path: root/doc/syntax/control_expressions.rdoc
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diff --git a/doc/syntax/control_expressions.rdoc b/doc/syntax/control_expressions.rdoc
index e91b03e72d..9126289389 100644
--- a/doc/syntax/control_expressions.rdoc
+++ b/doc/syntax/control_expressions.rdoc
@@ -189,7 +189,7 @@ The same is true for +unless+.
The +case+ expression can be used in two ways.
The most common way is to compare an object against multiple patterns. The
-patterns are matched using the +===+ method which is aliased to +==+ on
+patterns are matched using the <tt>===</tt> method which is aliased to <tt>==</tt> on
Object. Other classes must override it to give meaningful behavior. See
Module#=== and Regexp#=== for examples.
@@ -513,9 +513,9 @@ and modifier +if+ has lower precedence than <code>=</code>.
== Flip-Flop
-The flip-flop is a rarely seen conditional expression. It's primary use is
-for processing text from ruby one-line programs used with <code>ruby -n</code>
-or <code>ruby -p</code>.
+The flip-flop is a slightly special conditional expression. One of its
+typical uses is processing text from ruby one-line programs used with
+<code>ruby -n</code> or <code>ruby -p</code>.
The form of the flip-flop is an expression that indicates when the
flip-flop turns on, <code>..</code> (or <code>...</code>), then an expression
@@ -524,7 +524,6 @@ will continue to evaluate to +true+, and +false+ when off.
Here is an example:
selected = []
0.upto 10 do |value|
@@ -533,15 +532,16 @@ Here is an example:
p selected # prints [2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]
-In the above example, the on condition is <code>n==2</code>. The flip-flop
-is initially off (false) for 0 and 1, but becomes on (true) for 2 and remains
-on through 8. After 8 it turns off and remains off for 9 and 10.
+In the above example, the `on' condition is <code>n==2</code>. The flip-flop
+is initially `off' (false) for 0 and 1, but becomes `on' (true) for 2 and
+remains `on' through 8. After 8 it turns off and remains `off' for 9 and 10.
-The flip-flop must be used inside a conditional such as +if+, +while+,
-+unless+, +until+ etc. including the modifier forms.
+The flip-flop must be used inside a conditional such as <code>!</code>,
+<code>? :</code>, +not+, +if+, +while+, +unless+, +until+ etc. including the
+modifier forms.
-When you use an inclusive range (<code>..</code>), the off condition is
-evaluated when the on condition changes:
+When you use an inclusive range (<code>..</code>), the `off' condition is
+evaluated when the `on' condition changes:
selected = []
@@ -555,7 +555,7 @@ Here, both sides of the flip-flop are evaluated so the flip-flop turns on and
off only when +value+ equals 2. Since the flip-flop turned on in the
iteration it returns true.
-When you use an exclusive range (<code>...</code>), the off condition is
+When you use an exclusive range (<code>...</code>), the `off' condition is
evaluated on the following iteration:
selected = []
@@ -567,5 +567,73 @@ evaluated on the following iteration:
p selected # prints [2, 3, 4, 5]
Here, the flip-flop turns on when +value+ equals 2, but doesn't turn off on the
-same iteration. The off condition isn't evaluated until the following
+same iteration. The `off' condition isn't evaluated until the following
iteration and +value+ will never be two again.
+== throw/catch
++throw+ and +catch+ are used to implement non-local control flow in Ruby. They
+operate similarly to exceptions, allowing control to pass directly from the
+place where +throw+ is called to the place where the matching +catch+ is
+called. The main difference between +throw+/+catch+ and the use of exceptions
+is that +throw+/+catch+ are designed for expected non-local control flow,
+while exceptions are designed for exceptional control flow situations, such
+as handling unexpected errors.
+When using +throw+, you provide 1-2 arguments. The first argument is the
+value for the matching +catch+. The second argument is optional (defaults to
++nil+), and will be the value that +catch+ returns if there is a matching
++throw+ inside the +catch+ block. If no matching +throw+ method is called
+inside a +catch+ block, the +catch+ method returns the return value of the
+block passed to it.
+ def a(n)
+ throw :d, :a if n == 0
+ b(n)
+ end
+ def b(n)
+ throw :d, :b if n == 1
+ c(n)
+ end
+ def c(n)
+ throw :d if n == 2
+ end
+ do |i|
+ catch(:d) do
+ a(i)
+ :default
+ end
+ end
+ # => [:a, :b, nil, :default]
+If the first argument you pass to +throw+ is not handled by a matching
++catch+, an UncaughtThrowError exception will be raised. This is because
++throw+/+catch+ should only be used for expected control flow changes, so
+using a value that is not already expected is an error.
++throw+/+catch+ are implemented as Kernel methods (Kernel#throw and
+Kernel#catch), not as keywords. So they are not usable directly if you are
+in a BasicObject context. You can use Kernel.throw and Kernel.catch in
+this case:
+ do
+ def a
+ b
+ end
+ def b
+ c
+ end
+ def c
+ ::Kernel.throw :d, :e
+ end
+ result = ::Kernel.catch(:d) do
+ a
+ end
+ result # => :e
+ end