path: root/lib/rexml/sax2listener.rb
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authorHiroshi SHIBATA <>2020-01-11 21:37:00 +0900
committerSHIBATA Hiroshi <>2020-01-12 12:28:29 +0900
commitc3ccf23d5807f2ff20127bf5e42df0977bf672fb (patch)
treed3953c32b61645c7af65d30e626af944f143cf58 /lib/rexml/sax2listener.rb
parent012f297311817ecb19f78c55854b033bb4b0397c (diff)
Make rexml library to the bundle gems
[Feature #16485][ruby-core:96683]
Notes: Merged:
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/rexml/sax2listener.rb')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 98 deletions
diff --git a/lib/rexml/sax2listener.rb b/lib/rexml/sax2listener.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 5afdc80890..0000000000
--- a/lib/rexml/sax2listener.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,98 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-module REXML
- # A template for stream parser listeners.
- # Note that the declarations (attlistdecl, elementdecl, etc) are trivially
- # processed; REXML doesn't yet handle doctype entity declarations, so you
- # have to parse them out yourself.
- # === Missing methods from SAX2
- # ignorable_whitespace
- # === Methods extending SAX2
- # These methods are certainly going to change, until DTDs are fully
- # supported. Be aware of this.
- # start_document
- # end_document
- # doctype
- # elementdecl
- # attlistdecl
- # entitydecl
- # notationdecl
- # cdata
- # xmldecl
- # comment
- module SAX2Listener
- def start_document
- end
- def end_document
- end
- def start_prefix_mapping prefix, uri
- end
- def end_prefix_mapping prefix
- end
- def start_element uri, localname, qname, attributes
- end
- def end_element uri, localname, qname
- end
- def characters text
- end
- def processing_instruction target, data
- end
- # Handles a doctype declaration. Any attributes of the doctype which are
- # not supplied will be nil. # EG, <!DOCTYPE me PUBLIC "foo" "bar">
- # @p name the name of the doctype; EG, "me"
- # @p pub_sys "PUBLIC", "SYSTEM", or nil. EG, "PUBLIC"
- # @p long_name the supplied long name, or nil. EG, "foo"
- # @p uri the uri of the doctype, or nil. EG, "bar"
- def doctype name, pub_sys, long_name, uri
- end
- # If a doctype includes an ATTLIST declaration, it will cause this
- # method to be called. The content is the declaration itself, unparsed.
- # EG, <!ATTLIST el attr CDATA #REQUIRED> will come to this method as "el
- # attr CDATA #REQUIRED". This is the same for all of the .*decl
- # methods.
- def attlistdecl(element, pairs, contents)
- end
- # <!ELEMENT ...>
- def elementdecl content
- end
- # <!ENTITY ...>
- # The argument passed to this method is an array of the entity
- # declaration. It can be in a number of formats, but in general it
- # returns (example, result):
- # <!ENTITY % YN '"Yes"'>
- # ["%", "YN", "\"Yes\""]
- # <!ENTITY % YN 'Yes'>
- # ["%", "YN", "Yes"]
- # <!ENTITY WhatHeSaid "He said %YN;">
- # ["WhatHeSaid", "He said %YN;"]
- # <!ENTITY open-hatch SYSTEM "">
- # ["open-hatch", "SYSTEM", ""]
- # <!ENTITY open-hatch PUBLIC "-//Textuality//TEXT Standard open-hatch boilerplate//EN" "">
- # ["open-hatch", "PUBLIC", "-//Textuality//TEXT Standard open-hatch boilerplate//EN", ""]
- # <!ENTITY hatch-pic SYSTEM "../grafix/OpenHatch.gif" NDATA gif>
- # ["hatch-pic", "SYSTEM", "../grafix/OpenHatch.gif", "NDATA", "gif"]
- def entitydecl declaration
- end
- # <!NOTATION ...>
- def notationdecl name, public_or_system, public_id, system_id
- end
- # Called when <![CDATA[ ... ]]> is encountered in a document.
- # @p content "..."
- def cdata content
- end
- # Called when an XML PI is encountered in the document.
- # EG: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf"?>
- # @p version the version attribute value. EG, "1.0"
- # @p encoding the encoding attribute value, or nil. EG, "utf"
- # @p standalone the standalone attribute value, or nil. EG, nil
- # @p spaced the declaration is followed by a line break
- def xmldecl version, encoding, standalone
- end
- # Called when a comment is encountered.
- # @p comment The content of the comment
- def comment comment
- end
- def progress position
- end
- end