diff options
43 files changed, 847 insertions, 849 deletions
diff --git a/array.c b/array.c
index 8ec325c0c9..796740eba3 100644
--- a/array.c
+++ b/array.c
@@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ memfill(register VALUE *mem, register long size, register VALUE val)
ARY_SET_HEAP_LEN(ary, n); \
} \
assert(RARRAY_LEN(ary) == n); \
-} while (0)
+} while (0)
#define ARY_INCREASE_PTR(ary, n) do { \
assert(!ARY_EMBED_P(ary)); \
assert(!OBJ_FROZEN(ary)); \
@@ -144,31 +144,31 @@ static void
ary_resize_capa(VALUE ary, long capacity)
assert(RARRAY_LEN(ary) <= capacity);
- assert(!OBJ_FROZEN(ary));
- assert(!ARY_SHARED_P(ary));
+ assert(!OBJ_FROZEN(ary));
+ assert(!ARY_SHARED_P(ary));
if (capacity > RARRAY_EMBED_LEN_MAX) {
if (ARY_EMBED_P(ary)) {
- long len = ARY_EMBED_LEN(ary);
+ long len = ARY_EMBED_LEN(ary);
VALUE *ptr = ALLOC_N(VALUE, (capacity));
- MEMCPY(ptr, ARY_EMBED_PTR(ary), VALUE, len);
- ARY_SET_PTR(ary, ptr);
- ARY_SET_HEAP_LEN(ary, len);
+ MEMCPY(ptr, ARY_EMBED_PTR(ary), VALUE, len);
+ ARY_SET_PTR(ary, ptr);
+ ARY_SET_HEAP_LEN(ary, len);
- else {
+ else {
REALLOC_N(RARRAY(ary)->as.heap.ptr, VALUE, (capacity));
- ARY_SET_CAPA(ary, (capacity));
+ ARY_SET_CAPA(ary, (capacity));
else {
if (!ARY_EMBED_P(ary)) {
- long len = RARRAY_LEN(ary);
+ long len = RARRAY_LEN(ary);
VALUE *ptr = RARRAY_PTR(ary);
if (len > capacity) len = capacity;
- MEMCPY(RARRAY(ary)->as.ary, ptr, VALUE, len);
- FL_SET_EMBED(ary);
- ARY_SET_LEN(ary, len);
- xfree(ptr);
+ MEMCPY(RARRAY(ary)->as.ary, ptr, VALUE, len);
+ FL_SET_EMBED(ary);
+ ARY_SET_LEN(ary, len);
+ xfree(ptr);
@@ -458,11 +458,11 @@ rb_check_array_type(VALUE ary)
* Try to convert <i>obj</i> into an array, using to_ary method.
* Returns converted array or nil if <i>obj</i> cannot be converted
* for any reason. This method is to check if an argument is an
- * array.
+ * array.
* Array.try_convert([1]) # => [1]
* Array.try_convert("1") # => nil
- *
+ *
* if tmp = Array.try_convert(arg)
* # the argument is an array
* elsif tmp = String.try_convert(arg)
@@ -496,22 +496,22 @@ rb_ary_s_try_convert(VALUE dummy, VALUE ary)
*, "A")
- *
+ *
* # only one copy of the object is created
* a =,
* a[0]['cat'] = 'feline'
* a
* a[1]['cat'] = 'Felix'
* a
- *
+ *
* # here multiple copies are created
* a = { }
* a[0]['cat'] = 'feline'
* a
- *
+ *
* squares = {|i| i*i}
* squares
- *
+ *
* copy =
@@ -571,8 +571,8 @@ rb_ary_initialize(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE ary)
-* Returns a new array populated with the given objects.
+* Returns a new array populated with the given objects.
* Array.[]( 1, 'a', /^A/ )
* Array[ 1, 'a', /^A/ ]
@@ -678,7 +678,7 @@ ary_take_first_or_last(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE ary, enum ary_take_pos_flags
* call-seq:
* array << obj -> array
- *
+ *
* Append---Pushes the given object on to the end of this array. This
* expression returns the array itself, so several appends
* may be chained together.
@@ -695,16 +695,16 @@ rb_ary_push(VALUE ary, VALUE item)
return ary;
* call-seq:
* array.push(obj, ... ) -> array
- *
+ *
* Append---Pushes the given object(s) on to the end of this array. This
* expression returns the array itself, so several appends
* may be chained together.
* a = [ "a", "b", "c" ]
- * a.push("d", "e", "f")
+ * a.push("d", "e", "f")
* #=> ["a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f"]
@@ -739,13 +739,13 @@ rb_ary_pop(VALUE ary)
* call-seq:
* array.pop -> obj or nil
* array.pop(n) -> array
- *
+ *
* Removes the last element from <i>self</i> and returns it, or
* <code>nil</code> if the array is empty.
* If a number _n_ is given, returns an array of the last n elements
* (or less) just like <code>array.slice!(-n, n)</code> does.
- *
+ *
* a = [ "a", "b", "c", "d" ]
* a.pop #=> "d"
* a.pop(2) #=> ["b", "c"]
@@ -796,14 +796,14 @@ rb_ary_shift(VALUE ary)
* call-seq:
* array.shift -> obj or nil
* array.shift(n) -> array
- *
+ *
* Returns the first element of <i>self</i> and removes it (shifting all
* other elements down by one). Returns <code>nil</code> if the array
* is empty.
* If a number _n_ is given, returns an array of the first n elements
* (or less) just like <code>array.slice!(0, n)</code> does.
- *
+ *
* args = [ "-m", "-q", "filename" ]
* args.shift #=> "-m"
* args #=> ["-q", "filename"]
@@ -840,10 +840,10 @@ rb_ary_shift_m(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE ary)
* call-seq:
* array.unshift(obj, ...) -> array
- *
+ *
* Prepends objects to the front of <i>array</i>.
* other elements up one.
- *
+ *
* a = [ "b", "c", "d" ]
* a.unshift("a") #=> ["a", "b", "c", "d"]
* a.unshift(1, 2) #=> [ 1, 2, "a", "b", "c", "d"]
@@ -864,7 +864,7 @@ rb_ary_unshift_m(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE ary)
MEMMOVE(RARRAY_PTR(ary) + argc, RARRAY_PTR(ary), VALUE, len);
MEMCPY(RARRAY_PTR(ary), argv, VALUE, argc);
ARY_INCREASE_LEN(ary, argc);
return ary;
@@ -911,7 +911,7 @@ rb_ary_subseq(VALUE ary, long beg, long len)
return ary_make_partial(ary, klass, beg, len);
* call-seq:
* array[index] -> obj or nil
* array[start, length] -> an_array or nil
@@ -977,7 +977,7 @@ rb_ary_aref(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE ary)
return rb_ary_entry(ary, NUM2LONG(arg));
* call-seq:
* -> obj or nil
@@ -1000,11 +1000,11 @@ rb_ary_at(VALUE ary, VALUE pos)
* call-seq:
* array.first -> obj or nil
* array.first(n) -> an_array
- *
+ *
* Returns the first element, or the first +n+ elements, of the array.
* If the array is empty, the first form returns <code>nil</code>, and the
* second form returns an empty array.
- *
+ *
* a = [ "q", "r", "s", "t" ]
* a.first #=> "q"
* a.first(2) #=> ["q", "r"]
@@ -1026,10 +1026,10 @@ rb_ary_first(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE ary)
* call-seq:
* array.last -> obj or nil
* array.last(n) -> an_array
- *
+ *
* Returns the last element(s) of <i>self</i>. If the array is empty,
* the first form returns <code>nil</code>.
- *
+ *
* a = [ "w", "x", "y", "z" ]
* a.last #=> "z"
* a.last(2) #=> ["y", "z"]
@@ -1052,14 +1052,14 @@ rb_ary_last(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE ary)
* array.fetch(index) -> obj
* array.fetch(index, default ) -> obj
* array.fetch(index) {|index| block } -> obj
- *
+ *
* Tries to return the element at position <i>index</i>. If the index
* lies outside the array, the first form throws an
* <code>IndexError</code> exception, the second form returns
* <i>default</i>, and the third form returns the value of invoking
* the block, passing in the index. Negative values of <i>index</i>
* count from the end of the array.
- *
+ *
* a = [ 11, 22, 33, 44 ]
* a.fetch(1) #=> 22
* a.fetch(-1) #=> 44
@@ -1098,12 +1098,12 @@ rb_ary_fetch(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE ary)
* call-seq:
* array.index(obj) -> int or nil
* array.index {|item| block} -> int or nil
- *
+ *
* Returns the index of the first object in <i>self</i> such that is
* <code>==</code> to <i>obj</i>. If a block is given instead of an
* argument, returns first object for which <em>block</em> is true.
* Returns <code>nil</code> if no match is found.
- *
+ *
* a = [ "a", "b", "c" ]
* a.index("b") #=> 1
* a.index("z") #=> nil
@@ -1138,12 +1138,12 @@ rb_ary_index(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE ary)
* call-seq:
* array.rindex(obj) -> int or nil
- *
+ *
* Returns the index of the last object in <i>array</i>
* <code>==</code> to <i>obj</i>. If a block is given instead of an
* argument, returns first object for which <em>block</em> is
* true. Returns <code>nil</code> if no match is found.
- *
+ *
* a = [ "a", "b", "b", "b", "c" ]
* a.rindex("b") #=> 3
* a.rindex("z") #=> nil
@@ -1248,7 +1248,7 @@ rb_ary_splice(VALUE ary, long beg, long len, VALUE rpl)
* call-seq:
* array[index] = obj -> obj
* array[start, length] = obj or an_array or nil -> obj or an_array or nil
@@ -1264,7 +1264,7 @@ rb_ary_splice(VALUE ary, long beg, long len, VALUE rpl)
* zero. An +IndexError+ is raised if a negative index points
* past the beginning of the array. See also
* <code>Array#push</code>, and <code>Array#unshift</code>.
- *
+ *
* a =
* a[4] = "4"; #=> [nil, nil, nil, nil, "4"]
* a[0, 3] = [ 'a', 'b', 'c' ] #=> ["a", "b", "c", nil, "4"]
@@ -1309,10 +1309,10 @@ fixnum:
* call-seq:
* array.insert(index, obj...) -> array
- *
+ *
* Inserts the given values before the element with the given index
* (which may be negative).
- *
+ *
* a = %w{ a b c d }
* a.insert(2, 99) #=> ["a", "b", 99, "c", "d"]
* a.insert(-2, 1, 2, 3) #=> ["a", "b", 99, "c", 1, 2, 3, "d"]
@@ -1341,15 +1341,15 @@ rb_ary_insert(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE ary)
* call-seq:
* array.each {|item| block } -> array
- *
+ *
* Calls <i>block</i> once for each element in <i>self</i>, passing that
* element as a parameter.
- *
+ *
* a = [ "a", "b", "c" ]
* a.each {|x| print x, " -- " }
- *
+ *
* produces:
- *
+ *
* a -- b -- c --
@@ -1368,15 +1368,15 @@ rb_ary_each(VALUE ary)
* call-seq:
* array.each_index {|index| block } -> array
- *
+ *
* Same as <code>Array#each</code>, but passes the index of the element
* instead of the element itself.
- *
+ *
* a = [ "a", "b", "c" ]
* a.each_index {|x| print x, " -- " }
- *
+ *
* produces:
- *
+ *
* 0 -- 1 -- 2 --
@@ -1394,16 +1394,16 @@ rb_ary_each_index(VALUE ary)
* call-seq:
- * array.reverse_each {|item| block }
- *
+ * array.reverse_each {|item| block }
+ *
* Same as <code>Array#each</code>, but traverses <i>self</i> in reverse
* order.
- *
+ *
* a = [ "a", "b", "c" ]
* a.reverse_each {|x| print x, " " }
- *
+ *
* produces:
- *
+ *
* c b a
@@ -1426,9 +1426,9 @@ rb_ary_reverse_each(VALUE ary)
* call-seq:
* array.length -> int
- *
+ *
* Returns the number of elements in <i>self</i>. May be zero.
- *
+ *
* [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ].length #=> 5
@@ -1442,9 +1442,9 @@ rb_ary_length(VALUE ary)
* call-seq:
* array.empty? -> true or false
- *
+ *
* Returns <code>true</code> if <i>self</i> array contains no elements.
- *
+ *
* [].empty? #=> true
@@ -1543,10 +1543,10 @@ rb_ary_join(VALUE ary, VALUE sep)
* call-seq:
* array.join(sep=$,) -> str
- *
+ *
* Returns a string created by converting each element of the array to
* a string, separated by <i>sep</i>.
- *
+ *
* [ "a", "b", "c" ].join #=> "abc"
* [ "a", "b", "c" ].join("-") #=> "a-b-c"
@@ -1558,7 +1558,7 @@ rb_ary_join_m(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE ary)
rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "01", &sep);
if (NIL_P(sep)) sep = rb_output_fs;
return rb_ary_join(ary, sep);
@@ -1609,7 +1609,7 @@ rb_ary_to_s(VALUE ary)
* call-seq:
* array.to_a -> array
- *
+ *
* Returns _self_. If called on a subclass of Array, converts
* the receiver to an Array object.
@@ -1628,7 +1628,7 @@ rb_ary_to_a(VALUE ary)
* call-seq:
* array.to_ary -> array
- *
+ *
* Returns _self_.
@@ -1660,10 +1660,10 @@ rb_ary_reverse(VALUE ary)
* call-seq:
- * array.reverse! -> array
- *
+ * array.reverse! -> array
+ *
* Reverses _self_ in place.
- *
+ *
* a = [ "a", "b", "c" ]
* a.reverse! #=> ["c", "b", "a"]
* a #=> ["c", "b", "a"]
@@ -1678,9 +1678,9 @@ rb_ary_reverse_bang(VALUE ary)
* call-seq:
* array.reverse -> an_array
- *
+ *
* Returns a new array containing <i>self</i>'s elements in reverse order.
- *
+ *
* [ "a", "b", "c" ].reverse #=> ["c", "b", "a"]
* [ 1 ].reverse #=> [1]
@@ -1763,14 +1763,14 @@ sort_2(const void *ap, const void *bp, void *dummy)
* call-seq:
* array.sort! -> array
- * array.sort! {| a,b | block } -> array
- *
+ * array.sort! {| a,b | block } -> array
+ *
* Sorts _self_. Comparisons for
* the sort will be done using the <code><=></code> operator or using
* an optional code block. The block implements a comparison between
* <i>a</i> and <i>b</i>, returning -1, 0, or +1. See also
* <code>Enumerable#sort_by</code>.
- *
+ *
* a = [ "d", "a", "e", "c", "b" ]
* a.sort #=> ["a", "b", "c", "d", "e"]
* a.sort {|x,y| y <=> x } #=> ["e", "d", "c", "b", "a"]
@@ -1823,7 +1823,7 @@ rb_ary_sort_bang(VALUE ary)
- }
+ }
/* tmp was lost ownership for the ptr */
@@ -1838,15 +1838,15 @@ rb_ary_sort_bang(VALUE ary)
* call-seq:
- * array.sort -> an_array
- * array.sort {| a,b | block } -> an_array
- *
+ * array.sort -> an_array
+ * array.sort {| a,b | block } -> an_array
+ *
* Returns a new array created by sorting <i>self</i>. Comparisons for
* the sort will be done using the <code><=></code> operator or using
* an optional code block. The block implements a comparison between
* <i>a</i> and <i>b</i>, returning -1, 0, or +1. See also
* <code>Enumerable#sort_by</code>.
- *
+ *
* a = [ "d", "a", "e", "c", "b" ]
* a.sort #=> ["a", "b", "c", "d", "e"]
* a.sort {|x,y| y <=> x } #=> ["e", "d", "c", "b", "a"]
@@ -1892,11 +1892,11 @@ rb_ary_sort_by_bang(VALUE ary)
* call-seq:
* array.collect {|item| block } -> an_array
* {|item| block } -> an_array
- *
- * Invokes <i>block</i> once for each element of <i>self</i>. Creates a
+ *
+ * Invokes <i>block</i> once for each element of <i>self</i>. Creates a
* new array containing the values returned by the block.
* See also <code>Enumerable#collect</code>.
- *
+ *
* a = [ "a", "b", "c", "d" ]
* a.collect {|x| x + "!" } #=> ["a!", "b!", "c!", "d!"]
* a #=> ["a", "b", "c", "d"]
@@ -1917,7 +1917,7 @@ rb_ary_collect(VALUE ary)
* call-seq:
* array.collect! {|item| block } -> array
*! {|item| block } -> array
@@ -1925,7 +1925,7 @@ rb_ary_collect(VALUE ary)
* Invokes the block once for each element of _self_, replacing the
* element with the value returned by _block_.
* See also <code>Enumerable#collect</code>.
- *
+ *
* a = [ "a", "b", "c", "d" ]
* a.collect! {|x| x + "!" }
* a #=> [ "a!", "b!", "c!", "d!" ]
@@ -1972,15 +1972,15 @@ rb_get_values_at(VALUE obj, long olen, int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE (*func) (VAL
return result;
* call-seq:
* array.values_at(selector,... ) -> an_array
* Returns an array containing the elements in
* _self_ corresponding to the given selector(s). The selectors
- * may be either integer indices or ranges.
+ * may be either integer indices or ranges.
* See also <code>Array#select</code>.
- *
+ *
* a = %w{ a b c d e f }
* a.values_at(1, 3, 5)
* a.values_at(1, 3, 5, 7)
@@ -1998,11 +1998,11 @@ rb_ary_values_at(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE ary)
* call-seq:
* {|item| block } -> an_array
- *
+ *
* Invokes the block passing in successive elements from <i>array</i>,
* returning an array containing those elements for which the block
* returns a true value (equivalent to <code>Enumerable#select</code>).
- *
+ *
* a = %w{ a b c d e f }
* {|v| v =~ /[aeiou]/} #=> ["a", "e"]
@@ -2025,14 +2025,14 @@ rb_ary_select(VALUE ary)
* call-seq:
- * array.delete(obj) -> obj or nil
+ * array.delete(obj) -> obj or nil
* array.delete(obj) { block } -> obj or nil
- *
+ *
* Deletes items from <i>self</i> that are equal to <i>obj</i>. If
* the item is not found, returns <code>nil</code>. If the optional
* code block is given, returns the result of <i>block</i> if the item
* is not found.
- *
+ *
* a = [ "a", "b", "b", "b", "c" ]
* a.delete("b") #=> "b"
* a #=> ["a", "c"]
@@ -2101,11 +2101,11 @@ rb_ary_delete_at(VALUE ary, long pos)
* call-seq:
* array.delete_at(index) -> obj or nil
- *
+ *
* Deletes the element at the specified index, returning that element,
* or <code>nil</code> if the index is out of range. See also
* <code>Array#slice!</code>.
- *
+ *
* a = %w( ant bat cat dog )
* a.delete_at(2) #=> "cat"
* a #=> ["ant", "bat", "dog"]
@@ -2122,12 +2122,12 @@ rb_ary_delete_at_m(VALUE ary, VALUE pos)
* call-seq:
* array.slice!(index) -> obj or nil
* array.slice!(start, length) -> sub_array or nil
- * array.slice!(range) -> sub_array or nil
- *
+ * array.slice!(range) -> sub_array or nil
+ *
* Deletes the element(s) given by an index (optionally with a length)
* or by a range. Returns the deleted object, subarray, or
* <code>nil</code> if the index is out of range.
- *
+ *
* a = [ "a", "b", "c" ]
* a.slice!(1) #=> "b"
* a #=> ["a", "c"]
@@ -2185,7 +2185,7 @@ rb_ary_slice_bang(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE ary)
* call-seq:
* array.reject! {|item| block } -> array or nil
- *
+ *
* Equivalent to <code>Array#delete_if</code>, deleting elements from
* _self_ for which the block evaluates to true, but returns
* <code>nil</code> if no changes were made. Also see
@@ -2217,7 +2217,7 @@ rb_ary_reject_bang(VALUE ary)
* call-seq:
* array.reject {|item| block } -> an_array
- *
+ *
* Returns a new array containing the items in _self_
* for which the block is not true.
@@ -2234,10 +2234,10 @@ rb_ary_reject(VALUE ary)
* call-seq:
* array.delete_if {|item| block } -> array
- *
+ *
* Deletes every element of <i>self</i> for which <i>block</i> evaluates
* to <code>true</code>.
- *
+ *
* a = [ "a", "b", "c" ]
* a.delete_if {|x| x >= "b" } #=> ["a"]
@@ -2277,7 +2277,7 @@ take_items(VALUE obj, long n)
* call-seq:
*, ...) -> an_array
*, ...) {| arr | block } -> nil
- *
+ *
* Converts any arguments to arrays, then merges elements of
* <i>self</i> with corresponding elements from each argument. This
* generates a sequence of <code>self.size</code> <em>n</em>-element
@@ -2286,7 +2286,7 @@ take_items(VALUE obj, long n)
* <code>nil</code> values are supplied. If a block given, it is
* invoked for each output array, otherwise an array of arrays is
* returned.
- *
+ *
* a = [ 4, 5, 6 ]
* b = [ 7, 8, 9 ]
* [1,2,3].zip(a, b) #=> [[1, 4, 7], [2, 5, 8], [3, 6, 9]]
@@ -2329,10 +2329,10 @@ rb_ary_zip(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE ary)
* call-seq:
* array.transpose -> an_array
- *
+ *
* Assumes that <i>self</i> is an array of arrays and transposes the
* rows and columns.
- *
+ *
* a = [[1,2], [3,4], [5,6]]
* a.transpose #=> [[1, 3, 5], [2, 4, 6]]
@@ -2368,10 +2368,10 @@ rb_ary_transpose(VALUE ary)
* call-seq:
* array.replace(other_array) -> array
- *
+ *
* Replaces the contents of <i>self</i> with the contents of
* <i>other_array</i>, truncating or expanding if necessary.
- *
+ *
* a = [ "a", "b", "c", "d", "e" ]
* a.replace([ "x", "y", "z" ]) #=> ["x", "y", "z"]
* a #=> ["x", "y", "z"]
@@ -2387,7 +2387,7 @@ rb_ary_replace(VALUE copy, VALUE orig)
VALUE *ptr;
VALUE shared = 0;
if (ARY_OWNS_HEAP_P(copy)) {
@@ -2419,7 +2419,7 @@ rb_ary_replace(VALUE copy, VALUE orig)
return copy;
* call-seq:
* array.clear -> array
@@ -2448,14 +2448,14 @@ rb_ary_clear(VALUE ary)
* array.fill {|index| block } -> array
* array.fill(start [, length] ) {|index| block } -> array
* array.fill(range) {|index| block } -> array
- *
+ *
* The first three forms set the selected elements of <i>self</i> (which
* may be the entire array) to <i>obj</i>. A <i>start</i> of
* <code>nil</code> is equivalent to zero. A <i>length</i> of
* <code>nil</code> is equivalent to <i>self.length</i>. The last three
* forms fill the array with the value of the block. The block is
* passed the absolute index of each element to be filled.
- *
+ *
* a = [ "a", "b", "c", "d" ]
* a.fill("x") #=> ["x", "x", "x", "x"]
* a.fill("z", 2, 2) #=> ["x", "x", "z", "z"]
@@ -2535,13 +2535,13 @@ rb_ary_fill(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE ary)
return ary;
* call-seq:
* array + other_array -> an_array
* Concatenation---Returns a new array built by concatenating the
* two arrays together to produce a third array.
- *
+ *
* [ 1, 2, 3 ] + [ 4, 5 ] #=> [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ]
@@ -2560,12 +2560,12 @@ rb_ary_plus(VALUE x, VALUE y)
return z;
* call-seq:
* array.concat(other_array) -> array
* Appends the elements in other_array to _self_.
- *
+ *
* [ "a", "b" ].concat( ["c", "d"] ) #=> [ "a", "b", "c", "d" ]
@@ -2581,7 +2581,7 @@ rb_ary_concat(VALUE x, VALUE y)
* call-seq:
* array * int -> an_array
* array * str -> a_string
@@ -2632,7 +2632,7 @@ rb_ary_times(VALUE ary, VALUE times)
return ary2;
* call-seq:
* array.assoc(obj) -> an_array or nil
@@ -2670,12 +2670,12 @@ rb_ary_assoc(VALUE ary, VALUE key)
* call-seq:
* array.rassoc(obj) -> an_array or nil
- *
+ *
* Searches through the array whose elements are also arrays. Compares
* _obj_ with the second element of each contained array using
* <code>==</code>. Returns the first contained array that matches. See
* also <code>Array#assoc</code>.
- *
+ *
* a = [ [ 1, "one"], [2, "two"], [3, "three"], ["ii", "two"] ]
* a.rassoc("two") #=> [2, "two"]
* a.rassoc("four") #=> nil
@@ -2710,7 +2710,7 @@ recursive_equal(VALUE ary1, VALUE ary2, int recur)
return Qtrue;
* call-seq:
* array == other_array -> bool
@@ -2803,11 +2803,11 @@ rb_ary_hash(VALUE ary)
* call-seq:
* array.include?(obj) -> true or false
- *
+ *
* Returns <code>true</code> if the given object is present in
* <i>self</i> (that is, if any object <code>==</code> <i>anObject</i>),
* <code>false</code> otherwise.
- *
+ *
* a = [ "a", "b", "c" ]
* a.include?("b") #=> true
* a.include?("z") #=> false
@@ -2817,7 +2817,7 @@ VALUE
rb_ary_includes(VALUE ary, VALUE item)
long i;
for (i=0; i<RARRAY_LEN(ary); i++) {
if (rb_equal(RARRAY_PTR(ary)[i], item)) {
return Qtrue;
@@ -2846,7 +2846,7 @@ recursive_cmp(VALUE ary1, VALUE ary2, int recur)
return Qundef;
* call-seq:
* array <=> other_array -> -1, 0, +1
@@ -2860,7 +2860,7 @@ recursive_cmp(VALUE ary1, VALUE ary2, int recur)
* ``equal'' according to <code>Array#<=></code> if and only if they have
* the same length and the value of each element is equal to the
* value of the corresponding element in the other array.
- *
+ *
* [ "a", "a", "c" ] <=> [ "a", "b", "c" ] #=> -1
* [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 ] <=> [ 1, 2 ] #=> +1
@@ -2940,7 +2940,7 @@ ary_recycle_hash(VALUE hash)
* call-seq:
* array - other_array -> an_array
@@ -2970,7 +2970,7 @@ rb_ary_diff(VALUE ary1, VALUE ary2)
return ary3;
* call-seq:
* array & other_array
@@ -3006,7 +3006,7 @@ rb_ary_and(VALUE ary1, VALUE ary2)
return ary3;
* call-seq:
* array | other_array -> an_array
@@ -3054,17 +3054,17 @@ push_value(st_data_t key, st_data_t val, st_data_t ary)
* call-seq:
* array.uniq! -> array or nil
- *
+ *
* Removes duplicate elements from _self_.
* Returns <code>nil</code> if no changes are made (that is, no
* duplicates are found).
- *
+ *
* a = [ "a", "a", "b", "b", "c" ]
* a.uniq! #=> ["a", "b", "c"]
* b = [ "a", "b", "c" ]
* b.uniq! #=> nil
* c = [ "a:def", "a:xyz", "b:abc", "b:xyz", "c:jkl" ]
- * c.uniq! {|s| s[/^\w+/]} #=> [ "a:def", "b:abc", "c:jkl" ]
+ * c.uniq! {|s| s[/^\w+/]} #=> [ "a:def", "b:abc", "c:jkl" ]
static VALUE
@@ -3103,13 +3103,13 @@ rb_ary_uniq_bang(VALUE ary)
* call-seq:
* array.uniq -> an_array
- *
+ *
* Returns a new array by removing duplicate values in <i>self</i>.
- *
+ *
* a = [ "a", "a", "b", "b", "c" ]
* a.uniq #=> ["a", "b", "c"]
* c = [ "a:def", "a:xyz", "b:abc", "b:xyz", "c:jkl" ]
- * c.uniq {|s| s[/^\w+/]} #=> [ "a:def", "b:abc", "c:jkl" ]
+ * c.uniq {|s| s[/^\w+/]} #=> [ "a:def", "b:abc", "c:jkl" ]
static VALUE
@@ -3138,7 +3138,7 @@ rb_ary_uniq(VALUE ary)
return uniq;
* call-seq:
* array.compact! -> array or nil
@@ -3158,7 +3158,7 @@ rb_ary_compact_bang(VALUE ary)
p = t = RARRAY_PTR(ary);
end = p + RARRAY_LEN(ary);
while (t < end) {
if (NIL_P(*t)) t++;
else *p++ = *t++;
@@ -3198,7 +3198,7 @@ rb_ary_compact(VALUE ary)
* array.count -> int
* array.count(obj) -> int
* array.count { |item| block } -> int
- *
+ *
* Returns the number of elements. If an argument is given, counts
* the number of elements which equals to <i>obj</i>. If a block is
* given, counts the number of elements yielding a true value.
@@ -3298,12 +3298,12 @@ flatten(VALUE ary, int level, int *modified)
* call-seq:
* array.flatten! -> array or nil
* array.flatten!(level) -> array or nil
- *
+ *
* Flattens _self_ in place.
* Returns <code>nil</code> if no modifications were made (i.e.,
* <i>array</i> contains no subarrays.) If the optional <i>level</i>
* argument determines the level of recursion to flatten.
- *
+ *
* a = [ 1, 2, [3, [4, 5] ] ]
* a.flatten! #=> [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
* a.flatten! #=> nil
@@ -3333,12 +3333,12 @@ rb_ary_flatten_bang(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE ary)
* call-seq:
* array.flatten -> an_array
* array.flatten(level) -> an_array
- *
+ *
* Returns a new array that is a one-dimensional flattening of this
* array (recursively). That is, for every element that is an array,
* extract its elements into the new array. If the optional
* <i>level</i> argument determines the level of recursion to flatten.
- *
+ *
* s = [ 1, 2, 3 ] #=> [1, 2, 3]
* t = [ 4, 5, 6, [7, 8] ] #=> [4, 5, 6, [7, 8]]
* a = [ s, t, 9, 10 ] #=> [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6, [7, 8]], 9, 10]
@@ -3366,7 +3366,7 @@ rb_ary_flatten(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE ary)
* call-seq:
* array.shuffle! -> array
- *
+ *
* Shuffles elements in _self_ in place.
@@ -3390,9 +3390,9 @@ rb_ary_shuffle_bang(VALUE ary)
* call-seq:
* array.shuffle -> an_array
- *
+ *
* Returns a new array with elements of this array shuffled.
- *
+ *
* a = [ 1, 2, 3 ] #=> [1, 2, 3]
* a.shuffle #=> [2, 3, 1]
@@ -3410,11 +3410,11 @@ rb_ary_shuffle(VALUE ary)
* call-seq:
* array.sample -> obj
* array.sample(n) -> an_array
- *
+ *
* Choose a random element, or the random +n+ elements, from the array.
* If the array is empty, the first form returns <code>nil</code>, and the
* second form returns an empty array.
- *
+ *
@@ -3424,7 +3424,7 @@ rb_ary_sample(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE ary)
VALUE nv, result, *ptr;
long n, len, i, j, k, idx[10];
- len = RARRAY_LEN(ary);
+ len = RARRAY_LEN(ary);
if (argc == 0) {
if (len == 0) return Qnil;
i = len == 1 ? 0 : rb_genrand_real()*len;
@@ -3432,8 +3432,8 @@ rb_ary_sample(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE ary)
rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "1", &nv);
n = NUM2LONG(nv);
- ptr = RARRAY_PTR(ary);
- len = RARRAY_LEN(ary);
+ ptr = RARRAY_PTR(ary);
+ len = RARRAY_LEN(ary);
if (n > len) n = len;
switch (n) {
case 0: return rb_ary_new2(0);
@@ -3492,16 +3492,16 @@ rb_ary_sample(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE ary)
* call-seq:
* ary.cycle {|obj| block }
* ary.cycle(n) {|obj| block }
- *
+ *
* Calls <i>block</i> for each element repeatedly _n_ times or
* forever if none or nil is given. If a non-positive number is
* given or the array is empty, does nothing. Returns nil if the
* loop has finished without getting interrupted.
- *
+ *
* a = ["a", "b", "c"]
* a.cycle {|x| puts x } # print, a, b, c, a, b, c,.. forever.
* a.cycle(2) {|x| puts x } # print, a, b, c, a, b, c.
- *
+ *
static VALUE
@@ -3534,9 +3534,9 @@ rb_ary_cycle(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE ary)
* Recursively compute permutations of r elements of the set [0..n-1].
* When we have a complete permutation of array indexes, copy the values
- * at those indexes into a new array and yield that array.
+ * at those indexes into a new array and yield that array.
- * n: the size of the set
+ * n: the size of the set
* r: the number of elements in each permutation
* p: the array (of size r) that we're filling in
* index: what index we're filling in now
@@ -3553,7 +3553,7 @@ permute0(long n, long r, long *p, long index, int *used, VALUE values)
if (index < r-1) { /* if not done yet */
used[i] = 1; /* mark index used */
permute0(n, r, p, index+1, /* recurse */
- used, values);
+ used, values);
used[i] = 0; /* index unused */
else {
@@ -3578,15 +3578,15 @@ permute0(long n, long r, long *p, long index, int *used, VALUE values)
* ary.permutation -> enumerator
* ary.permutation(n) { |p| block } -> array
* ary.permutation(n) -> enumerator
- *
+ *
* When invoked with a block, yield all permutations of length <i>n</i>
* of the elements of <i>ary</i>, then return the array itself.
* If <i>n</i> is not specified, yield all permutations of all elements.
- * The implementation makes no guarantees about the order in which
+ * The implementation makes no guarantees about the order in which
* the permutations are yielded.
* When invoked without a block, return an enumerator object instead.
- *
+ *
* Examples:
* a = [1, 2, 3]
@@ -3609,7 +3609,7 @@ rb_ary_permutation(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE ary)
rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "01", &num);
r = NIL_P(num) ? n : NUM2LONG(num); /* Permutation size from argument */
- if (r < 0 || n < r) {
+ if (r < 0 || n < r) {
/* no permutations: yield nothing */
else if (r == 0) { /* exactly one permutation: the zero-length array */
@@ -3662,14 +3662,14 @@ combi_len(long n, long k)
* call-seq:
* ary.combination(n) { |c| block } -> ary
* ary.combination(n) -> enumerator
- *
- * When invoked with a block, yields all combinations of length <i>n</i>
+ *
+ * When invoked with a block, yields all combinations of length <i>n</i>
* of elements from <i>ary</i> and then returns <i>ary</i> itself.
- * The implementation makes no guarantees about the order in which
+ * The implementation makes no guarantees about the order in which
* the combinations are yielded.
* When invoked without a block, returns an enumerator object instead.
- *
+ *
* Examples:
* a = [1, 2, 3, 4]
@@ -3679,7 +3679,7 @@ combi_len(long n, long k)
* a.combination(4).to_a #=> [[1,2,3,4]]
* a.combination(0).to_a #=> [[]] # one combination of length 0
* a.combination(5).to_a #=> [] # no combinations of length 5
- *
+ *
static VALUE
@@ -3729,11 +3729,11 @@ rb_ary_combination(VALUE ary, VALUE num)
* call-seq:
* ary.product(other_ary, ...)
- *
+ *
* Returns an array of all combinations of elements from all arrays.
* The length of the returned array is the product of the length
* of ary and the argument arrays
- *
+ *
* [1,2,3].product([4,5]) # => [[1,4],[1,5],[2,4],[2,5],[3,4],[3,5]]
* [1,2].product([1,2]) # => [[1,1],[1,2],[2,1],[2,2]]
* [1,2].product([3,4],[5,6]) # => [[1,3,5],[1,3,6],[1,4,5],[1,4,6],
@@ -3760,7 +3760,7 @@ rb_ary_product(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE ary)
/* initialize the arrays of arrays */
arrays[0] = ary;
for (i = 1; i < n; i++) arrays[i] = to_ary(argv[i-1]);
/* initialize the counters for the arrays */
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) counters[i] = 0;
@@ -3806,12 +3806,12 @@ rb_ary_product(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE ary)
* call-seq:
* ary.take(n) => array
- *
+ *
* Returns first n elements from <i>ary</i>.
- *
+ *
* a = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 0]
* a.take(3) # => [1, 2, 3]
- *
+ *
static VALUE
@@ -3827,13 +3827,13 @@ rb_ary_take(VALUE obj, VALUE n)
* call-seq:
* ary.take_while {|arr| block } => array
- *
+ *
* Passes elements to the block until the block returns nil or false,
* then stops iterating and returns an array of all prior elements.
- *
+ *
* a = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 0]
* a.take_while {|i| i < 3 } # => [1, 2]
- *
+ *
static VALUE
@@ -3851,13 +3851,13 @@ rb_ary_take_while(VALUE ary)
* call-seq:
* ary.drop(n) => array
- *
+ *
* Drops first n elements from <i>ary</i>, and returns rest elements
* in an array.
- *
+ *
* a = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 0]
* a.drop(3) # => [4, 5, 0]
- *
+ *
static VALUE
@@ -3877,14 +3877,14 @@ rb_ary_drop(VALUE ary, VALUE n)
* call-seq:
* ary.drop_while {|arr| block } => array
- *
+ *
* Drops elements up to, but not including, the first element for
* which the block returns nil or false and returns an array
* containing the remaining elements.
- *
+ *
* a = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 0]
* a.drop_while {|i| i < 3 } # => [3, 4, 5, 0]
- *
+ *
static VALUE
@@ -3901,11 +3901,11 @@ rb_ary_drop_while(VALUE ary)
-/* Arrays are ordered, integer-indexed collections of any object.
- * Array indexing starts at 0, as in C or Java. A negative index is
- * assumed to be relative to the end of the array---that is, an index of -1
- * indicates the last element of the array, -2 is the next to last
- * element in the array, and so on.
+/* Arrays are ordered, integer-indexed collections of any object.
+ * Array indexing starts at 0, as in C or Java. A negative index is
+ * assumed to be relative to the end of the array---that is, an index of -1
+ * indicates the last element of the array, -2 is the next to last
+ * element in the array, and so on.
diff --git a/bignum.c b/bignum.c
index dec147ae3c..7f01917e9f 100644
--- a/bignum.c
+++ b/bignum.c
@@ -1714,7 +1714,7 @@ bigmul1_karatsuba(VALUE x, VALUE y)
t1 = xl; xl = xh; xh = t1;
bigadd_core(BDIGITS(xh), RBIGNUM_LEN(xh),
/* yh <- yh + yl */
@@ -1723,7 +1723,7 @@ bigmul1_karatsuba(VALUE x, VALUE y)
t1 = yl; yl = yh; yh = t1;
bigadd_core(BDIGITS(yh), RBIGNUM_LEN(yh),
else yh = xh;
diff --git a/blockinlining.c b/blockinlining.c
index 27b99ff6d4..f9eb8af229 100644
--- a/blockinlining.c
+++ b/blockinlining.c
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ iseq_special_block(rb_iseq_t *iseq, void *builder)
else {
iseq->cached_special_block_builder = (void *)1;
if (iseq->parent_iseq) {
parent = iseq->parent_iseq->self;
diff --git a/class.c b/class.c
index 38e4ef6fe5..3f87d064a1 100644
--- a/class.c
+++ b/class.c
@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ clone_method(ID mid, NODE *body, struct clone_method_data *data)
NODE *fbody = body->nd_body->nd_body;
if (nd_type(fbody) == RUBY_VM_METHOD_NODE) {
rb_iseq_clone((VALUE)fbody->nd_body, data->klass),
@@ -198,7 +198,7 @@ make_metametaclass(VALUE metaclass)
else {
metametaclass = rb_class_boot(Qnil);
- RBASIC(metametaclass)->klass =
+ RBASIC(metametaclass)->klass =
(RBASIC(RBASIC(metaclass)->klass)->klass == RBASIC(metaclass)->klass)
? make_metametaclass(RBASIC(metaclass)->klass)
: RBASIC(RBASIC(metaclass)->klass)->klass;
@@ -212,9 +212,9 @@ make_metametaclass(VALUE metaclass)
while (FL_TEST(super_of_metaclass, T_ICLASS)) {
super_of_metaclass = RCLASS_SUPER(super_of_metaclass);
- RCLASS_SUPER(metametaclass) =
+ RCLASS_SUPER(metametaclass) =
rb_iv_get(RBASIC(super_of_metaclass)->klass, "__attached__") == super_of_metaclass
- ? RBASIC(super_of_metaclass)->klass
+ ? RBASIC(super_of_metaclass)->klass
: make_metametaclass(super_of_metaclass);
OBJ_INFECT(metametaclass, RCLASS_SUPER(metametaclass));
@@ -422,7 +422,7 @@ rb_include_module(VALUE klass, VALUE module)
if (!OBJ_UNTRUSTED(klass)) {
if (TYPE(module) != T_MODULE) {
Check_Type(module, T_MODULE);
@@ -461,16 +461,16 @@ rb_include_module(VALUE klass, VALUE module)
* call-seq:
* mod.included_modules -> array
- *
+ *
* Returns the list of modules included in <i>mod</i>.
- *
+ *
* module Mixin
* end
- *
+ *
* module Outer
* include Mixin
* end
- *
+ *
* Mixin.included_modules #=> []
* Outer.included_modules #=> [Mixin]
@@ -492,10 +492,10 @@ rb_mod_included_modules(VALUE mod)
* call-seq:
* mod.include?(module) => true or false
- *
+ *
* Returns <code>true</code> if <i>module</i> is included in
* <i>mod</i> or one of <i>mod</i>'s ancestors.
- *
+ *
* module A
* end
* class B
@@ -525,15 +525,15 @@ rb_mod_include_p(VALUE mod, VALUE mod2)
* call-seq:
* mod.ancestors -> array
- *
+ *
* Returns a list of modules included in <i>mod</i> (including
* <i>mod</i> itself).
- *
+ *
* module Mod
* include Math
* include Comparable
* end
- *
+ *
* Mod.ancestors #=> [Mod, Comparable, Math]
* Math.ancestors #=> [Math]
@@ -612,7 +612,7 @@ method_entry(ID key, NODE *body, st_table *list)
if (key == ID_ALLOCATOR) {
if (!st_lookup(list, key, 0)) {
if (body ==0 || !body->nd_body->nd_body) {
type = -1; /* none */
@@ -658,14 +658,14 @@ class_instance_method_list(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE mod, int (*func) (ID, lo
* call-seq:
* mod.instance_methods(include_super=true) => array
- *
+ *
* Returns an array containing the names of instance methods that is callable
* from outside in the receiver. For a module, these are the public methods;
* for a class, they are the instance (not singleton) methods. With no
* argument, or with an argument that is <code>false</code>, the
* instance methods in <i>mod</i> are returned, otherwise the methods
* in <i>mod</i> and <i>mod</i>'s superclasses are returned.
- *
+ *
* module A
* def method1() end
* end
@@ -675,7 +675,7 @@ class_instance_method_list(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE mod, int (*func) (ID, lo
* class C < B
* def method3() end
* end
- *
+ *
* A.instance_methods #=> [:method1]
* B.instance_methods(false) #=> [:method2]
* C.instance_methods(false) #=> [:method3]
@@ -691,7 +691,7 @@ rb_class_instance_methods(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE mod)
* call-seq:
* mod.protected_instance_methods(include_super=true) => array
- *
+ *
* Returns a list of the protected instance methods defined in
* <i>mod</i>. If the optional parameter is not <code>false</code>, the
* methods of any ancestors are included.
@@ -706,11 +706,11 @@ rb_class_protected_instance_methods(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE mod)
* call-seq:
* mod.private_instance_methods(include_super=true) => array
- *
+ *
* Returns a list of the private instance methods defined in
* <i>mod</i>. If the optional parameter is not <code>false</code>, the
* methods of any ancestors are included.
- *
+ *
* module Mod
* def method1() end
* private :method1
@@ -729,7 +729,7 @@ rb_class_private_instance_methods(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE mod)
* call-seq:
* mod.public_instance_methods(include_super=true) => array
- *
+ *
* Returns a list of the public instance methods defined in <i>mod</i>.
* If the optional parameter is not <code>false</code>, the methods of
* any ancestors are included.
@@ -744,30 +744,30 @@ rb_class_public_instance_methods(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE mod)
* call-seq:
* obj.singleton_methods(all=true) => array
- *
+ *
* Returns an array of the names of singleton methods for <i>obj</i>.
* If the optional <i>all</i> parameter is true, the list will include
* methods in modules included in <i>obj</i>.
- *
+ *
* module Other
* def three() end
* end
- *
+ *
* class Single
* def Single.four() end
* end
- *
+ *
* a =
- *
+ *
* def
* end
- *
+ *
* class << a
* include Other
* def two()
* end
* end
- *
+ *
* Single.singleton_methods #=> [:four]
* a.singleton_methods(false) #=> [:two, :one]
* a.singleton_methods #=> [:two, :one, :three]
@@ -932,7 +932,7 @@ rb_scan_args(int argc, const VALUE *argv, const char *fmt, ...)
postargc = *q - '0';
nonpostargc = argc - postargc;
- else {
+ else {
postargc = 0;
nonpostargc = argc;
@@ -941,7 +941,7 @@ rb_scan_args(int argc, const VALUE *argv, const char *fmt, ...)
if (nonpostargc < 0)
rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "wrong number of arguments (%d for %d)",
argc, postargc);
- goto rest_arg;
+ goto rest_arg;
else if (ISDIGIT(*p)) {
/* leading mandatory arguments */
diff --git a/compar.c b/compar.c
index 633c5b5309..e8ebfc5bfa 100644
--- a/compar.c
+++ b/compar.c
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ cmp_failed(void)
* call-seq:
* obj == other => true or false
- *
+ *
* Compares two objects based on the receiver's <code><=></code>
* method, returning true if it returns 0. Also returns true if
* _obj_ and _other_ are the same object.
@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ cmp_equal(VALUE x, VALUE y)
* call-seq:
* obj > other => true or false
- *
+ *
* Compares two objects based on the receiver's <code><=></code>
* method, returning true if it returns 1.
@@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ cmp_gt(VALUE x, VALUE y)
* call-seq:
* obj >= other => true or false
- *
+ *
* Compares two objects based on the receiver's <code><=></code>
* method, returning true if it returns 0 or 1.
@@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ cmp_ge(VALUE x, VALUE y)
* call-seq:
* obj < other => true or false
- *
+ *
* Compares two objects based on the receiver's <code><=></code>
* method, returning true if it returns -1.
@@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ cmp_lt(VALUE x, VALUE y)
* call-seq:
* obj <= other => true or false
- *
+ *
* Compares two objects based on the receiver's <code><=></code>
* method, returning true if it returns -1 or 0.
@@ -138,16 +138,16 @@ cmp_le(VALUE x, VALUE y)
* call-seq:
* obj.between?(min, max) => true or false
- *
+ *
* Returns <code>false</code> if <i>obj</i> <code><=></code>
* <i>min</i> is less than zero or if <i>anObject</i> <code><=></code>
* <i>max</i> is greater than zero, <code>true</code> otherwise.
- *
+ *
* 3.between?(1, 5) #=> true
* 6.between?(1, 5) #=> false
* 'cat'.between?('ant', 'dog') #=> true
* 'gnu'.between?('ant', 'dog') #=> false
- *
+ *
static VALUE
@@ -167,7 +167,7 @@ cmp_between(VALUE x, VALUE min, VALUE max)
* <code><=></code> to implement the conventional comparison operators
* (<code><</code>, <code><=</code>, <code>==</code>, <code>>=</code>,
* and <code>></code>) and the method <code>between?</code>.
- *
+ *
* class SizeMatters
* include Comparable
* attr :str
@@ -181,18 +181,18 @@ cmp_between(VALUE x, VALUE min, VALUE max)
* @str
* end
* end
- *
+ *
* s1 ="Z")
* s2 ="YY")
* s3 ="XXX")
* s4 ="WWWW")
* s5 ="VVVVV")
- *
+ *
* s1 < s2 #=> true
* s4.between?(s1, s3) #=> false
* s4.between?(s3, s5) #=> true
* [ s3, s2, s5, s4, s1 ].sort #=> [Z, YY, XXX, WWWW, VVVVV]
- *
+ *
diff --git a/compile.c b/compile.c
index 2bf4167719..c98b7ffaa9 100644
--- a/compile.c
+++ b/compile.c
@@ -3962,7 +3962,6 @@ iseq_compile_each(rb_iseq_t *iseq, LINK_ANCHOR *ret, NODE * node, int poped)
VALUE label;
VALUE label_sym;
CONST_ID(goto_id, "__goto__");
CONST_ID(label_id, "__label__");
diff --git a/cont.c b/cont.c
index 43237560c2..971627b1b2 100644
--- a/cont.c
+++ b/cont.c
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
- cont.c -
+ cont.c -
created at: Thu May 23 09:03:43 2007
@@ -461,24 +461,24 @@ cont_restore_0(rb_context_t *cont, VALUE *addr_in_prev_frame)
* Continuations are somewhat analogous to a structured version of C's
* <code>setjmp/longjmp</code> (although they contain more state, so
* you might consider them closer to threads).
- *
+ *
* For instance:
- *
+ *
* arr = [ "Freddie", "Herbie", "Ron", "Max", "Ringo" ]
* callcc{|$cc|}
* puts(message = arr.shift)
* $ unless message =~ /Max/
- *
+ *
* <em>produces:</em>
- *
+ *
* Freddie
* Herbie
* Ron
* Max
- *
+ *
* This (somewhat contrived) example allows the inner loop to abandon
* processing early:
- *
+ *
* callcc {|cont|
* for i in 0..4
* print "\n#{i}: "
@@ -489,9 +489,9 @@ cont_restore_0(rb_context_t *cont, VALUE *addr_in_prev_frame)
* end
* }
* print "\n"
- *
+ *
* <em>produces:</em>
- *
+ *
* 0: 0 1 2 3 4
* 1: 5 6 7 8 9
* 2: 10 11 12 13 14
@@ -501,7 +501,7 @@ cont_restore_0(rb_context_t *cont, VALUE *addr_in_prev_frame)
* call-seq:
* callcc {|cont| block } => obj
- *
+ *
* Generates a <code>Continuation</code> object, which it passes to the
* associated block. Performing a <em>cont</em><code>.call</code> will
* cause the <code>callcc</code> to return (as will falling through the
@@ -543,13 +543,13 @@ make_passing_arg(int argc, VALUE *argv)
* call-seq:
*, ...)
* cont[args, ...]
- *
+ *
* Invokes the continuation. The program continues from the end of the
* <code>callcc</code> block. If no arguments are given, the original
* <code>callcc</code> returns <code>nil</code>. If one argument is
* given, <code>callcc</code> returns it. Otherwise, an array
* containing <i>args</i> is returned.
- *
+ *
* callcc {|cont| } #=> nil
* callcc {|cont| 1 } #=> 1
* callcc {|cont| 1, 2, 3 } #=> [1, 2, 3]
@@ -592,26 +592,26 @@ rb_cont_call(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE contval)
* Document-class: Fiber
* Fibers are primitives for implementing light weight cooperative
- * concurrency in Ruby. Basically they are a means of creating code blocks
- * that can be paused and resumed, much like threads. The main difference
- * is that they are never preempted and that the scheduling must be done by
- * the programmer and not the VM.
+ * concurrency in Ruby. Basically they are a means of creating code blocks
+ * that can be paused and resumed, much like threads. The main difference
+ * is that they are never preempted and that the scheduling must be done by
+ * the programmer and not the VM.
* As opposed to other stackless light weight concurrency models, each fiber
* comes with a small 4KB stack. This enables the fiber to be paused from deeply
* nested function calls within the fiber block.
- * When a fiber is created it will not run automatically. Rather it must be
- * be explicitly asked to run using the <code>Fiber#resume</code> method.
- * The code running inside the fiber can give up control by calling
- * <code>Fiber.yield</code> in which case it yields control back to caller
+ * When a fiber is created it will not run automatically. Rather it must be
+ * be explicitly asked to run using the <code>Fiber#resume</code> method.
+ * The code running inside the fiber can give up control by calling
+ * <code>Fiber.yield</code> in which case it yields control back to caller
* (the caller of the <code>Fiber#resume</code>).
- *
- * Upon yielding or termination the Fiber returns the value of the last
+ *
+ * Upon yielding or termination the Fiber returns the value of the last
* executed expression
- *
+ *
* For instance:
- *
+ *
* fiber = do
* Fiber.yield 1
* 2
@@ -620,20 +620,20 @@ rb_cont_call(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE contval)
* puts fiber.resume
* puts fiber.resume
* puts fiber.resume
- *
+ *
* <em>produces</em>
- *
+ *
* 1
* 2
* FiberError: dead fiber called
- *
+ *
* The <code>Fiber#resume</code> method accepts an arbitary number of
* parameters, if it is the first call to <code>resume</code> then they
* will be passed as block arguments. Otherwise they will be the return
* value of the call to <code>Fiber.yield</code>
* Example:
- *
+ *
* fiber = do |first|
* second = Fiber.yield first + 2
* end
@@ -643,7 +643,7 @@ rb_cont_call(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE contval)
* puts fiber.resume 18
* <em>produces</em>
- *
+ *
* 12
* 14
* FiberError: dead fiber called
@@ -923,7 +923,7 @@ rb_fiber_yield(int argc, VALUE *argv)
* call-seq:
* fiber.alive? -> true or false
- *
+ *
* Returns true if the fiber can still be resumed (or transferred to).
* After finishing execution of the fiber block this method will always
* return false.
@@ -939,13 +939,13 @@ rb_fiber_alive_p(VALUE fibval)
* call-seq:
* fiber.resume(args, ...) -> obj
- *
+ *
* Resumes the fiber from the point at which the last <code>Fiber.yield</code>
- * was called, or starts running it if it is the first call to
+ * was called, or starts running it if it is the first call to
* <code>resume</code>. Arguments passed to resume will be the value of
- * the <code>Fiber.yield</code> expression or will be passed as block
+ * the <code>Fiber.yield</code> expression or will be passed as block
* parameters to the fiber's block if this is the first <code>resume</code>.
- *
+ *
* Alternatively, when resume is called it evaluates to the arguments passed
* to the next <code>Fiber.yield</code> statement inside the fiber's block
* or to the block value if it runs to completion without any
@@ -960,15 +960,15 @@ rb_fiber_m_resume(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE fib)
* call-seq:
* fiber.transfer(args, ...) -> obj
- *
+ *
* Transfer control to another fiber, resuming it from where it last
- * stopped or starting it if it was not resumed before. The calling
+ * stopped or starting it if it was not resumed before. The calling
* fiber will be suspended much like in a call to <code>Fiber.yield</code>.
- *
- * The fiber which recieves the transfer call is treats it much like
+ *
+ * The fiber which recieves the transfer call is treats it much like
* a resume call. Arguments passed to transfer are treated like those
* passed to resume.
- *
+ *
* You cannot resume a fiber that transferred control to another one.
* This will cause a double resume error. You need to transfer control
* back to this fiber before it can yield and resume.
@@ -982,7 +982,7 @@ rb_fiber_m_transfer(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE fib)
* call-seq:
* Fiber.yield(args, ...) -> obj
- *
+ *
* Yields control back to the context that resumed the fiber, passing
* along any arguments that were passed to it. The fiber will resume
* processing at this point when <code>resume</code> is called next.
@@ -998,7 +998,7 @@ rb_fiber_s_yield(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE klass)
* call-seq:
* Fiber.current() -> fiber
- *
+ *
* Returns the current fiber. You need to <code>require 'fiber'</code>
* before using this method. If you are not running in the context of
* a fiber this method will return the root fiber.
diff --git a/debug.c b/debug.c
index bcf2817fe1..3b4b76e381 100644
--- a/debug.c
+++ b/debug.c
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ static const union {
diff --git a/dln.c b/dln.c
index 7521678623..0ded0db4b1 100644
--- a/dln.c
+++ b/dln.c
@@ -766,7 +766,7 @@ load_1(int fd, long disp, const char *need_init)
} /* end.. look it up */
else { /* is static */
- switch (R_SYMBOL(rel)) {
+ switch (R_SYMBOL(rel)) {
case N_TEXT:
case N_DATA:
datum = block;
@@ -1158,7 +1158,7 @@ aix_loaderror(const char *pathname)
char *message[8], errbuf[1024];
int i,j;
- struct errtab {
+ struct errtab {
int errnum;
char *errstr;
} load_errtab[] = {
@@ -1181,7 +1181,7 @@ aix_loaderror(const char *pathname)
snprintf(errbuf, 1024, "load failed - %s ", pathname);
- if (!loadquery(1, &message[0], sizeof(message)))
+ if (!loadquery(1, &message[0], sizeof(message)))
for(i = 0; message[i] && *message[i]; i++) {
int nerr = atoi(message[i]);
@@ -1189,7 +1189,7 @@ aix_loaderror(const char *pathname)
if (nerr == load_errtab[i].errnum && load_errtab[i].errstr)
- while (isdigit(*message[i])) message[i]++;
+ while (isdigit(*message[i])) message[i]++;
@@ -1339,7 +1339,7 @@ dln_load(const char *file)
Special Thanks...
@@ -1354,9 +1354,9 @@ dln_load(const char *file)
char *object_files[2] = {NULL, NULL};
void (*init_fct)();
object_files[0] = (char*)file;
s = NXOpenFile(2,NX_WRITEONLY);
/* Load object file, if return value ==0 , load failed*/
@@ -1403,7 +1403,7 @@ dln_load(const char *file)
/* lookup the initial function */
if(!NSIsSymbolNameDefined(buf)) {
rb_loaderror("Failed to lookup Init function %.200s",file);
- }
+ }
init_fct = NSAddressOfSymbol(NSLookupAndBindSymbol(buf));
@@ -1425,7 +1425,7 @@ dln_load(const char *file)
rb_loaderror("Failed to load add_on %.200s error_code=%x",
file, img_id);
/* find symbol for module initialize function. */
/* The Be Book KernelKit Images section described to use
B_SYMBOL_TYPE_TEXT for symbol of function, not
@@ -1608,7 +1608,7 @@ dln_find_1(const char *fname, const char *path, char *fbuf, int size,
if (*dp == '~' && (l == 1 ||
#if defined(DOSISH)
- dp[1] == '\\' ||
+ dp[1] == '\\' ||
dp[1] == '/')) {
char *home;
diff --git a/encoding.c b/encoding.c
index 4afee36ff3..ee0f2f4356 100644
--- a/encoding.c
+++ b/encoding.c
@@ -925,7 +925,7 @@ enc_find(VALUE klass, VALUE enc)
* Encoding.compatible?(str1, str2) => enc or nil
* Checks the compatibility of two strings.
- * If they are compatible, means concatenatable,
+ * If they are compatible, means concatenatable,
* returns an encoding which the concatinated string will be.
* If they are not compatible, nil is returned.
diff --git a/enum.c b/enum.c
index 8c4b5b93e0..ebeb069221 100644
--- a/enum.c
+++ b/enum.c
@@ -821,7 +821,7 @@ name##_iter_i(VALUE i, VALUE *memo, int argc, VALUE *argv) \
{ \
return enum_##name##_func(enum_yield(argc, argv), memo); \
static VALUE
enum_all_func(VALUE result, VALUE *memo)
@@ -1428,8 +1428,8 @@ enum_each_with_index(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE obj)
* call-seq:
- * enum.reverse_each {|item| block }
- *
+ * enum.reverse_each {|item| block }
+ *
* Traverses <i>enum</i> in reverse order.
diff --git a/error.c b/error.c
index df4b0cc671..98debd9743 100644
--- a/error.c
+++ b/error.c
@@ -369,7 +369,7 @@ rb_exc_new3(VALUE etype, VALUE str)
* call-seq:
* = nil) => exception
- * Construct a new Exception object, optionally passing in
+ * Construct a new Exception object, optionally passing in
* a message.
@@ -390,12 +390,12 @@ exc_initialize(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE exc)
* call-seq:
* exc.exception(string) -> an_exception or exc
- *
+ *
* With no argument, or if the argument is the same as the receiver,
* return the receiver. Otherwise, create a new
* exception object of the same class as the receiver, but with a
* message equal to <code>string.to_str</code>.
- *
+ *
static VALUE
@@ -476,27 +476,27 @@ exc_inspect(VALUE exc)
* call-seq:
* exception.backtrace => array
- *
+ *
* Returns any backtrace associated with the exception. The backtrace
* is an array of strings, each containing either ``filename:lineNo: in
* `method''' or ``filename:lineNo.''
- *
+ *
* def a
* raise "boom"
* end
- *
+ *
* def b
* a()
* end
- *
+ *
* begin
* b()
* rescue => detail
* print detail.backtrace.join("\n")
* end
- *
+ *
* <em>produces:</em>
- *
+ *
* prog.rb:2:in `a'
* prog.rb:6:in `b'
* prog.rb:10
@@ -536,11 +536,11 @@ rb_check_backtrace(VALUE bt)
* call-seq:
* exc.set_backtrace(array) => array
- *
+ *
* Sets the backtrace information associated with <i>exc</i>. The
* argument must be an array of <code>String</code> objects in the
* format described in <code>Exception#backtrace</code>.
- *
+ *
static VALUE
@@ -552,9 +552,9 @@ exc_set_backtrace(VALUE exc, VALUE bt)
* call-seq:
* exc == obj => true or false
- *
+ *
* Equality---If <i>obj</i> is not an <code>Exception</code>, returns
- * <code>false</code>. Otherwise, returns <code>true</code> if <i>exc</i> and
+ * <code>false</code>. Otherwise, returns <code>true</code> if <i>exc</i> and
* <i>obj</i> share same class, messages, and backtrace.
@@ -846,7 +846,7 @@ rb_invalid_str(const char *str, const char *type)
rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "invalid value for %s: %s", type, RSTRING_PTR(s));
* Document-module: Errno
* Ruby exception objects are subclasses of <code>Exception</code>.
@@ -856,21 +856,21 @@ rb_invalid_str(const char *str, const char *type)
* number generating its own subclass of <code>SystemCallError</code>.
* As the subclass is created in module <code>Errno</code>, its name
* will start <code>Errno::</code>.
- *
+ *
* The names of the <code>Errno::</code> classes depend on
* the environment in which Ruby runs. On a typical Unix or Windows
* platform, there are <code>Errno</code> classes such as
* <code>Errno::EACCES</code>, <code>Errno::EAGAIN</code>,
* <code>Errno::EINTR</code>, and so on.
- *
+ *
* The integer operating system error number corresponding to a
* particular error is available as the class constant
* <code>Errno::</code><em>error</em><code>::Errno</code>.
- *
+ *
* Errno::EACCES::Errno #=> 13
* Errno::EAGAIN::Errno #=> 11
* Errno::EINTR::Errno #=> 4
- *
+ *
* The full list of operating system errors on your particular platform
* are available as the constants of <code>Errno</code>.
@@ -1014,7 +1014,7 @@ syserr_eqq(VALUE self, VALUE exc)
* statements in <code>begin/end</code> blocks. <code>Exception</code>
* objects carry information about the exception---its type (the
* exception's class name), an optional descriptive string, and
- * optional traceback information. Programs may subclass
+ * optional traceback information. Programs may subclass
* <code>Exception</code> to add additional information.
diff --git a/eval_error.c b/eval_error.c
index 622ae4fdd9..15233e7c1b 100644
--- a/eval_error.c
+++ b/eval_error.c
@@ -159,7 +159,7 @@ error_print(void)
long len = RARRAY_LEN(errat);
VALUE *ptr = RARRAY_PTR(errat);
int skip = eclass == rb_eSysStackError;
#define TRACE_HEAD 8
#define TRACE_TAIL 5
diff --git a/gc.c b/gc.c
index 94cd66d89f..ca24f82470 100644
--- a/gc.c
+++ b/gc.c
@@ -118,7 +118,7 @@ getrusage_time(void)
double t;
if (GetProcessTimes(GetCurrentProcess(),
&creation_time, &exit_time, &kernel_time, &user_time) == 0)
@@ -863,7 +863,7 @@ assign_heap_slot(rb_objspace_t *objspace)
RVALUE *p, *pend, *membase;
size_t hi, lo, mid;
int objs;
p = (RVALUE*)malloc(HEAP_SIZE);
@@ -962,7 +962,7 @@ static VALUE
rb_newobj_from_heap(rb_objspace_t *objspace)
VALUE obj;
if ((ruby_gc_stress && !ruby_disable_gc_stress) || !freelist) {
if (!heaps_increment(objspace) && !garbage_collect(objspace)) {
during_gc = 0;
@@ -1010,7 +1010,7 @@ rb_during_gc(void)
rb_objspace_t *objspace = &rb_objspace;
return during_gc;
@@ -2761,7 +2761,7 @@ gc_profile_record_get(void)
VALUE gc_profile = rb_ary_new();
size_t i;
rb_objspace_t *objspace = (&rb_objspace);
if (!objspace-> {
return Qnil;
@@ -2794,7 +2794,7 @@ gc_profile_record_get(void)
* GC::Profiler.result -> string
* Report profile data to string.
- *
+ *
* It returns a string as:
* GC 1 invokes.
* Index Invoke Time(sec) Use Size(byte) Total Size(byte) Total Object GC time(ms)
@@ -2808,7 +2808,7 @@ gc_profile_result(void)
VALUE record;
VALUE result;
int i;
record = gc_profile_record_get();
if (objspace-> && objspace->profile.count) {
result = rb_sprintf("GC %d invokes.\n", NUM2INT(gc_count(0)));
@@ -2850,7 +2850,7 @@ gc_profile_result(void)
* GC::Profiler.result display
- *
+ *
static VALUE
diff --git a/goruby.c b/goruby.c
index 7cd3a2262b..17be654800 100644
--- a/goruby.c
+++ b/goruby.c
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-void Init_golf(void);
+void Init_golf(void);
#define ruby_run_node goruby_run_node
#include "main.c"
#undef ruby_run_node
diff --git a/id.c b/id.c
index 870bce5dad..24a1959d6f 100644
--- a/id.c
+++ b/id.c
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
- id.c -
+ id.c -
created at: Thu Jul 12 04:37:51 2007
diff --git a/io.c b/io.c
index 59bf9662a7..40f66c1307 100644
--- a/io.c
+++ b/io.c
@@ -2718,7 +2718,7 @@ rb_io_lines(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE io)
* Returns an enumerator that gives each byte (0..255) in <em>ios</em>.
* The stream must be opened for reading or an <code>IOError</code>
* will be raised.
- *
+ *
* f ="testfile")
* f.bytes.to_a #=> [104, 101, 108, 108, 111]
* f.rewind
@@ -2734,11 +2734,11 @@ rb_io_bytes(VALUE io)
* call-seq:
* ios.chars => anEnumerator
- *
+ *
* Returns an enumerator that gives each character in <em>ios</em>.
* The stream must be opened for reading or an <code>IOError</code>
* will be raised.
- *
+ *
* f ="testfile")
* f.chars.to_a #=> ["h", "e", "l", "l", "o"]
* f.rewind
@@ -4950,7 +4950,7 @@ rb_scan_open_args(int argc, VALUE *argv,
rb_io_extract_modeenc(&vmode, &vperm, opt, &oflags, &fmode, convconfig_p);
perm = NIL_P(vperm) ? 0666 : NUM2UINT(vperm);
@@ -5909,7 +5909,7 @@ rb_io_stdio_file(rb_io_t *fptr)
* <code>IO</code> object or integer file descriptor and mode
* string. See also <code>IO#fileno</code> and
* <code>IO.for_fd</code>.
- *
+ *
* === Parameters
* fd:: numeric file descriptor
* mode:: file mode. a string or an integer
@@ -5919,12 +5919,12 @@ rb_io_stdio_file(rb_io_t *fptr)
* When <code>mode</code> is an integer it must be combination of
* the modes defined in <code>File::Constants</code>.
- * When <code>mode</code> is a string it must be in one of the
+ * When <code>mode</code> is a string it must be in one of the
* following forms:
* - "fmode",
* - "fmode:extern",
* - "fmode:extern:intern".
- * <code>extern</code> is the external encoding name for the IO.
+ * <code>extern</code> is the external encoding name for the IO.
* <code>intern</code> is the internal encoding.
* <code>fmode</code> must be combination of the directives. See
* the description of class +IO+ for a description of the directives.
@@ -5933,20 +5933,20 @@ rb_io_stdio_file(rb_io_t *fptr)
* <code>opt</code> can have the following keys
* :mode ::
* same as <code>mode</code> parameter
- * :external_encoding ::
- * external encoding for the IO. "-" is a
+ * :external_encoding ::
+ * external encoding for the IO. "-" is a
* synonym for the default external encoding.
* :internal_encoding ::
- * internal encoding for the IO.
+ * internal encoding for the IO.
* "-" is a synonym for the default internal encoding.
- * If the value is nil no conversion occurs.
- * :encoding ::
+ * If the value is nil no conversion occurs.
+ * :encoding ::
* specifies external and internal encodings as "extern:intern".
* :textmode ::
* If the value is truth value, same as "b" in argument <code>mode</code>.
* :binmode ::
* If the value is truth value, same as "t" in argument <code>mode</code>.
- *
+ *
* Also <code>opt</code> can have same keys in <code>String#encode</code> for
* controlling conversion between the external encoding and the internal encoding.
@@ -5968,7 +5968,7 @@ rb_io_stdio_file(rb_io_t *fptr)
* io =, mode: 'w', cr_newline: true, external_encoding: Encoding::UTF_16LE)
* io.puts "Hello, World!"
- * both of aboves print "Hello, World!" in UTF-16LE to standard error output with
+ * both of aboves print "Hello, World!" in UTF-16LE to standard error output with
* converting EOL generated by <code>puts</code> to CR.
@@ -6021,16 +6021,16 @@ rb_io_initialize(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE io)
* Opens the file named by _filename_ according to
* _mode_ (default is ``r'') and returns a new
- * <code>File</code> object.
- *
+ * <code>File</code> object.
+ *
* === Parameters
- * See the description of class +IO+ for a description of _mode_.
- * The file mode may optionally be specified as a +Fixnum+
- * by _or_-ing together the flags (O_RDONLY etc,
- * again described under +IO+).
+ * See the description of class +IO+ for a description of _mode_.
+ * The file mode may optionally be specified as a +Fixnum+
+ * by _or_-ing together the flags (O_RDONLY etc,
+ * again described under +IO+).
- * Optional permission bits may be given in _perm_.
- * These mode and permission bits are platform dependent;
+ * Optional permission bits may be given in _perm_.
+ * These mode and permission bits are platform dependent;
* on Unix systems, see <code>open(2)</code> for details.
* Optional _opt_ parameter is same as in <</code>.
@@ -6285,9 +6285,9 @@ argf_next_argv(VALUE argf)
if (st.st_uid!=st2.st_uid || st.st_gid!=st2.st_gid) {
(void)fchown(fw, st.st_uid, st.st_gid);
(void)chown(fn, st.st_uid, st.st_gid);
rb_stdout = prep_io(fw, FMODE_WRITABLE, rb_cFile, fn);
diff --git a/iseq.c b/iseq.c
index 3c2fb7d546..0385e214b1 100644
--- a/iseq.c
+++ b/iseq.c
@@ -1247,7 +1247,7 @@ iseq_data_to_ary(rb_iseq_t *iseq)
rb_hash_aset(misc, ID2SYM(rb_intern("local_size")), INT2FIX(iseq->local_size));
rb_hash_aset(misc, ID2SYM(rb_intern("stack_max")), INT2FIX(iseq->stack_max));
- /*
+ /*
* [:magic, :major_version, :minor_version, :format_type, :misc,
* :name, :filename, :type, :locals, :args,
* :catch_table, :bytecode]
diff --git a/load.c b/load.c
index 5f72d5510a..5f9d4f2294 100644
--- a/load.c
+++ b/load.c
@@ -341,7 +341,7 @@ rb_load_protect(VALUE fname, int wrap, int *state)
* call-seq:
* load(filename, wrap=false) => true
- *
+ *
* Loads and executes the Ruby
* program in the file _filename_. If the filename does not
* resolve to an absolute path, the file is searched for in the library
@@ -406,7 +406,7 @@ load_unlock(const char *ftptr, int done)
* call-seq:
* require(string) => true or false
- *
+ *
* Ruby tries to load the library named _string_, returning
* +true+ if successful. If the filename does not resolve to
* an absolute path, it will be searched for in the directories listed
@@ -420,7 +420,7 @@ load_unlock(const char *ftptr, int done)
* appears in <code>$"</code>. However, the file name is not converted
* to an absolute path, so that ``<code>require 'a';require
* './a'</code>'' will load <code>a.rb</code> twice.
- *
+ *
* require "my-library.rb"
* require "db-driver"
@@ -638,11 +638,11 @@ ruby_init_ext(const char *name, void (*init)(void))
* call-seq:
* mod.autoload(name, filename) => nil
- *
+ *
* Registers _filename_ to be loaded (using <code>Kernel::require</code>)
* the first time that _module_ (which may be a <code>String</code> or
* a symbol) is accessed in the namespace of _mod_.
- *
+ *
* module A
* end
* A.autoload(:B, "b")
@@ -672,11 +672,11 @@ rb_mod_autoload_p(VALUE mod, VALUE sym)
* call-seq:
* autoload(module, filename) => nil
- *
+ *
* Registers _filename_ to be loaded (using <code>Kernel::require</code>)
* the first time that _module_ (which may be a <code>String</code> or
* a symbol) is accessed.
- *
+ *
* autoload(:MyModule, "/usr/local/lib/modules/my_module.rb")
diff --git a/marshal.c b/marshal.c
index ca97ee3226..8a3a64e4c3 100644
--- a/marshal.c
+++ b/marshal.c
@@ -1608,7 +1608,7 @@ load_ensure(struct load_arg *arg)
* call-seq:
* load( source [, proc] ) => obj
* restore( source [, proc] ) => obj
- *
+ *
* Returns the result of converting the serialized data in source into a
* Ruby object (possibly with associated subordinate objects). source
* may be either an instance of IO or an object that responds to
diff --git a/math.c b/math.c
index c7e79c1a80..2043bebfe5 100644
--- a/math.c
+++ b/math.c
@@ -64,10 +64,10 @@ infinity_check(VALUE arg, double res, const char *msg)
* call-seq:
* Math.atan2(y, x) => float
- *
+ *
* Computes the arc tangent given <i>y</i> and <i>x</i>. Returns
* -PI..PI.
- *
+ *
static VALUE
@@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ math_atan2(VALUE obj, VALUE y, VALUE x)
* call-seq:
* Math.cos(x) => float
- *
+ *
* Computes the cosine of <i>x</i> (expressed in radians). Returns
* -1..1.
@@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ math_cos(VALUE obj, VALUE x)
* call-seq:
* Math.sin(x) => float
- *
+ *
* Computes the sine of <i>x</i> (expressed in radians). Returns
* -1..1.
@@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ math_sin(VALUE obj, VALUE x)
* call-seq:
* Math.tan(x) => float
- *
+ *
* Returns the tangent of <i>x</i> (expressed in radians).
@@ -128,7 +128,7 @@ math_tan(VALUE obj, VALUE x)
* call-seq:
* Math.acos(x) => float
- *
+ *
* Computes the arc cosine of <i>x</i>. Returns 0..PI.
@@ -148,7 +148,7 @@ math_acos(VALUE obj, VALUE x)
* call-seq:
* Math.asin(x) => float
- *
+ *
* Computes the arc sine of <i>x</i>. Returns -{PI/2} .. {PI/2}.
@@ -168,7 +168,7 @@ math_asin(VALUE obj, VALUE x)
* call-seq:
* Math.atan(x) => float
- *
+ *
* Computes the arc tangent of <i>x</i>. Returns -{PI/2} .. {PI/2}.
@@ -190,7 +190,7 @@ cosh(double x)
* call-seq:
* Math.cosh(x) => float
- *
+ *
* Computes the hyperbolic cosine of <i>x</i> (expressed in radians).
@@ -198,7 +198,7 @@ static VALUE
math_cosh(VALUE obj, VALUE x)
return DBL2NUM(cosh(RFLOAT_VALUE(x)));
@@ -213,7 +213,7 @@ sinh(double x)
* call-seq:
* Math.sinh(x) => float
- *
+ *
* Computes the hyperbolic sine of <i>x</i> (expressed in
* radians).
@@ -236,7 +236,7 @@ tanh(double x)
* call-seq:
* Math.tanh() => float
- *
+ *
* Computes the hyperbolic tangent of <i>x</i> (expressed in
* radians).
@@ -251,7 +251,7 @@ math_tanh(VALUE obj, VALUE x)
* call-seq:
* Math.acosh(x) => float
- *
+ *
* Computes the inverse hyperbolic cosine of <i>x</i>.
@@ -271,7 +271,7 @@ math_acosh(VALUE obj, VALUE x)
* call-seq:
* Math.asinh(x) => float
- *
+ *
* Computes the inverse hyperbolic sine of <i>x</i>.
@@ -285,7 +285,7 @@ math_asinh(VALUE obj, VALUE x)
* call-seq:
* Math.atanh(x) => float
- *
+ *
* Computes the inverse hyperbolic tangent of <i>x</i>.
@@ -306,7 +306,7 @@ math_atanh(VALUE obj, VALUE x)
* call-seq:
* Math.exp(x) => float
- *
+ *
* Returns e**x.
@@ -330,7 +330,7 @@ math_exp(VALUE obj, VALUE x)
* call-seq:
* Math.log(numeric) => float
* Math.log(num,base) => float
- *
+ *
* Returns the natural logarithm of <i>numeric</i>.
* If additional second argument is given, it will be the base
* of logarithm.
@@ -371,7 +371,7 @@ extern double log2(double);
* call-seq:
* Math.log2(numeric) => float
- *
+ *
* Returns the base 2 logarithm of <i>numeric</i>.
@@ -392,7 +392,7 @@ math_log2(VALUE obj, VALUE x)
* call-seq:
* Math.log10(numeric) => float
- *
+ *
* Returns the base 10 logarithm of <i>numeric</i>.
@@ -413,10 +413,10 @@ math_log10(VALUE obj, VALUE x)
* call-seq:
* Math.sqrt(numeric) => float
- *
+ *
* Returns the non-negative square root of <i>numeric</i>.
- * 0.upto(10) {|x|
+ * 0.upto(10) {|x|
* p [x, Math.sqrt(x), Math.sqrt(x)**2]
* }
* #=>
@@ -450,7 +450,7 @@ math_sqrt(VALUE obj, VALUE x)
* call-seq:
* Math.cbrt(numeric) => float
- *
+ *
* Returns the cube root of <i>numeric</i>.
* -9.upto(9) {|x|
@@ -489,11 +489,11 @@ math_cbrt(VALUE obj, VALUE x)
* call-seq:
* Math.frexp(numeric) => [ fraction, exponent ]
- *
+ *
* Returns a two-element array containing the normalized fraction (a
* <code>Float</code>) and exponent (a <code>Fixnum</code>) of
* <i>numeric</i>.
- *
+ *
* fraction, exponent = Math.frexp(1234) #=> [0.6025390625, 11]
* fraction * 2**exponent #=> 1234.0
@@ -505,7 +505,7 @@ math_frexp(VALUE obj, VALUE x)
int exp;
d = frexp(RFLOAT_VALUE(x), &exp);
return rb_assoc_new(DBL2NUM(d), INT2NUM(exp));
@@ -513,9 +513,9 @@ math_frexp(VALUE obj, VALUE x)
* call-seq:
* Math.ldexp(flt, int) -> float
- *
+ *
* Returns the value of <i>flt</i>*(2**<i>int</i>).
- *
+ *
* fraction, exponent = Math.frexp(1234)
* Math.ldexp(fraction, exponent) #=> 1234.0
@@ -530,10 +530,10 @@ math_ldexp(VALUE obj, VALUE x, VALUE n)
* call-seq:
* Math.hypot(x, y) => float
- *
+ *
* Returns sqrt(x**2 + y**2), the hypotenuse of a right-angled triangle
* with sides <i>x</i> and <i>y</i>.
- *
+ *
* Math.hypot(3, 4) #=> 5.0
@@ -689,7 +689,7 @@ exp1(sqrt)
* trigonometric and transcendental functions. See class
* <code>Float</code> for a list of constants that
* define Ruby's floating point accuracy.
- */
+ */
diff --git a/numeric.c b/numeric.c
index 56abed8ee8..ea4122ca71 100644
--- a/numeric.c
+++ b/numeric.c
@@ -2455,7 +2455,7 @@ fix_pow(VALUE x, VALUE y)
if (a == -1) {
if (b % 2 == 0)
return INT2FIX(1);
- else
+ else
return INT2FIX(-1);
return int_pow(a, b);
diff --git a/object.c b/object.c
index 39bab324dc..8ebb86a7bc 100644
--- a/object.c
+++ b/object.c
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ static ID id_eq, id_eql, id_match, id_inspect, id_init_copy;
* call-seq:
* obj === other => true or false
- *
+ *
* Case Equality---For class <code>Object</code>, effectively the same
* as calling <code>#==</code>, but typically overridden by descendents
* to provide meaningful semantics in <code>case</code> statements.
@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ rb_eql(VALUE obj1, VALUE obj2)
* obj == other => true or false
* obj.equal?(other) => true or false
* obj.eql?(other) => true or false
- *
+ *
* Equality---At the <code>Object</code> level, <code>==</code> returns
* <code>true</code> only if <i>obj</i> and <i>other</i> are the
* same object. Typically, this method is overridden in descendent
@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ rb_eql(VALUE obj1, VALUE obj2)
* there are exceptions. <code>Numeric</code> types, for example,
* perform type conversion across <code>==</code>, but not across
* <code>eql?</code>, so:
- *
+ *
* 1 == 1.0 #=> true
* 1.eql? 1.0 #=> false
@@ -144,13 +144,13 @@ rb_class_real(VALUE cl)
* call-seq:
* obj.class => class
- *
+ *
* Returns the class of <i>obj</i>, now preferred over
* <code>Object#type</code>, as an object's type in Ruby is only
* loosely tied to that object's class. This method must always be
* called with an explicit receiver, as <code>class</code> is also a
* reserved word in Ruby.
- *
+ *
* 1.class #=> Fixnum
* self.class #=> Object
@@ -210,12 +210,12 @@ init_copy(VALUE dest, VALUE obj)
* call-seq:
* obj.clone -> an_object
- *
+ *
* Produces a shallow copy of <i>obj</i>---the instance variables of
* <i>obj</i> are copied, but not the objects they reference. Copies
* the frozen and tainted state of <i>obj</i>. See also the discussion
* under <code>Object#dup</code>.
- *
+ *
* class Klass
* attr_accessor :str
* end
@@ -251,7 +251,7 @@ rb_obj_clone(VALUE obj)
* call-seq:
* obj.dup -> an_object
- *
+ *
* Produces a shallow copy of <i>obj</i>---the instance variables of
* <i>obj</i> are copied, but not the objects they reference.
* <code>dup</code> copies the tainted state of <i>obj</i>. See also
@@ -295,7 +295,7 @@ rb_obj_init_copy(VALUE obj, VALUE orig)
* call-seq:
* obj.to_s => string
- *
+ *
* Returns a string representing <i>obj</i>. The default
* <code>to_s</code> prints the object's class and an encoding of the
* object id. As a special case, the top-level object that is the
@@ -365,11 +365,11 @@ inspect_obj(VALUE obj, VALUE str, int recur)
* call-seq:
* obj.inspect => string
- *
+ *
* Returns a string containing a human-readable representation of
* <i>obj</i>. If not overridden, uses the <code>to_s</code> method to
* generate the string.
- *
+ *
* [ 1, 2, 3..4, 'five' ].inspect #=> "[1, 2, 3..4, \"five\"]"
* #=> "2008-03-08 19:43:39 +0900"
@@ -407,7 +407,7 @@ rb_obj_inspect(VALUE obj)
* call-seq:
* obj.instance_of?(class) => true or false
- *
+ *
* Returns <code>true</code> if <i>obj</i> is an instance of the given
* class. See also <code>Object#kind_of?</code>.
@@ -433,11 +433,11 @@ rb_obj_is_instance_of(VALUE obj, VALUE c)
* call-seq:
* obj.is_a?(class) => true or false
* obj.kind_of?(class) => true or false
- *
+ *
* Returns <code>true</code> if <i>class</i> is the class of
* <i>obj</i>, or if <i>class</i> is one of the superclasses of
* <i>obj</i> or modules included in <i>obj</i>.
- *
+ *
* module M; end
* class A
* include M
@@ -482,7 +482,7 @@ rb_obj_is_kind_of(VALUE obj, VALUE c)
* call-seq:
* obj.tap{|x|...} => obj
- *
+ *
* Yields <code>x</code> to the block, and then returns <code>x</code>.
* The primary purpose of this method is to "tap into" a method chain,
* in order to perform operations on intermediate results within the chain.
@@ -535,10 +535,10 @@ rb_obj_tap(VALUE obj)
* call-seq:
* singleton_method_added(symbol)
- *
+ *
* Invoked as a callback whenever a singleton method is added to the
* receiver.
- *
+ *
* module Chatty
* def Chatty.singleton_method_added(id)
* puts "Adding #{id.id2name}"
@@ -547,13 +547,13 @@ rb_obj_tap(VALUE obj)
* def two() end
* def Chatty.three() end
* end
- *
+ *
* <em>produces:</em>
- *
+ *
* Adding singleton_method_added
* Adding one
* Adding three
- *
+ *
@@ -561,10 +561,10 @@ rb_obj_tap(VALUE obj)
* call-seq:
* singleton_method_removed(symbol)
- *
+ *
* Invoked as a callback whenever a singleton method is removed from
* the receiver.
- *
+ *
* module Chatty
* def Chatty.singleton_method_removed(id)
* puts "Removing #{id.id2name}"
@@ -577,9 +577,9 @@ rb_obj_tap(VALUE obj)
* remove_method :one
* end
* end
- *
+ *
* <em>produces:</em>
- *
+ *
* Removing three
* Removing one
@@ -589,10 +589,10 @@ rb_obj_tap(VALUE obj)
* call-seq:
* singleton_method_undefined(symbol)
- *
+ *
* Invoked as a callback whenever a singleton method is undefined in
* the receiver.
- *
+ *
* module Chatty
* def Chatty.singleton_method_undefined(id)
* puts "Undefining #{id.id2name}"
@@ -602,9 +602,9 @@ rb_obj_tap(VALUE obj)
* undef_method(:one)
* end
* end
- *
+ *
* <em>produces:</em>
- *
+ *
* Undefining one
@@ -644,7 +644,7 @@ rb_obj_dummy(void)
* call-seq:
* obj.tainted? => true or false
- *
+ *
* Returns <code>true</code> if the object is tainted.
@@ -659,7 +659,7 @@ rb_obj_tainted(VALUE obj)
* call-seq:
* obj.taint -> obj
- *
+ *
* Marks <i>obj</i> as tainted---if the <code>$SAFE</code> level is
* set appropriately, many method calls which might alter the running
* programs environment will refuse to accept tainted strings.
@@ -682,7 +682,7 @@ rb_obj_taint(VALUE obj)
* call-seq:
* obj.untaint => obj
- *
+ *
* Removes the taint from <i>obj</i>.
@@ -702,7 +702,7 @@ rb_obj_untaint(VALUE obj)
* call-seq:
* obj.untrusted? => true or false
- *
+ *
* Returns <code>true</code> if the object is untrusted.
@@ -717,7 +717,7 @@ rb_obj_untrusted(VALUE obj)
* call-seq:
* obj.untrust -> obj
- *
+ *
* Marks <i>obj</i> as untrusted.
@@ -738,7 +738,7 @@ rb_obj_untrust(VALUE obj)
* call-seq:
* => obj
- *
+ *
* Removes the untrusted mark from <i>obj</i>.
@@ -766,18 +766,18 @@ static st_table *immediate_frozen_tbl = 0;
* call-seq:
* obj.freeze => obj
- *
+ *
* Prevents further modifications to <i>obj</i>. A
* <code>RuntimeError</code> will be raised if modification is attempted.
* There is no way to unfreeze a frozen object. See also
* <code>Object#frozen?</code>.
- *
+ *
* a = [ "a", "b", "c" ]
* a.freeze
* a << "z"
- *
+ *
* <em>produces:</em>
- *
+ *
* prog.rb:3:in `<<': can't modify frozen array (RuntimeError)
* from prog.rb:3
@@ -803,9 +803,9 @@ rb_obj_freeze(VALUE obj)
* call-seq:
* obj.frozen? => true or false
- *
+ *
* Returns the freeze status of <i>obj</i>.
- *
+ *
* a = [ "a", "b", "c" ]
* a.freeze #=> ["a", "b", "c"]
* a.frozen? #=> true
@@ -832,9 +832,9 @@ rb_obj_frozen_p(VALUE obj)
* call-seq:
* nil.to_i => 0
- *
+ *
* Always returns zero.
- *
+ *
* nil.to_i #=> 0
@@ -848,9 +848,9 @@ nil_to_i(VALUE obj)
* call-seq:
* nil.to_f => 0.0
- *
+ *
* Always returns zero.
- *
+ *
* nil.to_f #=> 0.0
@@ -863,7 +863,7 @@ nil_to_f(VALUE obj)
* call-seq:
* nil.to_s => ""
- *
+ *
* Always returns the empty string.
@@ -878,9 +878,9 @@ nil_to_s(VALUE obj)
* call-seq:
* nil.to_a => []
- *
+ *
* Always returns an empty array.
- *
+ *
* nil.to_a #=> []
@@ -930,7 +930,7 @@ true_to_s(VALUE obj)
* call-seq:
* true & obj => true or false
- *
+ *
* And---Returns <code>false</code> if <i>obj</i> is
* <code>nil</code> or <code>false</code>, <code>true</code> otherwise.
@@ -944,16 +944,16 @@ true_and(VALUE obj, VALUE obj2)
* call-seq:
* true | obj => true
- *
+ *
* Or---Returns <code>true</code>. As <i>anObject</i> is an argument to
* a method call, it is always evaluated; there is no short-circuit
* evaluation in this case.
- *
+ *
* true | puts("or")
* true || puts("logical or")
- *
+ *
* <em>produces:</em>
- *
+ *
* or
@@ -967,7 +967,7 @@ true_or(VALUE obj, VALUE obj2)
* call-seq:
* true ^ obj => !obj
- *
+ *
* Exclusive Or---Returns <code>true</code> if <i>obj</i> is
* <code>nil</code> or <code>false</code>, <code>false</code>
* otherwise.
@@ -987,7 +987,7 @@ true_xor(VALUE obj, VALUE obj2)
* <code>FalseClass</code> and represents a logically false value in
* boolean expressions. The class provides operators allowing
* <code>false</code> to participate correctly in logical expressions.
- *
+ *
@@ -1007,7 +1007,7 @@ false_to_s(VALUE obj)
* call-seq:
* false & obj => false
* nil & obj => false
- *
+ *
* And---Returns <code>false</code>. <i>obj</i> is always
* evaluated as it is the argument to a method call---there is no
* short-circuit evaluation in this case.
@@ -1024,7 +1024,7 @@ false_and(VALUE obj, VALUE obj2)
* call-seq:
* false | obj => true or false
* nil | obj => true or false
- *
+ *
* Or---Returns <code>false</code> if <i>obj</i> is
* <code>nil</code> or <code>false</code>; <code>true</code> otherwise.
@@ -1041,11 +1041,11 @@ false_or(VALUE obj, VALUE obj2)
* call-seq:
* false ^ obj => true or false
* nil ^ obj => true or false
- *
+ *
* Exclusive Or---If <i>obj</i> is <code>nil</code> or
* <code>false</code>, returns <code>false</code>; otherwise, returns
* <code>true</code>.
- *
+ *
static VALUE
@@ -1086,7 +1086,7 @@ rb_false(VALUE obj)
* call-seq:
* obj =~ other => nil
- *
+ *
* Pattern Match---Overridden by descendents (notably
* <code>Regexp</code> and <code>String</code>) to provide meaningful
* pattern-match semantics.
@@ -1101,7 +1101,7 @@ rb_obj_match(VALUE obj1, VALUE obj2)
* call-seq:
* obj !~ other => true or false
- *
+ *
* Returns true if two objects do not match (using the <i>=~</i>
* method), otherwise false.
@@ -1124,11 +1124,11 @@ rb_obj_not_match(VALUE obj1, VALUE obj2)
* included, module methods do not. Conversely, module methods may be
* called without creating an encapsulating object, while instance
* methods may not. (See <code>Module#module_function</code>)
- *
+ *
* In the descriptions that follow, the parameter <i>syml</i> refers
* to a symbol, which is either a quoted string or a
* <code>Symbol</code> (such as <code>:name</code>).
- *
+ *
* module Mod
* include Math
* CONST = 1
@@ -1139,7 +1139,7 @@ rb_obj_not_match(VALUE obj1, VALUE obj2)
* Mod.class #=> Module
* Mod.constants #=> [:CONST, :PI, :E]
* Mod.instance_methods #=> [:meth]
- *
+ *
@@ -1177,7 +1177,7 @@ rb_mod_to_s(VALUE klass)
* call-seq:
* mod.freeze
- *
+ *
* Prevents further modifications to <i>mod</i>.
@@ -1191,7 +1191,7 @@ rb_mod_freeze(VALUE mod)
* call-seq:
* mod === obj => true or false
- *
+ *
* Case Equality---Returns <code>true</code> if <i>anObject</i> is an
* instance of <i>mod</i> or one of <i>mod</i>'s descendents. Of
* limited use for modules, but can be used in <code>case</code>
@@ -1209,9 +1209,9 @@ rb_mod_eqq(VALUE mod, VALUE arg)
* mod <= other => true, false, or nil
* Returns true if <i>mod</i> is a subclass of <i>other</i> or
- * is the same as <i>other</i>. Returns
- * <code>nil</code> if there's no relationship between the two.
- * (Think of the relationship in terms of the class definition:
+ * is the same as <i>other</i>. Returns
+ * <code>nil</code> if there's no relationship between the two.
+ * (Think of the relationship in terms of the class definition:
* "class A<B" implies "A<B").
@@ -1247,9 +1247,9 @@ rb_class_inherited_p(VALUE mod, VALUE arg)
* call-seq:
* mod < other => true, false, or nil
- * Returns true if <i>mod</i> is a subclass of <i>other</i>. Returns
- * <code>nil</code> if there's no relationship between the two.
- * (Think of the relationship in terms of the class definition:
+ * Returns true if <i>mod</i> is a subclass of <i>other</i>. Returns
+ * <code>nil</code> if there's no relationship between the two.
+ * (Think of the relationship in terms of the class definition:
* "class A<B" implies "A<B").
@@ -1267,9 +1267,9 @@ rb_mod_lt(VALUE mod, VALUE arg)
* mod >= other => true, false, or nil
* Returns true if <i>mod</i> is an ancestor of <i>other</i>, or the
- * two modules are the same. Returns
- * <code>nil</code> if there's no relationship between the two.
- * (Think of the relationship in terms of the class definition:
+ * two modules are the same. Returns
+ * <code>nil</code> if there's no relationship between the two.
+ * (Think of the relationship in terms of the class definition:
* "class A<B" implies "B>A").
@@ -1292,9 +1292,9 @@ rb_mod_ge(VALUE mod, VALUE arg)
* call-seq:
* mod > other => true, false, or nil
- * Returns true if <i>mod</i> is an ancestor of <i>other</i>. Returns
- * <code>nil</code> if there's no relationship between the two.
- * (Think of the relationship in terms of the class definition:
+ * Returns true if <i>mod</i> is an ancestor of <i>other</i>. Returns
+ * <code>nil</code> if there's no relationship between the two.
+ * (Think of the relationship in terms of the class definition:
* "class A<B" implies "B>A").
@@ -1309,7 +1309,7 @@ rb_mod_gt(VALUE mod, VALUE arg)
* call-seq:
* mod <=> other_mod => -1, 0, +1, or nil
- *
+ *
* Comparison---Returns -1 if <i>mod</i> includes <i>other_mod</i>, 0 if
* <i>mod</i> is the same as <i>other_mod</i>, and +1 if <i>mod</i> is
* included by <i>other_mod</i> or if <i>mod</i> has no relationship with
@@ -1358,11 +1358,11 @@ rb_class_s_alloc(VALUE klass)
* call-seq:
* => mod
* {|mod| block } => mod
- *
+ *
* Creates a new anonymous module. If a block is given, it is passed
* the module object, and the block is evaluated in the context of this
* module using <code>module_eval</code>.
- *
+ *
* Fred = do
* def meth1
* "hello"
@@ -1391,11 +1391,11 @@ rb_mod_initialize(VALUE module)
* call-seq:
* => a_class
- *
+ *
* Creates a new anonymous (unnamed) class with the given superclass
* (or <code>Object</code> if no parameter is given). You can give a
* class a name by assigning the class object to a constant.
- *
+ *
static VALUE
@@ -1424,23 +1424,23 @@ rb_class_initialize(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE klass)
* call-seq:
* class.allocate() => obj
- *
+ *
* Allocates space for a new object of <i>class</i>'s class and does not
* call initialize on the new instance. The returned object must be an
* instance of <i>class</i>.
- *
+ *
* klass = do
* def initialize(*args)
* @initialized = true
* end
- *
+ *
* def initialized?
* @initialized || false
* end
* end
- *
+ *
* klass.allocate.initialized? #=> false
- *
+ *
@@ -1472,13 +1472,13 @@ rb_class_allocate_instance(VALUE klass)
* call-seq:
*, ...) => obj
- *
+ *
* Calls <code>allocate</code> to create a new object of
* <i>class</i>'s class, then invokes that object's
* <code>initialize</code> method, passing it <i>args</i>.
* This is the method that ends up getting called whenever
* an object is constructed using .new.
- *
+ *
@@ -1495,9 +1495,9 @@ rb_class_new_instance(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE klass)
* call-seq:
* class.superclass -> a_super_class or nil
- *
+ *
* Returns the superclass of <i>class</i>, or <code>nil</code>.
- *
+ *
* File.superclass #=> IO
* IO.superclass #=> Object
* Object.superclass #=> BasicObject
@@ -1508,7 +1508,7 @@ rb_class_new_instance(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE klass)
* returns nil when the given class hasn't a parent class:
* BasicObject.superclass #=> nil
- *
+ *
static VALUE
@@ -1533,7 +1533,7 @@ rb_class_superclass(VALUE klass)
* call-seq:
* attr_reader(symbol, ...) => nil
* attr(symbol, ...) => nil
- *
+ *
* Creates instance variables and corresponding methods that return the
* value of each instance variable. Equivalent to calling
* ``<code>attr</code><i>:name</i>'' on each name in turn.
@@ -1564,7 +1564,7 @@ rb_mod_attr(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE klass)
* call-seq:
* attr_writer(symbol, ...) => nil
- *
+ *
* Creates an accessor method to allow assignment to the attribute
* <i>aSymbol</i><code>.id2name</code>.
@@ -1583,12 +1583,12 @@ rb_mod_attr_writer(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE klass)
* call-seq:
* attr_accessor(symbol, ...) => nil
- *
+ *
* Defines a named attribute for this module, where the name is
* <i>symbol.</i><code>id2name</code>, creating an instance variable
* (<code>@name</code>) and a corresponding access method to read it.
* Also creates a method called <code>name=</code> to set the attribute.
- *
+ *
* module Mod
* attr_accessor(:one, :two)
* end
@@ -1609,9 +1609,9 @@ rb_mod_attr_accessor(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE klass)
* call-seq:
* mod.const_get(sym, inherit=true) => obj
- *
+ *
* Returns the value of the named constant in <i>mod</i>.
- *
+ *
* Math.const_get(:PI) #=> 3.14159265358979
* If the constant is not defined or is defined by the ancestors and
@@ -1641,11 +1641,11 @@ rb_mod_const_get(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE mod)
* call-seq:
* mod.const_set(sym, obj) => obj
- *
+ *
* Sets the named constant to the given object, returning that object.
* Creates a new constant if no constant with the given name previously
* existed.
- *
+ *
* Math.const_set("HIGH_SCHOOL_PI", 22.0/7.0) #=> 3.14285714285714
* Math::HIGH_SCHOOL_PI - Math::PI #=> 0.00126448926734968
@@ -1665,10 +1665,10 @@ rb_mod_const_set(VALUE mod, VALUE name, VALUE value)
* call-seq:
* mod.const_defined?(sym, inherit=true) => true or false
- *
+ *
* Returns <code>true</code> if a constant with the given name is
* defined by <i>mod</i>, or its ancestors if +inherit+ is not false.
- *
+ *
* Math.const_defined? "PI" #=> true
* IO.const_defined? "SYNC" #=> true
* IO.const_defined? "SYNC", false #=> false
@@ -1697,17 +1697,17 @@ rb_mod_const_defined(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE mod)
* call-seq:
* obj.methods => array
- *
+ *
* Returns a list of the names of methods publicly accessible in
* <i>obj</i>. This will include all the methods accessible in
* <i>obj</i>'s ancestors.
- *
+ *
* class Klass
* def kMethod()
* end
* end
* k =
- * k.methods[0..9] #=> ["kMethod", "freeze", "nil?", "is_a?",
+ * k.methods[0..9] #=> ["kMethod", "freeze", "nil?", "is_a?",
* # "class", "instance_variable_set",
* # "methods", "extend", "__send__", "instance_eval"]
* k.methods.length #=> 42
@@ -1738,7 +1738,7 @@ rb_obj_methods(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE obj)
* call-seq:
* obj.protected_methods(all=true) => array
- *
+ *
* Returns the list of protected methods accessible to <i>obj</i>. If
* the <i>all</i> parameter is set to <code>false</code>, only those methods
* in the receiver will be listed.
@@ -1759,7 +1759,7 @@ rb_obj_protected_methods(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE obj)
* call-seq:
* obj.private_methods(all=true) => array
- *
+ *
* Returns the list of private methods accessible to <i>obj</i>. If
* the <i>all</i> parameter is set to <code>false</code>, only those methods
* in the receiver will be listed.
@@ -1780,7 +1780,7 @@ rb_obj_private_methods(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE obj)
* call-seq:
* obj.public_methods(all=true) => array
- *
+ *
* Returns the list of public methods accessible to <i>obj</i>. If
* the <i>all</i> parameter is set to <code>false</code>, only those methods
* in the receiver will be listed.
@@ -1807,7 +1807,7 @@ rb_obj_public_methods(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE obj)
* variable name should be included for regular instance
* variables. Throws a <code>NameError</code> exception if the
* supplied symbol is not valid as an instance variable name.
- *
+ *
* class Fred
* def initialize(p1, p2)
* @a, @b = p1, p2
@@ -1832,12 +1832,12 @@ rb_obj_ivar_get(VALUE obj, VALUE iv)
* call-seq:
* obj.instance_variable_set(symbol, obj) => obj
- *
+ *
* Sets the instance variable names by <i>symbol</i> to
* <i>object</i>, thereby frustrating the efforts of the class's
* author to attempt to provide proper encapsulation. The variable
* did not have to exist prior to this call.
- *
+ *
* class Fred
* def initialize(p1, p2)
* @a, @b = p1, p2
@@ -1892,11 +1892,11 @@ rb_obj_ivar_defined(VALUE obj, VALUE iv)
* call-seq:
* mod.class_variable_get(symbol) => obj
- *
+ *
* Returns the value of the given class variable (or throws a
* <code>NameError</code> exception). The <code>@@</code> part of the
* variable name should be included for regular class variables
- *
+ *
* class Fred
* @@foo = 99
* end
@@ -1917,10 +1917,10 @@ rb_mod_cvar_get(VALUE obj, VALUE iv)
* call-seq:
* obj.class_variable_set(symbol, obj) => obj
- *
+ *
* Sets the class variable names by <i>symbol</i> to
* <i>object</i>.
- *
+ *
* class Fred
* @@foo = 99
* def foo
@@ -2004,7 +2004,7 @@ convert_type(VALUE val, const char *tname, const char *method, int raise)
NIL_P(val) ? "nil" :
val == Qtrue ? "true" :
val == Qfalse ? "false" :
- rb_obj_classname(val),
+ rb_obj_classname(val),
else {
@@ -2118,7 +2118,7 @@ rb_Integer(VALUE val)
* call-seq:
* Integer(arg) => integer
- *
+ *
* Converts <i>arg</i> to a <code>Fixnum</code> or <code>Bignum</code>.
* Numeric types are converted directly (with floating point numbers
* being truncated). If <i>arg</i> is a <code>String</code>, leading
@@ -2126,7 +2126,7 @@ rb_Integer(VALUE val)
* <code>0x</code>) are honored. Others are converted using
* <code>to_int</code> and <code>to_i</code>. This behavior is
* different from that of <code>String#to_i</code>.
- *
+ *
* Integer(123.999) #=> 123
* Integer("0x1a") #=> 26
* Integer( #=> 1204973019
@@ -2261,11 +2261,11 @@ rb_Float(VALUE val)
* call-seq:
* Float(arg) => float
- *
+ *
* Returns <i>arg</i> converted to a float. Numeric types are converted
* directly, the rest are converted using <i>arg</i>.to_f. As of Ruby
* 1.8, converting <code>nil</code> generates a <code>TypeError</code>.
- *
+ *
* Float(1) #=> 1.0
* Float("123.456") #=> 123.456
@@ -2322,10 +2322,10 @@ rb_String(VALUE val)
* call-seq:
* String(arg) => string
- *
+ *
* Converts <i>arg</i> to a <code>String</code> by calling its
* <code>to_s</code> method.
- *
+ *
* String(self) #=> "main"
* String(self.class) #=> "Object"
* String(123456) #=> "123456"
@@ -2354,10 +2354,10 @@ rb_Array(VALUE val)
* call-seq:
* Array(arg) => array
- *
+ *
* Returns <i>arg</i> as an <code>Array</code>. First tries to call
* <i>arg</i><code>.to_ary</code>, then <i>arg</i><code>.to_a</code>.
- *
+ *
* Array(1..5) #=> [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
@@ -2391,7 +2391,7 @@ boot_defmetametaclass(VALUE klass, VALUE metametaclass)
* Classes in Ruby are first-class objects---each is an instance of
* class <code>Class</code>.
- *
+ *
* When a new class is created (typically using <code>class Name ...
* end</code>), an object of type <code>Class</code> is created and
* assigned to a global constant (<code>Name</code> in this case). When
@@ -2399,7 +2399,7 @@ boot_defmetametaclass(VALUE klass, VALUE metametaclass)
* <code>new</code> method in <code>Class</code> is run by default.
* This can be demonstrated by overriding <code>new</code> in
* <code>Class</code>:
- *
+ *
* class Class
* alias oldNew new
* def new(*args)
@@ -2407,21 +2407,21 @@ boot_defmetametaclass(VALUE klass, VALUE metametaclass)
* oldNew(*args)
* end
* end
- *
- *
+ *
+ *
* class Name
* end
- *
- *
+ *
+ *
* n =
- *
+ *
* <em>produces:</em>
- *
+ *
* Creating a new Name
- *
+ *
* Classes, modules, and objects are interrelated. In the diagram
* that follows, the vertical arrows represent inheritance, and the
- * parentheses meta-classes. All metaclasses are instances
+ * parentheses meta-classes. All metaclasses are instances
* of the class `Class'.
* +-----------------+
@@ -2453,13 +2453,13 @@ boot_defmetametaclass(VALUE klass, VALUE metametaclass)
* class hierarchy is a direct subclass of <code>BasicObject</code>. Its
* methods are therefore available to all objects unless explicitly
* overridden.
- *
+ *
* <code>Object</code> mixes in the <code>Kernel</code> module, making
* the built-in kernel functions globally accessible. Although the
* instance methods of <code>Object</code> are defined by the
* <code>Kernel</code> module, we have chosen to document them here for
* clarity.
- *
+ *
* In the descriptions of Object's methods, the parameter <i>symbol</i> refers
* to a symbol, which is either a quoted string or a
* <code>Symbol</code> (such as <code>:name</code>).
@@ -2509,7 +2509,7 @@ Init_Object(void)
rb_define_private_method(rb_cModule, "method_undefined", rb_obj_dummy, 1);
rb_define_method(rb_mKernel, "nil?", rb_false, 0);
- rb_define_method(rb_mKernel, "===", rb_equal, 1);
+ rb_define_method(rb_mKernel, "===", rb_equal, 1);
rb_define_method(rb_mKernel, "=~", rb_obj_match, 1);
rb_define_method(rb_mKernel, "!~", rb_obj_not_match, 1);
rb_define_method(rb_mKernel, "eql?", rb_obj_equal, 1);
@@ -2595,24 +2595,24 @@ Init_Object(void)
rb_define_alloc_func(rb_cModule, rb_module_s_alloc);
rb_define_method(rb_cModule, "initialize", rb_mod_initialize, 0);
rb_define_method(rb_cModule, "instance_methods", rb_class_instance_methods, -1); /* in class.c */
- rb_define_method(rb_cModule, "public_instance_methods",
+ rb_define_method(rb_cModule, "public_instance_methods",
rb_class_public_instance_methods, -1); /* in class.c */
- rb_define_method(rb_cModule, "protected_instance_methods",
+ rb_define_method(rb_cModule, "protected_instance_methods",
rb_class_protected_instance_methods, -1); /* in class.c */
- rb_define_method(rb_cModule, "private_instance_methods",
+ rb_define_method(rb_cModule, "private_instance_methods",
rb_class_private_instance_methods, -1); /* in class.c */
rb_define_method(rb_cModule, "constants", rb_mod_constants, -1); /* in variable.c */
rb_define_method(rb_cModule, "const_get", rb_mod_const_get, -1);
rb_define_method(rb_cModule, "const_set", rb_mod_const_set, 2);
rb_define_method(rb_cModule, "const_defined?", rb_mod_const_defined, -1);
- rb_define_private_method(rb_cModule, "remove_const",
+ rb_define_private_method(rb_cModule, "remove_const",
rb_mod_remove_const, 1); /* in variable.c */
- rb_define_method(rb_cModule, "const_missing",
+ rb_define_method(rb_cModule, "const_missing",
rb_mod_const_missing, 1); /* in variable.c */
- rb_define_method(rb_cModule, "class_variables",
+ rb_define_method(rb_cModule, "class_variables",
rb_mod_class_variables, 0); /* in variable.c */
- rb_define_method(rb_cModule, "remove_class_variable",
+ rb_define_method(rb_cModule, "remove_class_variable",
rb_mod_remove_cvar, 1); /* in variable.c */
rb_define_method(rb_cModule, "class_variable_get", rb_mod_cvar_get, 1);
rb_define_method(rb_cModule, "class_variable_set", rb_mod_cvar_set, 2);
diff --git a/parse.y b/parse.y
index f0b019670a..545559c424 100644
--- a/parse.y
+++ b/parse.y
@@ -3498,7 +3498,7 @@ block_call : command do_block
else {
block_dup_check($1->nd_args, $2);
- }
+ }
$2->nd_iter = $1;
$$ = $2;
fixpos($$, $1);
diff --git a/proc.c b/proc.c
index 2761158815..02f33edee9 100644
--- a/proc.c
+++ b/proc.c
@@ -294,12 +294,12 @@ rb_binding_new(void)
* call-seq:
* binding -> a_binding
- *
+ *
* Returns a +Binding+ object, describing the variable and
* method bindings at the point of call. This object can be used when
* calling +eval+ to execute the evaluated command in this
* environment. Also see the description of class +Binding+.
- *
+ *
* def getBinding(param)
* return binding
* end
@@ -397,12 +397,12 @@ proc_new(VALUE klass, int is_lambda)
* call-seq:
* {|...| block } => a_proc
* => a_proc
- *
+ *
* Creates a new <code>Proc</code> object, bound to the current
* context. <code>Proc::new</code> may be called without a block only
* within a method with an attached block, in which case that block is
* converted to the <code>Proc</code> object.
- *
+ *
* def proc_from
* end
@@ -466,7 +466,7 @@ proc_lambda(void)
*,...) => obj
* prc[params,...] => obj
* prc.(params,...) => obj
- *
+ *
* Invokes the block, setting the block's parameters to the values in
* <i>params</i> using something close to method calling semantics.
* Generates a warning if multiple values are passed to a proc that
@@ -481,15 +481,15 @@ proc_lambda(void)
* Returns the value of the last expression evaluated in the block. See
* also <code>Proc#yield</code>.
- *
+ *
* a_proc = {|a, *b| b.collect {|i| i*a }}
*, 1, 2, 3) #=> [9, 18, 27]
* a_proc[9, 1, 2, 3] #=> [9, 18, 27]
* a_proc = {|a,b| a}
- *
+ *
* <em>produces:</em>
- *
+ *
* prog.rb:5: wrong number of arguments (3 for 2) (ArgumentError)
* from prog.rb:4:in `call'
* from prog.rb:5
@@ -498,7 +498,7 @@ proc_lambda(void)
* call-seq:
* prc === obj => obj
- *
+ *
* Invokes the block, with <i>obj</i> as the block's parameter. It is
* to allow a proc object to be a target of when clause in the case statement.
@@ -555,14 +555,14 @@ rb_proc_call_with_block(VALUE self, int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE pass_procval)
* call-seq:
* prc.arity -> fixnum
- *
+ *
* Returns the number of arguments that would not be ignored. If the block
* is declared to take no arguments, returns 0. If the block is known
* to take exactly n arguments, returns n. If the block has optional
* arguments, return -n-1, where n is the number of mandatory
* arguments. A <code>proc</code> with no argument declarations
* is the same a block declaring <code>||</code> as its arguments.
- *
+ *
* {}.arity #=> 0
* {||}.arity #=> 0
* {|a|}.arity #=> 1
@@ -761,14 +761,14 @@ proc_to_s(VALUE self)
const char *cname = rb_obj_classname(self);
rb_iseq_t *iseq;
const char *is_lambda;
GetProcPtr(self, proc);
iseq = proc->block.iseq;
is_lambda = proc->is_lambda ? " (lambda)" : "";
if (RUBY_VM_NORMAL_ISEQ_P(iseq)) {
int line_no = 0;
if (iseq->insn_info_table) {
line_no = rb_iseq_first_lineno(iseq);
@@ -790,7 +790,7 @@ proc_to_s(VALUE self)
* call-seq:
* prc.to_proc -> prc
- *
+ *
* Part of the protocol for converting objects to <code>Proc</code>
* objects. Instances of class <code>Proc</code> simply return
* themselves.
@@ -883,7 +883,7 @@ mnew(VALUE klass, VALUE obj, ID id, VALUE mclass, int scope)
* associated with an iterator. They may also be unbound from one
* object (creating an <code>UnboundMethod</code>) and bound to
* another.
- *
+ *
* class Thing
* def square(n)
* n*n
@@ -891,10 +891,10 @@ mnew(VALUE klass, VALUE obj, ID id, VALUE mclass, int scope)
* end
* thing =
* meth = thing.method(:square)
- *
+ *
* #=> 81
* [ 1, 2, 3 ].collect(&meth) #=> [1, 4, 9]
- *
+ *
@@ -952,7 +952,7 @@ method_hash(VALUE method)
* call-seq:
* meth.unbind => unbound_method
- *
+ *
* Dissociates <i>meth</i> from it's current receiver. The resulting
* <code>UnboundMethod</code> can subsequently be bound to a new object
* of the same class (see <code>UnboundMethod</code>).
@@ -981,7 +981,7 @@ method_unbind(VALUE obj)
* call-seq:
* meth.receiver => object
- *
+ *
* Returns the bound receiver of the method object.
@@ -997,7 +997,7 @@ method_receiver(VALUE obj)
* call-seq:
* => symbol
- *
+ *
* Returns the name of the method.
@@ -1013,7 +1013,7 @@ method_name(VALUE obj)
* call-seq:
* meth.owner => class_or_module
- *
+ *
* Returns the class or module that defines the method.
@@ -1029,13 +1029,13 @@ method_owner(VALUE obj)
* call-seq:
* obj.method(sym) => method
- *
+ *
* Looks up the named method as a receiver in <i>obj</i>, returning a
* <code>Method</code> object (or raising <code>NameError</code>). The
* <code>Method</code> object acts as a closure in <i>obj</i>'s object
* instance, so instance variables and the value of <code>self</code>
* remain available.
- *
+ *
* class Demo
* def initialize(n)
* @iv = n
@@ -1044,11 +1044,11 @@ method_owner(VALUE obj)
* "Hello, @iv = #{@iv}"
* end
* end
- *
+ *
* k =
* m = k.method(:hello)
* #=> "Hello, @iv = 99"
- *
+ *
* l ='Fred')
* m = l.method("hello")
* #=> "Hello, @iv = Fred"
@@ -1069,10 +1069,10 @@ rb_obj_public_method(VALUE obj, VALUE vid)
* call-seq:
* mod.instance_method(symbol) => unbound_method
- *
+ *
* Returns an +UnboundMethod+ representing the given
* instance method in _mod_.
- *
+ *
* class Interpreter
* def do_a() print "there, "; end
* def do_d() print "Hello "; end
@@ -1088,13 +1088,13 @@ rb_obj_public_method(VALUE obj, VALUE vid)
* string.each_byte {|b| Dispatcher[b].bind(self).call }
* end
* end
- *
- *
+ *
+ *
* interpreter =
* interpreter.interpret('dave')
- *
+ *
* <em>produces:</em>
- *
+ *
* Hello there, Dave!
@@ -1114,14 +1114,14 @@ rb_mod_public_instance_method(VALUE mod, VALUE vid)
* call-seq:
* define_method(symbol, method) => new_method
* define_method(symbol) { block } => proc
- *
+ *
* Defines an instance method in the receiver. The _method_
* parameter can be a +Proc+ or +Method+ object.
* If a block is specified, it is used as the method body. This block
* is evaluated using <code>instance_eval</code>, a point that is
* tricky to demonstrate because <code>define_method</code> is private.
* (This is why we resort to the +send+ hack in this example.)
- *
+ *
* class A
* def fred
* puts "In Fred"
@@ -1139,9 +1139,9 @@ rb_mod_public_instance_method(VALUE mod, VALUE vid)
* a.wilma
* a.create_method(:betty) { p self }
* a.betty
- *
+ *
* <em>produces:</em>
- *
+ *
* In Fred
* Charge it!
* #<B:0x401b39e8>
@@ -1242,10 +1242,10 @@ method_clone(VALUE self)
* call-seq:
*, ...) => obj
* meth[args, ...] => obj
- *
+ *
* Invokes the <i>meth</i> with the specified arguments, returning the
* method's return value.
- *
+ *
* m = 12.method("+")
* #=> 15
* #=> 32
@@ -1296,17 +1296,17 @@ rb_method_call(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE method)
* with a particular object: these method objects are bound to that
* object. Bound method objects for an object can be created using
* <code>Object#method</code>.
- *
+ *
* Ruby also supports unbound methods; methods objects that are not
* associated with a particular object. These can be created either by
* calling <code>Module#instance_method</code> or by calling
* <code>unbind</code> on a bound method object. The result of both of
* these is an <code>UnboundMethod</code> object.
- *
+ *
* Unbound methods can only be called after they are bound to an
* object. That object must be be a kind_of? the method's original
* class.
- *
+ *
* class Square
* def area
* @side * @side
@@ -1315,17 +1315,17 @@ rb_method_call(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE method)
* @side = side
* end
* end
- *
+ *
* area_un = Square.instance_method(:area)
- *
+ *
* s =
* area = area_un.bind(s)
* #=> 144
- *
+ *
* Unbound methods are a reference to the method at the time it was
* objectified: subsequent changes to the underlying class will not
* affect the unbound method.
- *
+ *
* class Test
* def test
* :original
@@ -1340,17 +1340,17 @@ rb_method_call(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE method)
* t =
* t.test #=> :modified
* um.bind(t).call #=> :original
- *
+ *
* call-seq:
* umeth.bind(obj) -> method
- *
+ *
* Bind <i>umeth</i> to <i>obj</i>. If <code>Klass</code> was the class
* from which <i>umeth</i> was obtained,
* <code>obj.kind_of?(Klass)</code> must be true.
- *
+ *
* class A
* def test
* puts "In test, class = #{self.class}"
@@ -1360,8 +1360,8 @@ rb_method_call(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE method)
* end
* class C < B
* end
- *
- *
+ *
+ *
* um = B.instance_method(:test)
* bm = um.bind(
@@ -1369,9 +1369,9 @@ rb_method_call(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE method)
* bm = um.bind(
- *
+ *
* <em>produces:</em>
- *
+ *
* In test, class = C
* In test, class = B
* prog.rb:16:in `bind': bind argument must be an instance of B (TypeError)
@@ -1438,14 +1438,14 @@ rb_node_arity(NODE* body)
* call-seq:
* meth.arity => fixnum
- *
+ *
* Returns an indication of the number of arguments accepted by a
* method. Returns a nonnegative integer for methods that take a fixed
* number of arguments. For Ruby methods that take a variable number of
* arguments, returns -n-1, where n is the number of required
* arguments. For methods written in C, returns -1 if the call takes a
* variable number of arguments.
- *
+ *
* class C
* def one; end
* def two(a); end
@@ -1461,7 +1461,7 @@ rb_node_arity(NODE* body)
* c.method(:four).arity #=> 2
* c.method(:five).arity #=> -3
* c.method(:six).arity #=> -3
- *
+ *
* "cat".method(:size).arity #=> 0
* "cat".method(:replace).arity #=> 1
* "cat".method(:squeeze).arity #=> -1
@@ -1643,7 +1643,7 @@ rb_proc_new(
* call-seq:
* meth.to_proc => prc
- *
+ *
* Returns a <code>Proc</code> object corresponding to this method.
@@ -1705,15 +1705,15 @@ localjump_reason(VALUE exc)
* call-seq:
* prc.binding => binding
- *
+ *
* Returns the binding associated with <i>prc</i>. Note that
* <code>Kernel#eval</code> accepts either a <code>Proc</code> or a
* <code>Binding</code> object as its second parameter.
- *
+ *
* def fred(param)
* proc {}
* end
- *
+ *
* b = fred(99)
* eval("param", b.binding) #=> 99
@@ -1840,18 +1840,18 @@ proc_curry(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
* <code>Proc</code> objects are blocks of code that have been bound to
* a set of local variables. Once bound, the code may be called in
* different contexts and still access those variables.
- *
+ *
* def gen_times(factor)
* return {|n| n*factor }
* end
- *
+ *
* times3 = gen_times(3)
* times5 = gen_times(5)
- *
+ *
* #=> 36
* #=> 25
* #=> 60
- *
+ *
@@ -1951,11 +1951,11 @@ Init_Proc(void)
* are all retained. Binding objects can be created using
* <code>Kernel#binding</code>, and are made available to the callback
* of <code>Kernel#set_trace_func</code>.
- *
+ *
* These binding objects can be passed as the second argument of the
* <code>Kernel#eval</code> method, establishing an environment for the
* evaluation.
- *
+ *
* class Demo
* def initialize(n)
* @secret = n
@@ -1964,18 +1964,18 @@ Init_Proc(void)
* return binding()
* end
* end
- *
+ *
* k1 =
* b1 = k1.getBinding
* k2 =
* b2 = k2.getBinding
- *
+ *
* eval("@secret", b1) #=> 99
* eval("@secret", b2) #=> -3
* eval("@secret") #=> nil
- *
+ *
* Binding objects have no class-specific methods.
- *
+ *
diff --git a/random.c b/random.c
index 3c74a2acb6..050619ef18 100644
--- a/random.c
+++ b/random.c
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
This is based on trimmed version of MT19937. To get the original version,
contact <>.
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ The original copyright notice follows.
or init_by_array(mt, init_key, key_length).
Copyright (C) 1997 - 2002, Makoto Matsumoto and Takuji Nishimura,
- All rights reserved.
+ All rights reserved.
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
@@ -37,8 +37,8 @@ The original copyright notice follows.
notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
- 3. The names of its contributors may not be used to endorse or promote
- products derived from this software without specific prior written
+ 3. The names of its contributors may not be used to endorse or promote
+ products derived from this software without specific prior written
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ The original copyright notice follows.
-/* Period parameters */
+/* Period parameters */
#define N 624
#define M 397
#define MATRIX_A 0x9908b0dfUL /* constant vector a */
@@ -340,7 +340,7 @@ random_seed(void)
* call-seq:
* srand(number=0) => old_seed
- *
+ *
* Seeds the pseudorandom number generator to the value of
* <i>number</i>. If <i>number</i> is omitted
* or zero, seeds the generator using a combination of the time, the
@@ -369,7 +369,7 @@ rb_f_srand(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE obj)
return old;
-static unsigned long
+static unsigned long
make_mask(unsigned long x)
x = x | x >> 1;
@@ -465,7 +465,7 @@ rb_rand_internal(unsigned long i)
* call-seq:
* rand(max=0) => number
- *
+ *
* Converts <i>max</i> to an integer using max1 =
* max<code>.to_i.abs</code>. If the result is zero, returns a
* pseudorandom floating point number greater than or equal to 0.0 and
@@ -474,7 +474,7 @@ rb_rand_internal(unsigned long i)
* may be used to ensure repeatable sequences of random numbers between
* different runs of the program. Ruby currently uses a modified
* Mersenne Twister with a period of 2**19937-1.
- *
+ *
* srand 1234 #=> 0
* [ rand, rand ] #=> [0.191519450163469, 0.49766366626136]
* [ rand(10), rand(1000) ] #=> [6, 817]
diff --git a/range.c b/range.c
index 4c9fa869f7..6e0af8679e 100644
--- a/range.c
+++ b/range.c
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ range_init(VALUE range, VALUE beg, VALUE end, int exclude_end)
args[0] = beg;
args[1] = end;
if (!FIXNUM_P(beg) || !FIXNUM_P(end)) {
@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ rb_range_new(VALUE beg, VALUE end, int exclude_end)
* call-seq:
*, end, exclusive=false) => range
- *
+ *
* Constructs a range using the given <i>start</i> and <i>end</i>. If the third
* parameter is omitted or is <code>false</code>, the <i>range</i> will include
* the end object; otherwise, it will be excluded.
@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ static VALUE
range_initialize(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE range)
VALUE beg, end, flags;
rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "21", &beg, &end, &flags);
/* Ranges are immutable, so that they should be initialized only once. */
if (RANGE_EXCL(range) != Qnil) {
@@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ range_initialize(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE range)
* call-seq:
* rng.exclude_end? => true or false
- *
+ *
* Returns <code>true</code> if <i>rng</i> excludes its end value.
@@ -109,15 +109,15 @@ range_exclude_end_p(VALUE range)
* call-seq:
* rng == obj => true or false
- *
+ *
* Returns <code>true</code> only if <i>obj</i> is a Range, has equivalent
* beginning and end items (by comparing them with <code>==</code>), and has
* the same #exclude_end? setting as <i>rng</t>.
- *
+ *
* (0..2) == (0..2) #=> true
* (0..2) ==,2) #=> true
* (0..2) == (0...2) #=> false
- *
+ *
static VALUE
@@ -171,15 +171,15 @@ r_le(VALUE a, VALUE b)
* call-seq:
* rng.eql?(obj) => true or false
- *
+ *
* Returns <code>true</code> only if <i>obj</i> is a Range, has equivalent
* beginning and end items (by comparing them with #eql?), and has the same
* #exclude_end? setting as <i>rng</i>.
- *
+ *
* (0..2) == (0..2) #=> true
* (0..2) ==,2) #=> true
* (0..2) == (0...2) #=> false
- *
+ *
static VALUE
@@ -274,19 +274,19 @@ extern int ruby_float_step(VALUE from, VALUE to, VALUE step, int excl);
* call-seq:
* rng.step(n=1) {| obj | block } => rng
- *
+ *
* Iterates over <i>rng</i>, passing each <i>n</i>th element to the block. If
* the range contains numbers, <i>n</i> is added for each iteration. Otherwise
* <code>step</code> invokes <code>succ</code> to iterate through range
* elements. The following code uses class <code>Xs</code>, which is defined
* in the class-level documentation.
- *
+ *
* range =
* range.step(2) {|x| puts x}
* range.step(3) {|x| puts x}
- *
+ *
* <em>produces:</em>
- *
+ *
* 1 x
* 3 xxx
* 5 xxxxx
@@ -330,7 +330,7 @@ range_step(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE range)
if (!EXCL(range))
end += 1;
- i = FIX2LONG(b);
+ i = FIX2LONG(b);
while (i < end) {
if (i + unit < i) break;
@@ -392,18 +392,18 @@ each_i(VALUE v, void *arg)
* call-seq:
* rng.each {| i | block } => rng
- *
+ *
* Iterates over the elements <i>rng</i>, passing each in turn to the
* block. You can only iterate if the start object of the range
* supports the +succ+ method (which means that you can't iterate over
* ranges of +Float+ objects).
- *
+ *
* (10..15).each do |n|
* print n, ' '
* end
- *
+ *
* <em>produces:</em>
- *
+ *
* 10 11 12 13 14 15
@@ -447,7 +447,7 @@ range_each(VALUE range)
* call-seq:
* rng.begin => obj
- *
+ *
* Returns the first object in <i>rng</i>.
@@ -461,9 +461,9 @@ range_begin(VALUE range)
* call-seq:
* rng.end => obj
- *
+ *
* Returns the object that defines the end of <i>rng</i>.
- *
+ *
* (1..10).end #=> 10
* (1...10).end #=> 10
@@ -494,7 +494,7 @@ first_i(VALUE i, VALUE *ary)
* call-seq:
* rng.first => obj
* rng.first(n) => an_array
- *
+ *
* Returns the first object in <i>rng</i>, or the first +n+ elements.
@@ -518,7 +518,7 @@ range_first(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE range)
* call-seq:
* rng.last => obj
* rng.last(n) => an_array
- *
+ *
* Returns the last object in <i>rng</i>, or the last +n+ elements.
@@ -528,7 +528,7 @@ range_last(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE range)
VALUE rb_ary_last(int, VALUE *, VALUE);
if (argc == 0) return RANGE_END(range);
- return rb_ary_last(argc, argv, rb_Array(range));
+ return rb_ary_last(argc, argv, rb_Array(range));
@@ -536,11 +536,11 @@ range_last(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE range)
* call-seq:
* rng.min => obj
* rng.min {| a,b | block } => obj
- *
+ *
* Returns the minimum value in <i>rng</i>. The second uses
* the block to compare values. Returns nil if the first
* value in range is larger than the last value.
- *
+ *
@@ -565,11 +565,11 @@ range_min(VALUE range)
* call-seq:
* rng.max => obj
* rng.max {| a,b | block } => obj
- *
+ *
* Returns the maximum value in <i>rng</i>. The second uses
* the block to compare values. Returns nil if the first
* value in range is larger than the last value.
- *
+ *
static VALUE
@@ -698,7 +698,7 @@ inspect_range(VALUE range, VALUE dummy, int recur)
* call-seq:
* rng.inspect => string
- * Convert this range object to a printable form (using
+ * Convert this range object to a printable form (using
* <code>inspect</code> to convert the start and end
* objects).
@@ -713,20 +713,20 @@ range_inspect(VALUE range)
* call-seq:
* rng === obj => true or false
- *
+ *
* Returns <code>true</code> if <i>obj</i> is an element of
* <i>rng</i>, <code>false</code> otherwise. Conveniently,
* <code>===</code> is the comparison operator used by
* <code>case</code> statements.
- *
+ *
* case 79
* when 1..50 then print "low\n"
* when 51..75 then print "medium\n"
* when 76..100 then print "high\n"
* end
- *
+ *
* <em>produces:</em>
- *
+ *
* high
@@ -741,11 +741,11 @@ range_eqq(VALUE range, VALUE val)
* call-seq:
* rng.member?(val) => true or false
* rng.include?(val) => true or false
- *
+ *
* Returns <code>true</code> if <i>obj</i> is an element of
* <i>rng</i>, <code>false</code> otherwise. If beg and end are
* numeric, comparison is done according magnitude of values.
- *
+ *
* ("a".."z").include?("g") # => true
* ("a".."z").include?("A") # => false
@@ -801,11 +801,11 @@ range_include(VALUE range, VALUE val)
* call-seq:
* rng.cover?(val) => true or false
- *
+ *
* Returns <code>true</code> if <i>obj</i> is between beg and end,
* i.e <code>beg <= obj <= end</code> (or <i>end</i> exclusive when
* <code>exclude_end?</code> is true).
- *
+ *
* ("a".."z").cover?("c") #=> true
* ("a".."z").cover?("5") #=> false
@@ -874,17 +874,17 @@ range_alloc(VALUE klass)
* run from the start to the end inclusively. Those created using
* <code>...</code> exclude the end value. When used as an iterator,
* ranges return each value in the sequence.
- *
+ *
* (-1..-5).to_a #=> []
* (-5..-1).to_a #=> [-5, -4, -3, -2, -1]
* ('a'..'e').to_a #=> ["a", "b", "c", "d", "e"]
* ('a'...'e').to_a #=> ["a", "b", "c", "d"]
- *
+ *
* Ranges can be constructed using objects of any type, as long as the
* objects can be compared using their <code><=></code> operator and
* they support the <code>succ</code> method to return the next object
* in sequence.
- *
+ *
* class Xs # represent a string of 'x's
* include Comparable
* attr :length
@@ -904,18 +904,18 @@ range_alloc(VALUE klass)
* 'x' * @length
* end
* end
- *
+ *
* r = #=> xxx..xxxxxx
* r.to_a #=> [xxx, xxxx, xxxxx, xxxxxx]
* r.member?( #=> true
- *
+ *
* In the previous code example, class <code>Xs</code> includes the
* <code>Comparable</code> module. This is because
* <code>Enumerable#member?</code> checks for equality using
* <code>==</code>. Including <code>Comparable</code> ensures that the
* <code>==</code> method is defined in terms of the <code><=></code>
* method implemented in <code>Xs</code>.
- *
+ *
diff --git a/re.c b/re.c
index 8aa2ec0dc2..8cbcd262f9 100644
--- a/re.c
+++ b/re.c
@@ -708,7 +708,7 @@ reg_named_captures_iter(const OnigUChar *name, const OnigUChar *name_end,
* A key of the hash is a name of the named captures.
* A value of the hash is an array which is list of indexes of corresponding
* named captures.
- *
+ *
* /(?<foo>.)(?<bar>.)/.named_captures
* #=> {"foo"=>[1], "bar"=>[2]}
@@ -2139,7 +2139,7 @@ unescape_nonascii(const char *p, const char *end, rb_encoding *enc,
goto escape_asis;
- /* xxx: How about more than 199 subexpressions? */
+ /* xxx: How about more than 199 subexpressions? */
case '0': /* \0, \0O, \0OO */
@@ -2350,7 +2350,7 @@ rb_reg_initialize(VALUE obj, const char *s, int len, rb_encoding *enc,
if (options & ARG_ENCODING_NONE) {
re->basic.flags |= REG_ENCODING_NONE;
re->ptr = make_regexp(RSTRING_PTR(unescaped), RSTRING_LEN(unescaped), enc,
options & ARG_REG_OPTION_MASK, err);
if (!re->ptr) return -1;
@@ -2576,7 +2576,7 @@ reg_match_pos(VALUE re, VALUE *strp, long pos)
* If it is not matched, nil is assigned for the variables.
- * /(?<lhs>\w+)\s*=\s*(?<rhs>\w+)/ =~ " x = "
+ * /(?<lhs>\w+)\s*=\s*(?<rhs>\w+)/ =~ " x = "
* p lhs #=> nil
* p rhs #=> nil
@@ -2694,18 +2694,18 @@ rb_reg_match2(VALUE re)
* /(.)(.)(.)/.match("abc")[2] #=> "b"
* /(.)(.)/.match("abc", 1)[2] #=> "c"
- *
+ *
* If a block is given, invoke the block with MatchData if match succeed, so
* that you can write
- *
+ *
* pat.match(str) {|m| ...}
- *
+ *
* instead of
- *
+ *
* if m = pat.match(str)
* ...
* end
- *
+ *
* The return value is a value from block execution in this case.
@@ -3200,7 +3200,7 @@ rb_reg_regsub(VALUE str, VALUE src, struct re_registers *regs, VALUE regexp)
case 'k':
if (s < e && ASCGET(s, e, &clen) == '<') {
char *name, *name_end;
name_end = name = s + clen;
while (name_end < e) {
c = ASCGET(name_end, e, &clen);
diff --git a/regcomp.c b/regcomp.c
index cb54c44145..f24c0c46e3 100644
--- a/regcomp.c
+++ b/regcomp.c
@@ -2555,7 +2555,7 @@ is_not_included(Node* x, Node* y, regex_t* reg)
@@ -3294,7 +3294,7 @@ expand_case_fold_string_alt(int item_num, OnigCaseFoldCodeItem items[],
for (i = 0; i < item_num; i++) {
snode = onig_node_new_str(NULL, NULL);
if (IS_NULL(snode)) goto mem_err;
for (j = 0; j < items[i].code_len; j++) {
len = ONIGENC_CODE_TO_MBC(reg->enc, items[i].code[j], buf);
if (len < 0) {
@@ -4004,15 +4004,15 @@ distance_value(MinMaxLen* mm)
/* 1000 / (min-max-dist + 1) */
static const short int dist_vals[] = {
- 1000, 500, 333, 250, 200, 167, 143, 125, 111, 100,
- 91, 83, 77, 71, 67, 63, 59, 56, 53, 50,
- 48, 45, 43, 42, 40, 38, 37, 36, 34, 33,
- 32, 31, 30, 29, 29, 28, 27, 26, 26, 25,
- 24, 24, 23, 23, 22, 22, 21, 21, 20, 20,
- 20, 19, 19, 19, 18, 18, 18, 17, 17, 17,
- 16, 16, 16, 16, 15, 15, 15, 15, 14, 14,
- 14, 14, 14, 14, 13, 13, 13, 13, 13, 13,
- 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 11, 11, 11, 11,
+ 1000, 500, 333, 250, 200, 167, 143, 125, 111, 100,
+ 91, 83, 77, 71, 67, 63, 59, 56, 53, 50,
+ 48, 45, 43, 42, 40, 38, 37, 36, 34, 33,
+ 32, 31, 30, 29, 29, 28, 27, 26, 26, 25,
+ 24, 24, 23, 23, 22, 22, 21, 21, 20, 20,
+ 20, 19, 19, 19, 18, 18, 18, 17, 17, 17,
+ 16, 16, 16, 16, 15, 15, 15, 15, 14, 14,
+ 14, 14, 14, 14, 13, 13, 13, 13, 13, 13,
+ 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 11, 11, 11, 11,
11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10
@@ -4899,7 +4899,7 @@ set_optimize_exact_info(regex_t* reg, OptExactInfo* e)
reg->exact = str_dup(e->s, e->s + e->len);
reg->exact_end = reg->exact + e->len;
allow_reverse =
ONIGENC_IS_ALLOWED_REVERSE_MATCH(reg->enc, reg->exact, reg->exact_end);
@@ -5938,7 +5938,7 @@ onig_print_compiled_byte_code(FILE* f, UChar* bp, UChar** nextp,
p_len_string(f, len, 1, bp);
bp += len;
p_string(f, 2, bp); bp += 2; break;
@@ -5958,7 +5958,7 @@ onig_print_compiled_byte_code(FILE* f, UChar* bp, UChar** nextp,
int mb_len;
GET_LENGTH_INC(mb_len, bp);
GET_LENGTH_INC(len, bp);
fprintf(f, ":%d:%d:", mb_len, len);
diff --git a/regenc.c b/regenc.c
index 634afd8883..b625e63048 100644
--- a/regenc.c
+++ b/regenc.c
@@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ onigenc_strlen(OnigEncoding enc, const UChar* p, const UChar* end)
int n = 0;
UChar* q = (UChar* )p;
while (q < end) {
q += ONIGENC_MBC_ENC_LEN(enc, q, end);
@@ -137,7 +137,7 @@ onigenc_strlen_null(OnigEncoding enc, const UChar* s)
int n = 0;
UChar* p = (UChar* )s;
UChar* e = p + strlen((const char *)s);
while (1) {
if (*p == '\0') {
UChar* q;
diff --git a/regerror.c b/regerror.c
index 780ba94a0e..0a92c67b5d 100644
--- a/regerror.c
+++ b/regerror.c
@@ -251,7 +251,7 @@ onig_error_code_to_str(UChar* s, int code, ...)
onig_error_code_to_str(s, code, va_alist)
UChar* s;
int code;
- va_dcl
+ va_dcl
UChar *p, *q;
diff --git a/regexec.c b/regexec.c
index 260505901d..946e47be60 100644
--- a/regexec.c
+++ b/regexec.c
@@ -220,13 +220,13 @@ static int
onig_region_resize_clear(OnigRegion* region, int n)
int r;
r = onig_region_resize(region, n);
if (r != 0) return r;
return 0;
extern int
onig_region_set(OnigRegion* region, int at, int beg, int end)
@@ -236,7 +236,7 @@ onig_region_set(OnigRegion* region, int at, int beg, int end)
int r = onig_region_resize(region, at + 1);
if (r < 0) return r;
region->beg[at] = beg;
region->end[at] = end;
return 0;
@@ -2149,7 +2149,7 @@ match_at(regex_t* reg, const UChar* str, const UChar* end,
int len;
UChar *pstart, *pend;
- /* if you want to remove following line,
+ /* if you want to remove following line,
you should check in parse and compile time. */
if (mem > num_mem) goto fail;
if (mem_end_stk[mem] == INVALID_STACK_INDEX) goto fail;
@@ -2181,7 +2181,7 @@ match_at(regex_t* reg, const UChar* str, const UChar* end,
int len;
UChar *pstart, *pend;
- /* if you want to remove following line,
+ /* if you want to remove following line,
you should check in parse and compile time. */
if (mem > num_mem) goto fail;
if (mem_end_stk[mem] == INVALID_STACK_INDEX) goto fail;
@@ -2310,7 +2310,7 @@ match_at(regex_t* reg, const UChar* str, const UChar* end,
@@ -2987,7 +2987,7 @@ bm_search(regex_t* reg, const UChar* target, const UChar* target_end,
static int
set_bm_backward_skip(UChar* s, UChar* end, OnigEncoding enc ARG_UNUSED,
int** skip)
int i, len;
diff --git a/regparse.c b/regparse.c
index 8a02966def..039e2d4f9d 100644
--- a/regparse.c
+++ b/regparse.c
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ const OnigSyntaxType OnigSyntaxRuby = {
@@ -2658,7 +2658,7 @@ fetch_name(OnigCodePoint start_code, UChar** src, UChar* end,
else {
- is_num = 0;
+ is_num = 0;
else if (!ONIGENC_IS_CODE_WORD(enc, c)) {
@@ -2846,7 +2846,7 @@ find_str_position(OnigCodePoint s[], int n, UChar* from, UChar* to,
OnigCodePoint x;
UChar *q;
UChar *p = from;
while (p < to) {
x = ONIGENC_MBC_TO_CODE(enc, p, to);
q = p + enclen(enc, p, to);
@@ -3407,7 +3407,7 @@ fetch_token(OnigToken* tok, UChar** src, UChar* end, ScanEnv* env)
goto skip_backref;
(num <= env->num_mem || num <= 9)) { /* This spec. from GNU regex */
if (num > env->num_mem || IS_NULL(SCANENV_MEM_NODES(env)[num]))
@@ -4388,7 +4388,7 @@ parse_char_class(Node** np, OnigToken* tok, UChar** src, UChar* end,
CC_ESC_WARN(env, (UChar* )"-");
goto range_end_val;
CC_ESC_WARN(env, (UChar* )"-");
goto sb_char; /* [0-9-a] is allowed as [0-9\-a] */
@@ -5073,7 +5073,7 @@ parse_exp(Node** np, OnigToken* tok, int term,
r = parse_subexp(&target, tok, term, src, end, env);
env->option = prev;
if (r < 0) return r;
- NENCLOSE(*np)->target = target;
+ NENCLOSE(*np)->target = target;
return tok->type;
@@ -5241,7 +5241,7 @@ parse_exp(Node** np, OnigToken* tok, int term,
xmemcpy(new_key, &key, sizeof(type_cclass_key));
onig_st_add_direct(OnigTypeCClassTable, (st_data_t )new_key,
(st_data_t )*np);
else {
@@ -5387,7 +5387,7 @@ parse_exp(Node** np, OnigToken* tok, int term,
NQTFR(qn)->greedy = tok->u.repeat.greedy;
r = set_quantifier(qn, *targetp, group, env);
if (r < 0) return r;
if (tok->u.repeat.possessive != 0) {
Node* en;
en = node_new_enclose(ENCLOSE_STOP_BACKTRACK);
diff --git a/regsyntax.c b/regsyntax.c
index 96348b0bd7..fc639dfcdf 100644
--- a/regsyntax.c
+++ b/regsyntax.c
@@ -67,8 +67,8 @@ const OnigSyntaxType OnigSyntaxPosixExtended = {
, 0
diff --git a/signal.c b/signal.c
index b952b4e9bb..ab47ccbf7f 100644
--- a/signal.c
+++ b/signal.c
@@ -306,14 +306,14 @@ ruby_default_signal(int sig)
* call-seq:
* Process.kill(signal, pid, ...) => fixnum
- *
+ *
* Sends the given signal to the specified process id(s), or to the
* current process if _pid_ is zero. _signal_ may be an
* integer signal number or a POSIX signal name (either with or without
* a +SIG+ prefix). If _signal_ is negative (or starts
* with a minus sign), kills process groups instead of
* processes. Not all signals are available on all platforms.
- *
+ *
* pid = fork do
* Signal.trap("HUP") { puts "Ouch!"; exit }
* # ... do some work ...
@@ -321,9 +321,9 @@ ruby_default_signal(int sig)
* # ...
* Process.kill("HUP", pid)
* Process.wait
- *
+ *
* <em>produces:</em>
- *
+ *
* Ouch!
diff --git a/sprintf.c b/sprintf.c
index aebb9d5e66..772f232062 100644
--- a/sprintf.c
+++ b/sprintf.c
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ static char*
remove_sign_bits(char *str, int base)
char *s, *t;
s = t = str;
if (base == 16) {
@@ -171,10 +171,10 @@ get_hash(volatile VALUE *hash, int argc, const VALUE *argv)
* call-seq:
* format(format_string [, arguments...] ) => string
* sprintf(format_string [, arguments...] ) => string
- *
+ *
* Returns the string resulting from applying <i>format_string</i> to
* any additional arguments. Within the format string, any characters
- * other than format sequences are copied to the result.
+ * other than format sequences are copied to the result.
* The syntax of a format sequence is follows.
@@ -210,13 +210,13 @@ get_hash(volatile VALUE *hash, int argc, const VALUE *argv)
* Field | Float Format
* ------+--------------------------------------------------------------
- * e | Convert floating point argument into exponential notation
+ * e | Convert floating point argument into exponential notation
* | with one digit before the decimal point as [-]d.dddddde[+-]dd.
* | The precision specifies the number of digits after the decimal
* | point (defaulting to six).
* E | Equivalent to `e', but uses an uppercase E to indicate
* | the exponent.
- * f | Convert floating point argument as [-]ddd.dddddd,
+ * f | Convert floating point argument as [-]ddd.dddddd,
* | where the precision specifies the number of digits after
* | the decimal point.
* g | Convert a floating point number using exponential form
@@ -234,13 +234,13 @@ get_hash(volatile VALUE *hash, int argc, const VALUE *argv)
* | sequence contains a precision, at most that many characters
* | will be copied.
* % | A percent sign itself will be displayed. No argument taken.
- *
+ *
* The flags modifies the behavior of the formats.
* The flag characters are:
* Flag | Applies to | Meaning
* ---------+---------------+-----------------------------------------
- * space | bBdiouxX | Leave a space at the start of
+ * space | bBdiouxX | Leave a space at the start of
* | eEfgG | non-negative numbers.
* | (numeric fmt) | For `o', `x', `X', `b' and `B', use
* | | a minus sign with absolute value for
@@ -276,9 +276,9 @@ get_hash(volatile VALUE *hash, int argc, const VALUE *argv)
* | (numeric fmt) | is used for negative numbers formatted as
* | | complements.
* ---------+---------------+-----------------------------------------
- * * | all | Use the next argument as the field width.
+ * * | all | Use the next argument as the field width.
* | | If negative, left-justify the result. If the
- * | | asterisk is followed by a number and a dollar
+ * | | asterisk is followed by a number and a dollar
* | | sign, use the indicated argument as the width.
* Examples of flags:
@@ -336,7 +336,7 @@ get_hash(volatile VALUE *hash, int argc, const VALUE *argv)
* sprintf("%#g", 123.4) #=> "123.400"
* sprintf("%g", 123456) #=> "123456"
* sprintf("%#g", 123456) #=> "123456."
- *
+ *
* The field width is an optional integer, followed optionally by a
* period and a precision. The width specifies the minimum number of
* characters that will be written to the result for this field.
@@ -389,7 +389,7 @@ get_hash(volatile VALUE *hash, int argc, const VALUE *argv)
* # precision for `e' is number of
* # digits after the decimal point <------>
* sprintf("%20.8e", 1234.56789) #=> " 1.23456789e+03"
- *
+ *
* # precision for `f' is number of
* # digits after the decimal point <------>
* sprintf("%20.8f", 1234.56789) #=> " 1234.56789000"
diff --git a/strftime.c b/strftime.c
index 38167fd384..b602173ea2 100644
--- a/strftime.c
+++ b/strftime.c
@@ -465,7 +465,7 @@ rb_strftime(char *s, size_t maxsize, const char *format, const struct tm *timept
* From: Chip Rosenthal <>
* Date: Sun, 19 Mar 1995 00:33:29 -0600 (CST)
- *
+ *
* Warning: the %z [code] is implemented by inspecting the
* timezone name conditional compile settings, and
* inferring a method to get timezone offsets. I've tried
diff --git a/struct.c b/struct.c
index 838830aa69..87de0ac771 100644
--- a/struct.c
+++ b/struct.c
@@ -76,10 +76,10 @@ rb_struct_s_members_m(VALUE klass)
* call-seq:
* struct.members => array
- *
+ *
* Returns an array of strings representing the names of the instance
* variables.
- *
+ *
* Customer =, :address, :zip)
* joe ="Joe Smith", "123 Maple, Anytown NC", 12345)
* joe.members #=> [:name, :address, :zip]
@@ -293,7 +293,7 @@ rb_struct_define(const char *name, ...)
* <code>Struct</code>s in the system and should start with a capital
* letter. Assigning a structure class to a constant effectively gives
* the class the name of the constant.
- *
+ *
* <code>Struct::new</code> returns a new <code>Class</code> object,
* which can then be used to create specific instances of the new
* structure. The number of actual parameters must be
@@ -302,12 +302,12 @@ rb_struct_define(const char *name, ...)
* parameters will raise an \E{ArgumentError}.
* The remaining methods listed in this section (class and instance)
- * are defined for this generated class.
- *
+ * are defined for this generated class.
+ *
* # Create a structure with a name in Struct
*"Customer", :name, :address) #=> Struct::Customer
*"Dave", "123 Main") #=> #<struct Struct::Customer name="Dave", address="123 Main">
- *
+ *
* # Create a structure named by its constant
* Customer =, :address) #=> Customer
*"Dave", "123 Main") #=> #<struct Customer name="Dave", address="123 Main">
@@ -426,16 +426,16 @@ rb_struct_new(VALUE klass, ...)
* call-seq:
* struct.each {|obj| block } => struct
- *
+ *
* Calls <i>block</i> once for each instance variable, passing the
* value as a parameter.
- *
+ *
* Customer =, :address, :zip)
* joe ="Joe Smith", "123 Maple, Anytown NC", 12345)
* joe.each {|x| puts(x) }
- *
+ *
* <em>produces:</em>
- *
+ *
* Joe Smith
* 123 Maple, Anytown NC
* 12345
@@ -456,16 +456,16 @@ rb_struct_each(VALUE s)
* call-seq:
* struct.each_pair {|sym, obj| block } => struct
- *
+ *
* Calls <i>block</i> once for each instance variable, passing the name
* (as a symbol) and the value as parameters.
- *
+ *
* Customer =, :address, :zip)
* joe ="Joe Smith", "123 Maple, Anytown NC", 12345)
* joe.each_pair {|name, value| puts("#{name} => #{value}") }
- *
+ *
* <em>produces:</em>
- *
+ *
* name => Joe Smith
* address => 123 Maple, Anytown NC
* zip => 12345
@@ -545,9 +545,9 @@ rb_struct_inspect(VALUE s)
* call-seq:
* struct.to_a => array
* struct.values => array
- *
+ *
* Returns the values for this instance as an array.
- *
+ *
* Customer =, :address, :zip)
* joe ="Joe Smith", "123 Maple, Anytown NC", 12345)
* joe.to_a[1] #=> "123 Maple, Anytown NC"
@@ -596,17 +596,17 @@ rb_struct_aref_id(VALUE s, ID id)
* call-seq:
* struct[symbol] => anObject
- * struct[fixnum] => anObject
- *
+ * struct[fixnum] => anObject
+ *
* Attribute Reference---Returns the value of the instance variable
* named by <i>symbol</i>, or indexed (0..length-1) by
* <i>fixnum</i>. Will raise <code>NameError</code> if the named
* variable does not exist, or <code>IndexError</code> if the index is
* out of range.
- *
+ *
* Customer =, :address, :zip)
* joe ="Joe Smith", "123 Maple, Anytown NC", 12345)
- *
+ *
* joe["name"] #=> "Joe Smith"
* joe[:name] #=> "Joe Smith"
* joe[0] #=> "Joe Smith"
@@ -658,19 +658,19 @@ rb_struct_aset_id(VALUE s, ID id, VALUE val)
* call-seq:
* struct[symbol] = obj => obj
* struct[fixnum] = obj => obj
- *
+ *
* Attribute Assignment---Assigns to the instance variable named by
* <i>symbol</i> or <i>fixnum</i> the value <i>obj</i> and
* returns it. Will raise a <code>NameError</code> if the named
* variable does not exist, or an <code>IndexError</code> if the index
* is out of range.
- *
+ *
* Customer =, :address, :zip)
* joe ="Joe Smith", "123 Maple, Anytown NC", 12345)
- *
+ *
* joe["name"] = "Luke"
* joe[:zip] = "90210"
- *
+ *
* #=> "Luke"
* #=> "90210"
@@ -704,15 +704,15 @@ struct_entry(VALUE s, long n)
return rb_struct_aref(s, LONG2NUM(n));
* call-seq:
* struct.values_at(selector,... ) => an_array
* Returns an array containing the elements in
* _self_ corresponding to the given selector(s). The selectors
- * may be either integer indices or ranges.
+ * may be either integer indices or ranges.
* See also </code>.select<code>.
- *
+ *
* a = %w{ a b c d e f }
* a.values_at(1, 3, 5)
* a.values_at(1, 3, 5, 7)
@@ -729,12 +729,12 @@ rb_struct_values_at(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE s)
* call-seq:
* {|i| block } => array
- *
+ *
* Invokes the block passing in successive elements from
* <i>struct</i>, returning an array containing those elements
* for which the block returns a true value (equivalent to
* <code>Enumerable#select</code>).
- *
+ *
* Lots =, :b, :c, :d, :e, :f)
* l =, 22, 33, 44, 55, 66)
* {|v| (v % 2).zero? } #=> [22, 44, 66]
@@ -762,12 +762,12 @@ rb_struct_select(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE s)
* call-seq:
* struct == other_struct => true or false
- *
+ *
* Equality---Returns <code>true</code> if <i>other_struct</i> is
* equal to this one: they must be of the same class as generated by
* <code>Struct::new</code>, and the values of all instance variables
* must be equal (according to <code>Object#==</code>).
- *
+ *
* Customer =, :address, :zip)
* joe ="Joe Smith", "123 Maple, Anytown NC", 12345)
* joejr ="Joe Smith", "123 Maple, Anytown NC", 12345)
@@ -847,9 +847,9 @@ rb_struct_eql(VALUE s, VALUE s2)
* call-seq:
* struct.length => fixnum
* struct.size => fixnum
- *
+ *
* Returns the number of instance variables.
- *
+ *
* Customer =, :address, :zip)
* joe ="Joe Smith", "123 Maple, Anytown NC", 12345)
* joe.length #=> 3
@@ -865,13 +865,13 @@ rb_struct_size(VALUE s)
* A <code>Struct</code> is a convenient way to bundle a number of
* attributes together, using accessor methods, without having to write
* an explicit class.
- *
+ *
* The <code>Struct</code> class is a generator of specific classes,
* each one of which is defined to hold a set of variables and their
* accessors. In these examples, we'll call the generated class
* ``<i>Customer</i>Class,'' and we'll show an example instance of that
* class as ``<i>Customer</i>Inst.''
- *
+ *
* In the descriptions that follow, the parameter <i>symbol</i> refers
* to a symbol, which is either a quoted string or a
* <code>Symbol</code> (such as <code>:name</code>).
diff --git a/time.c b/time.c
index f6a754a332..5542c79c9b 100644
--- a/time.c
+++ b/time.c
@@ -74,18 +74,18 @@ time_modify(VALUE time)
* call-seq:
* -> time
- *
+ *
* Returns a <code>Time</code> object initialized to the current system
* time. <b>Note:</b> The object created will be created using the
* resolution available on your system clock, and so may include
* fractional seconds.
- *
+ *
* a = #=> 2007-11-19 07:50:02 -0600
* b = #=> 2007-11-19 07:50:02 -0600
* a == b #=> false
* "%.6f" % a.to_f #=> "1195480202.282373"
* "%.6f" % b.to_f #=> "1195480202.283415"
- *
+ *
static VALUE
@@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ time_init(VALUE time)
- struct timeval tv;
+ struct timeval tv;
if (gettimeofday(&tv, 0) < 0) {
@@ -297,14 +297,14 @@ rb_time_timespec(VALUE time)
* => time
* => time
*, microseconds_with_frac) => time
- *
+ *
* Creates a new time object with the value given by <i>time</i>,
* the given number of <i>seconds_with_frac</i>, or
* <i>seconds</i> and <i>microseconds_with_frac</i> from the Epoch.
* <i>seconds_with_frac</i> and <i>microseconds_with_frac</i>
* can be Integer, Float, Rational, or other Numeric.
* non-portable feature allows the offset to be negative on some systems.
- *
+ *
* #=> 1969-12-31 18:00:00 -0600
* #=> 1969-12-31 18:00:00 -0600
* #=> 1999-12-31 23:00:00 -0600
@@ -667,7 +667,7 @@ search_time_t(struct tm *tptr, int utc_p)
To avoid overflow in this assignment, `d' is restricted to less than
sqrt(2**31). By this restriction and other reasons, the guess is
- not accurate and some error is expected. `range' approximates
+ not accurate and some error is expected. `range' approximates
the maximum error.
When these parameters are not suitable, i.e. guess is not within
@@ -726,7 +726,7 @@ search_time_t(struct tm *tptr, int utc_p)
if (guess <= guess_lo || guess_hi <= guess) {
- /* Precious guess is invalid. try binary search. */
+ /* Precious guess is invalid. try binary search. */
guess = guess_lo / 2 + guess_hi / 2;
if (guess <= guess_lo)
guess = guess_lo + 1;
@@ -738,7 +738,7 @@ search_time_t(struct tm *tptr, int utc_p)
tm = GUESS(&guess);
if (!tm) goto error;
have_guess = 0;
d = tmcmp(tptr, tm);
if (d < 0) {
guess_hi = guess;
@@ -922,7 +922,7 @@ time_utc_or_local(int argc, VALUE *argv, int utc_p, VALUE klass)
*, month, day, hour, min, sec_with_frac) => time
*, month, day, hour, min, sec, usec_with_frac) => time
*, min, hour, day, month, year, wday, yday, isdst, tz) => time
- *
+ *
* Creates a time based on given values, interpreted as UTC (GMT). The
* year must be specified. Other values default to the minimum value
* for that field (and may be <code>nil</code> or omitted). Months may
@@ -960,10 +960,10 @@ time_s_mkutc(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE klass)
* Time.mktime(year, month, day, hour, min, sec_with_frac) => time
* Time.mktime(year, month, day, hour, min, sec, usec_with_frac) => time
* Time.mktime(sec, min, hour, day, month, year, wday, yday, isdst, tz) => time
- *
+ *
* Same as <code>Time::gm</code>, but interprets the values in the
* local time zone.
- *
+ *
* Time.local(2000,"jan",1,20,15,1) #=> 2000-01-01 20:15:01 -0600
@@ -977,10 +977,10 @@ time_s_mktime(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE klass)
* call-seq:
* time.to_i => int
* time.tv_sec => int
- *
+ *
* Returns the value of <i>time</i> as an integer number of seconds
* since the Epoch.
- *
+ *
* t =
* "%10.5f" % t.to_f #=> "1049896564.17839"
* t.to_i #=> 1049896564
@@ -998,10 +998,10 @@ time_to_i(VALUE time)
* call-seq:
* time.to_f => float
- *
+ *
* Returns the value of <i>time</i> as a floating point number of
* seconds since the Epoch.
- *
+ *
* t =
* "%10.5f" % t.to_f #=> "1049896564.13654"
* t.to_i #=> 1049896564
@@ -1023,9 +1023,9 @@ time_to_f(VALUE time)
* call-seq:
* time.usec => int
* time.tv_usec => int
- *
+ *
* Returns just the number of microseconds for <i>time</i>.
- *
+ *
* t = #=> 2007-11-19 08:03:26 -0600
* "%10.6f" % t.to_f #=> "1195481006.775195"
* t.usec #=> 775195
@@ -1044,9 +1044,9 @@ time_usec(VALUE time)
* call-seq:
* time.nsec => int
* time.tv_nsec => int
- *
+ *
* Returns just the number of nanoseconds for <i>time</i>.
- *
+ *
* t = #=> 2007-11-17 15:18:03 +0900
* "%10.9f" % t.to_f #=> "1195280283.536151409"
* t.nsec #=> 536151406
@@ -1068,15 +1068,15 @@ time_nsec(VALUE time)
* call-seq:
- * time <=> other_time => -1, 0, +1
- *
+ * time <=> other_time => -1, 0, +1
+ *
* Comparison---Compares <i>time</i> with <i>other_time</i>.
- *
+ *
* t = #=> 2007-11-19 08:12:12 -0600
* t2 = t + 2592000 #=> 2007-12-19 08:12:12 -0600
* t <=> t2 #=> -1
* t2 <=> t #=> 1
- *
+ *
* t = #=> 2007-11-19 08:13:38 -0600
* t2 = t + 0.1 #=> 2007-11-19 08:13:38 -0600
* t.nsec #=> 98222999
@@ -1144,10 +1144,10 @@ time_eql(VALUE time1, VALUE time2)
* call-seq:
* time.utc? => true or false
* time.gmt? => true or false
- *
+ *
* Returns <code>true</code> if <i>time</i> represents a time in UTC
* (GMT).
- *
+ *
* t = #=> 2007-11-19 08:15:23 -0600
* t.utc? #=> false
* t =,"jan",1,20,15,1) #=> 2000-01-01 20:15:01 UTC
@@ -1216,10 +1216,10 @@ time_dup(VALUE time)
* call-seq:
* time.localtime => time
- *
+ *
* Converts <i>time</i> to local time (using the local time zone in
* effect for this process) modifying the receiver.
- *
+ *
* t =, "jan", 1, 20, 15, 1) #=> 2000-01-01 20:15:01 UTC
* t.gmt? #=> true
* t.localtime #=> 2000-01-01 14:15:01 -0600
@@ -1256,9 +1256,9 @@ time_localtime(VALUE time)
* call-seq:
* time.gmtime => time
* time.utc => time
- *
+ *
* Converts <i>time</i> to UTC (GMT), modifying the receiver.
- *
+ *
* t = #=> 2007-11-19 08:18:31 -0600
* t.gmt? #=> false
* t.gmtime #=> 2007-11-19 14:18:31 UTC
@@ -1299,10 +1299,10 @@ time_gmtime(VALUE time)
* call-seq:
* time.getlocal => new_time
- *
+ *
* Returns a new <code>new_time</code> object representing <i>time</i> in
* local time (using the local time zone in effect for this process).
- *
+ *
* t =,1,1,20,15,1) #=> 2000-01-01 20:15:01 UTC
* t.gmt? #=> true
* l = t.getlocal #=> 2000-01-01 14:15:01 -0600
@@ -1320,10 +1320,10 @@ time_getlocaltime(VALUE time)
* call-seq:
* time.getgm => new_time
* time.getutc => new_time
- *
+ *
* Returns a new <code>new_time</code> object representing <i>time</i> in
* UTC.
- *
+ *
* t = Time.local(2000,1,1,20,15,1) #=> 2000-01-01 20:15:01 -0600
* t.gmt? #=> false
* y = t.getgm #=> 2000-01-02 02:15:01 UTC
@@ -1348,9 +1348,9 @@ time_get_tm(VALUE time, int gmt)
* call-seq:
* time.asctime => string
* time.ctime => string
- *
+ *
* Returns a canonical string representation of <i>time</i>.
- *
+ *
* #=> "Wed Apr 9 08:56:03 2003"
@@ -1383,14 +1383,14 @@ rb_strftime(char *s, size_t maxsize, const char *format,
* call-seq:
* time.inspect => string
* time.to_s => string
- *
+ *
* Returns a string representing <i>time</i>. Equivalent to calling
* <code>Time#strftime</code> with a format string of
* ``<code>%Y-%m-%d</code> <code>%H:%M:%S</code> <code>%z</code>''
* for a local time and
* ``<code>%Y-%m-%d</code> <code>%H:%M:%S</code> <code>UTC</code>''
* for a UTC time.
- *
+ *
* #=> "2007-10-05 16:09:51 +0900"
* #=> "2007-10-05 07:09:51 UTC"
@@ -1461,10 +1461,10 @@ time_add(struct time_object *tobj, VALUE offset, int sign)
* call-seq:
* time + numeric => time
- *
+ *
* Addition---Adds some number of seconds (possibly fractional) to
* <i>time</i> and returns that value as a new time.
- *
+ *
* t = #=> 2007-11-19 08:22:21 -0600
* t + (60 * 60 * 24) #=> 2007-11-20 08:22:21 -0600
@@ -1485,11 +1485,11 @@ time_plus(VALUE time1, VALUE time2)
* call-seq:
* time - other_time => float
* time - numeric => time
- *
+ *
* Difference---Returns a new time that represents the difference
* between two times, or subtracts the given number of seconds in
* <i>numeric</i> from <i>time</i>.
- *
+ *
* t = #=> 2007-11-19 08:23:10 -0600
* t2 = t + 2592000 #=> 2007-12-19 08:23:10 -0600
* t2 - t #=> 2592000.0
@@ -1551,12 +1551,12 @@ rb_time_succ(VALUE time)
* call-seq:
* time.sec => fixnum
- *
+ *
* Returns the second of the minute (0..60)<em>[Yes, seconds really can
* range from zero to 60. This allows the system to inject leap seconds
* every now and then to correct for the fact that years are not really
* a convenient number of hours long.]</em> for <i>time</i>.
- *
+ *
* t = #=> 2007-11-19 08:25:02 -0600
* t.sec #=> 2
@@ -1576,9 +1576,9 @@ time_sec(VALUE time)
* call-seq:
* time.min => fixnum
- *
+ *
* Returns the minute of the hour (0..59) for <i>time</i>.
- *
+ *
* t = #=> 2007-11-19 08:25:51 -0600
* t.min #=> 25
@@ -1598,9 +1598,9 @@ time_min(VALUE time)
* call-seq:
* time.hour => fixnum
- *
+ *
* Returns the hour of the day (0..23) for <i>time</i>.
- *
+ *
* t = #=> 2007-11-19 08:26:20 -0600
* t.hour #=> 8
@@ -1621,9 +1621,9 @@ time_hour(VALUE time)
* call-seq:
* => fixnum
* time.mday => fixnum
- *
+ *
* Returns the day of the month (1..n) for <i>time</i>.
- *
+ *
* t = #=> 2007-11-19 08:27:03 -0600
* #=> 19
* t.mday #=> 19
@@ -1645,9 +1645,9 @@ time_mday(VALUE time)
* call-seq:
* time.mon => fixnum
* time.month => fixnum
- *
+ *
* Returns the month of the year (1..12) for <i>time</i>.
- *
+ *
* t = #=> 2007-11-19 08:27:30 -0600
* t.mon #=> 11
* t.month #=> 11
@@ -1668,9 +1668,9 @@ time_mon(VALUE time)
* call-seq:
* time.year => fixnum
- *
+ *
* Returns the year for <i>time</i> (including the century).
- *
+ *
* t = #=> 2007-11-19 08:27:51 -0600
* t.year #=> 2007
@@ -1690,10 +1690,10 @@ time_year(VALUE time)
* call-seq:
* time.wday => fixnum
- *
+ *
* Returns an integer representing the day of the week, 0..6, with
* Sunday == 0.
- *
+ *
* t = #=> 2007-11-20 02:35:35 -0600
* t.wday #=> 2
* t.sunday? #=> false
@@ -1729,9 +1729,9 @@ time_wday(VALUE time)
* call-seq:
* time.sunday? => true or false
- *
+ *
* Returns <code>true</code> if <i>time</i> represents Sunday.
- *
+ *
* t = Time.local(1990, 4, 1) #=> 1990-04-01 00:00:00 -0600
* t.sunday? #=> true
@@ -1745,7 +1745,7 @@ time_sunday(VALUE time)
* call-seq:
* time.monday? => true or false
- *
+ *
* Returns <code>true</code> if <i>time</i> represents Monday.
* t = Time.local(2003, 8, 4) #=> 2003-08-04 00:00:00 -0500
@@ -1761,7 +1761,7 @@ time_monday(VALUE time)
* call-seq:
* time.tuesday? => true or false
- *
+ *
* Returns <code>true</code> if <i>time</i> represents Tuesday.
* t = Time.local(1991, 2, 19) #=> 1991-02-19 00:00:00 -0600
@@ -1777,7 +1777,7 @@ time_tuesday(VALUE time)
* call-seq:
* time.wednesday? => true or false
- *
+ *
* Returns <code>true</code> if <i>time</i> represents Wednesday.
* t = Time.local(1993, 2, 24) #=> 1993-02-24 00:00:00 -0600
@@ -1793,7 +1793,7 @@ time_wednesday(VALUE time)
* call-seq:
* time.thursday? => true or false
- *
+ *
* Returns <code>true</code> if <i>time</i> represents Thursday.
* t = Time.local(1995, 12, 21) #=> 1995-12-21 00:00:00 -0600
@@ -1809,7 +1809,7 @@ time_thursday(VALUE time)
* call-seq:
* time.friday? => true or false
- *
+ *
* Returns <code>true</code> if <i>time</i> represents Friday.
* t = Time.local(1987, 12, 18) #=> 1987-12-18 00:00:00 -0600
@@ -1825,7 +1825,7 @@ time_friday(VALUE time)
* call-seq:
* time.saturday? => true or false
- *
+ *
* Returns <code>true</code> if <i>time</i> represents Saturday.
* t = Time.local(2006, 6, 10) #=> 2006-06-10 00:00:00 -0500
@@ -1841,9 +1841,9 @@ time_saturday(VALUE time)
* call-seq:
* time.yday => fixnum
- *
+ *
* Returns an integer representing the day of the year, 1..366.
- *
+ *
* t = #=> 2007-11-19 08:32:31 -0600
* t.yday #=> 323
@@ -1864,10 +1864,10 @@ time_yday(VALUE time)
* call-seq:
* time.isdst => true or false
* time.dst? => true or false
- *
+ *
* Returns <code>true</code> if <i>time</i> occurs during Daylight
* Saving Time in its time zone.
- *
+ *
* # CST6CDT:
* Time.local(2000, 1, 1).zone #=> "CST"
* Time.local(2000, 1, 1).isdst #=> false
@@ -1900,10 +1900,10 @@ time_isdst(VALUE time)
* call-seq:
* => string
- *
+ *
* Returns the name of the time zone used for <i>time</i>. As of Ruby
* 1.8, returns ``UTC'' rather than ``GMT'' for UTC times.
- *
+ *
* t =, "jan", 1, 20, 15, 1)
* #=> "UTC"
* t = Time.local(2000, "jan", 1, 20, 15, 1)
@@ -1918,7 +1918,7 @@ time_zone(VALUE time)
char buf[64];
int len;
GetTimeval(time, tobj);
if (tobj->tm_got == 0) {
time_get_tm(time, tobj->gmt);
@@ -1943,10 +1943,10 @@ time_zone(VALUE time)
* time.gmt_offset => fixnum
* time.gmtoff => fixnum
* time.utc_offset => fixnum
- *
+ *
* Returns the offset in seconds between the timezone of <i>time</i>
* and UTC.
- *
+ *
* t =,1,1,20,15,1) #=> 2000-01-01 20:15:01 UTC
* t.gmt_offset #=> 0
* l = t.getlocal #=> 2000-01-01 14:15:01 -0600
@@ -1998,14 +1998,14 @@ time_utc_offset(VALUE time)
* call-seq:
* time.to_a => array
- *
+ *
* Returns a ten-element <i>array</i> of values for <i>time</i>:
* {<code>[ sec, min, hour, day, month, year, wday, yday, isdst, zone
* ]</code>}. See the individual methods for an explanation of the
* valid ranges of each value. The ten elements can be passed directly
* to <code>Time::utc</code> or <code>Time::local</code> to create a
* new <code>Time</code>.
- *
+ *
* t = #=> 2007-11-19 08:36:01 -0600
* now = t.to_a #=> [1, 36, 8, 19, 11, 2007, 1, 323, false, "CST"]
@@ -2067,7 +2067,7 @@ rb_strftime_alloc(char **buf, const char *format,
* call-seq:
* time.strftime( string ) => string
- *
+ *
* Formats <i>time</i> according to the directives in the given format
* string. Any text not listed as a directive will be passed through
* to the output string.
@@ -2107,7 +2107,7 @@ rb_strftime_alloc(char **buf, const char *format,
* %Y - Year with century
* %Z - Time zone name
* %% - Literal ``%'' character
- *
+ *
* t = #=> 2007-11-19 08:37:48 -0600
* t.strftime("Printed on %m/%d/%Y") #=> "Printed on 11/19/2007"
* t.strftime("at %I:%M%p") #=> "at 08:37AM"
@@ -2247,7 +2247,7 @@ time_dump(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE time)
VALUE str;
rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "01", 0);
- str = time_mdump(time);
+ str = time_mdump(time);
return str;
@@ -2370,7 +2370,7 @@ time_load(VALUE klass, VALUE str)
* as equivalent. GMT is the older way of referring to these
* baseline times but persists in the names of calls on POSIX
* systems.
- *
+ *
* All times are stored with some number of nanoseconds. Be aware of
* this fact when comparing times with each other---times that are
* apparently equal when displayed may be different when compared.
diff --git a/transcode.c b/transcode.c
index 1c4b997fc9..bfb99effca 100644
--- a/transcode.c
+++ b/transcode.c
@@ -1269,13 +1269,13 @@ rb_econv_convert0(rb_econv_t *ec,
memcpy(*output_ptr, data_start, len);
*output_ptr += len;
ec->elems[ec->num_trans-1].out_data_start =
- ec->elems[ec->num_trans-1].out_data_end =
+ ec->elems[ec->num_trans-1].out_data_end =
has_output = 1;
- if (ec->in_buf_start &&
+ if (ec->in_buf_start &&
ec->in_data_start != ec->in_data_end) {
res = rb_trans_conv(ec, (const unsigned char **)&ec->in_data_start, ec->in_data_end, output_ptr, output_stop,
(flags&~ECONV_AFTER_OUTPUT)|ECONV_PARTIAL_INPUT, &result_position);
@@ -1519,7 +1519,7 @@ allocate_converted_string(const char *sname, const char *dname,
/* result: 0:success -1:failure */
-rb_econv_insert_output(rb_econv_t *ec,
+rb_econv_insert_output(rb_econv_t *ec,
const unsigned char *str, size_t len, const char *str_encoding)
const char *insert_encoding = rb_econv_encoding_to_insert_output(ec);
@@ -1863,7 +1863,7 @@ rb_econv_binmode(rb_econv_t *ec)
if (entry->transcoder)
trs[n++] = entry->transcoder;
num_trans = ec->num_trans;
j = 0;
for (i = 0; i < num_trans; i++) {
@@ -3107,7 +3107,7 @@ rb_econv_init_by_convpath(VALUE self, VALUE convpath,
* p ec.convpath #=> [[#<Encoding:UTF-16BE>, #<Encoding:UTF-8>],
* # "universal_newline"]
- * # But, if the last encoding is ASCII incompatible,
+ * # But, if the last encoding is ASCII incompatible,
* # decorators are inserted before the last conversion.
* ec ="UTF-8", "UTF-16BE", :crlf_newline => true)
* p ec.convpath #=> ["crlf_newline",
@@ -3218,7 +3218,7 @@ static VALUE
econv_source_encoding(VALUE self)
rb_econv_t *ec = check_econv(self);
- if (!ec->source_encoding)
+ if (!ec->source_encoding)
return Qnil;
return rb_enc_from_encoding(ec->source_encoding);
@@ -3233,7 +3233,7 @@ static VALUE
econv_destination_encoding(VALUE self)
rb_econv_t *ec = check_econv(self);
- if (!ec->destination_encoding)
+ if (!ec->destination_encoding)
return Qnil;
return rb_enc_from_encoding(ec->destination_encoding);
@@ -3638,7 +3638,7 @@ econv_finish(VALUE self)
* # \xff is invalid as EUC-JP.
* ec ="EUC-JP", "Shift_JIS")
- * ec.primitive_convert(src="\xff", dst="", nil, 10)
+ * ec.primitive_convert(src="\xff", dst="", nil, 10)
* p ec.primitive_errinfo
* #=> [:invalid_byte_sequence, "EUC-JP", "UTF-8", "\xFF", ""]
@@ -3659,7 +3659,7 @@ econv_finish(VALUE self)
* # Encoding::Converter::PARTIAL_INPUT prevents invalid errors by
* # partial characters.
* ec ="EUC-JP", "ISO-8859-1")
- * ec.primitive_convert(src="\xa4", dst="", nil, 10, Encoding::Converter::PARTIAL_INPUT)
+ * ec.primitive_convert(src="\xa4", dst="", nil, 10, Encoding::Converter::PARTIAL_INPUT)
* p ec.primitive_errinfo
* #=> [:source_buffer_empty, nil, nil, nil, nil]
@@ -3823,7 +3823,7 @@ econv_putback(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
* ec.last_error -> exception or nil
* Returns an exception object for the last conversion.
- * Returns nil if the last conversion did not produce an error.
+ * Returns nil if the last conversion did not produce an error.
* "error" means that
* Encoding::InvalidByteSequenceError and Encoding::UndefinedConversionError for
diff --git a/util.c b/util.c
index 4bc82f6d04..f2b38420b8 100644
--- a/util.c
+++ b/util.c
@@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ scan_digits(const char *str, int base, size_t *retlen, int *overflow)
*overflow = 1;
ret *= base;
x = ret;
- ret += d;
+ ret += d;
if (ret < x)
*overflow = 1;
@@ -217,11 +217,11 @@ ruby_strtoul(const char *str, char **endptr, int base)
* Style 1: The suffix begins with a '.'. The extension is replaced.
* If the name matches the original name, use the fallback method.
- * Style 2: The suffix is a single character, not a '.'. Try to add the
+ * Style 2: The suffix is a single character, not a '.'. Try to add the
* suffix to the following places, using the first one that works.
- * [1] Append to extension.
- * [2] Append to filename,
- * [3] Replace end of extension,
+ * [1] Append to extension.
+ * [2] Append to filename,
+ * [3] Replace end of extension,
* [4] Replace end of filename.
* If the name matches the original name, use the fallback method.
@@ -257,7 +257,7 @@ ruby_strtoul(const char *str, char **endptr, int base)
* longname.fil =>
* =>
* => longnam~.$$$
- *
+ *
@@ -311,7 +311,7 @@ ruby_add_suffix(VALUE str, const char *suffix)
strcpy(p, suffix);
else if (suffix[1] == '\0') { /* Style 2 */
- if (extlen < 4) {
+ if (extlen < 4) {
ext[extlen] = *suffix;
ext[++extlen] = '\0';
@@ -336,7 +336,7 @@ fallback:
#if defined(__CYGWIN32__) || defined(_WIN32)
-static int
+static int
valid_filename(const char *s)
int fd;
diff --git a/vm_eval.c b/vm_eval.c
index 88113d328f..1b6ffe28ba 100644
--- a/vm_eval.c
+++ b/vm_eval.c
@@ -215,7 +215,6 @@ rb_call0(VALUE klass, VALUE recv, ID mid, int argc, const VALUE *argv,
return method_missing(recv, mid, argc, argv,
scope == 2 ? NOEX_VCALL : 0);
if (mid != idMethodMissing) {
/* receiver specified form for private method */
@@ -227,7 +226,7 @@ rb_call0(VALUE klass, VALUE recv, ID mid, int argc, const VALUE *argv,
/* self must be kind of a specified form for protected method */
if (((noex & NOEX_MASK) & NOEX_PROTECTED) && scope == 0) {
VALUE defined_class = klass;
if (TYPE(defined_class) == T_ICLASS) {
defined_class = RBASIC(defined_class)->klass;
diff --git a/vm_insnhelper.c b/vm_insnhelper.c
index ffb36e9a00..ce1f0984d0 100644
--- a/vm_insnhelper.c
+++ b/vm_insnhelper.c
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ vm_push_frame(rb_thread_t * th, const rb_iseq_t * iseq,
int i;
/* setup vm value stack */
/* nil initialize */
for (i=0; i < local_size; i++) {
*sp = Qnil;
@@ -798,7 +798,7 @@ vm_yield_setup_block_args(rb_thread_t *th, const rb_iseq_t * iseq,
else {
int r = iseq->arg_rest;
- if (iseq->arg_post_len ||
+ if (iseq->arg_post_len ||
iseq->arg_opts) { /* TODO: implement simple version for (iseq->arg_post_len==0 && iseq->arg_opts > 0) */
opt_pc = vm_yield_setup_block_args_complex(th, iseq, argc, argv);