path: root/lib/net/http/response.rb
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/net/http/response.rb')
1 files changed, 168 insertions, 32 deletions
diff --git a/lib/net/http/response.rb b/lib/net/http/response.rb
index f8b522f1ff..40de963868 100644
--- a/lib/net/http/response.rb
+++ b/lib/net/http/response.rb
@@ -1,20 +1,136 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# HTTP response class.
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+# This class is the base class for \Net::HTTP response classes.
+# == About the Examples
+# :include: doc/net-http/examples.rdoc
+# == Returned Responses
+# \Method Net::HTTP.get_response returns
+# an instance of one of the subclasses of \Net::HTTPResponse:
+# Net::HTTP.get_response(uri)
+# # => #<Net::HTTPOK 200 OK readbody=true>
+# Net::HTTP.get_response(hostname, '/nosuch')
+# # => #<Net::HTTPNotFound 404 Not Found readbody=true>
+# As does method Net::HTTP#request:
+# req =
+# Net::HTTP.start(hostname) do |http|
+# http.request(req)
+# end # => #<Net::HTTPOK 200 OK readbody=true>
+# \Class \Net::HTTPResponse includes module Net::HTTPHeader,
+# which provides access to response header values via (among others):
+# - \Hash-like method <tt>[]</tt>.
+# - Specific reader methods, such as +content_type+.
+# Examples:
+# res = Net::HTTP.get_response(uri) # => #<Net::HTTPOK 200 OK readbody=true>
+# res['Content-Type'] # => "text/html; charset=UTF-8"
+# res.content_type # => "text/html"
+# == Response Subclasses
+# \Class \Net::HTTPResponse has a subclass for each
+# {HTTP status code}[].
+# You can look up the response class for a given code:
+# Net::HTTPResponse::CODE_TO_OBJ['200'] # => Net::HTTPOK
+# Net::HTTPResponse::CODE_TO_OBJ['400'] # => Net::HTTPBadRequest
+# Net::HTTPResponse::CODE_TO_OBJ['404'] # => Net::HTTPNotFound
+# And you can retrieve the status code for a response object:
+# Net::HTTP.get_response(uri).code # => "200"
+# Net::HTTP.get_response(hostname, '/nosuch').code # => "404"
+# The response subclasses (indentation shows class hierarchy):
-# This class wraps together the response header and the response body (the
-# entity requested).
+# - Net::HTTPUnknownResponse (for unhandled \HTTP extensions).
-# It mixes in the HTTPHeader module, which provides access to response
-# header values both via hash-like methods and via individual readers.
+# - Net::HTTPInformation:
-# Note that each possible HTTP response code defines its own
-# HTTPResponse subclass. All classes are defined under the Net module.
-# Indentation indicates inheritance. For a list of the classes see Net::HTTP.
+# - Net::HTTPContinue (100)
+# - Net::HTTPSwitchProtocol (101)
+# - Net::HTTPProcessing (102)
+# - Net::HTTPEarlyHints (103)
-# Correspondence <code>HTTP code => class</code> is stored in CODE_TO_OBJ
-# constant:
+# - Net::HTTPSuccess:
-# Net::HTTPResponse::CODE_TO_OBJ['404'] #=> Net::HTTPNotFound
+# - Net::HTTPOK (200)
+# - Net::HTTPCreated (201)
+# - Net::HTTPAccepted (202)
+# - Net::HTTPNonAuthoritativeInformation (203)
+# - Net::HTTPNoContent (204)
+# - Net::HTTPResetContent (205)
+# - Net::HTTPPartialContent (206)
+# - Net::HTTPMultiStatus (207)
+# - Net::HTTPAlreadyReported (208)
+# - Net::HTTPIMUsed (226)
+# - Net::HTTPRedirection:
+# - Net::HTTPMultipleChoices (300)
+# - Net::HTTPMovedPermanently (301)
+# - Net::HTTPFound (302)
+# - Net::HTTPSeeOther (303)
+# - Net::HTTPNotModified (304)
+# - Net::HTTPUseProxy (305)
+# - Net::HTTPTemporaryRedirect (307)
+# - Net::HTTPPermanentRedirect (308)
+# - Net::HTTPClientError:
+# - Net::HTTPBadRequest (400)
+# - Net::HTTPUnauthorized (401)
+# - Net::HTTPPaymentRequired (402)
+# - Net::HTTPForbidden (403)
+# - Net::HTTPNotFound (404)
+# - Net::HTTPMethodNotAllowed (405)
+# - Net::HTTPNotAcceptable (406)
+# - Net::HTTPProxyAuthenticationRequired (407)
+# - Net::HTTPRequestTimeOut (408)
+# - Net::HTTPConflict (409)
+# - Net::HTTPGone (410)
+# - Net::HTTPLengthRequired (411)
+# - Net::HTTPPreconditionFailed (412)
+# - Net::HTTPRequestEntityTooLarge (413)
+# - Net::HTTPRequestURITooLong (414)
+# - Net::HTTPUnsupportedMediaType (415)
+# - Net::HTTPRequestedRangeNotSatisfiable (416)
+# - Net::HTTPExpectationFailed (417)
+# - Net::HTTPMisdirectedRequest (421)
+# - Net::HTTPUnprocessableEntity (422)
+# - Net::HTTPLocked (423)
+# - Net::HTTPFailedDependency (424)
+# - Net::HTTPUpgradeRequired (426)
+# - Net::HTTPPreconditionRequired (428)
+# - Net::HTTPTooManyRequests (429)
+# - Net::HTTPRequestHeaderFieldsTooLarge (431)
+# - Net::HTTPUnavailableForLegalReasons (451)
+# - Net::HTTPServerError:
+# - Net::HTTPInternalServerError (500)
+# - Net::HTTPNotImplemented (501)
+# - Net::HTTPBadGateway (502)
+# - Net::HTTPServiceUnavailable (503)
+# - Net::HTTPGatewayTimeOut (504)
+# - Net::HTTPVersionNotSupported (505)
+# - Net::HTTPVariantAlsoNegotiates (506)
+# - Net::HTTPInsufficientStorage (507)
+# - Net::HTTPLoopDetected (508)
+# - Net::HTTPNotExtended (510)
+# - Net::HTTPNetworkAuthenticationRequired (511)
+# There is also the Net::HTTPBadResponse exception which is raised when
+# there is a protocol error.
class Net::HTTPResponse
class << self
@@ -108,13 +224,32 @@ class Net::HTTPResponse
# Accept-Encoding header from the user.
attr_accessor :decode_content
- # The encoding to use for the response body. If Encoding, use that encoding.
- # If other true value, attempt to detect the appropriate encoding, and use
- # that.
+ # Returns the value set by body_encoding=, or +false+ if none;
+ # see #body_encoding=.
attr_reader :body_encoding
- # Set the encoding to use for the response body. If given a String, find
- # the related Encoding.
+ # Sets the encoding that should be used when reading the body:
+ #
+ # - If the given value is an Encoding object, that encoding will be used.
+ # - Otherwise if the value is a string, the value of
+ # {Encoding#find(value)}[rdoc-ref:Encoding.find]
+ # will be used.
+ # - Otherwise an encoding will be deduced from the body itself.
+ #
+ # Examples:
+ #
+ # http =
+ # req ='/')
+ #
+ # http.request(req) do |res|
+ # p res.body.encoding # => #<Encoding:ASCII-8BIT>
+ # end
+ #
+ # http.request(req) do |res|
+ # res.body_encoding = "UTF-8"
+ # p res.body.encoding # => #<Encoding:UTF-8>
+ # end
+ #
def body_encoding=(value)
value = Encoding.find(value) if value.is_a?(String)
@body_encoding = value
@@ -138,7 +273,7 @@ class Net::HTTPResponse
def error! #:nodoc:
message = @code
- message += ' ' + @message.dump if @message
+ message = "#{message} #{@message.dump}" if @message
raise error_type().new(message, self)
@@ -231,6 +366,7 @@ class Net::HTTPResponse
@body = nil
@read = true
+ return if @body.nil?
case enc = @body_encoding
when Encoding, false, nil
@@ -246,26 +382,26 @@ class Net::HTTPResponse
- # Returns the full entity body.
+ # Returns the string response body;
+ # note that repeated calls for the unmodified body return a cached string:
- # Calling this method a second or subsequent time will return the
- # string already read.
+ # path = '/todos/1'
+ # Net::HTTP.start(hostname) do |http|
+ # res = http.get(path)
+ # p res.body
+ # p http.head(path).body # No body.
+ # end
- # http.request_get('/index.html') {|res|
- # puts res.body
- # }
+ # Output:
- # http.request_get('/index.html') {|res|
- # p res.body.object_id # 538149362
- # p res.body.object_id # 538149362
- # }
+ # "{\n \"userId\": 1,\n \"id\": 1,\n \"title\": \"delectus aut autem\",\n \"completed\": false\n}"
+ # nil
def body
- # Because it may be necessary to modify the body, Eg, decompression
- # this method facilitates that.
+ # Sets the body of the response to the given value.
def body=(value)
@body = value
@@ -504,7 +640,7 @@ class Net::HTTPResponse
def stream_check
- raise IOError, 'attempt to read body out of block' if @socket.closed?
+ raise IOError, 'attempt to read body out of block' if @socket.nil? || @socket.closed?
def procdest(dest, block)
@@ -513,7 +649,7 @@ class Net::HTTPResponse
if block
- dest || ''
+ dest || +''