path: root/sample
diff options
author(no author) <(no author)@b2dd03c8-39d4-4d8f-98ff-823fe69b080e>1999-01-20 04:59:32 +0000
committer(no author) <(no author)@b2dd03c8-39d4-4d8f-98ff-823fe69b080e>1999-01-20 04:59:32 +0000
commitaeb049c573be4dc24dd20650f40e4777e0f698cf (patch)
tree3b8560cc0838f916b29941274d52133521f42b6d /sample
parentfd1d8cdc09ed86e4a0812120a17ff0d7b04adcaf (diff)
This commit was manufactured by cvs2svn to create branch 'RUBY'.
git-svn-id: svn+ssh:// b2dd03c8-39d4-4d8f-98ff-823fe69b080e
Diffstat (limited to 'sample')
2 files changed, 470 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/sample/mine.rb b/sample/mine.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b9557d54a2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sample/mine.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,173 @@
+class Board
+ def clr
+ print "\e[2J"
+ end
+ def pos(x,y)
+ printf "\e[%d;%dH", y+1, x*2+1
+ end
+ def colorstr(id,s)
+ printf "\e[%dm%s\e[0m", id, s
+ end
+ def put(x, y, col, str)
+ pos(x,y); colorstr(43,str)
+ pos(0,@hi); print "$B;D$j(B:",@mc,"/",@total," "
+ pos(x,y)
+ end
+ private :clr, :pos, :colorstr, :put
+ CHR=["$B!&(B","$B#1(B","$B#2(B","$B#3(B","$B#4(B","$B#5(B","$B#6(B","$B#7(B","$B#8(B","$B!z(B","$B!|(B","@@"]
+ COL=[46,43,45] # default,opened,over
+ def initialize(h,w,m)
+ # $B%2!<%`HW$N@8@.(B(h:$B=D!$(Bw:$B2#!$(Bm:$BGzCF$N?t(B)
+ @hi=h; @wi=w; @m=m
+ reset
+ end
+ def reset
+ # $B%2!<%`HW$r(B($B:F(B)$B=i4|2=$9$k(B
+ srand()
+ @cx=0; @cy=0; @mc=@m
+ @over=false
+ @total=@hi*@wi
+ @total.times {|i| @data[i]=0}
+ @m.times do
+ loop do
+ j=rand(@total-1)
+ if @data[j] == 0 then
+ @data[j]=1
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ clr; pos(0,0)
+ @hi.times{|y| pos(0,y); colorstr(COL[0],CHR[0]*@wi)}
+ pos(@cx,@cy)
+ end
+ def mark
+ # $B8=:_$N%+!<%=%k0LCV$K%^!<%/$r$D$1$k(B
+ if @state[@wi*@cy+@cx] != nil then return end
+ @state[@wi*@cy+@cx] = "MARK"
+ @mc=@mc-1;
+ @total=@total-1;
+ put(@cx, @cy, COL[1], CHR[9])
+ end
+ def open(x=@cx,y=@cy)
+ # $B8=:_$N%+!<%=%k0LCV$r%*!<%W%s$K$9$k(B
+ # $BGzCF$,$"$l$P%2!<%`%*!<%P!<(B
+ if @state[@wi*y+x] =="OPEN" then return 0 end
+ if @state[@wi*y+x] == nil then @total=@total-1 end
+ if @state[@wi*y+x] =="MARK" then @mc=@mc+1 end
+ @state[@wi*y+x]="OPEN"
+ if fetch(x,y) == 1 then @over = 1; return end
+ c = count(x,y)
+ put(x, y, COL[1], CHR[c])
+ return 0 if c != 0
+ if x > 0 && y > 0 then open(x-1,y-1) end
+ if y > 0 then open(x, y-1) end
+ if x < @wi-1 && y > 0 then open(x+1,y-1) end
+ if x > 0 then open(x-1,y) end
+ if x < @wi-1 then open(x+1,y) end
+ if x > 0 && y < @hi-1 then open(x-1,y+1) end
+ if y < @hi -1 then open(x,y+1) end
+ if x < @wi-1 && y < @hi-1 then open(x+1,y+1) end
+ pos(@cx,@cy)
+ end
+ def fetch(x,y)
+ # (x,y)$B$N0LCV$NGzCF$N?t(B(0 or 1)$B$rJV$9(B
+ if x < 0 then 0
+ elsif x >= @wi then 0
+ elsif y < 0 then 0
+ elsif y >= @hi then 0
+ else
+ @data[x*@wi+y]
+ end
+ end
+ def count(x,y)
+ # (x,y)$B$KNY@\$9$kGzCF$N?t$rJV$9(B
+ fetch(x-1,y-1)+fetch(x,y-1)+fetch(x+1,y-1)+
+ fetch(x-1,y) + fetch(x+1,y)+
+ fetch(x-1,y+1)+fetch(x,y+1)+fetch(x+1,y+1)
+ end
+ def over(win)
+ # $B%2!<%`$N=*N;(B
+ quit
+ unless win
+ pos(@cx,@cy); print CHR[11]
+ end
+ pos(0,@hi)
+ if win then print "*** YOU WIN !! ***"
+ else print "*** GAME OVER ***"
+ end
+ end
+ def over?
+ # $B%2!<%`$N=*N;%A%'%C%/(B
+ # $B=*N;=hM}$b8F$S=P$9(B
+ remain = (@mc+@total == 0)
+ if @over || remain
+ over(remain)
+ true
+ else
+ false
+ end
+ end
+ def quit
+ # $B%2!<%`$NCfCG(B($B$^$?$O=*N;(B)
+ # $BHWLL$rA4$F8+$;$k(B
+ @hi.times do|y|
+ pos(0,y)
+ @wi.times do|x|
+ colorstr(if @state[y*@wi+x] == "MARK" then COL[1] else COL[2] end,
+ if fetch(x,y)==1 then CHR[10] else CHR[count(x,y)] end)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def down
+ # $B%+!<%=%k$r2<$K(B
+ if @cy < @hi-1 then @cy=@cy+1; pos(@cx, @cy) end
+ end
+ def up
+ # $B%+!<%=%k$r>e$K(B
+ if @cy > 0 then @cy=@cy-1; pos(@cx, @cy) end
+ end
+ def left
+ # $B%+!<%=%k$r:8$K(B
+ if @cx > 0 then @cx=@cx-1; pos(@cx, @cy) end
+ end
+ def right
+ # $B%+!<%=%k$r1&$K(B
+ if @cx < @wi-1 then @cx=@cx+1; pos(@cx, @cy) end
+ end
+system("stty raw -echo")
+ loop do
+ case getc
+ when ?n # new game
+ bd.reset
+ when ?m # mark
+ bd.mark
+ when ?j
+ bd.down
+ when ?k
+ bd.up
+ when ?h
+ bd.left
+ when ?l
+ bd.right
+ when ?\s
+ when ?q,?\C-c # quit game
+ bd.quit
+ break
+ end
+ if bd.over?
+ if getc == ?q then break end
+ bd.reset
+ end
+ end
+ system("stty -raw echo")
+print "\n"
diff --git a/sample/rename.rb b/sample/rename.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9abea7e327
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sample/rename.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,297 @@
+#! /usr/local/bin/ruby -p
+gsub!(/\bFail\(/,"rb_raise(rb_eRuntimeError, ")
+gsub!(/\bArgError\(/,"rb_raise(rb_eArgError, ")
+gsub!(/\bTypeError\(/,"rb_raise(rb_eTypeError, ")
+gsub!(/\bNameError\(/,"rb_raise(rb_eNameError, ")
+gsub!(/\bIndexError\(/,"rb_raise(rb_eIndexError, ")