diff options
author(no author) <(no author)@b2dd03c8-39d4-4d8f-98ff-823fe69b080e>2001-06-04 09:02:30 +0000
committer(no author) <(no author)@b2dd03c8-39d4-4d8f-98ff-823fe69b080e>2001-06-04 09:02:30 +0000
commit469c1f3f40f279906aceceb7cd4aef80eeffd642 (patch)
parent99020d6e50702eb371111d73280eb80b4b29ba5b (diff)
This commit was manufactured by cvs2svn to create tag 'v1_6_4'.
git-svn-id: svn+ssh:// b2dd03c8-39d4-4d8f-98ff-823fe69b080e
172 files changed, 11927 insertions, 4933 deletions
diff --git a/.cvsignore b/.cvsignore
index 8fcaffddb2..35fff17b58 100644
--- a/.cvsignore
+++ b/.cvsignore
@@ -1,19 +1,20 @@
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..eb685a5ec9
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,481 @@
+ Version 2, June 1991
+ Copyright (C) 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA
+ Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
+ of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
+[This is the first released version of the library GPL. It is
+ numbered 2 because it goes with version 2 of the ordinary GPL.]
+ Preamble
+ The licenses for most software are designed to take away your
+freedom to share and change it. By contrast, the GNU General Public
+Licenses are intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change
+free software--to make sure the software is free for all its users.
+ This license, the Library General Public License, applies to some
+specially designated Free Software Foundation software, and to any
+other libraries whose authors decide to use it. You can use it for
+your libraries, too.
+ When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not
+price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you
+have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for
+this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it
+if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it
+in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things.
+ To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid
+anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights.
+These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if
+you distribute copies of the library, or if you modify it.
+ For example, if you distribute copies of the library, whether gratis
+or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that we gave
+you. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the source
+code. If you link a program with the library, you must provide
+complete object files to the recipients so that they can relink them
+with the library, after making changes to the library and recompiling
+it. And you must show them these terms so they know their rights.
+ Our method of protecting your rights has two steps: (1) copyright
+the library, and (2) offer you this license which gives you legal
+permission to copy, distribute and/or modify the library.
+ Also, for each distributor's protection, we want to make certain
+that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free
+library. If the library is modified by someone else and passed on, we
+want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original
+version, so that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on
+the original authors' reputations.
+ Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software
+patents. We wish to avoid the danger that companies distributing free
+software will individually obtain patent licenses, thus in effect
+transforming the program into proprietary software. To prevent this,
+we have made it clear that any patent must be licensed for everyone's
+free use or not licensed at all.
+ Most GNU software, including some libraries, is covered by the ordinary
+GNU General Public License, which was designed for utility programs. This
+license, the GNU Library General Public License, applies to certain
+designated libraries. This license is quite different from the ordinary
+one; be sure to read it in full, and don't assume that anything in it is
+the same as in the ordinary license.
+ The reason we have a separate public license for some libraries is that
+they blur the distinction we usually make between modifying or adding to a
+program and simply using it. Linking a program with a library, without
+changing the library, is in some sense simply using the library, and is
+analogous to running a utility program or application program. However, in
+a textual and legal sense, the linked executable is a combined work, a
+derivative of the original library, and the ordinary General Public License
+treats it as such.
+ Because of this blurred distinction, using the ordinary General
+Public License for libraries did not effectively promote software
+sharing, because most developers did not use the libraries. We
+concluded that weaker conditions might promote sharing better.
+ However, unrestricted linking of non-free programs would deprive the
+users of those programs of all benefit from the free status of the
+libraries themselves. This Library General Public License is intended to
+permit developers of non-free programs to use free libraries, while
+preserving your freedom as a user of such programs to change the free
+libraries that are incorporated in them. (We have not seen how to achieve
+this as regards changes in header files, but we have achieved it as regards
+changes in the actual functions of the Library.) The hope is that this
+will lead to faster development of free libraries.
+ The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and
+modification follow. Pay close attention to the difference between a
+"work based on the library" and a "work that uses the library". The
+former contains code derived from the library, while the latter only
+works together with the library.
+ Note that it is possible for a library to be covered by the ordinary
+General Public License rather than by this special one.
+ 0. This License Agreement applies to any software library which
+contains a notice placed by the copyright holder or other authorized
+party saying it may be distributed under the terms of this Library
+General Public License (also called "this License"). Each licensee is
+addressed as "you".
+ A "library" means a collection of software functions and/or data
+prepared so as to be conveniently linked with application programs
+(which use some of those functions and data) to form executables.
+ The "Library", below, refers to any such software library or work
+which has been distributed under these terms. A "work based on the
+Library" means either the Library or any derivative work under
+copyright law: that is to say, a work containing the Library or a
+portion of it, either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated
+straightforwardly into another language. (Hereinafter, translation is
+included without limitation in the term "modification".)
+ "Source code" for a work means the preferred form of the work for
+making modifications to it. For a library, complete source code means
+all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any associated
+interface definition files, plus the scripts used to control compilation
+and installation of the library.
+ Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not
+covered by this License; they are outside its scope. The act of
+running a program using the Library is not restricted, and output from
+such a program is covered only if its contents constitute a work based
+on the Library (independent of the use of the Library in a tool for
+writing it). Whether that is true depends on what the Library does
+and what the program that uses the Library does.
+ 1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Library's
+complete source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that
+you conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an
+appropriate copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact
+all the notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any
+warranty; and distribute a copy of this License along with the
+ You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy,
+and you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a
+ 2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Library or any portion
+of it, thus forming a work based on the Library, and copy and
+distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1
+above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions:
+ a) The modified work must itself be a software library.
+ b) You must cause the files modified to carry prominent notices
+ stating that you changed the files and the date of any change.
+ c) You must cause the whole of the work to be licensed at no
+ charge to all third parties under the terms of this License.
+ d) If a facility in the modified Library refers to a function or a
+ table of data to be supplied by an application program that uses
+ the facility, other than as an argument passed when the facility
+ is invoked, then you must make a good faith effort to ensure that,
+ in the event an application does not supply such function or
+ table, the facility still operates, and performs whatever part of
+ its purpose remains meaningful.
+ (For example, a function in a library to compute square roots has
+ a purpose that is entirely well-defined independent of the
+ application. Therefore, Subsection 2d requires that any
+ application-supplied function or table used by this function must
+ be optional: if the application does not supply it, the square
+ root function must still compute square roots.)
+These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole. If
+identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Library,
+and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in
+themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those
+sections when you distribute them as separate works. But when you
+distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based
+on the Library, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of
+this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the
+entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote
+Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest
+your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to
+exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or
+collective works based on the Library.
+In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Library
+with the Library (or with a work based on the Library) on a volume of
+a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under
+the scope of this License.
+ 3. You may opt to apply the terms of the ordinary GNU General Public
+License instead of this License to a given copy of the Library. To do
+this, you must alter all the notices that refer to this License, so
+that they refer to the ordinary GNU General Public License, version 2,
+instead of to this License. (If a newer version than version 2 of the
+ordinary GNU General Public License has appeared, then you can specify
+that version instead if you wish.) Do not make any other change in
+these notices.
+ Once this change is made in a given copy, it is irreversible for
+that copy, so the ordinary GNU General Public License applies to all
+subsequent copies and derivative works made from that copy.
+ This option is useful when you wish to copy part of the code of
+the Library into a program that is not a library.
+ 4. You may copy and distribute the Library (or a portion or
+derivative of it, under Section 2) in object code or executable form
+under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you accompany
+it with the complete corresponding machine-readable source code, which
+must be distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a
+medium customarily used for software interchange.
+ If distribution of object code is made by offering access to copy
+from a designated place, then offering equivalent access to copy the
+source code from the same place satisfies the requirement to
+distribute the source code, even though third parties are not
+compelled to copy the source along with the object code.
+ 5. A program that contains no derivative of any portion of the
+Library, but is designed to work with the Library by being compiled or
+linked with it, is called a "work that uses the Library". Such a
+work, in isolation, is not a derivative work of the Library, and
+therefore falls outside the scope of this License.
+ However, linking a "work that uses the Library" with the Library
+creates an executable that is a derivative of the Library (because it
+contains portions of the Library), rather than a "work that uses the
+library". The executable is therefore covered by this License.
+Section 6 states terms for distribution of such executables.
+ When a "work that uses the Library" uses material from a header file
+that is part of the Library, the object code for the work may be a
+derivative work of the Library even though the source code is not.
+Whether this is true is especially significant if the work can be
+linked without the Library, or if the work is itself a library. The
+threshold for this to be true is not precisely defined by law.
+ If such an object file uses only numerical parameters, data
+structure layouts and accessors, and small macros and small inline
+functions (ten lines or less in length), then the use of the object
+file is unrestricted, regardless of whether it is legally a derivative
+work. (Executables containing this object code plus portions of the
+Library will still fall under Section 6.)
+ Otherwise, if the work is a derivative of the Library, you may
+distribute the object code for the work under the terms of Section 6.
+Any executables containing that work also fall under Section 6,
+whether or not they are linked directly with the Library itself.
+ 6. As an exception to the Sections above, you may also compile or
+link a "work that uses the Library" with the Library to produce a
+work containing portions of the Library, and distribute that work
+under terms of your choice, provided that the terms permit
+modification of the work for the customer's own use and reverse
+engineering for debugging such modifications.
+ You must give prominent notice with each copy of the work that the
+Library is used in it and that the Library and its use are covered by
+this License. You must supply a copy of this License. If the work
+during execution displays copyright notices, you must include the
+copyright notice for the Library among them, as well as a reference
+directing the user to the copy of this License. Also, you must do one
+of these things:
+ a) Accompany the work with the complete corresponding
+ machine-readable source code for the Library including whatever
+ changes were used in the work (which must be distributed under
+ Sections 1 and 2 above); and, if the work is an executable linked
+ with the Library, with the complete machine-readable "work that
+ uses the Library", as object code and/or source code, so that the
+ user can modify the Library and then relink to produce a modified
+ executable containing the modified Library. (It is understood
+ that the user who changes the contents of definitions files in the
+ Library will not necessarily be able to recompile the application
+ to use the modified definitions.)
+ b) Accompany the work with a written offer, valid for at
+ least three years, to give the same user the materials
+ specified in Subsection 6a, above, for a charge no more
+ than the cost of performing this distribution.
+ c) If distribution of the work is made by offering access to copy
+ from a designated place, offer equivalent access to copy the above
+ specified materials from the same place.
+ d) Verify that the user has already received a copy of these
+ materials or that you have already sent this user a copy.
+ For an executable, the required form of the "work that uses the
+Library" must include any data and utility programs needed for
+reproducing the executable from it. However, as a special exception,
+the source code distributed need not include anything that is normally
+distributed (in either source or binary form) with the major
+components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the operating system on
+which the executable runs, unless that component itself accompanies
+the executable.
+ It may happen that this requirement contradicts the license
+restrictions of other proprietary libraries that do not normally
+accompany the operating system. Such a contradiction means you cannot
+use both them and the Library together in an executable that you
+ 7. You may place library facilities that are a work based on the
+Library side-by-side in a single library together with other library
+facilities not covered by this License, and distribute such a combined
+library, provided that the separate distribution of the work based on
+the Library and of the other library facilities is otherwise
+permitted, and provided that you do these two things:
+ a) Accompany the combined library with a copy of the same work
+ based on the Library, uncombined with any other library
+ facilities. This must be distributed under the terms of the
+ Sections above.
+ b) Give prominent notice with the combined library of the fact
+ that part of it is a work based on the Library, and explaining
+ where to find the accompanying uncombined form of the same work.
+ 8. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, link with, or distribute
+the Library except as expressly provided under this License. Any
+attempt otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense, link with, or
+distribute the Library is void, and will automatically terminate your
+rights under this License. However, parties who have received copies,
+or rights, from you under this License will not have their licenses
+terminated so long as such parties remain in full compliance.
+ 9. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not
+signed it. However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or
+distribute the Library or its derivative works. These actions are
+prohibited by law if you do not accept this License. Therefore, by
+modifying or distributing the Library (or any work based on the
+Library), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and
+all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying
+the Library or works based on it.
+ 10. Each time you redistribute the Library (or any work based on the
+Library), the recipient automatically receives a license from the
+original licensor to copy, distribute, link with or modify the Library
+subject to these terms and conditions. You may not impose any further
+restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein.
+You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to
+this License.
+ 11. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent
+infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues),
+conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or
+otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not
+excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot
+distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this
+License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you
+may not distribute the Library at all. For example, if a patent
+license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Library by
+all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then
+the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to
+refrain entirely from distribution of the Library.
+If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under any
+particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to apply,
+and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other circumstances.
+It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any
+patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any
+such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the
+integrity of the free software distribution system which is
+implemented by public license practices. Many people have made
+generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed
+through that system in reliance on consistent application of that
+system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing
+to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot
+impose that choice.
+This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to
+be a consequence of the rest of this License.
+ 12. If the distribution and/or use of the Library is restricted in
+certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the
+original copyright holder who places the Library under this License may add
+an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding those countries,
+so that distribution is permitted only in or among countries not thus
+excluded. In such case, this License incorporates the limitation as if
+written in the body of this License.
+ 13. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new
+versions of the Library General Public License from time to time.
+Such new versions will be similar in spirit to the present version,
+but may differ in detail to address new problems or concerns.
+Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Library
+specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and
+"any later version", you have the option of following the terms and
+conditions either of that version or of any later version published by
+the Free Software Foundation. If the Library does not specify a
+license version number, you may choose any version ever published by
+the Free Software Foundation.
+ 14. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Library into other free
+programs whose distribution conditions are incompatible with these,
+write to the author to ask for permission. For software which is
+copyrighted by the Free Software Foundation, write to the Free
+Software Foundation; we sometimes make exceptions for this. Our
+decision will be guided by the two goals of preserving the free status
+of all derivatives of our free software and of promoting the sharing
+and reuse of software generally.
+ Appendix: How to Apply These Terms to Your New Libraries
+ If you develop a new library, and you want it to be of the greatest
+possible use to the public, we recommend making it free software that
+everyone can redistribute and change. You can do so by permitting
+redistribution under these terms (or, alternatively, under the terms of the
+ordinary General Public License).
+ To apply these terms, attach the following notices to the library. It is
+safest to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively
+convey the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least the
+"copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found.
+ <one line to give the library's name and a brief idea of what it does.>
+ Copyright (C) <year> <name of author>
+ This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
+ License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+ version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ Library General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
+ License along with this library; if not, write to the Free
+ Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
+Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail.
+You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or your
+school, if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the library, if
+necessary. Here is a sample; alter the names:
+ Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright interest in the
+ library `Frob' (a library for tweaking knobs) written by James Random Hacker.
+ <signature of Ty Coon>, 1 April 1990
+ Ty Coon, President of Vice
+That's all there is to it!
diff --git a/ChangeLog b/ChangeLog
index c6cd432b49..b46346b4b1 100644
--- a/ChangeLog
+++ b/ChangeLog
@@ -1,3 +1,1266 @@
+Mon Jun 4 17:57:56 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * stable version 1.6.4 released.
+Mon Jun 4 04:14:53 2001 Wakou Aoyama <>
+ * lib/shellwords.rb: don't destroy argument.
+Sat Jun 2 23:23:05 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * regex.c (re_compile_pattern): should push option modifier at the
+ right place.
+Sat Jun 2 23:05:20 2001 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * lib/cgi/session.rb: don't use module_function for Class.
+Sat Jun 2 00:02:22 2001 Keiju Ishitsuka <>
+ * irb messages: fix typos.
+Fri Jun 1 17:26:24 2001 K.Kosako <>
+ * hash.c (replace_i): ignore when key == Qundef.
+Fri Jun 1 11:21:04 2001 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * use waitpid on mingw32.
+Thu May 31 18:34:57 2001 K.Kosako <>
+ * file.c (rb_file_s_unlink): should not allow if $SAFE >= 2.
+Thu May 31 13:30:25 2001 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * mkconfig.rb, ext/configsub.rb: VERSION -> RUBY_VERSION.
+Thu May 31 08:31:22 2001 Usaku Nakamura <>
+ * dln.c: #define S_ISDIR if not defined.
+Thu May 31 01:28:54 2001 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * default --with-libc_r to `no' until the problem is
+ fixed. (FreeBSD only)
+Wed May 30 14:09:00 2001 K.Kosako <>
+ * object.c (rb_obj_taint): backport from 1.7.
+ * object.c (rb_obj_untaint): add frozen status check (backport from 1.7).
+Tue May 29 17:24:23 2001 K.Kosako <>
+ * ruby.c (proc_options): unexpected SecurityError happens when -T4.
+Tue May 29 18:46:04 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * regex.c (re_compile_pattern): * \1 .. \9 should be
+ backreferences always.
+ * regex.c (re_match): backreferences corresponding to
+ unclosed/unmatched parentheses should fail always.
+Mon May 28 23:20:43 2001 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * remove unnecessary AC_CANONICAL_BUILD
+ * defins.h: #define HAVE_SETITIMER on Cygwin(bug fixed).
+ * ruby.c: use relative path from LIBRUBY_SO.
+ * ruby.c: don't use -mwin32 option on Cygwin.
+ * cygwin/ ditto.
+ * ext/sdbm/_sdbm: ditto.
+ * ext/tcltklib/extconf.rb: ditto.
+ * ext/tcltklib/stubs.c: ditto.
+Mon May 28 22:12:01 2001 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/ make the priority of the make rule of .c
+ higher than .C .
+Mon May 28 02:43:16 2001 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * dir.c (rb_glob_helper): teach has_magic() to handle flags and
+ get rb_glob_helper to properly support FNM_NOESCAPE.
+ * dir.c (fnmatch): fix a bug when FNM_PATHNAME and FNM_PERIOD are
+ specified at the same time.
+Sat May 26 07:19:48 2001 Usaku Nakamura <>
+ * win32/win32.c (opendir): add const directive.
+Sat May 26 07:00:05 2001 Usaku Nakamura <>
+ * MANIFEST: add win32/dir.h .
+Sat May 26 00:15:57 2001 Usaku Nakamura <>
+ * win32/dir.h: replace missing/dir.h .
+ * dir.c: ditto.
+Fri May 25 14:19:25 2001 K.Kosako <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_replace): add taint status infection
+ * string.c (rb_str_crypt): ditto.
+ * string.c (rb_str_ljust): ditto.
+ * string.c (rb_str_rjust): ditto.
+ * string.c (rb_str_center): ditto.
+Fri May 25 01:55:32 2001 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * MANIFEST: Re-adjust the entries to coincide with HEAD.
+Fri May 25 01:36:52 2001 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * MANIFEST: update the entries I forgot to add or remove.
+Thu May 24 16:08:21 2001 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * mkconfig.rb: autoconf 2.50 support.
+Thu May 24 14:23:35 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_yield_0): need argument adjustment for C defined
+ blocks too.
+Tue May 22 17:10:35 2001 K.Kosako <>
+ * variable.c (rb_alias_variable): should not allow variable
+ aliasing if $SAFE >= 4.
+Mon May 21 15:26:05 JST 2001 Keiju Ishitsuka <>
+ * lib/irb/multi-irb.rb: delete japanese messages.
+Mon May 21 13:15:25 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * bignum.c (rb_big2str): t should be protected from GC.
+Sun May 20 00:28:43 2001 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * ext/socket/extconf.rb: do not clobber $CFLAGS when setting
+Fri May 18 05:42:28 2001 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * lib/thread.rb: rescue ThreadError in case the thread is dead
+ just before calling Thread#run.
+Fri May 18 05:29:21 2001 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (xsystem): make a temporary fix to get $(...) macros
+ properly expanded on a command execution.
+Fri May 18 03:49:55 2001 Brian F. Feldman <>
+ * lib/mkmf.rb: unbreak "make install". lib/* must be installed
+ under $rubylibdir, not under $libdir.
+Thu May 17 19:36:47 2001 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * lib/shell.rb, lib/shell/process-controller.rb,
+ lib/shell/command-processor.rb: translate Japanese comments into
+ English.
+ * doc/ RD'ify and make some fixes.
+ * doc/shell.rd: RD'ify, delete Japanese leftovers, make overall
+ English fixes, and sync with doc/
+Thu May 17 19:34:11 2001 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * doc/shell.rd*, lib/shell*: bring shell.rb 0.6 onto the ruby_1_6
+ branch.
+Thu May 17 17:35:04 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_call0): address of local_vars might change during eval.
+Thu May 17 07:30:15 2001 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * ext/md5/md5.txt, ext/md5/ s/SuperClass/Superclass/.
+Thu May 17 06:37:14 2001 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * ext/md5/md5.txt: make wording fixes.
+ * ext/md5/ ditto.
+Thu May 17 05:23:52 2001 Keiju Ishitsuka <>
+ * lib/irb.rb lib/irb/multi-irb.rb lib/irb/ruby-lex.rb lib/irb/version.rb
+ resolve ctrl-c problem
+Tue May 15 17:46:37 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_and): should not push frozen key string.
+ * array.c (rb_ary_or): ditto.
+Mon May 14 13:50:22 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_thread_schedule): should save context before raising
+ deadlock, saved context for current thread might be obsolete.
+ * time.c (make_time_t): non DST timezone shift supported (hopefully).
+Mon May 14 11:54:20 2001 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * signal.c: SIGINFO added.
+Mon May 14 08:57:06 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_ensure): should not SEGV when prot_tag is NULL.
+Sun May 13 23:49:25 2001 Usaku Nakamura <>
+ * win32/resource.rb: Modify copyright in resource script.
+Fri May 11 23:51:54 2001 Usaku Nakamura <>
+ * process.c: silence VC++ warnings.
+ * sprintf.c: ditto.
+Fri May 11 03:38:11 2001 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * README.EXT: Document find_library(), with_config() and
+ dir_config().
+Fri May 11 03:37:53 2001 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * Remove the description of find_header() because
+ such a function does not actually exist.
+ * Update the description of dir_config().
+Fri May 11 02:42:40 2001 Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA <>
+ * README, Fix CVS access and mailing lists info.
+Fri May 11 02:00:44 2001 Ryo HAYASAKA <>
+ * bignum.c (bigdivrem): access boundary bug.
+Wed May 9 14:38:33 2001 K.Kosako <>
+ * eval.c (rb_yield_0): preserve and restore ruby_cref as well.
+Tue May 8 17:12:43 2001 K.Kosako <>
+ * eval.c (is_defined): core dumped during instance_eval for
+ special constants.
+ * eval.c (rb_eval): ditto.
+Tue May 8 08:59:01 2001 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * doc/forwardable.rd, doc/ Hit `=begin' and
+ `=end' in proper places so rd2 can format them without a problem.
+ * doc/irb/, doc/irb/irb.rd, doc/irb/
+ ditto.
+Tue May 8 08:56:05 2001 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * doc/forwardable.rd, doc/, lib/forwardable.rb:
+ Bring forwardable 1.1 onto the ruby_1_6 branch.
+Tue May 8 08:35:09 2001 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * doc/irb/, doc/irb/ Convert from JIS to
+ EUC.
+Tue May 8 03:46:24 2001 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * sample/rbc.rb: Obsoleted by IRB.
+Mon May 7 15:58:45 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (arg): "||=" should not warn for uninitialized instance
+ variables.
+ * eval.c (rb_eval): ditto.
+ * eval.c (eval): preserve and restore ruby_cref as well.
+Mon May 7 15:45:48 2001 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * lib/ftools.rb (syscopy): chmod destination file only if
+ it does not exist.
+Thu May 3 03:41:01 2001 SHIROYAMA Takayuki <>
+ * get --enable-shared to work on MacOS X.
+ * make $(LIBRUBY_SO) depend on miniruby properly.
+ Now `make -jN' should work without a problem.
+Wed May 2 20:39:35 2001 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * dir.c (rb_glob, rb_iglob): remove unnecessary FNM_PATHNAME.
+Wed May 2 11:46:13 2001 K.Kosako <>
+ * eval.c (block_pass): should not downgrade safe level.
+Tue May 1 17:55:58 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (yylex): lex_state after RESCUE_MOD should be EXPR_BEG.
+Tue May 1 03:36:50 2001 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * sample/irb.rb, lib/irb.rb, lib/irb/*, doc/irb/*: Merge from irb
+ 0.7.3 and irb-tools 0.7.1.
+ * instruby.rb: Install help-message's too.
+ * lib/irb/main.rb: This file is not needed anymore.
+Thu Apr 26 22:36:11 2001 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * don't use tzname on cygwin 1.3.1+.
+ * add -mieee/-ieee to CFLAGS on OSF1/Alpha
+ to disable "DIVISION BY ZERO" exception.
+Thu Apr 26 22:30:43 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_eval): should preserve value of ruby_errinfo.
+Thu Apr 26 10:36:09 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_thread_schedule): infinite sleep should not cause
+ dead lock.
+Wed Apr 25 16:40:44 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_flatten_bang): proper recursive detection.
+Wed Apr 25 15:36:15 2001 K.Kosako <>
+ * eval.c (yield_under): need not to prohibit at safe level 4.
+Tue Apr 24 16:03:25 2001 Hiroshi Igarashi <>
+ * ext/ add target `distclean' in Makefile for extlib.
+ target `clean' doesn't remove Makefile.
+Tue Apr 24 15:57:45 2001 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * ext/, lib/mkmf.rb: (dir_config) do not add the
+ specified include directory if already included in $CPPFLAGS.
+ * ext/, lib/mkmf.rb: (dir_config) return a more useful
+ value, [include_dir, lib_dir].
+Tue Apr 24 15:35:32 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * ruby.c (set_arg0): wrong predicate when new $0 value is bigger
+ than original space.
+Mon Apr 23 14:43:59 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * gc.c (id2ref): should use NUM2ULONG()
+ * object.c (rb_mod_const_get): check whether name is a class
+ variable name.
+ * object.c (rb_mod_const_set): ditto.
+ * object.c (rb_mod_const_defined): ditto.
+Sun Apr 22 17:44:37 2001 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * add -mieee to CFLAGS on Linux/Alpha
+ to disable "DIVISION BY ZERO" exception.
+ * remove -ansi on OSF/1.
+Sat Apr 21 22:33:26 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * marshal.c (w_float): precision changed to "%.16g"
+Sat Apr 21 22:07:58 2001 Guy Decoux <>
+ * eval.c (rb_call0): wrong retry behavior.
+Fri Apr 20 19:12:20 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * numeric.c (fix_aref): a bug on long>int architecture.
+Fri Apr 20 14:57:15 2001 K.Kosako <>
+ * eval.c (rb_eval_string_wrap): should restore ruby_wrapper.
+Wed Apr 18 04:37:51 2001 Wakou Aoyama <>
+ * lib/cgi.rb: CGI::Cookie: no use PATH_INFO.
+Wed Apr 18 00:24:40 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * regex.c (re_compile_pattern): char class at either edge of range
+ should be invalid.
+Tue Apr 17 16:54:39 2001 K.Kosako <>
+ * eval.c (safe_getter): should use INT2NUM().
+Tue Apr 17 15:12:56 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * bignum.c (rb_big2long): 2**31 cannot fit in 31 bit long.
+Sat Apr 14 22:46:43 2001 Guy Decoux <>
+ * regex.c (calculate_must_string): wrong length calculation.
+Sat Apr 14 13:33:32 2001 Usaku Nakamura <>
+ * win32/ no longer use missing/alloca.c.
+ * win32/Makefile.sub: ditto.
+Fri Apr 13 12:40:48 2001 K.Kosako <>
+ * eval.c (rb_thread_start_0): fixed memory leak.
+Fri Apr 13 16:41:18 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (none): should clear cmdarg_stack too.
+Fri Apr 13 06:19:29 2001 GOTOU YUUZOU <>
+ * io.c (rb_fopen): use setvbuf() to avoid recursive malloc() on
+ some platforms.
+Wed Apr 11 23:36:26 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * file.c (rb_stat_dev): device functions should honor stat field
+ types (except long long such as dev_t).
+Wed Apr 11 18:07:53 2001 K.Kosako <>
+ * eval.c (rb_mod_nesting): should not push nil for nesting array.
+ * eval.c (rb_mod_s_constants): should not search array by
+ rb_mod_const_at() for nil (happens for singleton class).
+Wed Apr 11 13:29:26 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * class.c (rb_singleton_class_attached): should modify iv_tbl by
+ itself, no longer use rb_iv_set() to avoid freeze check error.
+ * variable.c (rb_const_get): error message "uninitialized constant
+ Foo at Bar::Baz" instead of "uninitialized constant Bar::Baz::Foo".
+Tue Apr 10 02:24:40 2001 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * io.c (opt_i_set): should strdup() inplace_edit string.
+Mon Apr 9 23:29:54 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (exec_under): need to push cref too.
+Mon Apr 9 12:05:44 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * file.c (Init_File): should redifine "new" class method.
+Mon Apr 9 11:56:52 2001 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * lib/net/imap.rb: fix typo.
+Thu Apr 5 22:40:12 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * variable.c (rb_const_get): no recursion to show full class path
+ for modules.
+ * eval.c (rb_set_safe_level): should set safe level in curr_thread
+ as well.
+ * eval.c (safe_setter): ditto.
+Thu Apr 5 13:46:06 2001 K.Kosako <>
+ * object.c (rb_obj_is_instance_of): nil belongs to false, not true.
+Thu Apr 5 02:19:03 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * time.c (make_time_t): proper (I hope) daylight saving time
+ handling for both US and Europe. I HATE SUMMER TIME!
+ * eval.c (rb_thread_wait_for): non blocked signal interrupt should
+ stop the interval.
+Wed Apr 4 03:47:03 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * class.c (rb_mod_clone): should copy method bodies too.
+ * bignum.c (bigdivrem): should trim trailing zero bdigits of
+ remainder, even if dd == 0.
+Tue Apr 3 15:29:10 2001 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * Introduce MAINLIBS.
+ * Link libc_r against the ruby executable on
+ FreeBSD, which is the first attempt to work around a certain
+ problem regarding pthread on FreeBSD. It should make ruby/libruby
+ happy when it loads an extention to a library compiled and linked
+ with -pthread. Note, however, that libruby is _not_ linked with
+ libc_r so as not to mess up pthread unfriendly stuff including
+ apache+mod_ruby and vim6+ruby_interp.
+Tue Apr 3 09:56:20 2001 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * ext/ (create_makefile): create def file only if
+ it does not yet exist.
+ * lib/mkmf.rb: ditto.
+Tue Apr 3 00:05:07 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * time.c (make_time_t): remove HAVE_TM_ZONE code since it
+ sometimes reports wrong time.
+ * time.c (make_time_t): remove unnecessary range check for
+ platforms where negative time_t is available.
+Mon Apr 2 14:25:49 2001 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * lib/monitor.rb (wait): ensure reentrance.
+ * lib/monitor.rb (wait): fix timeout support.
+Mon Apr 2 12:44:53 2001 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * lib/net/imap.rb: backport from ruby-1.7.
+Mon Apr 2 01:16:24 2001 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * win32/win32.c: use ruby's opendir on mingw32.
+ * missing/dir.h, dir.c, Makefile: ditto.
+Sun Apr 1 23:26:14 2001 TOYOFUKU Chikanobu <>
+ * numeric.c (flodivmod): a bug in no fmod case.
+Sun Apr 1 18:36:14 2001 Koji Arai <>
+ * process.c (pst_wifsignaled): should apply WIFSIGNALED for status
+ (int), not st (VALUE).
+Sat Mar 31 03:24:10 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * class.c (rb_include_module): module inclusion should be check
+ taints.
+Fri Mar 30 12:51:19 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * class.c (rb_include_module): freeze check at first.
+Thu Mar 29 17:05:09 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_attr): sprintf() and rb_intern() moved into
+ conditional body.
+Wed Mar 28 23:43:00 2001 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/, lib/mkmf.rb: add C++ rules in addition to C
+ rules for the mswin32 platforms.
+Wed Mar 28 19:29:21 2001 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * ext/, lib/mkmf.rb: move C++ rules to the right place.
+Wed Mar 28 17:39:04 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * object.c (rb_str2cstr): warn if string contains \0 and length
+ value is ignored.
+Wed Mar 28 15:00:31 2001 K.Kosako <>
+ * class.c (rb_singleton_class_clone): should copy class constant
+ table as well.
+Wed Mar 28 15:03:23 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * class.c (rb_include_module): sometimes cache was mistakenly left
+ uncleared - based on the patch by K.Kosako.
+Wed Mar 28 09:52:33 2001 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * win32/Makefile.sub: disable global optimization.
+Tue Mar 27 15:00:54 2001 K.Kosako <>
+ * eval.c (rb_mod_define_method): should have clear method cache.
+ * eval.c (rb_mod_define_method): should have raised exception for
+ type error.
+Tue Mar 27 14:48:17 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * ruby.h: changed "extern INLINE" to "static inline".
+Mon Mar 26 23:19:33 2001 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * time.c (rb_strftime): check whether strftime returns empty string.
+Mon Mar 26 18:14:47 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * dir.c (rb_glob_helper): part of 1.7 globber backported to proper
+ following of symlinks.
+Mon Mar 26 17:21:07 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c: remove TMP_PROTECT_END to prevent C_ALLOCA crash.
+Mon Mar 26 14:04:41 2001 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * ext/Win32API/Win32API.c: remove Init_win32api().
+Sat Mar 24 23:44:50 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (ev_const_defined): should ignore toplevel cbase (Object).
+ * eval.c (ev_const_get): ditto.
+Fri Mar 23 12:18:44 2001 SHIROYAMA Takayuki <>
+ * ext/curses/curses.c: curses on Mac OS X public beta does not
+ have _maxx etc.
+Fri Mar 23 10:50:31 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * marshal.c (w_object): should truncate trailing zero short for
+ bignums.
+Thu Mar 22 22:15:45 2001 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * ext/Win32API/extconf.rb: add -fno-omit-frame-pointer.
+Thu Mar 22 17:43:44 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * ruby.h: better inline function support.
+ * (NO_C_INLINE): check if inline is available for the
+ C compiler.
+Wed Mar 21 23:07:45 2001 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * win32/win32.c (win32_stat): WinNT/2k "//host/share" support.
+Wed Mar 21 01:26:14 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * gc.c (id2ref): sometimes confused symbol and reference.
+Tue Mar 20 23:09:33 2001 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * win32/win32.c (win32_stat): UNC support.
+ * dir.c (extract_path): fix "./*" problem.
+Mon Mar 19 19:14:47 2001 Guy Decoux <>
+ * marshal.c (shortlen): shortlen should return number of bytes
+ written.
+Mon Mar 19 18:56:55 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * stable version 1.6.3 released.
+Mon Mar 19 16:52:23 2001 K.Kosako <>
+ * eval.c (ev_const_defined): need not to check if cbase->nd_class
+ is rb_cObject.
+ * eval.c (ev_const_get): ditto.
+Mon Mar 19 16:27:32 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (THREAD_ALLOC): flags should be initialized.
+ * signal.c (rb_f_kill): should use FIX2INT, not FIX2UINT.
+Mon Mar 19 11:03:10 2001 Koji Arai <>
+ * marshal.c (r_object): len calculation patch was wrong for
+ * gc.c: alloca prototype reorganized for C_ALLOCA machine.
+Sun Mar 18 08:58:18 2001 Wakou Aoyama <>
+ * lib/cgi.rb: // === '' --> //.match('')
+ * lib/cgi.rb: cgi#header(): improvement for mod_ruby.
+ * lib/cgi.rb: cgi#rfc1123date(): improvement.
+ thanks to TADA Tadashi <>.
+ * lib/cgi.rb: cgi#rfc1123date(): document bug fix.
+ thanks to Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA <>.
+ * lib/cgi.rb: cgi#header(): bug fix.
+ thanks to IWATSUKI Hiroyuki <>.
+Fri Mar 16 17:21:25 2001 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * Set SOLIBS properly for all ELF and
+ FreeBSD/NetBSD/OpenBSD a.out platforms so that the shlib
+ dependencies are recorded in the libruby shlib.
+Wed Mar 14 16:41:45 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_thread_schedule): raise FATAL just once to
+Wed Mar 14 10:41:34 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_yield_0): 0 (= Qfalse) is a valid value, so that
+ default self should be checked by klass == 0.
+ * bignum.c (rb_cstr2inum): should disallow '++1', '+-1', etc.
+Tue Mar 13 17:51:09 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (ev_const_defined): add new parameter self for special
+ const fallback.
+ * eval.c (ev_const_get): ditto.
+Tue Mar 13 16:39:45 2001 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * dir.c (rb_glob_helper): fix drive letter handling on DOSISH.
+Tue Mar 13 15:01:12 2001 Minero Aoki <>
+ * lib/net/http.rb: add HTTPRequest#basic_auth.
+ * lib/net/smtp.rb: raise if only account or password is given.
+ * lib/net/protocol.rb: WriteAdapter#<< returns self.
+Tue Mar 13 14:41:16 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * io.c (argf_seek): wrong calling sequence of rb_io_seek().
+Mon Mar 12 18:59:38 2001 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (create_makefile): save/restore $libs and $LIBPATH.
+Sun Mar 11 00:55:31 2001 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (install_rb): fix handling of destination path.
+Sat Mar 10 02:34:18 2001 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * math.c (math_log, math_log10): use nan() instead of 0.0/0.0 on Cygwin.
+Thu Mar 8 17:43:59 2001 Minero Aoki <>
+ * lib/net/protocol.rb: one write(2) per one line.
+Wed Mar 7 14:26:11 2001 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * math.c (math_log, math_log10): should return NaN if x < 0.0
+ on Cygwin.
+Thu Mar 7 10:31:26 2001 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (stmt): while/until modifier must work for empty body.
+Tue Mar 6 22:53:58 2001 Kazuhiro Yoshida <>
+ * ruby.c (ruby_set_argv): clear ARGV contents before adding args.
+Tue Mar 6 10:50:29 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (primary): rescue and ensure clauses should be allowed
+ to appear in singleton method body.
+Mon Mar 5 17:25:13 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (proc_eq): compare Procs using blocktag equality.
+ * eval.c (proc_to_s): stringify according to block tag address.
+Mon Mar 5 17:19:56 2001 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * win32/win32.c (gettimeofday): use GetLocalTime() instead of ftime()
+ for high-resolution timing.
+Sun Mar 4 20:45:20 2001 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * ext/, lib/mkmf.rb: add C++ rules in addition to C
+ rules.
+Sun Mar 4 17:01:09 2001 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * string.c (trnext): support backslash escape in String#tr.
+Wed Feb 28 11:02:41 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_delete_bang): delete! should take at least 1
+ argument.
+Tue Feb 27 16:38:15 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (ev_const_get): retrieve Object's caonstat if no current
+ class is available (e.g. defining singleton class for Fixnums).
+ * eval.c (ev_const_defined): check Object's constant if no current
+ class is available (e.g. defining singleton class for Fixnums).
+ * eval.c (proc_call): ignore block to `call' always, despite of
+ being orphan or not.
+Wed Feb 27 10:16:32 2001 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * eval.c (rb_yield_0): should check based on rb_block_given_p()
+ and rb_f_block_given_p().
+Mon Feb 26 16:20:27 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * ruby.c (proc_options): call ruby_show_version() just once.
+Mon Feb 26 00:04:52 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (proc_call): should not modify ruby_block->frame.iter
+ based on ruby_frame->iter altered by PUSH_ITER().
+Mon Feb 26 05:27:52 2001 Wakou Aoyama <>
+ * lib/net/telnet.rb: #telnetmode(), #binmode(): bug fix.
+ thanks to
+Mon Feb 26 04:55:50 2001 Wakou Aoyama <>
+ * lib/cgi.rb: CGI#form(): bug fix.
+ thanks to MoonWolf <>.
+ * lib/cgi.rb: CGI#rfc1123_date(): improvement.
+ thanks to Tomoyasu Akita <>.
+ * lib/cgi.rb: CGI#header(): improvement for mod_ruby.
+ thanks to Shugo Maeda <>.
+Sun Feb 25 02:45:30 2001 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * file.c (rb_file_s_rename): avoid Cygwin's bug.
+Sat Feb 24 23:32:55 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_thread_fd_close): should save current context before
+ raising exception.
+Sat Feb 24 22:14:00 2001 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * win32/win32.c (myrename): fix error handling.
+Sat Feb 24 15:43:31 2001 Minero Aoki <>
+ * lib/net/protocol.rb: use net 1.2 for also ruby 1.6 branch.
+ * lib/net/smtp.rb: ditto.
+ * lib/net/pop.rb: ditto.
+ * lib/net/http.rb: ditto.
+Fri Feb 23 16:36:09 2001 Minero Aoki <>
+ * lib/net/http.rb: always close connection if body is not exist.
+Fri Feb 23 13:27:05 2001 Minero Aoki <>
+ * lib/net/http.rb: keep-alive detection was incomplete.
+Fri Feb 23 08:24:53 2001 Minero Aoki <>
+ * lib/net/protocol.rb: clear read buffer after reopen.
+ * lib/net/http.rb: update RD document.
+Tue Feb 20 16:37:58 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * bignum.c (rb_big2long): should not raise RangeError for Bignum
+ LONG_MIN value.
+Mon Feb 19 17:46:37 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_substr): "a"[1,2] should return ""; need
+ rubicon upgrade.
+Mon Feb 19 01:55:43 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (secure_visibility): visibility check for untainted modules.
+Mon Feb 19 00:29:29 2001 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * signal.c (sigpipe): sighandler which does nothing.
+ * signal.c (trap): set sigpipe function for SIGPIPE.
+ * signal.c (Init_signal): default SIGPIPE handler should be
+ sigpipe function.
+Sun Feb 18 15:42:38 2001 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * ext/curses/extconf.rb: add dir_config.
+ * missing/flock.c: use fcntl(2) instead of lockf(2).
+Sun Feb 18 13:02:03 2001 Yasushi Shoji <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_subseq): wrong boundary check.
+Fri Feb 16 01:44:56 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * io.c (set_outfile): f should be the FILE* from the assigning value.
+Thu Feb 15 11:33:49 2001 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * lib/cgi/session.rb (close): fixed reversed condition.
+Wed Feb 14 17:28:24 2001 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * lib/net/imap.rb: supports unknown resp_text_code.
+Wed Feb 14 00:44:17 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * dir.c (dir_s_glob): call rb_yield directly (via push_pattern) if
+ block is given to the method.
+ * dir.c (push_pattern): do not call rb_ary_push; yield directly.
+Tue Feb 13 23:05:38 2001 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * dir.c (lstat): should use rb_sys_stat if lstat(2) is not
+ available.
+Tue Feb 13 17:00:18 2001 Minero Aoki <>
+ * lib/net/http.rb: supports HTTP 1.0 server.
+Tue Feb 13 01:13:43 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (primary): preserve and clear in_single and in_def using
+ stack to prevent nested method errors in singleton class bodies.
+Sun Feb 11 16:00:30 2001 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * eval.c (stack_length): use __builtin_frame_address() only if
+ GCC and i386 CPU.
+ * gc.c (rb_gc, Init_stack): ditto.
+ * add ac_cv_func_getpgrp_void=yes on DJGPP.
+Sat Feb 10 23:43:49 2001 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * hash.c (rb_any_hash): dumped core on machines sizeof(int) != sizeof(long).
+Sat Feb 10 23:07:15 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * regex.c (PREV_IS_A_LETTER): should not treat c>0x7f as a word
+ character if -Kn.
+Sat Feb 10 00:06:28 2001 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * win32/win32.c (win32_stat): replace stat for enable when pathname
+ ends with '/' or '\' for mswin32 on Win9X / Win2k.
+ * win32/win32.h: ditto.
+ * ruby.h: ditto.
+ * dir.c (rb_glob_helper): ditto.
+ * file.c (rb_stat, rb_file_s_stat, eaccess, check3rdbyte): ditto.
+Fri Feb 9 22:54:57 2001 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * ruby.c (ruby_init_loadpath): convert '\\' to '/'
+ before finding executable file path.
+Fri Feb 9 17:41:53 2001 Triet H. Lai <>
+ * dir.c (rb_glob_helper): do not follow symbolic links.
+Fri Feb 8 23:53:08 2001 Usaku Nakamura <>
+ * win32/ (inline): add inline definition.
+Thu Feb 8 21:27:24 2001 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (install_rb): fix handling of relative path.
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (create_makefile): add srcdir.
+Wed Feb 7 16:05:22 2001 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (parse_quotedwords): %w should allow parenthesis escape.
+Wed Feb 7 00:57:42 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (parse_qstring): %q should allow terminator escape.
+Wed Feb 7 00:57:42 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * re.c (rb_reg_equal): all option flags should be same to be equal.
+Tue Feb 6 21:01:29 2001 Minero Aoki <>
+ * lib/net/protocol.rb: ignore EOFError on only specified case.
+ * lib/net/http.rb: take HTTP 1.0 server into account.
+Mon Feb 5 00:39:06 2001 KANEKO Naoshi <>
+ * dir.c: use ISXXX() instead of isxxx().
+ * dln.c (aix_loaderror): ditto.
+ * file.c (rb_file_s_expand_path): ditto.
+ * string.c (rb_str_upcase_bang): ditto.
+ * win32/win32.c (do_spawn): ditto.
+ * win32/win32.c (NtMakeCmdVector): ditto.
+ * win32/win32.c (opendir): ditto.
+Fri Feb 3 00:48:50 2001 Usaku Nakamura <>
+ * win32/win32.c (isInternalCmd): ignore case for shell's internal
+ command. (marge from HEAD)
+Fri Feb 2 16:14:51 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (POP_VARS): propagate DVAR_DONT_RECYCLE, if
+ SCOPE_DONT_RECYCLE of ruby_scope is set.
+Wed Jan 31 22:27:29 2001 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * gcc-2.95.2-7(cygwin) support.
+ add -mwin32 if available.
+ * cygwin/GNUmakefile: ditto.
+Mon Jan 29 17:36:19 2001 TOYOFUKU Chikanobu <>
+ * eval.c (rb_eval): nd_iter evaluation should be wrapped by
+Mon Jan 29 01:40:27 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * string.c (str_independent): should not clear str->orig here.
+ it's too early.
+Wed Jan 24 01:45:49 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (POP_BLOCK_TAG): call rb_gc_force_recycle() if block has
+ not been objectified.
+ * eval.c (rb_callcc): should nail down block->tag history to avoid
+ rb_gc_force_recycle().
+Tue Jan 23 18:51:57 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * gc.c (rb_gc_call_finalizer_at_exit): should finalize objects in
+ deferred_final_list too.
+Tue Jan 23 16:10:12 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * gc.c (os_live_obj): do not list terminated object.
+ * gc.c (os_obj_of): ditto.
+ * gc.c (rb_gc_mark): support new T_BLKTAG tag.
+ * gc.c (obj_free): ditto.
+ * eval.c (new_blktag): creation of new block tag, which holds
+ destination of global jump and orphan status.
+ * eval.c (block_pass): break from orphan Proc object will raise a
+ LocalJumpError exception.
+Mon Jan 22 16:33:16 2001 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * mkconfig.rb: autoconf 2.49 support.
+Sat Jan 20 03:54:00 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (yylex): fixed serious syntax misbehavior. do's
+ preceding was too high. a block in `foo bar do .. end' should
+ be passed to `foo', not `bar'.
+ * parse.y (block_call): syntax restructure.
+Fri Jan 19 04:04:31 2001 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * lib/irb/ruby-lex.rb: Merge from HEAD: rev.1.4
+Wed Jan 17 13:28:26 2001 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * remove DEFS definition.
+ * mkconfig.rb: ditto.
+ * win32/ ditto.
+Tue Jan 16 16:59:14 2001 Minero Aoki <>
+ * lib/net/protocol.rb: ignore EOFError for read
+Sun Jan 14 21:49:28 2001 Koji Arai <>
+ * sprintf.c (rb_f_sprintf): simple typo. binary base should be 2,
+ not '2'.
+Sun Jan 14 02:49:57 2001 Minero Aoki <>
+ * lib/net/protocol.rb (adding): too few "yield" in case of arg is
+ not String/File.
+Sat Jan 13 19:18:18 2001 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * re.c (rb_reg_desc): separate RE_OPTION_MULTILINE
+ * re.c (rb_reg_options): add RE_OPTION_{POSIXLINE,RE_OPTION_MULTILINE,
+Thu Jan 11 06:45:55 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * object.c (rb_mod_dup): should propagate FL_SINGLETON.
+ * object.c (inspect_obj): handles the case of no instance variable.
+Wed Jan 10 01:50:45 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_reverse_bang): forgot to call rb_str_modify().
+Tue Jan 9 17:41:40 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * object.c (rb_obj_taint): check frozen status before modifying
+ taint status.
+ * object.c (rb_obj_untaint): ditto.
+Mon Jan 8 21:35:10 2001 Guy Decoux <>
+ * file.c (path_check_1): should restore modified path.
+Mon Jan 8 21:24:37 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * bignum.c (bigdivrem): t2 might be too big for signed long; do
+ not use rb_int2big(), but rb_uint2big().
+Mon Jan 8 03:09:58 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * error.c (rb_load_fail): new func to report LoadError.
+ * ruby.c (load_file): use rb_load_fail.
+Sat Jan 6 00:55:59 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * pack.c (pack_pack): template "m2" or "u2" caused inifinite loop.
+Fri Jan 5 01:02:17 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (ruby_finalize): should enclosed by PUSH_TAG/POP_TAG.
+Sun Dec 31 01:39:16 2000 Guy Decoux <>
+ * eval.c (rb_mod_define_method): wrong comparison for blocks.
+Sat Dec 30 19:28:50 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * gc.c (id2ref): should handle Symbol too.
+ * gc.c (id2ref): should print original ptr value
+Sat Dec 30 03:14:22 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_iterate): NODE_CFUNC does not protect its data
+ (nd_tval), so create new node NODE_IFUNC for iteration C
+ function.
+ * eval.c (rb_yield_0): use NODE_IFUNC.
+ * gc.c (rb_gc_mark): support NODE_IFUNC.
+Fri Dec 29 11:41:55 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * gc.c (mem_error): prohibit recursive mem_error().
+ (ruby-bugs-ja:PR#36)
+Fri Dec 29 11:05:41 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_thread_fd_writable): should not switch context if
+ rb_thread_critical is set.
+ * eval.c (rb_thread_wait_fd): ditto.
+ * eval.c (rb_thread_wait_for): ditto.
+ * eval.c (rb_thread_select): ditto.
+ * eval.c (rb_thread_join): join during critical section causes
+ deadlock.
+Tue Dec 26 18:46:41 2000 NAKAMURA Hiroshi <>
+ * lib/debug.rb: Avoid thread deadlock in debugging stopped thread.
+ * lib/debug.rb: Uncleared 'finish' state.
+Tue Dec 26 16:53:55 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_yield_0): remove dvar node by rb_gc_force_recycle()
+ more eagerly.
+ * eval.c (rb_f_binding): recycling should be stopped for outer
+ scope too.
+ * eval.c (proc_new): ditto.
+Tue Dec 26 15:45:35 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_inspect): should treat multibyte chracters
+ properly.
+Mon Dec 25 17:49:08 2000 K.Kosako <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_replace_m): unexpected string share happens if
+ replace is done for associated (STR_NO_ORIG) string.
+Tue Dec 26 15:01:53 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * io.c (rb_f_p): should not call rb_io_flush() if rb_defout is not
+ a IO (T_FILE).
+Mon Dec 25 15:52:39 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * stable version 1.6.2 released.
Mon Dec 25 05:11:04 2000 Wakou Aoyama <>
* lib/cgi.rb: version 2.1.2 (some bug fixes).
@@ -21,10 +1284,6 @@ Mon Dec 25 00:04:54 2000 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
* eval.c (rb_thread_schedule): initial value of `max' changed to -1.
-Fri Dec 22 17:59:30 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
- * stable version 1.6.2 released.
Mon Dec 25 00:16:14 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
* string.c (rb_str_replace_m): copy-on-write replace.
@@ -85,7 +1344,7 @@ Tue Dec 19 13:44:50 2000 K.Kosako <>
Tue Dec 19 00:57:10 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
- * time.c (time_minus): usec might overflow (ruby-bugs-ja:#PR#35).
+ * time.c (time_minus): usec might overflow. (ruby-bugs-ja:PR#35)
* eval.c (rb_obj_extend): Object#extend should take at least one
@@ -837,7 +2096,7 @@ Sat Sep 23 03:06:25 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
Fri Sep 22 15:46:21 2000 Minero Aoki <>
- * lib/net/http.rb: too early parameter expantion in string.
+ * lib/net/http.rb: too early parameter expansion in string.
Fri Sep 22 13:58:51 2000 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
@@ -894,7 +2153,7 @@ Wed Sep 20 23:21:38 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
Wed Sep 20 14:01:45 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
- * eval.c (rb_provided): detect infnite load loop.
+ * eval.c (rb_provided): detect infinite load loop.
* eval.c (rb_provided): too weak filename comparison.
@@ -959,7 +2218,7 @@ Thu Sep 14 02:46:54 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
Wed Sep 13 17:01:03 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
- * bignum.c (rb_big_eq): imcomplete value compare of bignums.
+ * bignum.c (rb_big_eq): incomplete value comparison of bignums.
Wed Sep 13 06:39:54 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
@@ -1084,7 +2343,7 @@ Fri Sep 1 10:36:29 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
* parse.y (aref_args,opt_call_args): add block_call to allow a
method without parentheses and with block as a last argument.
- * hash.c (rb_hash_sort): should not retrun nil.
+ * hash.c (rb_hash_sort): should not return nil.
* re.c (match_aref): should use rb_reg_nth_match().
@@ -1252,7 +2511,7 @@ Fri Aug 11 15:43:46 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
Thu Aug 10 08:05:03 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
- * eval.c (rb_callcc): returned current thread instaed of
+ * eval.c (rb_callcc): returned current thread instead of
continuation wrongly.
Thu Aug 10 05:40:28 2000 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
@@ -1425,7 +2684,7 @@ Tue Jul 18 14:58:30 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
Mon Jul 17 04:29:50 2000 Minero Aoki <>
- * lib/mkmf.rb: converts extention of $objs into $OBJEXT.
+ * lib/mkmf.rb: converts extension of $objs into $OBJEXT.
Sun Jul 16 03:02:34 2000 Dave Thomas <>
@@ -1522,7 +2781,7 @@ Mon Jul 10 09:07:54 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
Sat Jul 8 23:08:40 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
* eval.c (rb_thread_start_0): should copy previous scopes to
- prevent rb_gc_force_recylce().
+ prevent rb_gc_force_recycle().
Fri Jul 7 23:36:36 2000 Katsuyuki Komatsu <>
@@ -1597,7 +2856,7 @@ Wed Jul 5 09:47:14 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
* time.c (time_arg): Time::local, Time::gm now take 7th optional
argument for usec.
- * numeric.c (num_ceil, etc): default ceil, floor, round, trancate
+ * numeric.c (num_ceil, etc): default ceil, floor, round, truncate
implementation for Numeric, using `to_f'.
* io.c (rb_io_reopen): clear fptr->path after free() to prevent
@@ -1688,7 +2947,7 @@ Mon Jul 3 13:15:02 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
* bignum.c (rb_big_divmod): ditto.
- * numeric.c (fixdivmod): does not depend C's undifined %
+ * numeric.c (fixdivmod): does not depend C's undefined %
behavior. adopt to fmod(3m) behavior.
* numeric.c (flo_mod): modulo now reserves fmod(3m) behavior.
@@ -1731,7 +2990,7 @@ Sat Jul 1 15:22:35 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
Sat Jul 1 15:22:35 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
* eval.c (rb_eval): the value from RTEST() is not valid Ruby
- objct. result should be either true or false.
+ object. result should be either true or false.
Sat Jul 1 09:30:06 2000 Katsuyuki Komatsu <>
@@ -2107,12 +3366,12 @@ Fri Jun 9 15:11:35 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
Thu Jun 8 14:25:45 2000 Hiroshi Igarashi <>
* lib/mkmf.rb: add target `distclean' in Makefile for extlib.
- target `clean' doesn't remove Makefile.
+ target `clean' doesn't remove Makefile.
Thu Jun 8 13:34:03 2000 Dave Thomas <>
* numeric.c: add nan?, infinite?, and finite? to Float
Thu Jun 8 00:31:04 2000 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
* regex.h: export re_mbctab properly on cygwin.
@@ -2217,11 +3476,11 @@ Sun May 28 19:21:43 2000 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
* ruby.h: ditto.
* main.c: turn off command line mingw32's globbing.
Wed May 25 22:25:13 2000 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
* ext/ use "ftools" instead of "rm -f".
* lib/mkmf.rb: ditto.
Thu May 25 22:01:32 2000 Katsuyuki Komatsu <>
@@ -2623,7 +3882,7 @@ Mon May 1 23:42:44 2000 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
* defines.h: use dllimport, dllexport for Cygwin 1.1.x.
* ruby.h: ditto.
* cygwin/ ditto.
* ext/Win32API/Win32API.c: directly "call" in asm statement for
@@ -2824,6 +4083,13 @@ Sat Mar 25 23:21:10 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
* marshal.c (w_object): symbols should be converted to ID before
dumping out.
+Sun Mar 25 16:52:48 2001 Koji Arai <>
+ * file.c (rb_file_flock): do not trap EINTR.
+ * missing/flock.c (flock): returns the value from lockf(2)
+ directly.
Fri Mar 24 18:26:51 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
* file.c (test_check): should have checked exact number of arguments.
@@ -3924,7 +5190,7 @@ Thu Oct 21 16:14:19 1999 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
* ruby.c (proc_options): use RUBYOPT environment variable to
retrieve the default options.
- * dir.c (fnmatch): use eban's fnmatch; do not depend on systems's
+ * dir.c (fnmatch): use eban's fnmatch; do not depend on system's
fnmatch (which may have portability problem) anymore.
Wed Oct 20 15:14:24 1999 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
@@ -4832,7 +6098,7 @@ Thu Jun 10 16:41:48 1999 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
* io.c: do not call `initialize' for IO objects. So with Array,
Hash, Range, and Time objects.
* ext/curses/curses.c (curses_getch): made thread aware using
@@ -6433,22 +7699,28 @@ Sun Nov 15 15:44:07 1998 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
Sat Nov 14 11:02:05 1998 Motoyuki Kasahara <>
* (install): Give the argument `$(DESTDIR)' to
- `instruby.rb'.
+ `instruby.rb'.
* instruby.rb: Recognize ARG[0] as `destdir'.
* instruby.rb: Give the argument `destdir' to `extmk.rb'.
* ext/ Recognize ARG[1] as `$destdir'.
* instruby.rb: Create the installation directories (bindir, libdir,
- archdir, pkglibdir, archdir, and mandir) under `destdir', and
- install all files under there.
+ archdir, pkglibdir, archdir, and mandir) under `destdir', and
+ install all files under there.
* ext/ Likewise.
Sat Nov 14 10:56:55 1998 Motoyuki Kasahara <>
* instruby.rb: Add the variable `pkglibdir'.
* instruby.rb: Set the variable `libdir' to `$(libdir)', not
- `$(libdir)/$(ruby_install_name)'. `' and `'
- are installed at `libdir'.
+ `$(libdir)/$(ruby_install_name)'. `' and `'
+ are installed at `libdir'.
* instruby.rb: Set the variable `archdir' to `$(pkglibdir)/$(arch)'.
Fri Nov 13 19:43:29 1998 KIMURA Koichi <>
@@ -6519,7 +7791,7 @@ Sun Nov 1 01:18:52 1998 EGUCHI Osamu <>
Sat Oct 31 23:18:34 1998 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
* string.c (rb_str_split_method): negative LIMIT means number of
- splitted fields are unlimited, as in perl.
+ split fields are unlimited, as in perl.
* string.c (rb_str_split_method): if LIMIT is unspecified,
trailing null fields are stripped.
@@ -6583,18 +7855,26 @@ Wed Oct 21 14:21:06 1998 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
Mon Oct 19 11:50:00 1998 Motoyuki Kasahara <>
* ext/extmk.rb: Load '@top_srcdir@/lib/find.rb', not
- '../lib/find.rb'.
+ '../lib/find.rb'.
* ext/extmk.rb: Distinguish between `top_srcdir' and `topdir'.
* (CFLAGS): Add `-I.'.
* (lex.c): Give `@srcdir@/keywords' to gperf, not
- `keywords'.
+ `keywords'.
* instruby.rb: Use `CONFIG["bindir"]', instead of `prefix + "/bin"'.
* instruby.rb: Use `CONFIG["libdir"]', instead of `prefix + "/lib"'.
* instruby.rb Use `CONFIG["mandir"]', instead of `prefix + "/man"'.
* instruby.rb (wdir): Add the variable to preserve the current
- working directory.
+ working directory.
* instruby.rb: Chdir to wdir before install `config.h' and
- `rbconfig.rb'.
+ `rbconfig.rb'.
Mon Oct 19 10:07:01 1998 EGUCHI Osamu <>
@@ -7346,7 +8626,7 @@ Mon May 18 16:40:50 1998 MAEDA shugo <>
* glob.c: #include <alloca.h> added.
Mon May 18 14:52:21 1998 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
* experimental release 1.1b9_21.
Mon May 18 03:27:57 1998 MAEDA shugo <>
@@ -8648,7 +9928,7 @@ Thu Dec 11 13:14:35 1997 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
not exist.
* ext/curses/curses.c: remove CHECK macro for BSD curses.
Thu Dec 11 12:44:01 1997 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
* pack.c: sun4 cc patch
@@ -8775,7 +10055,7 @@ Wed Nov 12 13:44:47 1997 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
Mon Nov 10 11:24:51 1997 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
- * regex.c (re_compile_pattern): non-resitering parens (?:..).
+ * regex.c (re_compile_pattern): non-registering parens (?:..).
* regex.c (re_compile_pattern): new meta character \< (wordbeg)
and \> (wordend).
@@ -9031,7 +10311,7 @@ Tue Sep 16 17:54:25 1997 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
* ruby.c (ruby_prog_init): close stdaux and stdprn for MSDOS.
* ruby.c (ruby_prog_init): should not add path from environment
- variable, if ruby is running under seuid.
+ variable, if ruby is running under setuid.
* process.c (init_ids): check suid check for setuid/seteuid etc.
@@ -9113,7 +10393,7 @@ Mon Sep 1 13:42:48 1997 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
* parse.y: did not generate here document strings properly.
Mon Sep 1 11:43:57 1997 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
* parse.y (yylex): heredoc dropped an extra character.
Fri Aug 29 11:10:21 1997 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
@@ -9256,7 +10536,7 @@ Sat Aug 16 00:17:44 1997 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
Fri Aug 15 15:49:46 1997 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
* eval.c (call_trace_func): block context switch in the trace
- function.
+ function.
* eval.c (rb_eval): clear method cache at class extension.
diff --git a/MANIFEST b/MANIFEST
index 17e8924bb7..0df950b0c8 100644
@@ -77,9 +77,18 @@ djgpp/config.sed
@@ -101,24 +110,33 @@ lib/eregex.rb
@@ -144,6 +162,14 @@ lib/profile.rb
@@ -161,11 +187,11 @@ misc/rubydb2x.el
@@ -175,7 +201,6 @@ missing/os2.c
@@ -239,6 +264,7 @@ win32/README.win32
diff --git a/ b/
index b1b0166b89..37f644d786 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ MISSING = @LIBOBJS@ @ALLOCA@
@@ -91,13 +92,13 @@ miniruby$(EXEEXT): config.status $(LIBRUBY_A) $(MAINOBJ) dmyext.@OBJEXT@
@rm -f $@
$(LIBRUBY_A): $(OBJS) dmyext.@OBJEXT@
@AR@ rcu $@ $(OBJS) dmyext.@OBJEXT@
@-@RANLIB@ $@ 2> /dev/null || true
-$(LIBRUBY_SO): $(OBJS) dmyext.@OBJEXT@
+$(LIBRUBY_SO): $(OBJS) dmyext.@OBJEXT@ miniruby$(EXEEXT)
@-@MINIRUBY@ -e 'ARGV.each{|link| File.delete link if File.exist? link; \
File.symlink "$(LIBRUBY_SO)", link}' \
@@ -123,7 +124,7 @@ realclean: distclean
test: miniruby$(EXEEXT)
@./miniruby$(EXEEXT) $(srcdir)/rubytest.rb
-rbconfig.rb: miniruby$(EXEEXT)
+rbconfig.rb: miniruby$(EXEEXT) $(srcdir)/mkconfig.rb config.status
@@MINIRUBY@ $(srcdir)/mkconfig.rb rbconfig.rb
fake.rb: miniruby$(EXEEXT)
@@ -230,7 +231,7 @@ dl_os2.@OBJEXT@: $(srcdir)/missing/dl_os2.c
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) -c $(srcdir)/missing/dl_os2.c
win32.@OBJEXT@: $(srcdir)/win32/win32.c
- $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) -c $(srcdir)/win32/win32.c
+ $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) -I$(srcdir)/missing -c $(srcdir)/win32/win32.c
# Prevent GNU make v3 from overflowing arg limit on SysV.
diff --git a/README b/README
index 5794f5daf6..760291d1ba 100644
--- a/README
+++ b/README
@@ -26,10 +26,10 @@ The Ruby distribution can be found on:
You can get it by anonymous CVS. How to check out is:
- $ cvs -d login
- (Logging in to
- CVS password: guest
- $ cvs -d checkout ruby
+ $ cvs -d login
+ (Logging in to
+ CVS password: anonymous
+ $ cvs -z4 -d checkout ruby
* Mailing list
@@ -40,17 +40,20 @@ To subscribe this list, please send the following phrase
subscribe Joseph Smith
-in the mail body (not subject) to the address <>.
+in the mail body (not subject) to the address <>.
* How to compile and install
This is what you need to do to compile and install Ruby:
- 1. Run ./configure, which will generate config.h and Makefile.
+ 1. If ./configure does not exist or is older than,
+ run autoconf to (re)generate configure.
- 2. Edit defines.h if you need. Probably this step will not need.
+ 2. Run ./configure, which will generate config.h and Makefile.
- 3. Remove comment mark(#) before the module names from ext/Setup (or
+ 3. Edit defines.h if you need. Probably this step will not need.
+ 4. Remove comment mark(#) before the module names from ext/Setup (or
add module names if not present), if you want to link modules
@@ -59,13 +62,13 @@ This is what you need to do to compile and install Ruby:
remove comment mark from the line "#option nodynamic" in
- 4. Run make.
+ 5. Run make.
- 5. Optionally, run 'make test' to check whether the compiled Ruby
+ 6. Optionally, run 'make test' to check whether the compiled Ruby
interpreter works well. If you see the message "test succeeded",
your ruby works as it should (hopefully).
- 6. Run 'make install'
+ 7. Run 'make install'
You may have to be a super user to install ruby.
diff --git a/README.EXT b/README.EXT
index 5079adb558..f3db6fa45b 100644
@@ -985,6 +985,11 @@ These functions are available in extconf.rb:
Checks whether library which contains specified function exists.
Returns true if the library exists.
+ find_library(lib, func, path...)
+Checks whether library which contains specified function exists in
+path. Returns true if the library exists.
have_func(func, header)
Checks whether func exists with header. Returns true if the function
@@ -993,13 +998,27 @@ check that library first using have_library().
-Checks for the header files. Returns true if the header file exists.
+Checks whether header exists. Returns true if the header file exists.
Generates the Makefile for the extension library. If you don't invoke
this method, the compilation will not be done.
+ with_config(withval[, default=nil])
+Parses the command line options and returns the value specified by
+ dir_config(target[, default_dir])
+ dir_config(target[, default_include, default_lib])
+Parses the command line options and adds the directories specified by
+--with-<target>-dir, --with-<target>-include, and/or --with-<target>-lib
+to $CFLAGS and/or $LDFLAGS. --with-<target>-dir=/path is equivalent to
+--with-<target>-include=/path/include --with-<target>-lib=/path/lib.
+Returns an array of the added directories ([include_dir, lib_dir]).
* Local variables:
* fill-column: 70
diff --git a/ b/
index 0db954818e..07a9e8b39d 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1160,11 +1160,6 @@ have_header(header)
- ¥Ø¥Ã¥À¥Õ¥¡¥¤¥ë¤Î¸ºß¤ò -Ipath ¤òÄɲ䷤ʤ¬¤é¥Á¥§¥Ã¥¯¤¹¤ë¡¥
- ¥Ø¥Ã¥À¥Õ¥¡¥¤¥ë¤¬¸«ÉÕ¤«¤Ã¤¿»þtrue¤òÊÖ¤¹¡¥
@@ -1173,13 +1168,17 @@ create_makefile(target)
with_config(withval[, default=nil])
- --with-<withval>¤Ç»ØÄꤵ¤ì¤¿¥ª¥×¥·¥ç¥óÃͤòÆÀ¤ë¡¥
+ ¥³¥Þ¥ó¥É¥é¥¤¥ó¾å¤Î--with-<withval>¤Ç»ØÄꤵ¤ì¤¿¥ª¥×¥·¥ç¥óÃͤòÆÀ¤ë¡¥
+dir_config(target[, default_dir])
+dir_config(target[, default_include, default_lib])
- --with-<target>-dir, --with-<target>-include, --with-<target>-lib
- ¤Î¤¤¤º¤ì¤«¤Ç»ØÄꤵ¤ì¤ë¥Ç¥£¥ì¥¯¥È¥ê¤ò $CFLAGS ¤ä $LDFLAGS
- ¤ËÄɲ乤롥
+ ¥³¥Þ¥ó¥É¥é¥¤¥ó¾å¤Î--with-<target>-dir, --with-<target>-include,
+ --with-<target>-lib¤Î¤¤¤º¤ì¤«¤Ç»ØÄꤵ¤ì¤ë¥Ç¥£¥ì¥¯¥È¥ê¤ò
+ $CFLAGS ¤ä $LDFLAGS ¤ËÄɲ乤롥--with-<target>-dir=/path¤Ï
+ --with-<target>-include=/path/include --with-<target>-lib=/path/lib
+ ¤ÈÅù²Á¤Ç¤¢¤ë¡¥Äɲ䵤줿 include ¥Ç¥£¥ì¥¯¥È¥ê¤È lib ¥Ç¥£¥ì¥¯¥È¥ê¤Î
+ ÇÛÎó¤òÊÖ¤¹¡¥ ([include_dir, lib_dir])
* Local variables:
diff --git a/ b/
index fccedb2f99..9af1f15bb5 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -34,10 +34,10 @@ Ruby¤Ï¥Æ¥­¥¹¥È½èÍý´Ø·¸¤ÎǽÎϤʤɤËÍ¥¤ì¡¤Perl¤ÈƱ¤¸¤¯¤é¤¤¶¯ÎÏ
** CVS¤Ç
- $ cvs -d login
- (Logging in to
- CVS password: guest
- $ cvs -d checkout ruby
+ $ cvs -d login
+ (Logging in to
+ CVS password: anonymous
+ $ cvs -z4 -d checkout ruby
* ¥Û¡¼¥à¥Ú¡¼¥¸
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ Ruby¤Î¥Û¡¼¥à¥Ú¡¼¥¸¤ÎURL¤Ï
@@ -65,11 +65,12 @@ Ruby³«È¯¼Ô¸þ¤±¥á¡¼¥ê¥ó¥°¥ê¥¹¥È¤â¤¢¤ê¤Þ¤¹¡£¤³¤Á¤é¤Ç¤Ïruby¤Î¥Ð
@@ -78,13 +79,17 @@ Ruby³ÈÄ¥¥â¥¸¥å¡¼¥ë¤Ë¤Ä¤¤¤ÆÏ䷹礦ruby-ext¥á¡¼¥ê¥ó¥°¥ê¥¹¥È¤È
- 1. configure¤ò¼Â¹Ô¤·¤ÆMakefile¤Ê¤É¤òÀ¸À®¤¹¤ë
+ 1. ¤â¤·configure¥Õ¥¡¥¤¥ë¤¬¸«¤Ä¤«¤é¤Ê¤¤¡¢¤â¤·¤¯¤Ï
+ ¿·¤·¤¯configure¤òÀ¸À®¤¹¤ë
- 2. (ɬÍפʤé¤Ð)defines.h¤òÊÔ½¸¤¹¤ë
+ 2. configure¤ò¼Â¹Ô¤·¤ÆMakefile¤Ê¤É¤òÀ¸À®¤¹¤ë
+ 3. (ɬÍפʤé¤Ð)defines.h¤òÊÔ½¸¤¹¤ë
- 3. (ɬÍפʤé¤Ð)ext/Setup¤ËÀÅŪ¤Ë¥ê¥ó¥¯¤¹¤ë³ÈÄ¥¥â¥¸¥å¡¼¥ë¤ò
+ 4. (ɬÍפʤé¤Ð)ext/Setup¤ËÀÅŪ¤Ë¥ê¥ó¥¯¤¹¤ë³ÈÄ¥¥â¥¸¥å¡¼¥ë¤ò
@@ -95,14 +100,14 @@ Ruby³ÈÄ¥¥â¥¸¥å¡¼¥ë¤Ë¤Ä¤¤¤ÆÏ䷹礦ruby-ext¥á¡¼¥ê¥ó¥°¥ê¥¹¥È¤È
- 4. make¤ò¼Â¹Ô¤·¤Æ¥³¥ó¥Ñ¥¤¥ë¤¹¤ë
+ 5. make¤ò¼Â¹Ô¤·¤Æ¥³¥ó¥Ñ¥¤¥ë¤¹¤ë
- 5. make test¤Ç¥Æ¥¹¥È¤ò¹Ô¤¦¡¥
+ 6. make test¤Ç¥Æ¥¹¥È¤ò¹Ô¤¦¡¥
¡Ötest succeeded¡×¤Èɽ¼¨¤µ¤ì¤ì¤ÐÀ®¸ù¤Ç¤¹¡¥¤¿¤À¤·¥Æ¥¹¥È
- 6. make install
+ 7. make install
diff --git a/array.c b/array.c
index 638b392753..0b36460dbd 100644
--- a/array.c
+++ b/array.c
@@ -1171,7 +1171,7 @@ rb_ary_replace_m(ary, ary2)
return ary;
-static VALUE
VALUE ary;
@@ -1468,7 +1468,7 @@ rb_ary_and(ary1, ary2)
for (i=0; i<RARRAY(ary1)->len; i++) {
VALUE v = RARRAY(ary1)->ptr[i];
if (st_delete(RHASH(hash)->tbl, &v, 0)) {
- rb_ary_push(ary3, v);
+ rb_ary_push(ary3, RARRAY(ary1)->ptr[i]);
@@ -1490,13 +1490,13 @@ rb_ary_or(ary1, ary2)
for (i=0; i<RARRAY(ary1)->len; i++) {
v = RARRAY(ary1)->ptr[i];
if (st_delete(RHASH(hash)->tbl, &v, 0)) {
- rb_ary_push(ary3, v);
+ rb_ary_push(ary3, RARRAY(ary1)->ptr[i]);
for (i=0; i<RARRAY(ary2)->len; i++) {
v = RARRAY(ary2)->ptr[i];
if (st_delete(RHASH(hash)->tbl, &v, 0)) {
- rb_ary_push(ary3, v);
+ rb_ary_push(ary3, RARRAY(ary2)->ptr[i]);
@@ -1520,7 +1520,7 @@ rb_ary_uniq_bang(ary)
while (p < end) {
VALUE v = *p++;
if (st_delete(RHASH(hash)->tbl, &v, 0)) {
- *q++ = v;
+ *q++ = *(p-1);
RARRAY(ary)->len = (q - RARRAY(ary)->ptr);
@@ -1584,35 +1584,54 @@ rb_ary_nitems(ary)
return INT2NUM(n);
+static int
+flatten(ary, idx, ary2, memo)
+ VALUE ary;
+ long idx;
+ VALUE ary2, memo;
+ VALUE id;
+ long i = idx;
+ long n, lim = idx + RARRAY(ary2)->len;
+ id = rb_obj_id(ary2);
+ if (rb_ary_includes(memo, id)) {
+ rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "tried to flatten recursive array");
+ }
+ rb_ary_push(memo, id);
+ rb_ary_replace(ary, idx, 1, ary2);
+ while (i < lim) {
+ if (TYPE(RARRAY(ary)->ptr[i]) == T_ARRAY) {
+ n = flatten(ary, i, RARRAY(ary)->ptr[i], memo);
+ i += n; lim += n;
+ }
+ i++;
+ }
+ rb_ary_pop(memo);
+ return lim - idx - 1; /* returns number of increased items */
static VALUE
VALUE ary;
- long i;
+ long i = 0;
int mod = 0;
- VALUE flattening = Qnil;
+ VALUE memo = Qnil;
- for (i=0; i<RARRAY(ary)->len; i++) {
+ while (i<RARRAY(ary)->len) {
VALUE ary2 = RARRAY(ary)->ptr[i];
if (TYPE(ary2) == T_ARRAY) {
- if (ary == ary2) {
- ary2 = Qnil;
- } else {
- VALUE id;
- if (NIL_P(flattening)) {
- flattening = rb_ary_new();
- }
- id = rb_obj_id(ary2);
- if (rb_ary_includes(flattening, id)) {
- rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "tried to flatten recursive array");
- }
- rb_ary_push(flattening, id);
+ if (NIL_P(memo)) {
+ memo = rb_ary_new();
- rb_ary_replace(ary, i--, 1, ary2);
+ i += flatten(ary, i, ary2, memo);
mod = 1;
+ i++;
if (mod == 0) return Qnil;
return ary;
diff --git a/bignum.c b/bignum.c
index daf131b042..3159d143c7 100644
--- a/bignum.c
+++ b/bignum.c
@@ -209,6 +209,10 @@ rb_cstr2inum(str, base)
sign = 0;
+ if (str[0] == '+' || str[0] == '-') {
+ if (badcheck) goto bad;
+ return INT2FIX(0);
+ }
if (base == 0) {
if (str[0] == '0') {
if (str[1] == 'x' || str[1] == 'X') {
@@ -359,7 +363,7 @@ rb_big2str(x, base)
int base;
- VALUE t;
+ volatile VALUE t;
long i, j, hbase;
@@ -467,7 +471,7 @@ rb_big2long(x)
unsigned long num = big2ulong(x, "int");
- if ((long)num < 0) {
+ if ((long)num < 0 && (RBIGNUM(x)->sign || (long)num != LONG_MIN)) {
rb_raise(rb_eRangeError, "bignum too big to convert into `int'");
if (!RBIGNUM(x)->sign) return -(long)num;
@@ -831,8 +835,10 @@ bigdivrem(x, y, divp, modp)
t2 %= dd;
RBIGNUM(z)->sign = RBIGNUM(x)->sign==RBIGNUM(y)->sign;
- if (!RBIGNUM(x)->sign) t2 = -(long)t2;
- if (modp) *modp = rb_int2big((long)t2);
+ if (modp) {
+ *modp = rb_uint2big((unsigned long)t2);
+ RBIGNUM(*modp)->sign = RBIGNUM(x)->sign;
+ }
if (divp) *divp = z;
@@ -911,10 +917,10 @@ bigdivrem(x, y, divp, modp)
if (modp) { /* just normalize remainder */
*modp = rb_big_clone(z);
+ zds = BDIGITS(*modp);
+ while (ny-- && !zds[ny]); ++ny;
if (dd) {
- zds = BDIGITS(*modp);
- while (ny-- && !zds[ny]) ;
- t2 = 0; i = ++ny;
+ t2 = 0; i = ny;
while(i--) {
t2 = (t2 | zds[i]) >> dd;
q = zds[i];
diff --git a/class.c b/class.c
index 2eedb262dc..b5caf3082a 100644
--- a/class.c
+++ b/class.c
@@ -33,16 +33,6 @@ rb_class_new(super)
return (VALUE)klass;
- VALUE super;
- VALUE klass = rb_class_new(super);
- return klass;
static int
clone_method(mid, body, tbl)
ID mid;
@@ -54,6 +44,47 @@ clone_method(mid, body, tbl)
+ VALUE module;
+ NEWOBJ(clone, struct RClass);
+ CLONESETUP(clone, module);
+ clone->super = RCLASS(module)->super;
+ if (RCLASS(module)->iv_tbl) {
+ clone->iv_tbl = st_copy(RCLASS(module)->iv_tbl);
+ }
+ if (RCLASS(module)->m_tbl) {
+ clone->m_tbl = st_init_numtable();
+ st_foreach(RCLASS(module)->m_tbl, clone_method, clone->m_tbl);
+ }
+ return (VALUE)clone;
+ VALUE mod;
+ VALUE dup = rb_mod_clone(mod);
+ OBJSETUP(dup, RBASIC(mod)->klass, BUILTIN_TYPE(mod));
+ if (FL_TEST(mod, FL_SINGLETON)) {
+ }
+ return dup;
+ VALUE super;
+ VALUE klass = rb_class_new(super);
+ return klass;
VALUE klass;
@@ -67,6 +98,9 @@ rb_singleton_class_clone(klass)
clone->super = RCLASS(klass)->super;
clone->iv_tbl = 0;
clone->m_tbl = 0;
+ if (RCLASS(klass)->iv_tbl) {
+ clone->iv_tbl = st_copy(RCLASS(klass)->iv_tbl);
+ }
clone->m_tbl = st_init_numtable();
st_foreach(RCLASS(klass)->m_tbl, clone_method, clone->m_tbl);
@@ -78,8 +112,12 @@ void
rb_singleton_class_attached(klass, obj)
VALUE klass, obj;
- if (FL_TEST(klass, FL_SINGLETON))
- rb_iv_set(klass, "__attached__", obj);
+ if (FL_TEST(klass, FL_SINGLETON)) {
+ if (!RCLASS(klass)->iv_tbl) {
+ RCLASS(klass)->iv_tbl = st_init_numtable();
+ }
+ st_insert(RCLASS(klass)->iv_tbl, rb_intern("__attached__"), obj);
+ }
@@ -217,7 +255,12 @@ rb_include_module(klass, module)
VALUE klass, module;
+ int changed = 0;
+ rb_frozen_class_p(klass);
+ if (!OBJ_TAINTED(klass)) {
+ rb_secure(4);
+ }
if (NIL_P(module)) return;
if (klass == module) return;
@@ -238,16 +281,16 @@ rb_include_module(klass, module)
if (RCLASS(module)->super) {
rb_include_module(p, RCLASS(module)->super);
+ if (changed) rb_clear_cache();
- rb_frozen_class_p(klass);
- RCLASS(klass)->super =
- include_class_new(module, RCLASS(klass)->super);
+ RCLASS(klass)->super = include_class_new(module, RCLASS(klass)->super);
klass = RCLASS(klass)->super;
module = RCLASS(module)->super;
+ changed = 1;
- rb_clear_cache();
+ if (changed) rb_clear_cache();
diff --git a/ b/
index b24f492665..961a558fcb 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -27,7 +27,6 @@ fi
dnl checks for fat-binary
@@ -90,13 +89,13 @@ AC_CHECK_TOOL(AR, ar)
AC_CHECK_PROGS(AR, ar aal, ar)
case "$target_os" in
- cygwin*|mingw*)
- ;;
+ ;;
@@ -163,6 +162,14 @@ if test "$rb_cv_have_attr_noreturn" = yes; then
+dnl wheather link libc_r or not
+ [--with-libc_r link libc_r if possible (FreeBSD only)], [
+ case $withval in
+ yes) with_libc_r=yes;;
+ *) with_libc_r=no;;
+ esac], [with_libc_r=no])
dnl Checks for libraries.
case "$target_os" in
nextstep*) ;;
@@ -171,7 +178,8 @@ rhapsody*) ;;
darwin*) LIBS="-lobjc $LIBS";;
human*) ac_cv_func_getpgrp_void=yes;;
beos*) ;;
-cygwin*) rb_cv_have_daylight=no;;
+cygwin*) rb_cv_have_daylight=no
+ ac_cv_var_tzname=no;;
mingw*) LIBS="-lwsock32 -lmsvcrt $LIBS"
@@ -181,9 +189,12 @@ mingw*) LIBS="-lwsock32 -lmsvcrt $LIBS"
- ac_cv_func_times=yes;;
+ ac_cv_func_times=yes
+ ac_cv_func_waitpid=yes;;
os2_emx*) LIBS="-lm $LIBS"
+msdosdjgpp*) LIBS="-lm $LIBS"
+ ac_cv_func_getpgrp_void=yes;;
freebsd*) LIBS="-lm $LIBS"
AC_CACHE_CHECK([whether -lxpg4 has to be linked],
@@ -200,7 +211,38 @@ freebsd*) LIBS="-lm $LIBS"
if test "$rb_cv_lib_xpg4_needed" = yes; then
AC_CHECK_LIB(xpg4, setlocale)
+ if test "$with_libc_r" = yes; then
+ AC_CACHE_CHECK([whether libc_r is supplementary to libc],
+ rb_cv_supplementary_lib_c_r,
+#include <osreldate.h>
+#if 500016 <= __FreeBSD_version
+#error libc_r is supplementary to libc
+ ],
+ rb_cv_supplementary_lib_c_r=no,
+ rb_cv_supplementary_lib_c_r=yes,
+ rb_cv_supplementary_lib_c_r=yes)])
+ if test "$rb_cv_supplementary_lib_c_r" = yes; then
+ else
+ fi
+ fi
+linux*) LIBS="-lm $LIBS"
+ case "$target_cpu" in
+ alpha*)
+ CFLAGS="-mieee $CFLAGS" ;;
+ esac ;;
+osf*) LIBS="-lm $LIBS"
+ case "$target_cpu"::"$without_gcc" in
+ alpha*::no)
+ CFLAGS="-mieee $CFLAGS" ;;
+ alpha*::yes)
+ CFLAGS="-ieee $CFLAGS" ;;
+ esac ;;
*) LIBS="-lm $LIBS";;
AC_CHECK_LIB(crypt, crypt)
@@ -316,6 +358,7 @@ test $rb_cv_func_strtod = no && LIBOBJS="$LIBOBJS strtod.o"
AC_CACHE_CHECK(whether right shift preserve sign bit, rb_cv_rshift_sign,
@@ -380,7 +423,7 @@ AC_ARG_WITH(default-kcode,
-dnl wheather use dln_a_out ot not
+dnl wheather use dln_a_out or not
[--with-dln-a-out use dln_a_out if possible], [
case $withval in
@@ -452,7 +495,7 @@ if test "$with_dln_a_out" != yes; then
nextstep*) ;;
openstep*) ;;
rhapsody*) ;;
- darwin*) ;;
+ darwin*) CCDLFLAGS=-fno-common;;
human*) ;;
bsdi*) ;;
beos*) ;;
@@ -494,6 +537,8 @@ if test "$with_dln_a_out" != yes; then
sysv4*) LDSHARED='ld -G'
+ nto-qnx*) LDSHARED="qcc -shared"
+ rb_cv_dlopen=yes ;;
esix*|uxpds*) LDSHARED="ld -G"
rb_cv_dlopen=yes ;;
osf*) LDSHARED="$CC -shared"
@@ -757,6 +802,9 @@ if test "$enable_shared" = 'yes'; then
+ if test "$rb_cv_binary_elf" = yes; then
+ fi
case "$target_os" in
@@ -766,6 +814,7 @@ if test "$enable_shared" = 'yes'; then
if test "$rb_cv_binary_elf" != "yes" ; then
@@ -773,6 +822,7 @@ if test "$enable_shared" = 'yes'; then
if test "$rb_cv_binary_elf" = yes; then # ELF platforms
@@ -780,6 +830,9 @@ if test "$enable_shared" = 'yes'; then
LIBRUBY_ALIASES= # a.out platforms
+ openbsd*)
+ ;;
@@ -806,6 +859,12 @@ if test "$enable_shared" = 'yes'; then
+ darwin*)
+ LIBRUBY_LDSHARED='cc -dynamiclib -undefined suppress'
+ LIBRUBY_DLDFLAGS='-install_name lib$(RUBY_INSTALL_NAME).dylib -current_version $(MAJOR).$(MINOR).$(TEENY) -compatibility_version $(MAJOR).$(MINOR)'
+ ;;
@@ -828,9 +887,7 @@ case "$target_os" in
- if test "$without_gcc" = "no" ; then
- CFLAGS="$CFLAGS -ansi"
- else
+ if test "$without_gcc" = "yes" ; then
# compile something small: taint.c is fine for this.
# the main point is the '-v' flag of 'cc'.
case "`cc -v -I. -c main.c -o /tmp/main.o 2>&1`" in
@@ -893,6 +950,7 @@ AC_SUBST(LIBRUBYARG)
test "$program_prefix" != NONE &&
@@ -963,5 +1021,6 @@ fi
echo "creating config.h"
tr -d '\015' < confdefs.h > config.h
+: > confdefs.h
AC_OUTPUT($FIRSTMAKEFILE Makefile ext/extmk.rb)
diff --git a/cygwin/ b/cygwin/
index 76ce832a31..4fc628f4da 100644
--- a/cygwin/
+++ b/cygwin/
ifneq (,$(findstring no, $(ENABLE_SHARED)))
ifneq (,$(findstring ruby, $(RUBY_INSTALL_NAME)))
diff --git a/defines.h b/defines.h
index fefddee23b..e4ae64839e 100644
--- a/defines.h
+++ b/defines.h
@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@
-#if defined(DJGPP) || defined(__BOW__) || defined __CYGWIN__
+#if defined(DJGPP) || defined(__BOW__)
diff --git a/dir.c b/dir.c
index 37cf332cb5..187ae1896e 100644
--- a/dir.c
+++ b/dir.c
@@ -26,10 +26,10 @@
#include <unistd.h>
+#if defined HAVE_DIRENT_H && !defined NT
# include <dirent.h>
# define NAMLEN(dirent) strlen((dirent)->d_name)
+#elif defined HAVE_DIRECT_H && !defined NT
# include <direct.h>
# define NAMLEN(dirent) strlen((dirent)->d_name)
@@ -44,8 +44,8 @@
# include <ndir.h>
# endif
-# if defined(NT) && defined(_MSC_VER)
-# include "missing/dir.h"
+# if defined(NT)
+# include "win32/dir.h"
# endif
@@ -61,6 +61,10 @@ char *strchr _((char*,char));
#include <ctype.h>
+#ifndef HAVE_LSTAT
+#define lstat rb_sys_stat
#define FNM_NOESCAPE 0x01
#define FNM_PATHNAME 0x02
#define FNM_PERIOD 0x04
@@ -69,7 +73,7 @@ char *strchr _((char*,char));
#define FNM_NOMATCH 1
#define FNM_ERROR 2
-#define downcase(c) (nocase && isupper(c) ? tolower(c) : (c))
+#define downcase(c) (nocase && ISUPPER(c) ? tolower(c) : (c))
#if defined DOSISH
#define isdirsep(c) ((c) == '/' || (c) == '\\')
@@ -126,17 +130,18 @@ range(pat, test, flags)
return 0;
+#define ISDIRSEP(c) (pathname && isdirsep(c))
#define PERIOD(s) (period && *(s) == '.' && \
- ((s) == string || pathname && isdirsep(*(s))))
+ ((s) == string || ISDIRSEP((s)[-1])))
static int
fnmatch(pat, string, flags)
- char *pat;
- char *string;
+ const char *pat;
+ const char *string;
int flags;
int c;
int test;
- char *s = string;
+ const char *s = string;
int escape = !(flags & FNM_NOESCAPE);
int pathname = flags & FNM_PATHNAME;
int period = flags & FNM_PERIOD;
@@ -145,7 +150,7 @@ fnmatch(pat, string, flags)
while (c = *pat++) {
switch (c) {
case '?':
- if (!*s || pathname && isdirsep(*s) || PERIOD(s))
+ if (!*s || ISDIRSEP(*s) || PERIOD(s))
@@ -162,7 +167,7 @@ fnmatch(pat, string, flags)
return 0;
- else if (pathname && isdirsep(c)) {
+ else if (ISDIRSEP(c)) {
s = find_dirsep(s);
if (s)
@@ -176,14 +181,14 @@ fnmatch(pat, string, flags)
if ((c == '[' || downcase(*s) == test) &&
!fnmatch(pat, s, flags & ~FNM_PERIOD))
return 0;
- else if (pathname && isdirsep(*s))
+ else if (ISDIRSEP(*s))
case '[':
- if (!*s || pathname && isdirsep(*s) || PERIOD(s))
+ if (!*s || ISDIRSEP(*s) || PERIOD(s))
pat = range(pat, *s, flags);
if (!pat)
@@ -207,7 +212,7 @@ fnmatch(pat, string, flags)
#if defined DOSISH
- if (pathname && isdirsep(c) && isdirsep(*s))
+ if (ISDIRSEP(c) && isdirsep(*s))
@@ -490,12 +495,14 @@ dir_s_rmdir(obj, dir)
/* Return nonzero if S has any special globbing chars in it. */
static int
-has_magic(s, send)
+has_magic(s, send, flags)
char *s, *send;
+ int flags;
register char *p = s;
register char c;
int open = 0;
+ int escape = !(flags & FNM_NOESCAPE);
while ((c = *p++) != '\0') {
switch (c) {
@@ -512,7 +519,7 @@ has_magic(s, send)
case '\\':
- if (*p++ == '\0')
+ if (escape && *p++ == '\0')
return Qfalse;
@@ -531,7 +538,11 @@ extract_path(p, pend)
len = pend - p;
alloc = ALLOC_N(char, len+1);
memcpy(alloc, p, len);
- if (len > 1 && pend[-1] == '/') {
+ if (len > 1 && pend[-1] == '/'
+#if defined DOSISH
+ && pend[-2] != ':'
+ ) {
alloc[len-1] = 0;
else {
@@ -558,17 +569,17 @@ extract_elem(path)
-rb_glob_helper(path, flag, func, arg)
+rb_glob_helper(path, flags, func, arg)
char *path;
- int flag;
+ int flags;
void (*func)();
VALUE arg;
struct stat st;
char *p, *m;
- if (!has_magic(path, 0)) {
- if (stat(path, &st) == 0) {
+ if (!has_magic(path, 0, flags)) {
+ if (rb_sys_stat(path, &st) == 0) {
(*func)(path, arg);
@@ -578,7 +589,7 @@ rb_glob_helper(path, flag, func, arg)
while (p) {
if (*p == '/') p++;
m = strchr(p, '/');
- if (has_magic(p, m)) {
+ if (has_magic(p, m, flags)) {
char *dir, *base, *magic, *buf;
DIR *dirp;
struct dirent *dp;
@@ -598,15 +609,30 @@ rb_glob_helper(path, flag, func, arg)
recursive = 1;
buf = ALLOC_N(char, strlen(base)+strlen(m)+3);
sprintf(buf, "%s%s%s", base, (*base)?"":".", m);
- rb_glob_helper(buf, flag, func, arg);
+ rb_glob_helper(buf, flags, func, arg);
- dirp = opendir(dir);
- if (dirp == NULL) {
- free(base);
- break;
+ if (rb_sys_stat(dir, &st) < 0) {
+ free(base);
+ break;
+ if (S_ISDIR(st.st_mode)) {
+ dirp = opendir(dir);
+ if (dirp == NULL) {
+ free(base);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ free(base);
+ break;
+ }
+#if defined DOSISH
+#define BASE (*base && !((isdirsep(*base) && !base[1]) || (base[1] == ':' && isdirsep(base[2]) && !base[3])))
#define BASE (*base && !(*base == '/' && !base[1]))
for (dp = readdir(dirp); dp != NULL; dp = readdir(dirp)) {
if (recursive) {
@@ -614,11 +640,19 @@ rb_glob_helper(path, flag, func, arg)
buf = ALLOC_N(char, strlen(base)+NAMLEN(dp)+strlen(m)+6);
sprintf(buf, "%s%s%s/**%s", base, (BASE)?"/":"", dp->d_name, m);
- rb_glob_helper(buf, flag, func, arg);
+ sprintf(buf, "%s%s%s", base, (BASE)?"/":"", dp->d_name);
+ if (lstat(buf, &st) < 0) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (S_ISDIR(st.st_mode)) {
+ strcat(buf, "/**");
+ strcat(buf, m);
+ rb_glob_helper(buf, flags, func, arg);
+ }
- if (fnmatch(magic, dp->d_name, flag) == 0) {
+ if (fnmatch(magic, dp->d_name, flags) == 0) {
buf = ALLOC_N(char, strlen(base)+NAMLEN(dp)+2);
sprintf(buf, "%s%s%s", base, (BASE)?"/":"", dp->d_name);
if (!m) {
@@ -643,7 +677,7 @@ rb_glob_helper(path, flag, func, arg)
char *t = ALLOC_N(char, len+mlen+1);
sprintf(t, "%s%s", link->path, m);
- rb_glob_helper(t, flag, func, arg);
+ rb_glob_helper(t, flags, func, arg);
tmp = link;
@@ -662,7 +696,7 @@ rb_glob(path, func, arg)
void (*func)();
VALUE arg;
- rb_glob_helper(path, FNM_PERIOD|FNM_PATHNAME, func, arg);
+ rb_glob_helper(path, FNM_PERIOD, func, arg);
@@ -671,7 +705,7 @@ rb_iglob(path, func, arg)
void (*func)();
VALUE arg;
- rb_glob_helper(path, FNM_PERIOD|FNM_PATHNAME|FNM_NOCASE, func, arg);
+ rb_glob_helper(path, FNM_PERIOD|FNM_NOCASE, func, arg);
static void
@@ -679,7 +713,14 @@ push_pattern(path, ary)
char *path;
VALUE ary;
- rb_ary_push(ary, rb_tainted_str_new2(path));
+ VALUE str = rb_tainted_str_new2(path);
+ if (ary) {
+ rb_ary_push(ary, str);
+ }
+ else {
+ rb_yield(str);
+ }
static void
@@ -750,15 +791,19 @@ dir_s_glob(dir, str)
VALUE dir, str;
char *p, *pend;
- char buffer[MAXPATHLEN], *buf = buffer;
+ char buffer[MAXPATHLEN], *buf;
char *t;
int nest;
- VALUE ary;
+ VALUE ary = 0;
- ary = rb_ary_new();
+ if (!rb_block_given_p()) {
+ ary = rb_ary_new();
+ }
if (RSTRING(str)->len >= MAXPATHLEN)
buf = xmalloc(RSTRING(str)->len + 1);
+ else
+ buf = buffer;
p = RSTRING(str)->ptr;
pend = p + RSTRING(str)->len;
@@ -783,14 +828,6 @@ dir_s_glob(dir, str)
if (buf != buffer)
- if (rb_block_given_p()) {
- long len = RARRAY(ary)->len;
- VALUE *ptr = RARRAY(ary)->ptr;
- while (len--) {
- rb_yield(*ptr++);
- }
- }
return ary;
diff --git a/djgpp/config.status b/djgpp/config.status
deleted file mode 100644
index 7a10754d1d..0000000000
--- a/djgpp/config.status
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,77 +0,0 @@
-s%@LIBS@%-lm %g
-s%@CPP@%gcc -E%g
-s%@YACC@%bison -y%g
-s%@INSTALL_DATA@%${INSTALL} -m 644%g
-s%@LIBOBJS@% crypt.o flock.o vsnprintf.o%g
-;s%|| true%%
-;/\/dev\/null/ {
-;s,/dev/null 2>&1, nul,
-;s,2> /dev/null,,
-;/^config.status/ {
-; N;N;N;N;N;d
diff --git a/dln.c b/dln.c
index c843bee57b..a481d806ea 100644
--- a/dln.c
+++ b/dln.c
@@ -50,6 +50,10 @@ void *xrealloc();
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
+#ifndef S_ISDIR
+# define S_ISDIR(m) ((m & S_IFMT) == S_IFDIR)
# include <sys/param.h>
@@ -1166,7 +1170,7 @@ dln_strerror()
-#if defined(_AIX)
+#if defined(_AIX) && ! defined(_IA64)
static void
aix_loaderror(const char *pathname)
@@ -1214,7 +1218,7 @@ aix_loaderror(const char *pathname)
const char *file;
@@ -1234,23 +1238,21 @@ dln_load(file)
/* Load file */
if ((handle =
- printf("LoadLibraryExA: %s\n", winfile);
goto failed;
if ((init_fct = (void(*)())GetProcAddress(handle, buf)) == NULL) {
- printf("GetProcAddress %s\n", buf);
- goto failed;
+ rb_loaderror("%s - %s\n%s", dln_strerror(), buf, file);
/* Call the init code */
- return;
+ return handle;
#ifdef USE_DLN_A_OUT
if (load(file) == -1) {
goto failed;
- return;
+ return 0;
char buf[MAXPATHLEN];
@@ -1276,11 +1278,12 @@ dln_load(file)
if ((init_fct = (void(*)())dlsym(handle, buf)) == NULL) {
+ dlclose(handle);
goto failed;
/* Call the init code */
- return;
+ return handle;
#endif /* USE_DLN_DLOPEN */
@@ -1306,11 +1309,11 @@ dln_load(file)
- return;
+ return (void*)lib;
#endif /* hpux */
-#if defined(_AIX)
+#if defined(_AIX) && ! defined(_IA64)
void (*init_fct)();
@@ -1323,7 +1326,7 @@ dln_load(file)
- return;
+ return (void*)init_fct;
#endif /* _AIX */
@@ -1362,7 +1365,7 @@ dln_load(file)
init_fct = (void(*)())init_address;
- return;
+ return (void*)init_address;
#else/* OPENSTEP dyld functions */
@@ -1392,7 +1395,7 @@ dln_load(file)
init_fct = NSAddressOfSymbol(NSLookupAndBindSymbol(buf));
- return;
+ return (void*)init_fct;
#endif /* rld or dyld */
@@ -1440,7 +1443,7 @@ dln_load(file)
/* call module initialize function. */
- return;
+ return (void*)img_id;
#endif /* __BEOS__*/
@@ -1488,7 +1491,7 @@ dln_load(file)
init_fct = (void (*)())symAddr;
- return;
+ return (void*)init_fct;
#endif /* __MACOS__ */
@@ -1669,7 +1672,7 @@ dln_find_1(fname, path, exe_flag)
if (stat(fbuf, &st) == 0) {
if (exe_flag == 0) return fbuf;
/* looking for executable */
- if (eaccess(fbuf, X_OK) == 0) return fbuf;
+ if (!S_ISDIR(st.st_mode) && eaccess(fbuf, X_OK) == 0) return fbuf;
if (mac_fullpath = _macruby_exist_file_in_libdir_as_posix_name(fbuf)) {
diff --git a/dln.h b/dln.h
index 7e3ab9fabb..c29d3bd8e9 100644
--- a/dln.h
+++ b/dln.h
@@ -29,5 +29,5 @@ char *dln_find_file _((const char*,const char*));
extern char *dln_argv0;
-void dln_load _((const char*));
+void *dln_load _((const char*));
diff --git a/doc/NEWS b/doc/NEWS
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..703508ae2e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/NEWS
@@ -0,0 +1,285 @@
+Summary of the changes since 1.6.3:
+: Hash#replace
+ Fixed so the following code does not fail in core dump.
+ h = { 10 => 100, 20 => 200 }
+ h2 = { }
+ h.each { |k, v|
+ if (k == 10)
+ h.delete(10)
+ h2.replace(h) # => Abort core dumped
+ end
+ }
+: File::unlink
+ Changed to be forbidden under $SAFE >= 2.
+: ruby -T4
+ Fixed. ARGV is now properly marked as tainted so ruby -T4 no longer
+ fails in SecurityError.
+: Regexp
+ Fixed. Now \1 .. \9 always mean backreferences, and referring to
+ unclosed/unmatched parentheses always fails.
+: String taint infection
+ Fixed for the following cases. [ruby-dev:13340]
+ # []=
+ s1 = "abc"
+ s2 = "cde".taint
+ s1[0]= s2
+ p s1.tainted? # => false
+ # crypt
+ s = "abc".taint
+ p s.crypt("cd").tainted? # => false
+ # ljust
+ s = "abc".taint
+ p s.ljust(10).tainted? # => false
+ # rjust
+ s = "abc".taint
+ p s.rjust(10).tainted? # => false
+ # center
+ s = "abc".taint
+ p # => false
+ Now they will all be marked as tainted.
+: rb_yield_0()
+ Fixed so it adjusts a 1-element array when yielded from C API, as
+ well. Previously, the following code produced a wrong result:
+ class X
+ include Enumerable
+ def each(&block)
+ end
+ end
+ x =
+ p x.to_a #=> [[1], [2], [3]]
+ Now it properly produces [1, 2, 3].
+: $SAFE
+ Fixed so aliasing global valiables is disallowed under $SAFE = 4.
+ ((<ruby-dev:13287>))
+: Open3::popen3
+ Fixed to do exit! instead of exit so the dying process does not
+ invoke at_exit. ((<ruby-dev:13170>))
+: SizedQueue#pop
+ Fixed so the following code does not cause a dead lock.
+ ((<ruby-dev:13169>))
+ ruby -r thread -e 'q =; q.push(1);'
+ -e '{sleep 1; q.pop}; q.push(1);'
+: SizedQueue#max=
+ Fixed so it really works. ((<ruby-dev:13170>))
+: Queue
+: SizedQueue
+ Fixed to rescue ThreadError in case the thread is dead just before
+ calling Thread#run. ((<ruby-dev:13194>))
+: Array#&
+: Array#|
+: Array#uniq
+ Fixed so they do not freeze the elements. ((<ruby-list:29665>))
+ (%w(foo bar) & %w(foo baz))[0].upcase!
+ => -:1:in `upcase!': can't modify frozen string (TypeError)
+ %w(foo bar bar baz).uniq[0].upcase!
+ => -:1:in `upcase!': can't modify frozen string (TypeError)
+: shell.rb
+ shell.rb 0.6 is newly imported as a standard library, along with
+ documents.
+: forwardable.rb
+ forwardable.rb 1.1 is newly imported as a standard library, along with
+ documents.
+: irb & irb-tools
+ irb and irb-tolls are updated to 0.7.4 and 0.7.1, respectively.
+: Daylight saving time
+ Fixed so it is handled correctly. [ruby-bugs-ja (PR#46)]
+ env TZ=America/Managua ruby -e 'p Time.local(1998,12,1,0,59,59)'
+ => Mon Nov 30 01:59:59 EST 1998
+ env TZ=America/Managua ruby -e 'p Time.local(1998,12,1,0,59,59).tv_sec'
+ => 912409199
+ Support SIGINFO of 4.4BSD. [ruby-bugs-ja (PR#45)]
+: Modifier rescue
+ Fixed so the following code does not emit a parse error any more.
+ ((<ruby-dev:13073>)), ((<ruby-dev:13292>))
+ raise "" rescue []
+ raise "" rescue (p "foo"; true)
+ raise "" rescue -1
+ raise "" rescue (-1)
+: Thread
+ Fixed so the following code does not cause a dead lock any more.
+ Thread.start { Thread.stop }
+ sleep
+ => deadlock 0x40199b58: 2:0 - -:1
+ deadlock 0x401a2528: 2:4 (main) - -:2
+ -:2:in `sleep': Thread: deadlock (fatal)
+ from -:2
+ ruby 1.6.3 (2001-03-19) [i586-linux]
+: Module#const_defined?
+: Module#const_get
+: Module#const_set
+ Fixed so they do not access to anything other than constants.
+ ((<ruby-dev:13019>))
+: Marshal.dump
+ Improved so it dumps Float with better precision: "%.12g" -> "%.16g"
+ ((<ruby-list:29349>))
+: Fixnum#[]
+ Fixed a bug on the platforms which sizeof(long) > sizeof(int).
+: Regular Expression
+ Fixed a couple of minor bugs. ((<ruby-talk:13658>)), ((<ruby-talk:13744>))
+: retry
+ Fixed so the following code works correctly again. ((<ruby-talk:13957>))
+ def WHILE(cond)
+ return if not cond
+ yield
+ retry
+ end
+ i=0
+ WHILE(i<3) {
+ print i
+ i+=1
+ }
+ ruby 1.6.2 (2000-12-25) [i586-linux]
+ => 012
+ ruby 1.6.3 (2001-03-19) [i586-linux]
+ => 0
+ ruby 1.6.4 (2001-05-02) [i586-linux]
+ => 012
+: ((<File::Stat>))#size
+ Fixed to return a correct value for files larger than 1G bytes.
+"/tmp/1GB", "w") {|f|
+**30-1, 0)
+ f.puts
+ f.flush
+ p f.stat.size
+ }
+ # => ruby 1.6.3 (2001-04-03) [i586-linux]
+ -1073741824
+ # => ruby 1.6.4 (2001-04-19) [i586-linux]
+ 1073741824
+: ((<Float>))#modulo, ((<Float>))#divmod
+ Fixed. ((<ruby-dev:12718>))
+: ((<ObjectSpace>))#_id2ref
+ Fixed so it does not raise a exception.
+: recursive malloc problem
+ Fixed by preallocating a buffer for stdio using setvbuf().
+ ((<ruby-dev:12795>))
+: ((<File>))#flock
+ Fixed so it does not raise Errno::EACCES when the file to flock is
+ already locked. (only applicable to the platforms which lack
+ flock())
+: ((<File::Stat>)).new(filename)
+ Added. ((<ruby-dev:12803>))
+: ((<Bignum>))#% miscalculation
+ (Re-)Fixed.
+ a = 677330545177305025495135714080
+ b = 14269972710765292560
+ p a % b #=> 0
+ p -a % b #=>
+ => ruby 1.6.3 (2001-04-02) [i386-cygwin]
+ 0
+ 14269972710765292560
+ => ruby 1.6.4 (2001-04-19) [i586-linux]
+ 0
+ 0
+: ((<Marshal>))
+ Fixed so a Bignum is properly restored through dump & load.
+: Universal Naming Convention(UNC) support (win32)
+ Added. Now the UNC form (//host/share) is supported. Use slash
+ (`(({/}))') instead of backslash (`(({\}))') for separating
+ components.
+: ((<Dir>)).glob (win32)
+ Fixed so it works for the current directory as well.
+ p Dir["./*.c"]
+ => []
diff --git a/doc/forwardable.rd b/doc/forwardable.rd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7272c374b6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/forwardable.rd
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+ -- forwardable.rb
+ $Release Version: 1.1 $
+ $Revision$
+ $Date$
+ Original version by Tosh
+= Forwardable
+A Module to define delegations for selected methods to a class.
+== Usage
+Using through extending the class.
+ class Foo
+ extend Forwardable
+ def_delegators("@out", "printf", "print")
+ def_delegators(:@in, :gets)
+ def_delegator(:@contents, :[], "content_at")
+ end
+ f =
+ f.printf ...
+ f.gets
+ f.content_at(1)
+== Methods
+--- Forwardable#def_instance_delegators(accessor, *methods)
+ adding the delegations for each method of ((|methods|)) to
+ ((|accessor|)).
+--- Forwardable#def_instance_delegator(accessor, method, ali = method)
+ adding the delegation for ((|method|)) to ((|accessor|)). When
+ you give optional argument ((|ali|)), ((|ali|)) is used as the
+ name of the delegation method, instead of ((|method|)).
+--- Forwardable#def_delegators(accessor, *methods)
+ the alias of ((|Forwardable#def_instance_delegators|)).
+--- Forwardable#def_delegator(accessor, method, ali = method)
+ the alias of ((|Forwardable#def_instance_delegator|)).
+= SingleForwardable
+a Module to define delegations for selected methods to an object.
+== Usage
+Using through extending the object.
+ g =
+ g.extend SingleForwardable
+ g.def_delegator("@out", :puts)
+ g.puts ...
+== Methods
+--- SingleForwardable#def_singleton_delegators(accessor, *methods)
+ adding the delegations for each method of ((|methods|)) to
+ ((|accessor|)).
+--- SingleForwardable#def_singleton_delegator(accessor, method, ali = method)
+ adding the delegation for ((|method|)) to ((|accessor|)). When
+ you give optional argument ((|ali|)), ((|ali|)) is used as the
+ name of the delegation method, instead of ((|method|)).
+--- SingleForwardable#def_delegators(accessor, *methods)
+ the alias of ((|SingleForwardable#def_instance_delegators|)).
+--- SingleForwardable#def_delegator(accessor, method, ali = method)
+ the alias of ((|SingleForwardable#def_instance_delegator|)).
diff --git a/doc/ b/doc/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d928fddc5e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+ -- forwatable.rb
+ $Release Version: 1.1 $
+ $Revision$
+ $Date$
+= Forwardable
+== »È¤¤Êý
+ class Foo
+ extend Forwardable
+ def_delegators("@out", "printf", "print")
+ def_delegators(:@in, :gets)
+ def_delegator(:@contents, :[], "content_at")
+ end
+ f =
+ f.printf ...
+ f.gets
+ f.content_at(1)
+== ¥á¥½¥Ã¥É
+--- Forwardable#def_instance_delegators(accessor, *methods)
+ ((|methods|))¤ÇÅϤµ¤ì¤¿¥á¥½¥Ã¥É¤Î¥ê¥¹¥È¤ò((|accessor¤Ë|))°Ñ¾ù¤¹¤ë
+ ¤è¤¦¤Ë¤·¤Þ¤¹.
+--- Forwardable#def_instance_delegator(accessor, method, ali = method)
+ ((||method|))¤ÇÅϤµ¤ì¤¿¥á¥½¥Ã¥É¤ò((|accessor|))¤Ë°Ñ¾ù¤¹¤ë¤è¤¦¤Ë¤·
+ ¤Þ¤¹. ((|ali|))¤¬°ú¿ô¤È¤·¤ÆÅϤµ¤ì¤¿¤È¤­¤Ï, ¥á¥½¥Ã¥É((|ali|))¤¬¸Æ¤Ð
+ ¤ì¤¿¤È¤­¤Ë¤Ï, ((|accessor|))¤ËÂФ·((|method|))¤ò¸Æ¤Ó½Ð¤·¤Þ¤¹.
+--- Forwardable#def_delegators(accessor, *methods)
+ ((|Forwardable#def_instance_delegators|))¤ÎÊÌ̾¤Ç¤¹.
+--- Forwardable#def_delegator(accessor, method, ali = method)
+ ((|Forwardable#def_instance_delegator|))¤ÎÊÌ̾¤Ç¤¹.
+= SingleForwardable
+¥ª¥Ö¥¸¥§¥¯¥È¤ËÂФ·, ¥á¥½¥Ã¥É¤Î°Ñ¾ùµ¡Ç½¤òÄêµÁ¤·¤Þ¤¹.
+== »È¤¤Êý
+ g =
+ g.extend SingleForwardable
+ g.def_delegator("@out", :puts)
+ g.puts ...
+== ¥á¥½¥Ã¥É
+--- SingleForwardable#def_singleton_delegators(accessor, *methods)
+ ((|methods|))¤ÇÅϤµ¤ì¤¿¥á¥½¥Ã¥É¤Î¥ê¥¹¥È¤ò((|accessor|))¤Ë°Ñ¾ù¤¹¤ë
+ ¤è¤¦¤Ë¤·¤Þ¤¹.
+--- SingleForwardable#def_singleton_delegator(accessor, method, ali = method)
+ ((|method|))¤ÇÅϤµ¤ì¤¿¥á¥½¥Ã¥É¤ò((|accessor|))¤Ë°Ñ¾ù¤¹¤ë¤è¤¦¤Ë¤·¤Þ
+ ¤¹. ((|ali|))¤¬°ú¿ô¤È¤·¤ÆÅϤµ¤ì¤¿¤È¤­¤Ï, ¥á¥½¥Ã¥É((|ali|))¤¬¸Æ¤Ð¤ì
+ ¤¿¤È¤­¤Ë¤Ï, ((|accessor|))¤ËÂФ·((|method|))¤ò¸Æ¤Ó½Ð¤·¤Þ¤¹.
+--- SingleForwardable#def_delegators(accessor, *methods)
+ ((|SingleForwardable#def_singleton_delegators|))¤ÎÊÌ̾¤Ç¤¹.
+--- SingleForwardable#def_delegator(accessor, method, ali = method)
+ ((|SingleForwardable#def_singleton_delegator|))¤ÎÊÌ̾¤Ç¤¹.
diff --git a/doc/irb/ b/doc/irb/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..64d9ab29c8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/irb/
@@ -0,0 +1,185 @@
+ $Release Version: 0.7.1 $
+ $Revision$
+ $Date$
+ by Keiju ISHITSUKA(Nihon Rational Co.,Ltd.)
+* rtags -- ruby tags command
+* xmp -- irb version of gotoken xmp-function
+* frame.rb -- frame tracer
+* completion.rb -- irb completor
+= rtags
+rtags¤ÏemacsµÚ¤ÓviÍѤÎ, TAG¥Õ¥¡¥¤¥ë¤ò¤Ä¤¯¤ë¥³¥Þ¥ó¥É¤Ç¤¹.
+== »È¤¤Êý
+ rtags [-vi] file....
+¥«¥ì¥ó¥È¥Ç¥£¥ì¥¯¥È¥ê¤ËemacsÍѤÎTAGS¥Õ¥¡¥¤¥ë¤¬¤Ç¤­¤Þ¤¹. -vi¥ª¥×¥·¥ç¥ó¤ò
+emacs¤Î¾ì¹ç, Ä̾ï¤Îetags.el¤¬¤½¤Î¤Þ¤Þ»È¤¨¤Þ¤¹. ¸¡º÷²Äǽ¤Ê¤Î¤Ï,
+* ¥¯¥é¥¹
+* ¥á¥½¥Ã¥É
+* Æðۥ᥽¥Ã¥É
+* alias
+* attr¤ÇÀë¸À¤µ¤ì¤¿¥¢¥¯¥»¥µ(¥Ñ¥é¥á¡¼¥¿¤¬¥·¥ó¥Ü¥ë¤«Ê¸»úÎó¥ê¥Æ¥é¥ë¤Ë¸Â¤ë)
+* attr_XXX¤ÇÀë¸À¤µ¤ì¤¿¥¢¥¯¥»¥µ(¥Ñ¥é¥á¡¼¥¿¤¬¥·¥ó¥Ü¥ë¤«Ê¸»úÎó¥ê¥Æ¥é¥ë¤Ë¸Â¤ë)
+C¤Ê¤É¤Ç»È¤Ã¤Æ¤¤¤ë¤Î¤È°ã¤¦¤Î¤Ï, ¥³¥ó¥×¥ê¡¼¥·¥ç¥ó¤Ë´Ø¤¹¤ëÉôʬ¤Ç,
+ ´Ø¿ô̾(
+ ::¥¯¥é¥¹Ì¾::....::¥¯¥é¥¹Ì¾
+ ::¥¯¥é¥¹Ì¾::....::¥¯¥é¥¹Ì¾#¥á¥½¥Ã¥É̾
+ ::¥¯¥é¥¹Ì¾::....::¥¯¥é¥¹Ì¾.¥á¥½¥Ã¥É̾
+= xmp.rb
+¤´¤È¤±¤óxmp¤Î¾å°Ì¸ß´¹¥Ð¡¼¥¸¥ç¥ó¤Ç¤¹. ¤¿¤À, Èó¾ï¤Ë½Å¤¤¤Î¤Ç¤´¤È¤±¤óxmp¤Ç
+¤ÏÂбþ¤Ç¤­¤Ê¤¤»þ¤Ë, »ÈÍѤ¹¤ë¤ÈÎɤ¤¤Ç¤·¤ç¤¦.
+== »È¤¤Êý
+=== ´Ø¿ô¤È¤·¤Æ»È¤¦.
+ require "irb/xmp"
+ xmp <<END
+ foo = 1
+ foo
+ ---
+ foo = 1
+ ==>1
+ foo
+ ==>1
+=== XMP¥¤¥ó¥¹¥¿¥ó¥¹¤òÍѤ¤¤ë.
+¤³¤Î¾ì¹ç¤Ï, XMP¤¬¥³¥ó¥Æ¥­¥¹¥È¾ðÊó¤ò»ý¤Ä¤Î¤Ç, ÊÑ¿ô¤ÎÃͤʤɤòÊÝ»ý¤·¤Æ¤¤
+ require "irb/xmp"
+ xmp =
+ xmp.puts <<END
+ foo = 1
+ foo
+ xmp.puts <<END
+ foo
+ ===
+ foo = 1
+ ==>1
+ foo
+ ==>1
+ foo
+ ==>1
+== ¥³¥ó¥Æ¥­¥¹¥È¤Ë´Ø¤·¤Æ
+XMP¥á¥½¥Ã¥É·²¤Î¥³¥ó¥Æ¥­¥¹¥È¤Ï, ¸Æ¤Ó½Ð¤¹Á°¤Î¥³¥ó¥Æ¥­¥¹¥È¤Çɾ²Á¤µ¤ì¤Þ¤¹.
+ xmp "foo", an_binding
+= frame.rb
+* = 0)
+ ¾å¤«¤énÈÖÌܤΥ³¥ó¥Æ¥­¥¹¥È¤ò¼è¤ê½Ð¤·¤Þ¤¹. n¤Ï0¤¬ºÇ¾å°Ì¤Ë¤Ê¤ê¤Þ¤¹.
+* IRB::Frame.bottom(n = 0)
+ ²¼¤«¤énÈÖÌܤΥ³¥ó¥Æ¥­¥¹¥È¤ò¼è¤ê½Ð¤·¤Þ¤¹. n¤Ï0¤¬ºÇ²¼°Ì¤Ë¤Ê¤ê¤Þ¤¹.
+* IRB::Frame.sender
+ ¥»¥ó¥À¤Ë¤Ê¤Ã¤Æ¤¤¤ë¥ª¥Ö¥¸¥§¥¯¥È¤ò¼è¤ê½Ð¤·¤Þ¤¹. ¥»¥ó¥À¤È¤Ï, ¤½¤Î¥á¥½¥Ã
+ ¥É¤ò¸Æ¤Ó½Ð¤·¤¿Â¦¤Îself¤Î¤³¤È¤Ç¤¹.
+set_trace_func¤òÍѤ¤¤ÆRuby¤Î¼Â¹Ô¤ò¥È¥ì¡¼¥¹¤·¤Æ¤¤¤Þ¤¹. ¥Þ¥ë¥Á¥¹¥ì¥Ã¥É¤Ë
+= completion.rb
+== »È¤¤Êý
+ % irb -r irb/completion
+¤È¤¹¤ë¤«, ~/.irbrc Ãæ¤Ë
+ require "irb/completion"
+¤òÆþ¤ì¤Æ¤¯¤À¤µ¤¤. irb¼Â¹ÔÃæ¤Ë require "irb/completion" ¤·¤Æ¤â¤è¤¤¤Ç¤¹.
+irb¼Â¹ÔÃæ¤Ë (TAB) ¤ò²¡¤¹¤È¥³¥ó¥×¥ì¡¼¥·¥ç¥ó¤·¤Þ¤¹.
+¥È¥Ã¥×¥ì¥Ù¥ë¤Ç(TAB)¤ò²¡¤¹¤È¤¹¤Ù¤Æ¤Î¹½Ê¸Í×ÁÇ, ¥¯¥é¥¹, ¥á¥½¥Ã¥É¤Î¸õÊ䤬¤Ç
+¤Þ¤¹. ¸õÊ䤬ͣ°ì¤Ê¤é¤Ð´°Á´¤ËÊä´°¤·¤Þ¤¹.
+ irb(main):001:0> in
+ in inspect instance_eval
+ include install_alias_method instance_of?
+ initialize install_aliases instance_variables
+ irb(main):001:0> inspect
+ "main"
+ irb(main):002:0> foo =
+ #<Object:0x4027146c>
+ ((|ÊÑ¿ô̾.|))¤Î¸å¤Ë(TAB)¤ò²¡¤¹¤È, ¤½¤Î¥ª¥Ö¥¸¥§¥¯¥È¤Î¥á¥½¥Ã¥É°ìÍ÷¤¬¤Ç¤Þ
+ ¤¹.
+ irb(main):003:0> foo.
+ foo.== foo.frozen? foo.protected_methods
+ foo.=== foo.hash foo.public_methods
+ foo.=~ foo.respond_to?
+ foo.__id__ foo.inspect foo.send
+ foo.__send__ foo.instance_eval foo.singleton_methods
+ foo.class foo.instance_of? foo.taint
+ foo.clone foo.instance_variables foo.tainted?
+ foo.display foo.is_a? foo.to_a
+ foo.dup foo.kind_of? foo.to_s
+ foo.eql? foo.method foo.type
+ foo.equal? foo.methods foo.untaint
+ foo.extend foo.nil?
+ foo.freeze foo.private_methods
+% Begin Emacs Environment
+% Local Variables:
+% mode: text
+% comment-column: 0
+% comment-start: "%"
+% comment-end: "\n"
+% End:
diff --git a/doc/irb/irb.rd b/doc/irb/irb.rd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a1daa1ed6b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/irb/irb.rd
@@ -0,0 +1,377 @@
+irb -- interactive ruby
+ $Release Version: 0.5 $
+ $Revision$
+ $Date$
+ by Keiju ISHITSUKA(
+ translate from japanese by gotoken-san
+= What is irb?
+irb stands for `interactive ruby'. irb is a tool to execute interactively
+ruby expressions read from stdin.
+= Invoking
+ % ruby -r irb -e0
+ % irb
+Either of the aboves. In the former style, options can be specified
+as follows:
+ % ruby -r irb -e0 -- -v
+= Usage
+Use of irb is easy if you know ruby. Executing irb, prompts are
+displayed as follows. Then, enter expression of ruby. A input is
+executed when it is syntacticaly completed.
+ dim% irb
+ irb(main):001:0> 1+2
+ 3
+ irb(main):002:0> class Foo
+ irb(main):003:1> def foo
+ irb(main):004:2> print 1
+ irb(main):005:2> end
+ irb(main):006:1> end
+ nil
+ irb(main):007:0>
+And, Readline extesion module can be used with irb. Using Readline
+is the standard default action if Readline is installed.
+= Command line option
+ irb.rb [options] file_name opts
+ options:
+ -f suppress read ~/.irbrc
+ -m bc mode (fraction or matrix are available)
+ -d set $DEBUG to true (same as `ruby -d')
+ -r load-module same as `ruby -r'
+ --inspect uses `inspect' for output (the default except bc mode)
+ --noinspect doesn't uses inspect for output
+ --readline uses Readline extension module
+ --noreadline doesn't use Readline extension module
+ --prompt prompt-mode
+ --prompt-mode prompt-mode
+ switches prompt mode. Pre-defined prompt modes are
+ `default', `simple', `xmp' and `inf-ruby'
+ --inf-ruby-mode uses prompt appreciate for inf-ruby-mode on emacs.
+ Suppresses --readline.
+ --simple-prompt simple prompt mode
+ --noprompt no prompt
+ --tracer display trace for each execution of commands.
+ --back-trace-limit n
+ displayes backtrace top n and tail n. The default
+ value is 16.
+ --irb_debug n sets internal debug level to n (It shouldn't be used)
+ -v, --version prints the version of irb
+= Configurations
+irb reads `~/.irbrc' when it is invoked. If `~/.irbrb' doesn't exist
+irb try to read in the order `.irbrc', `irb.rc', `_irbrc' then `$irbrc'.
+The following is altanative to the command line option. To use them
+type as follows in an irb session.
+ IRB.conf[:IRB_NAME]="irb"
+ IRB.conf[:MATH_MODE]=false
+ IRB.conf[:USE_TRACER]=false
+ IRB.conf[:USE_LOADER]=false
+ IRB.conf[:IGNORE_SIGINT]=true
+ IRB.conf[:IGNORE_EOF]=false
+ IRB.conf[:INSPECT_MODE]=nil
+ IRB.conf[:IRB_RC] = nil
+ IRB.conf[:USE_LOADER] = false
+ IRB.conf[:USE_READLINE] = nil
+ IRB.conf[:USE_TRACER] = false
+ IRB.conf[:IGNORE_SIGINT] = true
+ IRB.conf[:IGNORE_EOF] = false
+ IRB.conf[:PROMPT] = {...}
+ IRB.conf[:DEBUG_LEVEL]=0
+ IRB.conf[:VERBOSE]=true
+== Customizing prompt
+To costomize the prompt you set a variable
+ IRB.conf[:PROMPT]
+For example, describe as follows in `.irbrc'.
+ IRB.conf[:PROMPT][:MY_PROMPT] = { # name of prompt mode
+ :PROMPT_I => nil, # normal prompt
+ :PROMPT_S => nil, # prompt for continuated strings
+ :PROMPT_C => nil, # prompt for continuated statement
+ :RETURN => " ==>%s\n" # format to return value
+ }
+Then, invoke irb with the above prompt mode by
+ % irb --prompt my-prompt
+Or add the following in `.irbrc'.
+Constants PROMPT_I, PROMPT_S and PROMPT_C specifies the format.
+In the prompt specification, some special strings are available.
+ %N command name which is running
+ %m to_s of main object (self)
+ %M inspect of main object (self)
+ %l type of string(", ', /, ]), `]' is inner %w[...]
+ %NNi indent level. NN is degits and means as same as printf("%NNd").
+ It can be ommited
+ %NNn line number.
+ %% %
+For instance, the default prompt mode is defined as follows:
+ :PROMPT_I => "%N(%m):%03n:%i> ",
+ :PROMPT_S => "%N(%m):%03n:%i%l ",
+ :PROMPT_C => "%N(%m):%03n:%i* ",
+ :RETURN => "%s\n"
+RETURN is used to printf.
+== Configurating subirb
+The command line option or IRB.conf specify the default behavior of
+(sub)irb. On the other hand, each conf of in the next sction `6. Command'
+is used to individually configurate (sub)irb.
+If proc is set to IRB.conf[:IRB_RC], its subirb will be invoked after
+execution of that proc under giving the context of irb as its
+aregument. By this mechanism each subirb can be configurated.
+= Command
+For irb commands, both simple name and `irb_'-prefixed name are prepared.
+--- exit, quit, irb_exit
+ Quits (sub)irb.
+ if you've done cb (see below), exit from the binding mode.
+--- conf, irb_context
+ Displays current configuration. Modifing the configuration is
+ achieved by sending message to `conf'.
+--- conf.back_trace_limit
+ Sets display lines of backtrace as top n and tail n.
+ The default value is 16.
+--- conf.debug_level = N
+ Sets debug level of irb.
+--- conf.ignore_eof = true/false
+ Whether ^D (control-d) will be ignored or not.
+ If false is set, ^D means quit.
+--- conf.ignore_sigint= true/false
+ Whether ^C (control-c) will be ignored or not.
+ If false is set, ^D means quit. If true,
+ during input: cancel inputing then return to top level.
+ during execute: abondon current execution.
+--- conf.inf_ruby_mode = true/false
+ Whether inf-ruby-mode or not. The default value is false.
+--- conf.inspect_mode = true/false/nil
+ Specifies inspect mode.
+ true: display inspect
+ false: display to_s
+ nil: inspect mode in non math mode,
+ non inspect mode in math mode.
+--- conf.irb_level
+ The level of cb.
+--- conf.math_mode
+ Whether bc mode or not.
+--- conf.use_loader = true/false
+ Whether irb's own file reader method is used when load/require or not.
+ This mode is globaly affected (irb wide).
+--- conf.prompt_c
+ prompt for a continuating statement (e.g, immediately after of `if')
+--- conf.prompt_i
+ standard prompt
+--- conf.prompt_s
+ prompt for a continuating string
+--- conf.rc
+ Whether ~/.irbrc is read or not.
+--- conf.use_prompt = true/false
+ Prompting or not.
+--- conf.use_readline = true/false/nil
+ Whether readline is used or not.
+ true: uses
+ false: doen't use
+ nil: intends to use readline except for inf-reuby-mode (default)
+--- conf.verbose=T/F
+ Whether verbose messages are display or not.
+--- cb, irb_change_binding [obj]
+ Enter new binding which has a distinct scope of local variables.
+ If obj is given, obj will be self.
+--- irb [obj]
+ Invoke subirb. If obj is given, obj will be self.
+--- jobs, irb_jobs
+ List of subirb
+--- fg n, irb_fg n
+ Switch into specified subirb. The following is candidates of n:
+ irb number
+ thhread
+ irb object
+ self(obj which is specified of irb obj)
+--- kill n, irb_kill n
+ Kill subirb. The means of n is as same as the case of irb_fg.
+= System variable
+ _ The latest value of evaluation (it is local)
+= Session Example
+ dim% ruby irb.rb
+ irb(main):001:0> irb # invoke subirb
+ irb#1(main):001:0> jobs # list of subirbs
+ #0->irb on main (#<Thread:0x400fb7e4> : stop)
+ #1->irb#1 on main (#<Thread:0x40125d64> : running)
+ nil
+ irb#1(main):002:0> fg 0 # switch job
+ nil
+ irb(main):002:0> class Foo;end
+ nil
+ irb(main):003:0> irb Foo # invoke subirb which has the
+ # context of Foo
+ irb#2(Foo):001:0> def foo # define Foo#foo
+ irb#2(Foo):002:1> print 1
+ irb#2(Foo):003:1> end
+ nil
+ irb#2(Foo):004:0> fg 0 # switch job
+ nil
+ irb(main):004:0> jobs # list of job
+ #0->irb on main (#<Thread:0x400fb7e4> : running)
+ #1->irb#1 on main (#<Thread:0x40125d64> : stop)
+ #2->irb#2 on Foo (#<Thread:0x4011d54c> : stop)
+ nil
+ irb(main):005:0> Foo.instance_methods # Foo#foo is defined asurely
+ ["foo"]
+ irb(main):006:0> fg 2 # switch job
+ nil
+ irb#2(Foo):005:0> def bar # define Foo#bar
+ irb#2(Foo):006:1> print "bar"
+ irb#2(Foo):007:1> end
+ nil
+ irb#2(Foo):010:0> Foo.instance_methods
+ ["bar", "foo"]
+ irb#2(Foo):011:0> fg 0
+ nil
+ irb(main):007:0> f =
+ #<Foo:0x4010af3c>
+ irb(main):008:0> irb f # invoke subirb which has the
+ # context of f (instance of Foo)
+ irb#3(#<Foo:0x4010af3c>):001:0> jobs
+ #0->irb on main (#<Thread:0x400fb7e4> : stop)
+ #1->irb#1 on main (#<Thread:0x40125d64> : stop)
+ #2->irb#2 on Foo (#<Thread:0x4011d54c> : stop)
+ #3->irb#3 on #<Foo:0x4010af3c> (#<Thread:0x4010a1e0> : running)
+ nil
+ irb#3(#<Foo:0x4010af3c>):002:0> foo # evaluate
+ 1nil
+ irb#3(#<Foo:0x4010af3c>):003:0> bar # evaluate
+ barnil
+ irb#3(#<Foo:0x4010af3c>):004:0> kill 1, 2, 3# kill job
+ nil
+ irb(main):009:0> jobs
+ #0->irb on main (#<Thread:0x400fb7e4> : running)
+ nil
+ irb(main):010:0> exit # exit
+ dim%
+= Restrictions
+Because irb evaluates the inputs immediately after the imput is
+syntactically completed, irb gives slight different result than
+directly use ruby. Known difference is pointed out here.
+== Declaration of the local variable
+The following causes an error in ruby:
+ eval "foo = 0"
+ foo
+ --
+ -:2: undefined local variable or method `foo' for #<Object:0x40283118> (NameError)
+ ---
+ NameError
+Though, the above will successfully done by irb.
+ >> eval "foo = 0"
+ => 0
+ >> foo
+ => 0
+Ruby evaluates a code after reading entire of code and determination
+of the scope of local variables. On the other hand, irb do
+immediately. More precisely, irb evaluate at first
+ evel "foo = 0"
+then foo is defined on this timing. It is because of this
+If you'd like to detect those differences, begin...end can be used:
+ >> begin
+ ?> eval "foo = 0"
+ >> foo
+ >> end
+ NameError: undefined local variable or method `foo' for #<Object:0x4013d0f0>
+ (irb):3
+ (irb_local_binding):1:in `eval'
+== Here-document
+Implementation of Here-document is incomplete.
+== Symbol
+Irb can not always recognize a symbol as to be Symbol. Concretely, an
+expression have completed, however Irb regard it as continuation line.
+% Begin Emacs Environment
+% Local Variables:
+% mode: text
+% comment-column: 0
+% comment-start: "%"
+% comment-end: "\n"
+% End:
diff --git a/doc/irb/ b/doc/irb/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5068f4536f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/irb/
@@ -0,0 +1,391 @@
+irb -- interactive ruby
+ $Release Version: 0.6 $
+ $Revision$
+ $Date$
+ by Keiju ISHITSUKA(
+= irb¤È¤Ï?
+irb¤Ïinteractive ruby¤Îά¤Ç¤¹. ruby¤Î¼°¤òɸ½àÆþÎϤ«¤é´Êñ¤ËÆþÎÏ/¼Â¹Ô¤¹
+= µ¯Æ°
+ % ruby -r irb -e0
+ % irb
+¤Î¤¤¤º¤ì¤«¤Ç¹Ô¤Ê¤¤¤Þ¤¹. Á°¼Ô¤Î¾ì¹çirb¤Ø¤Î¥ª¥×¥·¥ç¥ó»ØÄê¤Ï, °Ê²¼¤Î¤è¤¦¤Ë
+ % ruby -r irb -e0 -- -v
+= »È¤¤Êý
+irb¤Î»È¤¤Êý¤Ï, Ruby¤µ¤¨ÃΤäƤ¤¤ì¤Ð¤¤¤¿¤Ã¤Æ´Êñ¤Ç¤¹. ´ðËÜŪ¤Ë¤Ï irb ¤È
+¤¤¤¦¥³¥Þ¥ó¥É¤ò¼Â¹Ô¤¹¤ë¤À¤±¤Ç¤¹. irb¤ò¼Â¹Ô¤¹¤ë¤È, °Ê²¼¤Î¤è¤¦¤Ê¥×¥í¥ó¥×
+¥È¤¬É½¤ì¤Æ¤­¤Þ¤¹. ¸å¤Ï, ruby¤Î¼°¤òÆþ¤ì¤Æ²¼¤µ¤¤. ¼°¤¬´°·ë¤·¤¿»þÅÀ¤Ç¼Â¹Ô
+ dim% irb
+ irb(main):001:0> 1+2
+ 3
+ irb(main):002:0> class Foo
+ irb(main):003:1> def foo
+ irb(main):004:2> print 1
+ irb(main):005:2> end
+ irb(main):006:1> end
+ nil
+ irb(main):007:0>
+¤Þ¤¿, irb¤ÏReadline¥â¥¸¥å¡¼¥ë¤Ë¤âÂбþ¤·¤Æ¤¤¤Þ¤¹. Readline¥â¥¸¥å¡¼¥ë¤¬
+¥¤¥ó¥¹¥È¡¼¥ë¤µ¤ì¤Æ¤¤¤ë»þ¤Ë¤Ï, ¤½¤ì¤ò»È¤¦¤Î¤¬É¸½à¤ÎÆ°ºî¤Ë¤Ê¤ê¤Þ¤¹.
+= ¥³¥Þ¥ó¥É¥ª¥×¥·¥ç¥ó
+ irb.rb [options] file_name opts
+ options:
+ -f ~/.irbrc ¤òÆɤ߹þ¤Þ¤Ê¤¤.
+ -m bc¥â¡¼¥É(ʬ¿ô, ¹ÔÎó¤Î·×»»¤¬¤Ç¤­¤ë)
+ -d $DEBUG ¤òtrue¤Ë¤¹¤ë(ruby -d ¤ÈƱ¤¸)
+ -r load-module ruby -r ¤ÈƱ¤¸.
+ --inspect ·ë²Ì½ÐÎϤËinspect¤òÍѤ¤¤ë(bc¥â¡¼¥É°Ê³°¤Ï¥Ç¥Õ¥©¥ë¥È).
+ --noinspect ·ë²Ì½ÐÎϤËinspect¤òÍѤ¤¤Ê¤¤.
+ --readline readline¥é¥¤¥Ö¥é¥ê¤òÍøÍѤ¹¤ë.
+ --noreadline readline¥é¥¤¥Ö¥é¥ê¤òÍøÍѤ·¤Ê¤¤. ¥Ç¥Õ¥©¥ë¥È¤ÎÆ°ºî¤Ï,
+ inf-reuby-mode°Ê³°¤Çreadline¥é¥¤¥Ö¥é¥ê¤òÍøÍѤ·¤è¤¦
+ ¤È¤¹¤ë.
+ --prompt prompt-mode
+ --prompt-mode prompt-mode
+ ¥×¥í¥ó¥×¥È¥â¡¼¥É¤òÀÚÂؤ¨¤Þ¤¹. ¸½ºßÄêµÁ¤µ¤ì¤Æ¤¤¤ë¥×
+ ¥í¥ó¥×¥È¥â¡¼¥É¤Ï, default, simple, xmp, inf-ruby¤¬
+ ÍÑ°Õ¤µ¤ì¤Æ¤¤¤Þ¤¹. ¥Ç¥Õ¥©¥ë¥È¤Ïdefault¥×¥í¥ó¥×¥È¥â¡¼
+ ¥É¤Ë¤Ê¤Ã¤Æ¤¤¤Þ¤¹.
+ --inf-ruby-mode emacs¤Îinf-ruby-modeÍѤΥץí¥ó¥×¥Èɽ¼¨¤ò¹Ô¤Ê¤¦. ÆÃ
+ ¤Ë»ØÄ꤬¤Ê¤¤¸Â¤ê, readline¥é¥¤¥Ö¥é¥ê¤Ï»È¤ï¤Ê¤¯¤Ê¤ë.
+ --simple-prompt
+ Èó¾ï¤Ë¥·¥ó¥×¥ë¤Ê¥×¥í¥ó¥×¥È¤òÍѤ¤¤ë¥â¡¼¥É¤Ç¤¹.
+ --noprompt ¥×¥í¥ó¥×¥Èɽ¼¨¤ò¹Ô¤Ê¤ï¤Ê¤¤.
+ --tracer ¥³¥Þ¥ó¥É¼Â¹Ô»þ¤Ë¥È¥ì¡¼¥¹¤ò¹Ô¤Ê¤¦.
+ --back-trace-limit n
+ ¥Ð¥Ã¥¯¥È¥ì¡¼¥¹É½¼¨¤ò¥Ð¥Ã¥¯¥È¥ì¡¼¥¹¤ÎƬ¤«¤é n, ¸å¤í
+ ¤«¤én¤À¤±¹Ô¤Ê¤¦. ¥Ç¥Õ¥©¥ë¥È¤Ï16
+ --irb_debug n irb¤Î¥Ç¥Ð¥Ã¥°¥Ç¥Ð¥Ã¥°¥ì¥Ù¥ë¤òn¤ËÀßÄꤹ¤ë(ÍøÍѤ·¤Ê
+ ¤¤Êý¤¬ÌµÆñ¤Ç¤·¤ç¤¦).
+ -v, --version irb¤Î¥Ð¡¼¥¸¥ç¥ó¤òɽ¼¨¤¹¤ë
+= ¥³¥ó¥Õ¥£¥®¥å¥ì¡¼¥·¥ç¥ó
+irbµ¯Æ°»þ¤Ë``~/.irbrc''¤òÆɤ߹þ¤ß¤Þ¤¹. ¤â¤·Â¸ºß¤·¤Ê¤¤¾ì¹ç¤Ï,
+``.irbrc'', ``irb.rc'', ``_irbrc'', ``$irbrc''¤Î½ç¤Ëload¤ò»î¤ß¤Þ¤¹.
+¥ª¥×¥·¥ç¥ó¤òÀßÄꤹ¤ëÂå¤ï¤ê¤Ë, °Ê²¼¤Î¥³¥Þ¥ó¥É¤Ç¤â¥Ç¥Õ¥©¥ë¥È¤ÎÆ°ºî¤òÀßÄê
+ IRB.conf[:IRB_NAME]="irb"
+ IRB.conf[:MATH_MODE]=false
+ IRB.conf[:USE_TRACER]=false
+ IRB.conf[:USE_LOADER]=false
+ IRB.conf[:IGNORE_SIGINT]=true
+ IRB.conf[:IGNORE_EOF]=false
+ IRB.conf[:INSPECT_MODE]=nil
+ IRB.conf[:IRB_RC] = nil
+ IRB.conf[:USE_LOADER] = false
+ IRB.conf[:USE_READLINE] = nil
+ IRB.conf[:USE_TRACER] = false
+ IRB.conf[:IGNORE_SIGINT] = true
+ IRB.conf[:IGNORE_EOF] = false
+ IRB.conf[:PROMPT] = {...}
+ IRB.conf[:DEBUG_LEVEL]=0
+ IRB.conf[:VERBOSE]=true
+== ¥×¥í¥ó¥×¥È¤ÎÀßÄê
+ IRB.conf[:PROMPT]
+¤òÍѤ¤¤Þ¤¹. Î㤨¤Ð, .irbrc¤ÎÃæ¤Ç²¼¤Î¤è¤¦¤Ê¼°¤òµ­½Ò¤·¤Þ¤¹:
+ IRB.conf[:PROMPT][:MY_PROMPT] = { # ¥×¥í¥ó¥×¥È¥â¡¼¥É¤Î̾Á°
+ :PROMPT_I => nil, # Ä̾ï¤Î¥×¥í¥ó¥×¥È
+ :PROMPT_S => nil, # ʸ»úÎó¤Ê¤É¤Î·Ñ³¹Ô¤Î¥×¥í¥ó¥×¥È
+ :PROMPT_C => nil, # ¼°¤¬·Ñ³¤·¤Æ¤¤¤ë»þ¤Î¥×¥í¥ó¥×¥È
+ :RETURN => " ==>%s\n" # ¥ê¥¿¡¼¥ó»þ¤Î¥×¥í¥ó¥×¥È
+ }
+ irb --prompt my-prompt
+¤Ç¤½¤Î¥×¥í¥ó¥×¥È¥â¡¼¥É¤Çµ¯Æ°¤µ¤ì¤Þ¤¹. ¤Þ¤¿¤Ï, .irbrc¤Ë²¼¼°¤òµ­½Ò¤·¤Æ¤â
+ %N µ¯Æ°¤·¤Æ¤¤¤ë¥³¥Þ¥ó¥É̾¤¬½ÐÎϤµ¤ì¤ë.
+ %m main¥ª¥Ö¥¸¥§¥¯¥È(self)¤¬to_s¤Ç½ÐÎϤµ¤ì¤ë.
+ %M main¥ª¥Ö¥¸¥§¥¯¥È(self)¤¬inspect¤µ¤ì¤Æ½ÐÎϤµ¤ì¤ë.
+ %l ʸ»úÎóÃæ¤Î¥¿¥¤¥×¤òɽ¤¹(", ', /, ], `]'¤Ï%w¤ÎÃæ¤Î»þ)
+ %NNi ¥¤¥ó¥Ç¥ó¥È¤Î¥ì¥Ù¥ë¤òɽ¤¹. NN¤Ï¿ô»ú¤¬Æþ¤êprintf¤Î%NNd¤ÈƱ¤¸. ¾Ê
+ ά²Äǽ
+ %NNn ¹ÔÈÖ¹æ¤òɽ¤·¤Þ¤¹.
+ %% %
+Î㤨¤Ð, ¥Ç¥Õ¥©¥ë¥È¤Î¥×¥í¥ó¥×¥È¥â¡¼¥É¤Ï:
+ :PROMPT_I => "%N(%m):%03n:%i> ",
+ :PROMPT_S => "%N(%m):%03n:%i%l ",
+ :PROMPT_C => "%N(%m):%03n:%i* ",
+ :RETURN => "%s\n"
+ }
+RETURN¤Ï, ¸½ºß¤Î¤È¤³¤íprintf·Á¼°¤Ç¤¹. ¾­Íè»ÅÍͤ¬ÊѤï¤ë¤«¤âÃΤì¤Þ¤»¤ó.
+== ¥µ¥Öirb¤ÎÀßÄê
+ÀßÄê¤ò·è¤á¤ë¤â¤Î¤Ç, `5. ¥³¥Þ¥ó¥É'¤Ë¤¢¤ëconf¤Ç¸ÄÊ̤Î(¥µ¥Ö)irb¤ÎÀßÄ꤬¤Ç
+IRB.conf[:IRB_RC]¤Ëproc¤¬ÀßÄꤵ¤ì¤Æ¤¤¤ë¤È, ¥µ¥Öirb¤òµ¯Æ°¤¹¤ë»þ¤Ë¤½¤Î
+proc¤òirb¤Î¥³¥ó¥Æ¥­¥¹¥È¤ò°ú¿ô¤È¤·¤Æ¸Æ¤Ó½Ð¤·¤Þ¤¹. ¤³¤ì¤Ë¤è¤Ã¤Æ¸ÄÊ̤Υµ
+= ¥³¥Þ¥ó¥É
+irb³ÈÄ¥¥³¥Þ¥ó¥É¤Ï, ´Êñ¤Ê̾Á°¤ÈƬ¤Ë`irb_'¤ò¤Ä¤±¤¿Ì¾Á°¤ÈξÊýÄêµÁ¤µ¤ì¤Æ
+¤¤¤Þ¤¹. ¤³¤ì¤Ï, ´Êñ¤Ê̾Á°¤¬override¤µ¤ì¤¿»þ¤Î¤¿¤á¤Ç¤¹.
+--- exit, quit, irb_exit
+ ½ªÎ»¤¹¤ë.
+ ¥µ¥Öirb¤Î¾ì¹ç, ¤½¤Î¥µ¥Öirb¤ò½ªÎ»¤¹¤ë.
+ cb¤·¤Æ¤¤¤ë¾ì¹ç, ¤½¤Î¥Ð¥¤¥ó¥Ç¥£¥ó¥°¤Î¥â¡¼¥É¤ò½ªÎ»¤¹¤ë.
+--- conf, irb_context
+ irb¤Î¸½ºß¤ÎÀßÄê¤òɽ¼¨¤¹¤ë. ÀßÄê¤ÎÊѹ¹¤Ï, conf¤Ë¥á¥Ã¥»¡¼¥¸¤òÁ÷¤ë¤³
+ ¤È¤Ë¤è¤Ã¤Æ¹Ô¤Ê¤¨¤ë.
+--- conf.back_trace_limit
+ ¥Ð¥Ã¥¯¥È¥ì¡¼¥¹É½¼¨¤ò¥Ð¥Ã¥¯¥È¥ì¡¼¥¹¤ÎƬ¤«¤én, ¸å¤í¤«¤én¤À¤±¹Ô¤Ê¤¦.
+ ¥Ç¥Õ¥©¥ë¥È¤Ï16
+--- conf.debug_level = N
+ irbÍѤΥǥХå°¥ì¥Ù¥ë¤ÎÀßÄê
+--- conf.ignore_eof = true/false
+ ^D¤¬ÆþÎϤµ¤ì¤¿»þ¤ÎÆ°ºî¤òÀßÄꤹ¤ë. true¤Î»þ¤Ï^D¤ò̵»ë¤¹¤ë, false¤Î
+ »þ¤Ïirb¤ò½ªÎ»¤¹¤ë.
+--- conf.ignore_sigint= true/false
+ ^C¤¬ÆþÎϤµ¤ì¤¿»þ¤ÎÆ°ºî¤òÀßÄꤹ¤ë. false»þ¤Ï, irb¤ò½ªÎ»¤¹¤ë. true¤Î
+ »þ¤ÎÆ°ºî¤Ï°Ê²¼¤Î¤è¤¦¤Ë¤Ê¤ë:
+ ÆþÎÏÃæ: ¤³¤ì¤Þ¤ÇÆþÎϤ·¤¿¤â¤Î¤ò¥­¥ã¥ó¥»¥ë¤·¥È¥Ã¥×¥ì¥Ù¥ë¤ËÌá¤ë.
+ ¼Â¹ÔÃæ: ¼Â¹Ô¤òÃæ»ß¤¹¤ë.
+--- conf.inf_ruby_mode = true/false
+ inf-ruby-modeÍѤΥץí¥ó¥×¥Èɽ¼¨¤ò¹Ô¤Ê¤¦. ¥Ç¥Õ¥©¥ë¥È¤Ïfalse.
+--- conf.inspect_mode = true/false/nil
+ ¥¤¥ó¥¹¥Ú¥¯¥È¥â¡¼¥É¤òÀßÄꤹ¤ë.
+ true: ¥¤¥ó¥¹¥Ú¥¯¥È¤·¤Æɽ¼¨¤¹¤ë.
+ false: Ä̾ï¤Îprint¤Çɽ¼¨¤¹¤ë.
+ nil: Ä̾ï¥â¡¼¥É¤Ç¤¢¤ì¤Ð, inspect mode¤È¤Ê¤ê, math¥â¡¼¥É¤Î»þ¤Ï, non
+ inspect mode¤È¤Ê¤ë.
+--- conf.irb_level
+ »²¾È¤Î¤ß. irb¤¬²¿ÃÊcb¤·¤Æ¤¤¤ë¤«?
+--- conf.math_mode
+ »²¾È¤Î¤ß. bc¥â¡¼¥É(ʬ¿ô, ¹ÔÎó¤Î·×»»¤¬¤Ç¤­¤Þ¤¹)¤«¤É¤¦¤«?
+--- conf.use_loader = true/false
+ load/require»þ¤Ëirb¤ÎfileÆɤ߹þ¤ßµ¡Ç½¤òÍѤ¤¤ë¥â¡¼¥É¤Î¥¹¥¤¥Ã¥Á(¥Ç¥Õ¥©
+ ¥ë¥È¤ÏÍѤ¤¤Ê¤¤). ¤³¤Î¥â¡¼¥É¤ÏIRBÁ´ÂΤËÈ¿±Ç¤µ¤ì¤ë.
+--- conf.prompt_c
+ if¤Îľ¸å¤Ê¤É, ¹Ô¤¬·Ñ³¤·¤Æ¤¤¤ë»þ¤Î¥×¥í¥ó¥×¥È.
+--- conf.prompt_i
+ Ä̾ï¤Î¥×¥í¥ó¥×¥È.
+--- conf.prompt_s
+ ʸ»úÎóÃæ¤Ê¤É¤òɽ¤¹¥×¥í¥ó¥×¥È.
+--- conf.rc
+ ~/.irbrc¤òÆɤ߹þ¤ó¤À¤«¤É¤¦¤«?
+--- conf.use_prompt = true/false
+ ¥×¥í¥ó¥×¥Èɽ¼¨¤¹¤ë¤«¤É¤¦¤«? ¥Ç¥Õ¥©¥ë¥È¤Ç¤Ï¥×¥í¥ó¥×¥È¤òɽ¼¨¤¹¤ë.
+--- conf.use_readline = true/false/nil
+ readline¤ò»È¤¦¤«¤É¤¦¤«?
+ true: readline¤ò»È¤¦.
+ false: readline¤ò»È¤ï¤Ê¤¤.
+ nil: (¥Ç¥Õ¥©¥ë¥È)inf-reuby-mode°Ê³°¤Çreadline¥é¥¤¥Ö¥é¥ê¤òÍøÍѤ·¤è
+ ¤¦¤È¤¹¤ë.
+--- conf.verbose=T/F
+ irb¤«¤é¤¤¤í¤¤¤í¤Ê¥á¥Ã¥»¡¼¥¸¤ò½ÐÎϤ¹¤ë¤«?
+--- cb, irb_change_binding [obj]
+ ¥í¡¼¥«¥ëÊÑ¿ô¤Î¥¹¥³¡¼¥×¤¬°ã¤¦¿·¤¿¤Êbinding¤Ë°Ü¤ë. obj¤¬»ØÄꤵ¤ì¤¿
+ »þ¤Ï, ¤½¤Îobj¤òself¤È¤¹¤ë.
+--- irb [obj]
+ ¥µ¥Öirb¤òΩ¤Á¤¢¤²¤ë. obj¤¬»ØÄꤵ¤ì¤¿»þ¤Ï, ¤½¤Îobj¤òself¤È¤¹¤ë.
+--- jobs, irb_jobs
+ ¥µ¥Öirb¤Î¥ê¥¹¥È
+--- fg n, irb_fg n
+ »ØÄꤷ¤¿¥µ¥Öirb¤Ë¥¹¥¤¥Ã¥Á¤¹¤ë. n¤Ï, ¼¡¤Î¤â¤Î¤ò»ØÄꤹ¤ë.
+ irbÈÖ¹æ
+ ¥¹¥ì¥Ã¥É
+ irb¥ª¥Ö¥¸¥§¥¯¥È
+ self(irb obj¤Çµ¯Æ°¤·¤¿»þ¤Îobj)
+--- kill n, irb_kill n
+ ¥µ¥Öirb¤òkill¤¹¤ë. n¤Ïfg¤ÈƱ¤¸.
+= ¥·¥¹¥Æ¥àÊÑ¿ô
+ _ Á°¤Î·×»»¤Î¼Â¹Ô·ë²Ì¤ò³Ð¤¨¤Æ¤¤¤ë(¥í¡¼¥«¥ëÊÑ¿ô).
+= »ÈÍÑÎã
+ dim% ruby irb.rb
+ irb(main):001:0> irb # ¥µ¥Öirb¤ÎΩ¤Á¤¢¤²
+ irb#1(main):001:0> jobs # ¥µ¥Öirb¤Î¥ê¥¹¥È
+ #0->irb on main (#<Thread:0x400fb7e4> : stop)
+ #1->irb#1 on main (#<Thread:0x40125d64> : running)
+ nil
+ irb#1(main):002:0> fg 0 # job¤Î¥¹¥¤¥Ã¥Á
+ nil
+ irb(main):002:0> class Foo;end
+ nil
+ irb(main):003:0> irb Foo # Foo¤ò¥³¥ó¥Æ¥­¥¹¥È¤·¤Æirb
+ # Ω¤Á¤¢¤²
+ irb#2(Foo):001:0> def foo # Foo#foo¤ÎÄêµÁ
+ irb#2(Foo):002:1> print 1
+ irb#2(Foo):003:1> end
+ nil
+ irb#2(Foo):004:0> fg 0 # job¤ò¥¹¥¤¥Ã¥Á
+ nil
+ irb(main):004:0> jobs # job¤Î¥ê¥¹¥È
+ #0->irb on main (#<Thread:0x400fb7e4> : running)
+ #1->irb#1 on main (#<Thread:0x40125d64> : stop)
+ #2->irb#2 on Foo (#<Thread:0x4011d54c> : stop)
+ nil
+ irb(main):005:0> Foo.instance_methods # Foo#foo¤¬¤Á¤ã¤ó¤ÈÄêµÁ¤µ
+ # ¤ì¤Æ¤¤¤ë
+ ["foo"]
+ irb(main):006:0> fg 2 # job¤ò¥¹¥¤¥Ã¥Á
+ nil
+ irb#2(Foo):005:0> def bar # Foo#bar¤òÄêµÁ
+ irb#2(Foo):006:1> print "bar"
+ irb#2(Foo):007:1> end
+ nil
+ irb#2(Foo):010:0> Foo.instance_methods
+ ["bar", "foo"]
+ irb#2(Foo):011:0> fg 0
+ nil
+ irb(main):007:0> f =
+ #<Foo:0x4010af3c>
+ irb(main):008:0> irb f # Foo¤Î¥¤¥ó¥¹¥¿¥ó¥¹¤Çirb¤ò
+ # Ω¤Á¤¢¤²¤ë.
+ irb#3(#<Foo:0x4010af3c>):001:0> jobs
+ #0->irb on main (#<Thread:0x400fb7e4> : stop)
+ #1->irb#1 on main (#<Thread:0x40125d64> : stop)
+ #2->irb#2 on Foo (#<Thread:0x4011d54c> : stop)
+ #3->irb#3 on #<Foo:0x4010af3c> (#<Thread:0x4010a1e0> : running)
+ nil
+ irb#3(#<Foo:0x4010af3c>):002:0> foo #¤Î¼Â¹Ô
+ nil
+ irb#3(#<Foo:0x4010af3c>):003:0> bar #¤Î¼Â¹Ô
+ barnil
+ irb#3(#<Foo:0x4010af3c>):004:0> kill 1, 2, 3# job¤Îkill
+ nil
+ irb(main):009:0> jobs
+ #0->irb on main (#<Thread:0x400fb7e4> : running)
+ nil
+ irb(main):010:0> exit # ½ªÎ»
+ dim%
+= »ÈÍѾå¤ÎÀ©¸Â
+irb¤Ï, ɾ²Á¤Ç¤­¤ë»þÅÀ(¼°¤¬ÊĤ¸¤¿»þÅÀ)¤Ç¤ÎÃ༡¼Â¹Ô¤ò¹Ô¤Ê¤¤¤Þ¤¹. ¤·¤¿¤¬¤Ã
+¤Æ, ruby¤òľÀܻȤä¿»þ¤È, ¼ã´³°Û¤Ê¤ëÆ°ºî¤ò¹Ô¤Ê¤¦¾ì¹ç¤¬¤¢¤ê¤Þ¤¹.
+== ¥í¡¼¥«¥ëÊÑ¿ô¤ÎÀë¸À
+ruby¤Ç¤Ï, °Ê²¼¤Î¥×¥í¥°¥é¥à¤Ï¥¨¥é¡¼¤Ë¤Ê¤ê¤Þ¤¹.
+ eval "foo = 0"
+ foo
+ --
+ -:2: undefined local variable or method `foo' for #<Object:0x40283118> (NameError)
+ ---
+ NameError
+¤È¤³¤í¤¬, irb¤òÍѤ¤¤ë¤È
+ >> eval "foo = 0"
+ => 0
+ >> foo
+ => 0
+¤È¤Ê¤ê, ¥¨¥é¡¼¤òµ¯¤³¤·¤Þ¤»¤ó. ¤³¤ì¤Ï, ruby¤¬ºÇ½é¤Ë¥¹¥¯¥ê¥×¥ÈÁ´ÂΤò¥³¥ó
+¥Ñ¥¤¥ë¤·¤Æ¥í¡¼¥«¥ëÊÑ¿ô¤ò·èÄꤹ¤ë¤«¤é¤Ç¤¹. ¤½¤ì¤ËÂФ·, irb¤Ï¼Â¹Ô²Äǽ¤Ë
+¤Ê¤ë(¼°¤¬ÊĤ¸¤ë)¤È¼«Æ°Åª¤Ëɾ²Á¤·¤Æ¤¤¤ë¤«¤é¤Ç¤¹. ¾åµ­¤ÎÎã¤Ç¤Ï,
+ evel "foo = 0"
+¤ò¹Ô¤Ê¤Ã¤¿»þÅÀ¤Çɾ²Á¤ò¹Ô¤Ê¤¤, ¤½¤Î»þÅÀ¤ÇÊÑ¿ô¤¬ÄêµÁ¤µ¤ì¤ë¤¿¤á, ¼¡¼°¤Ç
+¤³¤Î¤è¤¦¤Êruby¤Èirb¤ÎÆ°ºî¤Î°ã¤¤¤ò²ò·è¤·¤¿¤¤¾ì¹ç¤Ï, begin...end¤Ç³ç¤Ã¤Æ
+ >> begin
+ ?> eval "foo = 0"
+ >> foo
+ >> end
+ NameError: undefined local variable or method `foo' for #<Object:0x4013d0f0>
+ (irb):3
+ (irb_local_binding):1:in `eval'
+== ¥Ò¥¢¥É¥­¥å¥á¥ó¥È
+== ¥·¥ó¥Ü¥ë
+¥·¥ó¥Ü¥ë¤Ç¤¢¤ë¤«¤É¤¦¤«¤ÎȽÃǤò´Ö°ã¤¨¤ë¤³¤È¤¬¤¢¤ê¤Þ¤¹. ¶ñÂÎŪ¤Ë¤Ï¼°¤¬´°Î»
+% Begin Emacs Environment
+% Local Variables:
+% mode: text
+% comment-column: 0
+% comment-start: "%"
+% comment-end: "\n"
+% End:
diff --git a/doc/shell.rd b/doc/shell.rd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..02ee1b020a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/shell.rd
@@ -0,0 +1,348 @@
+ -- shell.rb
+ $Release Version: 0.6.0 $
+ $Revision$
+ $Date$
+ by Keiju ISHITSUKA(
+= What's shell.rb?
+It realizes a wish to do execution of commands with filters and pipes
+like sh/csh by using just native facilities of ruby.
+= Main classes
+== Shell
+Every shell object has its own current working directory, and executes
+each command as if it stands in the directory.
+--- Shell#cwd
+--- Shell#dir
+--- Shell#getwd
+--- Shell#pwd
+ Returns the current directory
+--- Shell#system_path
+ Returns the command search path in an array
+--- Shell#umask
+ Returns the umask
+== Filter
+Any result of command exection is a Filter. Filter include
+Enumerable, therefore a Filter object can use all Enumerable
+= Main methods
+== Command definitions
+In order to execute a command on your OS, you need to define it as a
+Shell method.
+Alternatively, you can execute any command via Shell#system even if it
+is not defined.
+--- Shell.def_system_command(command, path = command)
+ Defines a command. Registers <path> as a Shell method
+ <command>.
+ ex)
+ Shell.def_system_command "ls"
+ Defines ls.
+ Shell.def_system_command "sys_sort", "sort"
+ Defines sys_sort as sort.
+--- Shell.undef_system_command(command)
+ Undefines a commmand
+--- Shell.alias_command(ali, command, *opts) {...}
+ Aliases a command.
+ ex)
+ Shell.alias_command "lsC", "ls", "-CBF", "--show-control-chars"
+ Shell.alias_command("lsC", "ls"){|*opts| ["-CBF", "--show-control-chars", *opts]}
+--- Shell.unalias_command(ali)
+ Unaliases a command.
+--- Shell.install_system_commands(pre = "sys_")
+ Defines all commands in the default_system_path as Shell method,
+ all with <pre> prefixed to their names.
+== Creation
+ Creates a Shell object which current directory is set to the
+ process current directory.
+ Creates a Shell object which current directory is set to
+ <path>.
+== Process management
+--- Shell#jobs
+ Returns a list of scheduled jobs.
+--- Shell#kill sig, job
+ Sends a signal <sig> to <job>.
+== Current directory operations
+--- Shell#cd(path, &block)
+--- Shell#chdir
+ Changes the current directory to <path>. If a block is given,
+ it restores the current directory when the block ends.
+--- Shell#pushd(path = nil, &block)
+--- Shell#pushdir
+ Pushes the current directory to the directory stack, changing
+ the current directory to <path>. If <path> is omitted, it
+ exchanges its current directory and the top of its directory
+ stack. If a block is given, it restores the current directory
+ when the block ends.
+--- Shell#popd
+--- Shell#popdir
+ Pops a directory from the directory stack, and sets the current
+ directory to it.
+== File and directory operations
+--- Shell#foreach(path = nil, &block)
+ Same as:
+ File#foreach (when path is a file)
+ Dir#foreach (when path is a directory)
+--- Shell#open(path, mode)
+ Same as:
+ File#open (when path is a file)
+ Dir#open (when path is a directory)
+--- Shell#unlink(path)
+ Same as:
+ Dir#open (when path is a file)
+ Dir#unlink (when path is a directory)
+--- Shell#test(command, file1, file2)
+--- Shell#[command, file1, file2]
+ Same as test().
+ ex)
+ sh[?e, "foo"]
+ sh[:e, "foo"]
+ sh["e", "foo"]
+ sh[:exists?, "foo"]
+ sh["exists?", "foo"]
+--- Shell#mkdir(*path)
+ Same as Dir.mkdir (with multiple directories allowed)
+--- Shell#rmdir(*path)
+ Same as Dir.rmdir (with multiple directories allowed)
+== Command execution
+--- System#system(command, *opts)
+ Executes <command> with <opts>.
+ ex)
+ print sh.system("ls", "-l")
+ sh.system("ls", "-l") | sh.head > STDOUT
+--- System#rehash
+ Does rehash.
+--- Shell#transact &block
+ Executes a block as self.
+ ex)
+ sh.transact{system("ls", "-l") | head > STDOUT}
+--- Shell#out(dev = STDOUT, &block)
+ Does transact, with redirecting the result output to <dev>.
+== Internal commands
+--- Shell#echo(*strings)
+--- Shell#cat(*files)
+--- Shell#glob(patten)
+--- Shell#tee(file)
+ Return Filter objects, which are results of their execution.
+--- Filter#each &block
+ Iterates a block for each line of it.
+--- Filter#<(src)
+ Inputs from <src>, which is either a string of a file name or an
+ IO.
+--- Filter#>(to)
+ Outputs to <to>, which is either a string of a file name or an
+ IO.
+--- Filter#>>(to)
+ Appends the ouput to <to>, which is either a string of a file
+ name or an IO.
+--- Filter#|(filter)
+ Processes a pipeline.
+--- Filter#+(filter)
+ (filter1 + filter2) outputs filter1, and then outputs filter2.
+--- Filter#to_a
+--- Filter#to_s
+== Built-in commands
+--- Shell#atime(file)
+--- Shell#basename(file, *opt)
+--- Shell#chmod(mode, *files)
+--- Shell#chown(owner, group, *file)
+--- Shell#ctime(file)
+--- Shell#delete(*file)
+--- Shell#dirname(file)
+--- Shell#ftype(file)
+--- Shell#join(*file)
+--- Shell#link(file_from, file_to)
+--- Shell#lstat(file)
+--- Shell#mtime(file)
+--- Shell#readlink(file)
+--- Shell#rename(file_from, file_to)
+--- Shell#split(file)
+--- Shell#stat(file)
+--- Shell#symlink(file_from, file_to)
+--- Shell#truncate(file, length)
+--- Shell#utime(atime, mtime, *file)
+ Equivalent to the class methods of File with the same names.
+--- Shell#blockdev?(file)
+--- Shell#chardev?(file)
+--- Shell#directory?(file)
+--- Shell#executable?(file)
+--- Shell#executable_real?(file)
+--- Shell#exist?(file)/Shell#exists?(file)
+--- Shell#file?(file)
+--- Shell#grpowned?(file)
+--- Shell#owned?(file)
+--- Shell#pipe?(file)
+--- Shell#readable?(file)
+--- Shell#readable_real?(file)
+--- Shell#setgid?(file)
+--- Shell#setuid?(file)
+--- Shell#size(file)/Shell#size?(file)
+--- Shell#socket?(file)
+--- Shell#sticky?(file)
+--- Shell#symlink?(file)
+--- Shell#writable?(file)
+--- Shell#writable_real?(file)
+--- Shell#zero?(file)
+ Equivalent to the class methods of FileTest with the same names.
+--- Shell#syscopy(filename_from, filename_to)
+--- Shell#copy(filename_from, filename_to)
+--- Shell#move(filename_from, filename_to)
+--- Shell#compare(filename_from, filename_to)
+--- Shell#safe_unlink(*filenames)
+--- Shell#makedirs(*filenames)
+--- Shell#install(filename_from, filename_to, mode)
+ Equivalent to the class methods of FileTools with the same
+ names.
+ And also, there are some aliases for convenience:
+--- Shell#cmp <- Shell#compare
+--- Shell#mv <- Shell#move
+--- Shell#cp <- Shell#copy
+--- Shell#rm_f <- Shell#safe_unlink
+--- Shell#mkpath <- Shell#makedirs
+= Samples
+== ex1
+ sh ="/tmp")
+ sh.mkdir "shell-test-1" unless sh.exists?("shell-test-1")
+ for dir in ["dir1", "dir3", "dir5"]
+ if !sh.exists?(dir)
+ sh.mkdir dir
+ do
+ f ="tmpFile", "w")
+ f.print "TEST\n"
+ f.close
+ end
+ print sh.pwd
+ end
+ end
+== ex2
+ sh ="/tmp")
+ sh.transact do
+ mkdir "shell-test-1" unless exists?("shell-test-1")
+ cd("shell-test-1")
+ for dir in ["dir1", "dir3", "dir5"]
+ if !exists?(dir)
+ mkdir dir
+ cd(dir) do
+ f = open("tmpFile", "w")
+ f.print "TEST\n"
+ f.close
+ end
+ print pwd
+ end
+ end
+ end
+== ex3
+"/etc/printcap") | sh.tee("tee1") > "tee2"
+ ( < "/etc/printcap") | sh.tee("tee11") > "tee12"
+"/etc/printcap") | sh.tee("tee1") >> "tee2"
+ ( < "/etc/printcap") | sh.tee("tee11") >> "tee12"
+== ex4
+ print"/etc/passwd").head.collect{|l| l =~ /keiju/}
diff --git a/doc/ b/doc/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..073e71ea42
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/
@@ -0,0 +1,336 @@
+ -- shell.rb
+ $Release Version: 0.6.0 $
+ $Revision$
+ $Date$
+ by Keiju ISHITSUKA(
+= ÌÜŪ
+= ¼ç¤Ê¥¯¥é¥¹°ìÍ÷
+== Shell
+Shell¥ª¥Ö¥¸¥§¥¯¥È¤Ï¥«¥ì¥ó¥È¥Ç¥£¥ì¥¯¥È¥ê¤ò»ý¤Á, ¥³¥Þ¥ó¥É¼Â¹Ô¤Ï¤½¤³¤«¤é¤Î
+--- Shell#cwd
+--- Shell#dir
+--- Shell#getwd
+--- Shell#pwd
+ ¥«¥ì¥ó¥È¥Ç¥£¥ì¥¯¥È¥ê¤òÊÖ¤¹¡£
+--- Shell#system_path
+ ¥³¥Þ¥ó¥É¥µ¡¼¥Á¥Ñ¥¹¤ÎÇÛÎó¤òÊÖ¤¹¡£
+--- Shell#umask
+ umask¤òÊÖ¤¹¡£
+== Filter
+¥³¥Þ¥ó¥É¤Î¼Â¹Ô·ë²Ì¤Ï¤¹¤Ù¤ÆFilter¤È¤·¤Æ¤«¤¨¤ê¤Þ¤¹. Enumerable¤òinclude¤·
+= ¼ç¤Ê¥á¥½¥Ã¥É°ìÍ÷
+== ¥³¥Þ¥ó¥ÉÄêµÁ
+OS¾å¤Î¥³¥Þ¥ó¥É¤ò¼Â¹Ô¤¹¤ë¤Ë¤Ï¤Þ¤º, Shell¤Î¥á¥½¥Ã¥É¤È¤·¤ÆÄêµÁ¤·¤Þ¤¹.
+Ãí) ¥³¥Þ¥ó¥É¤òÄêµÁ¤·¤Ê¤¯¤È¤âľÀܼ¹ԤǤ­¤ëShell#system¥³¥Þ¥ó¥É¤â¤¢¤ê¤Þ¤¹.
+--- Shell.def_system_command(command, path = command)
+ Shell¤Î¥á¥½¥Ã¥É¤È¤·¤Æcommand¤òÅÐÏ¿¤·¤Þ¤¹.
+ Îã)
+ Shell.def_system_command "ls"
+ ls ¤òÄêµÁ
+ Shell.def_system_command "sys_sort", "sort"
+ sort¥³¥Þ¥ó¥É¤òsys_sort¤È¤·¤ÆÄêµÁ
+--- Shell.undef_system_command(command)
+ command¤òºï½ü¤·¤Þ¤¹.
+--- Shell.alias_command(ali, command, *opts) {...}
+ command¤Îalias¤ò¤·¤Þ¤¹.
+ Îã)
+ Shell.alias_command "lsC", "ls", "-CBF", "--show-control-chars"
+ Shell.alias_command("lsC", "ls"){|*opts| ["-CBF", "--show-control-chars", *opts]}
+--- Shell.unalias_command(ali)
+ command¤Îalias¤òºï½ü¤·¤Þ¤¹.
+--- Shell.install_system_commands(pre = "sys_")
+ system_path¾å¤Ë¤¢¤ëÁ´¤Æ¤Î¼Â¹Ô²Äǽ¥Õ¥¡¥¤¥ë¤òShell¤ËÄêµÁ¤¹¤ë. ¥á¥½¥Ã
+ ¥É̾¤Ï¸µ¤Î¥Õ¥¡¥¤¥ë̾¤ÎƬ¤Ëpre¤ò¤Ä¤±¤¿¤â¤Î¤È¤Ê¤ë.
+== À¸À®
+ ¥×¥í¥»¥¹¤Î¥«¥ì¥ó¥È¥Ç¥£¥ì¥¯¥È¥ê¤ò¥«¥ì¥ó¥È¥Ç¥£¥ì¥¯¥È¥ê¤È¤¹¤ëShell¥ª
+ ¥Ö¥¸¥§¥¯¥È¤òÀ¸À®¤·¤Þ¤¹.
+ path¤ò¥«¥ì¥ó¥È¥Ç¥£¥ì¥¯¥È¥ê¤È¤¹¤ëShell¥ª¥Ö¥¸¥§¥¯¥È¤òÀ¸À®¤·¤Þ¤¹.
+== ¥×¥í¥»¥¹´ÉÍý
+--- Shell#jobs
+ ¥¹¥±¥¸¥å¡¼¥ê¥ó¥°¤µ¤ì¤Æ¤¤¤ëjob¤Î°ìÍ÷¤òÊÖ¤¹.
+--- Shell#kill sig, job
+ job¤Ë¥·¥°¥Ê¥ësig¤òÁ÷¤ë
+== ¥«¥ì¥ó¥È¥Ç¥£¥ì¥¯¥È¥êÁàºî
+--- Shell#cd(path, &block)
+--- Shell#chdir
+ ¥«¥ì¥ó¥È¥Ç¥£¥ì¥¯¥È¥ê¤òpath¤Ë¤¹¤ë. ¥¤¥Æ¥ì¡¼¥¿¤È¤·¤Æ¸Æ¤Ð¤ì¤¿¤È¤­¤Ë¤Ï
+ ¥Ö¥í¥Ã¥¯¼Â¹ÔÃæ¤Î¤ß¥«¥ì¥ó¥È¥Ç¥£¥ì¥¯¥È¥ê¤òÊѹ¹¤¹¤ë.
+--- Shell#pushd(path = nil, &block)
+--- Shell#pushdir
+ ¥«¥ì¥ó¥È¥Ç¥£¥ì¥¯¥È¥ê¤ò¥Ç¥£¥ì¥¯¥È¥ê¥¹¥¿¥Ã¥¯¤Ë¤Ä¤ß, ¥«¥ì¥ó¥È¥Ç¥£¥ì¥¯
+ ¥È¥ê¤òpath¤Ë¤¹¤ë. path¤¬¾Êά¤µ¤ì¤¿¤È¤­¤Ë¤Ï, ¥«¥ì¥ó¥È¥Ç¥£¥ì¥¯¥È¥ê¤È
+ ¥Ç¥£¥ì¥¯¥È¥ê¥¹¥¿¥Ã¥¯¤Î¥È¥Ã¥×¤ò¸ò´¹¤¹¤ë. ¥¤¥Æ¥ì¡¼¥¿¤È¤·¤Æ¸Æ¤Ð¤ì¤¿¤È
+ ¤­¤Ë¤Ï, ¥Ö¥í¥Ã¥¯¼Â¹ÔÃæ¤Î¤ßpushd¤¹¤ë.
+--- Shell#popd
+--- Shell#popdir
+ ¥Ç¥£¥ì¥¯¥È¥ê¥¹¥¿¥Ã¥¯¤«¤é¥Ý¥Ã¥×¤·, ¤½¤ì¤ò¥«¥ì¥ó¥È¥Ç¥£¥ì¥¯¥È¥ê¤Ë¤¹¤ë.
+== ¥Õ¥¡¥¤¥ë/¥Ç¥£¥ì¥¯¥È¥êÁàºî
+--- Shell#foreach(path = nil, &block)
+ path¤¬¥Õ¥¡¥¤¥ë¤Ê¤é, File#foreach
+ path¤¬¥Ç¥£¥ì¥¯¥È¥ê¤Ê¤é, Dir#foreach
+--- Shell#open(path, mode)
+ path¤¬¥Õ¥¡¥¤¥ë¤Ê¤é, File#open
+ path¤¬¥Ç¥£¥ì¥¯¥È¥ê¤Ê¤é, Dir#open
+--- Shell#unlink(path)
+ path¤¬¥Õ¥¡¥¤¥ë¤Ê¤é, File#unlink
+ path¤¬¥Ç¥£¥ì¥¯¥È¥ê¤Ê¤é, Dir#unlink
+--- Shell#test(command, file1, file2)
+--- Shell#[command, file1, file2]
+ ¥Õ¥¡¥¤¥ë¥Æ¥¹¥È´Ø¿ôtest¤ÈƱ¤¸.
+ Îã)
+ sh[?e, "foo"]
+ sh[:e, "foo"]
+ sh["e", "foo"]
+ sh[:exists?, "foo"]
+ sh["exists?", "foo"]
+--- Shell#mkdir(*path)
+ Dir.mkdir¤ÈƱ¤¸(Ê£¿ô²Ä)
+--- Shell#rmdir(*path)
+ Dir.rmdir¤ÈƱ¤¸(Ê£¿ô²Ä)
+== ¥³¥Þ¥ó¥É¼Â¹Ô
+--- System#system(command, *opts)
+ command¤ò¼Â¹Ô¤¹¤ë.
+ Îã)
+ print sh.system("ls", "-l")
+ sh.system("ls", "-l") | sh.head > STDOUT
+--- System#rehash
+ ¥ê¥Ï¥Ã¥·¥å¤¹¤ë
+--- Shell#transact &block
+ ¥Ö¥í¥Ã¥¯Ãæ¤Ç¤Ïshell¤òself¤È¤·¤Æ¼Â¹Ô¤¹¤ë.
+ Îã)
+ sh.transact{system("ls", "-l") | head > STDOUT}
+--- Shell#out(dev = STDOUT, &block)
+ transact¤ò¸Æ¤Ó½Ð¤·¤½¤Î·ë²Ì¤òdev¤Ë½ÐÎϤ¹¤ë.
+== ÆâÉô¥³¥Þ¥ó¥É
+--- Shell#echo(*strings)
+--- Shell#cat(*files)
+--- Shell#glob(patten)
+--- Shell#tee(file)
+ ¤³¤ì¤é¤Ï¼Â¹Ô¤¹¤ë¤È, ¤½¤ì¤é¤òÆâÍƤȤ¹¤ëFilter¥ª¥Ö¥¸¥§¥¯¥È¤òÊÖ¤·¤Þ¤¹.
+--- Filter#each &block
+ ¥Õ¥£¥ë¥¿¤Î°ì¹Ô¤º¤Ä¤òblock¤ËÅϤ¹.
+--- Filter#<(src)
+ src¤ò¥Õ¥£¥ë¥¿¤ÎÆþÎϤȤ¹¤ë. src¤¬, ʸ»úÎó¤Ê¤é¤Ð¥Õ¥¡¥¤¥ë¤ò, IO¤Ç¤¢¤ì
+ ¤Ð¤½¤ì¤ò¤½¤Î¤Þ¤ÞÆþÎϤȤ¹¤ë.
+--- Filter#>(to)
+ src¤ò¥Õ¥£¥ë¥¿¤Î½ÐÎϤȤ¹¤ë. to¤¬, ʸ»úÎó¤Ê¤é¤Ð¥Õ¥¡¥¤¥ë¤Ë, IO¤Ç¤¢¤ì
+ ¤Ð¤½¤ì¤ò¤½¤Î¤Þ¤Þ½ÐÎϤȤ¹¤ë.
+--- Filter#>>(to)
+ src¤ò¥Õ¥£¥ë¥¿¤ËÄɲ乤ë. to¤¬, ʸ»úÎó¤Ê¤é¤Ð¥Õ¥¡¥¤¥ë¤Ë, IO¤Ç¤¢¤ì¤Ð
+ ¤½¤ì¤ò¤½¤Î¤Þ¤Þ½ÐÎϤȤ¹¤ë.
+--- Filter#|(filter)
+ ¥Ñ¥¤¥×·ë¹ç
+--- Filter#+(filter)
+ filter1 + filter2 ¤Ï filter1¤Î½ÐÎϤθå, filter2¤Î½ÐÎϤò¹Ô¤¦.
+--- Filter#to_a
+--- Filter#to_s
+== Áȹþ¤ß¥³¥Þ¥ó¥É
+--- Shell#atime(file)
+--- Shell#basename(file, *opt)
+--- Shell#chmod(mode, *files)
+--- Shell#chown(owner, group, *file)
+--- Shell#ctime(file)
+--- Shell#delete(*file)
+--- Shell#dirname(file)
+--- Shell#ftype(file)
+--- Shell#join(*file)
+--- Shell#link(file_from, file_to)
+--- Shell#lstat(file)
+--- Shell#mtime(file)
+--- Shell#readlink(file)
+--- Shell#rename(file_from, file_to)
+--- Shell#split(file)
+--- Shell#stat(file)
+--- Shell#symlink(file_from, file_to)
+--- Shell#truncate(file, length)
+--- Shell#utime(atime, mtime, *file)
+ ¤³¤ì¤é¤ÏFile¥¯¥é¥¹¤Ë¤¢¤ëƱ̾¤Î¥¯¥é¥¹¥á¥½¥Ã¥É¤ÈƱ¤¸¤Ç¤¹.
+--- Shell#blockdev?(file)
+--- Shell#chardev?(file)
+--- Shell#directory?(file)
+--- Shell#executable?(file)
+--- Shell#executable_real?(file)
+--- Shell#exist?(file)/Shell#exists?(file)
+--- Shell#file?(file)
+--- Shell#grpowned?(file)
+--- Shell#owned?(file)
+--- Shell#pipe?(file)
+--- Shell#readable?(file)
+--- Shell#readable_real?(file)
+--- Shell#setgid?(file)
+--- Shell#setuid?(file)
+--- Shell#size(file)/Shell#size?(file)
+--- Shell#socket?(file)
+--- Shell#sticky?(file)
+--- Shell#symlink?(file)
+--- Shell#writable?(file)
+--- Shell#writable_real?(file)
+--- Shell#zero?(file)
+ ¤³¤ì¤é¤ÏFileTest¥¯¥é¥¹¤Ë¤¢¤ëƱ̾¤Î¥¯¥é¥¹¥á¥½¥Ã¥É¤ÈƱ¤¸¤Ç¤¹.
+--- Shell#syscopy(filename_from, filename_to)
+--- Shell#copy(filename_from, filename_to)
+--- Shell#move(filename_from, filename_to)
+--- Shell#compare(filename_from, filename_to)
+--- Shell#safe_unlink(*filenames)
+--- Shell#makedirs(*filenames)
+--- Shell#install(filename_from, filename_to, mode)
+ ¤³¤ì¤é¤ÏFileTools¥¯¥é¥¹¤Ë¤¢¤ëƱ̾¤Î¥¯¥é¥¹¥á¥½¥Ã¥É¤ÈƱ¤¸¤Ç¤¹.
+ ¤½¤Î¾, °Ê²¼¤Î¤â¤Î¤¬¥¨¥¤¥ê¥¢¥¹¤µ¤ì¤Æ¤¤¤Þ¤¹.
+--- Shell#cmp <- Shell#compare
+--- Shell#mv <- Shell#move
+--- Shell#cp <- Shell#copy
+--- Shell#rm_f <- Shell#safe_unlink
+--- Shell#mkpath <- Shell#makedirs
+= ¥µ¥ó¥×¥ë
+== ex1
+ sh ="/tmp")
+ sh.mkdir "shell-test-1" unless sh.exists?("shell-test-1")
+ for dir in ["dir1", "dir3", "dir5"]
+ if !sh.exists?(dir)
+ sh.mkdir dir
+ do
+ f ="tmpFile", "w")
+ f.print "TEST\n"
+ f.close
+ end
+ print sh.pwd
+ end
+ end
+== ex2
+ sh ="/tmp")
+ sh.transact do
+ mkdir "shell-test-1" unless exists?("shell-test-1")
+ cd("shell-test-1")
+ for dir in ["dir1", "dir3", "dir5"]
+ if !exists?(dir)
+ mkdir dir
+ cd(dir) do
+ f = open("tmpFile", "w")
+ f.print "TEST\n"
+ f.close
+ end
+ print pwd
+ end
+ end
+ end
+== ex3
+"/etc/printcap") | sh.tee("tee1") > "tee2"
+ ( < "/etc/printcap") | sh.tee("tee11") > "tee12"
+"/etc/printcap") | sh.tee("tee1") >> "tee2"
+ ( < "/etc/printcap") | sh.tee("tee11") >> "tee12"
+== ex4
+ print"/etc/passwd").head.collect{|l| l =~ /keiju/}
diff --git a/error.c b/error.c
index 4527128030..6a008cdac5 100644
--- a/error.c
+++ b/error.c
@@ -695,6 +695,13 @@ rb_sys_fail(mesg)
+ char *path;
+ rb_loaderror("%s -- %s", strerror(errno), path);
char *what;
diff --git a/eval.c b/eval.c
index ae2ce62da9..6a8cf3f552 100644
--- a/eval.c
+++ b/eval.c
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
created at: Thu Jun 10 14:22:17 JST 1993
- Copyright (C) 1993-2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto
+ Copyright (C) 1993-2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto
Copyright (C) 2000 Network Applied Communication Laboratory, Inc.
Copyright (C) 2000 Information-technology Promotion Agency, Japan
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@
#include "ruby.h"
#include "node.h"
#include "env.h"
+#include "util.h"
#include "rubysig.h"
#include <stdio.h>
@@ -22,6 +23,25 @@
#include "st.h"
#include "dln.h"
+/* Make alloca work the best possible way. */
+#ifdef __GNUC__
+# ifndef atarist
+# ifndef alloca
+# define alloca __builtin_alloca
+# endif
+# endif /* atarist */
+# if defined(HAVE_ALLOCA_H)
+# include <alloca.h>
+# elif !defined(alloca)
+char *alloca();
+# endif
+#endif /* __GNUC__ */
+#ifdef _AIX
+#pragma alloca
#include <stdarg.h>
#define va_init_list(a,b) va_start(a,b)
@@ -109,33 +129,8 @@ int ruby_safe_level = 0;
4 - no global (non-tainted) variable modification/no direct output
- int level;
- if (level > ruby_safe_level) {
- ruby_safe_level = level;
- }
-static VALUE
- return INT2FIX(ruby_safe_level);
-static void
- VALUE val;
- int level = NUM2INT(val);
- if (level < ruby_safe_level) {
- rb_raise(rb_eSecurityError, "tried to downgrade safe level from %d to %d",
- ruby_safe_level, level);
- }
- ruby_safe_level = level;
+static VALUE safe_getter _((void));
+static void safe_setter _((VALUE val));
@@ -483,9 +478,9 @@ rb_attr(klass, id, read, write, ex)
rb_funcall(klass, added, 1, ID2SYM(id));
- sprintf(buf, "%s=", name);
- id = rb_intern(buf);
if (write) {
+ sprintf(buf, "%s=", name);
+ id = rb_intern(buf);
rb_add_method(klass, id, NEW_ATTRSET(attriv), noex);
rb_funcall(klass, added, 1, ID2SYM(id));
@@ -527,14 +522,20 @@ static struct SCOPE *top_scope;
ruby_sourceline = _frame.line; \
ruby_frame = _frame.prev; }
+struct BLOCKTAG {
+ struct RBasic super;
+ long dst;
+ long flags;
struct BLOCK {
NODE *var;
NODE *body;
VALUE self;
struct FRAME frame;
struct SCOPE *scope;
+ struct BLOCKTAG *tag;
VALUE klass;
- struct tag *tag;
int iter;
int vmode;
int flags;
@@ -545,12 +546,23 @@ struct BLOCK {
#define BLOCK_D_SCOPE 1
+#define BLOCK_ORPHAN 4
static struct BLOCK *ruby_block;
+static struct BLOCKTAG*
+ NEWOBJ(blktag, struct BLOCKTAG);
+ OBJSETUP(blktag, 0, T_BLKTAG);
+ blktag->dst = 0;
+ blktag->flags = 0;
+ return blktag;
#define PUSH_BLOCK(v,b) { \
struct BLOCK _block; \
- _block.tag = prot_tag; \
+ _block.tag = new_blktag(); \
_block.var = v; \
_block.body = b; \
_block.self = self; \
@@ -566,19 +578,18 @@ static struct BLOCK *ruby_block;
_block.dyna_vars = ruby_dyna_vars; \
ruby_block = &_block;
+#define POP_BLOCK_TAG(tag) do { \
+ if ((tag)->flags & BLOCK_DYNAMIC) \
+ (tag)->flags |= BLOCK_ORPHAN; \
+ else \
+ rb_gc_force_recycle((VALUE)tag); \
+} while (0)
#define POP_BLOCK() \
+ POP_BLOCK_TAG(_block.tag); \
ruby_block = _block.prev; \
-#define PUSH_BLOCK2(b) { \
- struct BLOCK * volatile _old; \
- _old = ruby_block; \
- ruby_block = b;
-#define POP_BLOCK2() \
- ruby_block = _old; \
struct RVarmap *ruby_dyna_vars;
#define PUSH_VARS() { \
struct RVarmap * volatile _old; \
@@ -586,6 +597,8 @@ struct RVarmap *ruby_dyna_vars;
ruby_dyna_vars = 0;
#define POP_VARS() \
+ if (_old && (ruby_scope->flag & SCOPE_DONT_RECYCLE)) \
ruby_dyna_vars = _old; \
@@ -739,7 +752,6 @@ static struct tag *prot_tag;
_tag.frame = ruby_frame; \
_tag.iter = ruby_iter; \
_tag.prev = prot_tag; \
- _tag.retval = Qnil; \
_tag.scope = ruby_scope; \
_tag.tag = ptag; \
_tag.dst = 0; \
@@ -785,6 +797,11 @@ static VALUE ruby_wrapper; /* security wrapper */
#define POP_CLASS() ruby_class = _class; }
+static NODE *ruby_cref = 0;
+static NODE *top_cref;
+#define PUSH_CREF(c) ruby_cref = rb_node_newnode(NODE_CREF,(c),0,ruby_cref)
+#define POP_CREF() ruby_cref = ruby_cref->nd_next
#define PUSH_SCOPE() { \
volatile int _vmode = scope_vmode; \
struct SCOPE * volatile _old; \
@@ -1011,7 +1028,9 @@ ruby_init()
ruby_class = rb_cObject;
ruby_frame->self = ruby_top_self;
- ruby_frame->cbase = (VALUE)rb_node_newnode(NODE_CREF,rb_cObject,0,0);
+ top_cref = rb_node_newnode(NODE_CREF,rb_cObject,0,0);
+ ruby_cref = top_cref;
+ ruby_frame->cbase = (VALUE)ruby_cref;
rb_define_global_const("TOPLEVEL_BINDING", rb_f_binding(ruby_top_self));
#ifdef __MACOS__
@@ -1051,7 +1070,7 @@ static int
int ex;
- switch (ex & 0xf) {
+ switch (ex & TAG_MASK) {
case 0:
ex = 0;
@@ -1122,9 +1141,13 @@ void rb_exec_end_proc _((void));
- rb_trap_exit();
- rb_exec_end_proc();
- rb_gc_call_finalizer_at_exit();
+ if (EXEC_TAG() == 0) {
+ rb_trap_exit();
+ rb_exec_end_proc();
+ rb_gc_call_finalizer_at_exit();
+ }
+ POP_TAG();
@@ -1235,6 +1258,7 @@ rb_eval_string_wrap(str, state)
int status;
VALUE self = ruby_top_self;
+ VALUE wrapper = ruby_wrapper;
VALUE val;
@@ -1246,6 +1270,7 @@ rb_eval_string_wrap(str, state)
ruby_top_self = self;
+ ruby_wrapper = wrapper;
if (state) {
*state = status;
@@ -1255,6 +1280,34 @@ rb_eval_string_wrap(str, state)
return val;
+static void
+ int state;
+ switch (state) {
+ case 0:
+ break;
+ case TAG_RETURN:
+ rb_raise(rb_eLocalJumpError, "unexpected return");
+ break;
+ case TAG_NEXT:
+ rb_raise(rb_eLocalJumpError, "unexpected next");
+ break;
+ case TAG_BREAK:
+ rb_raise(rb_eLocalJumpError, "unexpected break");
+ break;
+ case TAG_REDO:
+ rb_raise(rb_eLocalJumpError, "unexpected redo");
+ break;
+ case TAG_RETRY:
+ rb_raise(rb_eLocalJumpError, "retry outside of rescue clause");
+ break;
+ default:
+ JUMP_TAG(state);
+ break;
+ }
rb_eval_cmd(cmd, arg)
VALUE cmd, arg;
@@ -1290,28 +1343,7 @@ rb_eval_cmd(cmd, arg)
- switch (state) {
- case 0:
- break;
- case TAG_RETURN:
- rb_raise(rb_eLocalJumpError, "unexpected return");
- break;
- case TAG_NEXT:
- rb_raise(rb_eLocalJumpError, "unexpected next");
- break;
- case TAG_BREAK:
- rb_raise(rb_eLocalJumpError, "unexpected break");
- break;
- case TAG_REDO:
- rb_raise(rb_eLocalJumpError, "unexpected redo");
- break;
- case TAG_RETRY:
- rb_raise(rb_eLocalJumpError, "retry outside of rescue clause");
- break;
- default:
- JUMP_TAG(state);
- break;
- }
+ jump_tag_but_local_jump(state);
return val;
@@ -1373,17 +1405,18 @@ superclass(self, node)
#define ruby_cbase (RNODE(ruby_frame->cbase)->nd_clss)
static VALUE
-ev_const_defined(cref, id)
+ev_const_defined(cref, id, self)
NODE *cref;
ID id;
+ VALUE self;
NODE *cbase = cref;
- while (cbase && cbase->nd_clss != rb_cObject) {
+ while (cbase && cbase->nd_next) {
struct RClass *klass = RCLASS(cbase->nd_clss);
- if (klass->iv_tbl &&
- st_lookup(klass->iv_tbl, id, 0)) {
+ if (NIL_P(klass)) return rb_const_defined(CLASS_OF(self), id);
+ if (klass->iv_tbl && st_lookup(klass->iv_tbl, id, 0)) {
return Qtrue;
cbase = cbase->nd_next;
@@ -1392,16 +1425,18 @@ ev_const_defined(cref, id)
static VALUE
-ev_const_get(cref, id)
+ev_const_get(cref, id, self)
NODE *cref;
ID id;
+ VALUE self;
NODE *cbase = cref;
VALUE result;
- while (cbase && cbase->nd_clss != rb_cObject) {
+ while (cbase && cbase->nd_next) {
struct RClass *klass = RCLASS(cbase->nd_clss);
+ if (NIL_P(klass)) return rb_const_get(CLASS_OF(self), id);
if (klass->iv_tbl && st_lookup(klass->iv_tbl, id, &result)) {
return result;
@@ -1411,34 +1446,13 @@ ev_const_get(cref, id)
static VALUE
-ev_const_set(cref, id, val)
- NODE *cref;
- ID id;
- VALUE val;
- NODE *cbase = cref;
- while (cbase && cbase->nd_clss != rb_cObject) {
- struct RClass *klass = RCLASS(cbase->nd_clss);
- if (klass->iv_tbl && st_lookup(klass->iv_tbl, id, 0)) {
- st_insert(klass->iv_tbl, id, val);
- return val;
- }
- cbase = cbase->nd_next;
- }
- rb_const_assign(cbase->nd_clss, id, val);
- return val;
-static VALUE
NODE *cbase = RNODE(ruby_frame->cbase);
VALUE ary = rb_ary_new();
- while (cbase && cbase->nd_clss != rb_cObject) {
- rb_ary_push(ary, cbase->nd_clss);
+ while (cbase && cbase->nd_next) {
+ if (!NIL_P(cbase->nd_clss)) rb_ary_push(ary, cbase->nd_clss);
cbase = cbase->nd_next;
return ary;
@@ -1450,12 +1464,12 @@ rb_mod_s_constants()
NODE *cbase = RNODE(ruby_frame->cbase);
VALUE ary = rb_ary_new();
- while (cbase && cbase->nd_clss != rb_cObject) {
- rb_mod_const_at(cbase->nd_clss, ary);
+ while (cbase) {
+ if (!NIL_P(cbase->nd_clss)) rb_mod_const_at(cbase->nd_clss, ary);
cbase = cbase->nd_next;
- rb_mod_const_of(ruby_cbase, ary);
+ if (!NIL_P(ruby_cbase)) rb_mod_const_of(ruby_cbase, ary);
return ary;
@@ -1576,22 +1590,32 @@ rb_mod_alias_method(mod, newname, oldname)
return mod;
+static NODE*
+copy_node_scope(node, rval)
+ NODE *node;
+ VALUE rval;
+ NODE *copy = rb_node_newnode(NODE_SCOPE,0,rval,node->nd_next);
+ if (node->nd_tbl) {
+ copy->nd_tbl = ALLOC_N(ID, node->nd_tbl[0]+1);
+ MEMCPY(copy->nd_tbl, node->nd_tbl, ID, node->nd_tbl[0]+1);
+ }
+ else {
+ copy->nd_tbl = 0;
+ }
+ return copy;
#ifdef C_ALLOCA
# define TMP_PROTECT NODE * volatile tmp__protect_tmp=0
# define TMP_ALLOC(n) \
(tmp__protect_tmp = rb_node_newnode(NODE_ALLOCA, \
ALLOC_N(VALUE,n),tmp__protect_tmp,n), \
-# define TMP_PROTECT_END do {\
- if (tmp__protect_tmp) {\
- rb_gc_force_recycle((VALUE)tmp__protect_tmp);\
- alloca(0);\
- }\
-} while (0)
# define TMP_PROTECT typedef int foobazzz
#define SETUP_ARGS(anode) {\
@@ -1776,12 +1800,18 @@ is_defined(self, node, buf)
- if (ev_const_defined(RNODE(ruby_frame->cbase), node->nd_vid)) {
+ if (ev_const_defined(RNODE(ruby_frame->cbase), node->nd_vid, self)) {
return "constant";
+ if (NIL_P(ruby_cbase)) {
+ if (rb_cvar_defined(CLASS_OF(self), node->nd_vid)) {
+ return "class variable";
+ }
+ break;
+ }
if (!FL_TEST(ruby_cbase, FL_SINGLETON)) {
if (rb_cvar_defined(ruby_cbase, node->nd_vid)) {
return "class variable";
@@ -1821,14 +1851,14 @@ is_defined(self, node, buf)
- if (rb_reg_nth_defined(node->nd_nth, MATCH_DATA)) {
+ if (RTEST(rb_reg_nth_defined(node->nd_nth, MATCH_DATA))) {
sprintf(buf, "$%d", node->nd_nth);
return buf;
- if (rb_reg_nth_defined(0, MATCH_DATA)) {
+ if (RTEST(rb_reg_nth_defined(0, MATCH_DATA))) {
sprintf(buf, "$%c", node->nd_nth);
return buf;
@@ -2207,15 +2237,14 @@ rb_eval(self, n)
case NODE_FOR:
- PUSH_BLOCK(node->nd_var, node->nd_body);
+ PUSH_BLOCK(node->nd_var, node->nd_body);
state = EXEC_TAG();
if (state == 0) {
if (nd_type(node) == NODE_ITER) {
result = rb_eval(self, node->nd_iter);
else {
VALUE recv;
@@ -2223,13 +2252,14 @@ rb_eval(self, n)
int line = ruby_sourceline;
_block.flags &= ~BLOCK_D_SCOPE;
recv = rb_eval(self, node->nd_iter);
ruby_sourcefile = file;
ruby_sourceline = line;
result = rb_call(CLASS_OF(recv),recv,each,0,0,0);
else if (_block.tag->dst == state) {
state &= TAG_MASK;
@@ -2237,8 +2267,8 @@ rb_eval(self, n)
result = prot_tag->retval;
- POP_TAG();
+ POP_TAG();
switch (state) {
case 0:
@@ -2348,9 +2378,11 @@ rb_eval(self, n)
if (node->nd_ensr) {
VALUE retval = prot_tag->retval; /* save retval */
+ VALUE errinfo = ruby_errinfo;
rb_eval(self, node->nd_ensr);
+ ruby_errinfo = errinfo;
if (state) JUMP_TAG(state);
@@ -2460,7 +2492,6 @@ rb_eval(self, n)
result = rb_call(CLASS_OF(recv),recv,node->nd_mid,argc,argv,0);
@@ -2474,7 +2505,6 @@ rb_eval(self, n)
result = rb_call(CLASS_OF(self),self,node->nd_mid,argc,argv,1);
@@ -2507,13 +2537,13 @@ rb_eval(self, n)
ruby_frame->self, ruby_frame->last_func,
argc, argv, 3);
struct FRAME frame;
+ NODE *saved_cref = 0;
frame = *ruby_frame;
frame.tmp = ruby_frame;
@@ -2521,7 +2551,11 @@ rb_eval(self, n)
- if (node->nd_rval) ruby_frame->cbase = node->nd_rval;
+ if (node->nd_rval) {
+ saved_cref = ruby_cref;
+ ruby_cref = (NODE*)node->nd_rval;
+ ruby_frame->cbase = node->nd_rval;
+ }
if (node->nd_tbl) {
VALUE *vars = ALLOCA_N(VALUE, node->nd_tbl[0]+1);
*vars++ = (VALUE)node;
@@ -2539,6 +2573,8 @@ rb_eval(self, n)
ruby_frame = frame.tmp;
+ if (saved_cref)
+ ruby_cref = saved_cref;
if (state) JUMP_TAG(state);
@@ -2569,7 +2605,6 @@ rb_eval(self, n)
argv[argc-1] = val;
val = rb_funcall2(recv, aset, argc, argv);
result = val;
@@ -2606,10 +2641,12 @@ rb_eval(self, n)
goto again;
- result = rb_eval(self, node->nd_head);
- if (RTEST(result)) break;
- node = node->nd_value;
- goto again;
+ if ((node->nd_aid && !rb_ivar_defined(self, node->nd_aid)) ||
+ !RTEST(result = rb_eval(self, node->nd_head))) {
+ node = node->nd_value;
+ goto again;
+ }
+ break;
result = massign(self, node, rb_eval(self, node->nd_value),0);
@@ -2688,10 +2725,14 @@ rb_eval(self, n)
- result = ev_const_get(RNODE(ruby_frame->cbase), node->nd_vid);
+ result = ev_const_get(RNODE(ruby_frame->cbase), node->nd_vid, self);
case NODE_CVAR: /* normal method */
+ if (NIL_P(ruby_cbase)) {
+ result = rb_cvar_get(CLASS_OF(self), node->nd_vid);
+ break;
+ }
if (!FL_TEST(ruby_cbase, FL_SINGLETON)) {
result = rb_cvar_get(ruby_cbase, node->nd_vid);
@@ -2878,7 +2919,7 @@ rb_eval(self, n)
if (node->nd_defn) {
- NODE *body;
+ NODE *body, *defn;
VALUE origin;
int noex;
@@ -2920,11 +2961,13 @@ rb_eval(self, n)
if (body && origin == ruby_class && body->nd_noex & NOEX_UNDEF) {
noex |= NOEX_UNDEF;
- rb_add_method(ruby_class, node->nd_mid, node->nd_defn, noex);
+ defn = copy_node_scope(node->nd_defn, ruby_cref);
+ rb_add_method(ruby_class, node->nd_mid, defn, noex);
if (scope_vmode == SCOPE_MODFUNC) {
- node->nd_mid, node->nd_defn, NOEX_PUBLIC);
+ node->nd_mid, defn, NOEX_PUBLIC);
rb_funcall(ruby_class, singleton_added, 1, ID2SYM(node->nd_mid));
if (FL_TEST(ruby_class, FL_SINGLETON)) {
@@ -2942,7 +2985,7 @@ rb_eval(self, n)
if (node->nd_defn) {
VALUE recv = rb_eval(self, node->nd_recv);
VALUE klass;
- NODE *body = 0;
+ NODE *body = 0, *defn;
if (rb_safe_level() >= 4 && !OBJ_TAINTED(recv)) {
rb_raise(rb_eSecurityError, "Insecure; can't define singleton method");
@@ -2964,7 +3007,9 @@ rb_eval(self, n)
rb_warning("redefine %s", rb_id2name(node->nd_mid));
- rb_add_method(klass, node->nd_mid, node->nd_defn,
+ defn = copy_node_scope(node->nd_defn, ruby_cref);
+ defn->nd_rval = (VALUE)ruby_cref;
+ rb_add_method(klass, node->nd_mid, defn,
rb_funcall(recv, singleton_added, 1, ID2SYM(node->nd_mid));
@@ -3162,16 +3207,11 @@ module_setup(module, n)
frame.tmp = ruby_frame;
ruby_frame = &frame;
- /* fill c-ref */
- node->nd_clss = module;
- node = node->nd_body;
ruby_class = module;
- if (node->nd_rval) ruby_frame->cbase = node->nd_rval;
if (node->nd_tbl) {
VALUE *vars = TMP_ALLOC(node->nd_tbl[0]+1);
*vars++ = (VALUE)node;
@@ -3184,6 +3224,8 @@ module_setup(module, n)
ruby_scope->local_tbl = 0;
+ PUSH_CREF(module);
+ ruby_frame->cbase = (VALUE)ruby_cref;
if ((state = EXEC_TAG()) == 0) {
if (trace_func) {
@@ -3194,6 +3236,7 @@ module_setup(module, n)
result = rb_eval(ruby_class, node->nd_next);
@@ -3203,7 +3246,6 @@ module_setup(module, n)
call_trace_func("end", file, line, 0,
ruby_frame->last_func, ruby_frame->last_class);
if (state) JUMP_TAG(state);
return result;
@@ -3461,13 +3503,14 @@ rb_yield_0(val, self, klass, acheck)
NODE *node;
volatile VALUE result = Qnil;
+ volatile VALUE old_cref;
struct BLOCK *block;
struct SCOPE *old_scope;
struct FRAME frame;
int state;
static unsigned serial = 1;
- if (!ruby_frame->iter || !ruby_block) {
+ if (!(rb_block_given_p() || rb_f_block_given_p()) || !ruby_block) {
rb_raise(rb_eLocalJumpError, "yield called out of block");
@@ -3477,6 +3520,8 @@ rb_yield_0(val, self, klass, acheck)
frame = block->frame;
frame.prev = ruby_frame;
ruby_frame = &(frame);
+ old_cref = (VALUE)ruby_cref;
+ ruby_cref = (NODE*)ruby_frame->cbase;
old_scope = ruby_scope;
ruby_scope = block->scope;
ruby_block = block->prev;
@@ -3489,7 +3534,7 @@ rb_yield_0(val, self, klass, acheck)
ruby_dyna_vars = block->dyna_vars;
ruby_class = klass?klass:block->klass;
- if (!self) self = block->self;
+ if (!klass) self = block->self;
node = block->body;
if (block->var) {
@@ -3518,6 +3563,13 @@ rb_yield_0(val, self, klass, acheck)
if (state) goto pop_state;
+ else {
+ /* argument adjust for proc_call etc. */
+ if (acheck && val != Qundef &&
+ TYPE(val) == T_ARRAY && RARRAY(val)->len == 1) {
+ val = RARRAY(val)->ptr[0];
+ }
+ }
@@ -3526,7 +3578,7 @@ rb_yield_0(val, self, klass, acheck)
if (!node) {
result = Qnil;
- else if (nd_type(node) == NODE_CFUNC) {
+ else if (nd_type(node) == NODE_CFUNC || nd_type(node) == NODE_IFUNC) {
if (val == Qundef) val = rb_ary_new2(0);
result = (*node->nd_cfnc)(val, node->nd_tval, self);
@@ -3548,7 +3600,7 @@ rb_yield_0(val, self, klass, acheck)
state |= (serial++ << 8);
state |= 0x10;
- block->tag->dst = state;
+ block->tag->dst = state;
@@ -3558,26 +3610,57 @@ rb_yield_0(val, self, klass, acheck)
- if ((block->flags & BLOCK_D_SCOPE) &&
+#if 0
+ if (ruby_dyna_vars && (block->flags & BLOCK_D_SCOPE) &&
+ (!(ruby_scope->flags & SCOPE_DONT_RECYCLE) ||
+ !(block->tag->flags & BLOCK_DYNAMIC) ||
+ !FL_TEST(ruby_dyna_vars, DVAR_DONT_RECYCLE))) {
+ struct RVarmap *vars, *tmp;
+ if (ruby_dyna_vars->id == 0) {
+ vars = ruby_dyna_vars->next;
+ rb_gc_force_recycle((VALUE)ruby_dyna_vars);
+ while (vars && vars->id != 0) {
+ tmp = vars->next;
+ rb_gc_force_recycle((VALUE)vars);
+ vars = tmp;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (ruby_dyna_vars && (block->flags & BLOCK_D_SCOPE) &&
!FL_TEST(ruby_dyna_vars, DVAR_DONT_RECYCLE)) {
struct RVarmap *vars = ruby_dyna_vars;
- while (vars && vars->id != 0) {
- struct RVarmap *tmp = vars->next;
- rb_gc_force_recycle((VALUE)vars);
- vars = tmp;
- }
- if (ruby_dyna_vars && ruby_dyna_vars->id == 0) {
+ if (ruby_dyna_vars->id == 0) {
+ vars = ruby_dyna_vars->next;
+ while (vars && vars->id != 0) {
+ struct RVarmap *tmp = vars->next;
+ rb_gc_force_recycle((VALUE)vars);
+ vars = tmp;
+ }
ruby_block = block;
ruby_frame = ruby_frame->prev;
+ ruby_cref = (NODE*)old_cref;
if (ruby_scope->flag & SCOPE_DONT_RECYCLE)
ruby_scope = old_scope;
- if (state) JUMP_TAG(state);
+ if (state) {
+ if (!block->tag) {
+ switch (state & TAG_MASK) {
+ case TAG_BREAK:
+ case TAG_RETURN:
+ jump_tag_but_local_jump(state & TAG_MASK);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ JUMP_TAG(state);
+ }
return result;
@@ -3744,7 +3827,7 @@ rb_iterate(it_proc, data1, bl_proc, data2)
int state;
volatile VALUE retval = Qnil;
- NODE *node = NEW_CFUNC(bl_proc, data2);
+ NODE *node = NEW_IFUNC(bl_proc, data2);
VALUE self = ruby_top_self;
@@ -3809,7 +3892,6 @@ handle_rescue(self, node)
if (rb_obj_is_kind_of(ruby_errinfo, argv[0])) return 1;
return 0;
@@ -3921,9 +4003,9 @@ rb_ensure(b_proc, data1, e_proc, data2)
result = (*b_proc)(data1);
- retval = prot_tag->retval; /* save retval */
+ retval = prot_tag ? prot_tag->retval : Qnil; /* save retval */
- return_value(retval);
+ if (prot_tag) return_value(retval);
if (state) JUMP_TAG(state);
return result;
@@ -4053,6 +4135,7 @@ static int STACK_LEVEL_MAX = 65535;
#ifdef __human68k__
extern int _stacksize;
# define STACK_LEVEL_MAX (_stacksize - 4096)
static int STACK_LEVEL_MAX = 655300;
@@ -4072,7 +4155,7 @@ stack_length(p)
# define STACK_END (&stack_end)
-# if defined(__GNUC__) && !defined(__alpha__) && !defined(__APPLE__)
+# if defined(__GNUC__) && (defined(__i386__) || defined(__m68k__))
VALUE *stack_end = __builtin_frame_address(0);
# else
VALUE *stack_end = alloca(1);
@@ -4081,7 +4164,7 @@ stack_length(p)
if (p) *p = STACK_END;
-#ifdef sparc
+#ifdef __sparc__
return rb_gc_stack_start - STACK_END + 0x80;
return (STACK_END < rb_gc_stack_start) ? rb_gc_stack_start - STACK_END
@@ -4266,14 +4349,19 @@ rb_call0(klass, recv, id, argc, argv, body, nosuper)
result = proc_call(body->nd_cval, rb_ary_new4(argc, argv));
- default:
+ case NODE_SCOPE:
int state;
VALUE *local_vars; /* OK */
+ NODE *saved_cref = 0;
- if (body->nd_rval) ruby_frame->cbase = body->nd_rval;
+ if (body->nd_rval) {
+ saved_cref = ruby_cref;
+ ruby_cref = (NODE*)body->nd_rval;
+ ruby_frame->cbase = body->nd_rval;
+ }
if (body->nd_tbl) {
local_vars = TMP_ALLOC(body->nd_tbl[0]+1);
*local_vars++ = (VALUE)body;
@@ -4345,10 +4433,13 @@ rb_call0(klass, recv, id, argc, argv, body, nosuper)
rb_eval(recv, opt);
if (node->nd_rest >= 0) {
+ VALUE v;
if (argc > 0)
- local_vars[node->nd_rest]=rb_ary_new4(argc,argv);
+ v = rb_ary_new4(argc,argv);
- local_vars[node->nd_rest]=rb_ary_new2(0);
+ v = rb_ary_new2(0);
+ local_vars[node->nd_rest] = v;
@@ -4366,6 +4457,7 @@ rb_call0(klass, recv, id, argc, argv, body, nosuper)
+ ruby_cref = saved_cref;
if (trace_func) {
char *file = ruby_frame->prev->file;
int line = ruby_frame->prev->line;
@@ -4379,27 +4471,24 @@ rb_call0(klass, recv, id, argc, argv, body, nosuper)
case 0:
- case TAG_NEXT:
- rb_raise(rb_eLocalJumpError, "unexpected next");
- break;
- case TAG_BREAK:
- rb_raise(rb_eLocalJumpError, "unexpected break");
- break;
- case TAG_REDO:
- rb_raise(rb_eLocalJumpError, "unexpected redo");
- break;
- if (!rb_block_given_p()) {
- rb_raise(rb_eLocalJumpError, "retry outside of rescue clause");
+ if (rb_block_given_p()) {
+ JUMP_TAG(state);
+ /* fall through */
- JUMP_TAG(state);
+ jump_tag_but_local_jump(state);
+ break;
+ break;
+ default:
+ rb_bug("unknown node type %d", nd_type(body));
+ break;
return result;
@@ -4416,6 +4505,9 @@ rb_call(klass, recv, mid, argc, argv, scope)
ID id = mid;
struct cache_entry *ent;
+ if (!klass) {
+ rb_raise(rb_eNotImpError, "method call on terminated object");
+ }
/* is it in the method cache? */
ent = cache + EXPR1(klass, mid);
if (ent->mid == mid && ent->klass == klass) {
@@ -4683,6 +4775,7 @@ eval(self, src, scope, file, line)
struct SCOPE * volatile old_scope;
struct BLOCK * volatile old_block;
struct RVarmap * volatile old_dyna_vars;
+ VALUE volatile old_cref;
int volatile old_vmode;
struct FRAME frame;
char *filesave = ruby_sourcefile;
@@ -4701,7 +4794,6 @@ eval(self, src, scope, file, line)
Data_Get_Struct(scope, struct BLOCK, data);
/* PUSH BLOCK from data */
frame = data->frame;
frame.tmp = ruby_frame; /* gc protection */
@@ -4714,6 +4806,8 @@ eval(self, src, scope, file, line)
ruby_dyna_vars = data->dyna_vars;
old_vmode = scope_vmode;
scope_vmode = data->vmode;
+ old_cref = (VALUE)ruby_cref;
+ ruby_cref = (NODE*)ruby_frame->cbase;
self = data->self;
ruby_frame->iter = data->iter;
@@ -4747,14 +4841,34 @@ eval(self, src, scope, file, line)
if (!NIL_P(scope)) {
+ int dont_recycle = ruby_scope->flag & SCOPE_DONT_RECYCLE;
+ ruby_cref = (NODE*)old_cref;
ruby_frame = frame.tmp;
- if (ruby_scope->flag & SCOPE_DONT_RECYCLE)
- scope_dup(old_scope);
ruby_scope = old_scope;
ruby_block = old_block;
ruby_dyna_vars = old_dyna_vars;
data->vmode = scope_vmode; /* write back visibility mode */
scope_vmode = old_vmode;
+ if (dont_recycle) {
+ struct tag *tag;
+ struct RVarmap *vars;
+ scope_dup(ruby_scope);
+ for (tag=prot_tag; tag; tag=tag->prev) {
+ scope_dup(tag->scope);
+ }
+ if (ruby_block) {
+ struct BLOCK *block = ruby_block;
+ while (block) {
+ block->tag->flags |= BLOCK_DYNAMIC;
+ block = block->prev;
+ }
+ }
+ for (vars = ruby_dyna_vars; vars; vars = vars->next) {
+ }
+ }
else {
ruby_frame->iter = iter;
@@ -4849,6 +4963,7 @@ exec_under(func, under, args)
if (ruby_cbase != under) {
ruby_frame->cbase = (VALUE)rb_node_newnode(NODE_CREF,under,0,ruby_frame->cbase);
+ PUSH_CREF(under);
mode = scope_vmode;
@@ -4857,6 +4972,7 @@ exec_under(func, under, args)
val = (*func)(args);
@@ -4932,8 +5048,6 @@ static VALUE
yield_under(under, self)
VALUE under, self;
- if (rb_safe_level() >= 4 && !OBJ_TAINTED(self))
- rb_raise(rb_eSecurityError, "Insecure: can't eval");
return exec_under(yield_under_i, under, self);
@@ -5014,6 +5128,7 @@ rb_load(fname, wrap)
volatile ID last_func;
volatile VALUE wrapper = 0;
volatile VALUE self = ruby_top_self;
+ NODE *saved_cref = ruby_cref;
if (wrap) {
@@ -5031,6 +5146,7 @@ rb_load(fname, wrap)
wrapper = ruby_wrapper;
+ ruby_cref = top_cref;
if (!wrap) {
rb_secure(4); /* should alter global state */
ruby_class = rb_cObject;
@@ -5041,6 +5157,7 @@ rb_load(fname, wrap)
ruby_class = ruby_wrapper = rb_module_new();
self = rb_obj_clone(ruby_top_self);
rb_extend_object(self, ruby_class);
+ PUSH_CREF(ruby_wrapper);
ruby_frame->last_func = 0;
@@ -5083,6 +5200,7 @@ rb_load(fname, wrap)
+ ruby_cref = saved_cref;
@@ -5092,8 +5210,7 @@ rb_load(fname, wrap)
ruby_nerrs = 0;
- if (state) JUMP_TAG(state);
+ if (state) jump_tag_but_local_jump(state);
if (!NIL_P(ruby_errinfo)) /* exception during load */
@@ -5126,6 +5243,7 @@ rb_f_load(argc, argv)
return Qtrue;
+VALUE ruby_dln_librefs;
static VALUE rb_features;
static st_table *loading_tbl;
@@ -5167,7 +5285,7 @@ rb_feature_p(feature, wait)
while (st_lookup(loading_tbl, f, &th)) {
if (th == curr_thread) {
- rb_raise(rb_eLoadError, "infinite load loop -- %s", f);
+ return Qtrue;
@@ -5293,9 +5411,12 @@ rb_f_require(obj, fname)
if ((state = EXEC_TAG()) == 0) {
+ void *handle;
load = rb_str_new2(file);
file = RSTRING(load)->ptr;
- dln_load(file);
+ handle = dln_load(file);
+ rb_ary_push(ruby_dln_librefs, INT2NUM((long)handle));
if (state) JUMP_TAG(state);
@@ -5333,6 +5454,15 @@ rb_require(fname)
static void
+ VALUE self;
+ if (rb_safe_level() >= 4 && !OBJ_TAINTED(self)) {
+ rb_raise(rb_eSecurityError, "Insecure: can't change method visibility");
+ }
+static void
set_method_visibility(self, argc, argv, ex)
VALUE self;
int argc;
@@ -5341,6 +5471,7 @@ set_method_visibility(self, argc, argv, ex)
int i;
+ secure_visibility(self);
for (i=0; i<argc; i++) {
rb_export_method(self, rb_to_id(argv[i]), ex);
@@ -5352,6 +5483,7 @@ rb_mod_public(argc, argv, module)
VALUE *argv;
VALUE module;
+ secure_visibility(module);
if (argc == 0) {
@@ -5367,6 +5499,7 @@ rb_mod_protected(argc, argv, module)
VALUE *argv;
VALUE module;
+ secure_visibility(module);
if (argc == 0) {
@@ -5382,6 +5515,7 @@ rb_mod_private(argc, argv, module)
VALUE *argv;
VALUE module;
+ secure_visibility(module);
if (argc == 0) {
@@ -5441,6 +5575,7 @@ rb_mod_modfunc(argc, argv, module)
rb_raise(rb_eTypeError, "module_function must be called for modules");
+ secure_visibility(module);
if (argc == 0) {
return module;
@@ -5849,6 +5984,9 @@ Init_load()
rb_define_global_function("require", rb_f_require, 1);
rb_define_global_function("autoload", rb_f_autoload, 2);
+ ruby_dln_librefs = rb_ary_new();
+ rb_global_variable(&ruby_dln_librefs);
static void
@@ -5883,6 +6021,7 @@ blk_mark(data)
+ rb_gc_mark(data->tag);
data = data->prev;
@@ -5916,6 +6055,7 @@ blk_copy_prev(block)
struct BLOCK *block;
struct BLOCK *tmp;
+ struct RVarmap* vars;
while (block->prev) {
tmp = ALLOC_N(struct BLOCK, 1);
@@ -5925,6 +6065,13 @@ blk_copy_prev(block)
MEMCPY(tmp->frame.argv, block->prev->frame.argv, VALUE, tmp->frame.argc);
+ tmp->tag->flags |= BLOCK_DYNAMIC;
+ for (vars = tmp->dyna_vars; vars; vars = vars->next) {
+ if (FL_TEST(vars, DVAR_DONT_RECYCLE)) break;
+ }
block->prev = tmp;
block = tmp;
@@ -5980,7 +6127,7 @@ static VALUE
VALUE self;
- struct BLOCK *data;
+ struct BLOCK *data, *p;
struct RVarmap *vars;
VALUE bind;
@@ -6002,10 +6149,14 @@ rb_f_binding(self)
else {
data->prev = 0;
+ data->flags |= BLOCK_DYNAMIC;
+ data->tag->flags |= BLOCK_DYNAMIC;
- for (vars = data->dyna_vars; vars; vars = vars->next) {
- if (FL_TEST(vars, DVAR_DONT_RECYCLE)) break;
+ for (p = data; p; p = p->prev) {
+ for (vars = p->dyna_vars; vars; vars = vars->next) {
+ if (FL_TEST(vars, DVAR_DONT_RECYCLE)) break;
+ }
@@ -6063,11 +6214,11 @@ proc_new(klass)
VALUE klass;
volatile VALUE proc;
- struct BLOCK *data;
+ struct BLOCK *data, *p;
struct RVarmap *vars;
if (!rb_block_given_p() && !rb_f_block_given_p()) {
- rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "tried to create Procedure-Object without a block");
+ rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "tried to create Proc object without a block");
proc = Data_Make_Struct(klass, struct BLOCK, blk_mark, blk_free, data);
@@ -6075,7 +6226,6 @@ proc_new(klass)
data->orig_thread = rb_thread_current();
data->iter = data->prev?Qtrue:Qfalse;
- data->tag = 0; /* should not point into stack */
if (data->iter) {
@@ -6084,10 +6234,13 @@ proc_new(klass)
data->prev = 0;
data->flags |= BLOCK_DYNAMIC;
+ data->tag->flags |= BLOCK_DYNAMIC;
- for (vars = data->dyna_vars; vars; vars = vars->next) {
- if (FL_TEST(vars, DVAR_DONT_RECYCLE)) break;
+ for (p = data; p; p = p->prev) {
+ for (vars = p->dyna_vars; vars; vars = vars->next) {
+ if (FL_TEST(vars, DVAR_DONT_RECYCLE)) break;
+ }
@@ -6165,6 +6318,8 @@ proc_call(proc, args)
old_block = ruby_block;
_block = *data;
ruby_block = &_block;
+ ruby_block->frame.iter = ITER_NOT;
ruby_frame->iter = ITER_CUR;
@@ -6172,17 +6327,7 @@ proc_call(proc, args)
args = callargs(args);
- if (orphan) {/* orphan procedure */
- if (rb_block_given_p()) {
- ruby_block->frame.iter = ITER_CUR;
- }
- else {
- ruby_block->frame.iter = ITER_NOT;
- }
- }
- _block.tag = prot_tag;
state = EXEC_TAG();
if (state == 0) {
@@ -6243,6 +6388,39 @@ proc_arity(proc)
static VALUE
+proc_eq(self, other)
+ VALUE self, other;
+ struct BLOCK *data, *data2;
+ if (self == other) return Qtrue;
+ if (TYPE(other) != T_DATA) return Qfalse;
+ if (RDATA(other)->dmark != (RUBY_DATA_FUNC)blk_mark) return Qfalse;
+ if (CLASS_OF(self) != CLASS_OF(other)) return Qfalse;
+ Data_Get_Struct(self, struct BLOCK, data);
+ Data_Get_Struct(other, struct BLOCK, data2);
+ if (data->tag == data2->tag) return Qtrue;
+ return Qfalse;
+static VALUE
+proc_to_s(self, other)
+ VALUE self, other;
+ struct BLOCK *data;
+ char *cname = rb_class2name(CLASS_OF(self));
+ VALUE str;
+ Data_Get_Struct(self, struct BLOCK, data);
+ str = rb_str_new(0, strlen(cname)+6+16+1); /* 6:tags 16:addr 1:eos */
+ sprintf(RSTRING(str)->ptr, "#<%s:0x%lx>", cname, data->tag);
+ RSTRING(str)->len = strlen(RSTRING(str)->ptr);
+ if (OBJ_TAINTED(self)) OBJ_TAINT(str);
+ return str;
+static VALUE
block_pass(self, node)
VALUE self;
NODE *node;
@@ -6278,10 +6456,11 @@ block_pass(self, node)
ruby_frame->iter = ITER_PRE;
- _block.tag = prot_tag;
state = EXEC_TAG();
if (state == 0) {
+ if (safe > ruby_safe_level)
+ ruby_safe_level = safe;
result = rb_eval(self, node->nd_iter);
@@ -6300,25 +6479,33 @@ block_pass(self, node)
ptr = ptr->prev;
+ if (!ptr) {
+ state &= TAG_MASK;
+ }
ruby_block = old_block;
ruby_safe_level = safe;
- if (state) {
- switch (state) {/* escape from orphan procedure */
- case TAG_BREAK:
+ switch (state) {/* escape from orphan procedure */
+ case 0:
+ break;
+ case TAG_BREAK:
+ if (orphan) {
rb_raise(rb_eLocalJumpError, "break from proc-closure");
- break;
- case TAG_RETRY:
- rb_raise(rb_eLocalJumpError, "retry from proc-closure");
- break;
- case TAG_RETURN:
+ }
+ break;
+ case TAG_RETRY:
+ rb_raise(rb_eLocalJumpError, "retry from proc-closure");
+ break;
+ case TAG_RETURN:
+ if (orphan) {
rb_raise(rb_eLocalJumpError, "return from proc-closure");
- break;
+ default:
return result;
@@ -6445,8 +6632,8 @@ method_call(argc, argv, method)
Data_Get_Struct(method, struct METHOD, data);
- if (OBJ_TAINTED(method)) {
- if (ruby_safe_level < 4) ruby_safe_level = 4;
+ if (OBJ_TAINTED(method) && ruby_safe_level < 4) {
+ ruby_safe_level = 4;
if ((state = EXEC_TAG()) == 0) {
result = rb_call0(data->klass,data->recv,data->id,argc,argv,data->body,0);
@@ -6611,7 +6798,7 @@ rb_mod_define_method(argc, argv, mod)
VALUE mod;
ID id;
- VALUE name, body;
+ VALUE body;
if (argc == 1) {
id = rb_to_id(argv[0]);
@@ -6626,17 +6813,20 @@ rb_mod_define_method(argc, argv, mod)
if (TYPE(body) != T_DATA) {
/* type error */
+ rb_raise(rb_eTypeError, "wrong argument type (expected Proc)");
if (RDATA(body)->dmark == (RUBY_DATA_FUNC)bm_mark) {
rb_add_method(mod, id, NEW_DMETHOD(method_unbind(body)), NOEX_PUBLIC);
- else if (RDATA(body)->dmark != (RUBY_DATA_FUNC)blk_mark) {
+ else if (RDATA(body)->dmark == (RUBY_DATA_FUNC)blk_mark) {
rb_add_method(mod, id, NEW_BMETHOD(body), NOEX_PUBLIC);
else {
/* type error */
+ rb_raise(rb_eTypeError, "wrong argument type (expected Proc)");
+ rb_clear_cache_by_id(id);
return body;
@@ -6652,6 +6842,8 @@ Init_Proc()
rb_define_method(rb_cProc, "call", proc_call, -2);
rb_define_method(rb_cProc, "arity", proc_arity, 0);
rb_define_method(rb_cProc, "[]", proc_call, -2);
+ rb_define_method(rb_cProc, "==", proc_eq, 1);
+ rb_define_method(rb_cProc, "to_s", proc_to_s, 0);
rb_define_global_function("proc", rb_f_lambda, 0);
rb_define_global_function("lambda", rb_f_lambda, 0);
rb_define_global_function("binding", rb_f_binding, 0);
@@ -6725,6 +6917,7 @@ struct thread {
struct tag *tag;
VALUE klass;
VALUE wrapper;
+ NODE *cref;
int flags; /* misc. states (vmode/rb_trap_immediate/raised) */
@@ -6758,7 +6951,9 @@ struct thread {
VALUE thread;
-#define THREAD_RAISED 0x200
+#define THREAD_RAISED 0x200 /* temporary flag */
+#define THREAD_TERMINATING 0x400 /* persistent flag */
+#define THREAD_FLAGS_MASK 0x400 /* mask for persistent flags */
#define FOREACH_THREAD_FROM(f,x) x = f; do { x = x->next;
#define END_FOREACH_FROM(f,x) } while (x != f)
@@ -6766,6 +6961,37 @@ struct thread {
#define FOREACH_THREAD(x) FOREACH_THREAD_FROM(curr_thread,x)
#define END_FOREACH(x) END_FOREACH_FROM(curr_thread,x)
+/* $SAFE accessor */
+ int level;
+ if (level > ruby_safe_level) {
+ ruby_safe_level = level;
+ curr_thread->safe = level;
+ }
+static VALUE
+ return INT2NUM(ruby_safe_level);
+static void
+ VALUE val;
+ int level = NUM2INT(val);
+ if (level < ruby_safe_level) {
+ rb_raise(rb_eSecurityError, "tried to downgrade safe level from %d to %d",
+ ruby_safe_level, level);
+ }
+ ruby_safe_level = level;
+ curr_thread->safe = level;
/* Return the current time as a floating-point number */
static double
@@ -6791,6 +7017,7 @@ thread_mark(th)
+ rb_gc_mark(th->cref);
@@ -6868,6 +7095,8 @@ rb_thread_check(data)
return (rb_thread_t)RDATA(data)->data;
+static VALUE rb_thread_raise _((int, VALUE*, rb_thread_t));
static int th_raise_argc;
static VALUE th_raise_argv[2];
static char *th_raise_file;
@@ -6906,9 +7135,11 @@ rb_thread_save_context(th)
th->scope = ruby_scope;
th->klass = ruby_class;
th->wrapper = ruby_wrapper;
+ th->cref = ruby_cref;
th->dyna_vars = ruby_dyna_vars;
th->block = ruby_block;
- th->flags = scope_vmode | (rb_trap_immediate<<8);
+ th->flags &= THREAD_FLAGS_MASK;
+ th->flags |= (rb_trap_immediate<<8) | scope_vmode;
th->iter = ruby_iter;
th->tag = prot_tag;
th->tracing = tracing;
@@ -6995,6 +7226,7 @@ rb_thread_restore_context(th, exit)
ruby_scope = th->scope;
ruby_class = th->klass;
ruby_wrapper = th->wrapper;
+ ruby_cref = th->cref;
ruby_dyna_vars = th->dyna_vars;
ruby_block = th->block;
scope_vmode = th->flags&SCOPE_MASK;
@@ -7055,13 +7287,8 @@ rb_thread_fd_close(fd)
if ((th->wait_for & WAIT_FD) && fd == th->fd) {
- th_raise_argc = 1;
- th_raise_argv[0] = rb_exc_new2(rb_eIOError, "stream closed");
- th_raise_file = ruby_sourcefile;
- th_raise_line = ruby_sourceline;
- curr_thread = th;
- rb_thread_ready(th);
- rb_thread_restore_context(curr_thread, RESTORE_RAISE);
+ VALUE exc = rb_exc_new2(rb_eIOError, "stream closed");
+ rb_thread_raise(1, &exc, th);
@@ -7220,6 +7447,9 @@ rb_thread_schedule()
delay = th_delay;
need_select = 1;
+ if (th->delay == DELAY_INFTY) {
+ need_select = 1;
+ }
@@ -7323,6 +7553,7 @@ rb_thread_schedule()
next->gid = 0;
next->status = THREAD_TO_KILL;
+ rb_thread_save_context(curr_thread);
next->wait_for = 0;
@@ -7339,8 +7570,11 @@ rb_thread_schedule()
curr_thread = next;
if (next->status == THREAD_TO_KILL) {
- /* execute ensure-clause if any */
- rb_thread_restore_context(next, RESTORE_FATAL);
+ if (!(next->flags & THREAD_TERMINATING)) {
+ next->flags |= THREAD_TERMINATING;
+ /* terminate; execute ensure-clause if any */
+ rb_thread_restore_context(next, RESTORE_FATAL);
+ }
rb_thread_restore_context(next, RESTORE_NORMAL);
@@ -7349,6 +7583,7 @@ void
int fd;
+ if (rb_thread_critical) return;
if (curr_thread == curr_thread->next) return;
if (curr_thread->status == THREAD_TO_KILL) return;
@@ -7362,9 +7597,9 @@ int
int fd;
+ if (rb_thread_critical) return Qtrue;
if (curr_thread == curr_thread->next) return Qtrue;
if (curr_thread->status == THREAD_TO_KILL) return Qtrue;
curr_thread->status = THREAD_STOPPED;
@@ -7382,7 +7617,8 @@ rb_thread_wait_for(time)
double date;
- if (curr_thread == curr_thread->next ||
+ if (rb_thread_critical ||
+ curr_thread == curr_thread->next ||
curr_thread->status == THREAD_TO_KILL) {
int n;
#ifndef linux
@@ -7394,7 +7630,14 @@ rb_thread_wait_for(time)
n = select(0, 0, 0, 0, &time);
if (n == 0) return;
+ if (n < 0) {
+ switch (errno) {
+ case EINTR:
+ return;
+ default:
+ rb_sys_fail("sleep");
+ }
+ }
#ifndef linux
d = limit - timeofday();
@@ -7447,7 +7690,8 @@ rb_thread_select(max, read, write, except, timeout)
- if (curr_thread == curr_thread->next ||
+ if (rb_thread_critical ||
+ curr_thread == curr_thread->next ||
curr_thread->status == THREAD_TO_KILL) {
#ifndef linux
struct timeval tv, *tvp = timeout;
@@ -7513,6 +7757,7 @@ rb_thread_join(thread)
rb_thread_t th = rb_thread_check(thread);
enum thread_status last_status = THREAD_RUNNABLE;
+ if (rb_thread_critical) rb_thread_deadlock();
if (!rb_thread_dead(th)) {
if (th == curr_thread)
rb_raise(rb_eThreadError, "thread tried to join itself");
@@ -7612,8 +7857,8 @@ rb_thread_kill(thread)
th->gid = 0;
th->status = THREAD_TO_KILL;
- rb_thread_schedule();
- return Qnil; /* not reached */
+ if (!rb_thread_critical) rb_thread_schedule();
+ return thread;
static VALUE
@@ -7780,6 +8025,7 @@ rb_thread_abort_exc_set(thread, val)
th->status = THREAD_RUNNABLE;\
th->result = 0;\
+ th->flags = 0;\
th->stk_ptr = 0;\
th->stk_len = 0;\
@@ -7795,6 +8041,7 @@ rb_thread_abort_exc_set(thread, val)
th->scope = 0;\
th->klass = 0;\
th->wrapper = 0;\
+ th->cref = ruby_cref;\
th->dyna_vars = ruby_dyna_vars;\
th->block = 0;\
th->iter = 0;\
@@ -7846,8 +8093,6 @@ catch_timer(sig)
int rb_thread_tick = THREAD_TICK;
-static VALUE rb_thread_raise _((int, VALUE*, rb_thread_t));
#if defined(HAVE_SETITIMER)
@@ -7886,6 +8131,7 @@ rb_thread_start_0(fn, arg, th_arg)
volatile rb_thread_t th = th_arg;
volatile VALUE thread = th->thread;
+ struct BLOCK* saved_block = 0;
enum thread_status status;
int state;
@@ -7903,7 +8149,11 @@ rb_thread_start_0(fn, arg, th_arg)
if (ruby_block) { /* should nail down higher scopes */
- blk_copy_prev(ruby_block);
+ struct BLOCK dummy;
+ dummy.prev = ruby_block;
+ blk_copy_prev(&dummy);
+ saved_block = ruby_block = dummy.prev;
FL_SET(ruby_scope, SCOPE_SHARED);
@@ -7930,6 +8180,16 @@ rb_thread_start_0(fn, arg, th_arg)
status = th->status;
+ while (saved_block) {
+ struct BLOCK *tmp = saved_block;
+ if (tmp->frame.argc > 0)
+ free(tmp->frame.argv);
+ saved_block = tmp->prev;
+ free(tmp);
+ }
if (th == main_thread) ruby_stop(state);
if (state && status != THREAD_TO_KILL && !NIL_P(ruby_errinfo)) {
@@ -8018,8 +8278,6 @@ static VALUE
rb_thread_start(klass, args)
VALUE klass, args;
- rb_thread_t th;
if (!rb_block_given_p()) {
rb_raise(rb_eThreadError, "must be called with a block");
@@ -8366,6 +8624,14 @@ rb_callcc(self)
for (tag=prot_tag; tag; tag=tag->prev) {
+ if (ruby_block) {
+ struct BLOCK *block = ruby_block;
+ while (block) {
+ block->tag->flags |= BLOCK_DYNAMIC;
+ block = block->prev;
+ }
+ }
th->thread = curr_thread->thread;
for (vars = th->dyna_vars; vars; vars = vars->next) {
diff --git a/ext/.cvsignore b/ext/.cvsignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d8b8a61d92
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ext/.cvsignore
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/ext/Win32API/Win32API.c b/ext/Win32API/Win32API.c
index dcfdd7caab..0ee28f05ac 100644
--- a/ext/Win32API/Win32API.c
+++ b/ext/Win32API/Win32API.c
@@ -305,9 +305,3 @@ Init_Win32API()
rb_define_method(cWin32API, "call", Win32API_Call, -1);
rb_define_alias(cWin32API, "Call", "call");
- Init_Win32API();
diff --git a/ext/Win32API/extconf.rb b/ext/Win32API/extconf.rb
index f8d78e1465..5e42f62558 100644
--- a/ext/Win32API/extconf.rb
+++ b/ext/Win32API/extconf.rb
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
when /cygwin/,/mingw/
- $CFLAGS = "-fno-defer-pop"
+ $CFLAGS = "-fno-defer-pop -fno-omit-frame-pointer"
when /win32/
diff --git a/ext/configsub.rb b/ext/configsub.rb
index 315cdaf868..4db6c22a69 100644
--- a/ext/configsub.rb
+++ b/ext/configsub.rb
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
- VERSION.scan(/(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)/) do
+ RUBY_VERSION.scan(/(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)/) do
# overridden if config.status has version
diff --git a/ext/curses/.cvsignore b/ext/curses/.cvsignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f3c7a7c5da
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ext/curses/.cvsignore
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/ext/curses/curses.c b/ext/curses/curses.c
index db620654bd..4a8c46f483 100644
--- a/ext/curses/curses.c
+++ b/ext/curses/curses.c
@@ -16,16 +16,16 @@
# include <curses_colr/curses.h>
# else
# include <curses.h>
-# if (defined(__bsdi__) || defined(__NetBSD__)) && !defined(_maxx)
+# if (defined(__bsdi__) || defined(__NetBSD__) || defined(__APPLE__) ) && !defined(_maxx)
# define _maxx maxx
# endif
-# if (defined(__bsdi__) || defined(__NetBSD__)) && !defined(_maxy)
+# if (defined(__bsdi__) || defined(__NetBSD__) || defined(__APPLE__)) && !defined(_maxy)
# define _maxy maxy
# endif
-# if (defined(__bsdi__) || defined(__NetBSD__)) && !defined(_begx)
+# if (defined(__bsdi__) || defined(__NetBSD__) || defined(__APPLE__)) && !defined(_begx)
# define _begx begx
# endif
-# if (defined(__bsdi__) || defined(__NetBSD__)) && !defined(_begy)
+# if (defined(__bsdi__) || defined(__NetBSD__) || defined(__APPLE__)) && !defined(_begy)
# define _begy begy
# endif
# endif
diff --git a/ext/curses/extconf.rb b/ext/curses/extconf.rb
index 5c6881164a..c16ab00f28 100644
--- a/ext/curses/extconf.rb
+++ b/ext/curses/extconf.rb
@@ -1,5 +1,9 @@
require 'mkmf'
have_library("mytinfo", "tgetent") if /bow/ =~ RUBY_PLATFORM
if have_header("ncurses.h") and have_library("ncurses", "initscr")
diff --git a/ext/dbm/.cvsignore b/ext/dbm/.cvsignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f3c7a7c5da
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ext/dbm/.cvsignore
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/ext/dbm/dbm.c b/ext/dbm/dbm.c
index 55c60bf3b3..b0446d1060 100644
--- a/ext/dbm/dbm.c
+++ b/ext/dbm/dbm.c
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
created at: Mon Jan 24 15:59:52 JST 1994
- Copyright (C) 1995-1998 Yukihiro Matsumoto
+ Copyright (C) 1995-2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <errno.h>
+VALUE cDBM, rb_eDBMError;
struct dbmdata {
int di_size;
@@ -37,6 +37,7 @@ closed_dbm()
#define GetDBM(obj, dbmp) {\
Data_Get_Struct(obj, struct dbmdata, dbmp);\
+ if (dbmp == 0) closed_dbm();\
if (dbmp->di_dbm == 0) closed_dbm();\
@@ -44,21 +45,35 @@ static void
struct dbmdata *dbmp;
- if (dbmp->di_dbm) dbm_close(dbmp->di_dbm);
- free(dbmp);
+ if (dbmp) {
+ if (dbmp->di_dbm) dbm_close(dbmp->di_dbm);
+ free(dbmp);
+ }
+static VALUE fdbm_close _((VALUE));
static VALUE
-fdbm_s_open(argc, argv, klass)
+fdbm_s_new(argc, argv, klass)
int argc;
VALUE *argv;
VALUE klass;
+ VALUE obj = Data_Wrap_Struct(klass, 0, free_dbm, 0);
+ rb_obj_call_init(obj, argc, argv);
+ return obj;
+static VALUE
+fdbm_initialize(argc, argv, obj)
+ int argc;
+ VALUE *argv;
+ VALUE obj;
VALUE file, vmode;
DBM *dbm;
struct dbmdata *dbmp;
int mode;
- VALUE obj;
if (rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "11", &file, &vmode) == 1) {
mode = 0666; /* default value */
@@ -69,6 +84,7 @@ fdbm_s_open(argc, argv, klass)
else {
mode = NUM2INT(vmode);
+ file = rb_str_to_str(file);
dbm = 0;
@@ -87,7 +103,8 @@ fdbm_s_open(argc, argv, klass)
- obj = Data_Make_Struct(klass,struct dbmdata,0,free_dbm,dbmp);
+ dbmp = ALLOC(struct dbmdata);
+ DATA_PTR(obj) = dbmp;
dbmp->di_dbm = dbm;
dbmp->di_size = -1;
@@ -95,6 +112,25 @@ fdbm_s_open(argc, argv, klass)
static VALUE
+fdbm_s_open(argc, argv, klass)
+ int argc;
+ VALUE *argv;
+ VALUE klass;
+ VALUE obj = Data_Wrap_Struct(klass, 0, free_dbm, 0);
+ if (NIL_P(fdbm_initialize(argc, argv, obj))) {
+ return Qnil;
+ }
+ if (rb_block_given_p()) {
+ return rb_ensure(rb_yield, obj, fdbm_close, obj);
+ }
+ return obj;
+static VALUE
VALUE obj;
@@ -115,7 +151,7 @@ fdbm_fetch(obj, keystr, ifnone)
struct dbmdata *dbmp;
DBM *dbm;
- Check_Type(keystr, T_STRING);
+ keystr = rb_str_to_str(keystr);
key.dptr = RSTRING(keystr)->ptr;
key.dsize = RSTRING(keystr)->len;
@@ -143,10 +179,14 @@ fdbm_fetch_m(argc, argv, obj)
VALUE *argv;
VALUE obj;
- VALUE keystr, ifnone;
+ VALUE keystr, valstr, ifnone;
rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "11", &keystr, &ifnone);
- return fdbm_fetch(obj, keystr, ifnone);
+ valstr = fdbm_fetch(obj, keystr, ifnone);
+ if (argc == 1 && !rb_block_given_p() && NIL_P(valstr))
+ rb_raise(rb_eIndexError, "key not found");
+ return valstr;
static VALUE
@@ -157,7 +197,7 @@ fdbm_index(obj, valstr)
struct dbmdata *dbmp;
DBM *dbm;
- Check_Type(valstr, T_STRING);
+ valstr = rb_str_to_str(valstr);
val.dptr = RSTRING(valstr)->ptr;
val.dsize = RSTRING(valstr)->len;
@@ -166,8 +206,9 @@ fdbm_index(obj, valstr)
for (key = dbm_firstkey(dbm); key.dptr; key = dbm_nextkey(dbm)) {
val = dbm_fetch(dbm, key);
if (val.dsize == RSTRING(valstr)->len &&
- memcmp(val.dptr, RSTRING(valstr)->ptr, val.dsize) == 0)
+ memcmp(val.dptr, RSTRING(valstr)->ptr, val.dsize) == 0) {
return rb_tainted_str_new(key.dptr, key.dsize);
+ }
return Qnil;
@@ -198,7 +239,7 @@ fdbm_delete(obj, keystr)
DBM *dbm;
- Check_Type(keystr, T_STRING);
+ keystr = rb_str_to_str(keystr);
key.dptr = RSTRING(keystr)->ptr;
key.dsize = RSTRING(keystr)->len;
@@ -213,7 +254,7 @@ fdbm_delete(obj, keystr)
if (dbm_delete(dbm, key)) {
dbmp->di_size = -1;
- rb_raise(rb_eRuntimeError, "dbm_delete failed");
+ rb_raise(rb_eDBMError, "dbm_delete failed");
else if (dbmp->di_size >= 0) {
@@ -233,14 +274,15 @@ fdbm_shift(obj)
GetDBM(obj, dbmp);
dbm = dbmp->di_dbm;
+ dbmp->di_size = -1;
key = dbm_firstkey(dbm);
if (!key.dptr) return Qnil;
val = dbm_fetch(dbm, key);
- dbm_delete(dbm, key);
keystr = rb_tainted_str_new(key.dptr, key.dsize);
valstr = rb_tainted_str_new(val.dptr, val.dsize);
+ dbm_delete(dbm, key);
return rb_assoc_new(keystr, valstr);
@@ -252,20 +294,35 @@ fdbm_delete_if(obj)
struct dbmdata *dbmp;
DBM *dbm;
VALUE keystr, valstr;
+ VALUE ret, ary = rb_ary_new();
+ int i, status = 0, n;
GetDBM(obj, dbmp);
dbm = dbmp->di_dbm;
+ n = dbmp->di_size;
+ dbmp->di_size = -1;
for (key = dbm_firstkey(dbm); key.dptr; key = dbm_nextkey(dbm)) {
val = dbm_fetch(dbm, key);
keystr = rb_tainted_str_new(key.dptr, key.dsize);
valstr = rb_tainted_str_new(val.dptr, val.dsize);
- if (RTEST(rb_yield(rb_assoc_new(keystr, valstr)))) {
- if (dbm_delete(dbm, key)) {
- rb_raise(rb_eRuntimeError, "dbm_delete failed");
- }
+ ret = rb_protect(rb_yield, rb_assoc_new(rb_str_dup(keystr), valstr), &status);
+ if (status != 0) goto delete;
+ if (RTEST(ret)) rb_ary_push(ary, keystr);
+ }
+ delete:
+ for (i = 0; i < RARRAY(ary)->len; i++) {
+ keystr = RARRAY(ary)->ptr[i];
+ key.dptr = RSTRING(keystr)->ptr;
+ key.dsize = RSTRING(keystr)->len;
+ if (dbm_delete(dbm, key)) {
+ rb_raise(rb_eDBMError, "dbm_delete failed");
+ if (status) rb_jump_tag(status);
+ if (n > 0) dbmp->di_size = n - RARRAY(ary)->len;
return obj;
@@ -281,11 +338,16 @@ fdbm_clear(obj)
GetDBM(obj, dbmp);
dbm = dbmp->di_dbm;
dbmp->di_size = -1;
- for (key = dbm_firstkey(dbm); key.dptr; key = dbm_nextkey(dbm)) {
- if (dbm_delete(dbm, key)) {
- rb_raise(rb_eRuntimeError, "dbm_delete failed");
- }
+ while (key = dbm_firstkey(dbm), key.dptr) {
+ do {
+ if (dbm_delete(dbm, key)) {
+ rb_raise(rb_eDBMError, "dbm_delete failed");
+ }
+ key = dbm_nextkey(dbm);
+ } while (key.dptr);
+ dbmp->di_size = 0;
return obj;
@@ -374,7 +436,7 @@ fdbm_store(obj, keystr, valstr)
if (errno == EPERM) rb_sys_fail(0);
- rb_raise(rb_eRuntimeError, "dbm_store failed");
+ rb_raise(rb_eDBMError, "dbm_store failed");
return valstr;
@@ -529,7 +591,7 @@ fdbm_has_key(obj, keystr)
struct dbmdata *dbmp;
DBM *dbm;
- Check_Type(keystr, T_STRING);
+ keystr = rb_str_to_str(keystr);
key.dptr = RSTRING(keystr)->ptr;
key.dsize = RSTRING(keystr)->len;
@@ -548,7 +610,7 @@ fdbm_has_value(obj, valstr)
struct dbmdata *dbmp;
DBM *dbm;
- Check_Type(valstr, T_STRING);
+ valstr = rb_str_to_str(valstr);
val.dptr = RSTRING(valstr)->ptr;
val.dsize = RSTRING(valstr)->len;
@@ -618,10 +680,13 @@ void
cDBM = rb_define_class("DBM", rb_cObject);
+ rb_eDBMError = rb_define_class("DBMError", rb_eStandardError);
rb_include_module(cDBM, rb_mEnumerable);
+ rb_define_singleton_method(cDBM, "new", fdbm_s_new, -1);
rb_define_singleton_method(cDBM, "open", fdbm_s_open, -1);
- rb_define_singleton_method(cDBM, "new", fdbm_s_open, -1);
+ rb_define_method(cDBM, "initialize", fdbm_initialize, -1);
rb_define_method(cDBM, "close", fdbm_close, 0);
rb_define_method(cDBM, "[]", fdbm_aref, 1);
rb_define_method(cDBM, "fetch", fdbm_fetch_m, -1);
@@ -639,7 +704,7 @@ Init_dbm()
rb_define_method(cDBM, "each_pair", fdbm_each_pair, 0);
rb_define_method(cDBM, "keys", fdbm_keys, 0);
rb_define_method(cDBM, "values", fdbm_values, 0);
- rb_define_method(cDBM, "shift", fdbm_shift, 1);
+ rb_define_method(cDBM, "shift", fdbm_shift, 0);
rb_define_method(cDBM, "delete", fdbm_delete, 1);
rb_define_method(cDBM, "delete_if", fdbm_delete_if, 0);
rb_define_method(cDBM, "reject!", fdbm_delete_if, 0);
diff --git a/ext/etc/.cvsignore b/ext/etc/.cvsignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f3c7a7c5da
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ext/etc/.cvsignore
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/ext/ b/ext/
index 92d11d0f6e..3f98afc474 100644
--- a/ext/
+++ b/ext/
@@ -12,7 +12,13 @@ elsif ARGV[0] == 'install'
$destdir = ARGV[1] || ''
elsif ARGV[0] == 'clean'
- $clean = true
+ $clean = "clean"
+ ARGV.shift
+elsif ARGV[0] == 'distclean'
+ $clean = "distclean"
+ ARGV.shift
+elsif ARGV[0] == 'realclean'
+ $clean = "realclean"
@@ -332,21 +338,27 @@ def dir_config(target, idefault=nil, ldefault=nil)
idefault = default + "/include"
ldefault = default + "/lib"
- dir = with_config("%s-dir"%target, default)
- if dir
- idir = " -I"+dir+"/include"
- ldir = dir+"/lib"
- end
- unless idir
- dir = with_config("%s-include"%target, idefault)
- idir = " -I"+dir if dir
+ dir = with_config(target + "-dir", default)
+ idir, ldir = if dir then [
+ dir + "/include",
+ dir + "/lib"
+ ] else [
+ with_config(target + "-include", idefault),
+ with_config(target + "-lib", ldefault)
+ ] end
+ if idir
+ idircflag = "-I" + idir
+ $CPPFLAGS += " " + idircflag unless $CPPFLAGS.split.include?(idircflag)
- unless ldir
- ldir = with_config("%s-lib"%target, ldefault)
+ if ldir
+ $LIBPATH << ldir unless $LIBPATH.include?(ldir)
- $CPPFLAGS += idir if idir
- $LIBPATH |= [ldir] if ldir
+ [idir, ldir]
def create_makefile(target)
@@ -370,13 +382,15 @@ def create_makefile(target)
if $configure_args['--enable-shared'] or "@LIBRUBY@" != "@LIBRUBY_A@"
$libs = "@LIBRUBYARG@ " + $libs
- $LIBPATH |= [$topdir]
+ $LIBPATH.unshift $topdir
defflag = ''
if RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /cygwin|mingw/ and not $static
- open(target + '.def', 'wb') do |f|
- f.print "EXPORTS\n", "Init_", target, "\n"
+ if not File.exist? target + '.def'
+ open(target + '.def', 'wb') do |f|
+ f.print "EXPORTS\n", "Init_", target, "\n"
+ end
defflag = "--def=" + target + ".def"
@@ -488,23 +502,44 @@ EOS
install_rb(mfile, $srcdir)
mfile.printf "\n"
- if /mswin32/ !~ RUBY_PLATFORM
+ unless /nmake/i =~ $make
+ unless /mswin32/ =~ RUBY_PLATFORM
+ src = '$<'
+ else
+ src = '$(subst /,\\\\,$<)'
+ end
mfile.puts "
+ $(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) -c #{src}
+ $(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) -c #{src}
+ $(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) -c #{src}
+ $(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) -c #{src}
- $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) -c $<
+ $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) -c #{src}
- elsif /nmake/i =~ $make
+ else
mfile.print "
$(CC) -I. -I$(<D) $(CFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) -c $(<:/=\\)
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) -c $(<:/=\\)
- else
- mfile.print "
- $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) -c $(subst /,\\\\,$<)
+ $(CXX) -I. -I$(<D) $(CXXFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) -c $(<:/=\\)
+ $(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) -c $(<:/=\\)
+ $(CXX) -I. -I$(<D) $(CXXFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) -c $(<:/=\\)
+ $(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) -c $(<:/=\\)
+ $(CXX) -I. -I$(<D) $(CXXFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) -c $(<:/=\\)
+ $(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) -c $(<:/=\\)
@@ -577,23 +612,12 @@ def extmake(target)
$local_flags = "-link /INCREMENTAL:no /EXPORT:Init_$(TARGET)"
$LOCAL_LIBS = "" # to be assigned in extconf.rb
- dir = with_config("opt-dir")
- if dir
- idir = "-I"+dir+"/include"
- ldir = dir+"/lib"
- end
- unless idir
- dir = with_config("opt-include")
- idir = "-I"+dir if dir
- end
- unless ldir
- ldir = with_config("opt-lib")
- end
$CFLAGS = ""
- $CPPFLAGS = idir || ""
+ $CPPFLAGS = ""
- $LIBPATH = [ldir].compact
+ $LIBPATH = []
+ dir_config("opt")
Dir.mkdir target unless
@@ -625,7 +649,7 @@ def extmake(target)
if $install
system "#{$make} install DESTDIR=#{$destdir}"
elsif $clean
- system "#{$make} clean"
+ system "#{$make} #{$clean}"
unless system "#{$make} all"
if ENV["MAKEFLAGS"] != "k" and ENV["MFLAGS"] != "-k"
@@ -654,15 +678,15 @@ $static_ext = {}
for setup in ["@setup@", "#{$top_srcdir}/ext/@setup@"]
if File.file? setup
f = open(setup)
- while f.gets()
- $_.chomp!
- sub!(/#.*$/, '')
- next if /^\s*$/
- if /^option +nodynamic/
+ while line = f.gets()
+ line.chomp!
+ line.sub!(/#.*$/, '')
+ next if /^\s*$/ =~ line
+ if /^option +nodynamic/ =~ line
$nodynamic = true
- target = $_.split[0]
+ target = line.split[0]
target = target.downcase if /mswin32/ =~ RUBY_PLATFORM
$static_ext[target] = true
diff --git a/ext/fcntl/.cvsignore b/ext/fcntl/.cvsignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f3c7a7c5da
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ext/fcntl/.cvsignore
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/ext/gdbm/.cvsignore b/ext/gdbm/.cvsignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f3c7a7c5da
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ext/gdbm/.cvsignore
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/ext/gdbm/gdbm.c b/ext/gdbm/gdbm.c
index d84c7bedd4..d43450229f 100644
--- a/ext/gdbm/gdbm.c
+++ b/ext/gdbm/gdbm.c
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <errno.h>
+static VALUE cGDBM, rb_eGDBMError;
#define MY_BLOCK_SIZE (2048)
#define MY_FATAL_FUNC (0)
@@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ closed_dbm()
#define GetDBM(obj, dbmp) {\
Data_Get_Struct(obj, struct dbmdata, dbmp);\
+ if (dbmp == 0) closed_dbm();\
if (dbmp->di_dbm == 0) closed_dbm();\
@@ -39,23 +40,37 @@ static void
struct dbmdata *dbmp;
- if (dbmp->di_dbm) gdbm_close(dbmp->di_dbm);
- free(dbmp);
+ if (dbmp) {
+ if (dbmp->di_dbm) gdbm_close(dbmp->di_dbm);
+ free(dbmp);
+ }
+static VALUE fgdbm_close _((VALUE));
static VALUE
-fgdbm_s_open(argc, argv, klass)
+fgdbm_s_new(argc, argv, klass)
int argc;
VALUE *argv;
VALUE klass;
- VALUE file, vmode;
+ VALUE obj = Data_Wrap_Struct(klass, 0, free_dbm, 0);
+ rb_obj_call_init(obj, argc, argv);
+ return obj;
+static VALUE
+fgdbm_initialize(argc, argv, obj)
+ int argc;
+ VALUE *argv;
+ VALUE obj;
+ VALUE file, vmode, vflags;
struct dbmdata *dbmp;
- int mode;
- VALUE obj;
+ int mode, flags = 0;
- if (rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "11", &file, &vmode) == 1) {
+ if (rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "12", &file, &vmode, &vflags) == 1) {
mode = 0666; /* default value */
else if (NIL_P(vmode)) {
@@ -64,25 +79,37 @@ fgdbm_s_open(argc, argv, klass)
else {
mode = NUM2INT(vmode);
+ if (!NIL_P(vflags))
+ flags = NUM2INT(vflags);
+ file = rb_str_to_str(file);
dbm = 0;
if (mode >= 0)
dbm = gdbm_open(RSTRING(file)->ptr, MY_BLOCK_SIZE,
if (!dbm)
dbm = gdbm_open(RSTRING(file)->ptr, MY_BLOCK_SIZE,
if (!dbm)
dbm = gdbm_open(RSTRING(file)->ptr, MY_BLOCK_SIZE,
if (!dbm) {
if (mode == -1) return Qnil;
- rb_sys_fail(RSTRING(file)->ptr);
+ if (gdbm_errno == GDBM_FILE_OPEN_ERROR ||
+ gdbm_errno == GDBM_CANT_BE_READER ||
+ gdbm_errno == GDBM_CANT_BE_WRITER)
+ rb_sys_fail(RSTRING(file)->ptr);
+ else
+ rb_raise(rb_eGDBMError, "%s", gdbm_strerror(gdbm_errno));
- obj = Data_Make_Struct(klass,struct dbmdata,0,free_dbm,dbmp);
+ dbmp = ALLOC(struct dbmdata);
+ DATA_PTR(obj) = dbmp;
dbmp->di_dbm = dbm;
dbmp->di_size = -1;
@@ -90,6 +117,25 @@ fgdbm_s_open(argc, argv, klass)
static VALUE
+fgdbm_s_open(argc, argv, klass)
+ int argc;
+ VALUE *argv;
+ VALUE klass;
+ VALUE obj = Data_Wrap_Struct(klass, 0, free_dbm, 0);
+ if (NIL_P(fgdbm_initialize(argc, argv, obj))) {
+ return Qnil;
+ }
+ if (rb_block_given_p()) {
+ return rb_ensure(rb_yield, obj, fgdbm_close, obj);
+ }
+ return obj;
+static VALUE
VALUE obj;
@@ -103,33 +149,130 @@ fgdbm_close(obj)
static VALUE
+rb_gdbm_fetch(dbm, key)
+ GDBM_FILE dbm;
+ datum key;
+ datum val;
+ NEWOBJ(str, struct RString);
+ OBJSETUP(str, rb_cString, T_STRING);
+ val = gdbm_fetch(dbm, key);
+ if (val.dptr == 0)
+ return Qnil;
+ str->ptr = 0;
+ str->len = val.dsize;
+ str->orig = 0;
+ str->ptr = REALLOC_N(val.dptr,char,val.dsize+1);
+ str->ptr[str->len] = '\0';
+ OBJ_TAINT(str);
+ return (VALUE)str;
+static VALUE
+rb_gdbm_fetch2(dbm, keystr)
+ GDBM_FILE dbm;
+ VALUE keystr;
+ datum key;
+ keystr = rb_str_to_str(keystr);
+ key.dptr = RSTRING(keystr)->ptr;
+ key.dsize = RSTRING(keystr)->len;
+ return rb_gdbm_fetch(dbm, key);
+static VALUE
+rb_gdbm_fetch3(obj, keystr)
+ VALUE obj, keystr;
+ struct dbmdata *dbmp;
+ GDBM_FILE dbm;
+ GetDBM(obj, dbmp);
+ dbm = dbmp->di_dbm;
+ return rb_gdbm_fetch2(dbm, keystr);
+static VALUE
+ GDBM_FILE dbm;
+ datum key;
+ NEWOBJ(str, struct RString);
+ OBJSETUP(str, rb_cString, T_STRING);
+ key = gdbm_firstkey(dbm);
+ if (key.dptr == 0)
+ return Qnil;
+ str->ptr = 0;
+ str->len = key.dsize;
+ str->orig = 0;
+ str->ptr = REALLOC_N(key.dptr,char,key.dsize+1);
+ str->ptr[str->len] = '\0';
+ OBJ_TAINT(str);
+ return (VALUE)str;
+static VALUE
+rb_gdbm_nextkey(dbm, keystr)
+ GDBM_FILE dbm;
+ VALUE keystr;
+ datum key, key2;
+ NEWOBJ(str, struct RString);
+ OBJSETUP(str, rb_cString, T_STRING);
+ key.dptr = RSTRING(keystr)->ptr;
+ key.dsize = RSTRING(keystr)->len;
+ key2 = gdbm_nextkey(dbm, key);
+ if (key2.dptr == 0)
+ return Qnil;
+ str->ptr = 0;
+ str->len = key2.dsize;
+ str->orig = 0;
+ str->ptr = REALLOC_N(key2.dptr,char,key2.dsize+1);
+ str->ptr[str->len] = '\0';
+ OBJ_TAINT(str);
+ return (VALUE)str;
+static VALUE
fgdbm_fetch(obj, keystr, ifnone)
VALUE obj, keystr, ifnone;
- datum key, value;
+ datum key;
struct dbmdata *dbmp;
+ VALUE valstr;
- Check_Type(keystr, T_STRING);
+ keystr = rb_str_to_str(keystr);
key.dptr = RSTRING(keystr)->ptr;
key.dsize = RSTRING(keystr)->len;
GetDBM(obj, dbmp);
dbm = dbmp->di_dbm;
- value = gdbm_fetch(dbm, key);
- if (value.dptr == 0) {
+ valstr = rb_gdbm_fetch(dbm, key);
+ if (NIL_P(valstr)) {
if (ifnone == Qnil && rb_block_given_p())
return rb_yield(rb_tainted_str_new(key.dptr, key.dsize));
return ifnone;
- return rb_tainted_str_new(value.dptr, value.dsize);
+ return valstr;
static VALUE
fgdbm_aref(obj, keystr)
VALUE obj, keystr;
- return fgdbm_fetch(obj, keystr, Qnil);
+ return rb_gdbm_fetch3(obj, keystr);
static VALUE
@@ -138,31 +281,37 @@ fgdbm_fetch_m(argc, argv, obj)
VALUE *argv;
VALUE obj;
- VALUE keystr, ifnone;
+ VALUE keystr, valstr, ifnone;
rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "11", &keystr, &ifnone);
- return fgdbm_fetch(obj, keystr, ifnone);
+ valstr = fgdbm_fetch(obj, keystr, ifnone);
+ if (argc == 1 && !rb_block_given_p() && NIL_P(valstr))
+ rb_raise(rb_eIndexError, "key not found");
+ return valstr;
static VALUE
fgdbm_index(obj, valstr)
VALUE obj, valstr;
- datum key, val;
struct dbmdata *dbmp;
+ VALUE keystr, valstr2;
- Check_Type(valstr, T_STRING);
- val.dptr = RSTRING(valstr)->ptr;
- val.dsize = RSTRING(valstr)->len;
+ valstr = rb_str_to_str(valstr);
GetDBM(obj, dbmp);
dbm = dbmp->di_dbm;
- for (key = gdbm_firstkey(dbm); key.dptr; key = gdbm_nextkey(dbm, key)) {
- val = gdbm_fetch(dbm, key);
- if (val.dsize == RSTRING(valstr)->len &&
- memcmp(val.dptr, RSTRING(valstr)->ptr, val.dsize) == 0)
- return rb_tainted_str_new(key.dptr, key.dsize);
+ for (keystr = rb_gdbm_firstkey(dbm); RTEST(keystr);
+ keystr = rb_gdbm_nextkey(dbm, keystr)) {
+ valstr2 = rb_gdbm_fetch2(dbm, keystr);
+ if (!NIL_P(valstr2) &&
+ RSTRING(valstr)->len == RSTRING(valstr2)->len &&
+ memcmp(RSTRING(valstr)->ptr, RSTRING(valstr2)->ptr,
+ RSTRING(valstr)->len) == 0) {
+ return keystr;
+ }
return Qnil;
@@ -178,37 +327,66 @@ fgdbm_indexes(argc, argv, obj)
new = rb_ary_new2(argc);
for (i=0; i<argc; i++) {
- rb_ary_push(new, fgdbm_fetch(obj, argv[i]));
+ rb_ary_push(new, rb_gdbm_fetch3(obj, argv[i]));
return new;
static VALUE
+rb_gdbm_delete(obj, keystr)
+ VALUE obj, keystr;
+ datum key;
+ struct dbmdata *dbmp;
+ GDBM_FILE dbm;
+ rb_secure(4);
+ keystr = rb_str_to_str(keystr);
+ key.dptr = RSTRING(keystr)->ptr;
+ key.dsize = RSTRING(keystr)->len;
+ GetDBM(obj, dbmp);
+ dbm = dbmp->di_dbm;
+ if (!gdbm_exists(dbm, key)) {
+ return Qnil;
+ }
+ if (gdbm_delete(dbm, key)) {
+ dbmp->di_size = -1;
+ rb_raise(rb_eGDBMError, "%s", gdbm_strerror(gdbm_errno));
+ }
+ else if (dbmp->di_size >= 0) {
+ dbmp->di_size--;
+ }
+ return obj;
+static VALUE
fgdbm_delete(obj, keystr)
VALUE obj, keystr;
- datum key, value;
+ datum key;
struct dbmdata *dbmp;
- Check_Type(keystr, T_STRING);
+ keystr = rb_str_to_str(keystr);
key.dptr = RSTRING(keystr)->ptr;
key.dsize = RSTRING(keystr)->len;
GetDBM(obj, dbmp);
dbm = dbmp->di_dbm;
- value = gdbm_fetch(dbm, key);
- if (value.dptr == 0) {
+ if (!gdbm_exists(dbm, key)) {
if (rb_block_given_p()) rb_yield(keystr);
return Qnil;
if (gdbm_delete(dbm, key)) {
dbmp->di_size = -1;
- rb_raise(rb_eRuntimeError, "gdbm_delete failed");
+ rb_raise(rb_eGDBMError, "%s", gdbm_strerror(gdbm_errno));
else if (dbmp->di_size >= 0) {
@@ -220,7 +398,6 @@ static VALUE
VALUE obj;
- datum key, val;
struct dbmdata *dbmp;
VALUE keystr, valstr;
@@ -229,13 +406,11 @@ fgdbm_shift(obj)
GetDBM(obj, dbmp);
dbm = dbmp->di_dbm;
- key = gdbm_firstkey(dbm);
- if (!key.dptr) return Qnil;
- val = gdbm_fetch(dbm, key);
- gdbm_delete(dbm, key);
+ keystr = rb_gdbm_firstkey(dbm);
+ if (NIL_P(keystr)) return Qnil;
+ valstr = rb_gdbm_fetch2(dbm, keystr);
+ rb_gdbm_delete(obj, keystr);
- keystr = rb_tainted_str_new(key.dptr, key.dsize);
- valstr = rb_tainted_str_new(val.dptr, val.dsize);
return rb_assoc_new(keystr, valstr);
@@ -243,24 +418,34 @@ static VALUE
VALUE obj;
- datum key, val;
struct dbmdata *dbmp;
VALUE keystr, valstr;
+ VALUE ret, ary = rb_ary_new();
+ int i, status = 0, n;
GetDBM(obj, dbmp);
dbm = dbmp->di_dbm;
- for (key = gdbm_firstkey(dbm); key.dptr; key = gdbm_nextkey(dbm, key)) {
- val = gdbm_fetch(dbm, key);
- keystr = rb_tainted_str_new(key.dptr, key.dsize);
- valstr = rb_tainted_str_new(val.dptr, val.dsize);
- if (RTEST(rb_yield(rb_assoc_new(keystr, valstr)))) {
- if (gdbm_delete(dbm, key)) {
- rb_raise(rb_eRuntimeError, "gdbm_delete failed");
- }
- }
+ n = dbmp->di_size;
+ dbmp->di_size = -1;
+ for (keystr = rb_gdbm_firstkey(dbm); RTEST(keystr);
+ keystr = rb_gdbm_nextkey(dbm, keystr)) {
+ valstr = rb_gdbm_fetch2(dbm, keystr);
+ ret = rb_protect(rb_yield, rb_assoc_new(rb_str_dup(keystr), valstr), &status);
+ if (status != 0) goto delete;
+ if (RTEST(ret)) rb_ary_push(ary, keystr);
+ else dbmp->di_size++;
+ delete:
+ for (i = 0; i < RARRAY(ary)->len; i++)
+ rb_gdbm_delete(obj, RARRAY(ary)->ptr[i]);
+ if (status) rb_jump_tag(status);
+ if (n > 0) dbmp->di_size = n - RARRAY(ary)->len;
return obj;
@@ -276,12 +461,20 @@ fgdbm_clear(obj)
GetDBM(obj, dbmp);
dbm = dbmp->di_dbm;
dbmp->di_size = -1;
- for (key = gdbm_firstkey(dbm); key.dptr; key = nextkey) {
- nextkey = gdbm_nextkey(dbm, key);
- if (gdbm_delete(dbm, key)) {
- rb_raise(rb_eRuntimeError, "gdbm_delete failed");
- }
+ while (key = gdbm_firstkey(dbm), key.dptr) {
+ for (; key.dptr; key = nextkey) {
+ nextkey = gdbm_nextkey(dbm, key);
+ if (gdbm_delete(dbm, key)) {
+ free(key.dptr);
+ if (nextkey.dptr) free(nextkey.dptr);
+ rb_raise(rb_eGDBMError, "%s", gdbm_strerror(gdbm_errno));
+ }
+ free(key.dptr);
+ }
+ dbmp->di_size = 0;
return obj;
@@ -289,7 +482,6 @@ static VALUE
VALUE obj;
- datum key, val;
struct dbmdata *dbmp;
VALUE keystr, valstr;
@@ -297,10 +489,10 @@ fgdbm_invert(obj)
GetDBM(obj, dbmp);
dbm = dbmp->di_dbm;
- for (key = gdbm_firstkey(dbm); key.dptr; key = gdbm_nextkey(dbm, key)) {
- val = gdbm_fetch(dbm, key);
- keystr = rb_tainted_str_new(key.dptr, key.dsize);
- valstr = rb_tainted_str_new(val.dptr, val.dsize);
+ for (keystr = rb_gdbm_firstkey(dbm); RTEST(keystr);
+ keystr = rb_gdbm_nextkey(dbm, keystr)) {
+ valstr = rb_gdbm_fetch2(dbm, keystr);
rb_hash_aset(hash, valstr, keystr);
return hash;
@@ -353,12 +545,11 @@ fgdbm_store(obj, keystr, valstr)
- keystr = rb_obj_as_string(keystr);
+ keystr = rb_str_to_str(keystr);
key.dptr = RSTRING(keystr)->ptr;
key.dsize = RSTRING(keystr)->len;
- valstr = rb_obj_as_string(valstr);
+ valstr = rb_str_to_str(valstr);
val.dptr = RSTRING(valstr)->ptr;
val.dsize = RSTRING(valstr)->len;
@@ -367,7 +558,7 @@ fgdbm_store(obj, keystr, valstr)
dbm = dbmp->di_dbm;
if (gdbm_store(dbm, key, val, GDBM_REPLACE)) {
if (errno == EPERM) rb_sys_fail(0);
- rb_raise(rb_eRuntimeError, "gdbm_store failed");
+ rb_raise(rb_eGDBMError, "%s", gdbm_strerror(gdbm_errno));
return valstr;
@@ -377,7 +568,7 @@ static VALUE
VALUE obj;
- datum key;
+ datum key, nextkey;
struct dbmdata *dbmp;
int i = 0;
@@ -386,7 +577,9 @@ fgdbm_length(obj)
if (dbmp->di_size > 0) return INT2FIX(dbmp->di_size);
dbm = dbmp->di_dbm;
- for (key = gdbm_firstkey(dbm); key.dptr; key = gdbm_nextkey(dbm, key)) {
+ for (key = gdbm_firstkey(dbm); key.dptr; key = nextkey) {
+ nextkey = gdbm_nextkey(dbm, key);
+ free(key.dptr);
dbmp->di_size = i;
@@ -398,23 +591,23 @@ static VALUE
VALUE obj;
- datum key;
+ datum key, nextkey;
struct dbmdata *dbmp;
- int i = 0;
GetDBM(obj, dbmp);
if (dbmp->di_size < 0) {
dbm = dbmp->di_dbm;
- for (key = gdbm_firstkey(dbm); key.dptr; key = gdbm_nextkey(dbm, key)) {
- i++;
+ key = gdbm_firstkey(dbm);
+ if (key.dptr) {
+ free(key.dptr);
+ return Qfalse;
+ return Qtrue;
- else {
- i = dbmp->di_size;
- }
- if (i == 0) return Qtrue;
+ if (dbmp->di_size == 0) return Qtrue;
return Qfalse;
@@ -422,15 +615,17 @@ static VALUE
VALUE obj;
- datum key, val;
struct dbmdata *dbmp;
+ VALUE keystr;
GetDBM(obj, dbmp);
dbm = dbmp->di_dbm;
- for (key = gdbm_firstkey(dbm); key.dptr; key = gdbm_nextkey(dbm, key)) {
- val = gdbm_fetch(dbm, key);
- rb_yield(rb_tainted_str_new(val.dptr, val.dsize));
+ for (keystr = rb_gdbm_firstkey(dbm); RTEST(keystr);
+ keystr = rb_gdbm_nextkey(dbm, keystr)) {
+ rb_yield(rb_gdbm_fetch2(dbm, keystr));
return obj;
@@ -439,14 +634,17 @@ static VALUE
VALUE obj;
- datum key;
struct dbmdata *dbmp;
+ VALUE keystr;
GetDBM(obj, dbmp);
dbm = dbmp->di_dbm;
- for (key = gdbm_firstkey(dbm); key.dptr; key = gdbm_nextkey(dbm, key)) {
- rb_yield(rb_tainted_str_new(key.dptr, key.dsize));
+ for (keystr = rb_gdbm_firstkey(dbm); RTEST(keystr);
+ keystr = rb_gdbm_nextkey(dbm, keystr)) {
+ rb_yield(rb_str_dup(keystr));
return obj;
@@ -455,19 +653,18 @@ static VALUE
VALUE obj;
- datum key, val;
struct dbmdata *dbmp;
- VALUE keystr, valstr;
+ VALUE keystr;
GetDBM(obj, dbmp);
dbm = dbmp->di_dbm;
- for (key = gdbm_firstkey(dbm); key.dptr; key = gdbm_nextkey(dbm, key)) {
- val = gdbm_fetch(dbm, key);
- keystr = rb_tainted_str_new(key.dptr, key.dsize);
- valstr = rb_tainted_str_new(val.dptr, val.dsize);
- rb_yield(rb_assoc_new(keystr, valstr));
+ for (keystr = rb_gdbm_firstkey(dbm); RTEST(keystr);
+ keystr = rb_gdbm_nextkey(dbm, keystr)) {
+ rb_yield(rb_assoc_new(rb_str_dup(keystr),
+ rb_gdbm_fetch2(dbm, keystr)));
return obj;
@@ -477,17 +674,18 @@ static VALUE
VALUE obj;
- datum key;
struct dbmdata *dbmp;
- VALUE ary;
+ VALUE keystr, ary;
GetDBM(obj, dbmp);
dbm = dbmp->di_dbm;
ary = rb_ary_new();
- for (key = gdbm_firstkey(dbm); key.dptr; key = gdbm_nextkey(dbm, key)) {
- rb_ary_push(ary, rb_tainted_str_new(key.dptr, key.dsize));
+ for (keystr = rb_gdbm_firstkey(dbm); RTEST(keystr);
+ keystr = rb_gdbm_nextkey(dbm, keystr)) {
+ rb_ary_push(ary, keystr);
return ary;
@@ -497,18 +695,20 @@ static VALUE
VALUE obj;
- datum key, val;
+ datum key, nextkey;
struct dbmdata *dbmp;
- VALUE ary;
+ VALUE valstr, ary;
GetDBM(obj, dbmp);
dbm = dbmp->di_dbm;
ary = rb_ary_new();
- for (key = gdbm_firstkey(dbm); key.dptr; key = gdbm_nextkey(dbm, key)) {
- val = gdbm_fetch(dbm, key);
- rb_ary_push(ary, rb_tainted_str_new(val.dptr, val.dsize));
+ for (key = gdbm_firstkey(dbm); key.dptr; key = nextkey) {
+ nextkey = gdbm_nextkey(dbm, key);
+ valstr = rb_gdbm_fetch(dbm, key);
+ free(key.dptr);
+ rb_ary_push(ary, valstr);
return ary;
@@ -518,18 +718,18 @@ static VALUE
fgdbm_has_key(obj, keystr)
VALUE obj, keystr;
- datum key, val;
+ datum key;
struct dbmdata *dbmp;
- Check_Type(keystr, T_STRING);
+ keystr = rb_str_to_str(keystr);
key.dptr = RSTRING(keystr)->ptr;
key.dsize = RSTRING(keystr)->len;
GetDBM(obj, dbmp);
dbm = dbmp->di_dbm;
- val = gdbm_fetch(dbm, key);
- if (val.dptr) return Qtrue;
+ if (gdbm_exists(dbm, key))
+ return Qtrue;
return Qfalse;
@@ -537,21 +737,24 @@ static VALUE
fgdbm_has_value(obj, valstr)
VALUE obj, valstr;
- datum key, val;
struct dbmdata *dbmp;
+ VALUE keystr, valstr2;
- Check_Type(valstr, T_STRING);
- val.dptr = RSTRING(valstr)->ptr;
- val.dsize = RSTRING(valstr)->len;
+ valstr = rb_str_to_str(valstr);
GetDBM(obj, dbmp);
dbm = dbmp->di_dbm;
- for (key = gdbm_firstkey(dbm); key.dptr; key = gdbm_nextkey(dbm, key)) {
- val = gdbm_fetch(dbm, key);
- if (val.dsize == RSTRING(valstr)->len &&
- memcmp(val.dptr, RSTRING(valstr)->ptr, val.dsize) == 0)
+ for (keystr = rb_gdbm_firstkey(dbm); RTEST(keystr);
+ keystr = rb_gdbm_nextkey(dbm, keystr)) {
+ valstr2 = rb_gdbm_fetch2(dbm, keystr);
+ if (!NIL_P(valstr2) &&
+ RSTRING(valstr)->len == RSTRING(valstr2)->len &&
+ memcmp(RSTRING(valstr)->ptr, RSTRING(valstr2)->ptr,
+ RSTRING(valstr)->len) == 0) {
return Qtrue;
+ }
return Qfalse;
@@ -560,19 +763,19 @@ static VALUE
VALUE obj;
- datum key, val;
struct dbmdata *dbmp;
- VALUE ary;
+ VALUE keystr, ary;
GetDBM(obj, dbmp);
dbm = dbmp->di_dbm;
ary = rb_ary_new();
- for (key = gdbm_firstkey(dbm); key.dptr; key = gdbm_nextkey(dbm, key)) {
- val = gdbm_fetch(dbm, key);
- rb_ary_push(ary, rb_assoc_new(rb_tainted_str_new(key.dptr, key.dsize),
- rb_tainted_str_new(val.dptr, val.dsize)));
+ for (keystr = rb_gdbm_firstkey(dbm); RTEST(keystr);
+ keystr = rb_gdbm_nextkey(dbm, keystr)) {
+ rb_ary_push(ary, rb_assoc_new(rb_str_dup(keystr),
+ rb_gdbm_fetch2(dbm, keystr)));
return ary;
@@ -593,22 +796,100 @@ fgdbm_reorganize(obj)
static VALUE
+ VALUE obj;
+ struct dbmdata *dbmp;
+ GDBM_FILE dbm;
+ rb_secure(4);
+ GetDBM(obj, dbmp);
+ dbm = dbmp->di_dbm;
+ gdbm_sync(dbm);
+ return obj;
+static VALUE
+fgdbm_set_cachesize(obj, val)
+ VALUE obj, val;
+ struct dbmdata *dbmp;
+ GDBM_FILE dbm;
+ int optval;
+ GetDBM(obj, dbmp);
+ dbm = dbmp->di_dbm;
+ optval = FIX2INT(val);
+ if (gdbm_setopt(dbm, GDBM_CACHESIZE, &optval, sizeof(optval)) == -1) {
+ rb_raise(rb_eGDBMError, "%s", gdbm_strerror(gdbm_errno));
+ }
+ return val;
+static VALUE
+fgdbm_set_fastmode(obj, val)
+ VALUE obj, val;
+ struct dbmdata *dbmp;
+ GDBM_FILE dbm;
+ int optval;
+ GetDBM(obj, dbmp);
+ dbm = dbmp->di_dbm;
+ optval = 0;
+ if (RTEST(val))
+ optval = 1;
+ if (gdbm_setopt(dbm, GDBM_FASTMODE, &optval, sizeof(optval)) == -1) {
+ rb_raise(rb_eGDBMError, "%s", gdbm_strerror(gdbm_errno));
+ }
+ return val;
+static VALUE
+fgdbm_set_syncmode(obj, val)
+ VALUE obj, val;
+#if !defined(GDBM_SYNCMODE)
+ fgdbm_set_fastmode(obj, RTEST(val) ? Qfalse : Qtrue);
+ return val;
+ struct dbmdata *dbmp;
+ GDBM_FILE dbm;
+ int optval;
+ GetDBM(obj, dbmp);
+ dbm = dbmp->di_dbm;
+ optval = 0;
+ if (RTEST(val))
+ optval = 1;
+ if (gdbm_setopt(dbm, GDBM_FASTMODE, &optval, sizeof(optval)) == -1) {
+ rb_raise(rb_eGDBMError, "%s", gdbm_strerror(gdbm_errno));
+ }
+ return val;
+static VALUE
VALUE obj;
- datum key, val;
struct dbmdata *dbmp;
- VALUE hash;
+ VALUE keystr, hash;
GetDBM(obj, dbmp);
dbm = dbmp->di_dbm;
hash = rb_hash_new();
- for (key = gdbm_firstkey(dbm); key.dptr; key = gdbm_nextkey(dbm, key)) {
- val = gdbm_fetch(dbm, key);
- rb_hash_aset(hash, rb_tainted_str_new(key.dptr, key.dsize),
- rb_tainted_str_new(val.dptr, val.dsize));
+ for (keystr = rb_gdbm_firstkey(dbm); RTEST(keystr);
+ keystr = rb_gdbm_nextkey(dbm, keystr)) {
+ rb_hash_aset(hash, keystr, rb_gdbm_fetch2(dbm, keystr));
return hash;
@@ -625,10 +906,13 @@ void
cGDBM = rb_define_class("GDBM", rb_cObject);
+ rb_eGDBMError = rb_define_class("GDBMError", rb_eStandardError);
rb_include_module(cGDBM, rb_mEnumerable);
+ rb_define_singleton_method(cGDBM, "new", fgdbm_s_new, -1);
rb_define_singleton_method(cGDBM, "open", fgdbm_s_open, -1);
- rb_define_singleton_method(cGDBM, "new", fgdbm_s_open, -1);
+ rb_define_method(cGDBM, "initialize", fgdbm_initialize, -1);
rb_define_method(cGDBM, "close", fgdbm_close, 0);
rb_define_method(cGDBM, "[]", fgdbm_aref, 1);
rb_define_method(cGDBM, "fetch", fgdbm_fetch_m, -1);
@@ -646,7 +930,7 @@ Init_gdbm()
rb_define_method(cGDBM, "each_pair", fgdbm_each_pair, 0);
rb_define_method(cGDBM, "keys", fgdbm_keys, 0);
rb_define_method(cGDBM, "values", fgdbm_values, 0);
- rb_define_method(cGDBM, "shift", fgdbm_shift, 1);
+ rb_define_method(cGDBM, "shift", fgdbm_shift, 0);
rb_define_method(cGDBM, "delete", fgdbm_delete, 1);
rb_define_method(cGDBM, "delete_if", fgdbm_delete_if, 0);
rb_define_method(cGDBM, "reject!", fgdbm_delete_if, 0);
@@ -656,6 +940,11 @@ Init_gdbm()
rb_define_method(cGDBM,"update", fgdbm_update, 1);
rb_define_method(cGDBM,"replace", fgdbm_replace, 1);
rb_define_method(cGDBM,"reorganize", fgdbm_reorganize, 0);
+ rb_define_method(cGDBM,"sync", fgdbm_sync, 0);
+ /* rb_define_method(cGDBM,"setopt", fgdbm_setopt, 2); */
+ rb_define_method(cGDBM,"cachesize=", fgdbm_set_cachesize, 1);
+ rb_define_method(cGDBM,"fastmode=", fgdbm_set_fastmode, 1);
+ rb_define_method(cGDBM,"syncmode=", fgdbm_set_syncmode, 1);
rb_define_method(cGDBM, "include?", fgdbm_has_key, 1);
rb_define_method(cGDBM, "has_key?", fgdbm_has_key, 1);
@@ -666,4 +955,24 @@ Init_gdbm()
rb_define_method(cGDBM, "to_a", fgdbm_to_a, 0);
rb_define_method(cGDBM, "to_hash", fgdbm_to_hash, 0);
+ /* flags for gdbm_opn() */
+ /*
+ rb_define_const(cGDBM, "READER", INT2FIX(GDBM_READER));
+ rb_define_const(cGDBM, "WRITER", INT2FIX(GDBM_WRITER));
+ rb_define_const(cGDBM, "WRCREAT", INT2FIX(GDBM_WRCREAT));
+ rb_define_const(cGDBM, "NEWDB", INT2FIX(GDBM_NEWDB));
+ */
+ rb_define_const(cGDBM, "FAST", INT2FIX(GDBM_FAST));
+ /* this flag is obsolete in gdbm 1.8.
+ On gdbm 1.8, fast mode is default behavior. */
+ /* gdbm version 1.8 specific */
+#if defined(GDBM_SYNC)
+ rb_define_const(cGDBM, "SYNC", INT2FIX(GDBM_SYNC));
+#if defined(GDBM_NOLOCK)
+ rb_define_const(cGDBM, "NOLOCK", INT2FIX(GDBM_NOLOCK));
+ rb_define_const(cGDBM, "VERSION", rb_str_new2(gdbm_version));
diff --git a/ext/md5/.cvsignore b/ext/md5/.cvsignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f3c7a7c5da
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ext/md5/.cvsignore
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/ext/md5/md5.txt b/ext/md5/md5.txt
index e2b072401b..1d58306cf5 100644
--- a/ext/md5/md5.txt
+++ b/ext/md5/md5.txt
@@ -5,30 +5,31 @@
A class to implement MD5 Message-Digest Algorithm by RSA Data
Security, Inc., described in RFC1321.
-SuperClass: Object
+Superclass: Object
Class Methods:
- creates a new MD5 object. If a string argument is given, it
+ Creates a new MD5 object. If a string argument is given, it
is added to the object. (see update.)
- copies the MD5 object.
+ Copies the MD5 object.
- returns have value of the added strings as a 16 bytes string.
+ Returns the MD5 hash of the added strings as a string of 16
+ bytes.
- returns have value of the added strings as an 32 bytes ASCII
- string. This method is equal to:
+ Returns the MD5 hash of the added strings as a string of 32
+ hexadecimal digits. This method is equal to:
def hexdigest
ret = ''
@@ -38,7 +39,7 @@ Methods:
- Update the MD5 object with the string. Repeated calls are
+ Update the MD5 object with the string str. Repeated calls are
equivalent to a single call with the concatenation of all the
arguments, i.e. m.update(a); m.update(b) is equivalent to
diff --git a/ext/md5/ b/ext/md5/
index 04cf32908d..b71dd9bfc9 100644
--- a/ext/md5/
+++ b/ext/md5/
@@ -3,9 +3,9 @@
** MD5(¥¯¥é¥¹)
RFC1321¤Ëµ­½Ò¤µ¤ì¤Æ¤¤¤ëRSA Data Security, Inc. ¤Î MD5 Message-Digest
-SuperClass: Object
+Superclass: Object
Class Methods:
@@ -13,18 +13,18 @@ Class Methods:
- ¤òÄɲ乤ë(see update)¡¥
+ ¤òÄɲ乤ë(see update)¡£
- MD5¥ª¥Ö¥¸¥§¥¯¥È¤ÎÊ£À½¤òºî¤ë
+ MD5¥ª¥Ö¥¸¥§¥¯¥È¤ÎÊ£À½¤òºî¤ë¡£
- ÊÖ¤¹¡¥
+ ÊÖ¤¹¡£
@@ -41,7 +41,8 @@ Methods:
- »úÎó¤òÏ¢·ë¤·¤Æupdate¤ò¸Æ¤Ö¤³¤È¤ÈÅù¤·¤¤¡¥
+ »úÎó¤òÏ¢·ë¤·¤Æupdate¤ò¸Æ¤Ö¤³¤È¤ÈÅù¤·¤¤¡£¤¹¤Ê¤ï¤Á m.update(a);
+ m.update(b) ¤Ï m.update(a+b) ¤ÈÅù²Á¤Ç¤¢¤ë¡£
Local variables:
diff --git a/ext/nkf/.cvsignore b/ext/nkf/.cvsignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f3c7a7c5da
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ext/nkf/.cvsignore
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/ext/pty/.cvsignore b/ext/pty/.cvsignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f3c7a7c5da
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ext/pty/.cvsignore
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/ext/pty/extconf.rb b/ext/pty/extconf.rb
index 4df2011eb5..ba2b44c70b 100644
--- a/ext/pty/extconf.rb
+++ b/ext/pty/extconf.rb
@@ -1,10 +1,12 @@
require 'mkmf'
-if have_func("openpty") or
- have_func("_getpty") or
- have_func("ioctl")
- create_makefile('pty')
+if /mswin32|mingw/ !~ RUBY_PLATFORM
+ have_header("sys/stropts.h")
+ have_func("setresuid")
+ $CFLAGS << "-DHAVE_DEV_PTMX" if /cygwin/ === RUBY_PLATFORM
+ if have_func("openpty") or
+ have_func("_getpty") or
+ have_func("ioctl")
+ create_makefile('pty')
+ end
diff --git a/ext/pty/pty.c b/ext/pty/pty.c
index 66907416eb..35e4080e62 100644
--- a/ext/pty/pty.c
+++ b/ext/pty/pty.c
@@ -374,7 +374,7 @@ getDevice(master,slave)
if(unlockpt(i) != -1) {
if((pn = ptsname(i)) != NULL) {
if((j = open(pn, O_RDWR, 0)) != -1) {
-#if defined I_PUSH
+#if defined I_PUSH && !defined linux
if(ioctl(j, I_PUSH, "ptem") != -1) {
if(ioctl(j, I_PUSH, "ldterm") != -1) {
@@ -382,7 +382,7 @@ getDevice(master,slave)
*slave = j;
strcpy(SlaveName, pn);
-#if defined I_PUSH
+#if defined I_PUSH && !defined linux
diff --git a/ext/readline/.cvsignore b/ext/readline/.cvsignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f3c7a7c5da
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ext/readline/.cvsignore
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/ext/readline/extconf.rb b/ext/readline/extconf.rb
index 7db62745f3..431ed213bb 100644
--- a/ext/readline/extconf.rb
+++ b/ext/readline/extconf.rb
@@ -9,5 +9,8 @@ have_library("ncurses", "tgetnum") or
if have_header("readline/readline.h") and
have_header("readline/history.h") and
have_library("readline", "readline")
+ if have_func("rl_filename_completion_function")
+ end
diff --git a/ext/readline/readline.c b/ext/readline/readline.c
index 02b29796af..876207c224 100644
--- a/ext/readline/readline.c
+++ b/ext/readline/readline.c
@@ -15,6 +15,12 @@ static VALUE mReadline;
#define COMPLETION_PROC "completion_proc"
#define COMPLETION_CASE_FOLD "completion_case_fold"
+# define rl_filename_completion_function filename_completion_function
+# define rl_username_completion_function username_completion_function
+# define rl_completion_matches completion_matches
static int
@@ -321,8 +327,8 @@ filename_completion_proc_call(self, str)
char **matches;
int i;
- matches = completion_matches(STR2CSTR(str),
- filename_completion_function);
+ matches = rl_completion_matches(STR2CSTR(str),
+ rl_filename_completion_function);
if (matches) {
result = rb_ary_new();
for (i = 0; matches[i]; i++) {
@@ -348,8 +354,8 @@ username_completion_proc_call(self, str)
char **matches;
int i;
- matches = completion_matches(STR2CSTR(str),
- username_completion_function);
+ matches = rl_completion_matches(STR2CSTR(str),
+ rl_username_completion_function);
if (matches) {
result = rb_ary_new();
for (i = 0; matches[i]; i++) {
diff --git a/ext/sdbm/.cvsignore b/ext/sdbm/.cvsignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f3c7a7c5da
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ext/sdbm/.cvsignore
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/ext/sdbm/_sdbm.c b/ext/sdbm/_sdbm.c
index 7a31472930..d8bfae80b2 100644
--- a/ext/sdbm/_sdbm.c
+++ b/ext/sdbm/_sdbm.c
@@ -103,11 +103,9 @@ static int duppair proto((char *, datum));
* externals
-#ifndef sun
-#ifndef MSDOS
+#if !defined sun && !defined MSDOS && !defined _WIN32 && !defined __CYGWIN__
extern int errno;
* forward
diff --git a/ext/sdbm/init.c b/ext/sdbm/init.c
index 87136e9bdb..458695fc2b 100644
--- a/ext/sdbm/init.c
+++ b/ext/sdbm/init.c
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
created at: Fri May 7 08:34:24 JST 1999
- Copyright (C) 1995-1998 Yukihiro Matsumoto
+ Copyright (C) 1995-2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <errno.h>
+static VALUE cSDBM;
struct dbmdata {
int di_size;
@@ -44,16 +44,28 @@ free_sdbm(dbmp)
static VALUE
-fsdbm_s_open(argc, argv, klass)
+ VALUE obj;
+ struct dbmdata *dbmp;
+ GetDBM(obj, dbmp);
+ sdbm_close(dbmp->di_dbm);
+ dbmp->di_dbm = 0;
+ return Qnil;
+static VALUE
+fsdbm_initialize(argc, argv, obj)
int argc;
VALUE *argv;
- VALUE klass;
+ VALUE obj;
VALUE file, vmode;
DBM *dbm;
struct dbmdata *dbmp;
int mode;
- VALUE obj;
if (rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "11", &file, &vmode) == 1) {
mode = 0666; /* default value */
@@ -64,6 +76,7 @@ fsdbm_s_open(argc, argv, klass)
else {
mode = NUM2INT(vmode);
+ file = rb_str_to_str(file);
dbm = 0;
@@ -79,7 +92,8 @@ fsdbm_s_open(argc, argv, klass)
- obj = Data_Make_Struct(klass,struct dbmdata,0,free_sdbm,dbmp);
+ dbmp = ALLOC(struct dbmdata);
+ DATA_PTR(obj) = dbmp;
dbmp->di_dbm = dbm;
dbmp->di_size = -1;
@@ -87,16 +101,33 @@ fsdbm_s_open(argc, argv, klass)
static VALUE
- VALUE obj;
+fsdbm_s_new(argc, argv, klass)
+ int argc;
+ VALUE *argv;
+ VALUE klass;
- struct dbmdata *dbmp;
+ VALUE obj = Data_Wrap_Struct(klass, 0, free_sdbm, 0);
+ rb_obj_call_init(obj, argc, argv);
+ return obj;
- GetDBM(obj, dbmp);
- sdbm_close(dbmp->di_dbm);
- dbmp->di_dbm = 0;
+static VALUE
+fsdbm_s_open(argc, argv, klass)
+ int argc;
+ VALUE *argv;
+ VALUE klass;
+ VALUE obj = Data_Wrap_Struct(klass, 0, free_sdbm, 0);
- return Qnil;
+ if (NIL_P(fsdbm_initialize(argc, argv, obj))) {
+ return Qnil;
+ }
+ if (rb_block_given_p()) {
+ return rb_ensure(rb_yield, obj, fsdbm_close, obj);
+ }
+ return obj;
static VALUE
@@ -107,7 +138,7 @@ fsdbm_fetch(obj, keystr, ifnone)
struct dbmdata *dbmp;
DBM *dbm;
- Check_Type(keystr, T_STRING);
+ keystr = rb_str_to_str(keystr);
key.dptr = RSTRING(keystr)->ptr;
key.dsize = RSTRING(keystr)->len;
@@ -135,10 +166,14 @@ fsdbm_fetch_m(argc, argv, obj)
VALUE *argv;
VALUE obj;
- VALUE keystr, ifnone;
+ VALUE keystr, valstr, ifnone;
rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "11", &keystr, &ifnone);
- return fsdbm_fetch(obj, keystr, ifnone);
+ valstr = fsdbm_fetch(obj, keystr, ifnone);
+ if (argc == 1 && !rb_block_given_p() && NIL_P(valstr))
+ rb_raise(rb_eIndexError, "key not found");
+ return valstr;
static VALUE
@@ -149,7 +184,7 @@ fsdbm_index(obj, valstr)
struct dbmdata *dbmp;
DBM *dbm;
- Check_Type(valstr, T_STRING);
+ valstr = rb_str_to_str(valstr);
val.dptr = RSTRING(valstr)->ptr;
val.dsize = RSTRING(valstr)->len;
@@ -190,12 +225,13 @@ fsdbm_delete(obj, keystr)
DBM *dbm;
- Check_Type(keystr, T_STRING);
+ keystr = rb_str_to_str(keystr);
key.dptr = RSTRING(keystr)->ptr;
key.dsize = RSTRING(keystr)->len;
GetDBM(obj, dbmp);
dbm = dbmp->di_dbm;
+ dbmp->di_size = -1;
value = sdbm_fetch(dbm, key);
if (value.dptr == 0) {
@@ -229,10 +265,13 @@ fsdbm_shift(obj)
key = sdbm_firstkey(dbm);
if (!key.dptr) return Qnil;
val = sdbm_fetch(dbm, key);
- sdbm_delete(dbm, key);
keystr = rb_tainted_str_new(key.dptr, key.dsize);
valstr = rb_tainted_str_new(val.dptr, val.dsize);
+ sdbm_delete(dbm, key);
+ if (dbmp->di_size >= 0) {
+ dbmp->di_size--;
+ }
return rb_assoc_new(keystr, valstr);
@@ -244,20 +283,34 @@ fsdbm_delete_if(obj)
struct dbmdata *dbmp;
DBM *dbm;
VALUE keystr, valstr;
+ VALUE ret, ary = rb_ary_new();
+ int i, status = 0, n;
GetDBM(obj, dbmp);
dbm = dbmp->di_dbm;
+ n = dbmp->di_size;
+ dbmp->di_size = -1;
for (key = sdbm_firstkey(dbm); key.dptr; key = sdbm_nextkey(dbm)) {
val = sdbm_fetch(dbm, key);
keystr = rb_tainted_str_new(key.dptr, key.dsize);
valstr = rb_tainted_str_new(val.dptr, val.dsize);
- if (RTEST(rb_yield(rb_assoc_new(keystr, valstr)))) {
- if (sdbm_delete(dbm, key)) {
- rb_raise(rb_eRuntimeError, "sdbm_delete failed");
- }
+ ret = rb_protect(rb_yield, rb_assoc_new(rb_str_dup(keystr), valstr), &status);
+ if (status != 0) goto delete;
+ if (RTEST(ret)) rb_ary_push(ary, keystr);
+ }
+ delete:
+ for (i = 0; i < RARRAY(ary)->len; i++) {
+ keystr = RARRAY(ary)->ptr[i];
+ key.dptr = RSTRING(keystr)->ptr;
+ key.dsize = RSTRING(keystr)->len;
+ if (sdbm_delete(dbm, key)) {
+ rb_raise(rb_eRuntimeError, "sdbm_delete failed");
+ if (status) rb_jump_tag(status);
+ if (n > 0) dbmp->di_size = n - RARRAY(ary)->len;
return obj;
@@ -273,11 +326,16 @@ fsdbm_clear(obj)
GetDBM(obj, dbmp);
dbm = dbmp->di_dbm;
dbmp->di_size = -1;
- for (key = sdbm_firstkey(dbm); key.dptr; key = sdbm_nextkey(dbm)) {
- if (sdbm_delete(dbm, key)) {
- rb_raise(rb_eRuntimeError, "sdbm_delete failed");
- }
+ while (key = sdbm_firstkey(dbm), key.dptr) {
+ do {
+ if (sdbm_delete(dbm, key)) {
+ rb_raise(rb_eRuntimeError, "sdbm_delete failed");
+ }
+ key = sdbm_nextkey(dbm);
+ } while (key.dptr);
+ dbmp->di_size = 0;
return obj;
@@ -299,7 +357,7 @@ fsdbm_invert(obj)
valstr = rb_tainted_str_new(val.dptr, val.dsize);
rb_hash_aset(hash, valstr, keystr);
- return obj;
+ return hash;
static VALUE
@@ -528,7 +586,7 @@ fsdbm_has_key(obj, keystr)
struct dbmdata *dbmp;
DBM *dbm;
- Check_Type(keystr, T_STRING);
+ keystr = rb_str_to_str(keystr);
key.dptr = RSTRING(keystr)->ptr;
key.dsize = RSTRING(keystr)->len;
@@ -547,7 +605,7 @@ fsdbm_has_value(obj, valstr)
struct dbmdata *dbmp;
DBM *dbm;
- Check_Type(valstr, T_STRING);
+ valstr = rb_str_to_str(valstr);
val.dptr = RSTRING(valstr)->ptr;
val.dsize = RSTRING(valstr)->len;
@@ -620,7 +678,8 @@ Init_sdbm()
rb_include_module(cSDBM, rb_mEnumerable);
rb_define_singleton_method(cSDBM, "open", fsdbm_s_open, -1);
- rb_define_singleton_method(cSDBM, "new", fsdbm_s_open, -1);
+ rb_define_singleton_method(cSDBM, "new", fsdbm_s_new, -1);
+ rb_define_method(cSDBM, "initialize", fsdbm_initialize, -1);
rb_define_method(cSDBM, "close", fsdbm_close, 0);
rb_define_method(cSDBM, "[]", fsdbm_aref, 1);
rb_define_method(cSDBM, "fetch", fsdbm_fetch_m, -1);
@@ -638,7 +697,7 @@ Init_sdbm()
rb_define_method(cSDBM, "each_pair", fsdbm_each_pair, 0);
rb_define_method(cSDBM, "keys", fsdbm_keys, 0);
rb_define_method(cSDBM, "values", fsdbm_values, 0);
- rb_define_method(cSDBM, "shift", fsdbm_shift, 1);
+ rb_define_method(cSDBM, "shift", fsdbm_shift, 0);
rb_define_method(cSDBM, "delete", fsdbm_delete, 1);
rb_define_method(cSDBM, "delete_if", fsdbm_delete_if, 0);
rb_define_method(cSDBM, "reject!", fsdbm_delete_if, 0);
diff --git a/ext/socket/.cvsignore b/ext/socket/.cvsignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f3c7a7c5da
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ext/socket/.cvsignore
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/ext/socket/extconf.rb b/ext/socket/extconf.rb
index 3582c21c41..7dadd70078 100644
--- a/ext/socket/extconf.rb
+++ b/ext/socket/extconf.rb
@@ -338,9 +338,9 @@ if have_func(test_func)
if ENV["SOCKS_SERVER"] or enable_config("socks", false)
if have_library("socks5", "SOCKSinit")
elsif have_library("socks", "Rconnect")
diff --git a/ext/tcltklib/.cvsignore b/ext/tcltklib/.cvsignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f3c7a7c5da
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ext/tcltklib/.cvsignore
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/ext/tcltklib/extconf.rb b/ext/tcltklib/extconf.rb
index c9082e0a7f..f732c165dc 100644
--- a/ext/tcltklib/extconf.rb
+++ b/ext/tcltklib/extconf.rb
@@ -67,5 +67,6 @@ if have_header("tcl.h") && have_header("tk.h") &&
find_tcl(tcllib, stubs) &&
find_tk(tklib, stubs)
+ $CPPFLAGS += ' -D_WIN32' if /cygwin/ =~ RUBY_PLATFORM
diff --git a/ext/tcltklib/stubs.c b/ext/tcltklib/stubs.c
index 537ca74d37..faf5b4bb4b 100644
--- a/ext/tcltklib/stubs.c
+++ b/ext/tcltklib/stubs.c
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
#include <tk.h>
#include "ruby.h"
-#if defined _WIN32
+#if defined _WIN32 || defined __CYGWIN__
# include <windows.h>
# define DL_OPEN LoadLibrary
diff --git a/ext/tk/.cvsignore b/ext/tk/.cvsignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f3c7a7c5da
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ext/tk/.cvsignore
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tk.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tk.rb
index a088d5c493..7bbba06151 100644
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tk.rb
+++ b/ext/tk/lib/tk.rb
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-# tk.rb - Tk interface modue using tcltklib
+# tk.rb - Tk interface module using tcltklib
# $Date$
# by Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
@@ -351,7 +351,7 @@ module TkComm
if context.kind_of? Array
context = context.collect{|ev|
- if context.kind_of? TkVirtualEvent
+ if ev.kind_of? TkVirtualEvent
@@ -397,8 +397,18 @@ module TkComm
- tk_split_list(tk_call(*what)).collect{|seq|
- seq[1..-2].gsub(/></,',')
+ tk_split_simplelist(tk_call(*what)).collect!{|seq|
+ l = seq.scan(/<*[^<>]+>*/).collect!{|subseq|
+ case (subseq)
+ when /^<<[^<>]+>>$/
+ TkVirtualEvent.getobj(subseq[1..-2])
+ when /^<[^<>]+>$/
+ subseq[1..-2]
+ else
+ subseq.split('')
+ end
+ }.flatten
+ (l.size == 1) ? l[0] : l
@@ -651,12 +661,77 @@ module TkCore
+module TkPackage
+ include TkCore
+ extend TkPackage
+ def add_path(path)
+ Tk::AUTO_PATH.value = Tk::AUTO_PATH.to_a << path
+ end
+ def forget(package)
+ tk_call('package', 'forget', package)
+ nil
+ end
+ def names
+ tk_split_simplelist(tk_call('package', 'names'))
+ end
+ def provide(package, version=nil)
+ if version
+ tk_call('package', 'provide', package, version)
+ nil
+ else
+ tk_call('package', 'provide', package)
+ end
+ end
+ def present(package, version=None)
+ tk_call('package', 'present', package, version)
+ end
+ def present_exact(package, version)
+ tk_call('package', 'present', '-exact', package, version)
+ end
+ def require(package, version=None)
+ tk_call('package', 'require', package, version)
+ end
+ def require_exact(package, version)
+ tk_call('package', 'require', '-exact', package, version)
+ end
+ def versions(package)
+ tk_split_simplelist(tk_call('package', 'versions', package))
+ end
+ def vcompare(version1, version2)
+ Integer(tk_call('package', 'vcompare', version1, version2))
+ end
+ def vsatisfies(version1, version2)
+ bool(tk_call('package', 'vsatisfies', version1, version2))
+ end
module Tk
include TkCore
extend Tk
TCL_VERSION = INTERP._invoke("info", "tclversion")
TK_VERSION = INTERP._invoke("set", "tk_version")
+ TCL_PATCHLEVEL = INTERP._invoke("info", "patchlevel")
+ TK_PATCHLEVEL = INTERP._invoke("set", "tk_patchLevel")
+ TCL_LIBRARY = INTERP._invoke("set", "tcl_library")
+ TK_LIBRARY = INTERP._invoke("set", "tk_library")
+ LIBRARY = INTERP._invoke("info", "library")
+ PLATFORM = Hash[*tk_split_simplelist(INTERP._eval('array get tcl_platform'))]
JAPANIZED_TK = (INTERP._invoke("info", "commands", "kanji") != "")
def root
@@ -680,6 +755,10 @@ module Tk
tk_tcl2ruby(tk_call('focus', '-lastfor', win))
+ def Tk.strictMotif(bool=None)
+ bool(tk_call('set', 'tk_strictMotif', bool))
+ end
def Tk.show_kinsoku(mode='both')
if /^8\.*/ === TK_VERSION && JAPANIZED_TK
@@ -710,11 +789,11 @@ module Tk
- def toUTF8(str,encoding)
+ def Tk.toUTF8(str,encoding)
- def fromUTF8(str,encoding)
+ def Tk.fromUTF8(str,encoding)
@@ -978,6 +1057,12 @@ class TkBindTag
BTagID_TBL[id]? BTagID_TBL[id]: id
+ ALL =
+ ALL.instance_eval {
+ @id = 'all'
+ BTagID_TBL[@id] = self
+ }
def initialize(*args)
@id = Tk_BINDTAG_ID[0]
Tk_BINDTAG_ID[0] = Tk_BINDTAG_ID[0].succ
@@ -995,20 +1080,11 @@ class TkBindTag
class TkBindTagAll<TkBindTag
- BindTagALL = []
- if BindTagALL[0]
- BindTagALL[0].bind(*args) if args != []
- else
- new = super()
- BindTagALL[0] = new
- end
- BindTagALL[0]
- end
+ $stderr.puts "Warning: TkBindTagALL is obsolete. Use TkBindTag::ALL\n"
- def initialize(*args)
- @id = 'all'
- BindTagALL[0].bind(*args) if args != []
+ TkBindTag::ALL.bind(*args) if args != []
+ TkBindTag::ALL
@@ -1112,15 +1188,15 @@ class TkVariable
def to_i
- Integer(number(value))
+ number(value).to_i
def to_f
- Float(number(value))
+ number(value).to_f
def to_s
- String(string(value))
+ string(value).to_s
def inspect
@@ -1304,6 +1380,21 @@ class TkVarAccess<TkVariable
+module Tk
+ begin
+ auto_path = INTERP._invoke('set', 'auto_path')
+ rescue
+ begin
+ auto_path = INTERP._invoke('set', 'env(TCLLIBPATH)')
+ rescue
+ auto_path = Tk::LIBRARY
+ end
+ end
+ AUTO_PATH ='auto_path', auto_path)
+ TCL_PACKAGE_PATH ='tcl_pkgPath')
module TkSelection
include Tk
extend Tk
@@ -1446,7 +1537,7 @@ module TkXIM
def useinputmethods(value=nil)
- TkXIM.useinputmethods(self, value=nil)
+ TkXIM.useinputmethods(self, value)
def imconfigure(window, slot, value=None)
@@ -2370,7 +2461,7 @@ class TkWindow<TkObject
def grid_propagate(mode=nil)
if mode
- tk_call('grid', 'propagate', epath, bool)
+ tk_call('grid', 'propagate', epath, mode)
bool(tk_call('grid', 'propagate', epath))
@@ -2507,7 +2598,7 @@ class TkWindow<TkObject
def bindtags(taglist=nil)
if taglist
- fail unless taglist.kind_of? Array
+ fail ArgumentError unless taglist.kind_of? Array
tk_call('bindtags', path, taglist)
list(tk_call('bindtags', path)).collect{|tag|
@@ -2708,8 +2799,16 @@ class TkScale<TkWindow
tk_call 'scale', path
- def get
- number(tk_send('get'))
+ def get(x=None, y=None)
+ number(tk_send('get', x, y))
+ end
+ def coords(val=None)
+ tk_split_list(tk_send('coords', val))
+ end
+ def identify(x, y)
+ tk_send('identify', x, y)
def set(val)
@@ -2744,8 +2843,8 @@ class TkScrollbar<TkWindow
number(tk_send('fraction', x, y))
- def identify(x=None, y=None)
- tk_send('fraction', x, y)
+ def identify(x, y)
+ tk_send('identify', x, y)
def get
@@ -2760,6 +2859,10 @@ class TkScrollbar<TkWindow
def set(first, last)
tk_send "set", first, last
+ def activate(element=None)
+ tk_send('activate', element)
+ end
class TkTextWin<TkWindow
@@ -3033,12 +3136,12 @@ class TkMenu<TkWindow
tk_send 'invoke', index
def insert(index, type, keys=nil)
- tk_send 'add', index, type, *hash_kv(keys)
+ tk_send 'insert', index, type, *hash_kv(keys)
def delete(index, last=None)
tk_send 'delete', index, last
- def popup(x, y, index=nil)
+ def popup(x, y, index=None)
tk_call 'tk_popup', path, x, y, index
def post(x, y)
@@ -3128,12 +3231,12 @@ class TkMenu<TkWindow
class TkMenuClone<TkMenu
- def initialize(parent, type=nil)
+ def initialize(parent, type=None)
unless parent.kind_of?(TkMenu)
fail ArgumentError, "parent must be TkMenu"
@parent = parent
- install_win(@parent)
+ install_win(@parent.path)
tk_call @parent.path, 'clone', @path, type
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tkcanvas.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tkcanvas.rb
index ff06e9305a..9b323e9cbb 100644
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tkcanvas.rb
+++ b/ext/tk/lib/tkcanvas.rb
@@ -172,7 +172,7 @@ class TkCanvas<TkWindow
def bbox(tagOrId, *tags)
- list(tk_send('bbox', tagid(tagOrId), *tags))
+ list(tk_send('bbox', tagid(tagOrId), *tags.collect{|t| tagid(t)}))
def itembind(tag, context,, args=nil)
@@ -207,7 +207,7 @@ class TkCanvas<TkWindow
def delete(*args)
- tk_send 'delete', *args
+ tk_send 'delete', *args.collect{|t| tagid(t)}
alias remove delete
@@ -375,7 +375,7 @@ class TkCanvas<TkWindow
def lower(tag, below=None)
- tk_send 'lower', tagid(tag), below
+ tk_send 'lower', tagid(tag), tagid(below)
def move(tag, x, y)
@@ -387,7 +387,7 @@ class TkCanvas<TkWindow
def raise(tag, above=None)
- tk_send 'raise', tagid(tag), above
+ tk_send 'raise', tagid(tag), tagid(above)
def scale(tag, x, y, xs, ys)
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tkentry.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tkentry.rb
index 6b25be376b..7af3f26748 100644
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tkentry.rb
+++ b/ext/tk/lib/tkentry.rb
@@ -136,7 +136,7 @@ class TkEntry<TkLabel
tk_send 'selection', 'from', index
def selection_present()
- tk_send('selection', 'present') == 1
+ bool(tk_send('selection', 'present'))
def selection_range(s, e)
tk_send 'selection', 'range', s, e
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tktext.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tktext.rb
index bb3d537bc4..51b5d82b60 100644
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tktext.rb
+++ b/ext/tk/lib/tktext.rb
@@ -189,6 +189,14 @@ class TkText<TkTextWin
+ def mark_next(index)
+ tagid2obj(tk_send('mark', 'next', index))
+ end
+ def mark_previous(index)
+ tagid2obj(tk_send('mark', 'previous', index))
+ end
def window_names
tk_send('window', 'names').collect{|elt|
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tkvirtevent.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tkvirtevent.rb
index b31b99062f..d3721e362e 100644
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tkvirtevent.rb
+++ b/ext/tk/lib/tkvirtevent.rb
@@ -7,12 +7,27 @@ require 'tk'
class TkVirtualEvent<TkObject
extend Tk
- TkVirturlEventID = [0]
- TkVirturlEventTBL = {}
+ TkVirtualEventID = [0]
+ TkVirtualEventTBL = {}
+ class PreDefVirtEvent<self
+ def initialize(event)
+ @path = @id = event
+ TkVirtualEvent::TkVirtualEventTBL[@id] = self
+ end
+ end
def TkVirtualEvent.getobj(event)
- obj = TkVirturlEventTBL[event]
- obj ? obj : event
+ obj = TkVirtualEventTBL[event]
+ if obj
+ obj
+ else
+ if tk_call('event', 'info').index("<#{event}>")
+ else
+ fail ArgumentError, "undefined virtual event '<#{event}>'"
+ end
+ end
@@ -22,8 +37,8 @@ class TkVirtualEvent<TkObject
def initialize(*sequences)
- @path = @id = format("<VirtEvent%.4d>", TkVirturlEventID[0])
- TkVirturlEventID[0] += 1
+ @path = @id = format("<VirtEvent%.4d>", TkVirtualEventID[0])
+ TkVirtualEventID[0] += 1
@@ -31,7 +46,7 @@ class TkVirtualEvent<TkObject
if sequences != []
tk_call('event', 'add', "<#{@id}>",
*(sequences.collect{|seq| "<#{tk_event_sequence(seq)}>"}) )
- TkVirturlEventTBL[@id] = self
+ TkVirtualEventTBL[@id] = self
@@ -39,11 +54,11 @@ class TkVirtualEvent<TkObject
def delete(*sequences)
if sequences == []
tk_call('event', 'delete', "<#{@id}>")
- TkVirturlEventTBL[@id] = nil
+ TkVirtualEventTBL[@id] = nil
tk_call('event', 'delete', "<#{@id}>",
*(sequences.collect{|seq| "<#{tk_event_sequence(seq)}>"}) )
- TkVirturlEventTBL[@id] = nil if info == []
+ TkVirtualEventTBL[@id] = nil if info == []
diff --git a/file.c b/file.c
index 98098f9047..b246762a8c 100644
--- a/file.c
+++ b/file.c
@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ char *strrchr _((const char*,const char));
#include <sys/stat.h>
#ifndef HAVE_LSTAT
-#define lstat stat
+#define lstat rb_sys_stat
VALUE rb_cFile;
@@ -113,7 +113,8 @@ rb_file_path(obj)
static VALUE
+stat_new_0(klass, st)
+ VALUE klass;
struct stat *st;
struct stat *nst;
@@ -121,7 +122,14 @@ stat_new(st)
nst = ALLOC(struct stat);
*nst = *st;
- return Data_Wrap_Struct(rb_cStat, NULL, free, nst);
+ return Data_Wrap_Struct(klass, NULL, free, nst);
+static VALUE
+ struct stat *st;
+ return stat_new_0(rb_cStat, st);
static struct stat*
@@ -152,42 +160,42 @@ static VALUE
VALUE self;
- return INT2FIX((int)get_stat(self)->st_dev);
+ return INT2NUM(get_stat(self)->st_dev);
static VALUE
VALUE self;
- return INT2FIX((int)get_stat(self)->st_ino);
+ return UINT2NUM(get_stat(self)->st_ino);
static VALUE
VALUE self;
- return INT2FIX((int)get_stat(self)->st_mode);
+ return UINT2NUM(get_stat(self)->st_mode);
static VALUE
VALUE self;
- return INT2FIX((int)get_stat(self)->st_nlink);
+ return UINT2NUM(get_stat(self)->st_nlink);
static VALUE
VALUE self;
- return INT2FIX((int)get_stat(self)->st_uid);
+ return UINT2NUM(get_stat(self)->st_uid);
static VALUE
VALUE self;
- return INT2FIX((int)get_stat(self)->st_gid);
+ return UINT2NUM(get_stat(self)->st_gid);
static VALUE
@@ -195,7 +203,7 @@ rb_stat_rdev(self)
VALUE self;
- return INT2FIX((int)get_stat(self)->st_rdev);
+ return INT2NUM(get_stat(self)->st_rdev);
return INT2FIX(0);
@@ -205,7 +213,7 @@ static VALUE
VALUE self;
- return INT2FIX((int)get_stat(self)->st_size);
+ return INT2NUM(get_stat(self)->st_size);
static VALUE
@@ -213,7 +221,7 @@ rb_stat_blksize(self)
VALUE self;
- return INT2FIX((int)get_stat(self)->st_blksize);
+ return UINT2NUM(get_stat(self)->st_blksize);
return INT2FIX(0);
@@ -224,7 +232,7 @@ rb_stat_blocks(self)
VALUE self;
- return INT2FIX((int)get_stat(self)->st_blocks);
+ return UINT2NUM(get_stat(self)->st_blocks);
return INT2FIX(0);
@@ -314,17 +322,17 @@ rb_stat(file, st)
#if defined DJGPP
if (RSTRING(file)->len == 0) return -1;
- return stat(RSTRING(file)->ptr, st);
+ return rb_sys_stat(RSTRING(file)->ptr, st);
static VALUE
-rb_file_s_stat(obj, fname)
- VALUE obj, fname;
+rb_file_s_stat(klass, fname)
+ VALUE klass, fname;
struct stat st;
- if (stat(RSTRING(fname)->ptr, &st) == -1) {
+ if (rb_sys_stat(RSTRING(fname)->ptr, &st) == -1) {
return stat_new(&st);
@@ -345,8 +353,8 @@ rb_io_stat(obj)
static VALUE
-rb_file_s_lstat(obj, fname)
- VALUE obj, fname;
+rb_file_s_lstat(klass, fname)
+ VALUE klass, fname;
struct stat st;
@@ -357,7 +365,7 @@ rb_file_s_lstat(obj, fname)
return stat_new(&st);
- return rb_file_s_stat(obj, fname);
+ return rb_file_s_stat(klass, fname);
@@ -420,7 +428,7 @@ eaccess(path, mode)
struct stat st;
static int euid = -1;
- if (stat(path, &st) < 0) return (-1);
+ if (rb_sys_stat(path, &st) < 0) return (-1);
if (euid == -1)
euid = geteuid ();
@@ -722,7 +730,7 @@ check3rdbyte(file, mode)
struct stat st;
- if (stat(file, &st) < 0) return Qfalse;
+ if (rb_sys_stat(file, &st) < 0) return Qfalse;
if (st.st_mode & mode) return Qtrue;
return Qfalse;
@@ -757,15 +765,16 @@ test_sticky(obj, fname)
VALUE obj, fname;
#ifdef S_ISVTX
- return check3rdbyte(STR2CSTR(fname), S_ISVTX);
+ Check_SafeStr(fname);
+ return check3rdbyte(RSTRING(fname)->ptr, S_ISVTX);
return Qnil;
static VALUE
-rb_file_s_size(obj, fname)
- VALUE obj, fname;
+rb_file_s_size(klass, fname)
+ VALUE klass, fname;
struct stat st;
@@ -815,8 +824,8 @@ rb_file_ftype(st)
static VALUE
-rb_file_s_ftype(obj, fname)
- VALUE obj, fname;
+rb_file_s_ftype(klass, fname)
+ VALUE klass, fname;
struct stat st;
@@ -829,8 +838,8 @@ rb_file_s_ftype(obj, fname)
static VALUE
-rb_file_s_atime(obj, fname)
- VALUE obj, fname;
+rb_file_s_atime(klass, fname)
+ VALUE klass, fname;
struct stat st;
@@ -854,8 +863,8 @@ rb_file_atime(obj)
static VALUE
-rb_file_s_mtime(obj, fname)
- VALUE obj, fname;
+rb_file_s_mtime(klass, fname)
+ VALUE klass, fname;
struct stat st;
@@ -879,8 +888,8 @@ rb_file_mtime(obj)
static VALUE
-rb_file_s_ctime(obj, fname)
- VALUE obj, fname;
+rb_file_s_ctime(klass, fname)
+ VALUE klass, fname;
struct stat st;
@@ -1097,8 +1106,8 @@ rb_file_s_utime(argc, argv)
static VALUE
-rb_file_s_link(obj, from, to)
- VALUE obj, from, to;
+rb_file_s_link(klass, from, to)
+ VALUE klass, from, to;
@@ -1109,8 +1118,8 @@ rb_file_s_link(obj, from, to)
static VALUE
-rb_file_s_symlink(obj, from, to)
- VALUE obj, from, to;
+rb_file_s_symlink(klass, from, to)
+ VALUE klass, from, to;
@@ -1126,8 +1135,8 @@ rb_file_s_symlink(obj, from, to)
static VALUE
-rb_file_s_readlink(obj, path)
- VALUE obj, path;
+rb_file_s_readlink(klass, path)
+ VALUE klass, path;
char buf[MAXPATHLEN];
@@ -1154,24 +1163,30 @@ unlink_internal(path)
static VALUE
-rb_file_s_unlink(obj, args)
- VALUE obj, args;
+rb_file_s_unlink(klass, args)
+ VALUE klass, args;
int n;
+ rb_secure(2);
n = apply2files(unlink_internal, args, 0);
return INT2FIX(n);
static VALUE
-rb_file_s_rename(obj, from, to)
- VALUE obj, from, to;
+rb_file_s_rename(klass, from, to)
+ VALUE klass, from, to;
- if (rename(RSTRING(from)->ptr, RSTRING(to)->ptr) < 0)
+ if (rename(RSTRING(from)->ptr, RSTRING(to)->ptr) < 0) {
+#if defined __CYGWIN__
+ extern unsigned long __attribute__((stdcall)) GetLastError();
+ errno = GetLastError(); /* This is a Cygwin bug */
+ }
return INT2FIX(0);
@@ -1253,7 +1268,7 @@ rb_file_s_expand_path(argc, argv)
#if defined DOSISH
/* skip drive letter */
- else if (isalpha(s[0]) && s[1] == ':' && isdirsep(s[2])) {
+ else if (ISALPHA(s[0]) && s[1] == ':' && isdirsep(s[2])) {
while (*s && !isdirsep(*s)) {
*p++ = *s++;
@@ -1388,8 +1403,8 @@ rb_file_s_basename(argc, argv)
static VALUE
-rb_file_s_dirname(obj, fname)
- VALUE obj, fname;
+rb_file_s_dirname(klass, fname)
+ VALUE klass, fname;
char *name, *p;
VALUE dirname;
@@ -1407,8 +1422,8 @@ rb_file_s_dirname(obj, fname)
static VALUE
-rb_file_s_split(obj, path)
- VALUE obj, path;
+rb_file_s_split(klass, path)
+ VALUE klass, path;
return rb_assoc_new(rb_file_s_dirname(Qnil, path), rb_file_s_basename(1,&path));
@@ -1416,15 +1431,15 @@ rb_file_s_split(obj, path)
static VALUE separator;
static VALUE
-rb_file_s_join(obj, args)
- VALUE obj, args;
+rb_file_s_join(klass, args)
+ VALUE klass, args;
return rb_ary_join(args, separator);
static VALUE
-rb_file_s_truncate(obj, path, len)
- VALUE obj, path, len;
+rb_file_s_truncate(klass, path, len)
+ VALUE klass, path, len;
@@ -1509,11 +1524,14 @@ rb_thread_flock(fd, op, fptr)
op |= LOCK_NB;
while (flock(fd, op) < 0) {
switch (errno) {
- case EINTR: /* can be happen? */
+ case EAGAIN:
+ case EACCES:
rb_thread_polling(); /* busy wait */
- break;
+ continue;
return -1;
@@ -1542,11 +1560,14 @@ rb_file_flock(obj, operation)
ret = flock(fileno(fptr->f), NUM2INT(operation));
if (ret < 0) {
- if (errno == EWOULDBLOCK) {
- return Qfalse;
- }
+ switch (errno) {
+ case EAGAIN:
+ case EACCES:
+ return Qfalse;
+ }
@@ -1716,6 +1737,30 @@ rb_f_test(argc, argv)
static VALUE
+rb_stat_s_new(klass, fname)
+ VALUE klass, fname;
+ VALUE s;
+ struct stat st;
+ Check_SafeStr(fname);
+ if (rb_sys_stat(RSTRING(fname)->ptr, &st) == -1) {
+ rb_sys_fail(RSTRING(fname)->ptr);
+ }
+ s = stat_new_0(klass, &st);
+ rb_obj_call_init(s, 1, &fname);
+ return s;
+static VALUE
+rb_stat_init(klass, fname)
+ VALUE klass, fname;
+ /* do nothing */
+ return Qnil;
+static VALUE
VALUE obj;
@@ -2029,6 +2074,7 @@ path_check_1(path)
for (;;) {
if (stat(path, &st) == 0 && (st.st_mode & 002)) {
+ if (p) *p = '/';
return 0;
s = strrchr(path, '/');
@@ -2056,7 +2102,10 @@ rb_path_check(path)
if (pend) *pend = '\0';
safe = path_check_1(p);
- if (!safe) return 0;
+ if (!safe) {
+ if (pend) *pend = sep;
+ return 0;
+ }
if (!pend) break;
*pend = sep;
p = pend + 1;
@@ -2089,7 +2138,7 @@ rb_find_file(file)
if (is_macos_native_path(file)) {
FILE *f;
- if (safe_level >= 2 && !rb_path_check(file)) {
+ if (rb_safe_level() >= 2 && !rb_path_check(file)) {
rb_raise(rb_eSecurityError, "loading from unsafe file %s", file);
f= fopen(file, "r");
@@ -2159,6 +2208,7 @@ define_filetest_function(name, func, argc)
rb_define_singleton_method(rb_cFile, name, func, argc);
rb_mFileTest = rb_define_module("FileTest");
@@ -2254,6 +2304,8 @@ Init_File()
rb_define_global_function("test", rb_f_test, -1);
rb_cStat = rb_define_class_under(rb_cFile, "Stat", rb_cObject);
+ rb_define_singleton_method(rb_cStat, "new", rb_stat_s_new, 1);
+ rb_define_method(rb_cStat, "initialize", rb_stat_init, 1);
rb_include_module(rb_cStat, rb_mComparable);
diff --git a/gc.c b/gc.c
index a3578aef2f..1df6d8ede8 100644
--- a/gc.c
+++ b/gc.c
@@ -31,10 +31,23 @@ void rb_io_fptr_finalize _((struct OpenFile*));
-#ifdef C_ALLOCA
-#ifndef alloca
+/* Make alloca work the best possible way. */
+#ifdef __GNUC__
+# ifndef atarist
+# ifndef alloca
+# define alloca __builtin_alloca
+# endif
+# endif /* atarist */
+# if defined(HAVE_ALLOCA_H)
+# include <alloca.h>
+# elif !defined(alloca)
void *alloca();
+# endif
+#endif /* __GNUC__ */
+#ifdef _AIX
+#pragma alloca
static void run_final();
@@ -53,10 +66,17 @@ static void
char *mesg;
+ static int recurse = 0;
if (rb_safe_level() >= 4) {
rb_raise(rb_eNoMemError, mesg);
- rb_fatal(mesg);
+ if (recurse == 0) {
+ recurse++;
+ rb_fatal(mesg);
+ }
+ fprintf(stderr, "[FATAL] failed to allocate memory\n");
+ exit(1);
void *
@@ -308,10 +328,7 @@ rb_data_object_alloc(klass, datap, dmark, dfree)
extern st_table *rb_class_tbl;
VALUE *rb_gc_stack_start = 0;
-#if defined(__GNUC__) && __GNUC__ >= 2
-static int
+static inline int
void *ptr;
@@ -606,6 +623,7 @@ rb_gc_mark(ptr)
case T_REGEXP:
case T_FLOAT:
case T_BIGNUM:
+ case T_BLKTAG:
case T_MATCH:
@@ -712,7 +730,7 @@ gc_sweep()
during_gc = 0;
/* clear finalization list */
- if (need_call_final && final_list) {
+ if (final_list) {
RVALUE *tmp;
if (rb_prohibit_interrupt || ruby_in_compile) {
@@ -822,6 +840,7 @@ obj_free(obj)
case T_FLOAT:
case T_VARMAP:
+ case T_BLKTAG:
case T_BIGNUM:
@@ -924,7 +943,7 @@ rb_gc()
# define STACK_END (&stack_end)
-# if defined(__GNUC__) && !defined(__alpha__) && !defined(__APPLE__)
+# if defined(__GNUC__) && (defined(__i386__) || defined(__m68k__))
VALUE *stack_end = __builtin_frame_address(0);
# else
VALUE *stack_end = alloca(1);
@@ -1004,7 +1023,7 @@ Init_stack(addr)
#if defined(__human68k__)
extern void *_SEND;
rb_gc_stack_start = _SEND;
-#elif defined(__GNUC__) && !defined(__alpha__) && !defined(__APPLE__)
+#elif defined(__GNUC__) && (defined(__i386__) || defined(__m68k__))
rb_gc_stack_start = __builtin_frame_address(2);
VALUE start;
@@ -1044,6 +1063,7 @@ os_live_obj()
case T_CLASS:
if (FL_TEST(p, FL_SINGLETON)) continue;
+ if (!p->as.basic.klass) continue;
@@ -1076,6 +1096,7 @@ os_obj_of(of)
case T_CLASS:
if (FL_TEST(p, FL_SINGLETON)) continue;
+ if (!p->as.basic.klass) continue;
if (rb_obj_is_kind_of((VALUE)p, of)) {
@@ -1130,7 +1151,7 @@ rm_final(os, proc)
static VALUE
- rb_warn("ObjectSpace::finals is deprecated");
+ rb_warn("ObjectSpace::finalizers is deprecated");
return finalizers;
@@ -1207,8 +1228,7 @@ run_final(obj)
args[0] = RARRAY(finalizers)->ptr[i];
rb_protect(run_single_final, (VALUE)args, &status);
- if (finalizer_table && st_lookup(finalizer_table, obj, &table)) {
- st_delete(finalizer_table, &obj, 0);
+ if (finalizer_table && st_delete(finalizer_table, &obj, &table)) {
for (i=0; i<RARRAY(table)->len; i++) {
args[0] = RARRAY(table)->ptr[i];
rb_protect(run_single_final, (VALUE)args, &status);
@@ -1223,14 +1243,25 @@ rb_gc_call_finalizer_at_exit()
int i;
/* run finalizers */
- for (i = 0; i < heaps_used; i++) {
- p = heaps[i]; pend = p + HEAP_SLOTS;
- while (p < pend) {
- if (FL_TEST(p, FL_FINALIZE)) {
- p-> = 0;
- run_final((VALUE)p);
+ if (need_call_final) {
+ if (deferred_final_list) {
+ p = deferred_final_list;
+ while (p) {
+ RVALUE *tmp = p;
+ p = p->;
+ run_final((VALUE)tmp);
+ }
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i < heaps_used; i++) {
+ p = heaps[i]; pend = p + HEAP_SLOTS;
+ while (p < pend) {
+ if (FL_TEST(p, FL_FINALIZE)) {
+ p->as.basic.klass = 0;
+ run_final((VALUE)p);
+ }
+ p++;
- p++;
/* run data object's finaliers */
@@ -1255,21 +1286,24 @@ static VALUE
id2ref(obj, id)
VALUE obj, id;
- unsigned long ptr;
+ unsigned long ptr, p0;
- ptr = NUM2UINT(id);
- if (FIXNUM_P(ptr)) return (VALUE)ptr;
+ p0 = ptr = NUM2ULONG(id);
if (ptr == Qtrue) return Qtrue;
if (ptr == Qfalse) return Qfalse;
if (ptr == Qnil) return Qnil;
+ if (FIXNUM_P(ptr)) return (VALUE)ptr;
+ if (SYMBOL_P(ptr) && rb_id2name(SYM2ID((VALUE)ptr)) != 0) {
+ return (VALUE)ptr;
+ }
ptr = id ^ FIXNUM_FLAG; /* unset FIXNUM_FLAG */
if (!is_pointer_to_heap(ptr)) {
- rb_raise(rb_eRangeError, "0x%x is not id value", ptr);
+ rb_raise(rb_eRangeError, "0x%x is not id value", p0);
if (BUILTIN_TYPE(ptr) == 0) {
- rb_raise(rb_eRangeError, "0x%x is recycled object", ptr);
+ rb_raise(rb_eRangeError, "0x%x is recycled object", p0);
return (VALUE)ptr;
@@ -1303,37 +1337,3 @@ Init_GC()
finalizers = rb_ary_new();
-#undef xmalloc
-#undef xcalloc
-#undef xrealloc
-#undef xfree
- long size;
- return ruby_xmalloc(size);
- long n,size;
- return ruby_xcalloc(n, size);
- void *ptr;
- long size;
- return ruby_xrealloc(ptr, size);
- void *ptr;
- ruby_xfree(ptr);
diff --git a/hash.c b/hash.c
index 2a5803c96e..1b007526da 100644
--- a/hash.c
+++ b/hash.c
@@ -79,16 +79,16 @@ static int
- unsigned int hval;
+ VALUE hval;
switch (TYPE(a)) {
case T_FIXNUM:
case T_SYMBOL:
- hval = a;
+ return (int)a;
case T_STRING:
- hval = rb_str_hash(a);
+ return rb_str_hash(a);
@@ -98,9 +98,8 @@ rb_any_hash(a)
hval = rb_funcall(hval, '%', 1, INT2FIX(65439));
- hval = FIX2LONG(hval);
+ return (int)FIX2LONG(hval);
- return hval;
static struct st_hash_type objhash = {
@@ -511,7 +510,10 @@ static int
replace_i(key, val, hash)
VALUE key, val, hash;
- rb_hash_aset(hash, key, val);
+ if (key != Qundef) {
+ rb_hash_aset(hash, key, val);
+ }
diff --git a/instruby.rb b/instruby.rb
index 265b854eb4..7818455dec 100644
--- a/instruby.rb
+++ b/instruby.rb
@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ Dir.chdir CONFIG["srcdir"]
File.install "sample/irb.rb", "#{bindir}/irb", 0755, true
Find.find("lib") do |f|
- next unless /\.rb$/ =~ f
+ next unless /\.rb$/ =~ f || /help-message$/ =~ f
dir = rubylibdir+"/"+File.dirname(f[4..-1])
File.makedirs dir, true unless dir
File.install f, dir, 0644, true
diff --git a/intern.h b/intern.h
index 7d8b0de130..fd0027830c 100644
--- a/intern.h
+++ b/intern.h
@@ -41,6 +41,7 @@ VALUE rb_ary_sort _((VALUE));
VALUE rb_ary_sort_bang _((VALUE));
VALUE rb_ary_delete _((VALUE, VALUE));
VALUE rb_ary_delete_at _((VALUE, long));
+VALUE rb_ary_clear _((VALUE));
VALUE rb_ary_plus _((VALUE, VALUE));
VALUE rb_ary_concat _((VALUE, VALUE));
VALUE rb_ary_assoc _((VALUE, VALUE));
@@ -77,6 +78,8 @@ VALUE rb_big_lshift _((VALUE, VALUE));
VALUE rb_big_rand _((VALUE, double));
/* class.c */
VALUE rb_class_new _((VALUE));
+VALUE rb_mod_clone _((VALUE));
+VALUE rb_mod_dup _((VALUE));
VALUE rb_singleton_class_new _((VALUE));
VALUE rb_singleton_class_clone _((VALUE));
void rb_singleton_class_attached _((VALUE,VALUE));
@@ -107,7 +110,8 @@ VALUE rb_exc_new3 _((VALUE, VALUE));
void rb_loaderror __((const char*, ...)) NORETURN;
void rb_compile_error __((const char*, ...));
void rb_compile_error_append __((const char*, ...));
-void rb_error_frozen _((char*));
+void rb_load_fail _((char*)) NORETURN;
+void rb_error_frozen _((char*)) NORETURN;
/* eval.c */
void rb_exc_raise _((VALUE)) NORETURN;
void rb_exc_fatal _((VALUE)) NORETURN;
@@ -293,7 +297,7 @@ VALUE rb_f_kill _((int, VALUE*));
void rb_gc_mark_trap_list _((void));
#define posix_signal ruby_posix_signal
-void posix_signal _((int, void (*)()));
+void posix_signal _((int, RETSIGTYPE (*)()));
void rb_trap_exit _((void));
void rb_trap_exec _((void));
diff --git a/io.c b/io.c
index a422cc0869..79118b073a 100644
--- a/io.c
+++ b/io.c
@@ -27,6 +27,10 @@
# define NO_LONG_FNAME
+#if defined(__FreeBSD__) || defined(__NetBSD__) || defined(__OpenBSD__) || defined(sun)
+# define USE_SETVBUF
#include <sys/types.h>
#if !defined(DJGPP) && !defined(NT) && !defined(__human68k__)
#include <sys/ioctl.h>
@@ -1362,6 +1366,10 @@ rb_fopen(fname, mode)
+ if (setvbuf(file, NULL, _IOFBF, 0) != 0)
+ rb_warn("setvbuf() can't be honered for %s", fname);
#ifdef __human68k__
fmode(file, _IOTEXT);
@@ -1385,6 +1393,11 @@ rb_fdopen(fd, mode)
+ if (setvbuf(file, NULL, _IOFBF, 0) != 0)
+ rb_warn("setvbuf() can't be honered (fd=%d)", fd);
return file;
@@ -1902,12 +1915,18 @@ rb_io_reopen(argc, argv, file)
fptr->f2 = 0;
return file;
if (freopen(RSTRING(fname)->ptr, mode, fptr->f) == 0) {
+ if (setvbuf(fptr->f, NULL, _IOFBF, 0) != 0)
+ rb_warn("setvbuf() can't be honered for %s", RSTRING(fname)->ptr);
if (fptr->f2) {
if (freopen(RSTRING(fname)->ptr, "w", fptr->f2) == 0) {
@@ -2156,7 +2175,9 @@ rb_f_p(argc, argv)
for (i=0; i<argc; i++) {
+ if (TYPE(rb_defout) == T_FILE) {
+ }
return Qnil;
@@ -2238,8 +2259,6 @@ set_outfile(val, var, orig, stdf)
GetOpenFile(val, fptr);
- GetOpenFile(*var, fptr);
f = GetWriteFile(fptr);
dup2(fileno(f), fileno(stdf));
@@ -2281,7 +2300,7 @@ prep_stdio(f, mode, klass)
return (VALUE)io;
-static VALUE
+static void
prep_path(io, path)
char *path;
@@ -2771,6 +2790,7 @@ rb_f_select(argc, argv, obj)
return res; /* returns an empty array on interrupt */
+#if !defined(MSDOS) && !defined(__human68k__)
static int
int fd, cmd, io_p;
@@ -2796,6 +2816,7 @@ io_cntl(fd,cmd,narg,io_p)
return retval;
static VALUE
rb_io_ctl(io, req, arg, io_p)
@@ -3095,8 +3116,9 @@ argf_tell()
static VALUE
-argf_seek(self, offset, ptrname)
- VALUE self, offset, ptrname;
+argf_seek(argc, argv)
+ int argc;
+ VALUE *argv;
if (!next_argv()) {
rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "no stream to seek");
@@ -3105,7 +3127,7 @@ argf_seek(self, offset, ptrname)
if (TYPE(current_file) != T_FILE) {
return argf_forward();
- return rb_io_seek(current_file, offset, ptrname);
+ return rb_io_seek(argc, argv, current_file);
static VALUE
@@ -3321,11 +3343,12 @@ static void
VALUE val;
+ if (ruby_inplace_mode) free(ruby_inplace_mode);
if (!RTEST(val)) {
ruby_inplace_mode = 0;
- ruby_inplace_mode = STR2CSTR(val);
+ ruby_inplace_mode = strdup(STR2CSTR(val));
@@ -3474,7 +3497,7 @@ Init_IO()
rb_define_singleton_method(argf, "getc", argf_getc, 0);
rb_define_singleton_method(argf, "readchar", argf_readchar, 0);
rb_define_singleton_method(argf, "tell", argf_tell, 0);
- rb_define_singleton_method(argf, "seek", argf_seek, 2);
+ rb_define_singleton_method(argf, "seek", argf_seek, -1);
rb_define_singleton_method(argf, "rewind", argf_rewind, 0);
rb_define_singleton_method(argf, "pos", argf_tell, 0);
rb_define_singleton_method(argf, "pos=", argf_set_pos, 1);
diff --git a/lib/Env.rb b/lib/Env.rb
index 7101b84c91..452a28659e 100644
--- a/lib/Env.rb
+++ b/lib/Env.rb
@@ -6,19 +6,7 @@
# $USER = "matz"
# p ENV["USER"]
-for k,v in ENV
- next unless /^[a-zA-Z][_a-zA-Z0-9]*/ =~ k
- eval <<EOS
- $#{k} = %q!#{v}!
- trace_var "$#{k}", proc{|v|
- ENV[%q!#{k}!] = v;
- $#{k} = %q!#{v}!
- if v == nil
- untrace_var "$#{k}"
- end
- }
+require 'importenv'
if __FILE__ == $0
diff --git a/lib/README b/lib/README
index de6a43af09..f5dc1d6e8e 100644
--- a/lib/README
+++ b/lib/README
@@ -1,48 +1,59 @@
-English.rb access global variables by english names
-Env.rb access environment variables as globals
+English.rb lets Perl'ish global variables have English names
+Env.rb loads importenv.rb
README this file
-base64.rb encode/decode base64 (obsolete)
-cgi-lib.rb decode CGI data
+base64.rb encodes/decodes base64 (obsolete)
+cgi-lib.rb simple CGI support library (old style)
+cgi.rb CGI support library
+cgi/session CGI session class
complex.rb complex number suppor
date.rb date object
-date2.rb date object (compatible)
+date2.rb date object (obsolete; use date)
debug.rb ruby debugger
-delegate.rb delegate messages to other object
+delegate.rb delegates messages to other object
e2mmap.rb exception utilities
eregex.rb extended regular expression (just a proof of concept)
-final.rb add finalizer to the object (simple)
-finalize.rb add finalizer to the object
-find.rb traverse directory tree
+final.rb adds finalizer to the object (simple)
+finalize.rb adds finalizer to the object
+find.rb traverses directory tree
+forwardable.rb explicit delegation library
ftools.rb file tools
-ftplib.rb ftp access library
+ftplib.rb obsolete - use net/ftp
getoptlong.rb GNU getoptlong compatible
-getopts.rb parse command line options
-importenv.rb access environment variables as globals
-jcode.rb japanese text handling (replace String methods)
-mailread.rb read mail headers
+getopts.rb parses command line options (use getoptlong)
+importenv.rb imports environment variables as global variables
+irb.rb interactive ruby
+jcode.rb Japanese text handling (replace String methods)
+mailread.rb reads mail headers
mathn.rb extended math operation
matrix.rb matrix calculation library
mkmf.rb Makefile maker
monitor.rb exclusive region monitor for thread
mutex_m.rb mutex mixin
+net/ftp.rb ftp access
+net/http.rb HTTP access
+net/imap.rb IMAP4 access
+net/pop.rb POP3 access
+net/protocol.rb abstract class for net library
+net/smtp.rb SMTP access
+net/telnet.rb telnet library
observer.rb observer desing pattern library (provides Observable)
-open3.rb open subprocess connection stdin/stdout/stderr
+open3.rb opens subprocess connection stdin/stdout/stderr
ostruct.rb python style object
parsearg.rb argument parser using getopts
-parsedate.rb parse date string
-ping.rb check whether host is up, using TCP echo.
+parsedate.rb parses date string
+ping.rb checks whether host is up, using TCP echo.
profile.rb ruby profiler
pstore.rb persistent object strage using marshal
rational.rb rational number support
-readbytes.rb define IO#readbytes
-shell.rb shell like operation under Ruby (imcomplete)
-shellwords.rb split into words like shell
+readbytes.rb defines IO#readbytes
+shell.rb runs commands and does pipeline operations like shell
+shellwords.rb splits string into words like shell
singleton.rb singleton design pattern library
sync.rb 2 phase lock
-telnet.rb telnet library
-tempfile.rb temporary file that automatically removed
+telnet.rb obsolete - use net/telnet
+tempfile.rb temporary file with automatic removal
thread.rb thread support
thwait.rb thread syncronization class
-timeout.rb provids timeout
+timeout.rb provides timeout
tracer.rb execution tracer
weakref.rb weak reference class
diff --git a/lib/cgi.rb b/lib/cgi.rb
index 7d27cecd67..cfbdab8686 100644
--- a/lib/cgi.rb
+++ b/lib/cgi.rb
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
cgi.rb - cgi support library
-Version 2.1.2
+Version 2.1.4
Copyright (C) 2000 Network Applied Communication Laboratory, Inc.
@@ -185,12 +185,13 @@ class CGI
CR = "\015"
LF = "\012"
- VERSION = "2.1.2"
- RELEASE_DATE = "2000-12-25"
- RELEASE_CODE = 20001225
+ VERSION = '2.1.4'
+ RELEASE_DATE = '2001-04-18'
+ RELEASE_CODE = 20010418
+ REVISION = '$Id$'
+ NEEDS_BINMODE = true if /WIN/ni.match(RUBY_PLATFORM)
@@ -350,11 +351,11 @@ class CGI
- # Sat, 1 Jan 2000 00:00:00 GMT
+ # Sat, 01 Jan 2000 00:00:00 GMT
def CGI::rfc1123_date(time)
t = time.clone.gmtime
- return format("%s, %d %s %d %.2d:%.2d:%.2d GMT",
+ return format("%s, %.2d %s %.4d %.2d:%.2d:%.2d GMT",
RFC822_DAYS[t.wday],, RFC822_MONTHS[t.month-1], t.year,
t.hour, t.min, t.sec)
@@ -423,7 +424,8 @@ status:
options["type"].concat( options.delete("charset") )
- if options.delete("nph") or (/IIS/n === env_table['SERVER_SOFTWARE'])
+ options.delete("nph") if defined?(MOD_RUBY)
+ if options.delete("nph") or /IIS/n.match(env_table['SERVER_SOFTWARE'])
buf.concat( (env_table["SERVER_PROTOCOL"] or "HTTP/1.0") + " " )
buf.concat( (HTTP_STATUS[options["status"]] or
options["status"] or
@@ -446,7 +448,9 @@ status:
if options.has_key?("status")
- buf.concat("Status: " + options.delete("status") + EOL)
+ status = (HTTP_STATUS[options["status"]] or options["status"])
+ buf.concat("Status: " + status + EOL)
+ options.delete("status")
if options.has_key?("server")
@@ -496,8 +500,21 @@ status:
if defined?(MOD_RUBY)
- buf.scan(/([^:]+): (.+)#{EOL}/n){
- Apache::request[$1] = $2
+ table = Apache::request.headers_out
+ buf.scan(/([^:]+): (.+)#{EOL}/n){ |name, value|
+ $stderr.printf("name:%s value:%s\n", name, value) if $DEBUG
+ case name
+ when 'Set-Cookie'
+ table.add($1, $2)
+ when /^status$/ni
+ Apache::request.status_line = value
+ when /^content-type$/ni
+ Apache::request.content_type = value
+ when /^content-encoding$/ni
+ Apache::request.content_encoding = value
+ else
+ Apache::request.headers_out[name] = value
+ end
@@ -626,13 +643,9 @@ convert string charset, and set language to "ja".
# simple support for IE
if options["path"]
@path = options["path"]
- elsif ENV["REQUEST_URI"]
- @path = ENV["REQUEST_URI"].sub(/\?.*/n,'')
- @path = @path[0...@path.rindex(ENV["PATH_INFO"])]
- end
- @path = (ENV["SCRIPT_NAME"] or "")
+ %r|^(.*/)|.match(ENV["SCRIPT_NAME"])
+ @path = ($1 or "")
@domain = options["domain"]
@expires = options["expires"]
@@ -793,9 +806,9 @@ convert string charset, and set language to "ja".
body ="CGI")
- until head and (/#{boundary}(?:#{EOL}|--)/n === buf)
+ until head and /#{boundary}(?:#{EOL}|--)/n.match(buf)
- if (not head) and (/#{EOL}#{EOL}/n === buf)
+ if (not head) and /#{EOL}#{EOL}/n.match(buf)
buf = buf.sub(/\A((?:.|\n)*?#{EOL})#{EOL}/n) do
head = $1.dup
@@ -834,14 +847,14 @@ convert string charset, and set language to "ja".
- /Content-Disposition:.* filename="?([^\";]*)"?/ni === head
+ /Content-Disposition:.* filename="?([^\";]*)"?/ni.match(head)
eval <<-END
def body.original_filename
filename = ($1 or "").dup
- if (/Mac/ni === env_table['HTTP_USER_AGENT']) and
- (/Mozilla/ni === env_table['HTTP_USER_AGENT']) and
- (not /MSIE/ni === env_table['HTTP_USER_AGENT'])
+ if /Mac/ni.match(env_table['HTTP_USER_AGENT']) and
+ /Mozilla/ni.match(env_table['HTTP_USER_AGENT']) and
+ (not /MSIE/ni.match(env_table['HTTP_USER_AGENT']))
@@ -850,14 +863,14 @@ convert string charset, and set language to "ja".
- /Content-Type: (.*)/ni === head
+ /Content-Type: (.*)/ni.match(head)
eval <<-END
def body.content_type
#{($1 or "").dump.untaint}.taint
- /Content-Disposition:.* name="?([^\";]*)"?/ni === head
+ /Content-Disposition:.* name="?([^\";]*)"?/ni.match(head)
name = $1.dup
if params.has_key?(name)
@@ -889,7 +902,7 @@ convert string charset, and set language to "ja".
words = Shellwords.shellwords(string)
- if words.find{|x| /=/n === x }
+ if words.find{|x| /=/n.match(x) }
@@ -899,8 +912,7 @@ convert string charset, and set language to "ja".
def initialize_query()
if ("POST" == env_table['REQUEST_METHOD']) and
- (%r|\Amultipart/form-data.*boundary=\"?([^\";,]+)\"?|n ===
- env_table['CONTENT_TYPE'])
+ %r|\Amultipart/form-data.*boundary=\"?([^\";,]+)\"?|n.match(env_table['CONTENT_TYPE'])
boundary = $1.dup
@params = read_multipart(boundary, Integer(env_table['CONTENT_LENGTH']))
@@ -975,8 +987,8 @@ convert string charset, and set language to "ja".
cgi ="html3") # add HTML generation methods
cgi.element{ "string" }
- cgi.element({ "ATTRILUTE1" => "value1", "ATTRIBUTE2" => "value2" })
- cgi.element({ "ATTRILUTE1" => "value1", "ATTRIBUTE2" => "value2" }){ "string" }
+ cgi.element({ "ATTRIBUTE1" => "value1", "ATTRIBUTE2" => "value2" })
+ cgi.element({ "ATTRIBUTE1" => "value1", "ATTRIBUTE2" => "value2" }){ "string" }
# add HTML generation methods"html3") # html3.2
@@ -1235,8 +1247,10 @@ convert string charset, and set language to "ja".
form("get", "url"){ "string" }
# <FORM METHOD="get" ACTION="url" ENCTYPE="application/x-www-form-urlencoded">string</FORM>
- form({"METHOD" => "post", ENCTYPE => "enctype"}){ "string" }
+ form({"METHOD" => "post", "ENCTYPE" => "enctype"}){ "string" }
# <FORM METHOD="post" ENCTYPE="enctype">string</FORM>
+The hash keys are case sensitive. Ask the samples.
def form(method = "post", action = nil, enctype = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded")
attributes = if method.kind_of?(String)
@@ -1244,7 +1258,7 @@ convert string charset, and set language to "ja".
"ENCTYPE" => enctype }
unless method.has_key?("METHOD")
- method["METHOD"] = method
+ method["METHOD"] = "post"
unless method.has_key?("ENCTYPE")
method["ENCTYPE"] = enctype
@@ -1935,161 +1949,7 @@ end
-* Mon Dec 25 05:02:27 JST 2000 - wakou
- * version 2.1.2
- * bug fix: CGI::escapeElement(): didn't accept empty element.
- * bug fix: CGI::unescapeElement(): ditto.
- * bug fix: CGI::unescapeHTML(): support for "&copy;, &hearts;, ..."
- thanks to YANAGAWA Kazuhisa <>
- * bug fix: CGI::unescapeHTML(): support for "&#09;"
- thanks to OHSHIMA Ryunosuke <>
- * Regexp::last_match[0] --> $&
- * Regexp::last_match[1] --> $1
- * Regexp::last_match[2] --> $2
- * add: CGI#param(): test implement. undocumented.
-* Mon Dec 11 00:16:51 JST 2000 - wakou
- * version 2.1.1
- * support -T1 on ruby 1.6.2
- * body.original_filename: eval(str.dump.untaint).taint
- * body.content_type: eval(str.dump.untaint).taint
- * $& --> Regexp::last_match[0]
- * $1 --> Regexp::last_match[1]
- * $2 --> Regexp::last_match[2]
-* Thu Oct 12 01:16:59 JST 2000 - wakou
- * version 2.1.0
- * bug fix: CGI::html(): PRETTY option didn't work.
- thanks to akira yamada <>
-* Wed Sep 13 06:09:26 JST 2000 - wakou
- * version 2.0.1
- * bug fix: CGI::header(): output status header.
- thanks to Yasuhiro Fukuma <>
-* Tue Sep 12 06:56:51 JST 2000 - wakou
- * version 2.0.0
- * require ruby1.5.4 or later. (ruby1.4 doesn't have block_given? method.)
- * improvement: CGI::escape(), CGI::unescape().
- thanks to WATANABE Hirofumi <>
- * bug fix: CGI::escapeElement().
- * improvement: CGI::unescapeHTML().
- thanks to Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA <>
-* 2000/08/09 04:32:22 - matz
- * improvement: CGI::pretty()
-* 2000/06/23 07:01:34 - matz
- * change: iterator? --> block_given?
-* Sun Jun 18 23:31:44 JST 2000 - wakou
- * version 1.7.0
- * change: version syntax. old: x.yz, now: x.y.z
-* 2000/06/13 15:49:27 - wakou
- * version 1.61
- * read_multipart(): if no content body then raise EOFError.
-* 2000/06/03 18:16:17 - wakou
- * version 1.60
- * improve: CGI::pretty()
-* 2000/05/30 19:04:08 - wakou
- * version 1.50
- * CGI#out(): if "HEAD" == REQUEST_METHOD then output only HTTP header.
-* 2000/05/24 06:58:51 - wakou
- * version 1.40
- * typo: CGI::Cookie::new()
- * bug fix: CGI::escape(): bad: " " --> "%2B"; true: " " --> "+";
- thanks to Ryunosuke Ohshima <>
-* 2000/05/08 21:51:30 - wakou
- * version 1.31
- * improvement of time forming new CGI object accompanied with HTML generation methods.
-* 2000/05/07 21:51:14 - wakou
- * version 1.30
- * require English.rb
- * improvement of load time.
-* 2000/05/02 21:44:12 - wakou
- * version 1.21
- * support for ruby 1.5.3 (2000-05-01) (Array#filter --> Array#collect!)
-* 2000/04/03 18:31:42 - wakou
- * version 1.20
- * bug fix: CGI#image_button() can't get Hash option.
- thanks to Takashi Ikeda <>
- * CGI::unescapeHTML(): simple support for "&#12345;"
- * CGI::Cookie::new(): simple support for IE
- * CGI::escape(): ' ' replaced by '+'
-* 1999/12/06 20:16:34 - wakou
- * version 1.10
- * can make many CGI objects.
- * if use mod_ruby, then require ruby1.4.3 or later.
-* 1999/11/29 21:35:58 - wakou
- * version 1.01
- * support for ruby 1.5.0 (1999-11-20)
-* 1999/09/13 23:00:58 - wakou
- * version 1.00
- * COUTION! name change. CGI.rb --> cgi.rb
- * CGI#auth_type, CGI#content_length, CGI#content_type, ...
- if not ENV included it, then return nil.
- * CGI#content_length and CGI#server_port return Integer.
- * if not CGI#params.include?('name'), then CGI#params['name'] return [].
- * if not CGI#cookies.include?('name'), then CGI#cookies['name'] return [].
-* 1999/08/05 18:04:59 - wakou
- * version 0.41
- * typo. thanks to MJ Ray <>
-* 1999/07/20 20:44:31 - wakou
- * version 0.40
- * COUTION! incompatible change.
- sorry, but probably this change is last big incompatible change.
- * CGI::print --> CGI#out
- cgi =
- cgi.out{"string"} # old: CGI::print{"string"}
- * CGI::cookie --> CGI::Cookie::new
- cookie1 = CGI::Cookie::new # old: CGI::cookie
- * CGI::header --> CGI#header
-* 1999/06/29 06:50:21 - wakou
- * version 0.30
- * COUTION! incompatible change.
- query =
- cookies = query.cookies # old: query.cookie
- values = query.cookies[name] # old: query.cookie[name]
-* 1999/06/21 21:05:57 - wakou
- * version 0.24
- * CGI::Cookie::parse() return { name => CGI::Cookie object } pairs.
-* 1999/06/20 23:29:12 - wakou
- * version 0.23
- * modified a bit to clear module separation.
-* Mon Jun 14 17:49:32 JST 1999 - matz
- * version 0.22
- * Cookies are now CGI::Cookie objects.
- * Cookie modeled after
-* Fri Jun 11 11:19:11 JST 1999 - matz
- * version 0.21
- * modified a bit to clear module separation.
-* 1999/06/03 06:48:15 - wakou
- * version 0.20
- * support for multipart form.
-* 1999/05/24 07:05:41 - wakou
- * version 0.10
- * first release.
+delete. see cvs log.
diff --git a/lib/cgi/session.rb b/lib/cgi/session.rb
index 48f3496939..9187dbf82d 100644
--- a/lib/cgi/session.rb
+++ b/lib/cgi/session.rb
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2001 Yukihiro "Matz" Matsumoto
# Copyright (C) 2000 Network Applied Communication Laboratory, Inc.
# Copyright (C) 2000 Information-technology Promotion Agency, Japan
@@ -15,23 +16,22 @@ class CGI
- def create_new_id
+ def Session::create_new_id
require 'md5'
md5 = MD5::new
- @session_id = md5.hexdigest[0,16]
+ md5.hexdigest[0,16]
- private :create_new_id
def initialize(request, option={})
session_key = option['session_key'] || '_session_id'
id, = option['session_id']
unless id
if option['new_session']
- id = create_new_id
+ id = Session::create_new_id
unless id
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ class CGI
if option.key?('new_session') and not option['new_session']
raise ArgumentError, "session_key `%s' should be supplied"%session_key
- id = create_new_id
+ id = Session::create_new_id
@session_id = id
@@ -54,7 +54,9 @@ class CGI
@output_cookies = [
Cookie::new("name" => session_key,
"value" => id,
- "path" => if ENV["SCRIPT_NAME"] then
+ "path" => if option['session_path'] then
+ option['session_path']
+ elsif ENV["SCRIPT_NAME"] then
@@ -94,10 +96,18 @@ class CGI
class FileStore
+ def check_id(id)
+ /[^0-9a-zA-Z]/ =~ id.to_s ? false : true
+ end
def initialize(session, option={})
dir = option['tmpdir'] || ENV['TMP'] || '/tmp'
prefix = option['prefix'] || ''
- path = dir+"/"+prefix+session.session_id
+ id = session.session_id
+ unless check_id(id)
+ raise ArgumentError, "session_id `%s' is invalid" % id
+ end
+ path = dir+"/"+prefix+id
unless File::exist? path
@hash = {}
@@ -132,6 +142,7 @@ class CGI
def close
+ return if @f.closed?
@@ -146,9 +157,9 @@ class CGI
class MemoryStore
- def initialize(session, option={})
+ def initialize(session, option=nil)
@session_id = session.session_id
- GLOBAL_HASH_TABLE[@session_id] = {}
+ GLOBAL_HASH_TABLE[@session_id] ||= {}
def restore
@@ -164,7 +175,7 @@ class CGI
def delete
- GLOBAL_HASH_TABLE[@session_id] = nil
+ GLOBAL_HASH_TABLE.delete(@session_id)
diff --git a/lib/date.rb b/lib/date.rb
index 58179a7153..3422121298 100644
--- a/lib/date.rb
+++ b/lib/date.rb
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-# date.rb: Written by Tadayoshi Funaba 1998-2000
-# $Id: date.rb,v 1.22 2000-07-16 10:23:40+09 tadf Exp $
+# date2.rb: Written by Tadayoshi Funaba 1998-2001
+# $Id: date2.rb,v 1.23 2001-01-18 12:09:47+09 tadf Exp $
class Date
@@ -128,16 +128,15 @@ class Date
if d < 0
ny, nm = clfloor(y * 12 + m, 12)
- nm, = clfloor(m + 1, 1)
- la = nil
- 31.downto 1 do |z|
- break if la = exist3?(y, m, z, sg)
- end
- ns = ns?(la, sg)
- d = jd_to_civil(civil_to_jd(ny, nm, 1, ns) + d, ns)[-1]
+ nm, = clfloor(nm + 1, 1)
+ jd = civil_to_jd(ny, nm, d + 1, sg)
+ ns = ns?(jd, sg)
+ return unless [y, m] == jd_to_civil(jd, sg)[0..1]
+ return unless [ny, nm, 1] == jd_to_civil(jd - d, ns)
+ else
+ jd = civil_to_jd(y, m, d, sg)
+ return unless [y, m, d] == jd_to_civil(jd, sg)
- jd = civil_to_jd(y, m, d, sg)
- return unless [y, m, d] == jd_to_civil(jd, sg)
@@ -154,16 +153,15 @@ class Date
def exist2? (y, d, sg=ITALY)
if d < 0
- ny = y + 1
- la = nil
- 366.downto 1 do |z|
- break if la = exist2?(y, z, sg)
- end
- ns = ns?(la, sg)
- d = jd_to_ordinal(ordinal_to_jd(ny, 1, ns) + d, ns)[-1]
+ ny, = clfloor(y + 1, 1)
+ jd = ordinal_to_jd(ny, d + 1, sg)
+ ns = ns?(jd, sg)
+ return unless [y] == jd_to_ordinal(jd, sg)[0..0]
+ return unless [ny, 1] == jd_to_ordinal(jd - d, ns)
+ else
+ jd = ordinal_to_jd(y, d, sg)
+ return unless [y, d] == jd_to_ordinal(jd, sg)
- jd = ordinal_to_jd(y, d, sg)
- return unless [y, d] == jd_to_ordinal(jd, sg)
diff --git a/lib/debug.rb b/lib/debug.rb
index b6968cc338..220b68d2c9 100644
--- a/lib/debug.rb
+++ b/lib/debug.rb
@@ -91,22 +91,70 @@ class DEBUGGER__
@finish_pos = 0
@trace = false
@catch = "StandardError"
+ @suspend_next = false
def stop_next(n=1)
@stop_next = n
+ def set_suspend
+ @suspend_next = true
+ end
+ def clear_suspend
+ @suspend_next = false
+ end
+ def suspend_all
+ DEBUGGER__.suspend
+ end
+ def resume_all
+ DEBUGGER__.resume
+ end
+ def check_suspend
+ while (Thread.critical = true; @suspend_next)
+ DEBUGGER__.waiting.push Thread.current
+ @suspend_next = false
+ Thread.stop
+ end
+ Thread.critical = false
+ end
+ def trace?
+ @trace
+ end
+ def set_trace(arg)
+ @trace = arg
+ end
def stdout
def break_points
def display
+ def context(th)
+ DEBUGGER__.context(th)
+ end
+ def set_trace_all(arg)
+ DEBUGGER__.set_trace(arg)
+ end
+ def set_last_thread(th)
+ DEBUGGER__.set_last_thread(th)
+ end
def debug_eval(str, binding)
val = eval(str, binding)
@@ -205,7 +253,7 @@ class DEBUGGER__
def debug_command(file, line, id, binding)
- DEBUGGER__.set_last_thread(Thread.current)
+ set_last_thread(Thread.current)
frame_pos = 0
binding_file = file
binding_line = line
@@ -218,7 +266,8 @@ class DEBUGGER__
@frames[0] = [binding, file, line, id]
- while input = readline("(rdb:%d) "%thnum(), true)
+ prompt = true
+ while prompt and input = readline("(rdb:%d) "%thnum(), true)
catch(:debug_error) do
if input == ""
input = DEBUG_LAST_CMD[0]
@@ -228,18 +277,24 @@ class DEBUGGER__
case input
- when /^\s*tr(?:ace)?(?:\s+(on|off))?$/
- if defined?( $1 )
+ when /^\s*tr(?:ace)?(?:\s+(on|off))?(?:\s+(all))?$/
+ if defined?( $2 )
if $1 == 'on'
- @trace = true
+ set_trace_all true
- @trace = false
+ set_trace_all false
+ end
+ elsif defined?( $1 )
+ if $1 == 'on'
+ set_trace true
+ else
+ set_trace false
- if @trace
- stdout.print "Trace on\n"
+ if trace?
+ stdout.print "Trace on.\n"
- stdout.print "Trace off\n"
+ stdout.print "Trace off.\n"
when /^\s*b(?:reak)?\s+((?:.*?+:)?.+)$/
@@ -336,8 +391,7 @@ class DEBUGGER__
when /^\s*c(?:ont)?$/
- MUTEX.unlock
- return
+ prompt = false
when /^\s*s(?:tep)?(?:\s+(\d+))?$/
if $1
@@ -346,7 +400,7 @@ class DEBUGGER__
lev = 1
@stop_next = lev
- return
+ prompt = false
when /^\s*n(?:ext)?(?:\s+(\d+))?$/
if $1
@@ -356,7 +410,7 @@ class DEBUGGER__
@stop_next = lev
@no_step = @frames.size - frame_pos
- return
+ prompt = false
when /^\s*w(?:here)?$/, /^\s*f(?:rame)?$/
@@ -417,8 +471,7 @@ class DEBUGGER__
@finish_pos = @frames.size - frame_pos
frame_pos = 0
- MUTEX.unlock
- return
+ prompt = false
when /^\s*cat(?:ch)?(?:\s+(.+))?$/
@@ -440,8 +493,10 @@ class DEBUGGER__
when /^\s*q(?:uit)?$/
- input = readline("really quit? (y/n) ", false)
- exit if input == "y"
+ input = readline("Really quit? (y/n) ", false)
+ if input == "y"
+ exit! # exit -> exit!: No graceful way to stop threads...
+ end
when /^\s*v(?:ar)?\s+/
debug_variable_info($', binding)
@@ -451,8 +506,7 @@ class DEBUGGER__
when /^\s*th(?:read)?\s+/
if DEBUGGER__.debug_thread_info($', binding) == :cont
- MUTEX.unlock
- return
+ prompt = false
when /^\s*p\s+/
@@ -467,6 +521,8 @@ class DEBUGGER__
+ MUTEX.unlock
+ resume_all
def debug_print_help
@@ -492,7 +548,8 @@ Commands
up[ nn] move to higher frame
down[ nn] move to lower frame
fin[ish] return to outer frame
- tr[ace][ (on|off)] set trace mode
+ tr[ace] (on|off) set trace mode of current thread
+ tr[ace] (on|off) all set trace mode of all threads
q[uit] exit from debugger
v[ar] g[lobal] show global variables
v[ar] l[ocal] show local variables
@@ -501,11 +558,10 @@ Commands
m[ethod] i[nstance] <obj> show methods of object
m[ethod] <class|module> show instance methods of class or module
th[read] l[ist] list all threads
- th[read] c[ur[rent]] show current threads
- th[read] <nnn> stop thread nnn
- th[read] stop <nnn> alias for th[read] <nnn>
- th[read] c[ur[rent]] <nnn> alias for th[read] <nnn>
- th[read] resume <nnn> run thread nnn
+ th[read] c[ur[rent]] show current thread
+ th[read] [sw[itch]] <nnn> switch thread context to nnn
+ th[read] stop <nnn> stop thread nnn
+ th[read] resume <nnn> resume thread nnn
p expression evaluate expression and print its value
h[elp] print this help
<everything else> evaluate
@@ -587,7 +643,7 @@ EOHELP
def check_break_points(file, pos, binding, id)
- MUTEX.lock # Stop all threads before 'line' and 'call'.
+ return false if break_points.empty?
file = File.basename(file)
n = 1
for b in break_points
@@ -604,7 +660,6 @@ EOHELP
n += 1
- MUTEX.unlock
return false
@@ -616,7 +671,6 @@ EOHELP
if @catch and ($!.type.ancestors.find { |e| e.to_s == @catch })
- MUTEX.lock
fs = @frames.size
tb = caller(0)[-fs..-1]
if tb
@@ -624,12 +678,14 @@ EOHELP
stdout.printf "\tfrom %s\n", i
+ suspend_all
debug_command(file, line, id, binding)
def trace_func(event, file, line, id, binding, klass)
- Tracer.trace_func(event, file, line, id, binding) if @trace
+ Tracer.trace_func(event, file, line, id, binding, klass) if trace?
+ context(Thread.current).check_suspend
@file = file
@line = line
case event
@@ -647,6 +703,7 @@ EOHELP
@stop_next = 1
@no_step = nil
+ suspend_all
debug_command(file, line, id, binding)
@last = [file, line]
@@ -656,6 +713,7 @@ EOHELP
@frames.unshift [binding, file, line, id]
if check_break_points(file, id.id2name, binding, id) or
check_break_points(klass.to_s, id.id2name, binding, id)
+ suspend_all
debug_command(file, line, id, binding)
@@ -668,6 +726,7 @@ EOHELP
when 'return', 'end'
if @frames.size == @finish_pos
@stop_next = 1
+ @finish_pos = 0
@@ -682,19 +741,20 @@ EOHELP
- trap("INT") { DEBUGGER__.interrupt }
-# $DEBUG = true
+ trap("INT") { DEBUGGER__.interrupt }
@last_thread = Thread::main
@max_thread = 1
@thread_list = {Thread::main => 1}
@break_points = []
@display = []
+ @waiting = []
@stdout = STDOUT
class <<DEBUGGER__
def stdout
def stdout=(s)
@stdout = s
@@ -707,10 +767,51 @@ EOHELP
+ def waiting
+ @waiting
+ end
+ def set_trace( arg )
+ Thread.critical = true
+ make_thread_list
+ for th in @thread_list
+ context(th[0]).set_trace arg
+ end
+ Thread.critical = false
+ end
def set_last_thread(th)
@last_thread = th
+ def suspend
+ Thread.critical = true
+ make_thread_list
+ for th in @thread_list
+ next if th[0] == Thread.current
+ context(th[0]).set_suspend
+ end
+ Thread.critical = false
+ # Schedule other threads to suspend as soon as possible.
+ Thread.pass
+ end
+ def resume
+ Thread.critical = true
+ make_thread_list
+ for th in @thread_list
+ next if th[0] == Thread.current
+ context(th[0]).clear_suspend
+ end
+ waiting.each do |th|
+ end
+ waiting.clear
+ Thread.critical = false
+ # Schedule other threads to restart as soon as possible.
+ Thread.pass
+ end
def context(thread=Thread.current)
c = thread[:__debugger_data__]
unless c
@@ -726,7 +827,7 @@ EOHELP
def get_thread(num)
th = @thread_list.index(num)
unless th
- @stdout.print "no thread no.", num, "\n"
+ @stdout.print "No thread ##{num}\n"
throw :debug_error
@@ -773,31 +874,52 @@ EOHELP
- when /^c(?:ur(?:rent)?)?\s+(\d+)/, /^stop\s+(\d+)/, /^(\d+)/
+ when /^c(?:ur(?:rent)?)?$/
+ make_thread_list
+ thread_list(@thread_list[Thread.current])
+ when /^(?:sw(?:itch)?\s+)?(\d+)/
th = get_thread($1.to_i)
- thread_list(@thread_list[th])
- context(th).stop_next
- return :cont
+ if th == Thread.current
+ @stdout.print "It's the current thread.\n"
+ else
+ thread_list(@thread_list[th])
+ context(th).stop_next
+ return :cont
+ end
- when /^c(?:ur(?:rent)?)?$/
+ when /^stop\s+(\d+)/
- thread_list(@thread_list[Thread.current])
+ th = get_thread($1.to_i)
+ if th == Thread.current
+ @stdout.print "It's the current thread.\n"
+ elsif th.stop?
+ @stdout.print "Already stopped.\n"
+ else
+ thread_list(@thread_list[th])
+ context(th).suspend
+ end
when /^resume\s+(\d+)/
th = get_thread($1.to_i)
- thread_list(@thread_list[th])
- return :cont
+ if th == Thread.current
+ @stdout.print "It's the current thread.\n"
+ elsif !th.stop?
+ @stdout.print "Already running."
+ else
+ thread_list(@thread_list[th])
+ end
stdout.printf "Debug.rb\n"
stdout.printf "Emacs support available.\n\n"
- set_trace_func proc{|event, file, line, id, binding,klass,*rest|
- DEBUGGER__.context.trace_func event, file, line, id, binding,klass
+ set_trace_func proc { |event, file, line, id, binding, klass, *rest|
+ DEBUGGER__.context.trace_func event, file, line, id, binding, klass
diff --git a/lib/delegate.rb b/lib/delegate.rb
index 480e1ef6b8..a72ea943ba 100644
--- a/lib/delegate.rb
+++ b/lib/delegate.rb
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
# Usage:
# foo =
# foo2 =
-# foo.hash == foo2.hash # => true
+# foo.hash == foo2.hash # => false
# Foo = DelegateClass(Array)
diff --git a/lib/forwardable.rb b/lib/forwardable.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7f57f77f53
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/forwardable.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+# forwardable.rb -
+# $Release Version: 1.1$
+# $Revision$
+# $Date$
+# by Keiju ISHITSUKA(
+# original definition by delegator.rb
+# --
+# Usage:
+# class Foo
+# extend Forwardable
+# def_delegators("@out", "printf", "print")
+# def_delegators(:@in, :gets)
+# def_delegator(:@contents, :[], "content_at")
+# end
+# f =
+# f.printf ...
+# f.gets
+# f.content_at(1)
+# g =
+# g.extend SingleForwardable
+# g.def_delegator("@out", :puts)
+# g.puts ...
+module Forwardable
+ @debug = nil
+ class<<self
+ attr_accessor :debug
+ end
+ def def_instance_delegators(accessor, *methods)
+ for method in methods
+ def_instance_delegator(accessor, method)
+ end
+ end
+ def def_instance_delegator(accessor, method, ali = method)
+ accessor = accessor.id2name if accessor.kind_of?(Integer)
+ method = method.id2name if method.kind_of?(Integer)
+ ali = ali.id2name if ali.kind_of?(Integer)
+ module_eval(<<-EOS, "(__FORWARDABLE__)", 1)
+ def #{ali}(*args, &block)
+ begin
+ #{accessor}.__send__(:#{method}, *args, &block)
+ rescue Exception
+ $@.delete_if{|s| /^\\(__FORWARDABLE__\\):/ =~ s} unless Forwardable::debug
+ raise
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ alias def_delegators def_instance_delegators
+ alias def_delegator def_instance_delegator
+module SingleForwardable
+ def def_singleton_delegators(accessor, *methods)
+ for method in methods
+ def_singleton_delegator(accessor, method)
+ end
+ end
+ def def_singleton_delegator(accessor, method, ali = method)
+ accessor = accessor.id2name if accessor.kind_of?(Integer)
+ method = method.id2name if method.kind_of?(Integer)
+ ali = ali.id2name if ali.kind_of?(Integer)
+ instance_eval(<<-EOS, "(__FORWARDABLE__)", 1)
+ def #{ali}(*args, &block)
+ begin
+ #{accessor}.__send__(:#{method}, *args,&block)
+ rescue Exception
+ $@.delete_if{|s| /^\\(__FORWARDABLE__\\):/ =~ s} unless Forwardable::debug
+ raise
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ alias def_delegators def_singleton_delegators
+ alias def_delegator def_singleton_delegator
diff --git a/lib/ftools.rb b/lib/ftools.rb
index 369a6177d2..5e6203b1a3 100644
--- a/lib/ftools.rb
+++ b/lib/ftools.rb
@@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ class << File
fmode = stat(from).mode
tpath = to
+ not_exist = !exist?(tpath)
from = open(from, "r")
@@ -50,7 +51,7 @@ class << File
- chmod(fmode, tpath)
+ chmod(fmode, tpath) if not_exist
diff --git a/lib/importenv.rb b/lib/importenv.rb
index fcf306a9ab..586f37661b 100644
--- a/lib/importenv.rb
+++ b/lib/importenv.rb
@@ -10,10 +10,10 @@
for k,v in ENV
next unless /^[a-zA-Z][_a-zA-Z0-9]*/ =~ k
eval <<EOS
- $#{k} = %q!#{v}!
+ $#{k} = v
trace_var "$#{k}", proc{|v|
- ENV[%q!#{k}!] = v;
- $#{k} = %q!#{v}!
+ ENV[%q!#{k}!] = v
+ $#{k} = v
if v == nil
untrace_var "$#{k}"
diff --git a/lib/irb.rb b/lib/irb.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1b8444b5b3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/irb.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,314 @@
+# irb.rb - irb main module
+# $Release Version: 0.7.4 $
+# $Revision$
+# $Date$
+# by Keiju ISHITSUKA(
+# --
+require "e2mmap"
+require "irb/init"
+require "irb/context"
+require "irb/extend-command"
+require "irb/workspace"
+require "irb/ruby-lex"
+require "irb/input-method"
+require "irb/locale"
+STDOUT.sync = true
+module IRB
+ @RCS_ID='-$Id$-'
+ class Abort < Exception;end
+ #
+ @CONF = {}
+ def IRB.conf
+ end
+ # IRB version method
+ def IRB.version
+ if v = @CONF[:VERSION] then return v end
+ require "irb/version"
+ rv = @RELEASE_VERSION.sub(/\.0/, "")
+ @CONF[:VERSION] = format("irb %s(%s)", rv, @LAST_UPDATE_DATE)
+ end
+ # initialize IRB and start TOP_LEVEL irb
+ def IRB.start(ap_path = nil)
+ $0 = File::basename(ap_path, ".rb") if ap_path
+ IRB.initialize(ap_path)
+ IRB.parse_opts
+ IRB.load_modules
+ irb =, @CONF[:SCRIPT])
+ else
+ irb =
+ end
+ @CONF[:IRB_RC].call(irb.context) if @CONF[:IRB_RC]
+ @CONF[:MAIN_CONTEXT] = irb.context
+ trap("SIGINT") do
+ irb.signal_handle
+ end
+ catch(:IRB_EXIT) do
+ irb.eval_input
+ end
+ print "\n"
+ end
+ def IRB.irb_exit(irb, ret)
+ throw :IRB_EXIT, ret
+ end
+ def IRB.irb_abort(irb, exception = Abort)
+ if defined? Thread
+ irb.context.thread.raise exception, "abort then interrupt!!"
+ else
+ raise exception, "abort then interrupt!!"
+ end
+ end
+ #
+ # irb interpriter main routine
+ #
+ class Irb
+ def initialize(workspace = nil, input_method = nil)
+ @context =, workspace, input_method)
+ @context.main.extend ExtendCommand
+ @signal_status = :IN_IRB
+ @scanner =
+ @scanner.exception_on_syntax_error = false
+ end
+ attr_reader :context
+ attr_accessor :scanner
+ def eval_input
+ @scanner.set_input( do
+ signal_status(:IN_INPUT) do
+ unless l =
+ if @context.ignore_eof? and
+ l = "\n"
+ if @context.verbose?
+ printf "Use \"exit\" to leave %s\n", @context.ap_name
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ l
+ end
+ end
+ @scanner.set_prompt do
+ |ltype, indent, continue, line_no|
+ if ltype
+ f = @context.prompt_s
+ elsif continue
+ f = @context.prompt_c
+ else @context.prompt_i
+ f = @context.prompt_i
+ end
+ f = "" unless f
+ = p = prompt(f, ltype, indent, line_no)
+ if @context.auto_indent_mode
+ unless ltype
+ ind = prompt(@context.prompt_i, ltype, indent, line_no).size +
+ indent * 2 - p.size
+ ind += 2 if continue
+ = p + " " * ind if ind > 0
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ @scanner.each_top_level_statement do
+ |line, line_no|
+ signal_status(:IN_EVAL) do
+ begin
+ trace_in do
+ @context._ = @context.workspace.evaluate(line,
+ @context.irb_path,
+ line_no)
+# @context._ = irb_eval(line, @context.bind, @context.irb_path, line_no)
+ end
+ if @context.inspect?
+ printf @context.return_format, @context._.inspect
+ else
+ printf @context.return_format, @context._
+ end
+ rescue StandardError, ScriptError, Abort
+ $! ="unknown exception raised") unless $!
+ print $!.type, ": ", $!, "\n"
+ if $@[0] =~ /irb(2)?(\/.*|-.*|\.rb)?:/ && $!.type.to_s !~ /^IRB/
+ irb_bug = true
+ else
+ irb_bug = false
+ end
+ messages = []
+ lasts = []
+ levels = 0
+ for m in $@
+ m = @context.workspace.filter_backtrace(m) unless irb_bug
+ if m
+ if messages.size < @context.back_trace_limit
+ messages.push "\tfrom "+m
+ else
+ lasts.push "\tfrom "+m
+ if lasts.size > @context.back_trace_limit
+ lasts.shift
+ levels += 1
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ print messages.join("\n"), "\n"
+ unless lasts.empty?
+ printf "... %d levels...\n", levels if levels > 0
+ print lasts.join("\n")
+ end
+ print "Maybe IRB bug!!\n" if irb_bug
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+# def irb_eval(line, bind, path, line_no)
+# id, str = catch(:IRB_TOPLEVEL_EVAL){
+# return eval(line, bind, path, line_no)
+# }
+# case id
+# eval(str, bind, "(irb_internal)", 1)
+# @context.instance_eval(str)
+# else
+# IllegalParameter
+# end
+# end
+ def signal_handle
+ unless @context.ignore_sigint?
+ print "\nabort!!\n" if @context.verbose?
+ exit
+ end
+ case @signal_status
+ when :IN_INPUT
+ print "^C\n"
+ raise RubyLex::TerminateLineInput
+ when :IN_EVAL
+ IRB.irb_abort(self)
+ when :IN_LOAD
+ IRB.irb_abort(self, LoadAbort)
+ when :IN_IRB
+ # ignore
+ else
+ # ignore other cases as well
+ end
+ end
+ def signal_status(status)
+ return yield if @signal_status == :IN_LOAD
+ signal_status_back = @signal_status
+ @signal_status = status
+ begin
+ yield
+ ensure
+ @signal_status = signal_status_back
+ end
+ end
+ def trace_in
+ Tracer.on if @context.use_tracer?
+ begin
+ yield
+ ensure
+ if @context.use_tracer?
+ end
+ end
+ def prompt(prompt, ltype, indent, line_no)
+ p = prompt.dup
+ p.gsub!(/%([0-9]+)?([a-zA-Z])/) do
+ case $2
+ when "N"
+ @context.irb_name
+ when "m"
+ @context.main.to_s
+ when "M"
+ @context.main.inspect
+ when "l"
+ ltype
+ when "i"
+ if $1
+ format("%" + $1 + "d", indent)
+ else
+ indent.to_s
+ end
+ when "n"
+ if $1
+ format("%" + $1 + "d", line_no)
+ else
+ line_no.to_s
+ end
+ when "%"
+ "%"
+ end
+ end
+ p
+ end
+ def inspect
+ ary = []
+ for iv in instance_variables
+ case iv
+ when "@signal_status"
+ ary.push format("%s=:%s", iv, @signal_status.id2name)
+ when "@context"
+ ary.push format("%s=%s", iv, eval(iv).__to_s__)
+ else
+ ary.push format("%s=%s", iv, eval(iv))
+ end
+ end
+ format("#<%s: %s>", type, ary.join(", "))
+ end
+ end
+ # Singleton method
+ def @CONF.inspect
+ IRB.version unless self[:VERSION]
+ array = []
+ for k, v in sort{|a1, a2| a1[0].id2name <=> a2[0].id2name}
+ case k
+ next
+ when :PROMPT
+ s = v.collect{
+ |kk, vv|
+ ss = vv.collect{|kkk, vvv| ":#{kkk.id2name}=>#{vvv.inspect}"}
+ format(":%s=>{%s}", kk.id2name, ss.join(", "))
+ }
+ array.push format("CONF[:%s]={%s}", k.id2name, s.join(", "))
+ else
+ array.push format("CONF[:%s]=%s", k.id2name, v.inspect)
+ end
+ end
+ array.join("\n")
+ end
diff --git a/lib/irb/completion.rb b/lib/irb/completion.rb
index cbd4012773..01dcbd2219 100644
--- a/lib/irb/completion.rb
+++ b/lib/irb/completion.rb
@@ -1,8 +1,19 @@
+# irb/completor.rb -
+# $Release Version: 0.7.1$
+# $Revision$
+# $Date$
+# by Keiju ISHITSUKA(
+# From Original Idea of
require "readline"
module IRB
- module InputCompletion
+ module InputCompletor
+ @RCS_ID='-$Id$-'
ReservedWords = [
"alias", "and",
@@ -20,28 +31,147 @@ module IRB
"then", "true",
"undef", "unless", "until",
"when", "while",
- "yield"
+ "yield",
CompletionProc = proc { |input|
+ bind = IRB.conf[:MAIN_CONTEXT].workspace.binding
case input
- when /^([^.]+)\.([^.]*)$/
+ when /^(\/[^\/]*\/)\.([^.]*)$/
+ # Regexp
+ receiver = $1
+ message = Regexp.quote($2)
+ candidates = Regexp.instance_methods(true)
+ select_message(receiver, message, candidates)
+ when /^([^\]]*\])\.([^.]*)$/
+ # Array
receiver = $1
- message = $2
- if eval("(local_variables|#{receiver}.type.constants).include?('#{receiver}')",
- IRB.conf[:MAIN_CONTEXT].bind)
- candidates = eval("#{receiver}.methods", IRB.conf[:MAIN_CONTEXT].bind)
+ message = Regexp.quote($2)
+ candidates = Array.instance_methods(true)
+ select_message(receiver, message, candidates)
+ when /^([^\}]*\})\.([^.]*)$/
+ # Proc or Hash
+ receiver = $1
+ message = Regexp.quote($2)
+ candidates = Proc.instance_methods(true) | Hash.instance_methods(true)
+ select_message(receiver, message, candidates)
+ when /^(:[^:]*)$/
+ # Symbol
+ if Symbol.respond_to?(:all_symbols)
+ sym = $1
+ candidates = Symbol.all_symbols.collect{|s| s.id2name}
+ candidates.grep(/^#{sym}/)
+ []
+ end
+ when /^::([A-Z][^:\.\(]*)$/
+ # Absolute Constant or class methods
+ receiver = $1
+ candidates = Object.constants
+ candidates.grep(/^#{receiver}/).collect{|e| "::" + e}
+ when /^(((::)?[A-Z][^:.\(]*)+)::?([^:.]*)$/
+ # Constant or class methods
+ receiver = $1
+ message = Regexp.quote($4)
+ begin
+ candidates = eval("#{receiver}.constants | #{receiver}.methods", bind)
+ rescue Exception
candidates = []
- candidates.grep(/^#{Regexp.quote(message)}/).collect{|e| receiver + "." + e}
+ candidates.grep(/^#{message}/).collect{|e| receiver + "::" + e}
+ when /^(:[^.]+)\.([^.]*)$/
+ # Symbol
+ receiver = $1
+ message = Regexp.quote($2)
+ candidates = Symbol.instance_methods(true)
+ select_message(receiver, message, candidates)
+ when /^([0-9_]+(\.[0-9_]+)?(e[0-9]+)?)\.([^.]*)$/
+ # Numeric
+ receiver = $1
+ message = Regexp.quote($4)
+ begin
+ candidates = eval(receiver, bind).methods
+ rescue Exception
+ candidates
+ end
+ select_message(receiver, message, candidates)
+# when /^(\$?(\.?[^.]+)+)\.([^.]*)$/
+ when /^((\.?[^.]+)+)\.([^.]*)$/
+ # variable
+ receiver = $1
+ message = Regexp.quote($3)
+ gv = eval "global_variables", bind
+ lv = eval "local_variables", bind
+ cv = eval "type.constants", bind
+ if (gv | lv | cv).include?(receiver)
+ # foo.func and foo is local var.
+ candidates = eval("#{receiver}.methods", bind)
+ elsif /^[A-Z]/ =~ receiver and /\./ !~ receiver
+ # Foo::Bar.func
+ begin
+ candidates = eval("#{receiver}.methods", bind)
+ rescue Exception
+ candidates = []
+ end
+ else
+ # func1.func2
+ candidates = []
+ ObjectSpace.each_object(Module){|m|
+ next if /^(IRB|SLex|RubyLex|RubyToken)/ =~
+ candidates.concat m.instance_methods
+ }
+ candidates.sort!
+ candidates.uniq!
+ end
+ select_message(receiver, message, candidates)
+ when /^\.([^.]*)$/
+ # unknown(maybe String)
+ receiver = ""
+ message = Regexp.quote($1)
+ candidates = String.instance_methods(true)
+ select_message(receiver, message, candidates)
- candidates = eval("methods | private_methods | local_variables | type.constants",
- IRB.conf[:MAIN_CONTEXT].bind)
+ candidates = eval("methods | private_methods | local_variables | type.constants", bind)
+ Operators = ["%", "&", "*", "**", "+", "-", "/",
+ "<", "<<", "<=", "<=>", "==", "===", "=~", ">", ">=", ">>",
+ "[]", "[]=", "^",]
+ def self.select_message(receiver, message, candidates)
+ candidates.grep(/^#{message}/).collect do |e|
+ case e
+ when /^[a-zA-Z_]/
+ receiver + "." + e
+ when /^[0-9]/
+ when *Operators
+ #receiver + " " + e
+ end
+ end
+ end
-Readline.completion_proc = IRB::InputCompletion::CompletionProc
+Readline.completion_proc = IRB::InputCompletor::CompletionProc
diff --git a/lib/irb/context.rb b/lib/irb/context.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ffc77de875
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/irb/context.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,289 @@
+# irb/context.rb - irb context
+# $Release Version: 0.7.3$
+# $Revision$
+# $Date$
+# by Keiju ISHITSUKA(
+# --
+module IRB
+ class Context
+ #
+ # Arguments:
+ # input_method: nil -- stdin or readline
+ # String -- File
+ # other -- using this as InputMethod
+ #
+ def initialize(irb, workspace = nil, input_method = nil)
+ @irb = irb
+ if workspace
+ @workspace = workspace
+ else
+ @workspace = unless workspace
+ end
+ @thread = Thread.current if defined? Thread
+ @irb_level = 0
+ # copy of default configuration
+ @ap_name = IRB.conf[:AP_NAME]
+ @rc = IRB.conf[:RC]
+ @load_modules = IRB.conf[:LOAD_MODULES]
+ self.math_mode = IRB.conf[:MATH_MODE]
+ @use_readline = IRB.conf[:USE_READLINE]
+ @inspect_mode = IRB.conf[:INSPECT_MODE]
+ self.use_tracer = IRB.conf[:USE_TRACER]
+# @use_loader = IRB.conf[:USE_LOADER]
+ self.prompt_mode = IRB.conf[:PROMPT_MODE]
+ @ignore_sigint = IRB.conf[:IGNORE_SIGINT]
+ @ignore_eof = IRB.conf[:IGNORE_EOF]
+ @back_trace_limit = IRB.conf[:BACK_TRACE_LIMIT]
+ debug_level = IRB.conf[:DEBUG_LEVEL]
+ @verbose = IRB.conf[:VERBOSE]
+ @tracer_initialized = false
+ if IRB.conf[:SINGLE_IRB] or !defined?(JobManager)
+ @irb_name = IRB.conf[:IRB_NAME]
+ else
+ @irb_name = "irb#"+IRB.JobManager.n_jobs.to_s
+ end
+ @irb_path = "(" + @irb_name + ")"
+ case input_method
+ when nil
+ if (use_readline.nil? && IRB.conf[:PROMPT_MODE] != :INF_RUBY ||
+ use_readline?)
+ @io =
+ else
+ @io =
+ end
+ when String
+ @io =
+ @irb_name = File.basename(input_method)
+ @irb_path = input_method
+ else
+ @io = input_method
+ end
+ end
+ def main
+ @workspace.main
+ end
+ attr_accessor :workspace
+ attr_reader :thread
+ attr_accessor :io
+ attr_reader :_
+ attr_accessor :irb
+ attr_accessor :ap_name
+ attr_accessor :rc
+ attr_accessor :load_modules
+ attr_accessor :irb_name
+ attr_accessor :irb_path
+ attr_accessor :math_mode
+ attr_accessor :use_readline
+ attr_reader :inspect_mode
+ attr_reader :use_tracer
+# attr :use_loader
+ attr_reader :debug_level
+ attr_accessor :verbose
+ attr_reader :prompt_mode
+ attr_accessor :prompt_i
+ attr_accessor :prompt_s
+ attr_accessor :prompt_c
+ attr_accessor :auto_indent_mode
+ attr_accessor :return_format
+ attr_accessor :ignore_sigint
+ attr_accessor :ignore_eof
+ attr_accessor :back_trace_limit
+# alias use_loader? use_loader
+ alias use_tracer? use_tracer
+ alias use_readline? use_readline
+ alias rc? rc
+ alias math? math_mode
+ alias verbose? verbose
+ alias ignore_sigint? ignore_sigint
+ alias ignore_eof? ignore_eof
+ def _=(value)
+ @_ = value
+ @workspace.evaluate "_ = IRB.conf[:MAIN_CONTEXT]._"
+ end
+ def irb_name
+ if @irb_level == 0
+ @irb_name
+ elsif @irb_name =~ /#[0-9]*$/
+ @irb_name + "." + @irb_level.to_s
+ else
+ @irb_name + "#0." + @irb_level.to_s
+ end
+ end
+ def prompt_mode=(mode)
+ @prompt_mode = mode
+ pconf = IRB.conf[:PROMPT][mode]
+ @prompt_i = pconf[:PROMPT_I]
+ @prompt_s = pconf[:PROMPT_S]
+ @prompt_c = pconf[:PROMPT_C]
+ @return_format = pconf[:RETURN]
+ if ai = pconf.include?(:AUTO_INDENT)
+ @auto_indent_mode = ai
+ else
+ @auto_indent_mode = IRB.conf[:AUTO_INDENT]
+ end
+ end
+ def inspect?
+ @inspect_mode.nil? && !@math_mode or @inspect_mode
+ end
+ def file_input?
+ @io.type == FileInputMethod
+ end
+ def use_tracer=(opt)
+ if opt
+ IRB.initialize_tracer
+ unless @tracer_initialized
+ Tracer.set_get_line_procs(@irb_path) {
+ |line_no|
+ @io.line(line_no)
+ }
+ @tracer_initialized = true
+ end
+ elsif !opt && @use_tracer
+ end
+ @use_tracer=opt
+ end
+ def use_loader
+ end
+ def use_loader=(opt)
+ IRB.conf[:USE_LOADER] = opt
+ if opt
+ IRB.initialize_loader
+ end
+ print "Switch to load/require#{unless use_loader; ' non';end} trace mode.\n" if verbose?
+ opt
+ end
+ def inspect_mode=(opt)
+ if opt
+ @inspect_mode = opt
+ else
+ @inspect_mode = !@inspect_mode
+ end
+ print "Switch to#{unless @inspect_mode; ' non';end} inspect mode.\n" if verbose?
+ @inspect_mode
+ end
+ def math_mode=(opt)
+ if @math_mode == true && opt == false
+ CantRetuenNormalMode
+ return
+ end
+ @math_mode = opt
+ if math_mode
+ IRB.initialize_mathn
+ main.instance_eval("include Math")
+ print "start math mode\n" if verbose?
+ end
+ end
+ def use_readline=(opt)
+ @use_readline = opt
+ print "use readline module\n" if @use_readline
+ end
+ def debug_level=(value)
+ @debug_level = value
+ RubyLex.debug_level = value
+ SLex.debug_level = value
+ end
+ def debug?
+ @debug_level > 0
+ end
+ def change_binding(*_main)
+ back = @workspace
+ @workspace =*_main)
+ unless _main.empty?
+ begin
+ main.extend ExtendCommand
+ rescue
+ print "can't change binding to: ", main.inspect, "\n"
+ @workspace = back
+ return nil
+ end
+ end
+ @irb_level += 1
+ begin
+ catch(:SU_EXIT) do
+ @irb.eval_input
+ end
+ ensure
+ @irb_level -= 1
+ @workspace = back
+ end
+ end
+ alias change_workspace change_binding
+ alias __exit__ exit
+ def exit(ret = 0)
+ if @irb_level == 0
+ IRB.irb_exit(@irb, ret)
+ else
+ throw :SU_EXIT, ret
+ end
+ end
+ NO_INSPECTING_IVARS = ["@irb", "@io"]
+ IDNAME_IVARS = ["@prompt_mode"]
+ alias __inspect__ inspect
+ def inspect
+ array = []
+ for ivar in instance_variables.sort{|e1, e2| e1 <=> e2}
+ name = ivar.sub(/^@(.*)$/){$1}
+ val = instance_eval(ivar)
+ case ivar
+ next
+ array.push format("conf.%s=%s", name, val.to_s)
+ array.push format("conf.%s=:%s", name, val.id2name)
+ else
+ array.push format("conf.%s=%s", name, val.inspect)
+ end
+ end
+ array.join("\n")
+ end
+ alias __to_s__ to_s
+ alias to_s inspect
+ end
diff --git a/lib/irb/extend-command.rb b/lib/irb/extend-command.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3f92707d01
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/irb/extend-command.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
+# irb/extend-command.rb - irb command extend
+# $Release Version: 0.7.3$
+# $Revision$
+# $Date$
+# by Keiju ISHITSUKA(
+# --
+module IRB
+ #
+ # IRB extended command
+ #
+ module ExtendCommand
+# include Loader
+ def irb_exit(ret = 0)
+ irb_context.exit(ret)
+ end
+ alias irb_quit irb_exit
+ def irb_fork(&block)
+ pid = send ExtendCommand.irb_original_method_name("fork")
+ unless pid
+ class<<self
+ alias_method :exit, ExtendCommand.irb_original_method_name('exit')
+ end
+ if iterator?
+ begin
+ yield
+ ensure
+ exit
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ pid
+ end
+ def irb_change_binding(*main)
+ irb_context.change_binding(*main)
+ end
+ alias irb_change_workspace irb_change_binding
+ def irb_source(file)
+ irb_context.source(file)
+ end
+ def irb(*obj)
+ require "irb/multi-irb"
+ IRB.irb(nil, *obj)
+ end
+ def irb_context
+ end
+ def irb_jobs
+ require "irb/multi-irb"
+ IRB.JobManager
+ end
+ def irb_fg(key)
+ require "irb/multi-irb"
+ IRB.JobManager.switch(key)
+ end
+ def irb_kill(*keys)
+ require "irb/multi-irb"
+ IRB.JobManager.kill(*keys)
+ end
+ # extend command functions
+ def ExtendCommand.extend_object(obj)
+ super
+ unless (class<<obj;ancestors;end).include?(ExtendCommand)
+ obj.install_aliases
+ end
+ end
+ def install_aliases(override = OVERRIDE_NOTHING)
+ install_alias_method(:exit, :irb_exit, override | OVERRIDE_PRIVATE_ONLY)
+ install_alias_method(:quit, :irb_quit, override | OVERRIDE_PRIVATE_ONLY)
+ install_alias_method(:fork, :irb_fork, override | OVERRIDE_PRIVATE_ONLY)
+ install_alias_method(:kill, :irb_kill, override | OVERRIDE_PRIVATE_ONLY)
+ install_alias_method(:irb_cb, :irb_change_binding, override)
+ install_alias_method(:irb_ws, :irb_change_workspace, override)
+ install_alias_method(:source, :irb_source, override)
+ install_alias_method(:conf, :irb_context, override)
+ install_alias_method(:jobs, :irb_jobs, override)
+ install_alias_method(:fg, :irb_fg, override)
+ end
+ def install_alias_method(to, from, override = OVERRIDE_NOTHING)
+ to = to.id2name unless to.kind_of?(String)
+ from = from.id2name unless from.kind_of?(String)
+ if override == OVERRIDE_ALL or
+ (override == OVERRIDE_PRIVATE_ONLY) && !respond_to?(to) or
+ (override == OVERRIDE_NOTHING) && !respond_to?(to, true)
+ target = self
+ (class<<self;self;end).instance_eval{
+ if target.respond_to?(to, true) &&
+ !target.respond_to?(ExtendCommand.irb_original_method_name(to), true)
+ alias_method(ExtendCommand.irb_original_method_name(to), to)
+ end
+ alias_method to, from
+ }
+ else
+ print "irb: warn: can't alias #{to} from #{from}.\n"
+ end
+ end
+ def self.irb_original_method_name(method_name)
+ "irb_" + method_name + "_org"
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/lib/irb/frame.rb b/lib/irb/frame.rb
index dcfa5c1d13..1090cd9684 100644
--- a/lib/irb/frame.rb
+++ b/lib/irb/frame.rb
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
# frame.rb -
-# $Release Version: 0.6$
+# $Release Version: 0.7.1$
# $Revision$
# $Date$
# by Keiju ISHITSUKA(Nihon Rational Software Co.,Ltd)
diff --git a/lib/irb/help.rb b/lib/irb/help.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0821f68d13
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/irb/help.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+# irb/help.rb - print usase module
+# $Release Version: 0.7.3$
+# $Revision$
+# $Date$
+# by Keiju ISHITSUKA(
+# --
+module IRB
+ def IRB.print_usage
+ lc = IRB.conf[:LC_MESSAGES]
+ path = lc.find("irb/help-message")
+ space_line = false
+ File.foreach(path) do
+ |l|
+ if /^\s*$/ =~ l
+ lc.puts l unless space_line
+ space_line = true
+ next
+ end
+ space_line = false
+ l.sub!(/#.*$/, "")
+ next if /^\s*$/ =~ l
+ lc.puts l
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/lib/irb/init.rb b/lib/irb/init.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f34a51b345
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/irb/init.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,232 @@
+# irb/init.rb - irb initialize module
+# $Release Version: 0.7.3$
+# $Revision$
+# $Date$
+# by Keiju ISHITSUKA(
+# --
+module IRB
+ # initialize config
+ def IRB.initialize(ap_path)
+ IRB.init_config(ap_path)
+ IRB.init_error
+ IRB.run_config
+ end
+ # @CONF default setting
+ def IRB.init_config(ap_path)
+ # class instance variables
+ # default configurations
+ unless ap_path and @CONF[:AP_NAME]
+ ap_path = File.join(File.dirname(File.dirname(__FILE__)), "irb.rb")
+ end
+ @CONF[:AP_NAME] = File::basename(ap_path, ".rb")
+ @CONF[:IRB_NAME] = "irb"
+ @CONF[:IRB_LIB_PATH] = File.dirname(__FILE__)
+ @CONF[:RC] = true
+ @CONF[:IRB_RC] = nil
+ @CONF[:MATH_MODE] = false
+ @CONF[:USE_READLINE] = false unless defined?(ReadlineInputMethod)
+ @CONF[:USE_TRACER] = false
+ @CONF[:USE_LOADER] = false
+ @CONF[:IGNORE_EOF] = false
+ @CONF[:PROMPT] = {
+ :NULL => {
+ :PROMPT_I => nil,
+ :PROMPT_S => nil,
+ :PROMPT_C => nil,
+ :RETURN => "%s\n"
+ },
+ :DEFAULT => {
+ :PROMPT_I => "%N(%m):%03n:%i> ",
+ :PROMPT_S => "%N(%m):%03n:%i%l ",
+ :PROMPT_C => "%N(%m):%03n:%i* ",
+ :RETURN => "%s\n"
+ },
+ :SIMPLE => {
+ :PROMPT_I => ">> ",
+ :PROMPT_S => nil,
+ :PROMPT_C => "?> ",
+ :RETURN => "=> %s\n"
+ },
+ :INF_RUBY => {
+ :PROMPT_I => "%N(%m):%03n:%i> ",
+ :PROMPT_S => nil,
+ :PROMPT_C => nil,
+ :RETURN => "%s\n",
+ :AUTO_INDENT => true
+ },
+ :XMP => {
+ :PROMPT_I => nil,
+ :PROMPT_S => nil,
+ :PROMPT_C => nil,
+ :RETURN => " ==>%s\n"
+ }
+ }
+ @CONF[:AUTO_INDENT] = false
+ @CONF[:CONTEXT_MODE] = 3 # use binding in function on TOPLEVEL_BINDING
+ @CONF[:SINGLE_IRB] = false
+# @CONF[:LC_MESSAGES] = "en"
+ @CONF[:VERBOSE] = true
+ end
+ def IRB.init_error
+ @CONF[:LC_MESSAGES].load("irb/error.rb")
+ end
+ # option analyzing
+ def IRB.parse_opts
+ while opt = ARGV.shift
+ case opt
+ when "-f"
+ opt = ARGV.shift
+ @CONF[:RC] = false
+ when "-m"
+ @CONF[:MATH_MODE] = true
+ when "-d"
+ $DEBUG = true
+ when "-r"
+ opt = ARGV.shift
+ @CONF[:LOAD_MODULES].push opt if opt
+ when "--inspect"
+ when "--noinspect"
+ @CONF[:INSPECT_MODE] = false
+ when "--readline"
+ when "--noreadline"
+ @CONF[:USE_READLINE] = false
+ when "--prompt-mode", "--prompt"
+ prompt_mode ="-", "_").intern
+ prompt_mode.id2name) unless @CONF[:PROMPT][prompt_mode]
+ @CONF[:PROMPT_MODE] = prompt_mode
+ when "--noprompt"
+ when "--inf-ruby-mode"
+ when "--sample-book-mode", "--simple-prompt"
+ when "--tracer"
+ @CONF[:USE_TRACER] = true
+ when "--back-trace-limit"
+ @CONF[:BACK_TRACE_LIMIT] = ARGV.shift.to_i
+ when "--context-mode"
+ @CONF[:CONTEXT_MODE] = ARGV.shift.to_i
+ when "--single-irb"
+ @CONF[:SINGLE_IRB] = true
+ when "--irb_debug"
+ @CONF[:DEBUG_LEVEL] = ARGV.shift.to_i
+ when "-v", "--version"
+ print IRB.version, "\n"
+ exit 0
+ when "-h", "--help"
+ require "irb/help"
+ IRB.print_usage
+ exit 0
+ when /^-/
+ UnrecognizedSwitch, opt
+ else
+ @CONF[:USE_READLINE] = false
+ @CONF[:SCRIPT] = opt
+ $0 = opt
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ # running config
+ def IRB.run_config
+ if @CONF[:RC]
+ rcs = []
+ rcs.push File.expand_path("~/.irbrc") if ENV.key?("HOME")
+ rcs.push ".irbrc"
+ rcs.push "irb.rc"
+ rcs.push "_irbrc"
+ rcs.push "$irbrc"
+ catch(:EXIT) do
+ for rc in rcs
+ begin
+ load rc
+ throw :EXIT
+ rescue LoadError, Errno::ENOENT
+ rescue
+ print "load error: #{rc}\n"
+ print $!.type, ": ", $!, "\n"
+ for err in $@[0, $@.size - 2]
+ print "\t", err, "\n"
+ end
+ throw :EXIT
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ # loading modules
+ def IRB.load_modules
+ for m in @CONF[:LOAD_MODULES]
+ begin
+ require m
+ rescue
+ print $@[0], ":", $!.type, ": ", $!, "\n"
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ # initialize tracing function
+ def IRB.initialize_tracer
+ require("tracer")
+ Tracer.verbose = false
+ Tracer.add_filter {
+ |event, file, line, id, binding|
+ File::dirname(file) != @CONF[:IRB_LIB_PATH]
+ }
+ end
+ end
+ # initialize mathn function
+ def IRB.initialize_mathn
+ require "mathn"
+ end
+ end
+ # initialize loader function
+ def IRB.initialize_loader
+ require "irb/loader"
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/lib/irb/input-method.rb b/lib/irb/input-method.rb
index 19df0eb073..ffbc6d9edc 100644
--- a/lib/irb/input-method.rb
+++ b/lib/irb/input-method.rb
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
-# input-method.rb - input methods using irb
-# $Release Version: 0.6$
+# irb/input-method.rb - input methods using irb
+# $Release Version: 0.7.3$
# $Revision$
# $Date$
-# by Keiju ISHITSUKA(Nippon Rational Inc.)
+# by Keiju ISHITSUKA(
# --
@@ -23,9 +23,9 @@ module IRB
def initialize(file = STDIN_FILE_NAME)
@file_name = file
- attr :file_name
+ attr_reader :file_name
- attr :prompt, true
+ attr_accessor :prompt
def gets NotImplementError, "gets"
@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ module IRB
@io = open(file)
- attr :file_name
+ attr_reader :file_name
def eof?
diff --git a/lib/irb/lc/error.rb b/lib/irb/lc/error.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..de38f29978
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/irb/lc/error.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+# irb/lc/error.rb -
+# $Release Version: 0.7.3$
+# $Revision$
+# $Date$
+# by Keiju ISHITSUKA(
+# --
+require "e2mmap"
+module IRB
+ # exceptions
+ extend Exception2MessageMapper
+ def_exception :UnrecognizedSwitch, "Unrecognized switch: %s"
+ def_exception :NotImplementError, "Need to define `%s'"
+ def_exception :CantRetuenNormalMode, "Can't return normal mode."
+ def_exception :IllegalParameter, "Illegal parameter(%s)."
+ def_exception :IrbAlreadyDead, "Irb is already dead."
+ def_exception :IrbSwitchToCurrentThread, "Change to current thread."
+ def_exception :NoSuchJob, "No such job(%s)."
+ def_exception :CanNotGoMultiIrbMode, "Can't go multi irb mode."
+ def_exception :CanNotChangeBinding, "Can't change binding to (%s)."
+ def_exception :UndefinedPromptMode, "Undefined prompt mode(%s)."
diff --git a/lib/irb/lc/help-message b/lib/irb/lc/help-message
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..daede5ec21
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/irb/lc/help-message
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+# irb/lc/help-message.rb -
+# $Release Version: 0.7.3$
+# $Revision$
+# $Date$
+# by Keiju ISHITSUKA(
+# --
+Usage: irb.rb [options] [programfile] [arguments]
+ -f suppress read ~/.irbrc
+ -m bc mode (load mathn, fraction or matrix are available)
+ -d set $DEBUG to true (same as `ruby -d')
+ -r load-module same as `ruby -r'
+ --inspect uses `inspect' for output (the default except bc mode)
+ --noinspect doesn't uses inspect for output
+ --readline uses Readline extension module
+ --noreadline doesn't use Readline extension module
+ --prompt prompt-mode
+ --prompt-mode prompt-mode
+ switches prompt mode. Pre-defined prompt modes are
+ `default', `simple', `xmp' and `inf-ruby'
+ --inf-ruby-mode uses prompt appreciate for inf-ruby-mode on emacs.
+ Suppresses --readline.
+ --simple-prompt simple prompt mode
+ --noprompt no prompt
+ --tracer display trace for each execution of commands.
+ --back-trace-limit n
+ displayes backtrace top n and tail n. The default
+ value is 16.
+ --irb_debug n sets internal debug level to n (It shouldn't be used)
+ -v, --version prints the version of irb
diff --git a/lib/irb/lc/ja/error.rb b/lib/irb/lc/ja/error.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d5aef0a7c8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/irb/lc/ja/error.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+# irb/lc/ja/error.rb -
+# $Release Version: 0.7.3$
+# $Revision$
+# $Date$
+# by Keiju ISHITSUKA(
+# --
+require "e2mmap"
+module IRB
+ # exceptions
+ extend Exception2MessageMapper
+ def_exception :UnrecognizedSwitch, '$B%9%$%C%A(B(%s)$B$,J,$j$^$;$s(B'
+ def_exception :NotImplementError, '`%s\'$B$NDj5A$,I,MW$G$9(B'
+ def_exception :CantRetuenNormalMode, 'Normal$B%b!<%I$KLa$l$^$;$s(B.'
+ def_exception :IllegalParameter, '$B%Q%i%a!<%?(B(%s)$B$,4V0c$C$F$$$^$9(B.'
+ def_exception :IrbAlreadyDead, 'Irb$B$O4{$K;`$s$G$$$^$9(B.'
+ def_exception :IrbSwitchToCurrentThread, 'Change to current thread.'
+ def_exception :NoSuchJob, '$B$=$N$h$&$J%8%g%V(B(%s)$B$O$"$j$^$;$s(B.'
+ def_exception :CanNotGoMultiIrbMode, 'multi-irb mode$B$K0\$l$^$;$s(B.'
+ def_exception :CanNotChangeBinding, '$B%P%$%s%G%#%s%0(B(%s)$B$KJQ99$G$-$^$;$s(B.'
+ def_exception :UndefinedPromptMode, '$B%W%m%s%W%H%b!<%I(B(%s)$B$ODj5A$5$l$F$$$^$;$s(B.'
diff --git a/lib/irb/lc/ja/help-message b/lib/irb/lc/ja/help-message
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9fa3952a0b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/irb/lc/ja/help-message
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+# irb/lc/ja/help-message.rb -
+# $Release Version: 0.7.3$
+# $Revision$
+# $Date$
+# by Keiju ISHITSUKA(
+# --
+Usage: irb.rb [options] [programfile] [arguments]
+ -f ~/.irbrc $B$rFI$_9~$^$J$$(B.
+ -m bc$B%b!<%I(B($BJ,?t(B, $B9TNs$N7W;;$,$G$-$k(B)
+ -d $DEBUG $B$r(Btrue$B$K$9$k(B(ruby -d $B$HF1$8(B)
+ -r load-module ruby -r $B$HF1$8(B.
+ --inspect $B7k2L=PNO$K(Binspect$B$rMQ$$$k(B(bc$B%b!<%I0J30$O%G%U%)%k%H(B).
+ --noinspect $B7k2L=PNO$K(Binspect$B$rMQ$$$J$$(B.
+ --readline readline$B%i%$%V%i%j$rMxMQ$9$k(B.
+ --noreadline readline$B%i%$%V%i%j$rMxMQ$7$J$$(B.
+ --prompt prompt-mode/--prompt-mode prompt-mode
+ $B%W%m%s%W%H%b!<%I$r@ZBX$($^$9(B. $B8=:_Dj5A$5$l$F$$$k%W(B
+ $B%m%s%W%H%b!<%I$O(B, default, simple, xmp, inf-ruby$B$,(B
+ $BMQ0U$5$l$F$$$^$9(B.
+ --inf-ruby-mode emacs$B$N(Binf-ruby-mode$BMQ$N%W%m%s%W%HI=<($r9T$J$&(B. $BFC(B
+ $B$K;XDj$,$J$$8B$j(B, readline$B%i%$%V%i%j$O;H$o$J$/$J$k(B.
+ --simple-prompt $BHs>o$K%7%s%W%k$J%W%m%s%W%H$rMQ$$$k%b!<%I$G$9(B.
+ --noprompt $B%W%m%s%W%HI=<($r9T$J$o$J$$(B.
+ --tracer $B%3%^%s%I<B9T;~$K%H%l!<%9$r9T$J$&(B.
+ --back-trace-limit n
+ $B%P%C%/%H%l!<%9I=<($r%P%C%/%H%l!<%9$NF,$+$i(B n, $B8e$m(B
+ $B$+$i(Bn$B$@$19T$J$&(B. $B%G%U%)%k%H$O(B16
+ --irb_debug n irb$B$N%G%P%C%0%G%P%C%0%l%Y%k$r(Bn$B$K@_Dj$9$k(B($BMxMQ$7$J(B
+ $B$$J}$,L5Fq$G$7$g$&(B).
+ -v, --version irb$B$N%P!<%8%g%s$rI=<($9$k(B
diff --git a/lib/irb/loader.rb b/lib/irb/loader.rb
index 83b10a55a0..6e7a89e454 100644
--- a/lib/irb/loader.rb
+++ b/lib/irb/loader.rb
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
-# irb-loader.rb -
-# $Release Version: 0.6$
+# irb/loader.rb - irb loader
+# $Release Version: 0.7.3$
# $Revision$
# $Date$
-# by Keiju ISHITSUKA(Nippon Rational Inc.)
+# by Keiju ISHITSUKA(
# --
diff --git a/lib/irb/locale.rb b/lib/irb/locale.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ef92ea1377
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/irb/locale.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,187 @@
+# irb/locale.rb - internationalization module
+# $Release Version: 0.7.3$
+# $Revision$
+# $Date$
+# by Keiju ISHITSUKA(
+# --
+require "kconv"
+module IRB
+ class Locale
+ @RCS_ID='-$Id$-'
+ JPDefaultLocale = "ja"
+ LOCALE_DIR = "/lc/"
+ LC2KCONV = {
+# "ja" => Kconv::JIS,
+# "ja_JP" => Kconv::JIS,
+ "ja_JP.ujis" => Kconv::EUC,
+ "ja_JP.euc" => Kconv::EUC,
+ "ja_JP.eucJP" => Kconv::EUC,
+ "ja_JP.sjis" => Kconv::SJIS,
+ "ja_JP.SJIS" => Kconv::SJIS,
+ }
+ def initialize(locale = nil)
+ @lang = locale || ENV["IRB_LANG"] || ENV["LC_MESSAGES"] || ENV["LC_ALL"] || ENV["LANG"]
+ @lang = "C" unless @lang
+ end
+ attr_reader :lang
+ def String(mes)
+ mes = super(mes)
+ case @lang
+ when /^ja/
+ mes = Kconv::kconv(mes, LC2KCONV[@lang])
+ else
+ mes
+ end
+ mes
+ end
+ def format(*opts)
+ String(super(*opts))
+ end
+ def gets(*rs)
+ String(super(*rs))
+ end
+ def readline(*rs)
+ String(super(*rs))
+ end
+ def print(*opts)
+ ary = opts.collect{|opt| String(opt)}
+ super *ary
+ end
+ def printf(*opts)
+ s = format(*opts)
+ print s
+ end
+ def puts(*opts)
+ ary = opts.collect{|opt| String(opts)}
+ super *ary
+ end
+ autoload :Tempfile, "tempfile"
+ def require(file, priv = nil)
+ rex ="lc/#{Regexp.quote(file)}\.(so|o|sl|rb)?")
+ return false if $".find{|f| f =~ rex}
+ case file
+ when /\.rb$/
+ begin
+ load(file, priv)
+ $".push file
+ return true
+ rescue LoadError
+ end
+ when /\.(so|o|sl)$/
+ return super
+ end
+ begin
+ load(f = file + ".rb")
+ $".push f #"
+ return true
+ rescue LoadError
+ return ruby_require(file)
+ end
+ end
+ alias toplevel_load load
+ def load(file, priv=nil)
+ dir = File.dirname(file)
+ dir = "" if dir == "."
+ base = File.basename(file)
+ if /^ja(_JP)?$/ =~ @lang
+ back, @lang = @lang, "C"
+ end
+ begin
+ if dir[0] == ?/ #/
+ lc_path = search_file(dir, base)
+ return real_load(lc_path, priv) if lc_path
+ end
+ for path in $:
+ lc_path = search_file(path + "/" + dir, base)
+ return real_load(lc_path, priv) if lc_path
+ end
+ ensure
+ @lang = back if back
+ end
+ raise LoadError, "No such file to load -- #{file}"
+ end
+ def real_load(path, priv)
+ tmp_base ="./:", "___")
+ lc_file =
+ File.foreach(path) do |line|
+ line = self.String(line)
+ lc_file.print(line)
+ end
+ lc_file.close
+ toplevel_load lc_file.path, priv
+ end
+ private :real_load
+ def find(file , paths = $:)
+ dir = File.dirname(file)
+ dir = "" if dir == "."
+ base = File.basename(file)
+ if dir[0] == ?/ #/
+ return lc_path = search_file(dir, base)
+ else
+ for path in $:
+ if lc_path = search_file(path + "/" + dir, base)
+ return lc_path
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ nil
+ end
+ def search_file(path, file)
+ if File.exists?(p1 = path + lc_path(file, "C"))
+ if File.exists?(p2 = path + lc_path(file))
+ return p2
+ else
+ end
+ return p1
+ else
+ end
+ nil
+ end
+ private :search_file
+ def lc_path(file = "", lc = @lang)
+ case lc
+ when "C"
+ LOCALE_DIR + file
+ when /^ja/
+ LOCALE_DIR + "ja/" + file
+ else
+ LOCALE_DIR + @lang + "/" + file
+ end
+ end
+ private :lc_path
+ end
diff --git a/lib/irb/main.rb b/lib/irb/main.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 4c7dac240b..0000000000
--- a/lib/irb/main.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,867 +0,0 @@
-# main.rb - irb main module
-# $Release Version: 0.6 $
-# $Revision$
-# $Date$
-# by Keiju ISHITSUKA(Nippon Rational Inc.)
-# --
-require "e2mmap"
-require "irb/ruby-lex"
-require "irb/input-method"
-require "irb/workspace-binding"
-STDOUT.sync = true
-module IRB
- @RCS_ID='-$Id$-'
- # exceptions
- extend Exception2MessageMapper
- def_exception :UnrecognizedSwitch, "Unrecognized switch: %s"
- def_exception :NotImplementError, "Need to define `%s'"
- def_exception :CantRetuenNormalMode, "Can't return normal mode."
- def_exception :IllegalParameter, "Illegal parameter(%s)."
- def_exception :IrbAlreadyDead, "Irb is already dead."
- def_exception :IrbSwitchToCurrentThread, "Change to current thread."
- def_exception :NoSuchJob, "No such job(%s)."
- def_exception :CanNotGoMultiIrbMode, "Can't go multi irb mode."
- def_exception :CanNotChangeBinding, "Can't change binding to (%s)."
- def_exception :UndefinedPromptMode, "Undefined prompt mode(%s)."
- class Abort < Exception;end
- # initialize IRB and start TOP_LEVEL irb
- def IRB.start(ap_path = nil)
- $0 = File::basename(ap_path, ".rb") if ap_path
- IRB.initialize(ap_path)
- IRB.parse_opts
- IRB.load_modules
- bind = workspace_binding
- main = eval("self", bind)
- irb =, bind, @CONF[:SCRIPT])
- else
- irb =, bind)
- end
- @CONF[:IRB_RC].call(irb.context) if @CONF[:IRB_RC]
- @CONF[:MAIN_CONTEXT] = irb.context
- trap("SIGINT") do
- irb.signal_handle
- end
- catch(:IRB_EXIT) do
- irb.eval_input
- end
- print "\n"
- end
- # initialize config
- def IRB.initialize(ap_path)
- IRB.init_config(ap_path)
- IRB.run_config
- end
- #
- # @CONF functions
- #
- @CONF = {}
- # @CONF default setting
- def IRB.init_config(ap_path)
- # class instance variables
- # default configurations
- unless ap_path and @CONF[:AP_NAME]
- ap_path = File.join(File.dirname(File.dirname(__FILE__)), "irb.rb")
- end
- @CONF[:AP_NAME] = File::basename(ap_path, ".rb")
- @CONF[:IRB_NAME] = "irb"
- @CONF[:IRB_LIB_PATH] = File.dirname(__FILE__)
- @CONF[:RC] = true
- @CONF[:IRB_RC] = nil
- @CONF[:MATH_MODE] = false
- @CONF[:USE_READLINE] = false unless defined?(ReadlineInputMethod)
- @CONF[:USE_TRACER] = false
- @CONF[:USE_LOADER] = false
- @CONF[:IGNORE_EOF] = false
- @CONF[:PROMPT] = {
- :NULL => {
- :PROMPT_I => nil,
- :PROMPT_S => nil,
- :PROMPT_C => nil,
- :RETURN => "%s\n"
- },
- :DEFAULT => {
- :PROMPT_I => "%N(%m):%03n:%i> ",
- :PROMPT_S => "%N(%m):%03n:%i%l ",
- :PROMPT_C => "%N(%m):%03n:%i* ",
- :RETURN => "%s\n"
- },
- :SIMPLE => {
- :PROMPT_I => ">> ",
- :PROMPT_S => nil,
- :PROMPT_C => "?> ",
- :RETURN => "=> %s\n"
- },
- :INF_RUBY => {
- :PROMPT_I => "%N(%m):%03n:%i> ",
- :PROMPT_S => nil,
- :PROMPT_C => nil,
- :RETURN => "%s\n",
- :AUTO_INDENT => true
- },
- :XMP => {
- :PROMPT_I => nil,
- :PROMPT_S => nil,
- :PROMPT_C => nil,
- :RETURN => " ==>%s\n"
- }
- }
- @CONF[:AUTO_INDENT] = false
- @CONF[:SINGLE_IRB] = false
- @CONF[:VERBOSE] = true
- end
- # IRB version method
- def IRB.version
- if v = @CONF[:VERSION] then return v end
- require "irb/version"
- rv = @RELEASE_VERSION.sub(/\.0/, "")
- @CONF[:VERSION] = format("irb %s(%s)", rv, @LAST_UPDATE_DATE)
- end
- def IRB.conf
- end
- # option analyzing
- def IRB.parse_opts
- while opt = ARGV.shift
- case opt
- when "-f"
- opt = ARGV.shift
- @CONF[:RC] = false
- when "-m"
- @CONF[:MATH_MODE] = true
- when "-d"
- $DEBUG = true
- when "-r"
- opt = ARGV.shift
- @CONF[:LOAD_MODULES].push opt if opt
- when "--inspect"
- when "--noinspect"
- @CONF[:INSPECT_MODE] = false
- when "--readline"
- when "--noreadline"
- @CONF[:USE_READLINE] = false
- when "--prompt-mode", "--prompt"
- prompt_mode ="-", "_").intern
- prompt_mode.id2name) unless @CONF[:PROMPT][prompt_mode]
- @CONF[:PROMPT_MODE] = prompt_mode
- when "--noprompt"
- when "--inf-ruby-mode"
- when "--sample-book-mode", "--simple-prompt"
- when "--tracer"
- @CONF[:USE_TRACER] = true
- when "--back-trace-limit"
- @CONF[:BACK_TRACE_LIMIT] = ARGV.shift.to_i
- when "--context-mode"
- @CONF[:CONTEXT_MODE] = ARGV.shift.to_i
- when "--single-irb"
- @CONF[:SINGLE_IRB] = true
- when "--irb_debug"
- @CONF[:DEBUG_LEVEL] = ARGV.shift.to_i
- when "-v", "--version"
- print IRB.version, "\n"
- exit(0)
- when /^-/
- UnrecognizedSwitch, opt
- else
- @CONF[:USE_READLINE] = false
- @CONF[:SCRIPT] = opt
- $0 = opt
- break
- end
- end
- end
- # running config
- def IRB.run_config
- if @CONF[:RC]
- rcs = []
- rcs.push File.expand_path("~/.irbrc") if ENV.key?("HOME")
- rcs.push ".irbrc"
- rcs.push "irb.rc"
- rcs.push "_irbrc"
- rcs.push "$irbrc"
- catch(:EXIT) do
- for rc in rcs
- begin
- load rc
- throw :EXIT
- rescue LoadError, Errno::ENOENT
- rescue
- print "load error: #{rc}\n"
- print $!.type, ": ", $!, "\n"
- for err in $@[0, $@.size - 2]
- print "\t", err, "\n"
- end
- throw :EXIT
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- # loading modules
- def IRB.load_modules
- for m in @CONF[:LOAD_MODULES]
- begin
- require m
- rescue
- print $@[0], ":", $!.type, ": ", $!, "\n"
- end
- end
- end
- # initialize tracing function
- def IRB.initialize_tracer
- require("tracer")
- Tracer.verbose = false
- Tracer.add_filter {
- |event, file, line, id, binding|
- File::dirname(file) != @CONF[:IRB_LIB_PATH]
- }
- end
- end
- # initialize mathn function
- def IRB.initialize_mathn
- require "mathn"
- end
- end
- # initialize loader function
- def IRB.initialize_loader
- require "irb/loader"
- end
- end
- def IRB.irb_exit(irb, ret)
- throw :IRB_EXIT, ret
- end
- def IRB.irb_abort(irb, exception = Abort)
- if defined? Thread
- irb.context.thread.raise exception, "abort then interrupt!!"
- else
- raise exception, "abort then interrupt!!"
- end
- end
- #
- # irb interpriter main routine
- #
- class Irb
- def initialize(main, bind, input_method = nil)
- @context =, main, bind, input_method)
- main.extend ExtendCommand
- @signal_status = :IN_IRB
- @scanner =
- @scanner.exception_on_syntax_error = false
- end
- attr :context
- attr :scanner, true
- def eval_input
-# @scanner =
- @scanner.set_input( do
- signal_status(:IN_INPUT) do
- unless l =
- if @context.ignore_eof? and
- l = "\n"
- if @context.verbose?
- printf "Use \"exit\" to leave %s\n", @context.ap_name
- end
- end
- end
- l
- end
- end
- @scanner.set_prompt do
- |ltype, indent, continue, line_no|
- if ltype
- f = @context.prompt_s
- elsif continue
- f = @context.prompt_c
- else @context.prompt_i
- f = @context.prompt_i
- end
- f = "" unless f
- = p = prompt(f, ltype, indent, line_no)
- if @context.auto_indent_mode
- unless ltype
- ind = prompt(@context.prompt_i, ltype, indent, line_no).size +
- indent * 2 - p.size
- ind += 2 if continue
- = p + " " * ind if ind > 0
- end
- end
- end
- @scanner.each_top_level_statement do
- |line, line_no|
- signal_status(:IN_EVAL) do
- begin
- trace_in do
- @context._ = eval(line, @context.bind, @context.irb_path, line_no)
-# @context._ = irb_eval(line, @context.bind, @context.irb_path, line_no)
- end
- if @context.inspect?
- printf @context.return_format, @context._.inspect
- else
- printf @context.return_format, @context._
- end
- rescue StandardError, ScriptError, Abort
- $! ="unknown exception raised") unless $!
- print $!.type, ": ", $!, "\n"
- if $@[0] =~ /irb(2)?(\/.*|-.*|\.rb)?:/ && $!.type.to_s !~ /^IRB/
- irb_bug = true
- else
- irb_bug = false
- end
- messages = []
- lasts = []
- levels = 0
- for m in $@
- if m !~ /irb2?(\/.*|-.*|\.rb)?:/ or irb_bug
- if messages.size < @context.back_trace_limit
- messages.push m
- else
- lasts.push m
- if lasts.size > @context.back_trace_limit
- lasts.shift
- levels += 1
- end
- end
- end
- end
- print messages.join("\n"), "\n"
- unless lasts.empty?
- printf "... %d levels...\n", levels if levels > 0
- print lasts.join("\n")
- end
- print "Maybe IRB bug!!\n" if irb_bug
- end
- end
- end
- end
-# def irb_eval(line, bind, path, line_no)
-# id, str = catch(:IRB_TOPLEVEL_EVAL){
-# return eval(line, bind, path, line_no)
-# }
-# case id
-# eval(str, bind, "(irb_internal)", 1)
-# @context.instance_eval(str)
-# else
-# IllegalParameter
-# end
-# end
- def signal_handle
- unless @context.ignore_sigint?
- print "\nabort!!\n" if @context.verbose?
- exit
- end
- case @signal_status
- when :IN_INPUT
- print "^C\n"
- @scanner.initialize_input
- print
- when :IN_EVAL
- IRB.irb_abort(self)
- when :IN_LOAD
- IRB.irb_abort(self, LoadAbort)
- when :IN_IRB
- # ignore
- else
- # ignore
- end
- end
- def signal_status(status)
- return yield if @signal_status == :IN_LOAD
- signal_status_back = @signal_status
- @signal_status = status
- begin
- yield
- ensure
- @signal_status = signal_status_back
- end
- end
- def trace_in
- Tracer.on if @context.use_tracer?
- begin
- yield
- ensure
- if @context.use_tracer?
- end
- end
- def prompt(prompt, ltype, indent, line_no)
- p = prompt.dup
- p.gsub!(/%([0-9]+)?([a-zA-Z])/) do
- case $2
- when "N"
- @context.irb_name
- when "m"
- @context.main.to_s
- when "M"
- @context.main.inspect
- when "l"
- ltype
- when "i"
- if $1
- format("%" + $1 + "d", indent)
- else
- indent.to_s
- end
- when "n"
- if $1
- format("%" + $1 + "d", line_no)
- else
- line_no.to_s
- end
- when "%"
- "%"
- end
- end
- p
- end
- def inspect
- ary = []
- for iv in instance_variables
- case iv
- when "@signal_status"
- ary.push format("%s=:%s", iv, @signal_status.id2name)
- when "@context"
- ary.push format("%s=%s", iv, eval(iv).__to_s__)
- else
- ary.push format("%s=%s", iv, eval(iv))
- end
- end
- format("#<%s: %s>", type, ary.join(", "))
- end
- end
- #
- # irb context
- #
- class Context
- #
- # Arguments:
- # input_method: nil -- stdin or readline
- # String -- File
- # other -- using this as InputMethod
- #
- def initialize(irb, main, bind, input_method = nil)
- @irb = irb
- @main = main
- @bind = bind
- @thread = Thread.current if defined? Thread
- @irb_level = 0
- # copy of default configuration
- @ap_name = IRB.conf[:AP_NAME]
- @rc = IRB.conf[:RC]
- @load_modules = IRB.conf[:LOAD_MODULES]
- self.math_mode = IRB.conf[:MATH_MODE]
- @use_readline = IRB.conf[:USE_READLINE]
- @inspect_mode = IRB.conf[:INSPECT_MODE]
- @use_tracer = IRB.conf[:USE_TRACER]
-# @use_loader = IRB.conf[:USE_LOADER]
- self.prompt_mode = IRB.conf[:PROMPT_MODE]
- @ignore_sigint = IRB.conf[:IGNORE_SIGINT]
- @ignore_eof = IRB.conf[:IGNORE_EOF]
- @back_trace_limit = IRB.conf[:BACK_TRACE_LIMIT]
- debug_level = IRB.conf[:DEBUG_LEVEL]
- @verbose = IRB.conf[:VERBOSE]
- @tracer_initialized = false
- if IRB.conf[:SINGLE_IRB] or !defined?(JobManager)
- @irb_name = IRB.conf[:IRB_NAME]
- else
- @irb_name = "irb#"+IRB.JobManager.n_jobs.to_s
- end
- @irb_path = "(" + @irb_name + ")"
- case input_method
- when nil
- if (use_readline.nil? && IRB.conf[:PROMPT_MODE] != :INF_RUBY ||
- use_readline?)
- @io =
- else
- @io =
- end
- when String
- @io =
- @irb_name = File.basename(input_method)
- @irb_path = input_method
- else
- @io = input_method
- end
- end
- attr :bind, true
- attr :main, true
- attr :thread
- attr :io, true
- attr :_
- attr :irb
- attr :ap_name
- attr :rc
- attr :load_modules
- attr :irb_name
- attr :irb_path
- attr :math_mode, true
- attr :use_readline, true
- attr :inspect_mode
- attr :use_tracer
-# attr :use_loader
- attr :debug_level
- attr :verbose, true
- attr :prompt_mode
- attr :prompt_i, true
- attr :prompt_s, true
- attr :prompt_c, true
- attr :auto_indent_mode, true
- attr :return_format, true
- attr :ignore_sigint, true
- attr :ignore_eof, true
- attr :back_trace_limit
-# alias use_loader? use_loader
- alias use_tracer? use_tracer
- alias use_readline? use_readline
- alias rc? rc
- alias math? math_mode
- alias verbose? verbose
- alias ignore_sigint? ignore_sigint
- alias ignore_eof? ignore_eof
- def _=(value)
- @_ = value
- eval "_ = IRB.conf[:MAIN_CONTEXT]._", @bind
- end
- def irb_name
- if @irb_level == 0
- @irb_name
- elsif @irb_name =~ /#[0-9]*$/
- @irb_name + "." + @irb_level.to_s
- else
- @irb_name + "#0." + @irb_level.to_s
- end
- end
- def prompt_mode=(mode)
- @prompt_mode = mode
- pconf = IRB.conf[:PROMPT][mode]
- @prompt_i = pconf[:PROMPT_I]
- @prompt_s = pconf[:PROMPT_S]
- @prompt_c = pconf[:PROMPT_C]
- @return_format = pconf[:RETURN]
- if ai = pconf.include?(:AUTO_INDENT)
- @auto_indent_mode = ai
- else
- @auto_indent_mode = IRB.conf[:AUTO_INDENT]
- end
- end
- def inspect?
- @inspect_mode.nil? && !@math_mode or @inspect_mode
- end
- def file_input?
- @io.type == FileInputMethod
- end
- def use_tracer=(opt)
- if opt
- IRB.initialize_tracer
- unless @tracer_initialized
- Tracer.set_get_line_procs(@irb_path) {
- |line_no|
- @io.line(line_no)
- }
- @tracer_initialized = true
- end
- elsif !opt && @use_tracer
- end
- @use_tracer=opt
- end
- def use_loader
- end
- def use_loader=(opt)
- IRB.conf[:USE_LOADER] = opt
- if opt
- IRB.initialize_loader
- end
- print "Switch to load/require#{unless use_loader; ' non';end} trace mode.\n" if verbose?
- opt
- end
- def inspect_mode=(opt)
- if opt
- @inspect_mode = opt
- else
- @inspect_mode = !@inspect_mode
- end
- print "Switch to#{unless @inspect_mode; ' non';end} inspect mode.\n" if verbose?
- @inspect_mode
- end
- def math_mode=(opt)
- if @math_mode == true && opt == false
- CantRetuenNormalMode
- return
- end
- @math_mode = opt
- if math_mode
- IRB.initialize_mathn
- @main.instance_eval("include Math")
- print "start math mode\n" if verbose?
- end
- end
- def use_readline=(opt)
- @use_readline = opt
- print "use readline module\n" if @use_readline
- end
- def debug_level=(value)
- @debug_level = value
- RubyLex.debug_level = value
- SLex.debug_level = value
- end
- def debug?
- @debug_level > 0
- end
- def change_binding(*main)
- back = [@bind, @main]
- @bind = IRB.workspace_binding(*main)
- unless main.empty?
- @main = eval("self", @bind)
- begin
- @main.extend ExtendCommand
- rescue
- print "can't change binding to: ", @main.inspect, "\n"
- @bind, @main = back
- return nil
- end
- end
- @irb_level += 1
- begin
- catch(:SU_EXIT) do
- @irb.eval_input
- end
- ensure
- @irb_level -= 1
- @bind, @main = back
- end
- end
- alias __exit__ exit
- def exit(ret = 0)
- if @irb_level == 0
- IRB.irb_exit(@irb, ret)
- else
- throw :SU_EXIT, ret
- end
- end
- NO_INSPECTING_IVARS = ["@irb", "@io"]
- IDNAME_IVARS = ["@prompt_mode"]
- alias __inspect__ inspect
- def inspect
- array = []
- for ivar in instance_variables.sort{|e1, e2| e1 <=> e2}
- name = ivar.sub(/^@(.*)$/){$1}
- val = instance_eval(ivar)
- case ivar
- next
- array.push format("conf.%s=%s", name, val.to_s)
- array.push format("conf.%s=:%s", name, val.id2name)
- else
- array.push format("conf.%s=%s", name, val.inspect)
- end
- end
- array.join("\n")
- end
- alias __to_s__ to_s
- alias to_s inspect
- end
- #
- # IRB extended command
- #
- module Loader; end
- module ExtendCommand
- include Loader
- alias irb_exit_org exit
- def irb_exit(ret = 0)
- irb_context.exit(ret)
- end
- alias exit irb_exit
- alias quit irb_exit
- alias irb_fork fork
- def fork(&block)
- unless irb_fork
- eval "alias exit irb_exit_org"
- instance_eval "alias exit irb_exit_org"
- if iterator?
- yield
- exit
- end
- end
- end
- def irb_change_binding(*main)
- irb_context.change_binding(*main)
- end
- alias cb irb_change_binding
- def irb_source(file)
- irb_context.source(file)
- end
- alias source irb_source
- def irb(*obj)
- require "irb/multi-irb"
- IRB.irb(nil, *obj)
- end
- def irb_context
- end
- alias conf irb_context
- def irb_jobs
- require "irb/multi-irb"
- IRB.JobManager
- end
- alias jobs irb_jobs
- def irb_fg(key)
- require "irb/multi-irb"
- IRB.JobManager.switch(key)
- end
- alias fg irb_fg
- def irb_kill(*keys)
- require "irb/multi-irb"
- IRB.JobManager.kill(*keys)
- end
- alias kill irb_kill
- end
- # Singleton method
- def @CONF.inspect
- IRB.version unless self[:VERSION]
- array = []
- for k, v in sort{|a1, a2| a1[0].id2name <=> a2[0].id2name}
- case k
- next
- when :PROMPT
- s = v.collect{
- |kk, vv|
- ss = vv.collect{|kkk, vvv| ":#{kkk.id2name}=>#{vvv.inspect}"}
- format(":%s=>{%s}", kk.id2name, ss.join(", "))
- }
- array.push format("CONF[:%s]={%s}", k.id2name, s.join(", "))
- else
- array.push format("CONF[:%s]=%s", k.id2name, v.inspect)
- end
- end
- array.join("\n")
- end
diff --git a/lib/irb/multi-irb.rb b/lib/irb/multi-irb.rb
index 39dbcbae3c..6e97512e27 100644
--- a/lib/irb/multi-irb.rb
+++ b/lib/irb/multi-irb.rb
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
-# multi-irb.rb - multiple irb module
-# $Release Version: 0.6$
+# irb/multi-irb.rb - multiple irb module
+# $Release Version: 0.7.3$
# $Revision$
# $Date$
-# by Keiju ISHITSUKA(Nippon Rational Inc.)
+# by Keiju ISHITSUKA(
# --
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ module IRB
@current_job = nil
- attr :current_job, true
+ attr_accessor :current_job
def n_jobs
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ module IRB
def thread(key)
th, irb = search(key)
- irb
+ th
def irb(key)
@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ module IRB
when Integer
when Irb
- @jobs.find{|k, v| v.equal?(irb)}
+ @jobs.find{|k, v| v.equal?(key)}
when Thread
@@ -140,20 +140,15 @@ module IRB
- # invoke multiple irb
+ # invoke multi-irb
def IRB.irb(file = nil, *main)
- workspace = IRB.workspace_binding(*main)
- if main.empty?
- main = eval("self", workspace)
- else
- main = main[0]
- end
+ workspace =*main)
parent_thread = Thread.current
Thread.start do
- irb =, workspace, file)
+ irb =, file)
- print "Subirb can't start with context(self): ", main.inspect, "\n"
+ print "Subirb can't start with context(self): ", workspace.main.inspect, "\n"
print "return to main irb\n"
@@ -161,6 +156,7 @@ module IRB
@CONF[:IRB_RC].call(irb.context) if @CONF[:IRB_RC]
+ @JobManager.current_job = irb
system_exit = false
catch(:IRB_EXIT) do
@@ -190,7 +186,7 @@ module IRB
class Context
def _=(value)
@_ = value
- eval "_ = IRB.JobManager.irb(Thread.current).context._", @bind
+ @workspace.evaluate "_ = IRB.JobManager.irb(Thread.current).context._"
@@ -198,15 +194,39 @@ module IRB
def irb_context
- alias conf irb_context
+# alias conf irb_context
@JobManager.current_job = @CONF[:MAIN_CONTEXT].irb
+ class Irb
+ def signal_handle
+ unless @context.ignore_sigint?
+ print "\nabort!!\n" if @context.verbose?
+ exit
+ end
+ case @signal_status
+ when :IN_INPUT
+ print "^C\n"
+ IRB.JobManager.thread(self).raise RubyLex::TerminateLineInput
+ when :IN_EVAL
+ IRB.irb_abort(self)
+ when :IN_LOAD
+ IRB.irb_abort(self, LoadAbort)
+ when :IN_IRB
+ # ignore
+ else
+ # ignore
+ end
+ end
+ end
trap("SIGINT") do
+ Thread.stop
diff --git a/lib/irb/ruby-lex.rb b/lib/irb/ruby-lex.rb
index 4c7a3b1002..3a862002a6 100644
--- a/lib/irb/ruby-lex.rb
+++ b/lib/irb/ruby-lex.rb
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
-# ruby-lex.rb - ruby lexcal analizer
-# $Release Version: 0.6$
+# irb/ruby-lex.rb - ruby lexcal analizer
+# $Release Version: 0.7.3$
# $Revision$
# $Date$
-# by Keiju ISHITSUKA(Nippon Rational Inc.)
+# by Keiju ISHITSUKA(
# --
@@ -24,11 +24,13 @@ class RubyLex
"key duplicate(token_n='%s', key='%s')")
def_exception(:SyntaxError, "%s")
+ def_exception(:TerminateLineInput, "Terminate Line Input")
include RubyToken
class << self
- attr :debug_level, TRUE
+ attr_accessor :debug_level
def debug?
@debug_level > 0
@@ -54,14 +56,14 @@ class RubyLex
@exception_on_syntax_error = true
- attr :skip_space, true
- attr :readed_auto_clean_up, true
- attr :exception_on_syntax_error, true
+ attr_accessor :skip_space
+ attr_accessor :readed_auto_clean_up
+ attr_accessor :exception_on_syntax_error
- attr :seek
- attr :char_no
- attr :line_no
- attr :indent
+ attr_reader :seek
+ attr_reader :char_no
+ attr_reader :line_no
+ attr_reader :indent
# io functions
def set_input(io, p = nil)
@@ -202,8 +204,8 @@ class RubyLex
@space_seen = false
@here_header = false
+ @continue = false
- @continue = FALSE
@line = ""
@exp_line_no = @line_no
@@ -211,27 +213,35 @@ class RubyLex
def each_top_level_statement
- loop do
- @continue = FALSE
- prompt
- unless l = lex
- break if @line == ''
- else
- # p l
- @line.concat l
- if @ltype or @continue or @indent > 0
- next
+ catch(:TERM_INPUT) do
+ loop do
+ begin
+ @continue = false
+ prompt
+ unless l = lex
+ throw :TERM_INPUT if @line == ''
+ else
+ #p l
+ @line.concat l
+ if @ltype or @continue or @indent > 0
+ next
+ end
+ end
+ if @line != "\n"
+ yield @line, @exp_line_no
+ end
+ break unless l
+ @line = ''
+ @exp_line_no = @line_no
+ @indent = 0
+ prompt
+ rescue TerminateLineInput
+ initialize_input
+ prompt
+ get_readed
- if @line != "\n"
- yield @line, @exp_line_no
- end
- break unless l
- @line = ''
- @exp_line_no = @line_no
- @indent = 0
- prompt
@@ -239,8 +249,8 @@ class RubyLex
until (((tk = token).kind_of?(TkNL) || tk.kind_of?(TkEND_OF_SCRIPT)) &&
!@continue or
- # p tk
- # p self
+ #p tk
+ #p self
line = get_readed
# print self.inspect
@@ -315,7 +325,7 @@ class RubyLex
@OP.def_rules(" ", "\t", "\f", "\r", "\13") do
- @space_seen = TRUE
+ @space_seen = true
while getc =~ /[ \t\f\r\13]/; end
@@ -333,7 +343,7 @@ class RubyLex
until peek_equal?("=end") && peek(4) =~ /\s/
until getc == "\n"; end
- getc; getc; getc; getc
+ gets
@ltype = nil
@@ -342,9 +352,9 @@ class RubyLex
print "\\n\n" if RubyLex.debug?
case @lex_state
- @continue = TRUE
+ @continue = true
- @continue = FALSE
+ @continue = false
@lex_state = EXPR_BEG
@here_header = false
@@ -458,7 +468,7 @@ class RubyLex
- # for obj.if
+ # for "obj.if" etc.
@lex_state = EXPR_DOT
@@ -608,7 +618,7 @@ class RubyLex
elsif peek(0) == '='
- Token(OP_ASGIN, "%")
+ Token(TkOPASGN, :%)
elsif @lex_state == EXPR_ARG and @space_seen and peek(0) !~ /\s/
@@ -691,7 +701,7 @@ class RubyLex
if ch == "!" or ch == "?"
token.concat getc
- # fix token
+ # almost fix token
case token
when /^\$/
@@ -752,6 +762,7 @@ class RubyLex
def identify_here_document
ch = getc
+# if lt = PERCENT_LTYPE[ch]
if ch == "-"
ch = getc
indent = true
@@ -835,8 +846,8 @@ class RubyLex
type = TkINTEGER
- allow_point = TRUE
- allow_e = TRUE
+ allow_point = true
+ allow_e = true
while ch = getc
case ch
when /[0-9_]/
@@ -954,7 +965,7 @@ class RubyLex
- # other characters
+ # other characters
diff --git a/lib/irb/ruby-token.rb b/lib/irb/ruby-token.rb
index 1532dc78eb..2e5715c9f7 100644
--- a/lib/irb/ruby-token.rb
+++ b/lib/irb/ruby-token.rb
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
-# ruby-token.rb - ruby tokens
-# $Release Version: 0.6$
+# irb/ruby-token.rb - ruby tokens
+# $Release Version: 0.7.3$
# $Revision$
# $Date$
-# by Keiju ISHITSUKA(Nippon Rational Inc.)
+# by Keiju ISHITSUKA(
# --
@@ -17,6 +17,11 @@ module RubyToken
+ # for ruby 1.4X
+ if !defined?(Symbol)
+ Symbol = Integer
+ end
class Token
def initialize(seek, line_no, char_no)
@@ -241,7 +246,7 @@ module RubyToken
TkSymbol2Token = {}
def RubyToken.def_token(token_n, super_token = Token, reading = nil, *opts)
- token_n = token_n.id2name unless token_n.kind_of?(String)
+ token_n = token_n.id2name if token_n.kind_of?(Symbol)
if RubyToken.const_defined?(token_n) AlreadyDefinedToken, token_n
diff --git a/lib/irb/slex.rb b/lib/irb/slex.rb
index 85aa92bd73..26008906e5 100644
--- a/lib/irb/slex.rb
+++ b/lib/irb/slex.rb
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
-# irb-slex.rb - symple lex analizer
-# $Release Version: 0.6$
+# irb/slex.rb - symple lex analizer
+# $Release Version: 0.7.3$
# $Revision$
# $Date$
-# by Keiju ISHITSUKA(Nippon Rational Inc.)
+# by Keiju ISHITSUKA(
# --
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ class SLex
def_exception :ErrNodeAlreadyExists, "node already exists"
class << self
- attr :debug_level, TRUE
+ attr_accessor :debug_level
def debug?
debug_level > 0
@@ -88,16 +88,16 @@ class SLex
class Node
- # if postproc no exist, this node is abstract node.
- # if postproc isn't nil, this node is real node.
+ # if postproc is nil, this node is an abstract node.
+ # if postproc is non-nil, this node is a real node.
def initialize(preproc = nil, postproc = nil)
@Tree = {}
@preproc = preproc
@postproc = postproc
- attr :preproc, TRUE
- attr :postproc, TRUE
+ attr_accessor :preproc
+ attr_accessor :postproc
def search(chrs, opt = nil)
return self if chrs.empty?
@@ -159,8 +159,8 @@ class SLex
# chrs: String
# character array
- # io It must have getc()/ungetc(), and ungetc() can be
- # called any number of times.
+ # io must have getc()/ungetc(); and ungetc() must be
+ # able to be called arbitrary number of times.
def match(chrs, op = "")
print "match>: ", chrs, "op:", op, "\n" if SLex.debug?
@@ -265,7 +265,7 @@ if $0 == __FILE__
print "0: ", tr.inspect, "\n"
tr.def_rule("=") {print "=\n"}
print "1: ", tr.inspect, "\n"
- tr.def_rule("==", proc{FALSE}) {print "==\n"}
+ tr.def_rule("==", proc{false}) {print "==\n"}
print "2: ", tr.inspect, "\n"
print "case 1:\n"
diff --git a/lib/irb/version.rb b/lib/irb/version.rb
index 7179d1c163..367cc21046 100644
--- a/lib/irb/version.rb
+++ b/lib/irb/version.rb
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
-# version.rb - irb version definition file
-# $Release Version: 0.6.1$
+# irb/version.rb - irb version definition file
+# $Release Version: 0.7.4$
# $Revision$
# $Date$
-# by Keiju ISHITSUKA(Nihon Rational Software Co.,Ltd)
+# by Keiju ISHITSUKA(
# --
@@ -11,6 +11,6 @@
module IRB
- @RELEASE_VERSION = "0.6.1"
- @LAST_UPDATE_DATE = "99/09/16"
+ @RELEASE_VERSION = "0.7.4"
+ @LAST_UPDATE_DATE = "01/05/08"
diff --git a/lib/irb/workspace-binding-2.rb b/lib/irb/workspace-binding-2.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index d005296f6e..0000000000
--- a/lib/irb/workspace-binding-2.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-# bind.rb -
-# $Release Version: $
-# $Revision$
-# $Date$
-# by Keiju ISHITSUKA(Nihon Rational Software Co.,Ltd)
-# --
-while true
- IRB::BINDING_QUEUE.push b = binding
diff --git a/lib/irb/workspace-binding.rb b/lib/irb/workspace-binding.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index d58088d9dd..0000000000
--- a/lib/irb/workspace-binding.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,77 +0,0 @@
-# workspace-binding.rb -
-# $Release Version: $
-# $Revision$
-# $Date$
-# by Keiju ISHITSUKA(Nihon Rational Software Co.,Ltd)
-# --
-module IRB
- # create new workspace.
- def IRB.workspace_binding(*main)
- else
- when 0
- bind = eval("proc{binding}.call",
- "(irb_local_binding)",
- 1)
- when 1
- require "tempfile"
- f ="irb-binding")
- f.print <<EOF
- $binding = binding
- f.close
- load f.path
- bind = $binding
- when 2
- unless defined? BINDING_QUEUE
- require "thread"
- IRB.const_set("BINDING_QUEUE",
- Thread.abort_on_exception = true
- Thread.start do
- eval "require \"irb/workspace-binding-2\"", TOPLEVEL_BINDING, __FILE__, __LINE__
- end
- Thread.pass
- end
- bind = BINDING_QUEUE.pop
- when 3
- bind = eval("def irb_binding; binding; end; irb_binding",
- __FILE__,
- __LINE__ - 3)
- end
- end
- unless main.empty?
- @CONF[:__MAIN__] = main[0]
- case main[0]
- when Module
- bind = eval("IRB.conf[:__MAIN__].module_eval('binding')", bind)
- else
- begin
- bind = eval("IRB.conf[:__MAIN__].instance_eval('binding')", bind)
- rescue TypeError
- CanNotChangeBinding, main[0].inspect
- end
- end
- end
- eval("_=nil", bind)
- bind
- end
- def IRB.delete_caller
- end
diff --git a/lib/irb/workspace.rb b/lib/irb/workspace.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..68559a1173
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/irb/workspace.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
+# irb/workspace-binding.rb -
+# $Release Version: 0.7.3$
+# $Revision$
+# $Date$
+# by Keiju ISHITSUKA(
+# --
+module IRB
+ class WorkSpace
+ # create new workspace.
+ # set self to main if specified, otherwise inherit main
+ def initialize(*main)
+ if IRB.conf[:SINGLE_IRB]
+ else
+ case IRB.conf[:CONTEXT_MODE]
+ when 0 # binding in proc on TOPLEVEL_BINDING
+ @binding = eval("proc{binding}.call",
+ __FILE__,
+ __LINE__)
+ when 1 # binding in loaded file
+ require "tempfile"
+ f ="irb-binding")
+ f.print <<EOF
+ $binding = binding
+ f.close
+ load f.path
+ @binding = $binding
+ when 2 # binding in loaded file(thread use)
+ unless defined? BINDING_QUEUE
+ require "thread"
+ IRB.const_set("BINDING_QUEUE",
+ Thread.abort_on_exception = true
+ Thread.start do
+ eval "require \"irb/ws-for-case-2\"", TOPLEVEL_BINDING, __FILE__, __LINE__
+ end
+ Thread.pass
+ end
+ @binding = BINDING_QUEUE.pop
+ when 3 # binging in function on TOPLEVEL_BINDING(default)
+ @binding = eval("def irb_binding; binding; end; irb_binding",
+ __FILE__,
+ __LINE__ - 3)
+ end
+ end
+ if main.empty?
+ @main = eval "self", @binding
+ else
+ @main = main[0]
+ IRB.conf[:__MAIN__] = @main
+ case @main
+ when Module
+ @binding = eval("IRB.conf[:__MAIN__].module_eval('binding', __FILE__, __LINE__)", @binding, __FILE__, __LINE__)
+ else
+ begin
+ @binding = eval("IRB.conf[:__MAIN__].instance_eval('binding', __FILE__, __LINE__)", @binding, __FILE__, __LINE__)
+ rescue TypeError
+ CanNotChangeBinding, @main.inspect
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ eval("_=nil", @binding)
+ end
+ attr_reader :binding
+ attr_reader :main
+ def evaluate(statements, file = __FILE__, line = __LINE__)
+ eval statements, @binding, file, line
+ end
+ # error message manupilator
+ def filter_backtrace(bt)
+ case IRB.conf[:CONTEXT_MODE]
+ when 0
+ return nil if bt =~ /\(irb_local_binding\)/
+ when 1
+ if(bt =~ %r!/tmp/irb-binding! or
+ bt =~ %r!irb/.*\.rb! or
+ bt =~ /irb\.rb/)
+ return nil
+ end
+ when 2
+ return nil if bt =~ /irb\/.*\.rb/
+ when 3
+ return nil if bt =~ /irb\/.*\.rb/
+ bt.sub!(/:\s*in `irb_binding'/){""}
+ end
+ bt
+ end
+ def IRB.delete_caller
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/lib/irb/ws-for-case-2.rb b/lib/irb/ws-for-case-2.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8cfa87ae3d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/irb/ws-for-case-2.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+# irb/ws-for-case-2.rb -
+# $Release Version: 0.7.3$
+# $Revision$
+# $Date$
+# by Keiju ISHITSUKA(
+# --
+while true
+ IRB::BINDING_QUEUE.push b = binding
diff --git a/lib/irb/xmp.rb b/lib/irb/xmp.rb
index fc745a2757..e0bcee4bdb 100644
--- a/lib/irb/xmp.rb
+++ b/lib/irb/xmp.rb
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
# xmp.rb - irb version of gotoken xmp
-# $Release Version: 0.6$
+# $Release Version: 0.7.1$
# $Revision$
# $Date$
# by Keiju ISHITSUKA(Nippon Rational Inc.)
diff --git a/lib/mkmf.rb b/lib/mkmf.rb
index 317200ba79..e9c78dace7 100644
--- a/lib/mkmf.rb
+++ b/lib/mkmf.rb
@@ -12,12 +12,14 @@ SRC_EXT = ["c", "cc", "m", "cxx", "cpp", "C"]
$config_cache = CONFIG["compile_dir"]+"/ext/config.cache"
$srcdir = CONFIG["srcdir"]
-$libdir = CONFIG["libdir"]+"/ruby/"+CONFIG["MAJOR"]+"."+CONFIG["MINOR"]
-$archdir = $libdir+"/"+CONFIG["arch"]
-$sitelibdir = CONFIG["sitedir"]+"/"+CONFIG["MAJOR"]+"."+CONFIG["MINOR"]
-$sitearchdir = $sitelibdir+"/"+CONFIG["arch"]
-if File.exist? $archdir + "/ruby.h"
+$libdir = CONFIG["libdir"]
+$rubylibdir = CONFIG["rubylibdir"]
+$archdir = CONFIG["archdir"]
+$sitedir = CONFIG["sitedir"]
+$sitelibdir = CONFIG["sitelibdir"]
+$sitearchdir = CONFIG["sitearchdir"]
+if File.exist? Config::CONFIG["archdir"] + "/ruby.h"
$hdrdir = $archdir
elsif File.exist? $srcdir + "/ruby.h"
$hdrdir = $srcdir
@@ -43,7 +45,7 @@ else
$null = open('test.log', 'w')
-LINK = "#{CONFIG['CC']} -o conftest -I#{$hdrdir} #{CFLAGS} -I#{CONFIG['includedir']} %s #{CONFIG['LDFLAGS']} %s conftest.c %s %s #{CONFIG['LIBS']}"
+LINK = "#{CONFIG['CC']} -o conftest -I#{$hdrdir} #{CFLAGS} -I#{CONFIG['includedir']} %s %s #{CONFIG['LDFLAGS']} %s conftest.c %s %s #{CONFIG['LIBS']}"
CPP = "#{CONFIG['CPP']} -E %s -I#{$hdrdir} #{CFLAGS} -I#{CONFIG['includedir']} %s %s conftest.c"
def rm_f(*files)
@@ -60,6 +62,7 @@ end
$orgerr = $stderr.dup
$orgout = $stdout.dup
def xsystem command
+ Config.expand(command)
print command, "\n"
return system(command)
@@ -155,7 +158,9 @@ def install_rb(mfile, dest, srcdir = nil)
mfile.printf "\t@$(RUBY) -r ftools -e 'File::makedirs(*ARGV)' %s/%s\n", dest, f
for f in path
- mfile.printf "\t@$(RUBY) -r ftools -e 'File::install(ARGV[0], ARGV[1], 0644, true)' lib/%s %s/%s\n", f, dest, f
+ d = '/' + File::dirname(f)
+ d = '' if d == '/.'
+ mfile.printf "\t@$(RUBY) -r ftools -e 'File::install(ARGV[0], ARGV[1], 0644, true)' %s/%s %s%s\n", libdir, f, dest, d
@@ -334,24 +339,32 @@ def dir_config(target, idefault=nil, ldefault=nil)
idefault = default + "/include"
ldefault = default + "/lib"
- dir = with_config("%s-dir"%target, default)
- if dir
- idir = " -I"+dir+"/include"
- ldir = dir+"/lib"
- end
- unless idir
- dir = with_config("%s-include"%target, idefault)
- idir = " -I"+dir if dir
+ dir = with_config(target + "-dir", default)
+ idir, ldir = if dir then [
+ dir + "/include",
+ dir + "/lib"
+ ] else [
+ with_config(target + "-include", idefault),
+ with_config(target + "-lib", ldefault)
+ ] end
+ if idir
+ idircflag = "-I" + idir
+ $CPPFLAGS += " " + idircflag unless $CPPFLAGS.split.include?(idircflag)
- unless ldir
- ldir = with_config("%s-lib"%target, ldefault)
+ if ldir
+ $LIBPATH << ldir unless $LIBPATH.include?(ldir)
- $CPPFLAGS += idir if idir
- $LIBPATH |= [ldir] if ldir
+ [idir, ldir]
def create_makefile(target, srcdir = File.dirname($0))
+ save_libs = $libs.dup
+ save_libpath = $LIBPATH.dup
print "creating Makefile\n"
rm_f "conftest*"
@@ -370,15 +383,16 @@ def create_makefile(target, srcdir = File.dirname($0))
- if $configure_args['--enable-shared'] or CONFIG['LIBRUBY'] != CONFIG['LIBRUBY_A']
- $libs = CONFIG["LIBRUBYARG"] + " " + $libs
- $LIBPATH |= ["$(topdir)", CONFIG["libdir"]]
- end
+ $libs = CONFIG["LIBRUBYARG"] + " " + $libs
+ $configure_args['--enable-shared'] or $LIBPATH |= [$topdir]
+ $LIBPATH |= [CONFIG["libdir"]]
defflag = ''
if RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /cygwin|mingw/
- open(target + '.def', 'wb') do |f|
- f.print "EXPORTS\n", "Init_", target, "\n"
+ if not File.exist? target + '.def'
+ open(target + '.def', 'wb') do |f|
+ f.print "EXPORTS\n", "Init_", target, "\n"
+ end
defflag = "--def=" + target + ".def"
@@ -427,6 +441,8 @@ LIBPATH = #{libpath}
+arch = #{CONFIG["arch"]}
+ruby_version = #{Config::CONFIG["ruby_version"]}
if destdir = CONFIG["prefix"].scan(drive)[0] and !destdir.empty?
"\nDESTDIR = " + destdir
@@ -435,11 +451,13 @@ else
prefix = $(DESTDIR)#{CONFIG["prefix"].sub(drive, '')}
-exec_prefix = $(DESTDIR)#{CONFIG["exec_prefix"].sub(drive, '')}
-libdir = $(DESTDIR)#{$libdir.sub(drive, '')}#{target_prefix}
-archdir = $(DESTDIR)#{$archdir.sub(drive, '')}#{target_prefix}
-sitelibdir = $(DESTDIR)#{$sitelibdir.sub(drive, '')}#{target_prefix}
-sitearchdir = $(DESTDIR)#{$sitearchdir.sub(drive, '')}#{target_prefix}
+exec_prefix = #{CONFIG["exec_prefix"].sub(drive, '')}
+libdir = #{$libdir.sub(drive, '')}#{target_prefix}
+rubylibdir = #{$rubylibdir.sub(drive, '')}#{target_prefix}
+archdir = #{$archdir.sub(drive, '')}#{target_prefix}
+sitedir = #{$sitedir.sub(drive, '')}#{target_prefix}
+sitelibdir = #{$sitelibdir.sub(drive, '')}#{target_prefix}
+sitearchdir = #{$sitearchdir.sub(drive, '')}#{target_prefix}
#### End of system configuration section. ####
@@ -471,10 +489,10 @@ install: $(archdir)/$(DLLIB)
site-install: $(sitearchdir)/$(DLLIB)
$(archdir)/$(DLLIB): $(DLLIB)
- @$(RUBY) -r ftools -e 'File::makedirs(*ARGV)' $(libdir) $(archdir)
+ @$(RUBY) -r ftools -e 'File::makedirs(*ARGV)' $(rubylibdir) $(archdir)
@$(RUBY) -r ftools -e 'File::install(ARGV[0], ARGV[1], 0555, true)' $(DLLIB) $(archdir)/$(DLLIB)
- install_rb(mfile, "$(libdir)")
+ install_rb(mfile, "$(rubylibdir)", srcdir)
mfile.printf "\n"
mfile.printf <<EOMF
@@ -482,21 +500,42 @@ $(sitearchdir)/$(DLLIB): $(DLLIB)
@$(RUBY) -r ftools -e 'File::makedirs(*ARGV)' $(libdir) $(sitearchdir)
@$(RUBY) -r ftools -e 'File::install(ARGV[0], ARGV[1], 0555, true)' $(DLLIB) $(sitearchdir)/$(DLLIB)
- install_rb(mfile, "$(sitelibdir)")
+ install_rb(mfile, "$(sitelibdir)", srcdir)
mfile.printf "\n"
if /mswin32/ !~ RUBY_PLATFORM
mfile.print "
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) -c -o $@ $<
+ $(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) -c -o $@ $<
+ $(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) -c -o $@ $<
+ $(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) -c -o $@ $<
+ $(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) -c -o $@ $<
elsif /nmake/i =~ $make
mfile.print "
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -I$(<D) $(CPPFLAGS) -c $(<:/=\\)
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -I$(<D) $(CPPFLAGS) -c $(<:/=\\)
+ $(CXX) -I. -I$(<D) $(CXXFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) -c $(<:/=\\){$OBJEXT}:
+ $(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) -c $(<:/=\\)
+ $(CXX) -I. -I$(<D) $(CXXFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) -c $(<:/=\\)
+ $(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) -c $(<:/=\\)
+ $(CXX) -I. -I$(<D) $(CXXFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) -c $(<:/=\\)
+ $(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) -c $(<:/=\\)
mfile.print "
@@ -504,6 +543,9 @@ EOMF
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) -c $(subst /,\\\\,$<)
+{$OBJEXT} .cpp.#{$OBJEXT} .cxx.#{$OBJEXT} .C.#{$OBJEXT}:
+ $(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) -c $(subst /,\\\\,$<)
@@ -536,6 +578,8 @@ EOMF
+ $libs = save_libs
+ $LIBPATH = save_libpath
@@ -550,20 +594,10 @@ $LOCAL_LIBS = ""
$defs = []
$make = with_config("make-prog", ENV["MAKE"] || "make")
-dir = with_config("opt-dir")
-if dir
- idir = "-I"+dir+"/include"
- ldir = dir+"/lib"
-unless idir
- dir = with_config("opt-include")
- idir = "-I"+dir if dir
-unless ldir
- ldir = with_config("opt-lib")
$CFLAGS = with_config("cflags", "")
-$CPPFLAGS = [with_config("cppflags", ""), idir].compact.join(" ")
+$CPPFLAGS = with_config("cppflags", "")
$LDFLAGS = with_config("ldflags", "")
-$LIBPATH = [ldir].compact
+$LIBPATH = []
diff --git a/lib/monitor.rb b/lib/monitor.rb
index 75d9c35821..721c51a9f5 100644
--- a/lib/monitor.rb
+++ b/lib/monitor.rb
@@ -1,27 +1,44 @@
-Author: Shugo Maeda <>
-Version: 1.2.1
+= monitor.rb
+Copyright (C) 2001 Shugo Maeda <>
- foo =
- foo.extend(MonitorMixin)
- cond = foo.new_cond
+This library is distributed under the terms of the Ruby license.
+You can freely distribute/modify this library.
- thread1:
- foo.synchronize {
- ...
- cond.wait_until { foo.done? }
- ...
- }
+== example
- thread2:
- foo.synchronize {
- foo.do_something
- cond.signal
- }
+This is a simple example.
+ require 'monitor.rb'
+ buf = []
+ buf.extend(MonitorMixin)
+ empty_cond = buf.new_cond
+ # consumer
+ Thread.start do
+ loop do
+ buf.synchronize do
+ empty_cond.wait_while { buf.empty? }
+ print buf.shift
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ # producer
+ while line = ARGF.gets
+ buf.synchronize do
+ buf.push(line)
+ empty_cond.signal
+ end
+ end
+The consumer thread waits for the producer thread to push a line
+to buf while buf.empty?, and the producer thread (main thread)
+reads a line from ARGF and push it to buf, then call
@@ -52,6 +69,15 @@ module MonitorMixin
raise ThreadError, "current thread not owner"
+ if timeout
+ ct = Thread.current
+ timeout_thread = Thread.start {
+ Thread.pass
+ sleep(timeout)
+ ct.raise(
+ }
+ end
Thread.critical = true
count = @monitor.mon_count
@monitor.mon_count = 0
@@ -63,34 +89,28 @@ module MonitorMixin
t.wakeup if t
- if timeout
- t = Thread.current
- timeout_thread = Thread.start {
- sleep(timeout)
- t.raise(
- }
- end
rescue Timeout
- @waiters.delete(Thread.current)
+ Thread.critical = true
if timeout && timeout_thread.alive?
+ if @waiters.include?(Thread.current) # interrupted?
+ @waiters.delete(Thread.current)
+ end
+ while @monitor.mon_owner &&
+ @monitor.mon_owner != Thread.current
+ @monitor.mon_waiting_queue.push(Thread.current)
+ Thread.stop
+ Thread.critical = true
+ end
+ @monitor.mon_owner = Thread.current
+ @monitor.mon_count = count
+ Thread.critical = false
- Thread.critical = true
- while @monitor.mon_owner &&
- @monitor.mon_owner != Thread.current
- @monitor.mon_waiting_queue.push(Thread.current)
- Thread.stop
- Thread.critical = true
- end
- @monitor.mon_owner = Thread.current
- @monitor.mon_count = count
- Thread.critical = false
def wait_while
diff --git a/lib/net/http.rb b/lib/net/http.rb
index 3900ed6c68..26e5285525 100644
--- a/lib/net/http.rb
+++ b/lib/net/http.rb
@@ -1,8 +1,9 @@
-= net/http.rb version 1.1.32
+= net/http.rb version 1.1.34
+written by Minero Aoki <>
-maintained by Minero Aoki <>
This file is derived from "http-access.rb".
This program is free software.
@@ -14,9 +15,34 @@ You can get it from RAA
(Ruby Application Archive:
-= class HTTP
+== http.rb version 1.2 features
+You can use 1.2 features by calling HTTP.version_1_2. And
+calling Net::HTTP.version_1_1 allows to use 1.1 features.
+ # example
+ HTTP.start {|http1| ...(http1 has 1.1 features)... }
+ HTTP.version_1_2
+ HTTP.start {|http2| ...(http2 has 1.2 features)... }
+ HTTP.version_1_1
+ HTTP.start {|http3| ...(http3 has 1.1 features)... }
+Changes are:
-== Class Methods
+ * HTTP#get, head, post does not raise ProtocolError
+ * HTTP#get, head, post returns only one object, a HTTPResponse object
+ * HTTPResponseReceiver is joined into HTTPResponse
+ * request object: HTTP::Get, Head, Post; and HTTP#request(req)
+WARNING: These features are not definite yet.
+They will change without notice!
+== class HTTP
+=== Class Methods
: new( address = 'localhost', port = 80, proxy_addr = nil, proxy_port = nil )
creates a new Net::HTTP object.
@@ -49,7 +75,7 @@ You can get it from RAA
HTTP default port (80).
-== Methods
+=== Methods
: start
: start {|http| .... }
@@ -72,7 +98,7 @@ You can get it from RAA
get data from "path" on connecting host.
"header" must be a Hash like { 'Accept' => '*/*', ... }.
Data is written to "dest" by using "<<" method.
- This method returns Net::HTTPResponse object, and "dest".
+ This method returns HTTPResponse object, and "dest".
# example
response, body = http.get( '/index.html' )
@@ -95,7 +121,7 @@ You can get it from RAA
: head( path, header = nil )
gets only header from "path" on connecting host.
"header" is a Hash like { 'Accept' => '*/*', ... }.
- This method returns a Net::HTTPResponse object.
+ This method returns a HTTPResponse object.
You can http header from this object like:
response['content-length'] #-> '2554'
@@ -109,7 +135,7 @@ You can get it from RAA
If the body exists, also gets entity body.
Data is written to "dest" by using "<<" method.
"header" must be a Hash like { 'Accept' => '*/*', ... }.
- This method returns Net::HTTPResponse object and "dest".
+ This method returns HTTPResponse object and "dest".
If called with block, gives a part of entity body string.
@@ -181,21 +207,21 @@ You can get it from RAA
-= class HTTPResponse
+== class HTTPResponse
HTTP response object.
All "key" is case-insensitive.
-== Methods
+=== Methods
: body
- the entity body. ("dest" argument for HTTP#get, post, put)
+ the entity body (String).
: self[ key ]
returns header field for "key".
for HTTP, value is a string like 'text/plain'(for Content-Type),
- '2045'(for Content-Length), 'bytes 0-1024/10024'(for Content-Range).
- Multiple header had be joined by HTTP1.1 scheme.
+ '2045'(for Content-Length), 'bytes 0-1023/10024'(for Content-Range).
+ If there's some fields which has same name, they are joined with ','.
: self[ key ] = val
set field value for "key".
@@ -204,88 +230,92 @@ All "key" is case-insensitive.
true if key exists
: each {|name,value| .... }
- iterates for each field name and value pair
+ iterates for each field name and value pair.
: code
- HTTP result code string. For example, '302'
+ HTTP result code string. For example, '302'.
: message
- HTTP result message. For example, 'Not Found'
+ HTTP result message. For example, 'Not Found'.
-= class HTTPResponseReceiver
+== class HTTPResponseReceiver
-== Methods
+=== Methods
: header
: response
- Net::HTTPResponse object
+ HTTPResponse object
-: body( dest = '' )
-: entity( dest = '' )
- entity body. A body is written to "dest" using "<<" method.
+: read_body( dest = '' )
+ reads entity body into DEST by calling "<<" method and
+ returns DEST.
-: body {|str| ... }
- gets entity body with block.
- If this method is called twice, block is not executed and
- returns first "dest".
+: read_body {|string| ... }
+ reads entity body little by little and gives it to block
+ until entity ends.
+: body
+: entity
+ entity body. If #read_body is called already, returns its
+ argument DEST. Else returns entity body as String.
-= http.rb version 1.2 features
+ Calling this method any times causes returning same
+ object (does not read entity again).
-You can use 1.2 features by calling HTTP.version_1_2. And
-calling Net::HTTP.version_1_1 allows to use 1.1 features.
- # example
- HTTP.start {|http1| ...(http1 has 1.1 features)... }
+require 'net/protocol'
- HTTP.version_1_2
- HTTP.start {|http2| ...(http2 has 1.2 features)... }
- HTTP.version_1_1
- HTTP.start {|http3| ...(http3 has 1.1 features)... }
+module Net
-== Method (only diff to 1.1)
+ class HTTPBadResponse < StandardError; end
+ class HTTPHeaderSyntaxError < StandardError; end
-: get( path, u_header = nil )
-: get( path, u_header = nil ) {|str| .... }
- gets document from "path".
- returns HTTPResponse object.
-: head( path, u_header = nil )
- gets only document header from "path".
- returns HTTPResponse object.
+ class HTTP < Protocol
-: post( path, data, u_header = nil )
-: post( path, data, u_header = nil ) {|str| .... }
- posts "data" to "path" entity and gets document.
- returns HTTPResponse object.
+ HTTPVersion = '1.1'
+ #
+ # connection
+ #
-require 'net/protocol'
+ protocol_param :port, '80'
-module Net
+ def initialize( addr = nil, port = nil )
+ super
- class HTTPBadResponse < StandardError; end
+ @proxy_address = nil
+ @proxy_port = nil
+ @curr_http_version = HTTPVersion
+ @seems_1_0_server = false
+ end
- class HTTP < Protocol
- protocol_param :port, '80'
- protocol_param :command_type, '::Net::NetPrivate::HTTPCommand'
+ private
+ def conn_command( sock )
+ end
+ def do_finish
+ end
+ #
+ # proxy
+ #
+ public
- ###
- ### proxy
- ###
class << self
def Proxy( p_addr, p_port = nil )
- ::Net::NetPrivate::HTTPProxy.create_proxy_class(
- p_addr, p_port || self.port )
+ ProxyMod.create_proxy_class( p_addr, p_port || self.port )
alias orig_new new
@@ -293,7 +323,7 @@ module Net
def new( address = nil, port = nil, p_addr = nil, p_port = nil )
c = p_addr ? self::Proxy(p_addr, p_port) : self
i = c.orig_new( address, port )
- setimplv i
+ setvar i
@@ -332,385 +362,230 @@ module Net
- ###
- ### 1.2 implementation
- ###
+ module ProxyMod
- @@newimpl = false
+ class << self
- #class << self
+ def create_proxy_class( p_addr, p_port )
+ mod = self
+ klass = HTTP )
+ klass.module_eval {
+ include mod
+ @proxy_address = p_addr
+ @proxy_port = p_port
+ }
+ def klass.proxy_class?
+ true
+ end
- def self.version_1_2
- @@newimpl = true
- end
+ def klass.proxy_address
+ @proxy_address
+ end
- def self.version_1_1
- @@newimpl = false
- end
+ def klass.proxy_port
+ @proxy_port
+ end
- #private
+ klass
+ end
- def self.setimplv( obj )
- f = @@newimpl
- obj.instance_eval { @newimpl = f }
- #end
- ###
- ### http operations
- ###
- def get( path, u_header = nil, dest = nil, &block )
- resp = get2( path, u_header ) {|f| f.body( dest, &block ) }
- if @newimpl then
- resp
- else
- resp.value
- return resp, resp.body
+ def initialize( addr, port )
+ super
+ @proxy_address = type.proxy_address
+ @proxy_port = type.proxy_port
- end
- def get2( path, u_header = nil, &block )
- common_oper( u_header, true, block ) {|uh|
- @command.get edit_path(path), uh
- }
- end
+ attr_reader :proxy_address, :proxy_port
+ alias proxyaddr proxy_address
+ alias proxyport proxy_port
- def head( path, u_header = nil )
- resp = head2( path, u_header )
- unless @newimpl then
- resp.value
+ def proxy?
+ true
- resp
- end
- def head2( path, u_header = nil, &block )
- common_oper( u_header, false, block ) {|uh|
- @command.head edit_path(path), uh
- }
- end
- def post( path, data, u_header = nil, dest = nil, &block )
- resp = post2( path, data, u_header ) {|f| f.body( dest, &block ) }
- if @newimpl then
- resp
- else
- resp.value
- return resp, resp.body
+ private
+ def conn_socket( addr, port )
+ super @proxy_address, @proxy_port
- end
- def post2( path, data, u_header = nil, &block )
- common_oper( u_header, true, block ) {|uh|
- edit_path(path), uh, data
- }
- end
- # not tested because I could not setup apache (__;;;
- def put( path, src, u_header = nil )
- resp = put2( path, src, u_header ) {|f| f.body }
- if @newimpl then
- resp
- else
- resp.value
- return resp, resp.body
+ def edit_path( path )
+ 'http://' + addr_port + path
- end
+ end # module ProxyMod
- def put2( path, src, u_header = nil, &block )
- common_oper( u_header, true, block ) {|uh|
- @command.put path, uh, src
- }
- end
- private
- def common_oper( u_header, body_exist, block )
- header = procheader( u_header )
- recv = err = nil
- connecting( header ) {
- recv = @command, body_exist )
- yield header
- begin
- recv if block
- rescue Exception => err
- ;
- end
- recv.terminate
- recv.response
- }
- raise err if err
- recv.response
- end
+ #
+ # for backward compatibility
+ #
- def connecting( header )
- if not @socket then
- header['Connection'] = 'close'
- start
- elsif @socket.closed? then
- @socket.reopen
- end
+ @@newimpl = false
- resp = yield
+ class << self
- unless keep_alive? header, resp then
- @socket.close
+ def version_1_2
+ @@newimpl = true
- end
- def keep_alive?( header, resp )
- if resp.key? 'connection' then
- if /keep-alive/i === resp['connection'] then
- return true
- end
- elsif resp.key? 'proxy-connection' then
- if /keep-alive/i === resp['proxy-connection'] then
- return true
- end
- elsif header.key? 'Connection' then
- if /keep-alive/i === header['Connection'] then
- return true
- end
- else
- if @command.http_version == '1.1' then
- return true
- end
+ def version_1_1
+ @@newimpl = false
- false
- end
- def procheader( h )
- ret = {}
- ret[ 'Host' ] = address +
- ((port == HTTP.port) ? '' : ":#{port}")
- ret[ 'Connection' ] = 'Keep-Alive'
- ret[ 'Accept' ] = '*/*'
+ private
- return ret unless h
- tmp = {}
- h.each do |k,v|
- key = k.split('-').collect {|i| i.capitalize }.join('-')
- if tmp[key] then
- $stderr.puts "'#{key}' http header appered twice" if $VERBOSE
- end
- tmp[key] = v
+ def setvar( obj )
+ f = @@newimpl
+ obj.instance_eval { @newimpl = f }
- ret.update tmp
- ret
- def do_finish
- end
+ #
+ # http operations
+ #
- end
- HTTPSession = HTTP
- module NetPrivate
- module HTTPProxy
- class << self
- def create_proxy_class( p_addr, p_port )
- klass = HTTP )
- klass.module_eval {
- include HTTPProxy
- @proxy_address = p_addr
- @proxy_port = p_port
- }
- def klass.proxy_class?
- true
- end
+ public
- def klass.proxy_address
- @proxy_address
+ def self.def_http_method( nm, hasdest, hasdata )
+ name = nm.id2name.downcase
+ cname = nm.id2name
+ lineno = __LINE__ + 2
+ src = <<" ----"
+ def #{name}( path, #{hasdata ? 'data,' : ''}
+ u_header = nil #{hasdest ? ',dest = nil, &block' : ''} )
+ resp = nil
+ request(
+ #{cname}.new( path, u_header ) #{hasdata ? ',data' : ''}
+ ) do |resp|
+ resp.read_body( #{hasdest ? 'dest, &block' : ''} )
+ end
+ if @newimpl then
+ resp
+ else
+ resp.value
+ #{hasdest ? 'return resp, resp.body' : 'resp'}
+ end
- def klass.proxy_port
- @proxy_port
+ def #{name}2( path, #{hasdata ? 'data,' : ''}
+ u_header = nil, &block )
+ request( #{cname}.new(path, u_header),
+ #{hasdata ? 'data,' : ''} &block )
- klass
- end
- end
- def initialize( addr, port )
- super
- @proxy_address = type.proxy_address
- @proxy_port = type.proxy_port
+ ----
+ module_eval src, __FILE__, lineno
- attr_reader :proxy_address, :proxy_port
+ def_http_method :Get, true, false
+ def_http_method :Head, false, false
+ def_http_method :Post, true, true
+ def_http_method :Put, false, true
- alias proxyaddr proxy_address
- alias proxyport proxy_port
- def proxy?
- true
- end
- def connect( addr = nil, port = nil )
- super @proxy_address, @proxy_port
- end
- def edit_path( path )
- 'http://' + address + (port == type.port ? '' : ":#{port}") + path
+ def request( req, *args )
+ common_oper( req ) {
+ req.__send__( :exec,
+ @socket, @curr_http_version, edit_path(req.path), *args )
+ yield req.response if block_given?
+ }
+ req.response
- end
- end # net private
+ private
- class HTTPResponseReceiver
- def initialize( command, body_exist )
- @command = command
- @body_exist = body_exist
- @header = @body = nil
- end
- def inspect
- "#<#{type}>"
- end
- def read_header
- unless @header then
- stream_check
- @header = @command.get_response
+ def common_oper( req )
+ req['connection'] ||= 'keep-alive'
+ if not @socket then
+ start
+ req['connection'] = 'close'
+ elsif @socket.closed? then
+ re_connect
- @header
- end
- alias header read_header
- alias response read_header
- def read_body( dest = nil, &block )
- unless @body then
- read_header
- to = procdest( dest, block )
- stream_check
- if @body_exist and @header.code_type.body_exist? then
- @command.get_body @header, to
- @header.body = @body = to
- else
- @command.no_body
- @header.body = nil
- @body = 1
- end
+ if not req.body_exist? or @seems_1_0_server then
+ req['connection'] = 'close'
- @body == 1 ? nil : @body
- end
- alias body read_body
- alias entity read_body
+ req['host'] = addr_port
- def terminate
- read_header
- read_body
- @command = nil
- end
+ yield req
+ req.response.__send__ :terminate
+ @curr_http_version = req.response.http_version
- private
- def stream_check
- unless @command then
- raise IOError, 'receiver was used out of block'
- end
- end
- def procdest( dest, block )
- if dest and block then
- raise ArgumentError,
- 'both of arg and block are given for HTTP method'
- end
- if block then
- block
+ if not req.response.body then
+ @socket.close
+ elsif keep_alive? req, req.response then
+ D 'Conn keep-alive'
+ if @socket.closed? then # (only) read stream had been closed
+ D 'Conn (but seems 1.0 server)'
+ @seems_1_0_server = true
+ @socket.close
+ end
- dest or ''
+ D 'Conn close'
+ @socket.close
- end
- end
- HTTPReadAdapter = HTTPResponseReceiver
- class HTTPResponse < Response
- def initialize( code_type, code, msg )
- super
- @data = {}
- @body = nil
+ req.response
- attr_accessor :body
+ def keep_alive?( req, res )
+ /close/i === req['connection'].to_s and return false
+ @seems_1_0_server and return false
- def inspect
- "#<#{} #{code}>"
- end
+ /keep-alive/i === res['connection'].to_s and return true
+ /close/i === res['connection'].to_s and return false
+ /keep-alive/i === res['proxy-connection'].to_s and return true
+ /close/i === res['proxy-connection'].to_s and return false
- def []( key )
- @data[ key.downcase ]
+ @curr_http_version == '1.1' and return true
+ false
- def []=( key, val )
- @data[ key.downcase ] = val
- end
- def each( &block )
- @data.each( &block )
- end
+ #
+ # utils
+ #
- def each_key( &block )
- @data.each_key( &block )
- end
+ public
- def each_value( &block )
- @data.each_value( &block )
+ def self.get( addr, path, port = nil )
+ req = path )
+ resp = nil
+ new( addr, port || HTTP.port ).start {|http|
+ resp = http.request( req )
+ }
+ resp.body
- def delete( key )
- @data.delete key.downcase
+ def self.get_print( addr, path, port = nil )
+ print get( addr, path, port )
- def key?( key )
- @data.key? key.downcase
- end
- def to_hash
- @data.dup
+ private
+ def addr_port
+ address + (port == HTTP.port ? '' : ":#{port}")
- def value
- unless SuccessCode === self then
- error! self
+ def D( msg )
+ if @dout then
+ @dout << msg
+ @dout << "\n"
+ HTTPSession = HTTP
class Code
@@ -776,101 +651,246 @@ module Net
HTTPVersionNotSupported = HTTPServerErrorCode.http_mkchild
- module NetPrivate
+ ###
+ ### header
+ ###
- class HTTPCommand < Command
+ net_private {
- HTTPVersion = '1.1'
+ module HTTPHeader
- def initialize( sock )
- @http_version = HTTPVersion
- super sock
+ def size
+ @header.size
- attr_reader :http_version
+ alias length size
- def inspect
- "#<Net::HTTPCommand>"
+ def []( key )
+ @header[ key.downcase ]
+ def []=( key, val )
+ @header[ key.downcase ] = val
+ end
- ###
- ### request
- ###
+ def each( &block )
+ @header.each( &block )
+ end
- public
+ def each_key( &block )
+ @header.each_key( &block )
+ end
- def get( path, u_header )
- return unless begin_critical
- request sprintf('GET %s HTTP/%s', path, HTTPVersion), u_header
+ def each_value( &block )
+ @header.each_value( &block )
- def head( path, u_header )
- return unless begin_critical
- request sprintf('HEAD %s HTTP/%s', path, HTTPVersion), u_header
+ def delete( key )
+ @header.delete key.downcase
+ end
+ def key?( key )
+ @header.key? key.downcase
+ end
+ def to_hash
+ @header.dup
- def post( path, u_header, data )
- return unless begin_critical
- u_header[ 'Content-Length' ] = data.size.to_s
- request sprintf('POST %s HTTP/%s', path, HTTPVersion), u_header
- @socket.write data
+ def canonical_each
+ @header.each do |k,v|
+ yield canonical(k), v
+ end
- def put( path, u_header, src )
- return unless begin_critical
- request sprintf('PUT %s HTTP/%s', path, HTTPVersion), u_header
- @socket.write_bin src
+ def canonical( k )
+ k.split('-').collect {|i| i.capitalize }.join('-')
- # def delete
+ def range
+ s = @header['range']
+ s or return nil
- # def trace
+ arr = []
+ s.split(',').each do |spec|
+ m = /bytes\s*=\s*(\d+)?\s*-\s*(\d+)?/i.match( spec )
+ m or raise HTTPHeaderSyntaxError, "wrong Range: #{spec}"
- # def options
+ d1 = m[1].to_i
+ d2 = m[2].to_i
+ if m[1] and m[2] then arr.push (d1 .. d2)
+ elsif m[1] then arr.push (d1 .. -1)
+ elsif m[2] then arr.push (-d2 .. -1)
+ else
+ raise HTTPHeaderSyntaxError, 'range is not specified'
+ end
+ end
- def quit
+ return *arr
+ def range=( r, fin = nil )
+ if fin then
+ r = r ... r+fin
+ end
- private
+ case r
+ when Numeric
+ s = r > 0 ? "0-#{r - 1}" : "-#{-r}"
+ when Range
+ first = r.first
+ last = r.last
+ if r.exclude_end? then
+ last -= 1
+ end
- def request( req, u_header )
- @socket.writeline req
- u_header.each do |n,v|
- @socket.writeline n + ': ' + v
+ if last == -1 then
+ s = first > 0 ? "#{first}-" : "-#{-first}"
+ else
+ first >= 0 or raise HTTPHeaderSyntaxError, 'range.first is negative'
+ last > 0 or raise HTTPHeaderSyntaxError, 'range.last is negative'
+ first < last or raise HTTPHeaderSyntaxError, 'must be .first < .last'
+ s = "#{first}-#{last}"
+ end
+ else
+ raise TypeError, 'Range/Integer is required'
- @socket.writeline ''
+ @header['range'] = "bytes=#{s}"
+ r
+ alias set_range range=
- ###
- ### response line & header
- ###
+ def content_length
+ s = @header['content-length']
+ s or return nil
- public
+ m = /\d+/.match(s)
+ m or raise HTTPHeaderSyntaxError, 'wrong Content-Length format'
+ m[0].to_i
+ end
- def get_response
- resp = get_resp0
- resp = get_resp0 while ContinueCode === resp
- resp
+ def chunked?
+ s = @header['transfer-encoding']
+ (s and /(?:\A|[^\-\w])chunked(?:[^\-\w]|\z)/i === s) ? true : false
+ end
+ def content_range
+ s = @header['content-range']
+ s or return nil
+ m = %r<bytes\s+(\d+)-(\d+)/(?:\d+|\*)>i.match( s )
+ m or raise HTTPHeaderSyntaxError, 'wrong Content-Range format'
+ m[1].to_i .. m[2].to_i + 1
+ end
+ def range_length
+ r = content_range
+ r and r.length
+ end
+ def basic_auth( acc, pass )
+ @header['authorization'] =
+ 'Basic ' + ["#{acc}:#{pass}"].pack('m').gsub(/\s+/, '')
+ end
+ end
+ }
+ ###
+ ### request
+ ###
+ net_private {
+ class HTTPRequest
+ include ::Net::NetPrivate::HTTPHeader
+ def initialize( path, uhead = nil )
+ @path = path
+ @header = tmp = {}
+ return unless uhead
+ uhead.each do |k,v|
+ key = k.downcase
+ if tmp.key? key then
+ $stderr.puts "WARNING: duplicated HTTP header: #{k}" if $VERBOSE
+ end
+ tmp[ key ] = v.strip
+ end
+ tmp['accept'] ||= '*/*'
+ @socket = nil
+ @response = nil
+ end
+ attr_reader :path
+ attr_reader :response
+ def inspect
+ "\#<#{type}>"
+ end
+ def body_exist?
+ type::HAS_BODY
- def get_resp0
- resp = get_reply
+ #
+ # write
+ #
+ def exec( sock, ver, path )
+ ready( sock ) {
+ request ver, path
+ }
+ @response
+ end
+ def ready( sock )
+ @response = nil
+ @socket = sock
+ yield
+ @response = get_response
+ @socket = nil
+ end
+ def request( ver, path )
+ @socket.writeline sprintf('%s %s HTTP/%s', type::METHOD, path, ver)
+ canonical_each do |k,v|
+ @socket.writeline k + ': ' + v
+ end
+ @socket.writeline ''
+ end
+ #
+ # read
+ #
+ def get_response
+ begin
+ resp = read_response
+ end while ContinueCode === resp
+ resp
+ end
+ def read_response
+ resp = get_resline
while true do
- line = @socket.readline
+ line = @socket.readuntil( "\n", true ) # ignore EOF
+ line.sub!( /\s+\z/, '' ) # don't use chop!
break if line.empty?
m = /\A([^:]+):\s*/.match( line )
- unless m then
- raise HTTPBadResponse, 'wrong header line format'
- end
+ m or raise HTTPBadResponse, 'wrong header line format'
nm = m[1]
line = m.post_match
if resp.key? nm then
@@ -883,23 +903,117 @@ module Net
- def get_reply
+ def get_resline
str = @socket.readline
- m = /\AHTTP\/(\d+\.\d+)?\s+(\d\d\d)\s*(.*)\z/i.match( str )
- unless m then
- raise HTTPBadResponse, "wrong status line: #{str}"
- end
- @http_version = m[1]
+ m = /\AHTTP(?:\/(\d+\.\d+))?\s+(\d\d\d)\s*(.*)\z/i.match( str )
+ m or raise HTTPBadResponse, "wrong status line: #{str}"
+ httpver = m[1]
status = m[2]
discrip = m[3]
- code = HTTPCODE_TO_OBJ[status] ||
- HTTPCODE_CLASS_TO_OBJ[status[0,1]] ||
- UnknownCode
- code, status, discrip )
+ status, discrip, @socket, type::HAS_BODY, httpver )
+ end
+ end
+ class HTTPRequestWithBody < HTTPRequest
+ private
+ def exec( sock, ver, path, str = nil )
+ check_arg str, block_given?
+ if block_given? then
+ ac =
+ yield ac # must be yield, DO NOT USE
+ data = ac.terminate
+ else
+ data = str
+ end
+ @header['content-length'] = data.size.to_s
+ @header.delete 'transfer-encoding'
+ ready( sock ) {
+ request ver, path
+ @socket.write data
+ }
+ @response
+ end
+ def check_arg( data, blkp )
+ if data and blkp then
+ raise ArgumentError, 'both of data and block given'
+ end
+ unless data or blkp then
+ raise ArgumentError, 'str or block required'
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ class Accumulator
+ def initialize
+ @buf = ''
+ end
+ def write( s )
+ @buf.concat s
+ end
+ alias << write
+ def terminate
+ ret = @buf
+ @buf = nil
+ ret
+ end
+ end
+ }
+ class HTTP
+ class Get < ::Net::NetPrivate::HTTPRequest
+ HAS_BODY = true
+ end
+ class Head < ::Net::NetPrivate::HTTPRequest
+ HAS_BODY = false
+ end
+ class Post < ::Net::NetPrivate::HTTPRequestWithBody
+ HAS_BODY = true
+ end
+ class Put < ::Net::NetPrivate::HTTPRequestWithBody
+ HAS_BODY = true
+ end
+ ###
+ ### response
+ ###
+ net_private {
+ class HTTPResponse < Response
+ include ::Net::NetPrivate::HTTPHeader
'1' => HTTPInformationCode,
'2' => HTTPSuccessCode,
'3' => HTTPRedirectionCode,
@@ -907,7 +1021,7 @@ module Net
'5' => HTTPServerErrorCode
'100' => ContinueCode,
'101' => HTTPSwitchProtocol,
@@ -951,22 +1065,87 @@ module Net
'505' => HTTPVersionNotSupported
+ def initialize( stat, msg, sock, be, hv )
+ code = CODE_TO_OBJ[stat] ||
+ CODE_CLASS_TO_OBJ[stat[0,1]] ||
+ UnknownCode
+ super code, stat, msg
+ @socket = sock
+ @body_exist = be
+ @http_version = hv
- ###
- ### body
- ###
+ @header = {}
+ @body = nil
+ @read = false
+ end
- public
+ attr_reader :http_version
+ def inspect
+ "#<#{type} #{code}>"
+ end
+ def value
+ SuccessCode === self or error! self
+ end
- def get_body( resp, dest )
- if chunked? resp then
+ #
+ # header (for backward compatibility)
+ #
+ def read_header
+ self
+ end
+ alias header read_header
+ alias response read_header
+ #
+ # body
+ #
+ def read_body( dest = nil, &block )
+ if @read and (dest or block) then
+ raise IOError, "#{type}\#read_body called twice with argument"
+ end
+ unless @read then
+ to = procdest( dest, block )
+ stream_check
+ if @body_exist and code_type.body_exist? then
+ read_body_0 to
+ @body = to
+ else
+ @body = nil
+ end
+ @read = true
+ end
+ @body
+ end
+ alias body read_body
+ alias entity read_body
+ private
+ def terminate
+ read_body
+ end
+ def read_body_0( dest )
+ if chunked? then
read_chunked dest
- clen = content_length( resp )
+ clen = content_length
if clen then
- clen, dest
+ clen, dest, true # ignore EOF
- clen = range_length( resp )
+ clen = range_length
if clen then clen, dest
@@ -974,16 +1153,8 @@ module Net
- end_critical
- end
- def no_body
- end_critical
- private
def read_chunked( dest )
len = nil
total = 0
@@ -991,9 +1162,7 @@ module Net
while true do
line = @socket.readline
m = /[0-9a-fA-F]+/.match( line )
- unless m then
- raise HTTPBadResponse, "wrong chunk size line: #{line}"
- end
+ m or raise HTTPBadResponse, "wrong chunk size line: #{line}"
len = m[0].hex
break if len == 0 len, dest ); total += len
@@ -1004,44 +1173,27 @@ module Net
- def content_length( resp )
- if resp.key? 'content-length' then
- m = /\d+/.match( resp['content-length'] )
- unless m then
- raise HTTPBadResponse, 'wrong Content-Length format'
- end
- m[0].to_i
- else
- nil
- end
+ def stream_check
+ @socket.closed? and raise IOError, 'try to read body out of block'
- def chunked?( resp )
- tmp = resp['transfer-encoding']
- tmp and /(?:\A|\s+)chunked(?:\s+|\z)/i === tmp
- end
- def range_length( resp )
- if resp.key? 'content-range' then
- m = %r<bytes\s+(\d+)-(\d+)/\d+>.match( resp['content-range'] )
- unless m then
- raise HTTPBadResponse, 'wrong Content-Range format'
- end
- l = m[2].to_i
- u = m[1].to_i
- if l > u then
- nil
- else
- u - l
- end
+ def procdest( dest, block )
+ if dest and block then
+ raise ArgumentError, 'both of arg and block are given for HTTP method'
+ end
+ if block then
+ block
- nil
+ dest || ''
+ }
- end # module Net::NetPrivate
+ HTTPResponse = NetPrivate::HTTPResponse
+ HTTPResponseReceiver = NetPrivate::HTTPResponse
end # module Net
diff --git a/lib/net/imap.rb b/lib/net/imap.rb
index 34d324ed12..ea064d2552 100644
--- a/lib/net/imap.rb
+++ b/lib/net/imap.rb
@@ -7,9 +7,10 @@ Copyright (C) 2000 Shugo Maeda <>
This library is distributed under the terms of the Ruby license.
You can freely distribute/modify this library.
-== class Net::IMAP
+== Net::IMAP
Net::IMAP implements Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP) clients.
+(The protocol is described in ((<[IMAP]>)).)
=== Super Class
@@ -102,21 +103,24 @@ Object
: list(refname, mailbox)
Sends a LIST command, and returns a subset of names from
the complete set of all names available to the client.
+ The return value is an array of ((<Net::IMAP::MailboxList>)).
p imap.list("", "foo/%")
- #=> [#<Net::IMAP::MailboxList attr=[:NoSelect], delim="/", name="foo/">, #<Net::IMAP::MailboxList attr=[:NoInferiors, :Marked], delim="/", name="foo/bar">, #<Net::IMAP::MailboxList attr=[:NoInferiors], delim="/", name="foo/baz">]
+ #=> [#<Net::IMAP::MailboxList attr=[:Noselect], delim="/", name="foo/">, #<Net::IMAP::MailboxList attr=[:Noinferiors, :Marked], delim="/", name="foo/bar">, #<Net::IMAP::MailboxList attr=[:Noinferiors], delim="/", name="foo/baz">]
: lsub(refname, mailbox)
Sends a LSUB command, and returns a subset of names from the set
of names that the user has declared as being "active" or
+ The return value is an array of ((<Net::IMAP::MailboxList>)).
: status(mailbox, attr)
Sends a STATUS command, and returns the status of the indicated
+ The return value is a hash of attributes.
p imap.status("inbox", ["MESSAGES", "RECENT"])
@@ -166,6 +170,7 @@ Object
in the mailbox. the set parameter is a number or an array of
numbers or a Range object. the number is a message sequence
number (fetch) or a unique identifier (uid_fetch).
+ The return value is an array of ((<Net::IMAP::FetchData>)).
p imap.fetch(6..8, "UID")
@@ -188,6 +193,7 @@ Object
in the mailbox. the set parameter is a number or an array of
numbers or a Range object. the number is a message sequence
number (store) or a unique identifier (uid_store).
+ The return value is an array of ((<Net::IMAP::FetchData>)).
p, "+FLAGS", [:Deleted])
@@ -210,6 +216,443 @@ Object
p imap.sort(["DATE"], ["SUBJECT", "hello"], "US-ASCII")
#=> [6, 7, 8, 1]
+== Net::IMAP::ContinuationRequest
+Net::IMAP::ContinuationRequest represents command continuation requests.
+The command continuation request response is indicated by a "+" token
+instead of a tag. This form of response indicates that the server is
+ready to accept the continuation of a command from the client. The
+remainder of this response is a line of text.
+ continue_req ::= "+" SPACE (resp_text / base64)
+=== Super Class
+=== Methods
+: data
+ Returns the data (Net::IMAP::ResponseText).
+: raw_data
+ Returns the raw data string.
+== Net::IMAP::UntaggedResponse
+Net::IMAP::UntaggedResponse represents untagged responses.
+Data transmitted by the server to the client and status responses
+that do not indicate command completion are prefixed with the token
+"*", and are called untagged responses.
+ response_data ::= "*" SPACE (resp_cond_state / resp_cond_bye /
+ mailbox_data / message_data / capability_data)
+=== Super Class
+=== Methods
+: name
+ Returns the name such as "FLAGS", "LIST", "FETCH"....
+: data
+ Returns the data such as an array of flag symbols,
+ a ((<Net::IMAP::MailboxList>)) object....
+: raw_data
+ Returns the raw data string.
+== Net::IMAP::TaggedResponse
+Net::IMAP::TaggedResponse represents tagged responses.
+The server completion result response indicates the success or
+failure of the operation. It is tagged with the same tag as the
+client command which began the operation.
+ response_tagged ::= tag SPACE resp_cond_state CRLF
+ tag ::= 1*<any ATOM_CHAR except "+">
+ resp_cond_state ::= ("OK" / "NO" / "BAD") SPACE resp_text
+=== Super Class
+=== Methods
+: tag
+ Returns the tag.
+: name
+ Returns the name. the name is one of "OK", "NO", "BAD".
+: data
+ Returns the data. See ((<Net::IMAP::ResponseText>)).
+: raw_data
+ Returns the raw data string.
+== Net::IMAP::ResponseText
+Net::IMAP::ResponseText represents texts of responses.
+The text may be prefixed by the response code.
+ resp_text ::= ["[" resp_text_code "]" SPACE] (text_mime2 / text)
+ ;; text SHOULD NOT begin with "[" or "="
+=== Super Class
+=== Methods
+: code
+ Returns the response code. See ((<Net::IMAP::ResponseCode>)).
+: text
+ Returns the text.
+== Net::IMAP::ResponseCode
+Net::IMAP::ResponseCode represents response codes.
+ resp_text_code ::= "ALERT" / "PARSE" /
+ "PERMANENTFLAGS" SPACE "(" #(flag / "\*") ")" /
+ "UIDVALIDITY" SPACE nz_number /
+ "UNSEEN" SPACE nz_number /
+ atom [SPACE 1*<any TEXT_CHAR except "]">]
+=== SuperClass
+=== Methods
+: name
+ Returns the name such as "ALERT", "PERMANENTFLAGS", "UIDVALIDITY"....
+: data
+ Returns the data if it exists.
+== Net::IMAP::MailboxList
+Net::IMAP::MailboxList represents contents of the LIST response.
+ mailbox_list ::= "(" #("\Marked" / "\Noinferiors" /
+ "\Noselect" / "\Unmarked" / flag_extension) ")"
+ SPACE (<"> QUOTED_CHAR <"> / nil) SPACE mailbox
+=== Super Class
+=== Methods
+: attr
+ Returns the name attributes. Each name attribute is a symbol
+ capitalized by String#capitalize, such as :Noselect (not :NoSelect).
+: delim
+ Returns the hierarchy delimiter
+: name
+ Returns the mailbox name.
+== Net::IMAP::StatusData
+Net::IMAP::StatusData represents contents of the STATUS response.
+=== Super Class
+=== Methods
+: mailbox
+ Returns the mailbox name.
+: attr
+ Returns a hash. Each key is one of "MESSAGES", "RECENT", "UIDNEXT",
+ "UIDVALIDITY", "UNSEEN". Each value is a number.
+== Net::IMAP::FetchData
+Net::IMAP::FetchData represents contents of the FETCH response.
+=== Super Class
+=== Methods
+: seqno
+ Returns the message sequence number.
+ (Note: not the unique identifier, even for the UID command response.)
+: attr
+ Returns a hash. Each key is a data item name, and each value is
+ its value.
+ The current data items are:
+ : BODY
+ A form of BODYSTRUCTURE without extension data.
+ : BODY[<section>]<<origin_octet>>
+ A string expressing the body contents of the specified section.
+ An object that describes the ((<[MIME-IMB]>)) body structure of a message.
+ See ((<Net::IMAP::BodyTypeBasic>)), ((<Net::IMAP::BodyTypeText>)),
+ ((<Net::IMAP::BodyTypeMessage>)), ((<Net::IMAP::BodyTypeMultipart>)).
+ A ((<Net::IMAP::Envelope>)) object that describes the envelope
+ structure of a message.
+ A array of flag symbols that are set for this message. flag symbols
+ are capitalized by String#capitalize.
+ A string representing the internal date of the message.
+ : RFC822
+ Equivalent to BODY[].
+ Equivalent to BODY.PEEK[HEADER].
+ : RFC822.SIZE
+ A number expressing the ((<[RFC-822]>)) size of the message.
+ : RFC822.TEXT
+ Equivalent to BODY[TEXT].
+ : UID
+ A number expressing the unique identifier of the message.
+== Net::IMAP::Envelope
+Net::IMAP::Envelope represents envelope structures of messages.
+=== Super Class
+=== Methods
+: date
+ Retunns a string that represents the date.
+: subject
+ Retunns a string that represents the subject.
+: from
+ Retunns an array of ((<Net::IMAP::Address>)) that represents the from.
+: sender
+ Retunns an array of ((<Net::IMAP::Address>)) that represents the sender.
+: reply_to
+ Retunns an array of ((<Net::IMAP::Address>)) that represents the reply-to.
+: to
+ Retunns an array of ((<Net::IMAP::Address>)) that represents the to.
+: cc
+ Retunns an array of ((<Net::IMAP::Address>)) that represents the cc.
+: bcc
+ Retunns an array of ((<Net::IMAP::Address>)) that represents the bcc.
+: in_reply_to
+ Retunns a string that represents the in-reply-to.
+: message_id
+ Retunns a string that represents the message-id.
+== Net::IMAP::Address
+((<Net::IMAP::Address>)) represents electronic mail addresses.
+=== Super Class
+=== Methods
+: name
+ Returns the phrase from ((<[RFC-822]>)) mailbox.
+: route
+ Returns the route from ((<[RFC-822]>)) route-addr.
+: mailbox
+ nil indicates end of ((<[RFC-822]>)) group.
+ If non-nil and host is nil, returns ((<[RFC-822]>)) group name.
+ Otherwise, returns ((<[RFC-822]>)) local-part
+: host
+ nil indicates ((<[RFC-822]>)) group syntax.
+ Otherwise, returns ((<[RFC-822]>)) domain name.
+== Net::IMAP::ContentDisposition
+Net::IMAP::ContentDisposition represents Content-Disposition fields.
+=== Super Class
+=== Methods
+: dsp_type
+ Returns the disposition type.
+: param
+ Returns a hash that represents parameters of the Content-Disposition
+ field.
+== Net::IMAP::BodyTypeBasic
+Net::IMAP::BodyTypeBasic represents basic body structures of messages.
+=== Super Class
+=== Methods
+: media_type
+ Returns the content media type name as defined in ((<[MIME-IMB]>)).
+: subtype
+ Returns the content subtype name as defined in ((<[MIME-IMB]>)).
+: param
+ Returns a hash that represents parameters as defined in
+ ((<[MIME-IMB]>)).
+: content_id
+ Returns a string giving the content id as defined in ((<[MIME-IMB]>)).
+: description
+ Returns a string giving the content description as defined in
+ ((<[MIME-IMB]>)).
+: encoding
+ Returns a string giving the content transfer encoding as defined in
+ ((<[MIME-IMB]>)).
+: size
+ Returns a number giving the size of the body in octets.
+: md5
+ Returns a string giving the body MD5 value as defined in ((<[MD5]>)).
+: disposition
+ Returns a ((<Net::IMAP::ContentDisposition>)) object giving
+ the content disposition.
+: language
+ Returns a string or an array of strings giving the body
+ language value as defined in [LANGUAGE-TAGS].
+: extension
+ Returns extension data.
+: multipart?
+ Returns false.
+== Net::IMAP::BodyTypeText
+Net::IMAP::BodyTypeText represents TEXT body structures of messages.
+=== Super Class
+=== Methods
+: lines
+ Returns the size of the body in text lines.
+And Net::IMAP::BodyTypeText has all methods of ((<Net::IMAP::BodyTypeBasic>)).
+== Net::IMAP::BodyTypeMessage
+Net::IMAP::BodyTypeMessage represents MESSAGE/RFC822 body structures of messages.
+=== Super Class
+=== Methods
+: envelope
+ Returns a ((<Net::IMAP::Envelope>)) giving the envelope structure.
+: body
+ Returns an object giving the body structure.
+And Net::IMAP::BodyTypeMessage has all methods of ((<Net::IMAP::BodyTypeText>)).
+== Net::IMAP::BodyTypeText
+=== Super Class
+=== Methods
+: media_type
+ Returns the content media type name as defined in ((<[MIME-IMB]>)).
+: subtype
+ Returns the content subtype name as defined in ((<[MIME-IMB]>)).
+: parts
+ Returns multiple parts.
+: param
+ Returns a hash that represents parameters as defined in
+ ((<[MIME-IMB]>)).
+: disposition
+ Returns a ((<Net::IMAP::ContentDisposition>)) object giving
+ the content disposition.
+: language
+ Returns a string or an array of strings giving the body
+ language value as defined in [LANGUAGE-TAGS].
+: extension
+ Returns extension data.
+: multipart?
+ Returns true.
+== References
+: [IMAP]
+ RFC 2060, December 1996.
+ Alvestrand, H., "Tags for the Identification of
+ Languages", RFC 1766, March 1995.
+: [MD5]
+ Myers, J., and M. Rose, "The Content-MD5 Header Field", RFC
+ 1864, October 1995.
+ Freed, N., and N. Borenstein, "MIME (Multipurpose Internet
+ Mail Extensions) Part One: Format of Internet Message Bodies", RFC
+ 2045, November 1996.
+: [RFC-822]
+ Crocker, D., "Standard for the Format of ARPA Internet Text
+ Messages", STD 11, RFC 822, University of Delaware, August 1982.
require "socket"
@@ -702,7 +1145,7 @@ module Net
Address =, :route, :mailbox, :host)
ContentDisposition =, :param)
- class BodyTypeBasic <, :media_subtype,
+ class BodyTypeBasic <, :subtype,
:param, :content_id,
:description, :encoding, :size,
:md5, :disposition, :language,
@@ -710,9 +1153,15 @@ module Net
def multipart?
return false
+ def media_subtype
+ $stderr.printf("warning: media_subtype is obsolete.\n")
+ $stderr.printf(" use subtype instead.\n")
+ return subtype
+ end
- class BodyTypeText <, :media_subtype,
+ class BodyTypeText <, :subtype,
:param, :content_id,
:description, :encoding, :size,
@@ -721,9 +1170,15 @@ module Net
def multipart?
return false
+ def media_subtype
+ $stderr.printf("warning: media_subtype is obsolete.\n")
+ $stderr.printf(" use subtype instead.\n")
+ return subtype
+ end
- class BodyTypeMessage <, :media_subtype,
+ class BodyTypeMessage <, :subtype,
:param, :content_id,
:description, :encoding, :size,
:envelope, :body, :lines,
@@ -732,15 +1187,27 @@ module Net
def multipart?
return false
+ def media_subtype
+ $stderr.printf("warning: media_subtype is obsolete.\n")
+ $stderr.printf(" use subtype instead.\n")
+ return subtype
+ end
- class BodyTypeMultipart <, :media_subtype,
+ class BodyTypeMultipart <, :subtype,
:param, :disposition, :language,
def multipart?
return true
+ def media_subtype
+ $stderr.printf("warning: media_subtype is obsolete.\n")
+ $stderr.printf(" use subtype instead.\n")
+ return subtype
+ end
class ResponseParser
@@ -1475,6 +1942,12 @@ module Net
result =, number)
+ else
+ match(T_SPACE)
+ @lex_state = EXPR_CTEXT
+ token = match(T_TEXT)
+ @lex_state = EXPR_BEG
+ result =, token.value)
@lex_state = EXPR_RTEXT
@@ -1579,7 +2052,7 @@ module Net
if @str.index(/\(([^)]*)\)/ni, @pos)
@pos = $~.end(0)
return $1.scan(FLAG_REGEXP).collect { |flag, atom|
- atom || flag.intern
+ atom || flag.capitalize.intern
parse_error("invalid flag list")
diff --git a/lib/net/pop.rb b/lib/net/pop.rb
index 4f6eb930a4..8f3f978e8c 100644
--- a/lib/net/pop.rb
+++ b/lib/net/pop.rb
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-= net/pop.rb version 1.1.32
+= net/pop.rb version 1.1.34
written by Minero Aoki <>
@@ -184,6 +184,7 @@ module Net
protocol_param :port, '110'
protocol_param :command_type, '::Net::NetPrivate::POP3Command'
+ protocol_param :apop_command_type, '::Net::NetPrivate::APOPCommand'
protocol_param :mail_type, '::Net::POPMail'
@@ -206,9 +207,10 @@ module Net
- def initialize( addr = nil, port = nil )
- super
+ def initialize( addr = nil, port = nil, apop = false )
+ super addr, port
@mails = nil
+ @apop = false
attr :mails
@@ -238,6 +240,11 @@ module Net
+ def conn_command( sock )
+ @command =
+ (@apop ? type.apop_command_type : type.command_type).new(sock)
+ end
def do_start( acnt, pwd )
@command.auth( acnt, pwd )
diff --git a/lib/net/protocol.rb b/lib/net/protocol.rb
index 161024cfe2..343721add3 100644
--- a/lib/net/protocol.rb
+++ b/lib/net/protocol.rb
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-= net/protocol.rb version 1.1.32
+= net/protocol.rb version 1.1.34
written by Minero Aoki <>
@@ -59,13 +59,22 @@ Object
require 'socket'
+require 'timeout'
module Net
+ module NetPrivate
+ end
+ def self.net_private( &block )
+ ::Net::NetPrivate.module_eval( &block )
+ end
class Protocol
- Version = '1.1.32'
+ Version = '1.1.34'
class << self
@@ -116,8 +125,12 @@ module Net
@command = nil
@socket = nil
- @active = false
- @pipe = nil
+ @active = false
+ @open_timeout = nil
+ @read_timeout = nil
+ @dout = nil
attr_reader :address
@@ -126,10 +139,26 @@ module Net
attr_reader :command
attr_reader :socket
+ attr_accessor :open_timeout
+ attr_accessor :read_timeout
+ def active?
+ @active
+ end
+ def set_debug_output( arg ) # un-documented
+ @dout = arg
+ end
+ alias set_pipe set_debug_output
def inspect
"#<#{type} #{address}:#{port} open=#{active?}>"
+ #
+ # open session
+ #
def start( *args )
return false if active?
@@ -146,45 +175,59 @@ module Net
+ private
def _start( args )
do_start( *args )
@active = true
- private :_start
- def finish
- return false unless active?
- do_finish unless @command.critical?
- disconnect
- @active = false
- true
+ def connect
+ conn_socket @address, @port
+ conn_command @socket
+ on_connect
- def active?
- @active
+ def re_connect
+ @socket.reopen @open_timeout
+ on_connect
- def set_pipe( arg ) # un-documented
- @pipe = arg
+ def conn_socket( addr, port )
+ @socket =
+ addr, port, @open_timeout, @read_timeout, @dout )
+ def conn_command( sock )
+ @command = sock )
+ end
- private
+ def on_connect
+ end
def do_start
- def do_finish
- @command.quit
+ #
+ # close session
+ #
+ public
+ def finish
+ return false unless active?
+ do_finish if @command and not @command.critical?
+ disconnect
+ @active = false
+ true
+ private
- def connect( addr = @address, port = @port )
- @socket = addr, port, @pipe )
- @command = @socket )
+ def do_finish
+ @command.quit
def disconnect
@@ -192,7 +235,11 @@ module Net
if @socket and not @socket.closed? then
- @socket = nil
+ @socket = nil
+ on_disconnect
+ end
+ def on_disconnect
@@ -200,6 +247,7 @@ module Net
Session = Protocol
+ net_private {
class Response
@@ -223,6 +271,8 @@ module Net
+ }
class ProtocolError < StandardError; end
class ProtoSyntaxError < ProtocolError; end
@@ -294,8 +344,7 @@ module Net
- module NetPrivate
+ net_private {
class WriteAdapter
@@ -311,7 +360,11 @@ module Net
def write( str )
@sock.__send__ @mid, str
- alias << write
+ def <<( str )
+ @sock.__send__ @mid, str
+ self
+ end
@@ -407,6 +460,7 @@ module Net
@critical = false
def critical
@@ -431,22 +485,30 @@ module Net
class Socket
- def initialize( addr, port, pipe = nil )
+ def initialize( addr, port, otime = nil, rtime = nil, dout = nil )
@addr = addr
@port = port
- @pipe = pipe
- @prepipe = nil
- @closed = true
- @ipaddr = ''
+ @read_timeout = rtime
+ @debugout = dout
+ @socket = nil
@sending = ''
@buffer = ''
- @socket = addr, port )
- @closed = false
- @ipaddr = @socket.addr[3]
+ connect otime
+ D 'opened'
+ def connect( otime )
+ D "opening connection to #{@addr}..."
+ timeout( otime ) {
+ @socket = @addr, @port )
+ }
+ end
+ private :connect
attr :pipe, true
class << self
@@ -454,27 +516,31 @@ module Net
def inspect
- "#<#{type} open=#{!@closed}>"
+ "#<#{type} #{closed? ? 'closed' : 'opened'}>"
- def reopen
- unless closed? then
- close
- @buffer = ''
- end
- @socket = @addr, @port )
- @closed = false
+ def reopen( otime = nil )
+ D 'reopening...'
+ close
+ connect otime
+ D 'reopened'
attr :socket, true
def close
- @socket.close
- @closed = true
+ if @socket then
+ @socket.close
+ D 'closed'
+ else
+ D 'close call for already closed socket'
+ end
+ @socket = nil
+ @buffer = ''
def closed?
- @closed
+ not @socket
def address
@@ -486,7 +552,8 @@ module Net
attr_reader :port
def ip_address
- @ipaddr.dup
+ @socket or return ''
+ @socket.addr[3]
alias ipaddr ip_address
@@ -494,57 +561,64 @@ module Net
attr_reader :sending
- ###
- ### read
- ###
+ #
+ # read
+ #
+ public
CRLF = "\r\n"
- def read( len, dest = '' )
- @pipe << "reading #{len} bytes...\n" if @pipe; pipeoff
+ def read( len, dest = '', ignerr = false )
+ D_off "reading #{len} bytes..."
rsize = 0
- while rsize + @buffer.size < len do
- rsize += writeinto( dest, @buffer.size )
- fill_rbuf
+ begin
+ while rsize + @buffer.size < len do
+ rsize += rbuf_moveto( dest, @buffer.size )
+ rbuf_fill
+ end
+ rbuf_moveto dest, len - rsize
+ rescue EOFError
+ raise unless igneof
- writeinto( dest, len - rsize )
- @pipe << "read #{len} bytes\n" if pipeon
+ D_on "read #{len} bytes"
def read_all( dest = '' )
- @pipe << "reading all...\n" if @pipe; pipeoff
+ D_off 'reading all...'
rsize = 0
while true do
- rsize += writeinto( dest, @buffer.size )
- fill_rbuf
+ rsize += rbuf_moveto( dest, @buffer.size )
+ rbuf_fill
rescue EOFError
- @pipe << "read #{rsize} bytes\n" if pipeon
+ D_on "read #{rsize} bytes"
- def readuntil( target )
- while true do
- idx = @buffer.index( target )
- break if idx
- fill_rbuf
- end
+ def readuntil( target, igneof = false )
dest = ''
- writeinto( dest, idx + target.size )
+ begin
+ while true do
+ idx = @buffer.index( target )
+ break if idx
+ rbuf_fill
+ end
+ rbuf_moveto dest, idx + target.size
+ rescue EOFError
+ raise unless igneof
+ rbuf_moveto dest, @buffer.size
+ end
def readline
ret = readuntil( "\n" )
@@ -552,9 +626,8 @@ module Net
def read_pendstr( dest )
- @pipe << "reading text...\n" if @pipe; pipeoff
+ D_off 'reading text...'
rsize = 0
while (str = readuntil("\r\n")) != ".\r\n" do
@@ -563,14 +636,13 @@ module Net
dest << str
- @pipe << "read #{rsize} bytes\n" if pipeon
+ D_on "read #{rsize} bytes"
# private use only (can not handle 'break')
def read_pendlist
- @pipe << "reading list...\n" if @pipe; pipeoff
+ D_off 'reading list...'
str = nil
i = 0
@@ -580,55 +652,59 @@ module Net
yield str
- @pipe << "read #{i} items\n" if pipeon
+ D_on "read #{i} items"
- READ_BLOCK = 1024 * 8
+ READ_SIZE = 1024 * 4
- def fill_rbuf
- @buffer << @socket.sysread( READ_BLOCK )
+ def rbuf_fill
+ unless [@socket], nil, nil, @read_timeout then
+ on_read_timeout
+ end
+ @buffer << @socket.sysread( READ_SIZE )
- def writeinto( dest, len )
+ def on_read_timeout
+ raise TimeoutError, "socket read timeout (#{@read_timeout} sec)"
+ end
+ def rbuf_moveto( dest, len )
bsi = @buffer.size
- dest << @buffer[ 0, len ]
+ s = @buffer[ 0, len ]
+ dest << s
@buffer = @buffer[ len, bsi - len ]
- @pipe << %{read "#{Net.quote dest}"\n} if @pipe
+ @debugout << %<read "#{Net.quote s}"\n> if @debugout
- ###
- ### write
- ###
+ #
+ # write interfece
+ #
def write( str )
writing {
do_write str
def writeline( str )
writing {
- do_write str
- do_write "\r\n"
+ do_write str + "\r\n"
def write_bin( src, block )
writing {
if block then
- self, :do_write )
+ self, :do_write )
src.each do |bin|
do_write bin
@@ -637,19 +713,18 @@ module Net
def write_pendstr( src, block )
- @pipe << "writing text from #{src.type}\n" if @pipe; pipeoff
+ D_off "writing text from #{src.type}"
wsize = use_each_crlf_line {
if block then
- self, :wpend_in )
+ self, :wpend_in )
wpend_in src
- @pipe << "wrote #{wsize} bytes text\n" if pipeon
+ D_on "wrote #{wsize} bytes text"
@@ -696,17 +771,17 @@ module Net
beg = 0
buf = @wbuf
while buf.index( /\n|\r\n|\r/, beg ) do
- m = $~
+ m = Regexp.last_match
if m.begin(0) == buf.size - 1 and buf[-1] == ?\r then
# "...\r" : can follow "\n..."
- str = buf[ beg, m.begin(0) - beg ]
+ str = buf[ beg ... m.begin(0) ]
str.concat "\r\n"
yield str
beg = m.end(0)
- @wbuf = buf[ beg, buf.size - beg ]
+ @wbuf = buf[ beg ... buf.size ]
@@ -736,6 +811,7 @@ module Net
+ yield unless @wbuf.empty?
@@ -746,17 +822,17 @@ module Net
- if @pipe then
- @pipe << 'write "'
- @pipe << @sending
- @pipe << "\"\n"
+ if @debugout then
+ @debugout << 'write "'
+ @debugout << @sending
+ @debugout << "\"\n"
def do_write( arg )
- if @pipe or @sending.size < 128 then
+ if @debugout or @sending.size < 128 then
@sending << Net.quote( arg )
@sending << '...' unless @sending[-1] == ?.
@@ -768,22 +844,25 @@ module Net
- def pipeoff
- @prepipe = @pipe
- @pipe = nil
- @prepipe
+ def D_off( msg )
+ D msg
+ @savedo, @debugout = @debugout, nil
- def pipeon
- @pipe = @prepipe
- @prepipe = nil
- @pipe
+ def D_on( msg )
+ @debugout = @savedo
+ D msg
- end
+ def D( msg )
+ @debugout or return
+ @debugout << msg
+ @debugout << "\n"
+ end
+ end
- end # module Net::NetPrivate
+ }
def Net.quote( str )
diff --git a/lib/net/smtp.rb b/lib/net/smtp.rb
index 9679984e2c..befc1adf03 100644
--- a/lib/net/smtp.rb
+++ b/lib/net/smtp.rb
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-= net/smtp.rb version 1.1.32
+= net/smtp.rb version 1.1.34
written by Minero Aoki <>
@@ -30,10 +30,8 @@ Net::Protocol
=== Methods
-: start( helo_domain = Socket.gethostname, \
- account = nil, password = nil, authtype = nil )
-: start( helo_domain = Socket.gethostname, \
- account = nil, password = nil, authtype = nil ) {|smtp| .... }
+: start( helo_domain = Socket.gethostname, account = nil, password = nil, authtype = nil )
+: start( helo_domain = Socket.gethostname, account = nil, password = nil, authtype = nil ) {|smtp| .... }
opens TCP connection and starts SMTP session.
If protocol had been started, do nothing and return false.
@@ -53,10 +51,10 @@ Net::Protocol
to_addrs must be a String(s) or an Array of String.
Exceptions which SMTP raises are:
- * Net::ProtoSyntaxError: syntax error (errno.500)
- * Net::ProtoFatalError: fatal error (errno.550)
- * Net::ProtoUnknownError: unknown error
- * Net::ProtoServerBusy: temporary error (errno.420/450)
+ * Net::ProtoSyntaxError: syntax error (errno.500)
+ * Net::ProtoFatalError: fatal error (errno.550)
+ * Net::ProtoUnknownError: unknown error
+ * Net::ProtoServerBusy: temporary error (errno.420/450)
# usage example
@@ -153,12 +151,15 @@ module Net
- if user and secret then
+ if user or secret then
+ (user and secret) or
+ raise ArgumentError, 'both of account and password are required'
mid = 'auth_' + (authtype || 'cram_md5').to_s
- unless @command.respond_to? mid then
- raise ArgumentError, "wrong auth type #{authtype.to_s}"
- end
- @command.send mid, user, secret
+ @command.respond_to? mid or
+ raise ArgumentError, "wrong auth type #{authtype.to_s}"
+ @command.__send__ mid, user, secret
diff --git a/lib/net/telnet.rb b/lib/net/telnet.rb
index 87790c0300..380e834bea 100644
--- a/lib/net/telnet.rb
+++ b/lib/net/telnet.rb
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
net/telnet.rb - simple telnet client library
-Version 1.6.2
+Version 1.6.3
Wakou Aoyama <>
@@ -239,10 +239,11 @@ module Net
CR = "\015"
LF = "\012"
- VERSION = "1.6.2"
- RELEASE_DATE = "2000-12-25"
- RELEASE_CODE = 20001225
+ VERSION = '1.6.3'
+ RELEASE_DATE = '2001-02-26'
+ RELEASE_CODE = 20010226
+ REVISION = '$Id$'
def initialize(options)
@options = options
@@ -346,14 +347,13 @@ module Net
attr :sock
def telnetmode(mode = nil)
- if mode
- if (true == mode or false == mode)
- @options["Telnetmode"] = mode
- else
- raise ArgumentError, "required true or false"
- end
- else
+ case mode
+ when nil
+ when true, false
+ @options["Telnetmode"] = mode
+ else
+ raise ArgumentError, "required true or false"
@@ -366,14 +366,13 @@ module Net
def binmode(mode = nil)
- if mode
- if (true == mode or false == mode)
- @options["Binmode"] = mode
- else
- raise ArgumentError, "required true or false"
- end
- else
+ case mode
+ when nil
+ when true, false
+ @options["Binmode"] = mode
+ else
+ raise ArgumentError, "required true or false"
@@ -599,181 +598,7 @@ end
-* Mon Dec 25 01:37:43 JST 2000 - wakou
- * version 1.6.2
- * Regexp::last_match[1] --> $1
-* Mon Dec 11 00:16:51 JST 2000 - wakou
- * version 1.6.1
- * $1 --> Regexp::last_match[1]
-* 2000/09/12 05:37:35 - matz
- * change: iterator? --> block_given?
-* Tue Sep 12 06:52:48 JST 2000 - wakou
- * version 1.6.0
- * correct: document.
- thanks to Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA <>
- * add: Telnet#puts().
-* Sun Jun 18 23:31:44 JST 2000 - wakou
- * version 1.5.0
- * change: version syntax. old: x.yz, now: x.y.z
-* 2000/05/24 06:57:38 - wakou
- * version 1.40
- * improve: binmode(), telnetmode() interface.
- thanks to Dave Thomas <>
-* 2000/05/09 22:02:56 - wakou
- * version 1.32
- * require English.rb
-* 2000/05/02 21:48:39 - wakou
- * version 1.31
- * Proxy option: can receive IO object.
-* 2000/04/03 18:27:02 - wakou
- * version 1.30
- * telnet.rb --> net/telnet.rb
-* 2000/01/24 17:02:57 - wakou
- * version 1.20
- * respond to "IAC WILL x" with "IAC DONT x"
- * respond to "IAC WONT x" with "IAC DONT x"
- * better dumplog format.
- thanks to WATANABE Hirofumi <>
-* 2000/01/18 17:47:31 - wakou
- * version 1.10
- * bug fix: write method
- * respond to "IAC WILL BINARY" with "IAC DO BINARY"
-* 1999/10/04 22:51:26 - wakou
- * version 1.00
- * bug fix: waitfor(preprocess) method.
- thanks to Shin-ichiro Hara <>
- * add simple support for AO, DM, IP, NOP, SB, SE
- * COUTION! TimeOut --> TimeoutError
-* 1999/09/21 21:24:07 - wakou
- * version 0.50
- * add write method
-* 1999/09/17 17:41:41 - wakou
- * version 0.40
- * bug fix: preprocess method
-* 1999/09/14 23:09:05 - wakou
- * version 0.30
- * change prompt check order.
- not IO::select([@sock], nil, nil, waittime) and prompt === line
- --> prompt === line and not IO::select([@sock], nil, nil, waittime)
-* 1999/09/13 22:28:33 - wakou
- * version 0.24
- * Telnet#login: if ommit password, then not require password prompt.
-* 1999/08/10 05:20:21 - wakou
- * version 0.232
- * STATUS OUTPUT sample code typo.
- thanks to Tadayoshi Funaba <>
- host ={"Hosh" => "localhost"){|c| print c }
- --> host ={"Host" => "localhost"){|c| print c }
-* 1999/07/16 13:39:42 - wakou
- * version 0.231
- * TRUE --> true, FALSE --> false
-* 1999/07/15 22:32:09 - wakou
- * version 0.23
- * waitfor: if end of file reached, then return nil.
-* 1999/06/29 09:08:51 - wakou
- * version 0.22
- * new, waitfor, cmd: {"Timeout" => false} # ignore timeout
-* 1999/06/28 18:18:55 - wakou
- * version 0.21
- * waitfor: not rescue (EOFError)
-* 1999/06/04 06:24:58 - wakou
- * version 0.20
- * waitfor: support for divided telnet command
-* 1999/05/22 - wakou
- * version 0.181
- * bug fix: print method
-* 1999/05/14 - wakou
- * version 0.18
- * respond to "IAC WON'T SGA" with "IAC DON'T SGA"
- * DON'T SGA : end of line --> CR + LF
- * bug fix: preprocess method
-* 1999/04/30 - wakou
- * version 0.17
- * bug fix: $! + "\n" --> $!.to_s + "\n"
-* 1999/04/11 - wakou
- * version 0.163
- * STDOUT.write(message) --> yield(message) if iterator?
-* 1999/03/17 - wakou
- * version 0.162
- * add "Proxy" option
- * required timeout.rb
-* 1999/02/03 - wakou
- * version 0.161
- * select --> IO::select
-* 1998/10/09 - wakou
- * version 0.16
- * preprocess method change for the better
- * add binmode method.
- * change default Binmode. TRUE --> FALSE
-* 1998/10/04 - wakou
- * version 0.15
- * add telnetmode method.
-* 1998/09/22 - wakou
- * version 0.141
- * change default prompt. /[$%#>] $/ --> /[$%#>] \Z/
-* 1998/09/01 - wakou
- * version 0.14
- * NONE send EOL --> LF
- * add Dump_log option.
-* 1998/08/25 - wakou
- * version 0.13
- * add print method.
-* 1998/08/05 - wakou
- * version 0.122
- * support for HP-UX 10.20.
- thanks to WATANABE Tetsuya <>
- * socket.<< --> socket.write
-* 1998/07/15 - wakou
- * version 0.121
- * string.+= --> string.concat
-* 1998/06/01 - wakou
- * version 0.12
- * add timeout, waittime.
-* 1998/04/21 - wakou
- * version 0.11
- * add realtime output.
-* 1998/04/13 - wakou
- * version 0.10
- * first release.
+delete. see cvs log.
diff --git a/lib/observer.rb b/lib/observer.rb
index 08e75f5125..e1b249e885 100644
--- a/lib/observer.rb
+++ b/lib/observer.rb
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
module Observable
def add_observer(observer)
@observer_peers = [] unless defined? @observer_peers
- unless defined? observer.update
+ unless observer.respond_to? :update
raise NameError, "observer needs to respond to `update'"
@observer_peers.push observer
diff --git a/lib/open3.rb b/lib/open3.rb
index 58de740393..33701bbfc0 100644
--- a/lib/open3.rb
+++ b/lib/open3.rb
@@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ module Open3
+ exit!
diff --git a/lib/parsedate.rb b/lib/parsedate.rb
index eee114acb2..7fc75cf0c2 100644
--- a/lib/parsedate.rb
+++ b/lib/parsedate.rb
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-# parsedate.rb: Written by Tadayoshi Funaba 2000
-# $Id: parsedate.rb,v 1.2 2000-04-01 12:16:56+09 tadf Exp $
+# parsedate3.rb: Written by Tadayoshi Funaba 2000, 2001
+# $Id: parsedate3.rb,v 1.3 2001-01-18 12:09:47+09 tadf Exp $
module ParseDate
@@ -46,7 +46,12 @@ module ParseDate
hour = $1.to_i
min = $2.to_i
sec = $3.to_i if $3
- hour += 12 if $4 and $4.downcase == 'p'
+ if $4
+ hour %= 12
+ if $4.downcase == 'p'
+ hour += 12
+ end
+ end
zone = $5
diff --git a/lib/ping.rb b/lib/ping.rb
index 48657818cc..d698dd0c52 100644
--- a/lib/ping.rb
+++ b/lib/ping.rb
@@ -47,6 +47,8 @@ module Ping
s =, service)
+ rescue Errno::ECONNREFUSED
+ return true
return false
diff --git a/lib/pstore.rb b/lib/pstore.rb
index b3e1df8284..d5334efda4 100644
--- a/lib/pstore.rb
+++ b/lib/pstore.rb
@@ -41,11 +41,10 @@ class PStore
def [](name)
- value = @table[name]
- if value == nil
+ unless @table.key? name
raise PStore::Error, format("undefined root name `%s'", name)
- value
+ @table[name]
def []=(name, value)
@@ -69,10 +68,12 @@ class PStore
def commit
+ in_transaction
@abort = false
throw :pstore_abort_transaction
def abort
+ in_transaction
@abort = true
throw :pstore_abort_transaction
diff --git a/lib/shell.rb b/lib/shell.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1d28834213
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/shell.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,274 @@
+# shell.rb -
+# $Release Version: 0.6.0 $
+# $Revision: 1.8 $
+# $Date: 2001/03/19 09:01:11 $
+# by Keiju ISHITSUKA(Nippon Rational Inc.)
+# --
+require "e2mmap"
+require "thread"
+require "shell/error"
+require "shell/command-processor"
+require "shell/process-controller"
+class Shell
+ @RCS_ID='-$Id: shell.rb,v 1.8 2001/03/19 09:01:11 keiju Exp keiju $-'
+ include Error
+ extend Exception2MessageMapper
+# @cascade = true
+ # debug: true -> normal debug
+ # debug: 1 -> eval definition debug
+ # debug: 2 -> detail inspect debug
+ @debug = false
+ @verbose = true
+ class << Shell
+ attr :cascade, true
+ attr :debug, true
+ attr :verbose, true
+# alias cascade? cascade
+ alias debug? debug
+ alias verbose? verbose
+ @verbose = true
+ def debug=(val)
+ @debug = val
+ @verbose = val if val
+ end
+ def cd(path)
+ sh = new
+ path
+ sh
+ end
+ def default_system_path
+ if @default_system_path
+ @default_system_path
+ else
+ ENV["PATH"].split(":")
+ end
+ end
+ def default_system_path=(path)
+ @default_system_path = path
+ end
+ def default_record_separator
+ if @default_record_separator
+ @default_record_separator
+ else
+ $/
+ end
+ end
+ def default_record_separator=(rs)
+ @default_record_separator = rs
+ end
+ end
+ def initialize
+ @cwd = Dir.pwd
+ @dir_stack = []
+ @umask = nil
+ @system_path = Shell.default_system_path
+ @record_separator = Shell.default_record_separator
+ @command_processor =
+ @process_controller =
+ @verbose = Shell.verbose
+ @debug = Shell.debug
+ end
+ attr_reader :system_path
+ def system_path=(path)
+ @system_path = path
+ rehash
+ end
+ attr :umask, true
+ attr :record_separator, true
+ attr :verbose, true
+ attr :debug, true
+ def debug=(val)
+ @debug = val
+ @verbose = val if val
+ end
+ alias verbose? verbose
+ alias debug? debug
+ attr_reader :command_processor
+ attr_reader :process_controller
+ def expand_path(path)
+ if /^\// =~ path
+ File.expand_path(path)
+ else
+ File.expand_path(File.join(@cwd, path))
+ end
+ end
+ # Most Shell commands are defined via CommandProcessor
+ #
+ # Dir related methods
+ #
+ # Shell#cwd/dir/getwd/pwd
+ # Shell#chdir/cd
+ # Shell#pushdir/pushd
+ # Shell#popdir/popd
+ # Shell#mkdir
+ # Shell#rmdir
+ attr :cwd
+ alias dir cwd
+ alias getwd cwd
+ alias pwd cwd
+ attr :dir_stack
+ alias dirs dir_stack
+ # If called as iterator, it restores the current directory when the
+ # block ends.
+ def chdir(path = nil)
+ if iterator?
+ cwd_old = @cwd
+ begin
+ chdir(path)
+ yield
+ ensure
+ chdir(cwd_old)
+ end
+ else
+ path = "~" unless path
+ @cwd = expand_path(path)
+ notify "current dir: #{@cwd}"
+ rehash
+ self
+ end
+ end
+ alias cd chdir
+ def pushdir(path = nil)
+ if iterator?
+ pushdir(path)
+ begin
+ yield
+ ensure
+ popdir
+ end
+ elsif path
+ @dir_stack.push @cwd
+ chdir path
+ notify "dir stack: [#{@dir_stack.join ', '}]"
+ self
+ else
+ if pop = @dir_stack.pop
+ @dir_stack.push @cwd
+ chdir pop
+ notify "dir stack: [#{@dir_stack.join ', '}]"
+ self
+ else
+ Shell.Fail DirStackEmpty
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ alias pushd pushdir
+ def popdir
+ if pop = @dir_stack.pop
+ chdir pop
+ notify "dir stack: [#{@dir_stack.join ', '}]"
+ self
+ else
+ Shell.Fail DirStackEmpty
+ end
+ end
+ alias popd popdir
+ #
+ # process management
+ #
+ def jobs
+ end
+ def kill(sig, command)
+ @process_controller.kill_job(sig, command)
+ end
+ #
+ # command definitions
+ #
+ def Shell.def_system_command(command, path = command)
+ CommandProcessor.def_system_command(command, path)
+ end
+ def Shell.undef_system_command(command)
+ CommandProcessor.undef_system_command(command)
+ end
+ def Shell.alias_command(ali, command, *opts, &block)
+ CommandProcessor.alias_command(ali, command, *opts, &block)
+ end
+ def Shell.unalias_command(ali)
+ CommandProcessor.unalias_command(ali)
+ end
+ def Shell.install_system_commands(pre = "sys_")
+ CommandProcessor.install_system_commands(pre)
+ end
+ #
+ def inspect
+ if debug.kind_of?(Integer) && debug > 2
+ super
+ else
+ to_s
+ end
+ end
+ def self.notify(*opts, &block)
+ Thread.exclusive do
+ if opts[-1].kind_of?(String)
+ yorn = verbose?
+ else
+ yorn = opts.pop
+ end
+ return unless yorn
+ _head = true
+ print *opts.collect{|mes|
+ mes = mes.dup
+ yield mes if iterator?
+ if _head
+ _head = false
+ "shell: " + mes
+ else
+ " " + mes
+ end
+ }.join("\n")+"\n"
+ end
+ end
+ CommandProcessor.initialize
+ CommandProcessor.run_config
diff --git a/lib/shell/builtin-command.rb b/lib/shell/builtin-command.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..db1adfa48b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/shell/builtin-command.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
+# shell/builtin-command.rb -
+# $Release Version: 0.6.0 $
+# $Revision$
+# $Date$
+# by Keiju ISHITSUKA(Nihon Rational Software Co.,Ltd)
+# --
+require "shell/filter"
+class Shell
+ class BuiltInCommand<Filter
+ def wait?
+ false
+ end
+ def active?
+ true
+ end
+ end
+ class Echo < BuiltInCommand
+ def initialize(sh, *strings)
+ super sh
+ @strings = strings
+ end
+ def each(rs = nil)
+ rs = @shell.record_separator unless rs
+ for str in @strings
+ yield str + rs
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ class Cat < BuiltInCommand
+ def initialize(sh, *filenames)
+ super sh
+ @cat_files = filenames
+ end
+ def each(rs = nil)
+ if @cat_files.empty?
+ super
+ else
+ for src in @cat_files
+ @shell.foreach(src, rs){|l| yield l}
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ class Glob < BuiltInCommand
+ def initialize(sh, pattern)
+ super sh
+ @pattern = pattern
+ Thread.critical = true
+ back = Dir.pwd
+ begin
+ Dir.chdir @shell.cwd
+ @files = Dir[pattern]
+ ensure
+ Dir.chdir back
+ Thread.critical = false
+ end
+ end
+ def each(rs = nil)
+ rs = @shell.record_separator unless rs
+ for f in @files
+ yield f+rs
+ end
+ end
+ end
+# class Sort < Cat
+# def initialize(sh, *filenames)
+# super
+# end
+# def each(rs = nil)
+# ary = []
+# super{|l| ary.push l}
+# for l in ary.sort!
+# yield l
+# end
+# end
+# end
+ class AppendIO < BuiltInCommand
+ def initialize(sh, io, filter)
+ super sh
+ @input = filter
+ @io = io
+ end
+ def input=(filter)
+ @input.input=filter
+ for l in @input
+ @io << l
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ class AppendFile < AppendIO
+ def initialize(sh, to_filename, filter)
+ @file_name = to_filename
+ io =, "a")
+ super(sh, io, filter)
+ end
+ def input=(filter)
+ begin
+ super
+ ensure
+ @io.close
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ class Tee < BuiltInCommand
+ def initialize(sh, filename)
+ super sh
+ @to_filename = filename
+ end
+ def each(rs = nil)
+ to =, "w")
+ begin
+ super{|l| to << l; yield l}
+ ensure
+ to.close
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ class Concat < BuiltInCommand
+ def initialize(sh, *jobs)
+ super(sh)
+ @jobs = jobs
+ end
+ def each(rs = nil)
+ while job = @jobs.shift
+ job.each{|l| yield l}
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/lib/shell/command-processor.rb b/lib/shell/command-processor.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fa253b3705
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/shell/command-processor.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,584 @@
+# shell/command-controller.rb -
+# $Release Version: 0.6.0 $
+# $Revision$
+# $Date$
+# by Keiju ISHITSUKA(Nippon Rational Inc.)
+# --
+require "e2mmap"
+require "ftools"
+require "thread"
+require "shell/error"
+require "shell/filter"
+require "shell/system-command"
+require "shell/builtin-command"
+class Shell
+ class CommandProcessor
+ #
+ # initialize of Shell and related classes.
+ #
+ NoDelegateMethods = ["initialize", "expand_path"]
+ def self.initialize
+ install_builtin_commands
+ # define CommandProccessor#methods to Shell#methods and Filter#methods
+ for m in CommandProcessor.instance_methods - NoDelegateMethods
+ add_delegate_command_to_shell(m)
+ end
+ def self.method_added(id)
+ add_delegate_command_to_shell(id)
+ end
+ end
+ #
+ # include run file.
+ #
+ def self.run_config
+ begin
+ load File.expand_path("~/.rb_shell") if ENV.key?("HOME")
+ rescue LoadError, Errno::ENOENT
+ rescue
+ print "load error: #{rc}\n"
+ print $!.type, ": ", $!, "\n"
+ for err in $@[0, $@.size - 2]
+ print "\t", err, "\n"
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def initialize(shell)
+ @shell = shell
+ @system_commands = {}
+ end
+ #
+ # CommandProcessor#expand_path(path)
+ # path: String
+ # return: String
+ # returns the absolute path for <path>
+ #
+ def expand_path(path)
+ @shell.expand_path(path)
+ end
+ #
+ # File related commands
+ # Shell#foreach
+ # Shell#open
+ # Shell#unlink
+ # Shell#test
+ #
+ # -
+ #
+ # CommandProcessor#foreach(path, rs)
+ # path: String
+ # rs: String - record separator
+ # iterator
+ # Same as:
+ # File#foreach (when path is file)
+ # Dir#foreach (when path is directory)
+ # path is relative to pwd
+ #
+ def foreach(path = nil, *rs)
+ path = "." unless path
+ path = expand_path(path)
+ if
+ Dir.foreach(path){|fn| yield fn}
+ else
+ IO.foreach(path, *rs){|l| yield l}
+ end
+ end
+ #
+ # CommandProcessor#open(path, mode)
+ # path: String
+ # mode: String
+ # return: File or Dir
+ # Same as:
+ # File#open (when path is file)
+ # Dir#open (when path is directory)
+ # mode has an effect only when path is a file
+ #
+ def open(path, mode)
+ path = expand_path(path)
+ if
+ else
+ effect_umask do
+, mode)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ # public :open
+ #
+ # CommandProcessor#unlink(path)
+ # same as:
+ # Dir#unlink (when path is directory)
+ # File#unlink (when path is file)
+ #
+ def unlink(path)
+ path = expand_path(path)
+ if
+ Dir.unlink(path)
+ else
+ IO.unlink(path)
+ end
+ end
+ #
+ # CommandProcessor#test(command, file1, file2)
+ # CommandProcessor#[command, file1, file2]
+ # command: char or String or Symbol
+ # file1: String
+ # file2: String(optional)
+ # return: Boolean
+ # same as:
+ # test() (when command is char or length 1 string or sumbol)
+ # FileTest.command (others)
+ # example:
+ # sh[?e, "foo"]
+ # sh[:e, "foo"]
+ # sh["e", "foo"]
+ # sh[:exists?, "foo"]
+ # sh["exists?", "foo"]
+ #
+ def test(command, file1, file2=nil)
+ file1 = expand_path(file1)
+ file2 = expand_path(file2) if file2
+ command = command.id2name if command.kind_of?(Symbol)
+ case command
+ when Integer
+ top_level_test(command, file1, file2)
+ when String
+ if command.size == 1
+ if file2
+ top_level_test(command, file1, file2)
+ else
+ top_level_test(command, file1)
+ end
+ else
+ if file2
+ FileTest.send(command, file1, file2)
+ else
+ FileTest.send(command, file1)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ alias [] test
+ #
+ # Dir related methods
+ #
+ # Shell#mkdir
+ # Shell#rmdir
+ #
+ #--
+ #
+ # CommandProcessor#mkdir(*path)
+ # path: String
+ # same as Dir.mkdir()
+ #
+ def mkdir(*path)
+ for dir in path
+ Dir.mkdir(expand_path(dir))
+ end
+ end
+ #
+ # CommandProcessor#rmdir(*path)
+ # path: String
+ # same as Dir.rmdir()
+ #
+ def rmdir(*path)
+ for dir in path
+ Dir.rmdir(expand_path(path))
+ end
+ end
+ #
+ # CommandProcessor#system(command, *opts)
+ # command: String
+ # opts: String
+ # retuen: SystemCommand
+ # Same as system() function
+ # example:
+ # print sh.system("ls", "-l")
+ # sh.system("ls", "-l") | sh.head > STDOUT
+ #
+ def system(command, *opts)
+, find_system_command(command), *opts)
+ end
+ #
+ # ProcessCommand#rehash
+ # clear command hash table.
+ #
+ def rehash
+ @system_commands = {}
+ end
+ #
+ # ProcessCommand#transact
+ #
+ def check_point
+ @shell.process_controller.wait_all_jobs_execution
+ end
+ alias finish_all_jobs check_point
+ def transact(&block)
+ begin
+ @shell.instance_eval &block
+ ensure
+ check_point
+ end
+ end
+ #
+ # internal commands
+ #
+ def out(dev = STDOUT, &block)
+ dev.print transact &block
+ end
+ def echo(*strings)
+, *strings)
+ end
+ def cat(*filenames)
+, *filenames)
+ end
+ # def sort(*filenames)
+ #, *filenames)
+ # end
+ def glob(pattern)
+, pattern)
+ end
+ def append(to, filter)
+ case to
+ when String
+, to, filter)
+ when IO
+, to, filter)
+ else
+ Shell.Fail CanNotMethodApply, "append", to.type
+ end
+ end
+ def tee(file)
+, file)
+ end
+ def concat(*jobs)
+, *jobs)
+ end
+ # %pwd, %cwd -> @pwd
+ def notify(*opts, &block)
+ Thread.exclusive do
+ Shell.notify(*opts) {|mes|
+ yield mes if iterator?
+ mes.gsub!("%pwd", "#{@cwd}")
+ mes.gsub!("%cwd", "#{@cwd}")
+ }
+ end
+ end
+ #
+ # private functions
+ #
+ def effect_umask
+ if @shell.umask
+ Thread.critical = true
+ save = File.umask
+ begin
+ yield
+ ensure
+ File.umask save
+ Thread.critical = false
+ end
+ else
+ yield
+ end
+ end
+ private :effect_umask
+ def find_system_command(command)
+ return command if /^\// =~ command
+ case path = @system_commands[command]
+ when String
+ if exists?(path)
+ return path
+ else
+ Shell.Fail CommandNotFound, command
+ end
+ when false
+ Shell.Fail CommandNotFound, command
+ end
+ for p in @shell.system_path
+ path = join(p, command)
+ if FileTest.exists?(path)
+ @system_commands[command] = path
+ return path
+ end
+ end
+ @system_commands[command] = false
+ Shell.Fail CommandNotFound, command
+ end
+ #
+ # CommandProcessor.def_system_command(command, path)
+ # command: String
+ # path: String
+ # define 'command()' method as method.
+ #
+ def self.def_system_command(command, path = command)
+ begin
+ eval ((d = %Q[def #{command}(*opts)
+, '#{path}', *opts)
+ end]), nil, __FILE__, __LINE__ - 1)
+ rescue SyntaxError
+ Shell.notify "warn: Can't define #{command} path: #{path}."
+ end
+ Shell.notify "Define #{command} path: #{path}.", Shell.debug?
+ Shell.notify("Definition of #{command}: ", d,
+ Shell.debug.kind_of?(Integer) && Shell.debug > 1)
+ end
+ def self.undef_system_command(command)
+ command = command.id2name if command.kind_of?(Symbol)
+ remove_method(command)
+ Shell.module_eval{remove_method(command)}
+ Filter.module_eval{remove_method(command)}
+ self
+ end
+ # define command alias
+ # ex)
+ # def_alias_command("ls_c", "ls", "-C", "-F")
+ # def_alias_command("ls_c", "ls"){|*opts| ["-C", "-F", *opts]}
+ #
+ @alias_map = {}
+ def self.alias_map
+ @alias_map
+ end
+ def self.alias_command(ali, command, *opts, &block)
+ ali = ali.id2name if ali.kind_of?(Symbol)
+ command = command.id2name if command.kind_of?(Symbol)
+ begin
+ if iterator?
+ @alias_map[ali.intern] = proc
+ eval ((d = %Q[def #{ali}(*opts)
+ @shell.__send__(:#{command},
+ *(CommandProcessor.alias_map[:#{ali}].call *opts))
+ end]), nil, __FILE__, __LINE__ - 1)
+ else
+ args = opts.collect{|opt| '"' + opt + '"'}.join ","
+ eval ((d = %Q[def #{ali}(*opts)
+ @shell.__send__(:#{command}, #{args}, *opts)
+ end]), nil, __FILE__, __LINE__ - 1)
+ end
+ rescue SyntaxError
+ Shell.notify "warn: Can't alias #{ali} command: #{command}."
+ Shell.notify("Definition of #{ali}: ", d)
+ raise
+ end
+ Shell.notify "Define #{ali} command: #{command}.", Shell.debug?
+ Shell.notify("Definition of #{ali}: ", d,
+ Shell.debug.kind_of?(Integer) && Shell.debug > 1)
+ self
+ end
+ def self.unalias_command(ali)
+ ali = ali.id2name if ali.kind_of?(Symbol)
+ @alias_map.delete ali.intern
+ undef_system_command(ali)
+ end
+ #
+ # CommandProcessor.def_builtin_commands(delegation_class, command_specs)
+ # delegation_class: Class or Module
+ # command_specs: [[command_name, [argument,...]],...]
+ # command_name: String
+ # arguments: String
+ # FILENAME?? -> expand_path(filename??)
+ # *FILENAME?? -> filename??.collect{|f|expand_path(f)}.join(", ")
+ # define command_name(argument,...) as
+ # delegation_class.command_name(argument,...)
+ #
+ def self.def_builtin_commands(delegation_class, command_specs)
+ for meth, args in command_specs
+ arg_str = args.collect{|arg| arg.downcase}.join(", ")
+ call_arg_str = args.collect{
+ |arg|
+ case arg
+ when /^(FILENAME.*)$/
+ format("expand_path(%s)", $1.downcase)
+ when /^(\*FILENAME.*)$/
+ # \*FILENAME* -> filenames.collect{|fn| expand_path(fn)}.join(", ")
+ $1.downcase + '.collect{|fn| expand_path(fn)}'
+ else
+ arg
+ end
+ }.join(", ")
+ d = %Q[def #{meth}(#{arg_str})
+ #{delegation_class}.#{meth}(#{call_arg_str})
+ end]
+ Shell.notify "Define #{meth}(#{arg_str})", Shell.debug?
+ Shell.notify("Definition of #{meth}: ", d,
+ Shell.debug.kind_of?(Integer) && Shell.debug > 1)
+ eval d
+ end
+ end
+ #
+ # CommandProcessor.install_system_commands(pre)
+ # pre: String - command name prefix
+ # defines every command which belongs in default_system_path via
+ # CommandProcessor.command(). It doesn't define already defined
+ # methods twice. By default, "pre_" is prefixes to each method
+ # name. Characters that may not be used in a method name are
+ # all converted to '_'. Definition errors are just ignored.
+ #
+ def self.install_system_commands(pre = "sys_")
+ defined_meth = {}
+ for m in Shell.methods
+ defined_meth[m] = true
+ end
+ sh =
+ for path in Shell.default_system_path
+ next unless path
+ path
+ sh.foreach do
+ |cn|
+ if !defined_meth[pre + cn] && sh.file?(cn) && sh.executable?(cn)
+ command = (pre + cn).gsub(/\W/, "_").sub(/^([0-9])/, '_\1')
+ begin
+ def_system_command(command, sh.expand_path(cn))
+ rescue
+ Shell.notify "warn: Can't define #{command} path: #{cn}"
+ end
+ defined_meth[command] = command
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ #----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ #
+ # class initializing methods -
+ #
+ #----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ def self.add_delegate_command_to_shell(id)
+ id = id.intern if id.kind_of?(String)
+ name = id.id2name
+ if Shell.method_defined?(id)
+ Shell.notify "warn: override definnition of Shell##{name}."
+ Shell.notify "warn: alias Shell##{name} to Shell##{name}_org.\n"
+ Shell.module_eval "alias #{name}_org #{name}"
+ end
+ Shell.notify "method added: Shell##{name}.", Shell.debug?
+ Shell.module_eval(%Q[def #{name}(*args, &block)
+ begin
+ @command_processor.__send__(:#{name}, *args, &block)
+ rescue Exception
+ $@.delete_if{|s| /:in `__getobj__'$/ =~ s} #`
+ $@.delete_if{|s| /^\\(eval\\):/ =~ s}
+ raise
+ end
+ end], __FILE__, __LINE__)
+ if Shell::Filter.method_defined?(id)
+ Shell.notify "warn: override definnition of Shell::Filter##{name}."
+ Shell.notify "warn: alias Shell##{name} to Shell::Filter##{name}_org."
+ Filter.module_eval "alias #{name}_org #{name}"
+ end
+ Shell.notify "method added: Shell::Filter##{name}.", Shell.debug?
+ Filter.module_eval(%Q[def #{name}(*args, &block)
+ begin
+ self | @shell.__send__(:#{name}, *args, &block)
+ rescue Exception
+ $@.delete_if{|s| /:in `__getobj__'$/ =~ s} #`
+ $@.delete_if{|s| /^\\(eval\\):/ =~ s}
+ raise
+ end
+ end], __FILE__, __LINE__)
+ end
+ #
+ # define default builtin commands
+ #
+ def self.install_builtin_commands
+ # method related File.
+ # (exclude open/foreach/unlink)
+ normal_delegation_file_methods = [
+ ["atime", ["FILENAME"]],
+ ["basename", ["fn", "*opts"]],
+ ["chmod", ["mode", "*FILENAMES"]],
+ ["chown", ["owner", "group", "*FILENAME"]],
+ ["ctime", ["FILENAMES"]],
+ ["delete", ["*FILENAMES"]],
+ ["dirname", ["FILENAME"]],
+ ["ftype", ["FILENAME"]],
+ ["join", ["*items"]],
+ ["link", ["FILENAME_O", "FILENAME_N"]],
+ ["lstat", ["FILENAME"]],
+ ["mtime", ["FILENAME"]],
+ ["readlink", ["FILENAME"]],
+ ["rename", ["FILENAME_FROM", "FILENAME_TO"]],
+ # ["size", ["FILENAME"]],
+ ["split", ["pathname"]],
+ ["stat", ["FILENAME"]],
+ ["symlink", ["FILENAME_O", "FILENAME_N"]],
+ ["truncate", ["FILENAME", "length"]],
+ ["utime", ["atime", "mtime", "*FILENAMES"]]]
+ def_builtin_commands(File, normal_delegation_file_methods)
+ alias_method :rm, :delete
+ # method related FileTest
+ def_builtin_commands(FileTest,
+ FileTest.singleton_methods.collect{|m| [m, ["FILENAME"]]})
+ # method related ftools
+ normal_delegation_ftools_methods = [
+ ["syscopy", ["FILENAME_FROM", "FILENAME_TO"]],
+ ["copy", ["FILENAME_FROM", "FILENAME_TO"]],
+ ["move", ["FILENAME_FROM", "FILENAME_TO"]],
+ ["compare", ["FILENAME_FROM", "FILENAME_TO"]],
+ ["safe_unlink", ["*FILENAMES"]],
+ ["makedirs", ["*FILENAMES"]],
+ # ["chmod", ["mode", "*FILENAMES"]],
+ ["install", ["FILENAME_FROM", "FILENAME_TO", "mode"]],
+ ]
+ def_builtin_commands(File,
+ normal_delegation_ftools_methods)
+ alias_method :cmp, :compare
+ alias_method :mv, :move
+ alias_method :cp, :copy
+ alias_method :rm_f, :safe_unlink
+ alias_method :mkpath, :makedirs
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/lib/shell/error.rb b/lib/shell/error.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..df5e669af6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/shell/error.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+# shell/error.rb -
+# $Release Version: 0.6.0 $
+# $Revision$
+# $Date$
+# by Keiju ISHITSUKA(Nihon Rational Software Co.,Ltd)
+# --
+require "e2mmap"
+class Shell
+ module Error
+ extend Exception2MessageMapper
+ def_e2message TypeError, "wrong argument type %s (expected %s)"
+ def_exception :DirStackEmpty, "Directory stack empty."
+ def_exception :CanNotDefine, "Can't define method(%s, %s)."
+ def_exception :CanNotMethodApply, "This method(%s) can't apply this type(%s)."
+ def_exception :CommandNotFound, "Command not found(%s)."
+ end
diff --git a/lib/shell/filter.rb b/lib/shell/filter.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..441cded221
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/shell/filter.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
+# shell/filter.rb -
+# $Release Version: 0.6.0 $
+# $Revision$
+# $Date$
+# by Keiju ISHITSUKA(Nihon Rational Software Co.,Ltd)
+# --
+class Shell
+ #
+ # Filter
+ # A method to require
+ # each()
+ #
+ class Filter
+ include Enumerable
+ include Error
+ def initialize(sh)
+ @shell = sh # parent shell
+ @input = nil # input filter
+ end
+ attr_reader :input
+ def input=(filter)
+ @input = filter
+ end
+ def each(rs = nil)
+ rs = @shell.record_separator unless rs
+ if @input
+ @input.each(rs){|l| yield l}
+ end
+ end
+ def < (src)
+ case src
+ when String
+ cat =, src)
+ cat | self
+ when IO
+ self.input = src
+ self
+ else
+ Filter.Fail CanNotMethodApply, "<", to.type
+ end
+ end
+ def > (to)
+ case to
+ when String
+ dst =, "w")
+ begin
+ each(){|l| dst << l}
+ ensure
+ dst.close
+ end
+ when IO
+ each(){|l| to << l}
+ else
+ Filter.Fail CanNotMethodApply, ">", to.type
+ end
+ self
+ end
+ def >> (to)
+ begin
+, self)
+ rescue CanNotMethodApply
+ Shell.Fail CanNotMethodApply, ">>", to.type
+ end
+ end
+ def | (filter)
+ filter.input = self
+ if active?
+ @shell.process_controller.start_job filter
+ end
+ filter
+ end
+ def + (filter)
+, self, filter)
+ end
+ def to_a
+ ary = []
+ each(){|l| ary.push l}
+ ary
+ end
+ def to_s
+ str = ""
+ each(){|l| str.concat l}
+ str
+ end
+ def inspect
+ if @shell.debug.kind_of?(Integer) && @shell.debug > 2
+ super
+ else
+ to_s
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/lib/shell/process-controller.rb b/lib/shell/process-controller.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..26fb1d9f08
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/shell/process-controller.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,258 @@
+# shell/process-controller.rb -
+# $Release Version: 0.6.0 $
+# $Revision$
+# $Date$
+# by Keiju ISHITSUKA(Nihon Rational Software Co.,Ltd)
+# --
+require "mutex_m"
+require "monitor"
+require "sync"
+class Shell
+ class ProcessController
+ @ProcessControllers = {}
+ @ProcessControllers.extend Mutex_m
+ class<<self
+ def process_controllers_exclusive
+ begin
+ @ProcessControllers.lock unless Thread.critical
+ yield
+ ensure
+ @ProcessControllers.unlock unless Thread.critical
+ end
+ end
+ def activate(pc)
+ process_controllers_exclusive do
+ @ProcessControllers[pc] ||= 0
+ @ProcessControllers[pc] += 1
+ end
+ end
+ def inactivate(pc)
+ process_controllers_exclusive do
+ if @ProcessControllers[pc]
+ if (@ProcessControllers[pc] -= 1) == 0
+ @ProcessControllers.delete(pc)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def each_active_object
+ process_controllers_exclusive do
+ for ref in @ProcessControllers.keys
+ yield ref
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def initialize(shell)
+ @shell = shell
+ @waiting_jobs = []
+ @active_jobs = []
+ @jobs_sync =
+ @job_monitor =
+ @job_condition =
+ end
+ def jobs
+ jobs = []
+ @jobs_sync.synchronize(:SH) do
+ jobs.concat @waiting_jobs
+ jobs.concat @active_jobs
+ end
+ jobs
+ end
+ def active_jobs
+ @active_jobs
+ end
+ def waiting_jobs
+ @waiting_jobs
+ end
+ def jobs_exist?
+ @jobs_sync.synchronize(:SH) do
+ @active_jobs.empty? or @waiting_jobs.empty?
+ end
+ end
+ def active_jobs_exist?
+ @jobs_sync.synchronize(:SH) do
+ @active_jobs.empty?
+ end
+ end
+ def waiting_jobs_exist?
+ @jobs_sync.synchronize(:SH) do
+ @waiting_jobs.empty?
+ end
+ end
+ # schedule a command
+ def add_schedule(command)
+ @jobs_sync.synchronize(:EX) do
+ ProcessController.activate(self)
+ if @active_jobs.empty?
+ start_job command
+ else
+ @waiting_jobs.push(command)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ # start a job
+ def start_job(command = nil)
+ @jobs_sync.synchronize(:EX) do
+ if command
+ return if
+ @waiting_jobs.delete command
+ else
+ command = @waiting_jobs.shift
+ return unless command
+ end
+ @active_jobs.push command
+ command.start
+ # start all jobs that input from the job
+ for job in @waiting_jobs
+ start_job(job) if job.input == command
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def waiting_job?(job)
+ @jobs_sync.synchronize(:SH) do
+ @waiting_jobs.include?(job)
+ end
+ end
+ def active_job?(job)
+ @jobs_sync.synchronize(:SH) do
+ @active_jobs.include?(job)
+ end
+ end
+ # terminate a job
+ def terminate_job(command)
+ @jobs_sync.synchronize(:EX) do
+ @active_jobs.delete command
+ ProcessController.inactivate(self)
+ if @active_jobs.empty?
+ start_job
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ # kill a job
+ def kill_job(sig, command)
+ @jobs_sync.synchronize(:SH) do
+ if @waiting_jobs.delete command
+ ProcessController.inactivate(self)
+ return
+ elsif @active_jobs.include?(command)
+ begin
+ r = command.kill sig
+ ProcessController.inactivate(self)
+ rescue
+ print "Shell: Warn: $!\n" if @shell.verbose?
+ return nil
+ end
+ @active_jobs.delete command
+ r
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ # wait for all jobs to terminate
+ def wait_all_jobs_execution
+ @job_monitor.synchronize do
+ begin
+ while !jobs.empty?
+ @job_condition.wait(@job_monitor)
+ end
+ ensure
+ redo unless jobs.empty?
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ # simple fork
+ def sfork(command, &block)
+ pipe_me_in, pipe_peer_out = IO.pipe
+ pipe_peer_in, pipe_me_out = IO.pipe
+ Thread.critical = true
+ STDOUT.flush
+ ProcessController.each_active_object do |pc|
+ for jobs in pc.active_jobs
+ jobs.flush
+ end
+ end
+ pid = fork {
+ Thread.critical = true
+ Thread.list.each do |th|
+ th.kill unless [Thread.main, Thread.current].include?(th)
+ end
+ STDIN.reopen(pipe_peer_in)
+ STDOUT.reopen(pipe_peer_out)
+ ObjectSpace.each_object(IO) do |io|
+ if ![STDIN, STDOUT, STDERR].include?(io)
+ io.close unless io.closed?
+ end
+ end
+ yield
+ }
+ pipe_peer_in.close
+ pipe_peer_out.close
+ command.notify "job(%name:##{pid}) start", @shell.debug?
+ Thread.critical = false
+ th = Thread.start {
+ Thread.critical = true
+ begin
+ _pid = nil
+ command.notify("job(%id) start to waiting finish.", @shell.debug?)
+ Thread.critical = false
+ _pid = Process.waitpid(pid, nil)
+ rescue Errno::ECHILD
+ command.notify "warn: job(%id) was done already waitipd."
+ _pid = true
+ ensure
+ # when the process ends, wait until the command termintes
+ if _pid
+ else
+ command.notify("notice: Process finishing...",
+ "wait for Job[%id] to finish.",
+ "You can use Shell#transact or Shell#check_point for more safe execution.")
+ redo
+ end
+ Thread.exclusive do
+ terminate_job(command)
+ @job_condition.signal
+ command.notify "job(%id) finish.", @shell.debug?
+ end
+ end
+ }
+ return pid, pipe_me_in, pipe_me_out
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/lib/shell/system-command.rb b/lib/shell/system-command.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c22b9ac0a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/shell/system-command.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,168 @@
+# shell/system-command.rb -
+# $Release Version: 0.6.0 $
+# $Revision$
+# $Date$
+# by Keiju ISHITSUKA(Nihon Rational Software Co.,Ltd)
+# --
+require "shell/filter"
+class Shell
+ class SystemCommand < Filter
+ def initialize(sh, command, *opts)
+ if t = opts.find{|opt| !opt.kind_of?(String) && opt.type}
+ Shell.Fail TypeError, t.type, "String"
+ end
+ super(sh)
+ @command = command
+ @opts = opts
+ @input_queue =
+ @pid = nil
+ sh.process_controller.add_schedule(self)
+ end
+ attr_reader :command
+ alias name command
+ def wait?
+ @shell.process_controller.waiting_job?(self)
+ end
+ def active?
+ @shell.process_controller.active_job?(self)
+ end
+ def input=(inp)
+ super
+ if active?
+ start_export
+ end
+ end
+ def start
+ @pid, @pipe_in, @pipe_out = @shell.process_controller.sfork(self) {
+ Dir.chdir @shell.pwd
+ exec(@command, *@opts)
+ }
+ if @input
+ start_export
+ end
+ start_import
+ end
+ def flush
+ @pipe_out.flush if @pipe_out and !@pipe_out.closed?
+ end
+ def terminate
+ begin
+ @pipe_in.close
+ rescue IOError
+ end
+ begin
+ @pipe_out.close
+ rescue IOError
+ end
+ end
+ def kill(sig)
+ if @pid
+ Process.kill(sig, @pid)
+ end
+ end
+ def start_import
+# Thread.critical = true
+ notify "Job(%id) start imp-pipe.", @shell.debug?
+ rs = @shell.record_separator unless rs
+ _eop = true
+# Thread.critical = false
+ th = Thread.start {
+ Thread.critical = true
+ begin
+ Thread.critical = false
+ while l = @pipe_in.gets
+ @input_queue.push l
+ end
+ _eop = false
+ rescue Errno::EPIPE
+ _eop = false
+ ensure
+ if _eop
+ notify("warn: Process finishing...",
+ "wait for Job[%id] to finish pipe importing.",
+ "You can use Shell#transact or Shell#check_point for more safe execution.")
+# Tracer.on
+ redo
+ end
+ Thread.exclusive do
+ notify "job(%id}) close imp-pipe.", @shell.debug?
+ @input_queue.push :EOF
+ @pipe_in.close
+ end
+ end
+ }
+ end
+ def start_export
+ notify "job(%id) start exp-pipe.", @shell.debug?
+ _eop = true
+ th = Thread.start{
+ Thread.critical = true
+ begin
+ Thread.critical = false
+ @input.each{|l| @pipe_out.print l}
+ _eop = false
+ rescue Errno::EPIPE
+ _eop = false
+ ensure
+ if _eop
+ notify("shell: warn: Process finishing...",
+ "wait for Job(%id) to finish pipe exporting.",
+ "You can use Shell#transact or Shell#check_point for more safe execution.")
+# Tracer.on
+ redo
+ end
+ Thread.exclusive do
+ notify "job(%id) close exp-pipe.", @shell.debug?
+ @pipe_out.close
+ end
+ end
+ }
+ end
+ alias super_each each
+ def each(rs = nil)
+ while (l = @input_queue.pop) != :EOF
+ yield l
+ end
+ end
+ # ex)
+ # if you wish to output:
+ # "shell: job(#{@command}:#{@pid}) close pipe-out."
+ # then
+ # mes: "job(%id) close pipe-out."
+ # yorn: Boolean(@shell.debug? or @shell.verbose?)
+ def notify(*opts, &block)
+ Thread.exclusive do
+ @shell.notify(*opts) {|mes|
+ yield mes if iterator?
+ mes.gsub!("%id", "#{@command}:##{@pid}")
+ mes.gsub!("%name", "#{@command}")
+ mes.gsub!("%pid", "#{@pid}")
+ }
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/lib/shell/version.rb b/lib/shell/version.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6694c804d8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/shell/version.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+# version.rb - shell version definition file
+# $Release Version: 0.6.0$
+# $Revision$
+# $Date$
+# by Keiju ISHITSUKA(Nihon Rational Software Co.,Ltd)
+# --
+class Shell
+ @RELEASE_VERSION = "0.6.0"
+ @LAST_UPDATE_DATE = "01/03/19"
diff --git a/lib/shellwords.rb b/lib/shellwords.rb
index 5c31f8ca78..9fd7571172 100644
--- a/lib/shellwords.rb
+++ b/lib/shellwords.rb
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ module Shellwords
unless line.kind_of?(String)
raise ArgumentError, "Argument must be String class object."
- line.sub!(/\A\s+/, '')
+ line = line.sub(/\A\s+/, '')
words = []
while line != ''
field = ''
diff --git a/lib/thread.rb b/lib/thread.rb
index d4b6ad6ec1..0537c78650 100644
--- a/lib/thread.rb
+++ b/lib/thread.rb
@@ -74,7 +74,10 @@ class Mutex
Thread.critical = false
- if t
+ begin
+ if t
+ rescue ThreadError
+ end
@@ -160,7 +163,10 @@ class Queue
Thread.critical = false
- if t
+ begin
+ if t
+ rescue ThreadError
+ end
def enq(obj)
@@ -170,7 +176,7 @@ class Queue
Thread.critical = true
loop do
- if @que.length == 0
+ if @que.empty?
if non_block
raise ThreadError, "queue empty"
@@ -184,13 +190,11 @@ class Queue
Thread.critical = false
- def shift(non_block=false)
- pop(non_block=false)
- end
- alias deq shift
+ alias shift pop
+ alias deq pop
def empty?
- @que.length == 0
+ @que.empty?
def clear
@@ -223,11 +227,11 @@ class SizedQueue<Queue
def max=(max)
Thread.critical = true
- if max >= @max
+ if max <= @max
@max = max
Thread.critical = false
- diff = max - @max
+ diff = @max - max
@max = max
Thread.critical = false
diff.times do
@@ -253,6 +257,7 @@ class SizedQueue<Queue
def pop(*args)
+ retval = super
Thread.critical = true
if @que.length < @max
@@ -263,9 +268,12 @@ class SizedQueue<Queue
Thread.critical = false
- if t
+ begin
+ if t
+ rescue ThreadError
+ end
- super
+ retval
def num_waiting
diff --git a/marshal.c b/marshal.c
index cf84e5ed24..e911670edc 100644
--- a/marshal.c
+++ b/marshal.c
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
#include "rubyio.h"
#include "st.h"
-#ifndef atof
+#if !defined(atof) && !defined(HAVE_STDLIB_H)
double strtod();
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ shortlen(len, ds)
num = SHORTDN(num);
- return len*sizeof(BDIGIT)/sizeof(short) - offset;
+ return (len - 1)*sizeof(BDIGIT)/sizeof(short) + offset;
#define SHORTLEN(x) shortlen((x),d)
@@ -187,7 +187,7 @@ w_float(d, arg)
char buf[100];
- sprintf(buf, "%.12g", d);
+ sprintf(buf, "%.16g", d);
w_bytes(buf, strlen(buf), arg);
@@ -378,7 +378,7 @@ w_object(obj, arg, limit)
for (i=0; i<SIZEOF_BDIGITS; i+=sizeof(short)) {
w_short(num & SHORTMASK, arg);
num = SHORTDN(num);
- if (num == 0) break;
+ if (len == 0 && num == 0) break;
w_short(*d, arg);
@@ -823,7 +823,11 @@ r_object(arg)
OBJSETUP(big, rb_cBignum, T_BIGNUM);
big->sign = (r_byte(arg) == '+');
len = r_long(arg);
+ big->len = len;
big->len = (len + 1) * sizeof(short) / sizeof(BDIGIT);
big->digits = digits = ALLOC_N(BDIGIT, big->len);
while (len > 0) {
@@ -1055,7 +1059,7 @@ marshal_load(argc, argv)
\tformat version %d.%d required; %d.%d given",
- if (minor != MARSHAL_MINOR) {
+ if (ruby_verbose && minor != MARSHAL_MINOR) {
rb_warn("incompatible marshal file format (can be read)\n\
\tformat version %d.%d required; %d.%d given",
diff --git a/math.c b/math.c
index ac87b9c8dc..2cac83e938 100644
--- a/math.c
+++ b/math.c
@@ -64,6 +64,11 @@ math_exp(obj, x)
return rb_float_new(exp(RFLOAT(x)->value));
+#if defined __CYGWIN__
+#define log(x) ((x) < 0.0 ? nan() : log(x))
+#define log10(x) ((x) < 0.0 ? nan() : log10(x))
static VALUE
math_log(obj, x)
VALUE obj, x;
diff --git a/misc/ruby-mode.el b/misc/ruby-mode.el
index c0754efad4..7dd4708176 100644
--- a/misc/ruby-mode.el
+++ b/misc/ruby-mode.el
@@ -749,7 +749,7 @@ An end of a defun is found by moving forward from the beginning of one."
'("^\\s *def\\s +\\([^( ]+\\)"
1 font-lock-function-name-face)
;; symbols
- '("\\(^\\|[^:]\\)\\(:\\(\\w\\|_\\)+\\??\\)\\b"
+ '("\\(^\\|[^:]\\)\\(:\\([-+/%&|^~`]\\|\\*\\*?\\|<\\(<\\|=>?\\)?\\|>[>=]?\\|===?\\|=~\\|\\[\\]\\|\\(\\w\\|_\\)+\\([!?=]\\|\\b\\)\\)\\)"
2 font-lock-reference-face))
"*Additional expressions to highlight in ruby mode."))
diff --git a/missing/alloca.c b/missing/alloca.c
index 6879618c8a..5746497371 100644
--- a/missing/alloca.c
+++ b/missing/alloca.c
@@ -2,7 +2,6 @@
last edit: 86/05/30 rms
include config.h, since on VMS it renames some symbols.
- Use xmalloc instead of malloc.
This implementation of the PWB library alloca() function,
which is used to allocate space off the run-time stack so
@@ -53,7 +52,7 @@ typedef char *pointer; /* generic pointer type */
#define NULL 0 /* null pointer constant */
extern void free();
-extern pointer xmalloc();
+extern pointer malloc();
Define STACK_DIRECTION if you know the direction of stack
@@ -173,7 +172,7 @@ alloca (size) /* returns pointer to storage */
/* Allocate combined header + user data storage. */
- register pointer new = xmalloc (sizeof (header) + size);
+ register pointer new = malloc (sizeof (header) + size);
/* address of header */
((header *)new)-> = last_alloca_header;
diff --git a/missing/dir.h b/missing/dir.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 830239b3ea..0000000000
--- a/missing/dir.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
-/* $RCSfile: dir.h,v $$Revision: $$Date: 91/06/07 11:22:10 $
- *
- * (C) Copyright 1987, 1990 Diomidis Spinellis.
- *
- * You may distribute under the terms of either the GNU General Public
- * License or the Artistic License, as specified in the README file.
- *
- * $Log: dir.h,v $
- * Revision 91/06/07 11:22:10 lwall
- * patch4: new copyright notice
- *
- * Revision 4.0 91/03/20 01:34:20 lwall
- * 4.0 baseline.
- *
- * Revision 90/03/27 16:07:08 lwall
- * patch16: MSDOS support
- *
- * Revision 1.1 90/03/18 20:32:29 dds
- * Initial revision
- *
- *
- */
- * defines the type returned by the directory(3) functions
- */
-#ifndef __DIR_INCLUDED
-#define __DIR_INCLUDED
-#if !defined __MINGW32__
-/*Directory entry size */
-#ifdef DIRSIZ
-#undef DIRSIZ
-#define DIRSIZ(rp) (sizeof(struct direct))
- * Structure of a directory entry
- */
-struct direct {
- ino_t d_ino; /* inode number (not used by MS-DOS) */
- int d_namlen; /* Name length */
- char d_name[256]; /* file name */
-struct _dir_struc { /* Structure used by dir operations */
- char *start; /* Starting position */
- char *curr; /* Current position */
- long size; /* Size of string table */
- long nfiles; /* number if filenames in table */
- struct direct dirstr; /* Directory structure to return */
-typedef struct _dir_struc DIR; /* Type returned by dir operations */
-DIR *cdecl opendir(char *filename);
-struct direct *readdir(DIR *dirp);
-long telldir(DIR *dirp);
-void seekdir(DIR *dirp,long loc);
-void rewinddir(DIR *dirp);
-void closedir(DIR *dirp);
-#endif /* __DIR_INCLUDED */
diff --git a/missing/flock.c b/missing/flock.c
index 78576d438c..c828fcc7ad 100644
--- a/missing/flock.c
+++ b/missing/flock.c
@@ -1,6 +1,55 @@
#include "config.h"
-#if defined(HAVE_LOCKF)
+#if defined HAVE_FCNTL && defined HAVE_FCNTL_H
+/* These are the flock() constants. Since this sytems doesn't have
+ flock(), the values of the constants are probably not available.
+# ifndef LOCK_SH
+# define LOCK_SH 1
+# endif
+# ifndef LOCK_EX
+# define LOCK_EX 2
+# endif
+# ifndef LOCK_NB
+# define LOCK_NB 4
+# endif
+# ifndef LOCK_UN
+# define LOCK_UN 8
+# endif
+#include <fcntl.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+flock(fd, operation)
+ int fd;
+ int operation;
+ struct flock lock;
+ switch (operation & ~LOCK_NB) {
+ case LOCK_SH:
+ lock.l_type = F_RDLCK;
+ break;
+ case LOCK_EX:
+ lock.l_type = F_WRLCK;
+ break;
+ case LOCK_UN:
+ lock.l_type = F_UNLCK;
+ break;
+ default:
+ errno = EINVAL;
+ return -1;
+ }
+ lock.l_whence = SEEK_SET;
+ lock.l_start = lock.l_len = 0L;
+ return fcntl(fd, (operation & LOCK_NB) ? F_SETLK : F_SETLKW, &lock);
+#elif defined(HAVE_LOCKF)
#include <unistd.h>
#include <errno.h>
@@ -45,86 +94,33 @@ flock(fd, operation)
int fd;
int operation;
- int i;
switch (operation) {
/* LOCK_SH - get a shared lock */
case LOCK_SH:
+ rb_notimplement();
+ return -1;
/* LOCK_EX - get an exclusive lock */
case LOCK_EX:
- i = lockf (fd, F_LOCK, 0);
- break;
+ return lockf (fd, F_LOCK, 0);
/* LOCK_SH|LOCK_NB - get a non-blocking shared lock */
+ rb_notimplement();
+ return -1;
/* LOCK_EX|LOCK_NB - get a non-blocking exclusive lock */
- i = lockf (fd, F_TLOCK, 0);
- if (i == -1)
- if ((errno == EAGAIN) || (errno == EACCES))
- errno = EWOULDBLOCK;
- break;
+ return lockf (fd, F_TLOCK, 0);
/* LOCK_UN - unlock */
case LOCK_UN:
- i = lockf (fd, F_ULOCK, 0);
- break;
+ return lockf (fd, F_ULOCK, 0);
/* Default - can't decipher operation */
- i = -1;
errno = EINVAL;
- break;
+ return -1;
- return i;
-#elif defined HAVE_FCNTL && defined HAVE_FCNTL_H
-/* These are the flock() constants. Since this sytems doesn't have
- flock(), the values of the constants are probably not available.
-# ifndef LOCK_SH
-# define LOCK_SH 1
-# endif
-# ifndef LOCK_EX
-# define LOCK_EX 2
-# endif
-# ifndef LOCK_NB
-# define LOCK_NB 4
-# endif
-# ifndef LOCK_UN
-# define LOCK_UN 8
-# endif
-#include <fcntl.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include <errno.h>
-flock(fd, operation)
- int fd;
- int operation;
- struct flock lock;
- switch (operation & ~LOCK_NB) {
- case LOCK_SH:
- lock.l_type = F_RDLCK;
- break;
- case LOCK_EX:
- lock.l_type = F_WRLCK;
- break;
- case LOCK_UN:
- lock.l_type = F_UNLCK;
- break;
- default:
- errno = EINVAL;
- return -1;
- }
- lock.l_whence = SEEK_SET;
- lock.l_start = lock.l_len = 0L;
- return fcntl(fd, (operation & LOCK_NB) ? F_SETLK : F_SETLKW, &lock);
#elif !defined NT
diff --git a/missing/hypot.c b/missing/hypot.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..aad5259e92
--- /dev/null
+++ b/missing/hypot.c
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+/* public domain rewrite of hypot */
+#include <math.h>
+double hypot(x,y)
+ double x, y;
+ if (x < 0) x = -x;
+ if (y < 0) y = -y;
+ if (x < y) {
+ double tmp = x;
+ x = y; y = tmp;
+ }
+ if (y == 0.0) return x;
+ y /= x;
+ return x * sqrt(1.0+y*y);
diff --git a/missing/strftime.c b/missing/strftime.c
index 6bce490249..3042649aeb 100644
--- a/missing/strftime.c
+++ b/missing/strftime.c
@@ -113,12 +113,6 @@ extern char *getenv();
extern char *strchr();
-#ifdef __GNUC__
-#define inline __inline__
-#define inline /**/
#define range(low, item, hi) max(low, min(item, hi))
#if !defined(OS2) && !defined(MSDOS) && defined(HAVE_TZNAME)
diff --git a/missing/vsnprintf.c b/missing/vsnprintf.c
index d297209d06..489bf58361 100644
--- a/missing/vsnprintf.c
+++ b/missing/vsnprintf.c
@@ -108,9 +108,7 @@
#define __const
#endif /* People who don't like const sys_error */
-#if defined NT && !defined __MINGW32__
-typedef long size_t;
+#include <stddef.h>
#ifndef NULL
#define NULL 0
@@ -1095,8 +1093,6 @@ vsnprintf(str, n, fmt, ap)
static char sccsid[] = "@(#)snprintf.c 8.1 (Berkeley) 6/4/93";
#endif /* LIBC_SCCS and not lint */
-#include <stddef.h>
#if defined(__STDC__)
# include <stdarg.h>
diff --git a/mkconfig.rb b/mkconfig.rb
index 175a4c3b15..57c4384983 100644
--- a/mkconfig.rb
+++ b/mkconfig.rb
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ rbconfig_rb = ARGV[0] || 'rbconfig.rb'
srcdir = $srcdir if $srcdir
File.makedirs(File.dirname(rbconfig_rb), true)
-version = VERSION
+version = RUBY_VERSION
config = open(rbconfig_rb, "w")
@@ -14,8 +14,8 @@ fast = {'prefix'=>TRUE, 'ruby_install_name'=>TRUE, 'INSTALL'=>TRUE, 'EXEEXT'=>TR
print %[
module Config
- VERSION == "#{version}" or
- raise "ruby lib version (#{version}) doesn't match executable version (\#{VERSION})"
+ RUBY_VERSION == "#{version}" or
+ raise "ruby lib version (#{version}) doesn't match executable version (\#{RUBY_VERSION})"
# This file was created by configrb when ruby was built. Any changes
# made to this file will be lost the next time ruby is built.
@@ -28,11 +28,11 @@ has_srcdir = false
has_version = false
File.foreach "config.status" do |$_|
next if /^#/
- if /^s%@program_transform_name@%s,(.*)%g$/
+ if /^s[%,]@program_transform_name@[%,]s,(.*)[%,]/
next if $install_name
ptn = $1.sub(/\$\$/, '$').split(/,/) #'
v_fast << " CONFIG[\"ruby_install_name\"] = \"" + "ruby".sub(ptn[0],ptn[1]) + "\"\n"
- elsif /^s%@(\w+)@%(.*)%g/
+ elsif /^s[%,]@(\w+)@[%,](.*)[%,]/
name = $1
val = $2 || ""
next if name =~ /^(INSTALL|DEFS|configure_input|srcdir|top_srcdir)$/
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ File.foreach "config.status" do |$_|
next if $so_name and name =~ /^RUBY_SO_NAME$/
v = " CONFIG[\"" + name + "\"] = " +
val.sub(/^\s*(.*)\s*$/, '"\1"').gsub(/\$\{?(\w+)\}?/) {
- "\#{CONFIG[\\\"#{$1}\\\"]}"
+ "$(#{$1})"
} + "\n"
if fast[name]
v_fast << v
@@ -48,20 +48,7 @@ File.foreach "config.status" do |$_|
v_others << v
has_version = true if name == "MAJOR"
- if /DEFS/
- val.split(/\s*-D/).each do |i|
- if i =~ /(.*)=(\\")?([^\\]*)(\\")?/
- key, val = $1, $3
- if val == '1'
- val = "TRUE"
- else
- val.sub! /^\s*(.*)\s*$/, '"\1"'
- end
- print " CONFIG[\"#{key}\"] = #{val}\n"
- end
- end
- end
- elsif /^ac_given_srcdir=(.*)/
+ elsif /^(?:ac_given_)?srcdir=(.*)/
v_fast << " CONFIG[\"srcdir\"] = \"" + File.expand_path($1) + "\"\n"
has_srcdir = true
elsif /^ac_given_INSTALL=(.*)/
@@ -71,11 +58,11 @@ File.foreach "config.status" do |$_|
if not has_srcdir
- v_fast << " CONFIG[\"srcdir\"] = \"" + File.expand_path(srcdir) + "\"\n"
+ v_fast << " CONFIG[\"srcdir\"] = \"" + File.expand_path(srcdir || '.') + "\"\n"
if not has_version
- VERSION.scan(/(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)/) {
+ RUBY_VERSION.scan(/(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)/) {
print " CONFIG[\"MAJOR\"] = \"" + $1 + "\"\n"
print " CONFIG[\"MINOR\"] = \"" + $2 + "\"\n"
print " CONFIG[\"TEENY\"] = \"" + $3 + "\"\n"
@@ -102,6 +89,11 @@ end
print v_fast, v_others
print <<EOS
+ CONFIG["ruby_version"] = "$(MAJOR).$(MINOR)"
+ CONFIG["rubylibdir"] = "$(libdir)/ruby/$(ruby_version)"
+ CONFIG["archdir"] = "$(rubylibdir)/$(arch)"
+ CONFIG["sitelibdir"] = "$(sitedir)/$(ruby_version)"
+ CONFIG["sitearchdir"] = "$(sitelibdir)/$(arch)"
CONFIG["compile_dir"] = "#{Dir.pwd}"
CONFIG.each{|k,v| MAKEFILE_CONFIG[k] = v.dup}
@@ -109,7 +101,7 @@ print <<EOS
val.gsub!(/\\$\\(([^()]+)\\)/) do |var|
key = $1
if CONFIG.key? key
- "\#{Config::expand(CONFIG[\\\"\#{key}\\\"])}"
+ Config::expand(CONFIG[key])
diff --git a/node.h b/node.h
index 1904a0a072..4788f8bc95 100644
--- a/node.h
+++ b/node.h
@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ enum node_type {
@@ -234,8 +235,9 @@ typedef struct RNode {
#define NEW_DEFN(i,a,d,p) rb_node_newnode(NODE_DEFN,p,i,NEW_RFUNC(a,d))
#define NEW_DEFS(r,i,a,d) rb_node_newnode(NODE_DEFS,r,i,NEW_RFUNC(a,d))
#define NEW_CFUNC(f,c) rb_node_newnode(NODE_CFUNC,f,c,0)
+#define NEW_IFUNC(f,c) rb_node_newnode(NODE_IFUNC,f,c,0)
#define NEW_RFUNC(b1,b2) NEW_SCOPE(block_append(b1,b2))
-#define NEW_SCOPE(b) rb_node_newnode(NODE_SCOPE,local_tbl(),cur_cref,(b))
+#define NEW_SCOPE(b) rb_node_newnode(NODE_SCOPE,local_tbl(),0,(b))
#define NEW_BLOCK(a) rb_node_newnode(NODE_BLOCK,a,0,0)
#define NEW_IF(c,t,e) rb_node_newnode(NODE_IF,c,t,e)
#define NEW_UNLESS(c,t,e) NEW_IF(c,e,t)
@@ -307,14 +309,12 @@ typedef struct RNode {
#define NEW_ALIAS(n,o) rb_node_newnode(NODE_ALIAS,o,n,0)
#define NEW_VALIAS(n,o) rb_node_newnode(NODE_VALIAS,o,n,0)
#define NEW_UNDEF(i) rb_node_newnode(NODE_UNDEF,0,i,0)
-#define NEW_CLASS(n,b,s) rb_node_newnode(NODE_CLASS,n,NEW_CBODY(b),(s))
-#define NEW_SCLASS(r,b) rb_node_newnode(NODE_SCLASS,r,NEW_CBODY(b),0)
-#define NEW_MODULE(n,b) rb_node_newnode(NODE_MODULE,n,NEW_CBODY(b),0)
+#define NEW_CLASS(n,b,s) rb_node_newnode(NODE_CLASS,n,NEW_SCOPE(b),(s))
+#define NEW_SCLASS(r,b) rb_node_newnode(NODE_SCLASS,r,NEW_SCOPE(b),0)
+#define NEW_MODULE(n,b) rb_node_newnode(NODE_MODULE,n,NEW_SCOPE(b),0)
#define NEW_COLON2(c,i) rb_node_newnode(NODE_COLON2,c,i,0)
#define NEW_COLON3(i) rb_node_newnode(NODE_COLON3,0,i,0)
-#define NEW_CREF0() (cur_cref=RNODE(ruby_frame->cbase))
-#define NEW_CREF() (cur_cref=rb_node_newnode(NODE_CREF,0,0,cur_cref))
-#define NEW_CBODY(b) (cur_cref->nd_body=NEW_SCOPE(b),cur_cref)
+#define NEW_CREF(c) (rb_node_newnode(NODE_CREF,0,0,c))
#define NEW_DOT2(b,e) rb_node_newnode(NODE_DOT2,b,e,0)
#define NEW_DOT3(b,e) rb_node_newnode(NODE_DOT3,b,e,0)
#define NEW_ATTRSET(a) rb_node_newnode(NODE_ATTRSET,a,0,0)
diff --git a/numeric.c b/numeric.c
index 0dd86f0532..40e607b222 100644
--- a/numeric.c
+++ b/numeric.c
@@ -332,7 +332,7 @@ flodivmod(x, y, divp, modp)
double z;
modf(x/y, &z);
- mod = x - z * x;
+ mod = x - z * y;
div = (x - mod) / y;
@@ -1295,12 +1295,14 @@ static VALUE
fix_aref(fix, idx)
VALUE fix, idx;
- unsigned long val = FIX2LONG(fix);
+ long val = FIX2LONG(fix);
int i = NUM2INT(idx);
- if (i < 0 || sizeof(VALUE)*CHAR_BIT-1 < i)
+ if (i < 0 || sizeof(VALUE)*CHAR_BIT-1 < i) {
+ if (val < 0) return INT2FIX(1);
return INT2FIX(0);
- if (val & (1<<i))
+ }
+ if (val & (1L<<i))
return INT2FIX(1);
return INT2FIX(0);
diff --git a/object.c b/object.c
index 4e3d5dd856..1656bd319c 100644
--- a/object.c
+++ b/object.c
@@ -162,6 +162,7 @@ inspect_i(id, value, str)
if (!rb_is_instance_id(id)) return ST_CONTINUE;
if (RSTRING(str)->ptr[0] == '-') { /* first element */
RSTRING(str)->ptr[0] = '#';
+ rb_str_cat2(str, " ");
else {
rb_str_cat2(str, ", ");
@@ -182,6 +183,7 @@ inspect_obj(obj, str)
st_foreach(ROBJECT(obj)->iv_tbl, inspect_i, str);
rb_str_cat2(str, ">");
+ RSTRING(str)->ptr[0] = '#';
OBJ_INFECT(str, obj);
return str;
@@ -227,12 +229,10 @@ rb_obj_is_instance_of(obj, c)
return Qfalse;
case T_FALSE:
- if (obj) return Qfalse;
- return Qtrue;
+ return RTEST(obj) ? Qfalse : Qtrue;
case T_TRUE:
- if (obj) return Qtrue;
- return Qfalse;
+ return RTEST(obj) ? Qtrue : Qfalse;
rb_raise(rb_eTypeError, "class or module required");
@@ -286,7 +286,12 @@ rb_obj_taint(obj)
VALUE obj;
- OBJ_TAINT(obj);
+ if (!OBJ_TAINTED(obj)) {
+ if (OBJ_FROZEN(obj)) {
+ rb_error_frozen("object");
+ }
+ OBJ_TAINT(obj);
+ }
return obj;
@@ -295,7 +300,12 @@ rb_obj_untaint(obj)
VALUE obj;
+ if (OBJ_TAINTED(obj)) {
+ if (OBJ_FROZEN(obj)) {
+ rb_error_frozen("object");
+ }
+ }
return obj;
@@ -514,33 +524,6 @@ sym_to_s(sym)
static VALUE
- VALUE module;
- NEWOBJ(clone, struct RClass);
- CLONESETUP(clone, module);
- clone->super = RCLASS(module)->super;
- if (RCLASS(module)->iv_tbl) {
- clone->iv_tbl = st_copy(RCLASS(module)->iv_tbl);
- }
- if (RCLASS(module)->m_tbl) {
- clone->m_tbl = st_copy(RCLASS(module)->m_tbl);
- }
- return (VALUE)clone;
-static VALUE
- VALUE module;
- VALUE dup = rb_mod_clone(module);
- OBJSETUP(dup, RBASIC(module)->klass, BUILTIN_TYPE(module));
- return dup;
-static VALUE
VALUE klass;
@@ -776,14 +759,24 @@ static VALUE
rb_mod_const_get(mod, name)
VALUE mod, name;
- return rb_const_get(mod, rb_to_id(name));
+ ID id = rb_to_id(name);
+ if (!rb_is_const_id(id)) {
+ rb_raise(rb_eNameError, "wrong constant name %s", name);
+ }
+ return rb_const_get(mod, id);
static VALUE
rb_mod_const_set(mod, name, value)
VALUE mod, name, value;
- rb_const_set(mod, rb_to_id(name), value);
+ ID id = rb_to_id(name);
+ if (!rb_is_const_id(id)) {
+ rb_raise(rb_eNameError, "wrong constant name %s", name);
+ }
+ rb_const_set(mod, id, value);
return value;
@@ -791,7 +784,12 @@ static VALUE
rb_mod_const_defined(mod, name)
VALUE mod, name;
- return rb_const_defined_at(mod, rb_to_id(name));
+ ID id = rb_to_id(name);
+ if (!rb_is_const_id(id)) {
+ rb_raise(rb_eNameError, "wrong constant name %s", name);
+ }
+ return rb_const_defined_at(mod, id);
static VALUE
@@ -1036,6 +1034,9 @@ rb_str2cstr(str, len)
str = rb_str_to_str(str);
if (len) *len = RSTRING(str)->len;
+ else if (ruby_verbose && RSTRING(str)->len != strlen(RSTRING(str)->ptr)) {
+ rb_warn("string contains \\0 character");
+ }
return RSTRING(str)->ptr;
diff --git a/pack.c b/pack.c
index 5538600449..9e05f46c5a 100644
--- a/pack.c
+++ b/pack.c
@@ -826,7 +826,7 @@ pack_pack(ary, fmt)
case 'm':
ptr = rb_str2cstr(NEXTFROM, &plen);
- if (len <= 1)
+ if (len <= 2)
len = 45;
len = len / 3 * 3;
@@ -1026,11 +1026,7 @@ qpencode(str, from, len)
-#if defined(__GNUC__) && __GNUC__ >= 2 && !defined(RUBY_NO_INLINE)
-static __inline__ int
-static int
+static inline int
char c;
diff --git a/parse.y b/parse.y
index d1f1a32321..f92da9a8ff 100644
--- a/parse.y
+++ b/parse.y
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
created at: Fri May 28 18:02:42 JST 1993
- Copyright (C) 1993-2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto
+ Copyright (C) 1993-2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto
@@ -49,7 +49,6 @@ static int yyerror();
static enum lex_state {
EXPR_BEG, /* ignore newline, +/- is a sign. */
EXPR_END, /* newline significant, +/- is a operator. */
- EXPR_PAREN, /* almost like EXPR_END, `do' works as `{'. */
EXPR_ARG, /* newline significant, +/- is a operator. */
EXPR_MID, /* newline significant, +/- is a operator. */
EXPR_FNAME, /* ignore newline, no reserved words. */
@@ -57,8 +56,16 @@ static enum lex_state {
EXPR_CLASS, /* immediate after `class', no here document. */
} lex_state;
+typedef unsigned long long stack_type;
+#elif SIZEOF___INT64 > 0
+typedef unsigned __int64 stack_type;
+typedef unsigned long stack_type;
static int cond_nest = 0;
-static unsigned long cond_stack = 0;
+static stack_type cond_stack = 0;
#define COND_PUSH do {\
cond_stack = (cond_stack<<1)|1;\
@@ -67,10 +74,20 @@ static unsigned long cond_stack = 0;
cond_stack >>= 1;\
} while (0)
-#define IN_COND (cond_nest > 0 && (cond_stack&1))
+#define COND_P() (cond_nest > 0 && (cond_stack&1))
+static stack_type cmdarg_stack = 0;
+#define CMDARG_PUSH do {\
+ cmdarg_stack = (cmdarg_stack<<1)|1;\
+} while(0)
+#define CMDARG_POP do {\
+ cmdarg_stack >>= 1;\
+} while (0)
+#define CMDARG_P() (cmdarg_stack && (cmdarg_stack&1))
static int class_nest = 0;
static int in_single = 0;
+static int in_def = 0;
static int compile_for_eval = 0;
static ID cur_mid = 0;
@@ -115,10 +132,6 @@ static struct RVarmap *dyna_push();
static void dyna_pop();
static int dyna_in_block();
-#define cref_push() NEW_CREF()
-static void cref_pop();
-static NODE *cur_cref;
static void top_local_init();
static void top_local_setup();
@@ -155,7 +168,8 @@ static void top_local_setup();
- kDO2
@@ -184,11 +198,11 @@ static void top_local_setup();
%type <node> singleton string
%type <val> literal numeric
-%type <node> compstmt stmts stmt expr arg primary command_call method_call
+%type <node> compstmt stmts stmt expr arg primary command command_call method_call
%type <node> if_tail opt_else case_body cases rescue exc_list exc_var ensure
-%type <node> opt_call_args call_args ret_args args when_args
-%type <node> aref_args opt_block_arg block_arg stmt_rhs
-%type <node> mrhs mrhs_basic superclass generic_call block_call var_ref
+%type <node> args ret_args when_args call_args paren_args opt_paren_args
+%type <node> command_args aref_args opt_block_arg block_arg var_ref
+%type <node> mrhs mrhs_basic superclass block_call block_command
%type <node> f_arglist f_args f_optarg f_opt f_block_arg opt_f_block_arg
%type <node> assoc_list assocs assoc undef_list backref
%type <node> block_var opt_block_var brace_block do_block lhs none
@@ -251,7 +265,6 @@ program : {
$<vars>$ = ruby_dyna_vars;
lex_state = EXPR_BEG;
- NEW_CREF0(); /* initialize constant c-ref */
if ((VALUE)ruby_class == rb_cObject) class_nest = 0;
else class_nest = 1;
@@ -270,7 +283,6 @@ program : {
ruby_eval_tree = block_append(ruby_eval_tree, $2);
- cur_cref = 0;
class_nest = 0;
ruby_dyna_vars = $<vars>1;
@@ -295,16 +307,15 @@ stmts : none
$$ = $2;
-stmt : block_call
- | kALIAS fitem {lex_state = EXPR_FNAME;} fitem
+stmt : kALIAS fitem {lex_state = EXPR_FNAME;} fitem
- if (cur_mid || in_single)
+ if (in_def || in_single)
yyerror("alias within method");
$$ = NEW_ALIAS($2, $4);
- if (cur_mid || in_single)
+ if (in_def || in_single)
yyerror("alias within method");
$$ = NEW_VALIAS($2, $3);
@@ -312,7 +323,7 @@ stmt : block_call
char buf[3];
- if (cur_mid || in_single)
+ if (in_def || in_single)
yyerror("alias within method");
sprintf(buf, "$%c", $3->nd_nth);
$$ = NEW_VALIAS($2, rb_intern(buf));
@@ -324,7 +335,7 @@ stmt : block_call
| kUNDEF undef_list
- if (cur_mid || in_single)
+ if (in_def || in_single)
yyerror("undef within method");
$$ = $2;
@@ -343,31 +354,21 @@ stmt : block_call
| stmt kWHILE_MOD expr
- if ($1) {
- if (nd_type($1) == NODE_BEGIN) {
- $$ = NEW_WHILE(cond($3), $1->nd_body, 0);
- }
- else {
- $$ = NEW_WHILE(cond($3), $1, 1);
- }
+ if ($1 && nd_type($1) == NODE_BEGIN) {
+ $$ = NEW_WHILE(cond($3), $1->nd_body, 0);
else {
- $$ = 0;
+ $$ = NEW_WHILE(cond($3), $1, 1);
| stmt kUNTIL_MOD expr
- if ($1) {
- if (nd_type($1) == NODE_BEGIN) {
- $$ = NEW_UNTIL(cond($3), $1->nd_body, 0);
- }
- else {
- $$ = NEW_UNTIL(cond($3), $1, 1);
- }
+ if ($1 && nd_type($1) == NODE_BEGIN) {
+ $$ = NEW_UNTIL(cond($3), $1->nd_body, 0);
else {
- $$ = 0;
+ $$ = NEW_UNTIL(cond($3), $1, 1);
| stmt kRESCUE_MOD stmt
@@ -376,7 +377,7 @@ stmt : block_call
- if (cur_mid || in_single) {
+ if (in_def || in_single) {
yyerror("BEGIN in method");
@@ -390,18 +391,18 @@ stmt : block_call
| klEND '{' compstmt '}'
- if (compile_for_eval && (cur_mid || in_single)) {
+ if (compile_for_eval && (in_def || in_single)) {
yyerror("END in method; use at_exit");
$$ = NEW_ITER(0, NEW_POSTEXE(), $3);
- | lhs '=' stmt_rhs
+ | lhs '=' command_call
$$ = node_assign($1, $3);
- | mlhs '=' stmt_rhs
+ | mlhs '=' command_call
$1->nd_value = $3;
@@ -421,7 +422,7 @@ expr : mlhs '=' mrhs
| kRETURN ret_args
- if (!compile_for_eval && !cur_mid && !in_single)
+ if (!compile_for_eval && !in_def && !in_single)
yyerror("return appeared outside of method");
$$ = NEW_RETURN($2);
@@ -445,26 +446,41 @@ expr : mlhs '=' mrhs
| arg
-command_call : operation call_args
+command_call : command
+ | block_command
+block_command : block_call
+ | block_call '.' operation2 command_args
+ {
+ value_expr($1);
+ $$ = new_call($1, $3, $4);
+ }
+ | block_call tCOLON2 operation2 command_args
+ {
+ value_expr($1);
+ $$ = new_call($1, $3, $4);
+ }
+command : operation command_args
$$ = new_fcall($1, $2);
fixpos($$, $2);
- | primary '.' operation2 call_args
+ | primary '.' operation2 command_args
$$ = new_call($1, $3, $4);
fixpos($$, $1);
- | primary tCOLON2 operation2 call_args
+ | primary tCOLON2 operation2 command_args
$$ = new_call($1, $3, $4);
fixpos($$, $1);
- | kSUPER call_args
+ | kSUPER command_args
- if (!compile_for_eval && !cur_mid && !in_single)
+ if (!compile_for_eval && !in_def && !in_single)
yyerror("super called outside of method");
$$ = new_super($2);
fixpos($$, $2);
@@ -475,7 +491,6 @@ command_call : operation call_args
fixpos($$, $2);
mlhs : mlhs_basic
| tLPAREN mlhs_entry ')'
@@ -657,6 +672,9 @@ arg : lhs '=' arg
if ($2 == tOROP) {
$<node>3->nd_value = $4;
$$ = NEW_OP_ASGN_OR(gettable($1), $<node>3);
+ if (is_instance_id($1)) {
+ $$->nd_aid = $1;
+ }
else if ($2 == tANDOP) {
$<node>3->nd_value = $4;
@@ -897,14 +915,6 @@ aref_args : none
$$ = list_append($1, $3);
- | block_call opt_nl
- {
- $$ = NEW_LIST($1);
- }
- | args ',' block_call opt_nl
- {
- $$ = list_append($1, $3);
- }
| args trailer
$$ = $1;
@@ -924,22 +934,31 @@ aref_args : none
$$ = NEW_RESTARGS($2);
-opt_call_args : none
- | call_args opt_nl
- | block_call opt_nl
+paren_args : '(' none ')'
- $$ = NEW_LIST($1);
+ $$ = $2;
- | args ',' block_call
+ | '(' call_args opt_nl ')'
- $$ = list_append($1, $3);
+ $$ = $2;
+ }
+ | '(' block_call opt_nl ')'
+ {
+ $$ = NEW_LIST($2);
+ | '(' args ',' block_call opt_nl ')'
+ {
+ $$ = list_append($2, $4);
+ }
+opt_paren_args : none
+ | paren_args
-call_args : command_call
+call_args : command
$$ = NEW_LIST($1);
- | args ',' command_call
+ | args ',' command
$$ = list_append($1, $3);
@@ -953,10 +972,6 @@ call_args : command_call
$$ = arg_concat($1, $4);
$$ = arg_blk_pass($$, $5);
- | assocs ','
- {
- $$ = NEW_LIST(NEW_HASH($1));
- }
| assocs opt_block_arg
$$ = NEW_LIST(NEW_HASH($1));
@@ -973,10 +988,6 @@ call_args : command_call
$$ = list_append($1, NEW_HASH($3));
$$ = arg_blk_pass($$, $4);
- | args ',' assocs ','
- {
- $$ = list_append($1, NEW_HASH($3));
- }
| args ',' assocs ',' tSTAR arg opt_block_arg
@@ -990,6 +1001,12 @@ call_args : command_call
| block_arg
+command_args : {CMDARG_PUSH;} call_args
+ {
+ $$ = $2;
+ }
block_arg : tAMPER arg
@@ -1119,20 +1136,20 @@ primary : literal
| kRETURN '(' ret_args ')'
- if (!compile_for_eval && !cur_mid && !in_single)
+ if (!compile_for_eval && !in_def && !in_single)
yyerror("return appeared outside of method");
$$ = NEW_RETURN($3);
| kRETURN '(' ')'
- if (!compile_for_eval && !cur_mid && !in_single)
+ if (!compile_for_eval && !in_def && !in_single)
yyerror("return appeared outside of method");
$$ = NEW_RETURN(0);
- if (!compile_for_eval && !cur_mid && !in_single)
+ if (!compile_for_eval && !in_def && !in_single)
yyerror("return appeared outside of method");
$$ = NEW_RETURN(0);
@@ -1225,11 +1242,9 @@ primary : literal
| kCLASS cname superclass
- if (cur_mid || in_single)
+ if (in_def || in_single)
yyerror("class definition in method body");
- cref_push();
$<num>$ = ruby_sourceline;
@@ -1239,30 +1254,35 @@ primary : literal
$$ = NEW_CLASS($2, $5, $3);
nd_set_line($$, $<num>4);
- cref_pop();
- | kCLASS tLSHFT expr term
+ | kCLASS tLSHFT expr
+ {
+ $<num>$ = in_def;
+ in_def = 0;
+ }
+ term
+ $<num>$ = in_single;
+ in_single = 0;
- cref_push();
- $$ = NEW_SCLASS($3, $6);
+ $$ = NEW_SCLASS($3, $7);
fixpos($$, $3);
- cref_pop();
+ in_def = $<num>4;
+ in_single = $<num>6;
| kMODULE cname
- if (cur_mid || in_single)
+ if (in_def || in_single)
yyerror("module definition in method body");
- cref_push();
$<num>$ = ruby_sourceline;
@@ -1272,14 +1292,15 @@ primary : literal
$$ = NEW_MODULE($2, $4);
nd_set_line($$, $<num>3);
- cref_pop();
| kDEF fname
- if (cur_mid || in_single)
+ if (in_def || in_single)
yyerror("nested method definition");
+ $<id>$ = cur_mid;
cur_mid = $2;
+ in_def++;
@@ -1301,7 +1322,8 @@ primary : literal
if (is_attrset_id($2)) $$->nd_noex = NOEX_PUBLIC;
fixpos($$, $4);
- cur_mid = 0;
+ in_def--;
+ cur_mid = $<id>3;
| kDEF singleton dot_or_colon {lex_state = EXPR_FNAME;} fname
@@ -1312,8 +1334,18 @@ primary : literal
+ rescue
+ opt_else
+ ensure
+ if ($9) $8 = NEW_RESCUE($8, $9, $10);
+ else if ($10) {
+ rb_warn("else without rescue is useless");
+ $8 = block_append($8, $10);
+ }
+ if ($11) $8 = NEW_ENSURE($8, $11);
$$ = NEW_DEFS($2, $5, $7, $8);
fixpos($$, $2);
@@ -1341,7 +1373,7 @@ then : term
| term kTHEN
do : term
- | kDO
+ | kDO_COND
if_tail : opt_else
| kELSIF expr then
@@ -1377,7 +1409,7 @@ opt_block_var : none
-do_block : kDO
+do_block : kDO_BLOCK
$<vars>$ = dyna_push();
@@ -1390,47 +1422,7 @@ do_block : kDO
-brace_block : '{'
- {
- $<vars>$ = dyna_push();
- }
- opt_block_var
- compstmt '}'
- {
- $$ = NEW_ITER($3, 0, $4);
- fixpos($$, $4);
- dyna_pop($<vars>2);
- }
- | kDO2
- {
- $<vars>$ = dyna_push();
- }
- opt_block_var
- compstmt
- kEND
- {
- $$ = NEW_ITER($3, 0, $4);
- fixpos($$, $4);
- dyna_pop($<vars>2);
- }
-generic_call : tIDENTIFIER
- {
- $$ = NEW_VCALL($1);
- }
- {
- $$ = NEW_VCALL($1);
- }
- | tFID
- {
- $$ = NEW_VCALL($1);
- }
- | method_call
- | command_call
-block_call : generic_call do_block
+block_call : command do_block
if ($1 && nd_type($1) == NODE_BLOCK_PASS) {
rb_compile_error("both block arg and actual block given");
@@ -1439,28 +1431,32 @@ block_call : generic_call do_block
$$ = $2;
fixpos($$, $2);
-method_call : operation '(' opt_call_args close_paren
+ | block_call '.' operation2 opt_paren_args
- $$ = new_fcall($1, $3);
- fixpos($$, $3);
+ value_expr($1);
+ $$ = new_call($1, $3, $4);
- | primary '.' operation2 '(' opt_call_args close_paren
+ | block_call tCOLON2 operation2 opt_paren_args
- $$ = new_call($1, $3, $5);
- fixpos($$, $1);
+ $$ = new_call($1, $3, $4);
- | primary '.' operation2
+method_call : operation paren_args
+ {
+ $$ = new_fcall($1, $2);
+ fixpos($$, $2);
+ }
+ | primary '.' operation2 opt_paren_args
- $$ = new_call($1, $3, 0);
+ $$ = new_call($1, $3, $4);
fixpos($$, $1);
- | primary tCOLON2 operation2 '(' opt_call_args close_paren
+ | primary tCOLON2 operation2 paren_args
- $$ = new_call($1, $3, $5);
+ $$ = new_call($1, $3, $4);
fixpos($$, $1);
| primary tCOLON2 operation3
@@ -1468,28 +1464,43 @@ method_call : operation '(' opt_call_args close_paren
$$ = new_call($1, $3, 0);
- | kSUPER '(' opt_call_args close_paren
+ | kSUPER paren_args
- if (!compile_for_eval && !cur_mid &&
+ if (!compile_for_eval && !in_def &&
!in_single && !in_defined)
yyerror("super called outside of method");
- $$ = new_super($3);
+ $$ = new_super($2);
- if (!compile_for_eval && !cur_mid &&
+ if (!compile_for_eval && !in_def &&
!in_single && !in_defined)
yyerror("super called outside of method");
$$ = NEW_ZSUPER();
-close_paren : ')'
+brace_block : '{'
+ {
+ $<vars>$ = dyna_push();
+ }
+ opt_block_var
+ compstmt '}'
- if (!IN_COND) lex_state = EXPR_PAREN;
+ $$ = NEW_ITER($3, 0, $4);
+ fixpos($$, $4);
+ dyna_pop($<vars>2);
+ }
+ | kDO
+ {
+ $<vars>$ = dyna_push();
+ }
+ opt_block_var
+ compstmt kEND
+ {
+ $$ = NEW_ITER($3, 0, $4);
+ fixpos($$, $4);
+ dyna_pop($<vars>2);
-stmt_rhs : block_call
- | command_call
case_body : kWHEN when_args then
@@ -1965,8 +1976,10 @@ yycompile(f, line)
ruby_in_compile = 0;
cond_nest = 0;
cond_stack = 0;
+ cmdarg_stack = 0;
class_nest = 0;
in_single = 0;
+ in_def = 0;
cur_mid = 0;
if (n == 0) node = ruby_eval_tree;
@@ -2043,10 +2056,7 @@ rb_compile_file(f, file, start)
return yycompile(strdup(f), start);
-#if defined(__GNUC__) && __GNUC__ >= 2
-static int
+static inline int
int c;
@@ -2542,13 +2552,12 @@ parse_qstring(term, paren)
c = '\\';
- case '\'':
- if (term == '\'') {
- c = '\'';
- break;
- }
- /* fall through */
+ /* fall through */
+ if (c == term || (paren && c == paren)) {
+ tokadd(c);
+ continue;
+ }
@@ -2603,7 +2612,7 @@ parse_quotedwords(term, paren)
c = '\\';
- if (c == term) {
+ if (c == term || (paren && c == paren)) {
@@ -2794,7 +2803,7 @@ arg_ambiguous()
rb_warning("ambiguous first argument; make sure");
-#ifndef strtod
+#if !defined(strtod) && !defined(HAVE_STDLIB_H)
double strtod ();
@@ -2919,8 +2928,7 @@ yylex()
case '<':
c = nextc();
if (c == '<' &&
- lex_state != EXPR_END && lex_state != EXPR_PAREN &&
- lex_state != EXPR_CLASS &&
+ lex_state != EXPR_END && lex_state != EXPR_CLASS &&
(lex_state != EXPR_ARG || space_seen)) {
int c2 = nextc();
int indent = 0;
@@ -2979,7 +2987,7 @@ yylex()
return parse_qstring(c,0);
case '?':
- if (lex_state == EXPR_END || lex_state == EXPR_PAREN) {
+ if (lex_state == EXPR_END) {
lex_state = EXPR_BEG;
return '?';
@@ -3306,7 +3314,7 @@ yylex()
return tCOLON2;
- if (lex_state == EXPR_END || lex_state == EXPR_PAREN || ISSPACE(c)) {
+ if (lex_state == EXPR_END || ISSPACE(c)) {
lex_state = EXPR_BEG;
return ':';
@@ -3390,9 +3398,7 @@ yylex()
return c;
case '{':
- if (lex_state != EXPR_END &&
- lex_state != EXPR_PAREN &&
- lex_state != EXPR_ARG)
+ if (lex_state != EXPR_END && lex_state != EXPR_ARG)
c = tLBRACE;
lex_state = EXPR_BEG;
return c;
@@ -3616,12 +3622,18 @@ yylex()
if (state == EXPR_FNAME) { = rb_intern(kw->name);
- if (kw->id[0] == kDO &&
- (state == EXPR_PAREN ||
- (!IN_COND && state == EXPR_ARG))) {
- return kDO2;
+ if (kw->id[0] == kDO) {
+ if (COND_P()) return kDO_COND;
+ if (CMDARG_P()) return kDO_BLOCK;
+ return kDO;
+ }
+ if (state == EXPR_BEG)
+ return kw->id[0];
+ else {
+ if (kw->id[0] != kw->id[1])
+ lex_state = EXPR_BEG;
+ return kw->id[1];
- return kw->id[state != EXPR_BEG];
@@ -4121,7 +4133,7 @@ assignable(id, val)
return NEW_IASGN(id, val);
else if (is_const_id(id)) {
- if (cur_mid || in_single)
+ if (in_def || in_single)
yyerror("dynamic constant assignment");
return NEW_CDECL(id, val);
@@ -4375,6 +4387,9 @@ void_expr(node)
+static NODE *cond2 _((NODE*));
static void
NODE *node;
@@ -4390,8 +4405,6 @@ void_stmts(node)
-static NODE *cond2();
static int
NODE *node;
@@ -4733,12 +4746,6 @@ dyna_in_block()
return (lvtbl->dlev > 0);
-static void
- cur_cref = cur_cref->nd_next;
@@ -4822,7 +4829,6 @@ Init_sym()
sym_tbl = st_init_strtable_with_size(200);
sym_rev_tbl = st_init_numtable_with_size(200);
- rb_global_variable((VALUE*)&cur_cref);
diff --git a/prec.c b/prec.c
index 8dcd121bc0..fab5ea3899 100644
--- a/prec.c
+++ b/prec.c
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ prec_prec_f(x)
static VALUE
prec_induced_from(module, x)
+ VALUE module, x;
rb_raise(rb_eTypeError, "undefined conversion from %s into %s",
rb_class2name(CLASS_OF(x)), rb_class2name(module));
diff --git a/process.c b/process.c
index 3537841d43..90153977b8 100644
--- a/process.c
+++ b/process.c
@@ -234,7 +234,9 @@ proc_waitpid2(argc, argv)
return rb_assoc_new(pid, rb_last_status);
+#ifndef HAVE_STRING_H
char *strtok();
#define before_exec() rb_thread_stop_timer()
diff --git a/re.c b/re.c
index bb9898fdb4..0cf81ef607 100644
--- a/re.c
+++ b/re.c
@@ -288,11 +288,11 @@ rb_reg_desc(s, len, re)
rb_str_cat2(str, "/");
if (re) {
- if (RREGEXP(re)->ptr->options & RE_OPTION_MULTILINE)
- rb_str_cat2(str, "m");
/* /p is obsolete; to be removed */
rb_str_cat2(str, "p");
+ else if (RREGEXP(re)->ptr->options & RE_OPTION_MULTILINE)
+ rb_str_cat2(str, "m");
if (RREGEXP(re)->ptr->options & RE_OPTION_IGNORECASE)
rb_str_cat2(str, "i");
if (RREGEXP(re)->ptr->options & RE_OPTION_EXTENDED)
@@ -915,8 +915,7 @@ rb_reg_equal(re1, re2)
if (min > RREGEXP(re2)->len) min = RREGEXP(re2)->len;
if (memcmp(RREGEXP(re1)->str, RREGEXP(re2)->str, min) == 0 &&
rb_reg_cur_kcode(re1) == rb_reg_cur_kcode(re2) &&
- !((RREGEXP(re1)->ptr->options & RE_OPTION_IGNORECASE) ^
- (RREGEXP(re2)->ptr->options & RE_OPTION_IGNORECASE))) {
+ RREGEXP(re1)->ptr->options == RREGEXP(re2)->ptr->options) {
return Qtrue;
return Qfalse;
@@ -1015,6 +1014,7 @@ rb_reg_initialize_m(argc, argv, self)
p = rb_str2cstr(src, &len);
rb_reg_initialize(self, p, len, flag);
+ return self;
static VALUE
@@ -1123,6 +1123,12 @@ rb_reg_options(re)
if (RREGEXP(re)->ptr->options & RE_OPTION_IGNORECASE)
+ else if (RREGEXP(re)->ptr->options & RE_OPTION_MULTILINE)
+ if (RREGEXP(re)->ptr->options & RE_OPTION_EXTENDED)
+ options |= RE_OPTION_EXTENDED;
options |= rb_reg_get_kcode(re);
diff --git a/regex.c b/regex.c
index d4c1c2a915..a3d8e2c243 100644
--- a/regex.c
+++ b/regex.c
@@ -370,6 +370,7 @@ enum regexpcode
duplicate, /* Match a duplicate of something remembered.
Followed by one byte containing the index of the memory
register. */
+ fail, /* always fails. */
wordchar, /* Matches any word-constituent character. */
notwordchar, /* Matches any char that is not a word-constituent. */
wordbeg, /* Succeeds if at word beginning. */
@@ -1049,7 +1050,7 @@ calculate_must_string(start, end)
if (mcnt > 0) p += mcnt;
if ((enum regexpcode)p[-3] == jump) {
- p -= 3;
+ p -= 2;
if (mcnt > 0) p += mcnt;
@@ -1438,6 +1439,9 @@ re_compile_pattern(pattern, size, bufp)
+ if (range && had_char_class) {
+ FREE_AND_RETURN(stackb, "invalid regular expression; can't use character class as an end value of range");
+ }
if (c == ']') {
@@ -1459,6 +1463,7 @@ re_compile_pattern(pattern, size, bufp)
+ had_char_class = 0;
/* \ escapes characters when inside [...]. */
if (c == '\\') {
@@ -1473,6 +1478,7 @@ re_compile_pattern(pattern, size, bufp)
if (current_mbctype) {
set_list_bits(0x80, 0xffffffff, b);
+ had_char_class = 1;
last = -1;
@@ -1483,6 +1489,7 @@ re_compile_pattern(pattern, size, bufp)
!current_mbctype && SYNTAX(c) != Sword2))
+ had_char_class = 1;
last = -1;
@@ -1490,6 +1497,7 @@ re_compile_pattern(pattern, size, bufp)
for (c = 0; c < 256; c++)
if (ISSPACE(c))
+ had_char_class = 1;
last = -1;
@@ -1499,12 +1507,14 @@ re_compile_pattern(pattern, size, bufp)
if (current_mbctype)
set_list_bits(0x80, 0xffffffff, b);
+ had_char_class = 1;
last = -1;
case 'd':
for (c = '0'; c <= '9'; c++)
+ had_char_class = 1;
last = -1;
@@ -1514,6 +1524,7 @@ re_compile_pattern(pattern, size, bufp)
if (current_mbctype)
set_list_bits(0x80, 0xffffffff, b);
+ had_char_class = 1;
last = -1;
@@ -2236,32 +2247,23 @@ re_compile_pattern(pattern, size, bufp)
case '1': case '2': case '3':
case '4': case '5': case '6':
case '7': case '8': case '9':
- {
- const char *p_save;
- p_save = p;
+ p0 = p;
had_mbchar = 0;
c1 = 0;
- if (c1 >= regnum) {
+ if (9 < c1 && c1 >= regnum) {
/* need to get octal */
- p = p_save;
- c = scan_oct(p_save, 3, &numlen) & 0xff;
- p = p_save + numlen;
+ c = scan_oct(p0, 3, &numlen) & 0xff;
+ p = p0 + numlen;
c1 = 0;
had_num_literal = 1;
goto numeric_char;
- }
- /* Can't back reference to a subexpression if inside of it. */
- for (stackt = stackp - 2; stackt > stackb; stackt -= 5)
- if (*stackt == c1)
- goto normal_char;
laststart = b;
@@ -3353,7 +3355,7 @@ re_search(bufp, string, size, startpos, range, regs)
/* Individual items aside from the registers. */
/* We push at most this many things on the stack whenever we
fail. The `+ 2' refers to PATTERN_PLACE and STRING_PLACE, which are
@@ -3403,6 +3405,7 @@ re_search(bufp, string, size, startpos, range, regs)
*stackp++ = pattern_place; \
*stackp++ = string_place; \
+ *stackp++ = (unsigned char*)options; /* current option status */ \
*stackp++ = (unsigned char*)0; /* non-greedy flag */ \
} while(0)
@@ -3461,7 +3464,8 @@ re_search(bufp, string, size, startpos, range, regs)
#define PREV_IS_A_LETTER(d) ((current_mbctype == MBCTYPE_SJIS)? \
IS_A_LETTER((d)-(!AT_STRINGS_BEG((d)-1)&& \
ismbchar((d)[-2])?2:1)): \
- ((d)[-1] >= 0x80 || IS_A_LETTER((d)-1)))
+ ((current_mbctype && ((d)[-1] >= 0x80)) || \
+ IS_A_LETTER((d)-1)))
static void
init_regs(regs, num_regs)
@@ -3725,11 +3729,12 @@ re_match(bufp, string_arg, size, pos, regs)
int regno = *p++; /* Get which register to match against */
register unsigned char *d2, *dend2;
- if (IS_ACTIVE(reg_info[regno])) break;
+ /* Check if corresponding group is still open */
+ if (IS_ACTIVE(reg_info[regno])) goto fail;
/* Where in input to try to start matching. */
d2 = regstart[regno];
- if (REG_UNSET(d2)) break;
+ if (REG_UNSET(d2)) goto fail;
/* Where to stop matching; if both the place to start and
the place to stop matching are in the same string, then
@@ -3737,7 +3742,7 @@ re_match(bufp, string_arg, size, pos, regs)
the end of the first string. */
dend2 = regend[regno];
- if (REG_UNSET(dend2)) break;
+ if (REG_UNSET(dend2)) goto fail;
for (;;) {
/* At end of register contents => success */
if (d2 == dend2) break;
@@ -3776,7 +3781,7 @@ re_match(bufp, string_arg, size, pos, regs)
case stop_nowidth:
stackp = stackb + mcnt;
- d = stackp[-2];
+ d = stackp[-3];
@@ -4000,8 +4005,8 @@ re_match(bufp, string_arg, size, pos, regs)
because didn't fail. Also remove the register information
put on by the on_failure_jump. */
case finalize_jump:
- if (stackp > stackb && stackp[-2] == d) {
- p = stackp[-3];
+ if (stackp > stackb && stackp[-3] == d) {
+ p = stackp[-4];
@@ -4017,7 +4022,7 @@ re_match(bufp, string_arg, size, pos, regs)
case jump:
- if (mcnt < 0 && stackp > stackb && stackp[-2] == d) /* avoid infinite loop */
+ if (mcnt < 0 && stackp > stackb && stackp[-3] == d) /* avoid infinite loop */
goto fail;
p += mcnt;
@@ -4108,7 +4113,7 @@ re_match(bufp, string_arg, size, pos, regs)
case finalize_push:
- if (mcnt < 0 && stackp > stackb && stackp[-2] == d) /* avoid infinite loop */
+ if (mcnt < 0 && stackp > stackb && stackp[-3] == d) /* avoid infinite loop */
goto fail;
PUSH_FAILURE_POINT(p + mcnt, d);
stackp[-1] = NON_GREEDY;
@@ -4273,11 +4278,12 @@ re_match(bufp, string_arg, size, pos, regs)
/* If this failure point is from a dummy_failure_point, just
skip it. */
- if (stackp[-3] == 0 || (best_regs_set && stackp[-1] == NON_GREEDY)) {
+ if (stackp[-4] == 0 || (best_regs_set && stackp[-1] == NON_GREEDY)) {
goto fail;
- stackp--; /* discard flag */
+ stackp--; /* discard greedy flag */
+ options = (int)*--stackp;
d = *--stackp;
p = *--stackp;
/* Restore register info. */
diff --git a/ruby.c b/ruby.c
index 9649b69af4..eac3d8701c 100644
--- a/ruby.c
+++ b/ruby.c
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
-#ifdef _WIN32
+#if defined _WIN32 || defined __CYGWIN__
#include <windows.h>
#include "ruby.h"
@@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ extern VALUE rb_load_path;
-#if defined(_WIN32) || defined(DJGPP)
+#if defined _WIN32 || defined __CYGWIN__ || defined __DJGPP__
static char *
rubylib_mangle(s, l)
char *s;
@@ -172,7 +172,7 @@ ruby_incpush(path)
const char sep = PATH_SEP_CHAR;
if (path == 0) return;
-#if defined(__CYGWIN32__)
+#if defined(__CYGWIN__)
char rubylib[FILENAME_MAX];
conv_to_posix_path(path, rubylib, FILENAME_MAX);
@@ -202,25 +202,44 @@ ruby_incpush(path)
+#if defined _WIN32 || defined __CYGWIN__ || defined __DJGPP__ || defined __EMX__
+#define LOAD_RELATIVE 1
-#if defined(_WIN32) || defined(DJGPP) || defined(__EMX__)
+#if defined LOAD_RELATIVE
char libpath[FILENAME_MAX+1];
char *p;
int rest;
-#if defined(_WIN32)
- GetModuleFileName(NULL, libpath, sizeof libpath);
+#if defined _WIN32 || defined __CYGWIN__
+# if defined LIBRUBY_SO
+ HMODULE libruby = GetModuleHandle(LIBRUBY_SO);
+# else
+ HMODULE libruby = NULL;
+# endif
+ GetModuleFileName(libruby, libpath, sizeof libpath);
#elif defined(DJGPP)
extern char *__dos_argv0;
strncpy(libpath, __dos_argv0, FILENAME_MAX);
+#define CharNext(p) ((p) + mblen(p, MB_CUR_MAX))
#elif defined(__EMX__)
_execname(libpath, FILENAME_MAX);
- p = strrchr(libpath, '\\');
+#ifndef CharNext /* defined as CharNext[AW] on Windows. */
+#define CharNext(p) ((p) + 1)
+ for (p = libpath; *p; p = CharNext(p))
+ if (*p == '\\')
+ *p = '/';
+ p = strrchr(libpath, '/');
if (p) {
*p = 0;
- if (p-libpath > 3 && !strcasecmp(p-4, "\\bin")) {
+ if (p-libpath > 3 && !strcasecmp(p-4, "/bin")) {
p -= 4;
*p = 0;
@@ -229,14 +248,6 @@ ruby_init_loadpath()
p = libpath + 1;
-#if !defined(__CYGWIN32__)
-#ifndef CharNext /* defined as CharNext[AW] on Windows. */
-#define CharNext(p) ((p) + 1)
- for (p = libpath; *p; p = CharNext(p))
- if (*p == '\\')
- *p = '/';
rest = FILENAME_MAX - (p - libpath);
#define RUBY_RELATIVE(path) (strncpy(p, (path), rest), libpath)
@@ -428,6 +439,10 @@ proc_options(argc, argv)
goto reswitch;
case 'v':
+ if (verbose) {
+ s++;
+ goto reswitch;
+ }
verbose = 1;
case 'w':
@@ -663,6 +678,11 @@ proc_options(argc, argv)
+ if (rb_safe_level() >= 4) {
+ OBJ_TAINT(rb_argv);
+ OBJ_TAINT(rb_load_path);
+ }
if (!e_script && argc == 0) { /* no more args */
if (verbose) exit(0);
script = "-";
@@ -708,6 +728,11 @@ proc_options(argc, argv)
xflag = 0;
+ if (rb_safe_level() >= 4) {
+ FL_UNSET(rb_argv, FL_TAINT);
+ FL_UNSET(rb_load_path, FL_TAINT);
+ }
extern int ruby__end__seen;
@@ -728,7 +753,7 @@ load_file(fname, script)
FILE *fp = fopen(fname, "r");
if (fp == NULL) {
- rb_raise(rb_eLoadError, "No such file to load -- %s", fname);
+ rb_load_fail(fname);
@@ -871,9 +896,9 @@ set_arg0(val, id)
s = rb_str2cstr(val, &i);
#ifndef __hpux
- if (i > len) {
- memcpy(origargv[0], s, len);
- origargv[0][len] = '\0';
+ if (i < len) {
+ memcpy(origargv[0], s, i);
+ origargv[0][i] = '\0';
else {
memcpy(origargv[0], s, i);
@@ -983,6 +1008,7 @@ ruby_set_argv(argc, argv)
if (origargv) dln_argv0 = origargv[0];
else dln_argv0 = argv[0];
+ rb_ary_clear(rb_argv);
for (i=0; i < argc; i++) {
rb_ary_push(rb_argv, rb_tainted_str_new2(argv[i]));
diff --git a/ruby.h b/ruby.h
index ca97ee2c42..d9e3460684 100644
--- a/ruby.h
+++ b/ruby.h
@@ -164,6 +164,7 @@ VALUE rb_uint2inum _((unsigned long));
#define T_MATCH 0x23
#define T_SYMBOL 0x24
+#define T_BLKTAG 0x3b
#define T_UNDEF 0x3c
#define T_VARMAP 0x3d
#define T_SCOPE 0x3e
@@ -541,13 +542,13 @@ EXTERN VALUE rb_eNameError;
EXTERN VALUE rb_eSyntaxError;
EXTERN VALUE rb_eLoadError;
-#if defined(__GNUC__) && __GNUC__ >= 2 && !defined(RUBY_NO_INLINE)
-extern __inline__ VALUE rb_class_of _((VALUE));
-extern __inline__ int rb_type _((VALUE));
-extern __inline__ int rb_special_const_p _((VALUE));
-extern __inline__ VALUE
+static inline VALUE
+#if defined(__cplusplus)
rb_class_of(VALUE obj)
+ VALUE obj;
if (FIXNUM_P(obj)) return rb_cFixnum;
if (obj == Qnil) return rb_cNilClass;
@@ -558,8 +559,13 @@ rb_class_of(VALUE obj)
return RBASIC(obj)->klass;
-extern __inline__ int
+static inline int
+#if defined(__cplusplus)
rb_type(VALUE obj)
+ VALUE obj;
if (FIXNUM_P(obj)) return T_FIXNUM;
if (obj == Qnil) return T_NIL;
@@ -570,19 +576,18 @@ rb_type(VALUE obj)
return BUILTIN_TYPE(obj);
-extern __inline__ int
+static inline int
+#if defined(__cplusplus)
rb_special_const_p(VALUE obj)
+ VALUE obj;
if (SPECIAL_CONST_P(obj)) return Qtrue;
return Qfalse;
-VALUE rb_class_of _((VALUE));
-int rb_type _((VALUE));
-int rb_special_const_p _((VALUE));
#include "intern.h"
#if defined(EXTLIB) && defined(USE_DLN_A_OUT)
@@ -590,6 +595,10 @@ int rb_special_const_p _((VALUE));
static char *dln_libs_to_be_linked[] = { EXTLIB, 0 };
+#ifndef rb_sys_stat
+#define rb_sys_stat stat
#if defined(__cplusplus)
} /* extern "C" { */
diff --git a/sample/README b/sample/README
index 82db05eec9..bf080c1d51 100644
--- a/sample/README
+++ b/sample/README
@@ -7,7 +7,6 @@ dbmtest.rb test for dbm
dir.rb directory access
dualstack-fetch.rb IPv6 demo
dualstack-httpd.rb IPv6 demo
-dstore.rb object database on dbm
eval.rb simple evaluator
export.rb method access example
exyacc.rb extrace BNF from yacc file
@@ -22,7 +21,6 @@ from.rb scan mail spool
fullpath.rb convert ls -lR to fullpath format
getopts.test test fot getopt.rb
goodfriday.rb print various christian calendar event.
-io.rb io test
irb.rb interactive ruby
less.rb front end for less
list.rb stupid object sample
@@ -41,7 +39,6 @@ pi.rb calculate PI
rcs.awk random character stereogram (AWK)
rcs.rb random character stereogram (Ruby)
rcs.dat data for random character stereogram
-rd2html.rb rd (Ruby Document) to HTML translator
regx.rb regular expression tester
sieve.rb sieve of Eratosthenes
svr.rb socket server
diff --git a/sample/dualstack-fetch.rb b/sample/dualstack-fetch.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ab8d0914f2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sample/dualstack-fetch.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+# simple webpage fetcher
+# The code demonstrates how a multi-protocol client should be written.
+# TCPsocket is using getaddrinfo() internally, so there should be no problem.
+require "socket"
+if ARGV.size != 1
+ STDERR.print "requires URL\n"
+ exit
+url = ARGV[0]
+if url !~ /^http:\/\/([^\/]+)(\/.*)$/
+ STDERR.print "only http with full hostname is supported\n"
+ exit
+# split URL into host, port and path
+hostport = $1
+path = $2
+if (hostport =~ /^(.*):([0-9]+)$/)
+ host = $1
+ port = $2
+ host = hostport
+ port = 80
+if host =~ /^\[(.*)\]$/
+ host = $1
+#STDERR.print "url=<#{ARGV[0]}>\n"
+#STDERR.print "host=<#{host}>\n"
+#STDERR.print "port=<#{port}>\n"
+#STDERR.print "path=<#{path}>\n"
+STDERR.print "conntecting to #{host} port #{port}\n"
+c =, port)
+dest = Socket.getnameinfo(c.getpeername,
+STDERR.print "conntected to #{dest[0]} port #{dest[1]}\n"
+c.print "GET #{path} HTTP/1.0\n"
+c.print "Host: #{host}\n"
+c.print "\n"
+while c.gets
+ print
diff --git a/sample/dualstack-httpd.rb b/sample/dualstack-httpd.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..893b29feba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sample/dualstack-httpd.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+# simple httpd
+# The code demonstrates how a multi-protocol daemon should be written.
+require "socket"
+require "thread"
+port = 8888
+res = Socket.getaddrinfo(nil, port, nil, Socket::SOCK_STREAM, nil, Socket::AI_PASSIVE)
+sockpool = []
+names = []
+threads = []
+res.each do |i|
+ s =[3], i[1])
+ n = Socket.getnameinfo(s.getsockname, Socket::NI_NUMERICHOST|Socket::NI_NUMERICSERV).join(" port ")
+ sockpool.push s
+ names.push n
+(0 .. sockpool.size - 1).each do |i|
+ mysock = sockpool[i]
+ myname = names[i]
+ STDERR.print "socket #{mysock} started, address #{myname}\n"
+ threads[i] = Thread.start do # Thread.start cannot be used here!
+ ls = mysock # copy to dynamic variable
+ t = Thread.current
+ STDERR.print "socket #{myname} listener started, pid #{$$} thread #{t}\n"
+ while TRUE
+ as = ls.accept
+ Thread.start do
+ STDERR.print "socket #{myname} accepted, thread ", Thread.current, "\n"
+ s = as # copy to dynamic variable
+ str = ''
+ while line = s.gets
+ break if line == "\r\n" or line == "\n"
+ str << line
+ end
+ STDERR.print "socket #{myname} got string\n"
+ s.write("HTTP/1.0 200 OK\n")
+ s.write("Content-type: text/plain\n\n")
+ s.write("this is test: my name is #{myname}, you sent:\n")
+ s.write("---start\n")
+ s.write(str)
+ s.write("---end\n")
+ s.close
+ STDERR.print "socket #{myname} processed, thread ", Thread.current, " terminating\n"
+ end
+ end
+ end
+for t in threads
+ t.join
diff --git a/sample/io.rb b/sample/io.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 0b38d2112d..0000000000
--- a/sample/io.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
-# IO test
-# usage: ruby io.rb file..
-home = ENV["HOME"]
-home.sub("m", "&&")
-print(home, "\n")
-print(home.reverse, "\n")
-if File.s("io.rb")
- print(File.s("io.rb"), ": io.rb\n")
-for i in "abc\n\ndef\nghi\n"
- print("tt: ", i)
-printf("%s:(%d)%s\n", $0, ARGV.length, ARGV[0])
-passwd = open(ARGV[0], "r")
-#printf("%s", passwd.find{i|i =~ /\*/})
-n = 1
-for i in passwd #.grep(/^\*/)
- printf("%6d: %s", n, i)
- n = n + 1;
-fp = open("|-", "r")
-if fp == nil
- for i in 1..5
- print(i, "\n")
- end
- for line in fp
- print(line)
- end
-def printUsage()
- if $USAGE
- apply($USAGE);
- end
diff --git a/sample/irb.rb b/sample/irb.rb
index 6746c59d42..58f3699139 100644
--- a/sample/irb.rb
+++ b/sample/irb.rb
@@ -1,19 +1,13 @@
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# irb.rb - intaractive ruby
-# $Release Version: 0.6 $
+# $Release Version: 0.7.3 $
# $Revision$
# $Date$
-# by Keiju ISHITSUKA(Nippon Rational Inc.)
-# --
-# Usage:
-# irb.rb [options] file_name opts
+# by Keiju ISHITSUKA(
-require "irb/main"
+require "irb"
if __FILE__ == $0
diff --git a/sample/rbc.rb b/sample/rbc.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index c1b2999bdf..0000000000
--- a/sample/rbc.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1015 +0,0 @@
-# rbc.rb -
-# $Release Version: 0.8 $
-# $Revision: 1.8 $
-# $Date: 1998/03/11 05:43:00 $
-# by Keiju ISHITSUKA(Nippon Rational Inc.)
-# --
-# Usage:
-# rbc.rb [options] file_name opts
-# options:
-# -d debug mode (not recommended)
-# -f does not read ~/.irbrc
-# -m bc mode (rational/matrix calc)
-# -r load-module same as `ruby -r'
-# --inspect use inspect for result output
-# (default for non-bc mode)
-# --noinspect does not use inspect for result output
-# --noreadline does not use readline library
-# (default: try to use readline)
-# additional private method (as function):
-# exit, quit terminate the interpreter
-# inspect_mode(sw = nil) toggle inspect mode
-# trace_load(sw = nil) change trace mode for file loading using
-# load/require. (default: trace-mode on)
-require "e2mmap.rb"
-$stdout.sync = TRUE
- RCS_ID='-$Id: rbc.rb,v 1.8 1998/03/11 05:43:00 keiju Exp keiju $-'
- extend Exception2MessageMapper
- def_exception :UnrecognizedSwitch, "Unrecognized switch: %s"
- CONFIG = {}
- CONFIG[0] = $0
- while opt = ARGV.shift
- case opt
- when "-d"
- when "-m"
- require "mathn.rb"
- include Math
- when "-r"
- opt = ARGV.shift
- CONFIG[:LOAD_MODULES].push opt if opt
- when "-f"
- opt = ARGV.shift
- when "--inspect"
- when "--noinspect"
- when "--noreadline"
- when /^-/
- # print UnrecognizedSwitch.inspect, "\n"
- UnrecognizedSwitch, opt
- else
- $0 = opt
- break
- end
- end
- PROMPTi = "rbc%d> "
- PROMPTs = "rbc%d%s "
- PROMPTe = "rbc%d* "
- class BC
- def initialize
- lex_init
- end
- def eval_input(io, cont, bind)
- line = ''
- @io = io
- @ltype = nil
- @quoted = nil
- @indent = 0
- @lex_state = EXPR_BEG
- @io.prompt = format(PROMPTi, @indent)
- loop do
- @continue = FALSE
- l = @io.gets
- unless l
- break if line == ''
- else
- line = line + l
- lex(l) if l != "\n"
- print @quoted.inspect, "\n" if CONFIG[:DEBUG]
- if @ltype
- @io.prompt = format(PROMPTs, @indent, @ltype)
- next
- elsif @continue
- @io.prompt = format(PROMPTe, @indent)
- next
- elsif @indent > 0
- @io.prompt = format(PROMPTi, @indent)
- next
- end
- end
- if line != "\n"
- begin
- print((cont._=eval(line, bind)).inspect, "\n")
- else
- print((cont._=eval(line, bind)), "\n")
- end
- rescue StandardError, ScriptError
- # $! = 'exception raised' unless $!
- # print "ERR: ", $!, "\n"
- $! ="exception raised") unless $!
- print $!.type, ": ", $!, "\n"
- end
- end
- break if not l
- line = ''
- indent = 0
- @io.prompt = format(PROMPTi, indent)
- end
- print "\n"
- end
- "alias" => EXPR_FNAME,
- "and" => EXPR_BEG,
- "begin" => EXPR_BEG,
- "case" => EXPR_BEG,
- "class" => EXPR_BEG,
- "def" => EXPR_FNAME,
- "defined?" => EXPR_END,
- "do" => EXPR_BEG,
- "else" => EXPR_BEG,
- "elsif" => EXPR_BEG,
- "end" => EXPR_END,
- "ensure" => EXPR_BEG,
- "for" => EXPR_BEG,
- "if" => EXPR_BEG,
- "in" => EXPR_BEG,
- "module" => EXPR_BEG,
- "nil" => EXPR_END,
- "not" => EXPR_BEG,
- "or" => EXPR_BEG,
- "rescue" => EXPR_MID,
- "return" => EXPR_MID,
- "self" => EXPR_END,
- "super" => EXPR_END,
- "then" => EXPR_BEG,
- "undef" => EXPR_FNAME,
- "unless" => EXPR_BEG,
- "until" => EXPR_BEG,
- "when" => EXPR_BEG,
- "while" => EXPR_BEG,
- "yield" => EXPR_END
- }
- "case", "class", "def", "do", "for", "if",
- "module", "unless", "until", "while", "begin" #, "when"
- ]
- DEINDENT_CLAUSE = ["end" #, "when"
- ]
- "q" => "\'",
- "Q" => "\"",
- "x" => "\`",
- "r" => "\/"
- }
- "{" => "}",
- "[" => "]",
- "<" => ">",
- "(" => ")"
- }
- def lex_init()
- @OP =
- @OP.def_rules("\0", "\004", "\032"){}
- @OP.def_rules(" ", "\t", "\f", "\r", "\13") do
- @space_seen = TRUE
- next
- end
- @OP.def_rule("#") do
- |op, rests|
- @ltype = "#"
- identify_comment(rests)
- end
- @OP.def_rule("\n") do
- print "\\n\n" if CONFIG[:DEBUG]
- if @lex_state == EXPR_BEG || @lex_state == EXPR_FNAME
- @continue = TRUE
- else
- @lex_state = EXPR_BEG
- end
- end
- @OP.def_rules("*", "*=", "**=", "**") {@lex_state = EXPR_BEG}
- @OP.def_rules("!", "!=", "!~") {@lex_state = EXPR_BEG}
- @OP.def_rules("=", "==", "===", "=~", "<=>") {@lex_state = EXPR_BEG}
- @OP.def_rules("<", "<=", "<<") {@lex_state = EXPR_BEG}
- @OP.def_rules(">", ">=", ">>") {@lex_state = EXPR_BEG}
- @OP.def_rules("'", '"') do
- |op, rests|
- @ltype = op
- @quoted = op
- identify_string(rests)
- end
- @OP.def_rules("`") do
- |op, rests|
- if @lex_state != EXPR_FNAME
- @ltype = op
- @quoted = op
- identify_string(rests)
- end
- end
- @OP.def_rules('?') do
- |op, rests|
- @lex_state = EXPR_END
- identify_question(rests)
- end
- @OP.def_rules("&", "&&", "&=", "|", "||", "|=") do
- @lex_state = EXPR_BEG
- end
- @OP.def_rule("+@", proc{@lex_state == EXPR_FNAME}) {}
- @OP.def_rule("-@", proc{@lex_state == EXPR_FNAME}) {}
- @OP.def_rules("+=", "-=") {@lex_state = EXPR_BEG}
- @OP.def_rules("+", "-") do
- |op, rests|
- if @lex_state == EXPR_ARG
- if @space_seen and rests[0] =~ /[0-9]/
- identify_number(rests)
- else
- @lex_state = EXPR_BEG
- end
- elsif @lex_state != EXPR_END and rests[0] =~ /[0-9]/
- identify_number(rests)
- else
- @lex_state = EXPR_BEG
- end
- end
- @OP.def_rule(".") do
- |op, rests|
- @lex_state = EXPR_BEG
- if rests[0] =~ /[0-9]/
- rests.unshift op
- identify_number(rests)
- else
- # handle ``obj.if'' and such
- identify_identifier(rests, TRUE)
- @lex_state = EXPR_ARG
- end
- end
- @OP.def_rules("..", "...") {@lex_state = EXPR_BEG}
- lex_int2
- end
- def lex_int2
- @OP.def_rules("]", "}", ")") do
- @lex_state = EXPR_END
- @indent -= 1
- end
- @OP.def_rule(":") {|op,rests|
- identify_identifier(rests, TRUE)
- }
- @OP.def_rule("::") {|op,rests|
- identify_identifier(rests, TRUE);
- }
- @OP.def_rule("/") do
- |op, rests|
- if @lex_state == EXPR_BEG || @lex_state == EXPR_MID
- @ltype = op
- @quoted = op
- identify_string(rests)
- elsif rests[0] == '='
- rests.shift
- @lex_state = EXPR_BEG
- elsif @lex_state == EXPR_ARG and @space_seen and rests[0] =~ /\s/
- @ltype = op
- @quoted = op
- identify_string(rests)
- else
- @lex_state = EXPR_BEG
- end
- end
- @OP.def_rules("^", "^=") {@lex_state = EXPR_BEG}
- @OP.def_rules(",", ";") {@lex_state = EXPR_BEG}
- @OP.def_rule("~") {@lex_state = EXPR_BEG}
- @OP.def_rule("~@", proc{@lex_state = EXPR_FNAME}) {}
- @OP.def_rule("(") do
- @lex_state = EXPR_BEG
- @indent += 1
- end
- @OP.def_rule("[]", proc{@lex_state == EXPR_FNAME}) {}
- @OP.def_rule("[]=", proc{@lex_state == EXPR_FNAME}) {}
- @OP.def_rule("[") do
- @indent += 1
- if @lex_state != EXPR_FNAME
- @lex_state = EXPR_BEG
- end
- end
- @OP.def_rule("{") do
- @lex_state = EXPR_BEG
- @indent += 1
- end
- @OP.def_rule('\\') {|op, rests| identify_escape(rests)} #')
- @OP.def_rule('%') do
- |op, rests|
- if @lex_state == EXPR_BEG || @lex_state == EXPR_MID
- identify_quotation(rests)
- elsif rests[0] == '='
- rests.shift
- elsif @lex_state == EXPR_ARG and @space_seen and rests[0] =~ /\s/
- identify_quotation(rests)
- else
- @lex_state = EXPR_BEG
- end
- end
- @OP.def_rule('$') do #'
- |op, rests|
- identify_gvar(rests)
- end
- @OP.def_rule('@') do
- |op, rests|
- if rests[0] =~ /[\w_]/
- rests.unshift op
- identify_identifier(rests)
- end
- end
- @OP.def_rule("def", proc{|op, chrs| /\s/ =~ chrs[0]}) do
- |op, rests|
- @indent += 1
- @lex_state = EXPR_END
- until rests[0] == "\n" or rests[0] == ";"
- rests.shift
- end
- end
- @OP.def_rule("") do
- |op, rests|
- printf "MATCH: start %s: %s\n", op, rests.inspect if CONFIG[:DEBUG]
- if rests[0] =~ /[0-9]/
- identify_number(rests)
- elsif rests[0] =~ /[\w_]/
- identify_identifier(rests)
- end
- printf "MATCH: end %s: %s\n", op, rests.inspect if CONFIG[:DEBUG]
- end
- end
- def lex(l)
- chrs = l.split(//)
- tokens = []
- case @ltype
- when "'", '"', '`', '/'
- identify_string(chrs)
- return if chrs.empty?
- when "#"
- identify_comment(chrs)
- return
- when "="
- if l =~ /^=end/
- $ltype = nil
- return
- end
- else
- if l =~ /^=begin/
- $ltype = "="
- return
- end
- end
- until chrs.empty?
- @space_seen = FALSE
- printf "perse: %s\n", chrs.join("") if CONFIG[:DEBUG]
- @OP.match(chrs)
- printf "lex_state: %s continue: %s\n", @lex_state.id2name, @continue if CONFIG[:DEBUG]
- end
- end
- def identify_gvar(chrs)
- @lex_state = EXPR_END
- ch = chrs.shift
- case ch
- when /[_~*$?!@\/\\;,.=:<>"]/ #"
- return
- when "-"
- ch = chrs.shift
- return
- when "&", "`", "'", "+"
- return
- when /[1-9]/
- chrs.unshift ch
- v = "$"
- while (ch = chrs.shift) =~ /[0-9]/
- end
- chrs.unshift ch
- return
- when /\w/
- chrs.unshift ch
- chrs.unshift "$"
- identify_identifier(chrs)
- return
- else
- chrs.unshift ch
- return
- end
- end
- def identify_identifier(chrs, escaped = FALSE)
- token = ""
- token.concat chrs.shift if chrs[0] =~ /[$@]/ or escaped
- while (ch = chrs.shift) =~ /\w|_/
- print ":", ch, ":" if CONFIG[:DEBUG]
- token.concat ch
- end
- chrs.unshift ch
- if ch == "!" or ch == "?"
- chrs.shift
- token.concat ch
- end
- # fix token
- if token =~ /^[$@]/ or escaped
- @lex_state = EXPR_END
- return
- end
- print token, "\n" if CONFIG[:DEBUG]
- if state = CLAUSE_STATE_TRANS[token]
- if @lex_state != EXPR_BEG and token =~ /^(if|unless|while|until)/
- # modifiers
- else
- if ENINDENT_CLAUSE.include?(token)
- @indent += 1
- elsif DEINDENT_CLAUSE.include?(token)
- @indent -= 1
- end
- end
- @lex_state = state
- return
- end
- if @lex_state == EXPR_FNAME
- @lex_state = EXPR_END
- if chrs[0] == '='
- chrs.shift
- end
- elsif @lex_state == EXPR_BEG
- @lex_state = EXPR_ARG
- else
- @lex_state = EXPR_END
- end
- end
- def identify_quotation(chrs)
- ch = chrs.shift
- if lt = PARCENT_LTYPE[ch]
- ch = chrs.shift
- else
- lt = "\""
- end
- if ch !~ /\W/
- chrs.unshift ch
- next
- end
- @ltype = lt
- unless @quoted = PARCENT_PAREN[ch]
- @quoted = ch
- end
- identify_string(chrs)
- end
- def identify_number(chrs)
- @lex_state = EXPR_END
- ch = chrs.shift
- case ch
- when /0/
- if (ch = chrs[0]) == "x"
- chrs.shift
- match = /[0-9a-f_]/
- else
- match = /[0-7_]/
- end
- while ch = chrs.shift
- if ch !~ match
- chrs.unshift ch
- break
- end
- end
- return
- end
- while ch = chrs.shift
- case ch
- when /[0-9]/
- when "e", "E"
- # type = FLOAT
- unless (ch = chrs.shift) == "+" or ch == "-"
- chrs.unshift ch
- end
- when "."
- # type = FLOAT
- when "_"
- else
- chrs.unshift ch
- return
- end
- end
- end
- def identify_question(chrs)
- @lex_state = EXPR_END
- if chrs.shift == "\\" #"
- identify_escape(chrs)
- end
- end
- def identify_string(chrs)
- while ch = chrs.shift
- if @quoted == ch
- if @ltype == "/"
- if chrs[0] =~ /i|o|n|e|s/
- chrs.shift
- end
- end
- @ltype = nil
- @quoted = nil
- @lex_state = EXPR_END
- break
- elsif ch == '\\' #'
- identify_escape(chrs)
- end
- end
- end
- def identify_comment(chrs)
- while ch = chrs.shift
- if ch == "\\" #"
- identify_escape(chrs)
- end
- if ch == "\n"
- @ltype = nil
- chrs.unshift ch
- break
- end
- end
- end
- def identify_escape(chrs)
- ch = chrs.shift
- case ch
- when "\n", "\r", "\f"
- @continue = TRUE
- when "\\", "n", "t", "r", "f", "v", "a", "e", "b" #"
- when /[0-7]/
- chrs.unshift ch
- 3.times do
- ch = chrs.shift
- case ch
- when /[0-7]/
- when nil
- break
- else
- chrs.unshift ch
- break
- end
- end
- when "x"
- 2.times do
- ch = chrs.shift
- case ch
- when /[0-9a-fA-F]/
- when nil
- break
- else
- chrs.unshift ch
- break
- end
- end
- when "M"
- if (ch = chrs.shift) != '-'
- chrs.unshift ch
- elsif (ch = chrs.shift) == "\\" #"
- identify_escape(chrs)
- end
- return
- when "C", "c", "^"
- if ch == "C" and (ch = chrs.shift) != "-"
- chrs.unshift ch
- elsif (ch = chrs.shift) == "\\" #"
- identify_escape(chrs)
- end
- return
- end
- end
- end
- class Trie
- extend Exception2MessageMapper
- def_exception :ErrNodeNothing, "node nothing"
- def_exception :ErrNodeAlreadyExists, "node already exists"
- class Node
- # abstract node if postproc is nil.
- def initialize(preproc = nil, postproc = nil)
- @Tree = {}
- @preproc = preproc
- @postproc = postproc
- end
- attr :preproc, TRUE
- attr :postproc, TRUE
- def search(chrs, opt = nil)
- return self if chrs.empty?
- ch = chrs.shift
- if node = @Tree[ch]
-, opt)
- else
- if opt
- chrs.unshift ch
- self.create_subnode(chrs)
- else
- ErrNodeNothing
- end
- end
- end
- def create_subnode(chrs, preproc = nil, postproc = nil)
- if chrs.empty?
- if @postproc
- p node
- ErrNodeAlreadyExists
- else
- print "Warn: change abstruct node to real node\n" if CONFIG[:DEBUG]
- @preproc = preproc
- @postproc = postproc
- end
- return self
- end
- ch = chrs.shift
- if node = @Tree[ch]
- if chrs.empty?
- if node.postproc
- p node
- ErrNodeAlreadyExists
- else
- print "Warn: change abstruct node to real node\n" if CONFIG[:DEBUG]
- node.preproc = preproc
- node.postproc = postproc
- end
- else
- node.create_subnode(chrs, preproc, postproc)
- end
- else
- if chrs.empty?
- node =, postproc)
- else
- node =
- node.create_subnode(chrs, preproc, postproc)
- end
- @Tree[ch] = node
- end
- node
- end
- def match(chrs, op = "")
- print "match>: ", chrs, "op:", op, "\n" if CONFIG[:DEBUG]
- if chrs.empty?
- if @preproc.nil? ||, chrs)
- printf "op1: %s\n", op if CONFIG[:DEBUG]
-, chrs)
- ""
- else
- nil
- end
- else
- ch = chrs.shift
- if node = @Tree[ch]
- if ret = node.match(chrs, op+ch)
- return ch+ret
- else
- chrs.unshift ch
- if @postproc and @preproc.nil? ||, chrs)
- printf "op2: %s\n", op.inspect if CONFIG[:DEBUG]
-, chrs)
- return ""
- else
- return nil
- end
- end
- else
- chrs.unshift ch
- if @postproc and @preproc.nil? ||, chrs)
- printf "op3: %s\n", op if CONFIG[:DEBUG]
-, chrs)
- return ""
- else
- return nil
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- def initialize
- @head ="")
- end
- def def_rule(token, preproc = nil, postproc = nil)
-# print node.inspect, "\n" if CONFIG[:DEBUG]
- postproc = proc if iterator?
- node = create(token, preproc, postproc)
- end
- def def_rules(*tokens)
- if iterator?
- p = proc
- end
- for token in tokens
- def_rule(token, nil, p)
- end
- end
- def preporc(token, proc)
- node = search(token)
- node.preproc=proc
- end
- def postproc(token)
- node = search(token, proc)
- node.postproc=proc
- end
- def search(token)
- end
- def create(token, preproc = nil, postproc = nil)
- @head.create_subnode(token.split(//), preproc, postproc)
- end
- def match(token)
- token = token.split(//) if token.kind_of?(String)
- ret = @head.match(token)
- printf "match end: %s:%s", ret, token.inspect if CONFIG[:DEBUG]
- ret
- end
- def inspect
- format("<Trie: @head = %s>", @head.inspect)
- end
- end
- if /^-tt(.*)$/ =~ ARGV[0]
-# Tracer.on
- case $1
- when "1"
- tr =
- print "0: ", tr.inspect, "\n"
- tr.def_rule("=") {print "=\n"}
- print "1: ", tr.inspect, "\n"
- tr.def_rule("==") {print "==\n"}
- print "2: ", tr.inspect, "\n"
- print "case 1:\n"
- print tr.match("="), "\n"
- print "case 2:\n"
- print tr.match("=="), "\n"
- print "case 3:\n"
- print tr.match("=>"), "\n"
- when "2"
- tr =
- print "0: ", tr.inspect, "\n"
- tr.def_rule("=") {print "=\n"}
- print "1: ", tr.inspect, "\n"
- tr.def_rule("==", proc{FALSE}) {print "==\n"}
- print "2: ", tr.inspect, "\n"
- print "case 1:\n"
- print tr.match("="), "\n"
- print "case 2:\n"
- print tr.match("=="), "\n"
- print "case 3:\n"
- print tr.match("=>"), "\n"
- end
- exit
- end
- module CONTEXT
- def _=(value)
- CONFIG[:_] = value
- end
-# def _
-# eval "_", CONFIG[:BIND]
-# end
- def quit
- exit
- end
- def trace_load(opt = nil)
- if !opt.nil?
- else
- end
- print "Switch to load/require #{unless CONFIG[:TRACE_LOAD]; ' non';end} trace mode.\n"
- eval %{
- class << self
- alias load rbc_load
- alias require rbc_require
- end
- }
- else
- eval %{
- class << self
- alias load rbc_load_org
- alias require rbc_require_org
- end
- }
- end
- end
- alias rbc_load_org load
- def rbc_load(file_name)
- return true if load_sub(file_name)
- raise LoadError, "No such file to load -- #{file_name}"
- end
- alias rbc_require_org require
- def rbc_require(file_name)
- rex ="#{Regexp.quote(file_name)}(\.o|\.rb)?")
- return false if $".find{|f| f =~ rex}
- case file_name
- when /\.rb$/
- if load_sub(file_name)
- $".push file_name
- return true
- end
- when /\.(so|o|sl)$/
- rbc_require_org(file_name)
- end
- if load_sub(f = file_name + ".rb")
- $".push f
- return true
- end
- rbc_require_org(file_name)
- end
- def load_sub(fn)
- if fn =~ /^#{Regexp.quote(File::Separator)}/
- return false unless File.exist?(fn)
-, self, CONFIG[:BIND]
- return true
- end
- for path in $:
- if File.exist?(f = File.join(path, fn))
-, self, CONFIG[:BIND]
- return true
- end
- end
- return false
- end
- def inspect_mode(opt = nil)
- if opt
- else
- end
- print "Switch to#{unless CONFIG[:INSPECT]; ' non';end} inspect mode.\n"
- end
- def run(bind)
- CONFIG[:BIND] = bind
- if CONFIG[:RC]
- rc = File.expand_path("~/.irbrc")
- if File.exists?(rc)
- begin
- load rc
- rescue LoadError
- print "load error: #{rc}\n"
- print $!.type, ": ", $!, "\n"
- for err in $@[0, $@.size - 2]
- print "\t", err, "\n"
- end
- end
- end
- end
- trace_load true
- end
- begin
- require m
- rescue LoadError
- print $@[0], ":", $!.type, ": ", $!, "\n"
- end
- end
- if !$0.equal?(CONFIG[0])
- io =$0)
- elsif defined? Readline
- io =
- else
- io =
- end
- io, self, CONFIG[:BIND]
- end
- end
- class InputMethod
- attr :prompt, TRUE
- def gets
- end
- public :gets
- end
- class StdioInputMethod < InputMethod
- def gets
- print @prompt
- $stdin.gets
- end
- end
- class FileInputMethod < InputMethod
- def initialize(file)
- @io = open(file)
- end
- def gets
- l = @io.gets
- print @prompt, l
- l
- end
- end
- begin
- require "readline"
- print "use readline module\n"
- class ReadlineInputMethod < InputMethod
- include Readline
- def gets
- if l = readline(@prompt, TRUE)
- l + "\n"
- else
- l
- end
- end
- end
- rescue LoadError
- end
- end
diff --git a/signal.c b/signal.c
index 2bb8bada28..1f820dac55 100644
--- a/signal.c
+++ b/signal.c
@@ -163,6 +163,9 @@ static struct signals {
+#ifdef SIGINFO
NULL, 0,
@@ -252,7 +255,7 @@ rb_f_kill(argc, argv)
else {
for (i=1; i<argc; i++) {
Check_Type(argv[i], T_FIXNUM);
- if (kill(FIX2UINT(argv[i]), sig) < 0)
+ if (kill(FIX2INT(argv[i]), sig) < 0)
@@ -386,6 +389,16 @@ sigsegv(sig)
+#ifdef SIGPIPE
+static RETSIGTYPE sigpipe _((int));
+ int sig;
+ /* do nothing */
@@ -546,7 +559,7 @@ trap(arg)
#ifdef SIGPIPE
- func = SIG_IGN;
+ func = sigpipe;
@@ -659,7 +672,7 @@ Init_signal()
ruby_signal(SIGSEGV, sigsegv);
#ifdef SIGPIPE
- ruby_signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN);
+ ruby_signal(SIGPIPE, sigpipe);
diff --git a/sprintf.c b/sprintf.c
index 756de87ed9..a2520b4ac3 100644
--- a/sprintf.c
+++ b/sprintf.c
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
#define BIT_DIGITS(N) (((N)*146)/485 + 1) /* log2(10) =~ 146/485 */
-#ifndef atof
+#if !defined(atof) && !defined(HAVE_STDLIB_H)
double strtod();
@@ -573,7 +573,7 @@ rb_f_sprintf(argc, argv)
case 8:
c = '7'; break;
- case '2':
+ case 2:
c = '1'; break;
s = &buf[pos];
diff --git a/string.c b/string.c
index ddf50e2eed..da5abde432 100644
--- a/string.c
+++ b/string.c
@@ -174,7 +174,7 @@ rb_str_associate(str, add)
rb_ary_push(RSTRING(str)->orig, add);
-static ID to_str;
+static ID id_to_s;
@@ -185,7 +185,7 @@ rb_obj_as_string(obj)
if (TYPE(obj) == T_STRING) {
return obj;
- str = rb_funcall(obj, to_str, 0);
+ str = rb_funcall(obj, id_to_s, 0);
if (TYPE(str) != T_STRING)
return rb_any_to_s(obj);
if (OBJ_TAINTED(obj)) OBJ_TAINT(str);
@@ -339,7 +339,6 @@ rb_str_substr(str, beg, len)
if (len < 0) return Qnil;
if (beg > RSTRING(str)->len) return Qnil;
- if (beg == RSTRING(str)->len && len > 0) return Qnil;
if (beg < 0) {
beg += RSTRING(str)->len;
if (beg < 0) return Qnil;
@@ -367,7 +366,6 @@ str_independent(str)
rb_raise(rb_eSecurityError, "Insecure: can't modify string");
if (!RSTRING(str)->orig || FL_TEST(str, STR_NO_ORIG)) return 1;
if (TYPE(RSTRING(str)->orig) != T_STRING) rb_bug("non string str->orig");
- RSTRING(str)->orig = 0;
return 0;
@@ -384,6 +382,7 @@ rb_str_modify(str)
ptr[RSTRING(str)->len] = 0;
RSTRING(str)->ptr = ptr;
+ RSTRING(str)->orig = 0;
@@ -969,6 +968,7 @@ rb_str_replace(str, beg, len, val)
RSTRING(str)->len += RSTRING(val)->len - len;
RSTRING(str)->ptr[RSTRING(str)->len] = '\0';
+ OBJ_INFECT(str, val);
static VALUE rb_str_sub_bang _((int, VALUE*, VALUE));
@@ -1127,7 +1127,7 @@ rb_str_sub_bang(argc, argv, str)
iter = 1;
else if (argc == 2) {
- repl = rb_obj_as_string(argv[1]);;
+ repl = rb_str_to_str(argv[1]);;
if (OBJ_TAINTED(repl)) tainted = 1;
else {
@@ -1200,7 +1200,7 @@ str_gsub(argc, argv, str, bang)
iter = 1;
else if (argc == 2) {
- repl = rb_obj_as_string(argv[1]);
+ repl = rb_str_to_str(argv[1]);
if (OBJ_TAINTED(repl)) tainted = 1;
else {
@@ -1278,6 +1278,9 @@ str_gsub(argc, argv, str, bang)
if (str_independent(str)) {
+ else {
+ RSTRING(str)->orig = 0;
+ }
else {
NEWOBJ(dup, struct RString);
@@ -1316,15 +1319,19 @@ static VALUE
rb_str_replace_m(str, str2)
VALUE str, str2;
+ if (str == str2) return str;
if (TYPE(str2) != T_STRING) str2 = rb_str_to_str(str2);
- rb_str_modify(str);
- if (RSTRING(str2)->orig && FL_TEST(str2, STR_NO_ORIG)) {
+ if (RSTRING(str2)->orig && !FL_TEST(str2, STR_NO_ORIG)) {
+ if (str_independent(str)) {
+ free(RSTRING(str)->ptr);
+ }
RSTRING(str)->len = RSTRING(str2)->len;
RSTRING(str)->ptr = RSTRING(str2)->ptr;
RSTRING(str)->orig = RSTRING(str2)->orig;
else {
+ rb_str_modify(str);
rb_str_resize(str, RSTRING(str2)->len);
memcpy(RSTRING(str)->ptr, RSTRING(str2)->ptr, RSTRING(str2)->len);
@@ -1395,6 +1402,7 @@ rb_str_reverse_bang(str)
char *s, *e;
char c;
+ rb_str_modify(str);
s = RSTRING(str)->ptr;
e = s + RSTRING(str)->len - 1;
while (s < e) {
@@ -1490,8 +1498,8 @@ rb_str_inspect(str)
char c = *p++;
if (ismbchar(c) && p < pend) {
int len = mbclen(c);
- rb_str_cat(result, p, len);
- p += len;
+ rb_str_cat(result, p - 1, len);
+ p += len - 1;
else if (c == '"'|| c == '\\') {
s[0] = '\\'; s[1] = c;
@@ -1644,7 +1652,7 @@ rb_str_upcase_bang(str)
if (ismbchar(*s)) {
s+=mbclen(*s) - 1;
- else if (islower(*s)) {
+ else if (ISLOWER(*s)) {
*s = toupper(*s);
modify = 1;
@@ -1784,7 +1792,10 @@ trnext(t)
if (!t->gen) {
if (t->p == t->pend) return -1;
t->now = *(USTR)t->p++;
- if (t->p < t->pend - 1 && *t->p == '-') {
+ if (t->p < t->pend - 1 && *t->p == '\\') {
+ t->p++;
+ }
+ else if (t->p < t->pend - 1 && *t->p == '-') {
if (t->p < t->pend) {
if (t->now > *(USTR)t->p) {
@@ -1965,6 +1976,9 @@ rb_str_delete_bang(argc, argv, str)
int init = 1;
int i;
+ if (argc < 1) {
+ rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "wrong # of arguments");
+ }
for (i=0; i<argc; i++) {
VALUE s = argv[i];
@@ -2621,11 +2635,15 @@ rb_str_crypt(str, salt)
VALUE str, salt;
extern char *crypt();
+ VALUE result;
if (TYPE(salt) != T_STRING) salt = rb_str_to_str(salt);
if (RSTRING(salt)->len < 2)
rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "salt too short(need >=2 bytes)");
- return rb_str_new2(crypt(RSTRING(str)->ptr, RSTRING(salt)->ptr));
+ result = rb_str_new2(crypt(RSTRING(str)->ptr, RSTRING(salt)->ptr));
+ OBJ_INFECT(result, str);
+ return result;
static VALUE
@@ -2702,6 +2720,7 @@ rb_str_ljust(str, w)
while (p < pend) {
*p++ = ' ';
+ OBJ_INFECT(res, str);
return res;
@@ -2721,6 +2740,7 @@ rb_str_rjust(str, w)
*p++ = ' ';
memcpy(pend, RSTRING(str)->ptr, RSTRING(str)->len);
+ OBJ_INFECT(res, str);
return res;
@@ -2746,6 +2766,7 @@ rb_str_center(str, w)
while (p < pend) {
*p++ = ' ';
+ OBJ_INFECT(res, str);
return res;
@@ -2877,7 +2898,7 @@ Init_String()
rb_define_method(rb_cString, "slice", rb_str_aref_m, -1);
rb_define_method(rb_cString, "slice!", rb_str_slice_bang, -1);
- to_str = rb_intern("to_s");
+ id_to_s = rb_intern("to_s");
rb_fs = Qnil;
rb_define_hooked_variable("$;", &rb_fs, 0, rb_str_setter);
diff --git a/time.c b/time.c
index e45e2e854a..b9008c974d 100644
--- a/time.c
+++ b/time.c
@@ -324,11 +324,6 @@ make_time_t(tptr, utc_or_local)
if (guess < 0) goto out_of_range;
if (!utc_or_local) { /* localtime zone adjust */
-#if defined(HAVE_TM_ZONE)
- tm = localtime(&guess);
- if (!tm) goto error;
- guess -= tm->tm_gmtoff;
struct tm gt, lt;
long tzsec;
@@ -357,10 +352,22 @@ make_time_t(tptr, utc_or_local)
tm = localtime(&guess);
if (!tm) goto error;
- if (lt.tm_isdst != tm->tm_isdst) {
- guess -= 3600;
+ if (lt.tm_isdst != tm->tm_isdst || tptr->tm_hour != tm->tm_hour) {
+ time_t tmp = guess - 3600;
+ tm = localtime(&tmp);
+ if (!tm) goto error;
+ if (tptr->tm_hour == tm->tm_hour) {
+ guess = tmp;
+ }
+ else if (lt.tm_isdst == tm->tm_isdst) {
+ tmp = guess + 3600;
+ tm = localtime(&tmp);
+ if (!tm) goto error;
+ if (tptr->tm_hour == tm->tm_hour) {
+ guess = tmp;
+ }
+ }
if (guess < 0) {
goto out_of_range;
@@ -891,7 +898,7 @@ rb_strftime(buf, format, time)
return 0;
len = strftime(*buf, SMALLBUF, format, time);
- if (len != 0) return len;
+ if (len != 0 || **buf == '\0') return len;
for (size=1024; ; size*=2) {
*buf = xmalloc(size);
(*buf)[0] = '\0';
diff --git a/util.c b/util.c
index 9cbfb5fc74..8fc543dbc0 100644
--- a/util.c
+++ b/util.c
@@ -16,45 +16,9 @@
#include "missing/file.h"
#include "ruby.h"
- VALUE obj;
- if (FIXNUM_P(obj)) return rb_cFixnum;
- if (obj == Qnil) return rb_cNilClass;
- if (obj == Qfalse) return rb_cFalseClass;
- if (obj == Qtrue) return rb_cTrueClass;
- if (SYMBOL_P(obj)) return rb_cSymbol;
- return RBASIC(obj)->klass;
- VALUE obj;
- if (FIXNUM_P(obj)) return T_FIXNUM;
- if (obj == Qnil) return T_NIL;
- if (obj == Qfalse) return T_FALSE;
- if (obj == Qtrue) return T_TRUE;
- if (obj == Qundef) return T_UNDEF;
- if (SYMBOL_P(obj)) return T_SYMBOL;
- return BUILTIN_TYPE(obj);
- VALUE obj;
- if (SPECIAL_CONST_P(obj)) return Qtrue;
- return Qfalse;
#include "util.h"
char *strchr _((char*,char));
diff --git a/variable.c b/variable.c
index 69791ab26d..b5a92dc6cb 100644
--- a/variable.c
+++ b/variable.c
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@
#include "env.h"
#include "node.h"
#include "st.h"
+#include "util.h"
static st_table *rb_global_tbl;
st_table *rb_class_tbl;
@@ -703,6 +704,8 @@ rb_alias_variable(name1, name2)
struct global_entry *entry1, *entry2;
+ if (rb_safe_level() >= 4)
+ rb_raise(rb_eSecurityError, "Insecure: can't alias global variable");
entry1 = rb_global_entry(name1);
entry2 = rb_global_entry(name2);
@@ -1064,10 +1067,11 @@ rb_const_get(klass, id)
VALUE klass;
ID id;
- VALUE value;
- VALUE tmp;
+ VALUE value, tmp;
+ int mod_retry = 0;
tmp = klass;
+ retry:
while (tmp) {
if (RCLASS(tmp)->iv_tbl && st_lookup(RCLASS(tmp)->iv_tbl,id,&value)) {
return value;
@@ -1075,15 +1079,17 @@ rb_const_get(klass, id)
if (tmp == rb_cObject && top_const_get(id, &value)) return value;
tmp = RCLASS(tmp)->super;
- if (BUILTIN_TYPE(klass) == T_MODULE) {
- return rb_const_get(rb_cObject, id);
+ if (!mod_retry && BUILTIN_TYPE(klass) == T_MODULE) {
+ mod_retry = 1;
+ tmp = rb_cObject;
+ goto retry;
/* Uninitialized constant */
if (klass && klass != rb_cObject)
- rb_raise(rb_eNameError, "uninitialized constant %s::%s",
- RSTRING(rb_class_path(klass))->ptr,
- rb_id2name(id));
+ rb_raise(rb_eNameError, "uninitialized constant %s at %s",
+ rb_id2name(id),
+ RSTRING(rb_class_path(klass))->ptr);
else {
rb_raise(rb_eNameError, "uninitialized constant %s",rb_id2name(id));
diff --git a/version.h b/version.h
index 71d484b8fd..f613255721 100644
--- a/version.h
+++ b/version.h
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-#define RUBY_VERSION "1.6.2"
-#define RUBY_RELEASE_DATE "2000-12-25"
-#define RUBY_VERSION_CODE 162
-#define RUBY_RELEASE_CODE 20001225
+#define RUBY_VERSION "1.6.4"
+#define RUBY_RELEASE_DATE "2001-06-04"
+#define RUBY_VERSION_CODE 164
+#define RUBY_RELEASE_CODE 20010604
diff --git a/win32/Makefile.sub b/win32/Makefile.sub
index 227ab68b18..42100a5d92 100644
--- a/win32/Makefile.sub
+++ b/win32/Makefile.sub
@@ -30,13 +30,13 @@ AUTOCONF = autoconf
prefix = /usr
-CFLAGS = -nologo -DNT=1 -Zi -MD -O2b2x -G5
+CFLAGS = -nologo -DNT=1 -Zi -MD -O2b2xg- -G5
CPPFLAGS = -I$(srcdir) -I$(srcdir)/missing
LIBS = user32.lib advapi32.lib wsock32.lib $(EXTLIBS)
-MISSING = crypt.obj alloca.obj win32.obj isinf.obj isnan.obj
+MISSING = crypt.obj win32.obj isinf.obj isnan.obj
diff --git a/win32/ b/win32/
index a7e28120e6..f1ba8da5c3 100644
--- a/win32/
+++ b/win32/
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
/* #define HAVE_ATTR_NORETURN 1 */
+#define inline __inline
/* #define HAVE_DIRENT_H 1 */
/* #define HAVE_UNISTD_H 1 */
#define HAVE_STDLIB_H 1
diff --git a/win32/ b/win32/
index 461877b886..f337d97b35 100644
--- a/win32/
+++ b/win32/
@@ -3,8 +3,6 @@ s%@CFLAGS@%-nologo -DNT=1 -Zi -MD -O2b2x -G5%g
s%@LIBS@%user32.lib advapi32.lib wsock32.lib%g
@@ -34,7 +32,7 @@ s%@RANLIB@%rem%g
s%@AR@%lib -nologo%g
-s%@LIBOBJS@% crypt.obj alloca.obj win32.obj isinf.obj isnan.obj%g
+s%@LIBOBJS@% crypt.obj win32.obj isinf.obj isnan.obj%g
diff --git a/win32/dir.h b/win32/dir.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8aa793de42
--- /dev/null
+++ b/win32/dir.h
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+struct direct
+ long d_namlen;
+ ino_t d_ino;
+ char d_name[256];
+typedef struct {
+ char *start;
+ char *curr;
+ long size;
+ long nfiles;
+ struct direct dirstr;
+} DIR;
+DIR* opendir(const char*);
+struct direct* readdir(DIR *);
+long telldir(DIR *);
+void seekdir(DIR *, long);
+void rewinddir(DIR *);
+void closedir(DIR *);
diff --git a/win32/resource.rb b/win32/resource.rb
index d25c26e8f5..9222b829a4 100644
--- a/win32/resource.rb
+++ b/win32/resource.rb
@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ BEGIN
VALUE "FileVersion", "#{fversion}\\0"
VALUE "Home Page", "\\0"
VALUE "InternalName", "#{base + ext}\\0"
- VALUE "LegalCopyright", "Copyright (C) 1993-2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto\\0"
+ VALUE "LegalCopyright", "Copyright (C) 1993-2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto\\0"
VALUE "OriginalFilename", "#{base + ext}\\0"
VALUE "Platform", "#{RUBY_PLATFORM}\\0"
VALUE "ProductVersion", "#{fversion}\\0"
diff --git a/win32/win32.c b/win32/win32.c
index bd07bb644e..ce9265f924 100644
--- a/win32/win32.c
+++ b/win32/win32.c
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@
#ifndef index
#define index(x, y) strchr((x), (y))
+#define isdirsep(x) ((x) == '/' || (x) == '\\')
#ifndef bool
#define bool int
@@ -357,7 +358,7 @@ isInternalCmd(char *cmd)
int vecc = NtMakeCmdVector(cmd, &vec, FALSE);
for( i = 0; szInternalCmds[i] ; i++){
- if(!strcmp(szInternalCmds[i], vec[0])){
+ if(!strcasecmp(szInternalCmds[i], vec[0])){
fRet = 1;
@@ -777,10 +778,10 @@ char *cmd;
strcpy(cmd2, cmd);
a = argv;
for (s = cmd2; *s;) {
- while (*s && isspace(*s)) s++;
+ while (*s && ISSPACE(*s)) s++;
if (*s)
*(a++) = s;
- while (*s && !isspace(*s)) s++;
+ while (*s && !ISSPACE(*s)) s++;
if (*s)
*s++ = '\0';
@@ -1054,7 +1055,7 @@ NtMakeCmdVector (char *cmdline, char ***vec, int InputCmd)
ptr = cmdline+(cmdlen - 1);
- while(ptr >= cmdline && isspace(*ptr))
+ while(ptr >= cmdline && ISSPACE(*ptr))
*++ptr = '\0';
@@ -1074,7 +1075,7 @@ NtMakeCmdVector (char *cmdline, char ***vec, int InputCmd)
// zap any leading whitespace
- while(isspace(*ptr))
+ while(ISSPACE(*ptr))
base = ptr;
@@ -1277,7 +1278,6 @@ NtMakeCmdVector (char *cmdline, char ***vec, int InputCmd)
-#if !defined __MINGW32__
// UNIX compatible directory access functions for NT
@@ -1291,7 +1291,7 @@ NtMakeCmdVector (char *cmdline, char ***vec, int InputCmd)
-opendir(char *filename)
+opendir(const char *filename)
DIR *p;
long len;
@@ -1309,9 +1309,9 @@ opendir(char *filename)
// check to see if we\'ve got a directory
- if ((stat (filename, &sbuf) < 0 ||
+ if ((win32_stat (filename, &sbuf) < 0 ||
sbuf.st_mode & _S_IFDIR == 0) &&
- (!isalpha(filename[0]) || filename[1] != ':' || filename[2] != '\0' ||
+ (!ISALPHA(filename[0]) || filename[1] != ':' || filename[2] != '\0' ||
((1 << (filename[0] & 0x5f) - 'A') & GetLogicalDrives()) == 0)) {
return NULL;
@@ -1466,7 +1466,6 @@ closedir(DIR *dirp)
@@ -2425,13 +2424,23 @@ waitpid (pid_t pid, int *stat_loc, int options)
int _cdecl
gettimeofday(struct timeval *tv, struct timezone *tz)
- struct timeb tb;
+ time_t t;
+ struct tm tm;
+ GetLocalTime(&st);
+ tm.tm_sec = st.wSecond;
+ tm.tm_min = st.wMinute;
+ tm.tm_hour = st.wHour;
+ tm.tm_mday = st.wDay;
+ tm.tm_mon = st.wMonth - 1;
+ tm.tm_year = st.wYear - 1900;
+ tm.tm_isdst = -1;
+ t = mktime(&tm);
+ tv->tv_sec = t;
+ tv->tv_usec = st.wMilliseconds * 1000;
- ftime(&tb);
- tv->tv_sec = tb.time;
- tv->tv_usec = tb.millitm * 1000;
- return 0;
+ return 0;
char *
@@ -2545,7 +2554,7 @@ myrename(const char *oldpath, const char *newpath)
newatts = GetFileAttributes(newpath);
if (oldatts == -1) {
- printf("file to move doesn't exist");
+ errno = GetLastError();
return -1;
@@ -2583,6 +2592,56 @@ myrename(const char *oldpath, const char *newpath)
return res;
+static int
+isUNCRoot(const char *path)
+ if (path[0] == '\\' && path[1] == '\\') {
+ const char *p;
+ for (p = path + 3; *p; p = CharNext(p)) {
+ if (*p == '\\')
+ break;
+ }
+ if (p[0] && p[1]) {
+ for (p++; *p; p = CharNext(p)) {
+ if (*p == '\\')
+ break;
+ }
+ if (!p[0] || !p[1])
+ return 1;
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+win32_stat(const char *path, struct stat *st)
+ const char *p;
+ char *buf1 = ALLOCA_N(char, strlen(path) + 1);
+ char *buf2 = ALLOCA_N(char, MAXPATHLEN);
+ char *s;
+ int len;
+ for (p = path, s = buf1; *p; p++, s++) {
+ if (*p == '/')
+ *s = '\\';
+ else
+ *s = *p;
+ }
+ *s = '\0';
+ len = strlen(buf1);
+ p = CharPrev(buf1, buf1 + len);
+ if (isUNCRoot(buf1)) {
+ if (*p != '\\')
+ strcat(buf1, "\\");
+ } else if (*p == '\\' || *p == ':')
+ strcat(buf1, ".");
+ if (_fullpath(buf2, buf1, MAXPATHLEN))
+ return stat(buf2, st);
+ else
+ return -1;
static long
filetime_to_clock(FILETIME *ft)
diff --git a/win32/win32.h b/win32/win32.h
index ebffc5c8ab..ffbe967703 100644
--- a/win32/win32.h
+++ b/win32/win32.h
@@ -162,6 +162,8 @@ extern "C++" {
#define pclose _pclose
#define strcasecmp _stricmp
#define strncasecmp _strnicmp
+#undef rb_sys_stat
+#define rb_sys_stat win32_stat
/* these are defined in nt.c */
#ifdef __MINGW32__