path: root/lib/csv/parser.rb
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/csv/parser.rb')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 1172 deletions
diff --git a/lib/csv/parser.rb b/lib/csv/parser.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 7e943acf21..0000000000
--- a/lib/csv/parser.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1172 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: true
-require "strscan"
-require_relative "delete_suffix"
-require_relative "input_record_separator"
-require_relative "match_p"
-require_relative "row"
-require_relative "table"
-using CSV::DeleteSuffix if CSV.const_defined?(:DeleteSuffix)
-using CSV::MatchP if CSV.const_defined?(:MatchP)
-class CSV
- # Note: Don't use this class directly. This is an internal class.
- class Parser
- #
- # A CSV::Parser is m17n aware. The parser works in the Encoding of the IO
- # or String object being read from or written to. Your data is never transcoded
- # (unless you ask Ruby to transcode it for you) and will literally be parsed in
- # the Encoding it is in. Thus CSV will return Arrays or Rows of Strings in the
- # Encoding of your data. This is accomplished by transcoding the parser itself
- # into your Encoding.
- #
- # Raised when encoding is invalid.
- class InvalidEncoding < StandardError
- end
- #
- # CSV::Scanner receives a CSV output, scans it and return the content.
- # It also controls the life cycle of the object with its methods +keep_start+,
- # +keep_end+, +keep_back+, +keep_drop+.
- #
- # Uses StringScanner (the official strscan gem). Strscan provides lexical
- # scanning operations on a String. We inherit its object and take advantage
- # on the methods. For more information, please visit:
- #
- #
- class Scanner < StringScanner
- alias_method :scan_all, :scan
- def initialize(*args)
- super
- @keeps = []
- end
- def each_line(row_separator)
- position = pos
- rest.each_line(row_separator) do |line|
- position += line.bytesize
- self.pos = position
- yield(line)
- end
- end
- def keep_start
- @keeps.push(pos)
- end
- def keep_end
- start = @keeps.pop
- string.byteslice(start, pos - start)
- end
- def keep_back
- self.pos = @keeps.pop
- end
- def keep_drop
- @keeps.pop
- end
- end
- #
- # CSV::InputsScanner receives IO inputs, encoding and the chunk_size.
- # It also controls the life cycle of the object with its methods +keep_start+,
- # +keep_end+, +keep_back+, +keep_drop+.
- #
- # CSV::InputsScanner.scan() tries to match with pattern at the current position.
- # If there's a match, the scanner advances the “scan pointer” and returns the matched string.
- # Otherwise, the scanner returns nil.
- #
- # returns the “rest” of the string (i.e. everything after the scan pointer).
- # If there is no more data (eos? = true), it returns "".
- #
- class InputsScanner
- def initialize(inputs, encoding, row_separator, chunk_size: 8192)
- @inputs = inputs.dup
- @encoding = encoding
- @row_separator = row_separator
- @chunk_size = chunk_size
- @last_scanner = @inputs.empty?
- @keeps = []
- read_chunk
- end
- def each_line(row_separator)
- buffer = nil
- input =
- position = @scanner.pos
- offset = 0
- n_row_separator_chars = row_separator.size
- while true
- input.each_line(row_separator) do |line|
- @scanner.pos += line.bytesize
- if buffer
- if n_row_separator_chars == 2 and
- buffer.end_with?(row_separator[0]) and
- line.start_with?(row_separator[1])
- buffer << line[0]
- line = line[1..-1]
- position += buffer.bytesize + offset
- @scanner.pos = position
- offset = 0
- yield(buffer)
- buffer = nil
- next if line.empty?
- else
- buffer << line
- line = buffer
- buffer = nil
- end
- end
- if line.end_with?(row_separator)
- position += line.bytesize + offset
- @scanner.pos = position
- offset = 0
- yield(line)
- else
- buffer = line
- end
- end
- break unless read_chunk
- input =
- position = @scanner.pos
- offset = -buffer.bytesize if buffer
- end
- yield(buffer) if buffer
- end
- def scan(pattern)
- value = @scanner.scan(pattern)
- return value if @last_scanner
- if value
- read_chunk if @scanner.eos?
- return value
- else
- nil
- end
- end
- def scan_all(pattern)
- value = @scanner.scan(pattern)
- return value if @last_scanner
- return nil if value.nil?
- while @scanner.eos? and read_chunk and (sub_value = @scanner.scan(pattern))
- value << sub_value
- end
- value
- end
- def eos?
- @scanner.eos?
- end
- def keep_start
- @keeps.push([@scanner.pos, nil])
- end
- def keep_end
- start, buffer = @keeps.pop
- keep = @scanner.string.byteslice(start, @scanner.pos - start)
- if buffer
- buffer << keep
- keep = buffer
- end
- keep
- end
- def keep_back
- start, buffer = @keeps.pop
- if buffer
- string = @scanner.string
- keep = string.byteslice(start, string.bytesize - start)
- if keep and not keep.empty?
- @inputs.unshift(
- @last_scanner = false
- end
- @scanner =
- else
- @scanner.pos = start
- end
- read_chunk if @scanner.eos?
- end
- def keep_drop
- @keeps.pop
- end
- def rest
- end
- private
- def read_chunk
- return false if @last_scanner
- unless @keeps.empty?
- keep = @keeps.last
- keep_start = keep[0]
- string = @scanner.string
- keep_data = string.byteslice(keep_start, @scanner.pos - keep_start)
- if keep_data
- keep_buffer = keep[1]
- if keep_buffer
- keep_buffer << keep_data
- else
- keep[1] = keep_data.dup
- end
- end
- keep[0] = 0
- end
- input = @inputs.first
- case input
- when StringIO
- string =
- raise InvalidEncoding unless string.valid_encoding?
- @scanner =
- @inputs.shift
- @last_scanner = @inputs.empty?
- true
- else
- chunk = input.gets(@row_separator, @chunk_size)
- if chunk
- raise InvalidEncoding unless chunk.valid_encoding?
- @scanner =
- if input.respond_to?(:eof?) and input.eof?
- @inputs.shift
- @last_scanner = @inputs.empty?
- end
- true
- else
- @scanner ="".encode(@encoding))
- @inputs.shift
- @last_scanner = @inputs.empty?
- if @last_scanner
- false
- else
- read_chunk
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- def initialize(input, options)
- @input = input
- @options = options
- @samples = []
- prepare
- end
- def column_separator
- @column_separator
- end
- def row_separator
- @row_separator
- end
- def quote_character
- @quote_character
- end
- def field_size_limit
- @field_size_limit
- end
- def skip_lines
- @skip_lines
- end
- def unconverted_fields?
- @unconverted_fields
- end
- def headers
- @headers
- end
- def header_row?
- @use_headers and @headers.nil?
- end
- def return_headers?
- @return_headers
- end
- def skip_blanks?
- @skip_blanks
- end
- def liberal_parsing?
- @liberal_parsing
- end
- def lineno
- @lineno
- end
- def line
- last_line
- end
- def parse(&block)
- return to_enum(__method__) unless block_given?
- if @return_headers and @headers and @raw_headers
- headers =, @raw_headers, true)
- if @unconverted_fields
- headers = add_unconverted_fields(headers, [])
- end
- yield headers
- end
- begin
- @scanner ||= build_scanner
- if quote_character.nil?
- parse_no_quote(&block)
- elsif @need_robust_parsing
- parse_quotable_robust(&block)
- else
- parse_quotable_loose(&block)
- end
- rescue InvalidEncoding
- if @scanner
- ignore_broken_line
- lineno = @lineno
- else
- lineno = @lineno + 1
- end
- message = "Invalid byte sequence in #{@encoding}"
- raise, lineno)
- end
- end
- def use_headers?
- @use_headers
- end
- private
- # A set of tasks to prepare the file in order to parse it
- def prepare
- prepare_variable
- prepare_quote_character
- prepare_backslash
- prepare_skip_lines
- prepare_strip
- prepare_separators
- validate_strip_and_col_sep_options
- prepare_quoted
- prepare_unquoted
- prepare_line
- prepare_header
- prepare_parser
- end
- def prepare_variable
- @need_robust_parsing = false
- @encoding = @options[:encoding]
- liberal_parsing = @options[:liberal_parsing]
- if liberal_parsing
- @liberal_parsing = true
- if liberal_parsing.is_a?(Hash)
- @double_quote_outside_quote =
- liberal_parsing[:double_quote_outside_quote]
- @backslash_quote = liberal_parsing[:backslash_quote]
- else
- @double_quote_outside_quote = false
- @backslash_quote = false
- end
- @need_robust_parsing = true
- else
- @liberal_parsing = false
- @backslash_quote = false
- end
- @unconverted_fields = @options[:unconverted_fields]
- @field_size_limit = @options[:field_size_limit]
- @skip_blanks = @options[:skip_blanks]
- @fields_converter = @options[:fields_converter]
- @header_fields_converter = @options[:header_fields_converter]
- end
- def prepare_quote_character
- @quote_character = @options[:quote_character]
- if @quote_character.nil?
- @escaped_quote_character = nil
- @escaped_quote = nil
- else
- @quote_character = @quote_character.to_s.encode(@encoding)
- if @quote_character.length != 1
- message = ":quote_char has to be nil or a single character String"
- raise ArgumentError, message
- end
- @double_quote_character = @quote_character * 2
- @escaped_quote_character = Regexp.escape(@quote_character)
- @escaped_quote =
- end
- end
- def prepare_backslash
- return unless @backslash_quote
- @backslash_character = "\\".encode(@encoding)
- @escaped_backslash_character = Regexp.escape(@backslash_character)
- @escaped_backslash =
- if @quote_character.nil?
- @backslash_quote_character = nil
- else
- @backslash_quote_character =
- @backslash_character + @escaped_quote_character
- end
- end
- def prepare_skip_lines
- skip_lines = @options[:skip_lines]
- case skip_lines
- when String
- @skip_lines = skip_lines.encode(@encoding)
- when Regexp, nil
- @skip_lines = skip_lines
- else
- unless skip_lines.respond_to?(:match)
- message =
- ":skip_lines has to respond to \#match: #{skip_lines.inspect}"
- raise ArgumentError, message
- end
- @skip_lines = skip_lines
- end
- end
- def prepare_strip
- @strip = @options[:strip]
- @escaped_strip = nil
- @strip_value = nil
- @rstrip_value = nil
- if @strip.is_a?(String)
- case @strip.length
- when 0
- raise ArgumentError, ":strip must not be an empty String"
- when 1
- # ok
- else
- raise ArgumentError, ":strip doesn't support 2 or more characters yet"
- end
- @strip = @strip.encode(@encoding)
- @escaped_strip = Regexp.escape(@strip)
- if @quote_character
- @strip_value = +
- "+".encode(@encoding))
- @rstrip_value = +
- "+\\z".encode(@encoding))
- end
- @need_robust_parsing = true
- elsif @strip
- strip_values = " \t\f\v"
- @escaped_strip = strip_values.encode(@encoding)
- if @quote_character
- @strip_value ="[#{strip_values}]+".encode(@encoding))
- @rstrip_value ="[#{strip_values}]+\\z".encode(@encoding))
- end
- @need_robust_parsing = true
- end
- end
- begin
- rescue TypeError
- else
- end
- def prepare_separators
- column_separator = @options[:column_separator]
- @column_separator = column_separator.to_s.encode(@encoding)
- if @column_separator.size < 1
- message = ":col_sep must be 1 or more characters: "
- message += column_separator.inspect
- raise ArgumentError, message
- end
- @row_separator =
- resolve_row_separator(@options[:row_separator]).encode(@encoding)
- @escaped_column_separator = Regexp.escape(@column_separator)
- @escaped_first_column_separator = Regexp.escape(@column_separator[0])
- if @column_separator.size > 1
- @column_end =
- @column_ends = @column_separator.each_char.collect do |char|
- end
- @first_column_separators = +
- "+".encode(@encoding))
- else
- @column_end = @column_separator
- else
- @column_end =
- end
- @column_ends = nil
- @first_column_separators = nil
- end
- escaped_row_separator = Regexp.escape(@row_separator)
- @row_end =
- if @row_separator.size > 1
- @row_ends = @row_separator.each_char.collect do |char|
- end
- else
- @row_ends = nil
- end
- @cr = "\r".encode(@encoding)
- @lf = "\n".encode(@encoding)
- @line_end ="\r\n|\n|\r".encode(@encoding))
- @not_line_end ="[^\r\n]+".encode(@encoding))
- end
- # This method verifies that there are no (obvious) ambiguities with the
- # provided +col_sep+ and +strip+ parsing options. For example, if +col_sep+
- # and +strip+ were both equal to +\t+, then there would be no clear way to
- # parse the input.
- def validate_strip_and_col_sep_options
- return unless @strip
- if @strip.is_a?(String)
- if @column_separator.start_with?(@strip) || @column_separator.end_with?(@strip)
- raise ArgumentError,
- "The provided strip (#{@escaped_strip}) and " \
- "col_sep (#{@escaped_column_separator}) options are incompatible."
- end
- else
- if"\\A[#{@escaped_strip}]|[#{@escaped_strip}]\\z").match?(@column_separator)
- raise ArgumentError,
- "The provided strip (true) and " \
- "col_sep (#{@escaped_column_separator}) options are incompatible."
- end
- end
- end
- def prepare_quoted
- if @quote_character
- @quotes = +
- "+".encode(@encoding))
- no_quoted_values = @escaped_quote_character.dup
- if @backslash_quote
- no_quoted_values << @escaped_backslash_character
- end
- @quoted_value ="[^".encode(@encoding) +
- no_quoted_values +
- "]+".encode(@encoding))
- end
- if @escaped_strip
- @split_column_separator = +
- "*".encode(@encoding) +
- @escaped_column_separator +
- @escaped_strip +
- "*".encode(@encoding))
- else
- if @column_separator == " ".encode(@encoding)
- @split_column_separator =
- else
- @split_column_separator = @column_separator
- end
- end
- end
- def prepare_unquoted
- return if @quote_character.nil?
- no_unquoted_values = "\r\n".encode(@encoding)
- no_unquoted_values << @escaped_first_column_separator
- unless @liberal_parsing
- no_unquoted_values << @escaped_quote_character
- end
- @unquoted_value ="[^".encode(@encoding) +
- no_unquoted_values +
- "]+".encode(@encoding))
- end
- def resolve_row_separator(separator)
- if separator == :auto
- cr = "\r".encode(@encoding)
- lf = "\n".encode(@encoding)
- if @input.is_a?(StringIO)
- pos = @input.pos
- separator = detect_row_separator(, cr, lf)
- elsif @input.respond_to?(:gets)
- if @input.is_a?(File)
- chunk_size = 32 * 1024
- else
- chunk_size = 1024
- end
- begin
- while separator == :auto
- #
- # if we run out of data, it's probably a single line
- # (ensure will set default value)
- #
- break unless sample = @input.gets(nil, chunk_size)
- # extend sample if we're unsure of the line ending
- if sample.end_with?(cr)
- sample << (@input.gets(nil, 1) || "")
- end
- @samples << sample
- separator = detect_row_separator(sample, cr, lf)
- end
- rescue IOError
- # do nothing: ensure will set default
- end
- end
- separator = InputRecordSeparator.value if separator == :auto
- end
- separator.to_s.encode(@encoding)
- end
- def detect_row_separator(sample, cr, lf)
- lf_index = sample.index(lf)
- if lf_index
- cr_index = sample[0, lf_index].index(cr)
- else
- cr_index = sample.index(cr)
- end
- if cr_index and lf_index
- if cr_index + 1 == lf_index
- cr + lf
- elsif cr_index < lf_index
- cr
- else
- lf
- end
- elsif cr_index
- cr
- elsif lf_index
- lf
- else
- :auto
- end
- end
- def prepare_line
- @lineno = 0
- @last_line = nil
- @scanner = nil
- end
- def last_line
- if @scanner
- @last_line ||= @scanner.keep_end
- else
- @last_line
- end
- end
- def prepare_header
- @return_headers = @options[:return_headers]
- headers = @options[:headers]
- case headers
- when Array
- @raw_headers = headers
- @use_headers = true
- when String
- @raw_headers = parse_headers(headers)
- @use_headers = true
- when nil, false
- @raw_headers = nil
- @use_headers = false
- else
- @raw_headers = nil
- @use_headers = true
- end
- if @raw_headers
- @headers = adjust_headers(@raw_headers)
- else
- @headers = nil
- end
- end
- def parse_headers(row)
- CSV.parse_line(row,
- col_sep: @column_separator,
- row_sep: @row_separator,
- quote_char: @quote_character)
- end
- def adjust_headers(headers)
- adjusted_headers = @header_fields_converter.convert(headers, nil, @lineno)
- adjusted_headers.each {|h| h.freeze if h.is_a? String}
- adjusted_headers
- end
- def prepare_parser
- @may_quoted = may_quoted?
- end
- def may_quoted?
- return false if @quote_character.nil?
- if @input.is_a?(StringIO)
- pos = @input.pos
- sample =
- else
- return false if @samples.empty?
- sample = @samples.first
- end
- sample[0, 128].index(@quote_character)
- end
- class UnoptimizedStringIO
- def initialize(string)
- @io =, "rb:#{string.encoding}")
- end
- def gets(*args)
- @io.gets(*args)
- end
- def each_line(*args, &block)
- @io.each_line(*args, &block)
- end
- def eof?
- @io.eof?
- end
- end
- def build_scanner
- inputs = @samples.collect do |sample|
- end
- if @input.is_a?(StringIO)
- inputs <<
- else
- inputs << @input
- end
- @encoding,
- @row_separator,
- end
- else
- def build_scanner
- string = nil
- if @samples.empty? and @input.is_a?(StringIO)
- string =
- elsif @samples.size == 1 and
- @input != ARGF and
- @input.respond_to?(:eof?) and
- @input.eof?
- string = @samples[0]
- end
- if string
- unless string.valid_encoding?
- index = string.lines(@row_separator).index do |line|
- !line.valid_encoding?
- end
- if index
- message = "Invalid byte sequence in #{@encoding}"
- raise, @lineno + index + 1)
- end
- end
- else
- inputs = @samples.collect do |sample|
- end
- inputs << @input
-, @encoding, @row_separator)
- end
- end
- end
- def skip_needless_lines
- return unless @skip_lines
- until @scanner.eos?
- @scanner.keep_start
- line = @scanner.scan_all(@not_line_end) || "".encode(@encoding)
- line << @row_separator if parse_row_end
- if skip_line?(line)
- @lineno += 1
- @scanner.keep_drop
- else
- @scanner.keep_back
- return
- end
- end
- end
- def skip_line?(line)
- line = line.delete_suffix(@row_separator)
- case @skip_lines
- when String
- line.include?(@skip_lines)
- when Regexp
- @skip_lines.match?(line)
- else
- @skip_lines.match(line)
- end
- end
- def parse_no_quote(&block)
- @scanner.each_line(@row_separator) do |line|
- next if @skip_lines and skip_line?(line)
- original_line = line
- line = line.delete_suffix(@row_separator)
- if line.empty?
- next if @skip_blanks
- row = []
- else
- line = strip_value(line)
- row = line.split(@split_column_separator, -1)
- n_columns = row.size
- i = 0
- while i < n_columns
- row[i] = nil if row[i].empty?
- i += 1
- end
- end
- @last_line = original_line
- emit_row(row, &block)
- end
- end
- def parse_quotable_loose(&block)
- @scanner.keep_start
- @scanner.each_line(@row_separator) do |line|
- if @skip_lines and skip_line?(line)
- @scanner.keep_drop
- @scanner.keep_start
- next
- end
- original_line = line
- line = line.delete_suffix(@row_separator)
- if line.empty?
- if @skip_blanks
- @scanner.keep_drop
- @scanner.keep_start
- next
- end
- row = []
- elsif line.include?(@cr) or line.include?(@lf)
- @scanner.keep_back
- @need_robust_parsing = true
- return parse_quotable_robust(&block)
- else
- row = line.split(@split_column_separator, -1)
- n_columns = row.size
- i = 0
- while i < n_columns
- column = row[i]
- if column.empty?
- row[i] = nil
- else
- n_quotes = column.count(@quote_character)
- if
- # no quote
- elsif n_quotes == 2 and
- column.start_with?(@quote_character) and
- column.end_with?(@quote_character)
- row[i] = column[1..-2]
- else
- @scanner.keep_back
- @need_robust_parsing = true
- return parse_quotable_robust(&block)
- end
- end
- i += 1
- end
- end
- @scanner.keep_drop
- @scanner.keep_start
- @last_line = original_line
- emit_row(row, &block)
- end
- @scanner.keep_drop
- end
- def parse_quotable_robust(&block)
- row = []
- skip_needless_lines
- start_row
- while true
- @quoted_column_value = false
- @unquoted_column_value = false
- @scanner.scan_all(@strip_value) if @strip_value
- value = parse_column_value
- if value
- @scanner.scan_all(@strip_value) if @strip_value
- if @field_size_limit and value.size >= @field_size_limit
- ignore_broken_line
- raise"Field size exceeded", @lineno)
- end
- end
- if parse_column_end
- row << value
- elsif parse_row_end
- if row.empty? and value.nil?
- emit_row([], &block) unless @skip_blanks
- else
- row << value
- emit_row(row, &block)
- row = []
- end
- skip_needless_lines
- start_row
- elsif @scanner.eos?
- break if row.empty? and value.nil?
- row << value
- emit_row(row, &block)
- break
- else
- if @quoted_column_value
- ignore_broken_line
- message = "Any value after quoted field isn't allowed"
- raise, @lineno)
- elsif @unquoted_column_value and
- (new_line = @scanner.scan(@line_end))
- ignore_broken_line
- message = "Unquoted fields do not allow new line " +
- "<#{new_line.inspect}>"
- raise, @lineno)
- elsif
- ignore_broken_line
- message = "Illegal quoting"
- raise, @lineno)
- elsif (new_line = @scanner.scan(@line_end))
- ignore_broken_line
- message = "New line must be <#{@row_separator.inspect}> " +
- "not <#{new_line.inspect}>"
- raise, @lineno)
- else
- ignore_broken_line
- raise"TODO: Meaningful message",
- @lineno)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- def parse_column_value
- if @liberal_parsing
- quoted_value = parse_quoted_column_value
- if quoted_value
- @scanner.scan_all(@strip_value) if @strip_value
- unquoted_value = parse_unquoted_column_value
- if unquoted_value
- if @double_quote_outside_quote
- unquoted_value = unquoted_value.gsub(@quote_character * 2,
- @quote_character)
- if quoted_value.empty? # %Q{""...} case
- return @quote_character + unquoted_value
- end
- end
- @quote_character + quoted_value + @quote_character + unquoted_value
- else
- quoted_value
- end
- else
- parse_unquoted_column_value
- end
- elsif @may_quoted
- parse_quoted_column_value ||
- parse_unquoted_column_value
- else
- parse_unquoted_column_value ||
- parse_quoted_column_value
- end
- end
- def parse_unquoted_column_value
- value = @scanner.scan_all(@unquoted_value)
- return nil unless value
- @unquoted_column_value = true
- if @first_column_separators
- while true
- @scanner.keep_start
- is_column_end = @column_ends.all? do |column_end|
- @scanner.scan(column_end)
- end
- @scanner.keep_back
- break if is_column_end
- sub_separator = @scanner.scan_all(@first_column_separators)
- break if sub_separator.nil?
- value << sub_separator
- sub_value = @scanner.scan_all(@unquoted_value)
- break if sub_value.nil?
- value << sub_value
- end
- end
- value.gsub!(@backslash_quote_character, @quote_character) if @backslash_quote
- if @rstrip_value
- value.gsub!(@rstrip_value, "")
- end
- value
- end
- def parse_quoted_column_value
- quotes = @scanner.scan_all(@quotes)
- return nil unless quotes
- @quoted_column_value = true
- n_quotes = quotes.size
- if (n_quotes % 2).zero?
- quotes[0, (n_quotes - 2) / 2]
- else
- value = quotes[0, (n_quotes - 1) / 2]
- while true
- quoted_value = @scanner.scan_all(@quoted_value)
- value << quoted_value if quoted_value
- if @backslash_quote
- if @scanner.scan(@escaped_backslash)
- if @scanner.scan(@escaped_quote)
- value << @quote_character
- else
- value << @backslash_character
- end
- next
- end
- end
- quotes = @scanner.scan_all(@quotes)
- unless quotes
- ignore_broken_line
- message = "Unclosed quoted field"
- raise, @lineno)
- end
- n_quotes = quotes.size
- if n_quotes == 1
- break
- elsif (n_quotes % 2) == 1
- value << quotes[0, (n_quotes - 1) / 2]
- break
- else
- value << quotes[0, n_quotes / 2]
- end
- end
- value
- end
- end
- def parse_column_end
- return true if @scanner.scan(@column_end)
- return false unless @column_ends
- @scanner.keep_start
- if @column_ends.all? {|column_end| @scanner.scan(column_end)}
- @scanner.keep_drop
- true
- else
- @scanner.keep_back
- false
- end
- end
- def parse_row_end
- return true if @scanner.scan(@row_end)
- return false unless @row_ends
- @scanner.keep_start
- if @row_ends.all? {|row_end| @scanner.scan(row_end)}
- @scanner.keep_drop
- true
- else
- @scanner.keep_back
- false
- end
- end
- def strip_value(value)
- return value unless @strip
- return nil if value.nil?
- case @strip
- when String
- size = value.size
- while value.start_with?(@strip)
- size -= 1
- value = value[1, size]
- end
- while value.end_with?(@strip)
- size -= 1
- value = value[0, size]
- end
- else
- value.strip!
- end
- value
- end
- def ignore_broken_line
- @scanner.scan_all(@not_line_end)
- @scanner.scan_all(@line_end)
- @lineno += 1
- end
- def start_row
- if @last_line
- @last_line = nil
- else
- @scanner.keep_drop
- end
- @scanner.keep_start
- end
- def emit_row(row, &block)
- @lineno += 1
- raw_row = row
- if @use_headers
- if @headers.nil?
- @headers = adjust_headers(row)
- return unless @return_headers
- row =, row, true)
- else
- row =,
- @fields_converter.convert(raw_row, @headers, @lineno))
- end
- else
- # convert fields, if needed...
- row = @fields_converter.convert(raw_row, nil, @lineno)
- end
- # inject unconverted fields and accessor, if requested...
- if @unconverted_fields and not row.respond_to?(:unconverted_fields)
- add_unconverted_fields(row, raw_row)
- end
- yield(row)
- end
- # This method injects an instance variable <tt>unconverted_fields</tt> into
- # +row+ and an accessor method for +row+ called unconverted_fields(). The
- # variable is set to the contents of +fields+.
- def add_unconverted_fields(row, fields)
- class << row
- attr_reader :unconverted_fields
- end
- row.instance_variable_set(:@unconverted_fields, fields)
- row
- end
- end