
+ time ="%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%s-%N")
+ dir = Pathname(dir)
+ dir.join(time).tap { |path|
+ path.mkpath
+ alias_dir = dir.join("last")
+ FileUtils.rm_rf(alias_dir) if alias_dir.exist?
+ FileUtils.ln_sf(time, alias_dir)
+ }
+ end
+ # SyntaxSuggest.valid_without? [Private]
+ #
+ # This will tell you if the `code_lines` would be valid
+ # if you removed the `without_lines`. In short it's a
+ # way to detect if we've found the lines with syntax errors
+ # in our document yet.
+ #
+ # code_lines = [
+ # "def foo\n", index: 0)
+ # " def bar\n", index: 1)
+ # "end\n", index: 2)
+ # ]
+ #
+ # SyntaxSuggest.valid_without?(
+ # without_lines: code_lines[1],
+ # code_lines: code_lines
+ # ) # => true
+ #
+ # SyntaxSuggest.valid?(code_lines) # => false
+ def self.valid_without?(without_lines:, code_lines:)
+ lines = code_lines - Array(without_lines).flatten
+ if lines.empty?
+ true
+ else
+ valid?(lines)
+ end
+ end
+ # SyntaxSuggest.invalid? [Private]
+ #
+ # Opposite of `SyntaxSuggest.valid?`
+ if defined?(Prism)
+ def self.invalid?(source)
+ source = source.join if source.is_a?(Array)
+ source = source.to_s
+ Prism.parse(source).failure?
+ end
+ else
+ def self.invalid?(source)
+ source = source.join if source.is_a?(Array)
+ source = source.to_s
+ end
+ end
+ # SyntaxSuggest.valid? [Private]
+ #
+ # Returns truthy if a given input source is valid syntax
+ #
+ # SyntaxSuggest.valid?(<<~EOM) # => true
+ # def foo
+ # end
+ # EOM
+ #
+ # SyntaxSuggest.valid?(<<~EOM) # => false
+ # def foo
+ # def bar # Syntax error here
+ # end
+ # EOM
+ #
+ # You can also pass in an array of lines and they'll be
+ # joined before evaluating
+ #
+ # SyntaxSuggest.valid?(
+ # [
+ # "def foo\n",
+ # "end\n"
+ # ]
+ # ) # => true
+ #
+ # SyntaxSuggest.valid?(
+ # [
+ # "def foo\n",
+ # " def bar\n", # Syntax error here
+ # "end\n"
+ # ]
+ # ) # => false
+ #
+ # As an FYI the CodeLine class instances respond to `to_s`
+ # so passing a CodeLine in as an object or as an array
+ # will convert it to it's code representation.
+ def self.valid?(source)
+ !invalid?(source)
+ end
+# Integration
+require_relative "cli"
+# Core logic
+require_relative "code_search"
+require_relative "code_frontier"
+require_relative "explain_syntax"
+require_relative "clean_document"
+# Helpers
+require_relative "lex_all"
+require_relative "code_line"
+require_relative "code_block"
+require_relative "block_expand"
+require_relative "priority_queue"
+require_relative "unvisited_lines"
+require_relative "around_block_scan"
+require_relative "priority_engulf_queue"
+require_relative "pathname_from_message"
+require_relative "display_invalid_blocks"
+require_relative "parse_blocks_from_indent_line"