path: root/doc/NEWS/NEWS-1.9.1
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+# -*- rdoc -*-
+= NEWS for Ruby 1.9.1
+This document is a list of user visible feature changes made between
+releases except for bug fixes.
+Note that each entry is kept so brief that no reason behind or
+reference information is supplied with. For a full list of changes
+with all sufficient information, see the ChangeLog file.
+== Changes since the 1.8.7 release
+See doc/NEWS-1.8.7 for changes between 1.8.6 and 1.8.7.
+=== Compatibility issues
+* language core
+ * New syntax and semantics
+ o Block arguments are always local
+ o New semantics for block arguments
+ o defined? and local variables
+ o Parser expects that your source code has only valid byte
+ sequence in some character encoding. Use magic comments
+ to tell the parser which encoding you use.
+ o New semantics for constant definition in instance_eval
+ or in module_eval.
+ * Deprecated syntax
+ o colon (:) instead of "then" in if/unless or case expression.
+ o retry in a loop or an iterator.
+* builtin classes and objects
+ * Kernel and Object
+ o Kernel#methods and #singleton_methods used to return an
+ array of strings but now they return an array of symbols.
+ * Class and Module
+ o Module#attr works as Module#attr_reader by default.
+ Optional boolean argument is obsolete.
+ o Module#instance_methods, #private_instance_methods and
+ #public_instance_methods used to return an array of
+ strings but now they return an array of symbols.
+ o Extra subclassing check when binding UnboundMethods
+ * Exceptions
+ o Exceptions are equal to each other if they belong to
+ the same class and have the same message and backtrace.
+ o SystemStackError used to be a subclass of StandardError
+ but not it is a direct subclass of Exception.
+ o SecurityError: ditto
+ o Removed Exception#to_str [Ruby2]
+ * Enumerable and Enumerator
+ o Enumerable::Enumerator, compatibility alias of Enumerator,
+ is removed.
+ o Enumerable#{map,collect} called without a block returns
+ an enumerator.
+ o Even more builtin and bundled libraries have been made to
+ return an enumerator when called without a block.
+ * Array
+ o Array#nitems was removed (use count {|i| !i.nil?})
+ o Array#choice was removed (use sample)
+ o Array#[m,n] = nil places nil in the array.
+ * Hash
+ o Hash#to_s is equivalent to Hash#inspect
+ o Semantics for Hash#each and Hash#each_pair
+ o Hash#select returns a hash
+ o Hash#key is the new name for #index which has been
+ deprecated.
+ o Hash preserves order. It enumerates its elements in the
+ order in which the keys are inserted.
+ o Most of the changes in Hash apply to hash like interfaces
+ such as ENV and *DBM.
+ * IO operations
+ o Many methods used to act byte-wise but now some of those act
+ character-wise. You can use alternate byte-wise methods.
+ o IO#getc
+ o Non-blocking IO
+ o Kernel#open takes "t" for newline conversion
+ o Kernel#open takes encoding specified
+ o IO automatically converts byte sequence from a character
+ encodings into another if specified.
+ o StringIO#readpartial
+ o IO.try_convert
+ o IO.binread
+ o IO.copy_stream
+ o IO#binmode?
+ o IO#close_on_exec= and IO#close_on_exec?
+ o Limit input in IO#gets, IO#readline, IO#readlines,
+ IO#each_line, IO#lines, IO.foreach, IO.readlines,
+ StringIO#gets, StringIO#readline, StringIO#each,
+ StringIO#readlines
+ o IO#ungetc, StringIO#ungetc
+ o IO#ungetbyte, StringIO#ungetbyte
+ o IO#internal_encoding, IO#external_encoding,
+ IO#set_encoding
+ o IO.pipe takes encoding option
+ o Directive %u behaves like %d for negative values in
+ printf-style formatting.
+ * File and Dir operations
+ o #to_path is called as necessary in File.path, File.chmod,
+ File.lchmod, File.chown, File.lchown, File.utime,
+ File.unlink, etc..
+ o File.world_readable?
+ o File.world_writable?
+ o Dir.[], Dir.glob
+ o Dir.exist?
+ o Dir.exists?
+ * File::Stat
+ o File::Stat#world_readable?
+ o File::Stat#world_writable?
+ * String
+ o No longer an Enumerable: use each_line/lines for line
+ oriented operation
+ o Encoding-awareness
+ o Character-wise semantics in many methods instead of
+ byte-wise.
+ o String#[]: Indexing a String with an integer returns a
+ single character String instead of an integer.
+ o String#[]=: No longer takes an integer as right
+ side value. Note that "str[i] = ?c" because of
+ the following change.
+ o ?c is evaluated to a single character string
+ instead of an integer.
+ * Regexp
+ o Encoding-awareness
+ o Regexp matches only with strings which is encoded in a
+ compatible character encoding to the regexp's.
+ o Regexp#kcode is removed. use Regexp#encoding.
+ * Symbols: restriction on literal symbols
+ * Numeric
+ o Numeric#div always rounds as Integer#div has done.
+ o Numeric#fdiv: ditto.
+ * Integer
+ o Integer(nil) raises TypeError
+ * Fixnum
+ o Fixnum#id2name removed
+ o Fixnum#to_sym removed
+ * Struct
+ o Struct#inspect
+ * Time
+ o New format in Time#to_s
+ o Timezone information preserved on Marshal.dump/load
+ * $SAFE and bound methods
+ o New trusted/untrusted model in addition to
+ tainted/untainted model.
+ * Deprecation
+ o $= (global flag for case-sensitiveness on string matching)
+ o Kernel#to_a
+ o Kernel#getc, #gsub, #sub
+ o Kernel#callcc and Continuation now become 'continuation'
+ bundled library.
+ o Object#type
+ o Removed Array and Hash #indices, #indexes
+ o Hash#index
+ o ENV.index
+ o Process::Status#to_int
+ o Numeric#rdiv
+ o Precision is removed. Don't cry, it will be redesigned
+ and come back in future version.
+ o Symbol#to_int and Symbol#to_i
+ o $KCODE is no longer effective. Use Encoding related
+ features of each class.
+ o VERSION and friends
+* bundled libraries
+ * Pathname
+ o No longer has #to_str nor #=~.
+ * time and date
+ o Time.parse and Date.parse interprets slashed numerical dates
+ as "dd/mm/yyyy".
+ * Readline
+ o If Readline uses libedit, Readline::HISTORY[0] returns the
+ first of the history.
+ * Continuation
+ o as above
+ * Deprecation
+ o Complex#image: use Complex#imag
+ o All SSL-related class methods in Net::SMTP
+ o Prime#cache, Prime#primes, Prime#primes_so_far
+ o mailread library: use tmail gem.
+ o cgi-lib library: use cgi.
+ o date2 library: use date.
+ o eregex library
+ o finalize library: use ObjectSpace.define_finalizer if you
+ really need a finalizer. really?
+ o ftools library: use fileutils.
+ o generator library: use Enumerator.
+ o importenv library and Env library
+ o jcode library: use multilingualization support of String
+ o parsedate library
+ o ping library
+ o readbytes library
+ o getopts library and parsearg library: use optparse or
+ getoptlong.
+ o soap, wsdl and xsd libraries: use soap4r gem.
+ o Win32API library: use dl.
+ o dl library: Reimplemented and API changed. use the new
+ version of dl or ffi gem.
+ o rubyunit library and runit library: use minitest or
+ test/unit. Or use anything you love through RubyGems.
+ o test/unit is reimplemented on top of minitest. This is
+ not fully compatible with the original.
+=== Language core changes
+ * New syntax and semantics
+ o Magic comments to declare in which encoding your source
+ code is written
+ o New literal hash syntax and new syntax for hash style
+ arguments
+ o New syntax for lambdas
+ o .() and calling Procs without #call/#[]
+ o Block in block arguments
+ o Block local variables
+ o Mandatory arguments after optional arguments allowed
+ o Multiple splats allowed
+ o #[] can take splatted arguments, hash style arguments
+ and a block.
+ o New directives in printf-style formatted strings (%).
+ o Newlines allowed before ternary colon operator (:) and
+ method call dot operator (.)
+ o Negative operators such as !, != and !~ are now
+ overloadable
+ o Encoding.default_external and default_internal
+ o __ENCODING__: New pseudo variable to hold the current
+ script's encoding
+=== Library updates
+* builtin classes and objects
+ * Kernel and Object
+ o BasicObject
+ o Object#=~ returns nil instead of false by default.
+ o Kernel#define_singleton_method
+ o Kernel#load can load a library from the highest versions
+ of gems by default.
+ * Class and Module
+ o Module#const_defined?, #const_get and #method_defined?
+ take an optional parameter.
+ o #class_variable_{set,get} are public.
+ o Class of singleton classes
+ * Errno::EXXX
+ o All of those are always defined. Errno::EXXX will be
+ defined as an alias to Errno::NOERROR if your platform
+ does not have one.
+ * Binding#eval
+ * Blocks and Procs
+ o Arity of blocks without arguments
+ o proc is now a synonym of
+ o Proc#yield
+ o Passing blocks to #[]
+ o Proc#lambda?
+ o Proc#curry
+ * Fiber: coroutines/micro-threads
+ * Thread
+ o Thread.critical and Thread.critical= removed
+ o Thread#exit!, Thread#kill! and Thread#terminate! removed.
+ * Enumerable and Enumerator
+ o Enumerator#enum_cons and Enumerator#enum_slice are
+ removed. Use #each_cons and #each_slice without a block.
+ o Enumerable#each_with_index can take optional arguments
+ and passes them to #each.
+ o Enumerable#each_with_object
+ o Enumerator#with_object
+ o { ... }
+ * Array
+ o Array#delete returns a deleted element rather than a given
+ object
+ o Array#to_s is equivalent to Array#inspect
+ o Array.try_convert
+ o Array#pack('m0') complies with RFC 4648.
+ * Hash
+ o preserving item insertion order
+ o Hash#default_proc=
+ o Hash#_compare_by_identity and Hash#compare_by_identity?
+ o Hash.try_convert
+ o Hash#assoc
+ o Hash#rassoc
+ o Hash#flatten
+ * Range
+ o Range#cover?
+ o Range#include? iterates over elements and compares the
+ given value with each element unless the range is numeric.
+ Use Range#cover? for the old behavior, i.e. comparison
+ with boundary values.
+ o Range#min, Range#max
+ * File and Dir operations
+ o New methods
+ * Process
+ o Process.spawn
+ o Process.daemon
+ * String
+ o String#clear
+ o String#ord
+ o String#getbyte, String#setbyte
+ o String#chars and String#each_char act as character-wise.
+ o String#codepoints, String#each_codepoint
+ o String#unpack with a block
+ o String#hash
+ o String.try_convert
+ o String#encoding
+ o String#force_encoding, String#encode and String#encode!
+ o String#ascii_only?
+ o String#valid_encoding?
+ o String#match
+ * Symbol
+ o Zero-length symbols allowed
+ o Symbol#intern
+ o Symbol#encoding
+ o Symbol methods similar to those in String
+ * Regexp
+ o Regexp#=== matches symbols
+ o Regexp.try_convert
+ o Regexp#match
+ o Regexp#fixed_encoding?
+ o Regexp#encoding
+ o Regexp#named_captures
+ o Regexp#names
+ * MatchData
+ o MatchData#names
+ o MatchData#regexp
+ * Encoding
+ * Encoding::Converter
+ o supports conversion between many encodings
+ * Numeric
+ o Numeric#upto, #downto, #times, #step
+ o Numeric#real?, Complex#real?
+ o Numeric#magnitude
+ o Numeric#round
+ * Float
+ o Float#round
+ * Integer
+ o Integer#round
+ * Rational / Complex
+ o They are in the core library now
+ * Math
+ o Math#log takes an optional argument.
+ o Math#log2
+ o Math#cbrt, Math#lgamma, Math#gamma
+ * Time
+ o Time.times removed. Use Process.times.
+ o Time#sunday?
+ o Time#monday?
+ o Time#tuesday?
+ o Time#wednesday?
+ o Time#thursday?
+ o Time#friday?
+ o Time#saturday?
+ o Time#tv_nsec and Time#nsec
+ * Misc. new methods
+ o RUBY_ENGINE to distinguish between Ruby processor implementation
+ o public_method
+ o public_send
+ o GC.count
+ o ObjectSpace.count_objects
+ o Method#hash, Proc#hash
+ o Method#source_location, UnboundMethod#source_location and
+ Proc#source_location
+ o __callee__
+ o Elements in $LOAD_PATH and $LOADED_FEATURES are expanded
+* bundled libraries
+ * RubyGems
+ o Package management system for Ruby.
+ o Integrated with Ruby's library loader.
+ * Rake
+ o Ruby make. A simple ruby build program with capabilities
+ similar to make.
+ * minitest
+ o Our new testing library which is faster, cleaner and easier
+ to read than the old test/unit.
+ o You can introduce the old test/unit as testunit gem through
+ RubyGems if you want.
+ * CMath
+ o Complex number version of Math
+ * Prime
+ o Extracted from Mathn and improved. You can easily enumerate
+ prime numbers.
+ o is obsolete. Use its class methods.
+ * ripper
+ o Ruby script parser
+ * Readline
+ o Readline.vi_editing_mode?
+ o Readline.emacs_editing_mode?
+ o Readline::HISTORY.clear
+ * Tk
+ o TkXXX widget classes are removed and redefined as aliases of
+ Tk::XXX classes.
+ * RDoc
+ o Updated to version 2.2.2. See:
+ * json
+ o JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) encoder/decoder
+* commandline options
+ * -E, --encoding
+ * -U
+ * --enable-gems, --disable-gems
+ * --enable-rubyopt, --disable-rubyopt
+ * long options are allowed in RUBYOPT environment variable.
+=== Implementation changes
+* Memory Diet
+ * Object Compaction - Object, Array, String, Hash, Struct, Class,
+ Module
+ * st_table compaction (inlining small tables)
+ * Ruby codes are compiled into opcodes before executed.
+ * Native thread
+* Platform supports
+ * Support levels
+ (0) Supported
+ (1) Best effort
+ (2) Perhaps
+ (3) Not supported
+ * Dropped
+ o No longer supports djgpp, bcc32, human68k, MacOS 9 or earlier,
+ VMS nor Windows CE.