path: root/lib/rss/maker/base.rb
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/rss/maker/base.rb')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 945 deletions
diff --git a/lib/rss/maker/base.rb b/lib/rss/maker/base.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 17537b7006..0000000000
--- a/lib/rss/maker/base.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,945 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-require 'forwardable'
-require_relative '../rss'
-module RSS
- module Maker
- class Base
- extend Utils::InheritedReader
- class << self
- def other_elements
- inherited_array_reader("OTHER_ELEMENTS")
- end
- def need_initialize_variables
- inherited_array_reader("NEED_INITIALIZE_VARIABLES")
- end
- def inherited_base
- ::RSS::Maker::Base
- end
- def inherited(subclass)
- subclass.const_set(:OTHER_ELEMENTS, [])
- subclass.const_set(:NEED_INITIALIZE_VARIABLES, [])
- end
- def add_other_element(variable_name)
- self::OTHER_ELEMENTS << variable_name
- end
- def add_need_initialize_variable(variable_name, init_value=nil,
- &init_block)
- init_value ||= init_block
- self::NEED_INITIALIZE_VARIABLES << [variable_name, init_value]
- end
- def def_array_element(name, plural=nil, klass_name=nil)
- include Enumerable
- extend Forwardable
- plural ||= "#{name}s"
- klass_name ||= Utils.to_class_name(name)
- def_delegators("@#{plural}", :<<, :[], :[]=, :first, :last)
- def_delegators("@#{plural}", :push, :pop, :shift, :unshift)
- def_delegators("@#{plural}", :each, :size, :empty?, :clear)
- add_need_initialize_variable(plural) {[]}
- module_eval(<<-EOC, __FILE__, __LINE__ + 1)
- def new_#{name}
- #{name} = self.class::#{klass_name}.new(@maker)
- @#{plural} << #{name}
- if block_given?
- yield #{name}
- else
- #{name}
- end
- end
- alias new_child new_#{name}
- def to_feed(*args)
- @#{plural}.each do |#{name}|
- #{name}.to_feed(*args)
- end
- end
- def replace(elements)
- @#{plural}.replace(elements.to_a)
- end
- end
- def def_classed_element_without_accessor(name, class_name=nil)
- class_name ||= Utils.to_class_name(name)
- add_other_element(name)
- add_need_initialize_variable(name) do |object|
- object.send("make_#{name}")
- end
- module_eval(<<-EOC, __FILE__, __LINE__ + 1)
- private
- def setup_#{name}(feed, current)
- @#{name}.to_feed(feed, current)
- end
- def make_#{name}
- self.class::#{class_name}.new(@maker)
- end
- end
- def def_classed_element(name, class_name=nil, attribute_name=nil)
- def_classed_element_without_accessor(name, class_name)
- if attribute_name
- module_eval(<<-EOC, __FILE__, __LINE__ + 1)
- def #{name}
- if block_given?
- yield(@#{name})
- else
- @#{name}.#{attribute_name}
- end
- end
- def #{name}=(new_value)
- @#{name}.#{attribute_name} = new_value
- end
- else
- attr_reader name
- end
- end
- def def_classed_elements(name, attribute, plural_class_name=nil,
- plural_name=nil, new_name=nil)
- plural_name ||= "#{name}s"
- new_name ||= name
- def_classed_element(plural_name, plural_class_name)
- local_variable_name = "_#{name}"
- new_value_variable_name = "new_value"
- additional_setup_code = nil
- if block_given?
- additional_setup_code = yield(local_variable_name,
- new_value_variable_name)
- end
- module_eval(<<-EOC, __FILE__, __LINE__ + 1)
- def #{name}
- #{local_variable_name} = #{plural_name}.first
- #{local_variable_name} ? #{local_variable_name}.#{attribute} : nil
- end
- def #{name}=(#{new_value_variable_name})
- #{local_variable_name} =
- #{plural_name}.first || #{plural_name}.new_#{new_name}
- #{additional_setup_code}
- #{local_variable_name}.#{attribute} = #{new_value_variable_name}
- end
- end
- def def_other_element(name)
- attr_accessor name
- def_other_element_without_accessor(name)
- end
- def def_other_element_without_accessor(name)
- add_need_initialize_variable(name)
- add_other_element(name)
- module_eval(<<-EOC, __FILE__, __LINE__ + 1)
- def setup_#{name}(feed, current)
- if !@#{name}.nil? and current.respond_to?(:#{name}=)
- current.#{name} = @#{name}
- end
- end
- end
- def def_csv_element(name, type=nil)
- def_other_element_without_accessor(name)
- attr_reader(name)
- converter = ""
- if type == :integer
- converter = "{|v| Integer(v)}"
- end
- module_eval(<<-EOC, __FILE__, __LINE__ + 1)
- def #{name}=(value)
- @#{name} = Utils::CSV.parse(value)#{converter}
- end
- end
- end
- attr_reader :maker
- def initialize(maker)
- @maker = maker
- @default_values_are_set = false
- initialize_variables
- end
- def have_required_values?
- not_set_required_variables.empty?
- end
- def variable_is_set?
- variables.any? {|var| not __send__(var).nil?}
- end
- private
- def initialize_variables
- self.class.need_initialize_variables.each do |variable_name, init_value|
- if init_value.nil?
- value = nil
- else
- if init_value.respond_to?(:call)
- value =
- elsif init_value.is_a?(String)
- # just for backward compatibility
- value = instance_eval(init_value, __FILE__, __LINE__)
- else
- value = init_value
- end
- end
- instance_variable_set("@#{variable_name}", value)
- end
- end
- def setup_other_elements(feed, current=nil)
- current ||= current_element(feed)
- self.class.other_elements.each do |element|
- __send__("setup_#{element}", feed, current)
- end
- end
- def current_element(feed)
- feed
- end
- def set_default_values(&block)
- return yield if @default_values_are_set
- begin
- @default_values_are_set = true
- _set_default_values(&block)
- ensure
- @default_values_are_set = false
- end
- end
- def _set_default_values(&block)
- yield
- end
- def setup_values(target)
- set = false
- if have_required_values?
- variables.each do |var|
- setter = "#{var}="
- if target.respond_to?(setter)
- value = __send__(var)
- unless value.nil?
- target.__send__(setter, value)
- set = true
- end
- end
- end
- end
- set
- end
- def set_parent(target, parent)
- target.parent = parent if target.class.need_parent?
- end
- def variables
- self.class.need_initialize_variables.find_all do |name, init|
- # init == "nil" is just for backward compatibility
- init.nil? or init == "nil"
- end.collect do |name, init|
- name
- end
- end
- def not_set_required_variables
- required_variable_names.find_all do |var|
- __send__(var).nil?
- end
- end
- def required_variables_are_set?
- required_variable_names.each do |var|
- return false if __send__(var).nil?
- end
- true
- end
- end
- module AtomPersonConstructBase
- def self.append_features(klass)
- super
- klass.class_eval(<<-EOC, __FILE__, __LINE__ + 1)
- %w(name uri email).each do |element|
- attr_accessor element
- add_need_initialize_variable(element)
- end
- end
- end
- module AtomTextConstructBase
- module EnsureXMLContent
- class << self
- def included(base)
- super
- base.class_eval do
- %w(type content xml_content).each do |element|
- attr_reader element
- attr_writer element if element != "xml_content"
- add_need_initialize_variable(element)
- end
- alias_method(:xhtml, :xml_content)
- end
- end
- end
- def ensure_xml_content(content)
- xhtml_uri = ::RSS::Atom::XHTML_URI
- unless content.is_a?(RSS::XML::Element) and
- ["div", xhtml_uri] == [, content.uri]
- children = content
- children = [children] unless content.is_a?(Array)
- children = set_xhtml_uri_as_default_uri(children)
- content ="div", nil, xhtml_uri,
- {"xmlns" => xhtml_uri},
- children)
- end
- content
- end
- def xml_content=(content)
- @xml_content = ensure_xml_content(content)
- end
- def xhtml=(content)
- self.xml_content = content
- end
- private
- def set_xhtml_uri_as_default_uri(children)
- children.collect do |child|
- if child.is_a?(RSS::XML::Element) and
- child.prefix.nil? and child.uri.nil?
-, nil, ::RSS::Atom::XHTML_URI,
- child.attributes.dup,
- set_xhtml_uri_as_default_uri(child.children))
- else
- child
- end
- end
- end
- end
- def self.append_features(klass)
- super
- klass.class_eval do
- include EnsureXMLContent
- end
- end
- end
- module SetupDefaultDate
- private
- def _set_default_values
- keep = {
- :date => date,
- :dc_dates => dc_dates.to_a.dup,
- }
- _date = _parse_date_if_needed(date)
- if _date and !dc_dates.any? {|dc_date| dc_date.value == _date}
- dc_date =
- dc_date.value = _date.dup
- dc_dates.unshift(dc_date)
- end
- ||= self.dc_date
- super
- ensure
- = keep[:date]
- dc_dates.replace(keep[:dc_dates])
- end
- def _parse_date_if_needed(date_value)
- date_value = Time.parse(date_value) if date_value.is_a?(String)
- date_value
- end
- end
- module SetupDefaultLanguage
- private
- def _set_default_values
- keep = {
- :dc_languages => dc_languages.to_a.dup,
- }
- _language = language
- if _language and
- !dc_languages.any? {|dc_language| dc_language.value == _language}
- dc_language =
- dc_language.value = _language.dup
- dc_languages.unshift(dc_language)
- end
- super
- ensure
- dc_languages.replace(keep[:dc_languages])
- end
- end
- class RSSBase < Base
- class << self
- def make(*args, &block)
- new(*args).make(&block)
- end
- end
- %w(xml_stylesheets channel image items textinput).each do |element|
- attr_reader element
- add_need_initialize_variable(element) do |object|
- object.send("make_#{element}")
- end
- module_eval(<<-EOC, __FILE__, __LINE__ + 1)
- private
- def setup_#{element}(feed)
- @#{element}.to_feed(feed)
- end
- def make_#{element}
- self.class::#{Utils.to_class_name(element)}.new(self)
- end
- end
- attr_reader :feed_version
- alias_method(:rss_version, :feed_version)
- attr_accessor :version, :encoding, :standalone
- def initialize(feed_version)
- super(self)
- @feed_type = nil
- @feed_subtype = nil
- @feed_version = feed_version
- @version = "1.0"
- @encoding = "UTF-8"
- @standalone = nil
- end
- def make
- yield(self)
- to_feed
- end
- def to_feed
- feed = make_feed
- setup_xml_stylesheets(feed)
- setup_elements(feed)
- setup_other_elements(feed)
- feed.validate
- feed
- end
- private
- remove_method :make_xml_stylesheets
- def make_xml_stylesheets
- end
- end
- class XMLStyleSheets < Base
- def_array_element("xml_stylesheet", nil, "XMLStyleSheet")
- class XMLStyleSheet < Base
- ::RSS::XMLStyleSheet::ATTRIBUTES.each do |attribute|
- attr_accessor attribute
- add_need_initialize_variable(attribute)
- end
- def to_feed(feed)
- xss =
- guess_type_if_need(xss)
- set = setup_values(xss)
- if set
- feed.xml_stylesheets << xss
- end
- end
- private
- def guess_type_if_need(xss)
- if @type.nil?
- xss.href = @href
- @type = xss.type
- end
- end
- def required_variable_names
- %w(href type)
- end
- end
- end
- class ChannelBase < Base
- include SetupDefaultDate
- %w(cloud categories skipDays skipHours).each do |name|
- def_classed_element(name)
- end
- %w(generator copyright description title).each do |name|
- def_classed_element(name, nil, "content")
- end
- [
- ["link", "href", {|target,| "#{target}.href = 'self'"}],
- ["author", "name"],
- ["contributor", "name"],
- ].each do |name, attribute, additional_setup_maker|
- def_classed_elements(name, attribute, &additional_setup_maker)
- end
- %w(id about language
- managingEditor webMaster rating docs ttl).each do |element|
- attr_accessor element
- add_need_initialize_variable(element)
- end
- %w(date lastBuildDate).each do |date_element|
- attr_reader date_element
- add_need_initialize_variable(date_element)
- end
- def date=(_date)
- @date = _parse_date_if_needed(_date)
- end
- def lastBuildDate=(_date)
- @lastBuildDate = _parse_date_if_needed(_date)
- end
- def pubDate
- date
- end
- def pubDate=(date)
- = date
- end
- def updated
- date
- end
- def updated=(date)
- = date
- end
- alias_method(:rights, :copyright)
- alias_method(:rights=, :copyright=)
- alias_method(:subtitle, :description)
- alias_method(:subtitle=, :description=)
- def icon
- image_favicon.about
- end
- def icon=(url)
- image_favicon.about = url
- end
- def logo
- maker.image.url
- end
- def logo=(url)
- maker.image.url = url
- end
- class SkipDaysBase < Base
- def_array_element("day")
- class DayBase < Base
- %w(content).each do |element|
- attr_accessor element
- add_need_initialize_variable(element)
- end
- end
- end
- class SkipHoursBase < Base
- def_array_element("hour")
- class HourBase < Base
- %w(content).each do |element|
- attr_accessor element
- add_need_initialize_variable(element)
- end
- end
- end
- class CloudBase < Base
- %w(domain port path registerProcedure protocol).each do |element|
- attr_accessor element
- add_need_initialize_variable(element)
- end
- end
- class CategoriesBase < Base
- def_array_element("category", "categories")
- class CategoryBase < Base
- %w(domain content label).each do |element|
- attr_accessor element
- add_need_initialize_variable(element)
- end
- alias_method(:term, :domain)
- alias_method(:term=, :domain=)
- alias_method(:scheme, :content)
- alias_method(:scheme=, :content=)
- end
- end
- class LinksBase < Base
- def_array_element("link")
- class LinkBase < Base
- %w(href rel type hreflang title length).each do |element|
- attr_accessor element
- add_need_initialize_variable(element)
- end
- end
- end
- class AuthorsBase < Base
- def_array_element("author")
- class AuthorBase < Base
- include AtomPersonConstructBase
- end
- end
- class ContributorsBase < Base
- def_array_element("contributor")
- class ContributorBase < Base
- include AtomPersonConstructBase
- end
- end
- class GeneratorBase < Base
- %w(uri version content).each do |element|
- attr_accessor element
- add_need_initialize_variable(element)
- end
- end
- class CopyrightBase < Base
- include AtomTextConstructBase
- end
- class DescriptionBase < Base
- include AtomTextConstructBase
- end
- class TitleBase < Base
- include AtomTextConstructBase
- end
- end
- class ImageBase < Base
- %w(title url width height description).each do |element|
- attr_accessor element
- add_need_initialize_variable(element)
- end
- def link
- end
- end
- class ItemsBase < Base
- def_array_element("item")
- attr_accessor :do_sort, :max_size
- def initialize(maker)
- super
- @do_sort = false
- @max_size = -1
- end
- def normalize
- if @max_size >= 0
- sort_if_need[0...@max_size]
- else
- sort_if_need[0..@max_size]
- end
- end
- private
- def sort_if_need
- if @do_sort.respond_to?(:call)
- @items.sort do |x, y|
-, y)
- end
- elsif @do_sort
- @items.sort do |x, y|
- y <=> x
- end
- else
- @items
- end
- end
- class ItemBase < Base
- include SetupDefaultDate
- %w(guid enclosure source categories content).each do |name|
- def_classed_element(name)
- end
- %w(rights description title).each do |name|
- def_classed_element(name, nil, "content")
- end
- [
- ["author", "name"],
- ["link", "href", {|target,| "#{target}.href = 'alternate'"}],
- ["contributor", "name"],
- ].each do |name, attribute|
- def_classed_elements(name, attribute)
- end
- %w(comments id published).each do |element|
- attr_accessor element
- add_need_initialize_variable(element)
- end
- %w(date).each do |date_element|
- attr_reader date_element
- add_need_initialize_variable(date_element)
- end
- def date=(_date)
- @date = _parse_date_if_needed(_date)
- end
- def pubDate
- date
- end
- def pubDate=(date)
- = date
- end
- def updated
- date
- end
- def updated=(date)
- = date
- end
- alias_method(:summary, :description)
- alias_method(:summary=, :description=)
- def <=>(other)
- _date = date || dc_date
- _other_date = || other.dc_date
- if _date and _other_date
- _date <=> _other_date
- elsif _date
- 1
- elsif _other_date
- -1
- else
- 0
- end
- end
- class GuidBase < Base
- %w(isPermaLink content).each do |element|
- attr_accessor element
- add_need_initialize_variable(element)
- end
- def permanent_link?
- isPermaLink
- end
- def permanent_link=(bool)
- self.isPermaLink = bool
- end
- end
- class EnclosureBase < Base
- %w(url length type).each do |element|
- attr_accessor element
- add_need_initialize_variable(element)
- end
- end
- class SourceBase < Base
- include SetupDefaultDate
- %w(authors categories contributors generator icon
- logo rights subtitle title).each do |name|
- def_classed_element(name)
- end
- [
- ["link", "href"],
- ].each do |name, attribute|
- def_classed_elements(name, attribute)
- end
- %w(id content).each do |element|
- attr_accessor element
- add_need_initialize_variable(element)
- end
- alias_method(:url, :link)
- alias_method(:url=, :link=)
- %w(date).each do |date_element|
- attr_reader date_element
- add_need_initialize_variable(date_element)
- end
- def date=(_date)
- @date = _parse_date_if_needed(_date)
- end
- def updated
- date
- end
- def updated=(date)
- = date
- end
- private
- AuthorsBase = ChannelBase::AuthorsBase
- CategoriesBase = ChannelBase::CategoriesBase
- ContributorsBase = ChannelBase::ContributorsBase
- GeneratorBase = ChannelBase::GeneratorBase
- class IconBase < Base
- %w(url).each do |element|
- attr_accessor element
- add_need_initialize_variable(element)
- end
- end
- LinksBase = ChannelBase::LinksBase
- class LogoBase < Base
- %w(uri).each do |element|
- attr_accessor element
- add_need_initialize_variable(element)
- end
- end
- class RightsBase < Base
- include AtomTextConstructBase
- end
- class SubtitleBase < Base
- include AtomTextConstructBase
- end
- class TitleBase < Base
- include AtomTextConstructBase
- end
- end
- CategoriesBase = ChannelBase::CategoriesBase
- AuthorsBase = ChannelBase::AuthorsBase
- LinksBase = ChannelBase::LinksBase
- ContributorsBase = ChannelBase::ContributorsBase
- class RightsBase < Base
- include AtomTextConstructBase
- end
- class DescriptionBase < Base
- include AtomTextConstructBase
- end
- class ContentBase < Base
- include AtomTextConstructBase::EnsureXMLContent
- %w(src).each do |element|
- attr_accessor(element)
- add_need_initialize_variable(element)
- end
- def xml_content=(content)
- content = ensure_xml_content(content) if inline_xhtml?
- @xml_content = content
- end
- alias_method(:xml, :xml_content)
- alias_method(:xml=, :xml_content=)
- def inline_text?
- [nil, "text", "html"].include?(@type)
- end
- def inline_html?
- @type == "html"
- end
- def inline_xhtml?
- @type == "xhtml"
- end
- def inline_other?
- !out_of_line? and ![nil, "text", "html", "xhtml"].include?(@type)
- end
- def inline_other_text?
- return false if @type.nil? or out_of_line?
- /\Atext\//i.match(@type) ? true : false
- end
- def inline_other_xml?
- return false if @type.nil? or out_of_line?
- /[\+\/]xml\z/i.match(@type) ? true : false
- end
- def inline_other_base64?
- return false if @type.nil? or out_of_line?
- @type.include?("/") and !inline_other_text? and !inline_other_xml?
- end
- def out_of_line?
- not @src.nil? and @content.nil?
- end
- end
- class TitleBase < Base
- include AtomTextConstructBase
- end
- end
- end
- class TextinputBase < Base
- %w(title description name link).each do |element|
- attr_accessor element
- add_need_initialize_variable(element)
- end
- end
- end