path: root/lib/json/common.rb
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/json/common.rb')
1 files changed, 194 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/json/common.rb b/lib/json/common.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c820cfbcce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/json/common.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,194 @@
+require 'json/version'
+module JSON
+ class << self
+ # If object is string like parse the string and return the parsed result as a
+ # Ruby data structure. Otherwise generate a JSON text from the Ruby data
+ # structure object and return it.
+ def [](object)
+ if object.respond_to? :to_str
+ JSON.parse(object.to_str)
+ else
+ JSON.generate(object)
+ end
+ end
+ # Returns the JSON parser class, that is used by JSON. This might be either
+ # JSON::Ext::Parser or JSON::Pure::Parser.
+ attr_reader :parser
+ # Set the JSON parser class _parser_ to be used by JSON.
+ def parser=(parser) # :nodoc:
+ @parser = parser
+ remove_const :Parser if const_defined? :Parser
+ const_set :Parser, parser
+ end
+ # Return the constant located at _path_. The format of _path_ has to be
+ # either ::A::B::C or A::B::C. In any case A has to be located at the top
+ # level (absolute namespace path?). If there doesn't exist a constant at
+ # the given path, an ArgumentError is raised.
+ def deep_const_get(path) # :nodoc:
+ path = path.to_s
+ path.split(/::/).inject(Object) do |p, c|
+ case
+ when c.empty? then p
+ when p.const_defined?(c) then p.const_get(c)
+ else raise ArgumentError, "can't find const #{path}"
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ # Set the module _generator_ to be used by JSON.
+ def generator=(generator) # :nodoc:
+ @generator = generator
+ generator_methods = generator::GeneratorMethods
+ for const in generator_methods.constants
+ klass = deep_const_get(const)
+ modul = generator_methods.const_get(const)
+ klass.class_eval do
+ instance_methods(false).each do |m|
+ m.to_s == 'to_json' and remove_method m
+ end
+ include modul
+ end
+ end
+ self.state = generator::State
+ const_set :State, self.state
+ end
+ # Returns the JSON generator modul, that is used by JSON. This might be
+ # either JSON::Ext::Generator or JSON::Pure::Generator.
+ attr_reader :generator
+ # Returns the JSON generator state class, that is used by JSON. This might
+ # be either JSON::Ext::Generator::State or JSON::Pure::Generator::State.
+ attr_accessor :state
+ # This is create identifier, that is used to decide, if the _json_create_
+ # hook of a class should be called. It defaults to 'json_class'.
+ attr_accessor :create_id
+ end
+ self.create_id = 'json_class'
+ # The base exception for JSON errors.
+ class JSONError < StandardError; end
+ # This exception is raised, if a parser error occurs.
+ class ParserError < JSONError; end
+ # This exception is raised, if the nesting of parsed datastructures is too
+ # deep.
+ class NestingError < ParserError; end
+ # This exception is raised, if a generator or unparser error occurs.
+ class GeneratorError < JSONError; end
+ # For backwards compatibility
+ UnparserError = GeneratorError
+ # If a circular data structure is encountered while unparsing
+ # this exception is raised.
+ class CircularDatastructure < GeneratorError; end
+ # This exception is raised, if the required unicode support is missing on the
+ # system. Usually this means, that the iconv library is not installed.
+ class MissingUnicodeSupport < JSONError; end
+ module_function
+ # Parse the JSON string _source_ into a Ruby data structure and return it.
+ #
+ # _opts_ can have the following
+ # keys:
+ # * *max_nesting*: The maximum depth of nesting allowed in the parsed data
+ # structures. Disable depth checking with :max_nesting => false.
+ def parse(source, opts = {})
+, opts).parse
+ end
+ # Unparse the Ruby data structure _obj_ into a single line JSON string and
+ # return it. _state_ is a JSON::State object, that can be used to configure
+ # the output further.
+ #
+ # It defaults to a state object, that creates the shortest possible JSON text
+ # in one line and only checks for circular data structures. If you are sure,
+ # that the objects don't contain any circles, you can set _state_ to nil, to
+ # disable these checks in order to create the JSON text faster. See also
+ # fast_generate.
+ def generate(obj, state =
+ obj.to_json(state)
+ end
+ alias unparse generate
+ module_function :unparse
+ # Unparse the Ruby data structure _obj_ into a single line JSON string and
+ # return it. This method disables the checks for circles in Ruby objects.
+ #
+ # *WARNING*: Be careful not to pass any Ruby data structures with circles as
+ # _obj_ argument, because this will cause JSON to go into an infinite loop.
+ def fast_generate(obj)
+ obj.to_json(nil)
+ end
+ alias fast_unparse fast_generate
+ module_function :fast_unparse
+ # Unparse the Ruby data structure _obj_ into a JSON string and return it. The
+ # returned string is a prettier form of the string returned by #unparse.
+ def pretty_generate(obj)
+ state =
+ :indent => ' ',
+ :space => ' ',
+ :object_nl => "\n",
+ :array_nl => "\n",
+ :check_circular => true
+ )
+ obj.to_json(state)
+ end
+ alias pretty_unparse pretty_generate
+ module_function :pretty_unparse
+module ::Kernel
+ # Outputs _objs_ to STDOUT as JSON strings in the shortest form, that is in
+ # one line.
+ def j(*objs)
+ objs.each do |obj|
+ puts JSON::generate(obj)
+ end
+ nil
+ end
+ # Ouputs _objs_ to STDOUT as JSON strings in a pretty format, with
+ # indentation and over many lines.
+ def jj(*objs)
+ objs.each do |obj|
+ puts JSON::pretty_generate(obj)
+ end
+ nil
+ end
+ # If object is string like parse the string and return the parsed result as a
+ # Ruby data structure. Otherwise generate a JSON text from the Ruby data
+ # structure object and return it.
+ def JSON(object)
+ if object.respond_to? :to_str
+ JSON.parse(object.to_str)
+ else
+ JSON.generate(object)
+ end
+ end
+class ::Class
+ # Returns true, if this class can be used to create an instance
+ # from a serialised JSON string. The class has to implement a class
+ # method _json_create_ that expects a hash as first parameter, which includes
+ # the required data.
+ def json_creatable?
+ respond_to?(:json_create)
+ end
+ # vim: set et sw=2 ts=2: