path: root/lib/csv/table.rb
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/csv/table.rb')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 621 deletions
diff --git a/lib/csv/table.rb b/lib/csv/table.rb
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index 1ce0dd6daf..0000000000
--- a/lib/csv/table.rb
+++ /dev/null
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-# frozen_string_literal: true
-require "forwardable"
-class CSV
- #
- # A CSV::Table is a two-dimensional data structure for representing CSV
- # documents. Tables allow you to work with the data by row or column,
- # manipulate the data, and even convert the results back to CSV, if needed.
- #
- # All tables returned by CSV will be constructed from this class, if header
- # row processing is activated.
- #
- class Table
- #
- # Constructs a new CSV::Table from +array_of_rows+, which are expected
- # to be CSV::Row objects. All rows are assumed to have the same headers.
- #
- # The optional +headers+ parameter can be set to Array of headers.
- # If headers aren't set, headers are fetched from CSV::Row objects.
- # Otherwise, headers() method will return headers being set in
- # headers argument.
- #
- # A CSV::Table object supports the following Array methods through
- # delegation:
- #
- # * empty?()
- # * length()
- # * size()
- #
- def initialize(array_of_rows, headers: nil)
- @table = array_of_rows
- @headers = headers
- unless @headers
- if @table.empty?
- @headers = []
- else
- @headers = @table.first.headers
- end
- end
- @mode = :col_or_row
- end
- # The current access mode for indexing and iteration.
- attr_reader :mode
- # Internal data format used to compare equality.
- attr_reader :table
- protected :table
- ### Array Delegation ###
- extend Forwardable
- def_delegators :@table, :empty?, :length, :size
- #
- # Returns a duplicate table object, in column mode. This is handy for
- # chaining in a single call without changing the table mode, but be aware
- # that this method can consume a fair amount of memory for bigger data sets.
- #
- # This method returns the duplicate table for chaining. Don't chain
- # destructive methods (like []=()) this way though, since you are working
- # with a duplicate.
- #
- def by_col
- end
- #
- # Switches the mode of this table to column mode. All calls to indexing and
- # iteration methods will work with columns until the mode is changed again.
- #
- # This method returns the table and is safe to chain.
- #
- def by_col!
- @mode = :col
- self
- end
- #
- # Returns a duplicate table object, in mixed mode. This is handy for
- # chaining in a single call without changing the table mode, but be aware
- # that this method can consume a fair amount of memory for bigger data sets.
- #
- # This method returns the duplicate table for chaining. Don't chain
- # destructive methods (like []=()) this way though, since you are working
- # with a duplicate.
- #
- def by_col_or_row
- end
- #
- # Switches the mode of this table to mixed mode. All calls to indexing and
- # iteration methods will use the default intelligent indexing system until
- # the mode is changed again. In mixed mode an index is assumed to be a row
- # reference while anything else is assumed to be column access by headers.
- #
- # This method returns the table and is safe to chain.
- #
- def by_col_or_row!
- @mode = :col_or_row
- self
- end
- #
- # Returns a duplicate table object, in row mode. This is handy for chaining
- # in a single call without changing the table mode, but be aware that this
- # method can consume a fair amount of memory for bigger data sets.
- #
- # This method returns the duplicate table for chaining. Don't chain
- # destructive methods (like []=()) this way though, since you are working
- # with a duplicate.
- #
- def by_row
- end
- #
- # Switches the mode of this table to row mode. All calls to indexing and
- # iteration methods will work with rows until the mode is changed again.
- #
- # This method returns the table and is safe to chain.
- #
- def by_row!
- @mode = :row
- self
- end
- #
- # Returns the headers for the first row of this table (assumed to match all
- # other rows). The headers Array passed to is returned for
- # empty tables.
- #
- def headers
- if @table.empty?
- @headers.dup
- else
- @table.first.headers
- end
- end
- # :call-seq:
- # table[n] -> row
- # table[range] -> array_of_rows
- # table[header] -> array_of_fields
- #
- # Returns data from the table; does not modify the table.
- #
- # ---
- #
- # The expression <tt>table[n]</tt>, where +n+ is a non-negative \Integer,
- # returns the +n+th row of the table, if that row exists,
- # and if the access mode is <tt>:row</tt> or <tt>:col_or_row</tt>:
- # source = "Name,Value\nfoo,0\nbar,1\nbaz,2\n"
- # table = CSV.parse(source, headers: true)
- # table.by_row! # => #<CSV::Table mode:row row_count:4>
- # table[1] # => #<CSV::Row "Name":"bar" "Value":"1">
- # table.by_col_or_row! # => #<CSV::Table mode:col_or_row row_count:4>
- # table[1] # => #<CSV::Row "Name":"bar" "Value":"1">
- #
- # Counts backward from the last row if +n+ is negative:
- # table[-1] # => #<CSV::Row "Name":"baz" "Value":"2">
- #
- # Returns +nil+ if +n+ is too large or too small:
- # table[4] # => nil
- # table[-4] => nil
- #
- # Raises an exception if the access mode is <tt>:row</tt>
- # and +n+ is not an
- # {Integer-convertible object}[].
- # table.by_row! # => #<CSV::Table mode:row row_count:4>
- # # Raises TypeError (no implicit conversion of String into Integer):
- # table['Name']
- #
- # ---
- #
- # The expression <tt>table[range]</tt>, where +range+ is a Range object,
- # returns rows from the table, beginning at row <tt>range.first</tt>,
- # if those rows exist, and if the access mode is <tt>:row</tt> or <tt>:col_or_row</tt>:
- # source = "Name,Value\nfoo,0\nbar,1\nbaz,2\n"
- # table = CSV.parse(source, headers: true)
- # table.by_row! # => #<CSV::Table mode:row row_count:4>
- # rows = table[1..2] # => #<CSV::Row "Name":"bar" "Value":"1">
- # rows # => [#<CSV::Row "Name":"bar" "Value":"1">, #<CSV::Row "Name":"baz" "Value":"2">]
- # table.by_col_or_row! # => #<CSV::Table mode:col_or_row row_count:4>
- # rows = table[1..2] # => #<CSV::Row "Name":"bar" "Value":"1">
- # rows # => [#<CSV::Row "Name":"bar" "Value":"1">, #<CSV::Row "Name":"baz" "Value":"2">]
- #
- # If there are too few rows, returns all from <tt>range.first</tt> to the end:
- # rows = table[1..50] # => #<CSV::Row "Name":"bar" "Value":"1">
- # rows # => [#<CSV::Row "Name":"bar" "Value":"1">, #<CSV::Row "Name":"baz" "Value":"2">]
- #
- # Special case: if <tt>range.start == table.size</tt>, returns an empty \Array:
- # table[table.size..50] # => []
- #
- # If <tt>range.end</tt> is negative, calculates the ending index from the end:
- # rows = table[0..-1]
- # rows # => [#<CSV::Row "Name":"foo" "Value":"0">, #<CSV::Row "Name":"bar" "Value":"1">, #<CSV::Row "Name":"baz" "Value":"2">]
- #
- # If <tt>range.start</tt> is negative, calculates the starting index from the end:
- # rows = table[-1..2]
- # rows # => [#<CSV::Row "Name":"baz" "Value":"2">]
- #
- # If <tt>range.start</tt> is larger than <tt>table.size</tt>, returns +nil+:
- # table[4..4] # => nil
- #
- # ---
- #
- # The expression <tt>table[header]</tt>, where +header+ is a \String,
- # returns column values (\Array of \Strings) if the column exists
- # and if the access mode is <tt>:col</tt> or <tt>:col_or_row</tt>:
- # source = "Name,Value\nfoo,0\nbar,1\nbaz,2\n"
- # table = CSV.parse(source, headers: true)
- # table.by_col! # => #<CSV::Table mode:col row_count:4>
- # table['Name'] # => ["foo", "bar", "baz"]
- # table.by_col_or_row! # => #<CSV::Table mode:col_or_row row_count:4>
- # col = table['Name']
- # col # => ["foo", "bar", "baz"]
- #
- # Modifying the returned column values does not modify the table:
- # col[0] = 'bat'
- # col # => ["bat", "bar", "baz"]
- # table['Name'] # => ["foo", "bar", "baz"]
- #
- # Returns an \Array of +nil+ values if there is no such column:
- # table['Nosuch'] # => [nil, nil, nil]
- def [](index_or_header)
- if @mode == :row or # by index
- (@mode == :col_or_row and (index_or_header.is_a?(Integer) or index_or_header.is_a?(Range)))
- @table[index_or_header]
- else # by header
- { |row| row[index_or_header] }
- end
- end
- #
- # In the default mixed mode, this method assigns rows for index access and
- # columns for header access. You can force the index association by first
- # calling by_col!() or by_row!().
- #
- # Rows may be set to an Array of values (which will inherit the table's
- # headers()) or a CSV::Row.
- #
- # Columns may be set to a single value, which is copied to each row of the
- # column, or an Array of values. Arrays of values are assigned to rows top
- # to bottom in row major order. Excess values are ignored and if the Array
- # does not have a value for each row the extra rows will receive a +nil+.
- #
- # Assigning to an existing column or row clobbers the data. Assigning to
- # new columns creates them at the right end of the table.
- #
- def []=(index_or_header, value)
- if @mode == :row or # by index
- (@mode == :col_or_row and index_or_header.is_a? Integer)
- if value.is_a? Array
- @table[index_or_header] =, value)
- else
- @table[index_or_header] = value
- end
- else # set column
- unless index_or_header.is_a? Integer
- index = @headers.index(index_or_header) || @headers.size
- @headers[index] = index_or_header
- end
- if value.is_a? Array # multiple values
- @table.each_with_index do |row, i|
- if row.header_row?
- row[index_or_header] = index_or_header
- else
- row[index_or_header] = value[i]
- end
- end
- else # repeated value
- @table.each do |row|
- if row.header_row?
- row[index_or_header] = index_or_header
- else
- row[index_or_header] = value
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- # :call-seq:
- # table.values_at(*indexes) -> array_of_rows
- # table.values_at(*headers) -> array_of_columns_data
- #
- # If the access mode is <tt>:row</tt> or <tt>:col_or_row</tt>,
- # and each argument is either an \Integer or a \Range,
- # returns rows.
- # Otherwise, returns columns data.
- #
- # In either case, the returned values are in the order
- # specified by the arguments. Arguments may be repeated.
- #
- # ---
- #
- # Returns rows as an \Array of \CSV::Row objects.
- #
- # No argument:
- # source = "Name,Value\nfoo,0\nbar,1\nbaz,2\n"
- # table = CSV.parse(source, headers: true)
- # table.values_at # => []
- #
- # One index:
- # values = table.values_at(0)
- # values # => [#<CSV::Row "Name":"foo" "Value":"0">]
- #
- # Two indexes:
- # values = table.values_at(2, 0)
- # values # => [#<CSV::Row "Name":"baz" "Value":"2">, #<CSV::Row "Name":"foo" "Value":"0">]
- #
- # One \Range:
- # values = table.values_at(1..2)
- # values # => [#<CSV::Row "Name":"bar" "Value":"1">, #<CSV::Row "Name":"baz" "Value":"2">]
- #
- # \Ranges and indexes:
- # values = table.values_at(0..1, 1..2, 0, 2)
- # pp values
- # Output:
- # [#<CSV::Row "Name":"foo" "Value":"0">,
- # #<CSV::Row "Name":"bar" "Value":"1">,
- # #<CSV::Row "Name":"bar" "Value":"1">,
- # #<CSV::Row "Name":"baz" "Value":"2">,
- # #<CSV::Row "Name":"foo" "Value":"0">,
- # #<CSV::Row "Name":"baz" "Value":"2">]
- #
- # ---
- #
- # Returns columns data as row Arrays,
- # each consisting of the specified columns data for that row:
- # values = table.values_at('Name')
- # values # => [["foo"], ["bar"], ["baz"]]
- # values = table.values_at('Value', 'Name')
- # values # => [["0", "foo"], ["1", "bar"], ["2", "baz"]]
- def values_at(*indices_or_headers)
- if @mode == :row or # by indices
- ( @mode == :col_or_row and indices_or_headers.all? do |index|
- index.is_a?(Integer) or
- ( index.is_a?(Range) and
- index.first.is_a?(Integer) and
- index.last.is_a?(Integer) )
- end )
- @table.values_at(*indices_or_headers)
- else # by headers
- { |row| row.values_at(*indices_or_headers) }
- end
- end
- # :call-seq:
- # table << row_or_array -> self
- #
- # If +row_or_array+ is a \CSV::Row object,
- # it is appended to the table:
- # source = "Name,Value\nfoo,0\nbar,1\nbaz,2\n"
- # table = CSV.parse(source, headers: true)
- # table <<, ['bat', 3])
- # table[3] # => #<CSV::Row "Name":"bat" "Value":3>
- #
- # If +row_or_array+ is an \Array, it is used to create a new
- # \CSV::Row object which is then appended to the table:
- # table << ['bam', 4]
- # table[4] # => #<CSV::Row "Name":"bam" "Value":4>
- def <<(row_or_array)
- if row_or_array.is_a? Array # append Array
- @table <<, row_or_array)
- else # append Row
- @table << row_or_array
- end
- self # for chaining
- end
- #
- # :call-seq:
- # table.push(*rows_or_arrays) -> self
- #
- # A shortcut for appending multiple rows. Equivalent to:
- # rows.each {|row| self << row }
- #
- # Each argument may be either a \CSV::Row object or an \Array:
- # source = "Name,Value\nfoo,0\nbar,1\nbaz,2\n"
- # table = CSV.parse(source, headers: true)
- # rows = [
- #, ['bat', 3]),
- # ['bam', 4]
- # ]
- # table.push(*rows)
- # table[3..4] # => [#<CSV::Row "Name":"bat" "Value":3>, #<CSV::Row "Name":"bam" "Value":4>]
- def push(*rows)
- rows.each { |row| self << row }
- self # for chaining
- end
- # :call-seq:
- # table.delete(*indexes) -> deleted_values
- # table.delete(*headers) -> deleted_values
- #
- # If the access mode is <tt>:row</tt> or <tt>:col_or_row</tt>,
- # and each argument is either an \Integer or a \Range,
- # returns deleted rows.
- # Otherwise, returns deleted columns data.
- #
- # In either case, the returned values are in the order
- # specified by the arguments. Arguments may be repeated.
- #
- # ---
- #
- # Returns rows as an \Array of \CSV::Row objects.
- #
- # One index:
- # source = "Name,Value\nfoo,0\nbar,1\nbaz,2\n"
- # table = CSV.parse(source, headers: true)
- # deleted_values = table.delete(0)
- # deleted_values # => [#<CSV::Row "Name":"foo" "Value":"0">]
- #
- # Two indexes:
- # table = CSV.parse(source, headers: true)
- # deleted_values = table.delete(2, 0)
- # deleted_values # => [#<CSV::Row "Name":"baz" "Value":"2">, #<CSV::Row "Name":"foo" "Value":"0">]
- #
- # ---
- #
- # Returns columns data as column Arrays.
- #
- # One header:
- # table = CSV.parse(source, headers: true)
- # deleted_values = table.delete('Name')
- # deleted_values # => ["foo", "bar", "baz"]
- #
- # Two headers:
- # table = CSV.parse(source, headers: true)
- # deleted_values = table.delete('Value', 'Name')
- # deleted_values # => [["0", "1", "2"], ["foo", "bar", "baz"]]
- def delete(*indexes_or_headers)
- if indexes_or_headers.empty?
- raise ArgumentError, "wrong number of arguments (given 0, expected 1+)"
- end
- deleted_values = do |index_or_header|
- if @mode == :row or # by index
- (@mode == :col_or_row and index_or_header.is_a? Integer)
- @table.delete_at(index_or_header)
- else # by header
- if index_or_header.is_a? Integer
- @headers.delete_at(index_or_header)
- else
- @headers.delete(index_or_header)
- end
- { |row| row.delete(index_or_header).last }
- end
- end
- if indexes_or_headers.size == 1
- deleted_values[0]
- else
- deleted_values
- end
- end
- # Removes rows or columns for which the block returns a truthy value;
- # returns +self+.
- #
- # Removes rows when the access mode is <tt>:row</tt> or <tt>:col_or_row</tt>;
- # calls the block with each \CSV::Row object:
- # source = "Name,Value\nfoo,0\nbar,1\nbaz,2\n"
- # table = CSV.parse(source, headers: true)
- # table.by_row! # => #<CSV::Table mode:row row_count:4>
- # table.size # => 3
- # table.delete_if {|row| row['Name'].start_with?('b') }
- # table.size # => 1
- #
- # Removes columns when the access mode is <tt>:col</tt>;
- # calls the block with each column as a 2-element array
- # containing the header and an \Array of column fields:
- # source = "Name,Value\nfoo,0\nbar,1\nbaz,2\n"
- # table = CSV.parse(source, headers: true)
- # table.by_col! # => #<CSV::Table mode:col row_count:4>
- # table.headers.size # => 2
- # table.delete_if {|column_data| column_data[1].include?('2') }
- # table.headers.size # => 1
- #
- # Returns a new \Enumerator if no block is given:
- # source = "Name,Value\nfoo,0\nbar,1\nbaz,2\n"
- # table = CSV.parse(source, headers: true)
- # table.delete_if # => #<Enumerator: #<CSV::Table mode:col_or_row row_count:4>:delete_if>
- def delete_if(&block)
- return enum_for(__method__) { @mode == :row or @mode == :col_or_row ? size : headers.size } unless block_given?
- if @mode == :row or @mode == :col_or_row # by index
- @table.delete_if(&block)
- else # by header
- deleted = []
- headers.each do |header|
- deleted << delete(header) if yield([header, self[header]])
- end
- end
- self # for chaining
- end
- include Enumerable
- # Calls the block with each row or column; returns +self+.
- #
- # When the access mode is <tt>:row</tt> or <tt>:col_or_row</tt>,
- # calls the block with each \CSV::Row object:
- # source = "Name,Value\nfoo,0\nbar,1\nbaz,2\n"
- # table = CSV.parse(source, headers: true)
- # table.by_row! # => #<CSV::Table mode:row row_count:4>
- # table.each {|row| p row }
- # Output:
- # #<CSV::Row "Name":"foo" "Value":"0">
- # #<CSV::Row "Name":"bar" "Value":"1">
- # #<CSV::Row "Name":"baz" "Value":"2">
- #
- # When the access mode is <tt>:col</tt>,
- # calls the block with each column as a 2-element array
- # containing the header and an \Array of column fields:
- # table.by_col! # => #<CSV::Table mode:col row_count:4>
- # table.each {|column_data| p column_data }
- # Output:
- # ["Name", ["foo", "bar", "baz"]]
- # ["Value", ["0", "1", "2"]]
- #
- # Returns a new \Enumerator if no block is given:
- # table.each # => #<Enumerator: #<CSV::Table mode:col row_count:4>:each>
- def each(&block)
- return enum_for(__method__) { @mode == :col ? headers.size : size } unless block_given?
- if @mode == :col
- headers.each { |header| yield([header, self[header]]) }
- else
- @table.each(&block)
- end
- self # for chaining
- end
- # Returns +true+ if all each row of +self+ <tt>==</tt>
- # the corresponding row of +other_table+, otherwise, +false+.
- #
- # The access mode does no affect the result.
- #
- # Equal tables:
- # source = "Name,Value\nfoo,0\nbar,1\nbaz,2\n"
- # table = CSV.parse(source, headers: true)
- # other_table = CSV.parse(source, headers: true)
- # table == other_table # => true
- #
- # Different row count:
- # other_table.delete(2)
- # table == other_table # => false
- #
- # Different last row:
- # other_table << ['bat', 3]
- # table == other_table # => false
- def ==(other)
- return @table == other.table if other.is_a? CSV::Table
- @table == other
- end
- #
- # Returns the table as an Array of Arrays. Headers will be the first row,
- # then all of the field rows will follow.
- #
- def to_a
- array = [headers]
- @table.each do |row|
- array.push(row.fields) unless row.header_row?
- end
- array
- end
- #
- # Returns the table as a complete CSV String. Headers will be listed first,
- # then all of the field rows.
- #
- # This method assumes you want the Table.headers(), unless you explicitly
- # pass <tt>:write_headers => false</tt>.
- #
- def to_csv(write_headers: true, **options)
- array = write_headers ? [headers.to_csv(**options)] : []
- @table.each do |row|
- array.push(row.fields.to_csv(**options)) unless row.header_row?
- end
- array.join("")
- end
- alias_method :to_s, :to_csv
- #
- # Extracts the nested value specified by the sequence of +index+ or +header+ objects by calling dig at each step,
- # returning nil if any intermediate step is nil.
- #
- def dig(index_or_header, *index_or_headers)
- value = self[index_or_header]
- if value.nil?
- nil
- elsif index_or_headers.empty?
- value
- else
- unless value.respond_to?(:dig)
- raise TypeError, "#{value.class} does not have \#dig method"
- end
- value.dig(*index_or_headers)
- end
- end
- # Shows the mode and size of this table in a US-ASCII String.
- def inspect
- "#<#{self.class} mode:#{@mode} row_count:#{to_a.size}>".encode("US-ASCII")
- end
- end