path: root/lib/tracer.rb
diff options
authorHiroshi SHIBATA <>2021-05-24 18:20:07 +0900
committerHiroshi SHIBATA <>2021-05-25 13:13:52 +0900
commitab3266ea5c2c45b6e0ce9ba377a035710cb4fd1b (patch)
treea40468d4fd241f1589f081e4b42da092f4ee845c /lib/tracer.rb
parent274d0aa76886c0f08f17363ce6dc8639b4336727 (diff)
Removed tracer from ruby repo
Notes: Merged:
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/tracer.rb')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 292 deletions
diff --git a/lib/tracer.rb b/lib/tracer.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 9014d80da5..0000000000
--- a/lib/tracer.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,292 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# $Release Version: 0.3$
-# $Revision: 1.12 $
-# Outputs a source level execution trace of a Ruby program.
-# It does this by registering an event handler with Kernel#set_trace_func for
-# processing incoming events. It also provides methods for filtering unwanted
-# trace output (see Tracer.add_filter, Tracer.on, and
-# == Example
-# Consider the following Ruby script
-# class A
-# def square(a)
-# return a*a
-# end
-# end
-# a =
-# a.square(5)
-# Running the above script using <code>ruby -r tracer example.rb</code> will
-# output the following trace to STDOUT (Note you can also explicitly
-# <code>require 'tracer'</code>)
-# #0:<internal:lib/rubygems/custom_require>:38:Kernel:<: -
-# #0:example.rb:3::-: class A
-# #0:example.rb:3::C: class A
-# #0:example.rb:4::-: def square(a)
-# #0:example.rb:7::E: end
-# #0:example.rb:9::-: a =
-# #0:example.rb:10::-: a.square(5)
-# #0:example.rb:4:A:>: def square(a)
-# #0:example.rb:5:A:-: return a*a
-# #0:example.rb:6:A:<: end
-# | | | | |
-# | | | | ---------------------+ event
-# | | | ------------------------+ class
-# | | --------------------------+ line
-# | ------------------------------------+ filename
-# ---------------------------------------+ thread
-# Symbol table used for displaying incoming events:
-# +}+:: call a C-language routine
-# +{+:: return from a C-language routine
-# +>+:: call a Ruby method
-# +C+:: start a class or module definition
-# +E+:: finish a class or module definition
-# +-+:: execute code on a new line
-# +^+:: raise an exception
-# +<+:: return from a Ruby method
-# == Copyright
-# by Keiju ISHITSUKA(
-class Tracer
- VERSION = "0.1.1"
- class << self
- # display additional debug information (defaults to false)
- attr_accessor :verbose
- alias verbose? verbose
- # output stream used to output trace (defaults to STDOUT)
- attr_accessor :stdout
- # mutex lock used by tracer for displaying trace output
- attr_reader :stdout_mutex
- # display process id in trace output (defaults to false)
- attr_accessor :display_process_id
- alias display_process_id? display_process_id
- # display thread id in trace output (defaults to true)
- attr_accessor :display_thread_id
- alias display_thread_id? display_thread_id
- # display C-routine calls in trace output (defaults to false)
- attr_accessor :display_c_call
- alias display_c_call? display_c_call
- end
- Tracer::stdout = STDOUT
- Tracer::verbose = false
- Tracer::display_process_id = false
- Tracer::display_thread_id = true
- Tracer::display_c_call = false
- @stdout_mutex =
- # Symbol table used for displaying trace information
- "line" => "-",
- "call" => ">",
- "return" => "<",
- "class" => "C",
- "end" => "E",
- "raise" => "^",
- "c-call" => "}",
- "c-return" => "{",
- "unknown" => "?"
- }
- def initialize # :nodoc:
- @threads =
- if defined? Thread.main
- @threads[Thread.main.object_id] = 0
- else
- @threads[Thread.current.object_id] = 0
- end
- @get_line_procs = {}
- @filters = []
- end
- def stdout # :nodoc:
- Tracer.stdout
- end
- def on # :nodoc:
- if block_given?
- on
- begin
- yield
- ensure
- off
- end
- else
- set_trace_func method(:trace_func).to_proc
- stdout.print "Trace on\n" if Tracer.verbose?
- end
- end
- def off # :nodoc:
- set_trace_func nil
- stdout.print "Trace off\n" if Tracer.verbose?
- end
- def add_filter(p = nil, &b) # :nodoc:
- p ||= b
- @filters.push p
- end
- def set_get_line_procs(file, p = nil, &b) # :nodoc:
- p ||= b
- @get_line_procs[file] = p
- end
- def get_line(file, line) # :nodoc:
- if p = @get_line_procs[file]
- return
- end
- unless list = SCRIPT_LINES__[file]
- list = File.readlines(file) rescue []
- SCRIPT_LINES__[file] = list
- end
- if l = list[line - 1]
- l
- else
- "-\n"
- end
- end
- def get_thread_no # :nodoc:
- if no = @threads[Thread.current.object_id]
- no
- else
- @threads[Thread.current.object_id] = @threads.size
- end
- end
- def trace_func(event, file, line, id, binding, klass, *) # :nodoc:
- return if file == __FILE__
- for p in @filters
- return unless event, file, line, id, binding, klass
- end
- return unless Tracer::display_c_call? or
- event != "c-call" && event != "c-return"
- Tracer::stdout_mutex.synchronize do
- if EVENT_SYMBOL[event]
- stdout.printf("<%d>", $$) if Tracer::display_process_id?
- stdout.printf("#%d:", get_thread_no) if Tracer::display_thread_id?
- if line == 0
- source = "?\n"
- else
- source = get_line(file, line)
- end
- stdout.printf("%s:%d:%s:%s: %s",
- file,
- line,
- klass || '',
- EVENT_SYMBOL[event],
- source)
- end
- end
- end
- # Reference to singleton instance of Tracer
- Single = new
- ##
- # Start tracing
- #
- # === Example
- #
- # Tracer.on
- # # code to trace here
- #
- #
- # You can also pass a block:
- #
- # Tracer.on {
- # # trace everything in this block
- # }
- def Tracer.on
- if block_given?
- Single.on{yield}
- else
- Single.on
- end
- end
- ##
- # Disable tracing
- def
- end
- ##
- # Register an event handler <code>p</code> which is called every time a line
- # in +file_name+ is executed.
- #
- # Example:
- #
- # Tracer.set_get_line_procs("example.rb", lambda { |line|
- # puts "line number executed is #{line}"
- # })
- def Tracer.set_get_line_procs(file_name, p = nil, &b)
- p ||= b
- Single.set_get_line_procs(file_name, p)
- end
- ##
- # Used to filter unwanted trace output
- #
- # Example which only outputs lines of code executed within the Kernel class:
- #
- # Tracer.add_filter do |event, file, line, id, binding, klass, *rest|
- # "Kernel" == klass.to_s
- # end
- def Tracer.add_filter(p = nil, &b)
- p ||= b
- Single.add_filter(p)
- end
-# :stopdoc:
-SCRIPT_LINES__ = {} unless defined? SCRIPT_LINES__
-if $0 == __FILE__
- # direct call
- $0 = ARGV[0]
- ARGV.shift
- Tracer.on
- require $0
- # call Tracer.on only if required by -r command-line option
- count = caller.count {|bt| %r%/rubygems/core_ext/kernel_require\.rb:% !~ bt}
- if (defined?(Gem) and count == 0) or
- (!defined?(Gem) and count <= 1)
- Tracer.on
- end
-# :startdoc: