path: root/ext/tk/lib/tk/canvastag.rb
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author(no author) <(no author)@b2dd03c8-39d4-4d8f-98ff-823fe69b080e>2004-05-01 16:09:55 +0000
committer(no author) <(no author)@b2dd03c8-39d4-4d8f-98ff-823fe69b080e>2004-05-01 16:09:55 +0000
commit84035542b7176081506dc06f90eb15e7f5b8fd00 (patch)
tree5f4e27703ff8e79e7b5e05afeda3d9643098075d /ext/tk/lib/tk/canvastag.rb
parentf1c3638777c89f9b085ba0aa3863e3f5691154e3 (diff)
This commit was manufactured by cvs2svn to create branch 'ruby_1_8'.
git-svn-id: svn+ssh:// b2dd03c8-39d4-4d8f-98ff-823fe69b080e
Diffstat (limited to 'ext/tk/lib/tk/canvastag.rb')
1 files changed, 337 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tk/canvastag.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tk/canvastag.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..962e08b6e0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ext/tk/lib/tk/canvastag.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,337 @@
+# tk/canvastag.rb - methods for treating canvas tags
+require 'tk'
+require 'tk/canvas'
+require 'tk/tagfont'
+module TkcTagAccess
+ include TkComm
+ include TkTreatTagFont
+ def addtag(tag)
+ @c.addtag(tag, 'with', @id)
+ self
+ end
+ def bbox
+ @c.bbox(@id)
+ end
+ def bind(seq,, args=nil)
+ @c.itembind @id, seq, cmd, args
+ self
+ end
+ def bind_append(seq,, args=nil)
+ @c.itembind_append @id, seq, cmd, args
+ self
+ end
+ def bind_remove(seq)
+ @c.itembind_remove @id, seq
+ self
+ end
+ def bindinfo(seq=nil)
+ @c.itembindinfo @id, seq
+ end
+ def cget(option)
+ @c.itemcget @id, option
+ end
+ def configure(key, value=None)
+ @c.itemconfigure @id, key, value
+ self
+ end
+# def configure(keys)
+# @c.itemconfigure @id, keys
+# end
+ def configinfo(key=nil)
+ @c.itemconfiginfo @id, key
+ end
+ def current_configinfo(key=nil)
+ @c.current_itemconfiginfo @id, key
+ end
+ def coords(*args)
+ @c.coords @id, *args
+ end
+ def dchars(first, last=None)
+ @c.dchars @id, first, last
+ self
+ end
+ def dtag(tag_to_del=None)
+ @c.dtag @id, tag_to_del
+ self
+ end
+ def find
+ @c.find 'withtag', @id
+ end
+ alias list find
+ def focus
+ @c.itemfocus @id
+ end
+ def gettags
+ @c.gettags @id
+ end
+ def icursor(index)
+ @c.icursor @id, index
+ self
+ end
+ def index(index)
+ @c.index @id, index
+ end
+ def insert(beforethis, string)
+ @c.insert @id, beforethis, string
+ self
+ end
+ def lower(belowthis=None)
+ @c.lower @id, belowthis
+ self
+ end
+ def move(xamount, yamount)
+ @c.move @id, xamount, yamount
+ self
+ end
+ def raise(abovethis=None)
+ @c.raise @id, abovethis
+ self
+ end
+ def scale(xorigin, yorigin, xscale, yscale)
+ @c.scale @id, xorigin, yorigin, xscale, yscale
+ self
+ end
+ def select_adjust(index)
+'adjust', @id, index)
+ self
+ end
+ def select_from(index)
+'from', @id, index)
+ self
+ end
+ def select_to(index)
+'to', @id, index)
+ self
+ end
+ def itemtype
+ @c.itemtype @id
+ end
+ # Following operators support logical expressions of canvas tags
+ # (for Tk8.3+).
+ # If tag1.path is 't1' and tag2.path is 't2', then
+ # ltag = tag1 & tag2; ltag.path => "(t1)&&(t2)"
+ # ltag = tag1 | tag2; ltag.path => "(t1)||(t2)"
+ # ltag = tag1 ^ tag2; ltag.path => "(t1)^(t2)"
+ # ltag = - tag1; ltag.path => "!(t1)"
+ def & (tag)
+ if tag.kind_of? TkObject
+, '(' + @id + ')&&(' + tag.path + ')')
+ else
+, '(' + @id + ')&&(' + tag.to_s + ')')
+ end
+ end
+ def | (tag)
+ if tag.kind_of? TkObject
+, '(' + @id + ')||(' + tag.path + ')')
+ else
+, '(' + @id + ')||(' + tag.to_s + ')')
+ end
+ end
+ def ^ (tag)
+ if tag.kind_of? TkObject
+, '(' + @id + ')^(' + tag.path + ')')
+ else
+, '(' + @id + ')^(' + tag.to_s + ')')
+ end
+ end
+ def -@
+, '!(' + @id + ')')
+ end
+class TkcTag<TkObject
+ include TkcTagAccess
+ CTagID_TBL = TkCore::INTERP.create_table
+ Tk_CanvasTag_ID = ['ctag'.freeze, '00000'.taint].freeze
+ TkCore::INTERP.init_ip_env{ CTagID_TBL.clear }
+ def TkcTag.id2obj(canvas, id)
+ cpath = canvas.path
+ return id unless CTagID_TBL[cpath]
+ CTagID_TBL[cpath][id]? CTagID_TBL[cpath][id]: id
+ end
+ def initialize(parent, mode=nil, *args)
+ unless parent.kind_of?(TkCanvas)
+ fail ArguemntError, "expect TkCanvas for 1st argument"
+ end
+ @c = parent
+ @cpath = parent.path
+ @path = @id = Tk_CanvasTag_ID.join('')
+ CTagID_TBL[@cpath] = {} unless CTagID_TBL[@cpath]
+ CTagID_TBL[@cpath][@id] = self
+ Tk_CanvasTag_ID[1].succ!
+ if mode
+ tk_call_without_enc(@c.path, "addtag", @id, mode, *args)
+ end
+ end
+ def id
+ @id
+ end
+ def delete
+ @c.delete @id
+ CTagID_TBL[@cpath].delete(@id) if CTagID_TBL[@cpath]
+ self
+ end
+ alias remove delete
+ alias destroy delete
+ def set_to_above(target)
+ @c.addtag_above(@id, target)
+ self
+ end
+ alias above set_to_above
+ def set_to_all
+ @c.addtag_all(@id)
+ self
+ end
+ alias all set_to_all
+ def set_to_below(target)
+ @c.addtag_below(@id, target)
+ self
+ end
+ alias below set_to_below
+ def set_to_closest(x, y, halo=None, start=None)
+ @c.addtag_closest(@id, x, y, halo, start)
+ self
+ end
+ alias closest set_to_closest
+ def set_to_enclosed(x1, y1, x2, y2)
+ @c.addtag_enclosed(@id, x1, y1, x2, y2)
+ self
+ end
+ alias enclosed set_to_enclosed
+ def set_to_overlapping(x1, y1, x2, y2)
+ @c.addtag_overlapping(@id, x1, y1, x2, y2)
+ self
+ end
+ alias overlapping set_to_overlapping
+ def set_to_withtag(target)
+ @c.addtag_withtag(@id, target)
+ self
+ end
+ alias withtag set_to_withtag
+class TkcTagString<TkcTag
+ def, name, *args)
+ if CTagID_TBL[parent.path] && CTagID_TBL[parent.path][name]
+ return CTagID_TBL[parent.path][name]
+ else
+ super(parent, name, *args)
+ end
+ end
+ def initialize(parent, name, mode=nil, *args)
+ unless parent.kind_of?(TkCanvas)
+ fail ArguemntError, "expect TkCanvas for 1st argument"
+ end
+ @c = parent
+ @cpath = parent.path
+ @path = @id = name
+ CTagID_TBL[@cpath] = {} unless CTagID_TBL[@cpath]
+ CTagID_TBL[@cpath][@id] = self
+ if mode
+ tk_call_without_enc(@c.path, "addtag", @id, mode, *args)
+ end
+ end
+TkcNamedTag = TkcTagString
+class TkcTagAll<TkcTag
+ def initialize(parent)
+ unless parent.kind_of?(TkCanvas)
+ fail ArguemntError, "expect TkCanvas for 1st argument"
+ end
+ @c = parent
+ @cpath = parent.path
+ @path = @id = 'all'
+ CTagID_TBL[@cpath] = {} unless CTagID_TBL[@cpath]
+ CTagID_TBL[@cpath][@id] = self
+ end
+class TkcTagCurrent<TkcTag
+ def initialize(parent)
+ unless parent.kind_of?(TkCanvas)
+ fail ArguemntError, "expect TkCanvas for 1st argument"
+ end
+ @c = parent
+ @cpath = parent.path
+ @path = @id = 'current'
+ CTagID_TBL[@cpath] = {} unless CTagID_TBL[@cpath]
+ CTagID_TBL[@cpath][@id] = self
+ end
+class TkcGroup<TkcTag
+ Tk_cGroup_ID = ['tkcg'.freeze, '00000'.taint].freeze
+ def create_self(parent, *args)
+ unless parent.kind_of?(TkCanvas)
+ fail ArguemntError, "expect TkCanvas for 1st argument"
+ end
+ @c = parent
+ @cpath = parent.path
+ @path = @id = Tk_cGroup_ID.join('')
+ CTagID_TBL[@cpath] = {} unless CTagID_TBL[@cpath]
+ CTagID_TBL[@cpath][@id] = self
+ Tk_cGroup_ID[1].succ!
+ add(*args) if args != []
+ end
+ private :create_self
+ def include(*tags)
+ for i in tags
+ i.addtag @id
+ end
+ self
+ end
+ def exclude(*tags)
+ for i in tags
+ i.delete @id
+ end
+ self
+ end