path: root/cons.c
diff options
authorYukihiro Matsumoto <>1995-04-10 18:36:06 +0900
committerTakashi Kokubun <>2019-08-17 22:09:32 +0900
commitb2420d8ffa4d347a75efbbdc376f4ce65c0eb172 (patch)
treebd40c44d9155d9cb10232a0e962dc1cc221c2c8b /cons.c
parent11e21a36bc935088f88a7cd1548f8c74c3bf6099 (diff)
version 0.73v0_73 Mon Apr 10 18:36:06 1995 Yukihiro Matsumoto (matz@ix-02) * version 0.73 Fri Apr 7 13:51:08 1995 Yukihiro Matsumoto (matz@ix-02) * cons.c->assoc.c: consの余計な機能は外してpairとしての機能だけを 残した.enumerableをincludeするのもやめた. * string.c(esub): 文字列置換イテレータ.perlのs///eの相当する.
Diffstat (limited to 'cons.c')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 270 deletions
diff --git a/cons.c b/cons.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 42df8cb4fa..0000000000
--- a/cons.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,270 +0,0 @@
- cons.c -
- $Author: matz $
- $Date: 1995/01/10 10:30:37 $
- created at: Fri Jan 6 10:10:36 JST 1995
- Copyright (C) 1995 Yukihiro Matsumoto
-#include "ruby.h"
-VALUE C_Cons;
-static ID eq;
-VALUE rb_to_a();
-assoc_new(car, cdr)
- VALUE car, cdr;
- NEWOBJ(cons, struct RCons);
- OBJSETUP(cons, C_Cons, T_CONS);
- cons->car = car;
- cons->cdr = cdr;
- return (VALUE)cons;
-#define cons_new assoc_new
-static VALUE
- struct RCons *cons;
- return cons->car;
-static VALUE
- struct RCons *cons;
- return cons->cdr;
-static VALUE
-Fcons_set_car(cons, val)
- struct RCons *cons;
- VALUE val;
- return cons->car = val;
-static VALUE
-Fcons_set_cdr(cons, val)
- struct RCons *cons;
- VALUE val;
- return cons->cdr = val;
-static int
- struct RCons *list;
- int len = 1;
- while (TYPE(list) == T_CONS) {
- len++;
- list = RCONS(list->cdr);
- }
- return len;
-static VALUE
- struct RCons *list;
- int len = cons_length(list);
- return INT2FIX(len);
-static VALUE
-cons_aref(list, nth)
- struct RCons *list;
- int nth;
- if (nth == 0) return list->car;
- list = RCONS(list->cdr);
- if (TYPE(list) != T_CONS) {
- if (nth == 1) return (VALUE)list;
- return Qnil;
- }
- return cons_aref(list, nth-1);
-static VALUE
-Fcons_aref(list, nth)
- struct RCons *list;
- VALUE nth;
- int n = NUM2INT(nth);
- if (n < 0) {
- n = cons_length(list)+n;
- if (n < 0) return Qnil;
- }
- return cons_aref(list, n);
-static VALUE
-cons_aset(list, nth, val)
- struct RCons *list;
- int nth;
- VALUE val;
- if (nth == 0) return list->car = val;
- if (TYPE(list->cdr) != T_CONS) {
- if (nth > 2) {
- Fail("list too short");
- }
- if (nth == 1)
- list->cdr = val;
- else
- list->cdr = cons_new(list->cdr, val);
- return val;
- }
- return cons_aset(list->cdr, nth-1, val);
-static VALUE
-Fcons_aset(list, nth, val)
- struct RCons *list;
- VALUE nth, val;
- int n = NUM2INT(nth);
- if (n < 0) {
- n = cons_length(list)+n;
- if (n < 0) {
- Fail("negative offset too big");
- }
- }
- return cons_aset(list, n, val);
-static VALUE
- struct RCons *list;
- rb_yield(list->car);
- if (TYPE(list->cdr) != T_CONS) {
- rb_yield(list->cdr);
- return Qnil;
- }
- return Fcons_each(list->cdr);
-static VALUE
-Fcons_equal(cons1, cons2)
- struct RCons *cons1, *cons2;
- if (TYPE(cons2) != T_CONS) return FALSE;
- if (!rb_equal(cons1->car, cons2->car)) return FALSE;
- return rb_equal(cons1->cdr, cons2->cdr);
-static ID hash;
-static VALUE
- struct RCons *cons;
- int key;
- if (!hash) hash = rb_intern("hash");
- key = rb_funcall(cons->car, hash, 0, 0);
- key ^= rb_funcall(cons->cdr, hash, 0, 0);
- return INT2FIX(key);
-static VALUE
- struct RCons *cons;
- VALUE str1, str2;
- ID to_s = rb_intern("to_s");
- str1 = rb_funcall(cons->car, to_s, 0);
- cons = RCONS(cons->cdr);
- while (cons) {
- if (TYPE(cons) != T_CONS) {
- str2 = rb_funcall(cons, to_s, 0);
- str_cat(str1, RSTRING(str2)->ptr, RSTRING(str2)->len);
- break;
- }
- str2 = rb_funcall(cons->car, to_s, 0);
- str_cat(str1, RSTRING(str2)->ptr, RSTRING(str2)->len);
- cons = RCONS(cons->cdr);
- }
- return str1;
-static VALUE
- struct RCons *cons;
- VALUE str1, str2;
- ID inspect = rb_intern("_inspect");
- str1 = rb_funcall(cons->car, inspect, 0, 0);
- str2 = rb_funcall(cons->cdr, inspect, 0, 0);
- str_cat(str1, "::", 2);
- str_cat(str1, RSTRING(str2)->ptr, RSTRING(str2)->len);
- return str1;
-static VALUE
- struct RCons *list;
- VALUE cdr = list->cdr;
- if (TYPE(cdr) == T_CONS)
- return cons_new(list->car, Fcons_copy(list->cdr));
- else
- return cons_new(list->car, cdr);
-extern VALUE C_Kernel;
-extern VALUE M_Enumerable;
- C_Cons = rb_define_class("Cons", C_Object);
- rb_undef_method(CLASS_OF(C_Cons), "new");
- rb_undef_method(C_Cons, "clone");
- rb_include_module(C_Cons, M_Enumerable);
- rb_define_method(C_Cons, "car", Fcons_car, 0);
- rb_define_method(C_Cons, "cdr", Fcons_cdr, 0);
- rb_define_method(C_Cons, "car=", Fcons_set_car, 1);
- rb_define_method(C_Cons, "cdr=", Fcons_set_cdr, 1);
- rb_define_method(C_Cons, "==", Fcons_equal, 1);
- rb_define_method(C_Cons, "hash", Fcons_hash, 0);
- rb_define_method(C_Cons, "length", Fcons_length, 0);
- rb_define_method(C_Cons, "to_s", Fcons_to_s, 0);
- rb_define_method(C_Cons, "_inspect", Fcons_inspect, 0);
- /* methods to access as list */
- rb_define_method(C_Cons, "[]", Fcons_aref, 1);
- rb_define_method(C_Cons, "[]=", Fcons_aset, 2);
- rb_define_method(C_Cons, "each", Fcons_each, 0);
- rb_define_method(C_Cons, "copy", Fcons_copy, 0);
- rb_define_method(C_Kernel, "::", assoc_new, 1);