path: root/test/rexml/data/tutorial.xml
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authorHiroshi SHIBATA <>2020-01-11 21:37:00 +0900
committerSHIBATA Hiroshi <>2020-01-12 12:28:29 +0900
commitc3ccf23d5807f2ff20127bf5e42df0977bf672fb (patch)
treed3953c32b61645c7af65d30e626af944f143cf58 /test/rexml/data/tutorial.xml
parent012f297311817ecb19f78c55854b033bb4b0397c (diff)
Make rexml library to the bundle gems
[Feature #16485][ruby-core:96683]
Notes: Merged:
Diffstat (limited to 'test/rexml/data/tutorial.xml')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 678 deletions
diff --git a/test/rexml/data/tutorial.xml b/test/rexml/data/tutorial.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index bf5783d09a..0000000000
--- a/test/rexml/data/tutorial.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,678 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<?xml-stylesheet type="text/css"
-<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl"
-<!DOCTYPE documentation SYSTEM "">
- <head>
- <title>REXML Tutorial</title>
- <version>$Revision: $</version>
- <date>*2001-296+594</date>
- <home></home>
- <base></base>
- <language>ruby</language>
- <author email=""
- href="">Sean Russell</author>
- </head>
- <overview>
- <purpose lang="en">
- <p>This is a tutorial for using <link
- href="">REXML</link>,
- a pure Ruby XML processor.</p>
- </purpose>
- <general>
- <p>REXML was inspired by the Electric XML library for Java, which
- features an easy-to-use API, small size, and speed. Hopefully, REXML,
- designed with the same philosophy, has these same features. I've tried
- to keep the API as intuitive as possible, and have followed the Ruby
- methodology for method naming and code flow, rather than mirroring the
- Java API.</p>
- <p>REXML supports both tree and stream document parsing. Stream parsing
- is faster (about 1.5 times as fast). However, with stream parsing, you
- don't get access to features such as XPath.</p>
- <p>The <link href="../doc/index.html">API</link> documentation also
- contains code snippits to help you learn how to use various methods.
- This tutorial serves as a starting point and quick guide to using
- REXML.</p>
- <subsection title="Tree Parsing XML and accessing Elements">
- <p>We'll start with parsing an XML document</p>
- <example>require "rexml/document"
-file = "mydoc.xml" )
-doc = file</example>
- <p>Line 3 creates a new document and parses the supplied file. You can
- also do the following</p>
- <example>require "rexml/document"
-include REXML # so that we don't have to prefix everything with REXML::...
-string = &lt;&lt;EOF
- &lt;mydoc&gt;
- &lt;someelement attribute="nanoo"&gt;Text, text, text&lt;/someelement&gt;
- &lt;/mydoc&gt;
-doc = string</example>
- <p>So parsing a string is just as easy as parsing a file. For future
- examples, I'm going to omit both the <code>require</code> and
- <code>include</code> lines.</p>
- <p>Once you have a document, you can access elements in that document
- in a number of ways:</p>
- <list>
- <item>The <code>Element</code> class itself has
- <code>each_element_with_attribute</code>, a common way of accessing
- elements.</item>
- <item>The attribute <code>Element.elements</code> is an
- <code>Elements</code> class instance which has the <code>each</code>
- and <code>[]</code> methods for accessing elements. Both methods can
- be supplied with an XPath for filtering, which makes them very
- powerful.</item>
- <item>Since <code>Element</code> is a subclass of Parent, you can
- also access the element's children directly through the Array-like
- methods <code>Element[], Element.each, Element.find,
- Element.delete</code>. This is the fastest way of accessing
- children, but note that, being a true array, XPath searches are not
- supported, and that all of the element children are contained in
- this array, not just the Element children.</item>
- </list>
- <p>Here are a few examples using these methods. First is the source
- document used in the examples. Save this as mydoc.xml before running
- any of the examples that require it:</p>
- <example title="The source document">&lt;inventory title="OmniCorp Store #45x10^3"&gt;
- &lt;section name="health"&gt;
- &lt;item upc="123456789" stock="12"&gt;
- &lt;name&gt;Invisibility Cream&lt;/name&gt;
- &lt;price&gt;14.50&lt;/price&gt;
- &lt;description&gt;Makes you invisible&lt;/description&gt;
- &lt;/item&gt;
- &lt;item upc="445322344" stock="18"&gt;
- &lt;name&gt;Levitation Salve&lt;/name&gt;
- &lt;price&gt;23.99&lt;/price&gt;
- &lt;description&gt;Levitate yourself for up to 3 hours per application&lt;/description&gt;
- &lt;/item&gt;
- &lt;/section&gt;
- &lt;section name="food"&gt;
- &lt;item upc="485672034" stock="653"&gt;
- &lt;name&gt;Blork and Freen Instameal&lt;/name&gt;
- &lt;price&gt;4.95&lt;/price&gt;
- &lt;description&gt;A tasty meal in a tablet; just add water&lt;/description&gt;
- &lt;/item&gt;
- &lt;item upc="132957764" stock="44"&gt;
- &lt;name&gt;Grob winglets&lt;/name&gt;
- &lt;price&gt;3.56&lt;/price&gt;
- &lt;description&gt;Tender winglets of Grob. Just add water&lt;/description&gt;
- &lt;/item&gt;
- &lt;/section&gt;
- <example title="Accessing Elements">doc ="mydoc.xml")
-doc.elements.each("inventory/section") { |element| puts element.attributes["name"] }
-# -&gt; health
-# -&gt; food
-doc.elements.each("*/section/item") { |element| puts element.attributes["upc"] }
-# -&gt; 123456789
-# -&gt; 445322344
-# -&gt; 485672034
-# -&gt; 132957764
-root = doc.root
-puts root.attributes["title"]
-# -&gt; OmniCorp Store #45x10^3
-puts root.elements["section/item[@stock='44']"].attributes["upc"]
-# -&gt; 132957764
-puts root.elements["section"].attributes["name"]
-# -&gt; health (returns the first encountered matching element)
-puts root.elements[1].attributes["name"]
-# -&gt; health (returns the FIRST child element)
-root.detect {|node| node.kind_of? Element and node.attributes["name"] == "food" }</example>
- <p>Notice the second-to-last line of code. Element children in REXML
- are indexed starting at 1, not 0. This is because XPath itself counts
- elements from 1, and REXML maintains this relationship; IE,
- <code>root.elements['*[1]'] == root.elements[1]</code>. The last line
- finds the first child element with the name of "food". As you can see
- in this example, accessing attributes is also straightforward.</p>
- <p>You can also access xpaths directly via the XPath class.</p>
- <example title="Using XPath"># The invisibility cream is the first &lt;item&gt;
-invisibility = XPath.first( doc, "//item" )
-# Prints out all of the prices
-XPath.each( doc, "//price") { |element| puts element.text }
-# Gets an array of all of the "name" elements in the document.
-names = XPath.match( doc, "//name" ) </example>
- <p>Another way of getting an array of matching nodes is through
- Element.elements.to_a(). Although this is a method on elements, if
- passed an XPath it can return an array of arbitrary objects. This is
- due to the fact that XPath itself can return arbitrary nodes
- (Attribute nodes, Text nodes, and Element nodes).</p>
- <example title="Using to_a()">all_elements = doc.elements.to_a
-all_children = doc.to_a
-all_upc_strings = doc.elements.to_a( "//item/attribute::upc" )
-all_name_elements = doc.elements.to_a( "//name" )</example>
- </subsection>
- <subsection title="Text Nodes">
- <p>REXML attempts to make the common case simple, but this means that
- the uncommon case can be complicated. This is especially true with
- Text nodes.</p>
- <p>Text nodes have a lot of behavior, and in the case of internal
- entities, what you get may be different from what you expect. When
- REXML reads an XML document, in parses the DTD and creates an internal
- table of entities. If it finds any of these entities in the document,
- it replaces them with their values:</p>
- <example title="Entity Replacement">doc = '&lt;!DOCTYPE foo [
-&lt;!ENTITY ent "replace"&gt;
-doc.root.text #-&gt; "replace"
- <p>When you write the document back out, REXML replaces the values
- with the entity reference:</p>
- <example>doc.to_s
-# Generates:
-# &lt;!DOCTYPE foo [
-# &lt;!ENTITY ent "replace"&gt;
-# ]&gt;&lt;a&gt;&amp;ent;&lt;/a&gt;</example>
- <p>But there's a problem. What happens if only some of the words are
- also entity reference values?</p>
- <example>doc = '&lt;!DOCTYPE foo [
-&lt;!ENTITY ent "replace"&gt;
-]&gt;&lt;a&gt;replace &amp;ent;&lt;/a&gt;'
-doc.root.text #-&gt; "replace replace"
- <p>Well, REXML does the only thing it can:</p>
- <example>doc.to_s
-# Generates:
-# &lt;!DOCTYPE foo [
-# &lt;!ENTITY ent "replace"&gt;
-# ]&gt;&lt;a&gt;&amp;ent; &amp;ent;&lt;/a&gt;</example>
- <p>This is probably not what you expect. However, when designing
- REXML, I had a choice between this behavior, and using immutable text
- nodes. The problem is that, if you can change the text in a node,
- REXML can never tell which tokens you want to have replaced with
- entities. There is a wrinkle: REXML will write what it gets in as long
- as you don't access the text. This is because REXML does lazy
- evaluation of entities. Therefore,</p>
- <example title="Lazy Evaluation">doc = '&lt;!DOCTYPE foo
- [ &lt;!ENTITY ent "replace"&gt; ]&gt;&lt;a&gt;replace
- &amp;ent;&lt;/a&gt;' ) doc.to_s # Generates: # &lt;!DOCTYPE foo [ #
- &lt;!ENTITY ent "replace"&gt; # ]&gt;&lt;a&gt;<emphasis>replace
- &amp;ent;</emphasis>&lt;/a&gt; doc.root.text #-&gt; Now accessed,
- entities have been resolved doc.to_s # Generates: # &lt;!DOCTYPE foo [
- # &lt;!ENTITY ent "replace"&gt; # ]&gt;&lt;a&gt;<emphasis>&amp;ent;
- &amp;ent;</emphasis>&lt;/a&gt;</example>
- <p>There is a programmatic solution: <code>:raw</code>. If you set the
- <code>:raw</code> flag on any Text or Element node, the entities
- within that node will not be processed. This means that you'll have to
- deal with entities yourself:</p>
- <example title="Entity Replacement">doc ='&lt;!DOCTYPE
- foo [ &lt;!ENTITY ent "replace"&gt; ]&gt;&lt;a&gt;replace
- &amp;ent;&lt;/a&gt;',<emphasis>{:raw=&gt;:all})</emphasis>
- doc.root.text #-&gt; "replace &amp;ent;" doc.to_s # Generates: #
- &lt;!DOCTYPE foo [ # &lt;!ENTITY ent "replace"&gt; #
- ]&gt;&lt;a&gt;replace &amp;ent;&lt;/a&gt;</example>
- </subsection>
- <subsection title="Creating XML documents">
- <p>Again, there are a couple of mechanisms for creating XML documents
- in REXML. Adding elements by hand is faster than the convenience
- method, but which you use will probably be a matter of aesthetics.</p>
- <example title="Creating elements">el = someelement.add_element "myel"
-# creates an element named "myel", adds it to "someelement", and returns it
-el2 = el.add_element "another", {"id"=&gt;"10"}
-# does the same, but also sets attribute "id" of el2 to "10"
-el3 = "blah"
-el1.elements &lt;&lt; el3
-el3.attributes["myid"] = "sean"
-# creates el3 "blah", adds it to el1, then sets attribute "myid" to "sean"</example>
- <p>If you want to add text to an element, you can do it by either
- creating Text objects and adding them to the element, or by using the
- convenience method <code>text=</code></p>
- <example title="Adding text">el1 = "myelement"
-el1.text = "Hello world!"
-# -&gt; &lt;myelement&gt;Hello world!&lt;/myelement&gt;
-el1.add_text "Hello dolly"
-# -&gt; &lt;myelement&gt;Hello world!Hello dolly&lt;/element&gt;
-# -&gt; &lt;myelement&gt;Hello world!Hello dollyGoodbye&lt;/element&gt;
-el1 &lt;&lt;" cruel world")
-# -&gt; &lt;myelement&gt;Hello world!Hello dollyGoodbye cruel world&lt;/element&gt;</example>
- <p>But note that each of these text objects are still stored as
- separate objects; <code>el1.text</code> will return "Hello world!";
- <code>el1[2]</code> will return a Text object with the contents
- "Goodbye".</p>
- <p>Please be aware that all text nodes in REXML are UTF-8 encoded, and
- all of your code must reflect this. You may input and output other
- encodings (UTF-8, UTF-16, ISO-8859-1, and UNILE are all supported,
- input and output), but within your program, you must pass REXML UTF-8
- strings.</p>
- <p>I can't emphasize this enough, because people do have problems with
- this. REXML can't possibly alway guess correctly how your text is
- encoded, so it always assumes the text is UTF-8. It also does not warn
- you when you try to add text which isn't properly encoded, for the
- same reason. You must make sure that you are adding UTF-8 text.
- &#160;If you're adding standard 7-bit ASCII, which is most common, you
- don't have to worry. &#160;If you're using ISO-8859-1 text (characters
- above 0x80), you must convert it to UTF-8 before adding it to an
- element. &#160;You can do this with the shard:
- <code>text.unpack("C*").pack("U*")</code>. If you ignore this warning
- and add 8-bit ASCII characters to your documents, your code may
- work... or it may not. &#160;In either case, REXML is not at fault.
- You have been warned.</p>
- <p>One last thing: alternate encoding output support only works from
- Document.write() and Document.to_s(). If you want to write out other
- nodes with a particular encoding, you must wrap your output object
- with Output:</p>
- <example title="Encoded Output">e = "&lt;a/&gt;"
-e.text = "f\xfcr" # ISO-8859-1 'ΓΌ'
-o = ''
-e.write( o, "ISO-8859-1" ) )
- <p>You can pass Output any of the supported encodings.</p>
- <p>If you want to insert an element between two elements, you can use
- either the standard Ruby array notation, or
- <code>Parent.insert_before</code> and
- <code>Parent.insert_after</code>.</p>
- <example title="Inserts">doc = "&lt;a&gt;&lt;one/&gt;&lt;three/&gt;&lt;/a&gt;"
-doc.root[1,0] = "two"
-# -&gt; &lt;a&gt;&lt;one/&gt;&lt;two/&gt;&lt;three/&gt;&lt;/a&gt;
-three = doc.elements["a/three"]
-doc.root.insert_after three, "four"
-# -&gt; &lt;a&gt;&lt;one/&gt;&lt;two/&gt;&lt;three/&gt;&lt;four/&gt;&lt;/a&gt;
-# A convenience method allows you to insert before/after an XPath:
-doc.root.insert_after( "//one","one-five") )
-# -&gt; &lt;a&gt;&lt;one/&gt;&lt;one-five/&gt;&lt;two/&gt;&lt;three/&gt;&lt;four/&gt;&lt;/a&gt;
-# Another convenience method allows you to insert after/before an element:
-four = doc.elements["//four"]
-four.previous_sibling ="three-five")
-# -&gt; &lt;a&gt;&lt;one/&gt;&lt;one-five/&gt;&lt;two/&gt;&lt;three/&gt;&lt;three-five/&gt;&lt;four/&gt;&lt;/a&gt;</example>
- <p>The <code>raw</code> flag in the <code>Text</code> constructor can
- be used to tell REXML to leave strings which have entities defined for
- them alone.</p>
- <example title="Raw text">doc = "&lt;?xml version='1.0?&gt;
-&lt;!DOCTYPE foo SYSTEM 'foo.dtd' [
-&lt;!ENTITY % s "Sean"&gt;
-t = "Sean", false, nil, false )
-doc.root.text = t
-t.to_s # -&gt; &amp;s;
-t = "Sean", false, nil, true )
-doc.root.text = t
-t.to_s # -&gt; Sean</example>
- <p>Note that, in all cases, the <code>value()</code> method returns
- the text with entities expanded, so the <code>raw</code> flag only
- affects the <code>to_s()</code> method. If the <code>raw</code> is set
- for a text node, then <code>to_s()</code> will not entities will not
- normalize (turn into entities) entity values. You can not create raw
- text nodes that contain illegal XML, so the following will generate a
- parse error:</p>
- <example>t = "&amp;", false, nil, true )</example>
- <p>You can also tell REXML to set the Text children of given elements
- to raw automatically, on parsing or creating:</p>
- <example title="Automatic raw text handling">doc = source, { :raw =&gt; %w{ tag1 tag2 tag3 } }</example>
- <p>In this example, all tags named "tag1", "tag2", or "tag3" will have
- any Text children set to raw text. If you want to have all of the text
- processed as raw text, pass in the :all tag:</p>
- <example title="Raw documents">doc = source, { :raw =&gt; :all })</example>
- </subsection>
- <subsection title="Writing a tree">
- <p>There aren't many things that are more simple than writing a REXML
- tree. Simply pass an object that supports <code>&lt;&lt;( String
- )</code> to the <code>write</code> method of any object. In Ruby, both
- IO instances (File) and String instances support &lt;&lt;.</p>
- <example>doc.write $stdout
-output = ""
-doc.write output</example>
- <p>If you want REXML to pretty-print output, pass <code>write()</code>
- an indent value greater than -1:</p>
- <example title="Write with pretty-printing">doc.write( $stdout, 0 )</example>
- <p>REXML will not, by default, write out the XML declaration unless
- you specifically ask for them. If a document is read that contains an
- XML declaration, that declaration <emphasis>will</emphasis> be written
- faithfully. The other way you can tell REXML to write the declaration
- is to specifically add the declaration:</p>
- <example title="Adding an XML Declaration to a Document">doc =
-doc.add_element 'foo'
-doc.to_s #-&gt; &lt;foo/&gt;
-doc &lt;&lt;
-doc.to_s #-&gt; &lt;?xml version='1.0'?&gt;&lt;foo/&gt;</example>
- </subsection>
- <subsection title="Iterating">
- <p>There are four main methods of iterating over children.
- <code>Element.each</code>, which iterates over all the children;
- <code>Element.elements.each</code>, which iterates over just the child
- Elements; <code>Element.next_element</code> and
- <code>Element.previous_element</code>, which can be used to fetch the
- next Element siblings; and <code>Element.next_sibling</code> and
- <code>Eleemnt.previous_sibling</code>, which fetches the next and
- previous siblings, regardless of type.</p>
- </subsection>
- <subsection title="Stream Parsing">
- <p>REXML stream parsing requires you to supply a Listener class. When
- REXML encounters events in a document (tag start, text, etc.) it
- notifies your listener class of the event. You can supply any subset
- of the methods, but make sure you implement method_missing if you
- don't implement them all. A StreamListener module has been supplied as
- a template for you to use.</p>
- <example title="Stream parsing">list =
-source = "mydoc.xml"
-REXML::Document.parse_stream(source, list)</example>
- <p>Stream parsing in REXML is much like SAX, where events are
- generated when the parser encounters them in the process of parsing
- the document. When a tag is encountered, the stream listener's
- <code>tag_start()</code> method is called. When the tag end is
- encountered, <code>tag_end()</code> is called. When text is
- encountered, <code>text()</code> is called, and so on, until the end
- of the stream is reached. One other note: the method
- <code>entity()</code> is called when an <code>&amp;entity;</code> is
- encountered in text, and only then.</p>
- <p>Please look at the <link
- href="../doc/classes/REXML/StreamListener.html">StreamListener
- API</link> for more information.<footnote>You must generate the API
- documentation with rdoc or download the API documentation from the
- REXML website for this documentation.</footnote></p>
- </subsection>
- <subsection title="Whitespace">
- <p>By default, REXML respects whitespace in your document. In many
- applications, you want the parser to compress whitespace in your
- document. In these cases, you have to tell the parser which elements
- you want to respect whitespace in by passing a context to the
- parser:</p>
- <example title="Compressing whitespace">doc = source, { :compress_whitespace =&gt; %w{ tag1 tag2 tag3 } }</example>
- <p>Whitespace for tags "tag1", "tag2", and "tag3" will be compressed;
- all other tags will have their whitespace respected. Like :raw, you
- can set :compress_whitespace to :all, and have all elements have their
- whitespace compressed.</p>
- <p>You may also use the tag <code>:respect_whitespace</code>, which
- flip-flops the behavior. If you use <code>:respect_whitespace</code>
- for one or more tags, only those elements will have their whitespace
- respected; all other tags will have their whitespace compressed.</p>
- </subsection>
- <subsection title="Automatic Entity Processing">
- <p>REXML does some automatic processing of entities for your
- convenience. The processed entities are &amp;, &lt;, &gt;, ", and '.
- If REXML finds any of these characters in Text or Attribute values, it
- automatically turns them into entity references when it writes them
- out. Additionally, when REXML finds any of these entity references in
- a document source, it converts them to their character equivalents.
- All other entity references are left unprocessed. If REXML finds an
- &amp;, &lt;, or &gt; in the document source, it will generate a
- parsing error.</p>
- <example title="Entity processing">bad_source = "&lt;a&gt;Cats &amp; dogs&lt;/a&gt;"
-good_source = "&lt;a&gt;Cats &amp;amp; &amp;#100;ogs&lt;/a&gt;"
-doc = bad_source
-# Generates a parse error
-doc = good_source
-puts doc.root.text
-# -&gt; "Cats &amp; &amp;#100;ogs"
-doc.root.write $stdout
-# -&gt; "&lt;a&gt;Cats &amp;amp; &amp;#100;ogs&lt;/a&gt;"
-doc.root.attributes["m"] = "x'y\"z"
-puts doc.root.attributes["m"]
-# -&gt; "x'y\"z"
-doc.root.write $stdout
-# -&gt; "&lt;a m='x&amp;apos;y&amp;quot;z'&gt;Cats &amp;amp; &amp;#100;ogs&lt;/a&gt;"</example>
- </subsection>
- <subsection title="Namespaces">
- <p>Namespaces are fully supported in REXML and within the XPath
- parser. There are a few caveats when using XPath, however:</p>
- <list>
- <item>If you don't supply a namespace mapping, the default namespace
- mapping of the context element is used. This has its limitations,
- but is convenient for most purposes.</item>
- <item>If you need to supply a namespace mapping, you must use the
- XPath methods <code>each</code>, <code>first</code>, and
- <code>match</code> and pass them the mapping.</item>
- </list>
- <example title="Using namespaces">source = "&lt;a xmlns:x='foo' xmlns:y='bar'&gt;&lt;x:b id='1'/&gt;&lt;y:b id='2'/&gt;&lt;/a&gt;"
-doc = source
-doc.elements["/a/x:b"].attributes["id"] # -&gt; '1'
-XPath.first(doc, "/a/m:b", {"m"=&gt;"bar"}).attributes["id"] # -&gt; '2'
-doc.elements["//x:b"].prefix # -&gt; 'x'
-doc.elements["//x:b"].namespace # -&gt; 'foo'
-XPath.first(doc, "//m:b", {"m"=&gt;"bar"}).prefix # -&gt; 'y'</example>
- </subsection>
- <subsection title="Pull parsing">
- <p>The pull parser API is not yet stable. When it settles down, I'll
- fill in this section. For now, you'll have to bite the bullet and read
- the <link
- href="">PullParser</link>
- API docs. Ignore the PullListener class; it is a private helper
- class.</p>
- </subsection>
- <subsection title="SAX2 Stream Parsing">
- <p>The original REXML stream parsing API is very minimal. This also
- means that it is fairly fast. For a more complex, more "standard" API,
- REXML also includes a streaming parser with a SAX2+ API. This API
- differs from SAX2 in a couple of ways, such as having more filters and
- multiple notification mechanisms, but the core API is SAX2.</p>
- <p>The two classes in the SAX2 API are <link
- href=""><code>SAX2Parser</code></link>
- and <link
- href=""><code>SAX2Listener</code></link>.
- You can use the parser in one of five ways, depending on your needs.
- Three of the ways are useful if you are filtering for a small number
- of events in the document, such as just printing out the names of all
- of the elements in a document, or getting all of the text in a
- document. The other two ways are for more complex processing, where
- you want to be notified of multiple events. The first three involve
- Procs, and the last two involve listeners. The listener mechanisms are
- very similar to the original REXML streaming API, with the addition of
- filtering options, and are faster than the proc mechanisms.</p>
- <p>An example is worth a thousand words, so we'll just take a look at
- a small example of each of the mechanisms. The first example involves
- printing out only the text content of a document.</p>
- <example title="Filtering for Events with Procs">require 'rexml/sax2parser'
-parser = 'documentation.xml' ) )
-parser.listen( :characters ) {|text| puts text }
- <p>In this example, we tell the parser to call our block for every
- <code>characters</code> event. "characters" is what SAX2 calls Text
- nodes. The event is identified by the symbol <code>:characters</code>.
- There are a number of these events, including
- <code>:element_start</code>, <code>:end_prefix_mapping</code>, and so
- on; the events are named after the methods in the
- <code>SAX2Listener</code> API, so refer to that document for a
- complete list.</p>
- <p>You can additionally filter for particular elements by passing an
- array of tag names to the <code>listen</code> method. In further
- examples, we will not include the <code>require</code> or parser
- construction lines, as they are the same for all of these
- examples.</p>
- <example title="Filtering for Events on Particular Elements with Procs">parser.listen( :characters, %w{ changelog todo } ) {|text| puts text }
- <p>In this example, only the text content of changelog and todo
- elements will be printed. The array of tag names can also contain
- regular expressions which the element names will be matched
- against.</p>
- <p>Finally, as a shortcut, if you do not pass a symbol to the listen
- method, it will default to <code>:element_start</code></p>
- <example title="Default Events">parser.listen( %w{ item }) do |uri,localname,qname,attributes|
- puts attributes['version']
- <p>This example prints the "version" attribute of all "item" elements
- in the document. Notice that the number of arguments passed to the
- block is larger than for <code>:text</code>; again, check the
- SAX2Listener API for a list of what arguments are passed the blocks
- for a given event.</p>
- <p>The last two mechanisms for parsing use the SAX2Listener API. Like
- StreamListener, SAX2Listener is a <code>module</code>, so you can
- <code>include</code> it in your class to give you an adapter. To use
- the listener model, create a class that implements some of the
- SAX2Listener methods, or all of them if you don't include the
- SAX2Listener model. Add them to a parser as you would blocks, and when
- the parser is run, the methods will be called when events occur.
- Listeners do not use event symbols, but they can filter on element
- names.</p>
- <example title="Filtering for Events with Listeners">listener1 =
-listener2 =
-parser.listen( listener1 )
-parser.listen( %{ changelog, todo, credits }, listener2 )
- <p>In the previous example, <code>listener1</code> will be notified of
- all events that occur, and <code>listener2</code> will only be
- notified of events that occur in <code>changelog</code>,
- <code>todo</code>, and <code>credits</code> elements. We also see that
- multiple listeners can be added to the same parser; multiple blocks
- can also be added, and listeners and blocks can be mixed together.</p>
- <p>There is, as yet, no mechanism for recursion. Two upcoming features
- of the SAX2 API will be the ability to filter based on an XPath, and
- the ability to specify filtering on an elemnt and all of its
- descendants.</p>
- <p><em>WARNING:</em> The SAX2 API for dealing with doctype (DTD)
- events almost <em>certainly</em> will change.</p>
- </subsection>
- <subsection title="Convenience methods">
- <p>Michael Neumann contributed some convenience functions for nodes,
- and they are general enough that I've included. Michael's use-case
- examples follow: <example title="Node convenience functions">#
- Starting with +root_node+, we recursively look for a node with the
- given # +tag+, the given +attributes+ (a Hash) and whoose text equals
- or matches the # +text+ string or regular expression. # # To find the
- following node: # # &lt;td class='abc'&gt;text&lt;/td&gt; # # We use:
- # # find_node(root, 'td', {'class' =&gt; 'abc'}, "text") # # Returns
- +nil+ if no matching node was found. def find_node(root_node, tag,
- attributes, text) root_node.find_first_recursive {|node| ==
- tag and attributes.all? {|attr, val| node.attributes[attr] == val} and
- text === node.text } end # # Extract specific columns (specified by
- the position of it's corresponding # header column) from a table. # #
- Given the following table: # # &lt;table&gt; # &lt;tr&gt; #
- &lt;td&gt;A&lt;/td&gt; # &lt;td&gt;B&lt;/td&gt; #
- &lt;td&gt;C&lt;/td&gt; # &lt;/tr&gt; # &lt;tr&gt; #
- &lt;td&gt;A.1&lt;/td&gt; # &lt;td&gt;B.1&lt;/td&gt; #
- &lt;td&gt;C.1&lt;/td&gt; # &lt;/tr&gt; # &lt;tr&gt; #
- &lt;td&gt;A.2&lt;/td&gt; # &lt;td&gt;B.2&lt;/td&gt; #
- &lt;td&gt;C.2&lt;/td&gt; # &lt;/tr&gt; # &lt;/table&gt; # # To extract
- the first (A) and last (C) column: # # extract_from_table(root_node,
- ["A", "C"]) # # And you get this as result: # # [ # ["A.1", "C.1"], #
- ["A.2", "C.2"] # ] # def extract_from_table(root_node, headers) #
- extract and collect all header nodes header_nodes = headers.collect {
- |header| find_node(root_node, 'td', {}, header) } raise "some headers
- not found" if header_nodes.compact.size &lt; headers.size # assert
- that all headers have the same parent 'header_row', which is the row #
- in which the header_nodes are contained. 'table' is the surrounding
- table tag. header_row = header_nodes.first.parent table =
- header_row.parent raise "different parents" unless header_nodes.all?
- {|n| n.parent == header_row} # we now iterate over all rows in the
- table that follows the header_row. # for each row we collect the
- elements at the same positions as the header_nodes. # this is what we
- finally return from the method. (header_row.index_in_parent+1 ..
- table.elements.size).collect do |inx| row = table.elements[inx]
- header_nodes.collect { |n| row.elements[ n.index_in_parent ].text }
- end end</example></p>
- </subsection>
- <subsection title="Conclusion">
- <p>This isn't everything there is to REXML, but it should be enough to
- get started. Check the <link href="../doc/index.html">API
- documentation</link><footnote>You must generate the API documentation
- with rdoc or download the API documentation from the REXML website for
- this documentation.</footnote> for particulars and more examples.
- There are plenty of unit tests in the <code>test/</code> directory,
- and these are great sources of working examples.</p>
- </subsection>
- </general>
- </overview>
- <credits>
- <p>Among the people who've contributed to this document are:</p>
- <list>
- <item><link href="">Eichert, Diana</link> (bug
- fix)</item>
- </list>
- </credits>
-</documentation> \ No newline at end of file